Crimson City

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Moon Child
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. 1-3 posts per week
  4. One post per week
  5. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
My schedule shifts often, but I am normally available after 6 PM, some days it'll be all day long!
Writing Levels
  1. Elementary
  2. Intermediate
  3. Adept
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Fantasy, Modern Fantasy, Modern, Magical, Romance, Medieval, Sci-Fi, Thriller.
⌊Eleanor Peterson⌉
▪ "I need this to work"

November 3rd, 2020

Lester says I am being overdramatic, but I know better. There is no way that I can do this on my own. I'm thirteen. I may be a genius, half-cyborg, and downright badass, but I can't do this alone. Lester can only help me so much, he isn't invincible. He is my guardian, since they passed away he looks after me. I miss them you know? BACK TO THE POINT, ELEANOR!!!!!

A few weeks ago I noticed that the power grid around town was malfunctioning. I went to check it out in person and BAM! I saw five creatures or people (honestly I couldn't tell) stealing electricity by sucking it out of cut power lines. Yeah, I know. WEIRD!!! I swear the more I work this job, the weirder things become. I once saw a man eat his own…. yeah let's not think about that again. I digress.

Watching closely, I realized that they weren't consuming the electricity as a food substance, they were mining it. But for what? Five days ago, I tailed one of them and found that they returned to a farmhouse outside of town. It has been abandoned for years, but still, they would return there constantly. When I went in to check I found nothing. At least nothing on the surface layer. Before I could perform a scan on the lower sections of the farmhouse, I was attacked and knocked unconscious. Lester had sensed my vitals weakening and came to my rescue. Sadly, he will not give me much information on my attacker other than he "knew not of what species he was." What kind of horse shit is that!! Are there aliens know? Or were people morphed during that explosion a few months back? I know I was, but damn didn't think it would go that bad.

ANYWAYS, when I knew that I couldn't win this one on my own I sought out others. I invited them all here. They may or may not be coming under false pretenses. Maybe, I told them that I would be investing in them… whether they took that as they are getting paid we will see! Anyways, Lester has my desert ready so I will write another entry as soon as I can.

-Eleanor Peterson​
► ⊸
Afterlife - Avenged Sevenfold
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Remmy Rose

Today was a good day. A great day to be exact. Ever since he'd obtained this ability, most days had been awesome. Being able to turn into a cat made his job easier. Before powers, his picture had made it to the tabloid office's Top Six Best Photographers pyramid. It was a concept created by his boss to keep the employees competitive and willing to get any photo, no matter the danger. There were only six spots on the pyramid and Kai had only ever gotten fourth place. He would have been in at least second place if he weren't so adverse to sneaking into crowds. He was only able to keep his fourth place spot, by sneaking through the shadows and getting the really good photos. The ones that people would pay a fortune to have destroyed. But now, now that he had this power that made weaving through crowds easier, and slipping into places that were humanely impossible to encroach upon--he was at the top of the pyramid. He'd filmed an heiress who's whole shtick was her being an animal lover, viciously kicking him after he approached her as an adorable hairless cat. That had gotten him to the top spot and just when someone else was about to trump him by getting a picture of Kanye's Beyonce shrine, Kai got a picture of Angelina Jolie's kids abusing Brad Pitt's new girlfriend. It was safe to say that his spot would be undisturbed for a long time. A bonus that gave him the opportunity to improve his life.

At the moment, Kai lived in a shitty one room apartment that he barely spent time in because of work and because his dinner for the past few weeks had been spectacular due to another perk of his power. Being able to turn into a cat made it easy to beg for food--well, he wouldn't really call it begging, more like persuading--he just had to meow a few times and the food would just rain down. There was this one guy who even though he talked to himself a lot, had the best cat food to give up. He was pretty awesome to hang around too--But! Kai had to put a stop to this persuading people to give him food, thing. It was demeaning and if anyone ever found out, he would be so embarrassed that he's probably die. He needed to find a job with more flexible hours where he could focus on better taking care himself. And thankfully, there was a potential to obtain that.

Just recently, Kai had obtained a message from someone who said that the would invest in him. The pitch sounded like he'd be working as a private investigator, but with his powers, he'd probably be great at it. After all, he'd started stopping petty crime during his free time. He hadn't been seriously hurt and each person he saved thanked him profusely, something that made him feel a hell of a lot better about himself. He just hoped the person who was going to invest in him, was going to pay him big money. He really wanted to move to a different apartment complex and maybe get a two bedroom!

Shifting into his usual stray cat form, Kai headed towards the location specified in the message.
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Remmy Rose
Interactions: Eleanor - NPC.
Mentioned: Kai @Cosmic Penguin
Outfit: HERE
▪ The place where it begins

The flames of the fire burned brightly as Andrea Garcia sat silently in front of them. As she stared at the flames as they flicked back and forth, she thought about what had brought her to this moment. Two days ago, Andrea had received a strange letter in the mail, it contained an address and a brief statement about being invested in. Andrea had hoped she would have another chance at her career but was wrong. When she had reached the address she found a mansion and a little girl with her butler.

At first, she was furious at the girl for bringing her here on false circumstances, but once she learned of what the girl had to offer Andrea knew that she was meant to help. Since she was a child, Andrea wished to be a hero of justice. Crimson City needed to be cleaned up and she felt like this was her chance to help since her job was no longer an option.

Hearing the footsteps that she came to recognize as Eleanor Peterson- the lady of this mansion… more like the child of this mansion, Andrea turned away from the fire. Eleanor was half cyborg, making for her right step to be much heavier than the left. Andrea noticed that and took note very quickly. Meeting the young girl's gaze as she entered the room, Andrea offered a polite smile. "They will be arriving shortly, Andrea." Eleanor had spoken as she waved Andrea to follow her to the front door.

It was strange to think, but Andrea felt nervous. There was a handful of people that was about to learn her secret. To learn that she was a freak in her own way. Just a short girl that could lift cars with ease and be shot at and left unharmed. Andrea was special, but she knew these people coming today were special too. They were also, most likely, led here too under false assumptions.

As the pair of females entered the entry-way, Andrea took note of Lester standing there. She had noticed that Lester never left his master's side if she could not see him he could see her. At first, Andrea thought of it as strange but then realized that it was his job. He had to protect Eleanor even when she protected herself.

"So, lets get this show on the road," Andrea said as she opened the door. Despite expecting more people, Andrea saw a cat. It was a cute cat, but Andrea wasn't a fan. "You did make sure to send the invites to the others... right?" Andrea said as she turned back and looked at Eleanor.

The short girl looked at Lester and said, "Kai is here."

Andrea stared at her and then looked at the cat. "You mean this cat is someone?" She asked, with a little-unimpressed smirk. Was Eleanor sure that this cat wasn't just a stray?

► ⊸
Wrong Side of Heaven - FFDP
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Michael James Stranger

Interaction: Andrea and Kai | @QUEENIE @Cosmic Penguin

Mention: None

Attire: Comfy Casual

Location: Peterson Mansion


Michael James Stranger stood outside the mansion gates staring up at the extravagant building with silent contemplation. Oblivious to the rain, green eyes beheld the home of the mysterious benefactor who had offered to fund his research. A tempting proposal for the intern, especially with the recent developments in his life. Coming to an impasse so early in his career was somewhat expected, no one ever said the scientific world was easy to navigate. In order to climb the ladder of success you had to do some grunt work, so Michael obtained an internship at a respectable energy research foundation in town. He received the experience he was looking for and made quite a few connections with the higher-ups. However, the source of the impasse happened to be finding someone willing to fund his own research and while his connections considered Michael Stranger to be a brilliant mind, none had been willing to step up to the plate. Sure, each connection provided recommendations but they had little to offer beyond more intern proposals.

So for the past three years, Michael had been making a living with his job at the electronics store in town, repairing damaged computers and phones. Mike enjoyed it, tinkering with things had always been a hobby and the customers and coworkers were pleasant people to be around for the most part. Every once and awhile a rude ingrate would grace them with their distasteful presence. Usually, some silky words from their manager would gratify their entitled bitchery and leave them in peace.

But while all of that was fine it wasn't what Michael planned his life to be. The young man intended to become a student of science and nothing in this universe would stand in his way. And life seemed intent on testing that bold vow. Like an explosion, for example.

Mike hadn't expected to find himself in the middle of such a traumatic event. It was just one of those things where you always witnessed it on TV and could never imagine finding yourself in it. Yet there he was, one second strolling down the sidewalk to work and the next sprawled in the street surrounded by utter devastation; no longer even human.

Michael had been lucky to survive. He knew this. His body should have been incinerated by the vast amounts of energy that had struck him. He was just a simple human body, after all, a conductor that would allow energy to enter one part of his body and exit another, damaging his organs along the way. Yet it hadn't. The explosive energy that should have eradicated his being had instead rejuvenated it. To took Mike almost a month to understand what had happened and even less time to discover what new abilities he now possessed; energy conversion. The next few months had been spent learning of the extent of his power as well as its limits. It had become clear early on that he could not generate energy… well, not entirely. Biologically speaking, all human bodies generated energy. The issue was using the energy from something else rather than its intended use.

It would work, Mike had no doubts, but it would cause serious damage to his body and lifespan. That being said, amassing energy from an outside source and turning into energy the body could use, in theory, would speed up recovery and expand his own body's endurance, something that happened on that fateful day.

So, moving back to present day, Mike had every reason to at least meet this benefactor and hear out their proposal. While Mike tended to be a cautious fellow he already knew what his answer would be. This was simply an offer he couldn't pass up. Not now.

The door opened merely seconds after he had knocked, revealing a man dressed in butler attire. Mike appraised him with a calculated eye. "Hello. I was called here by a Miss Eleanor Peterson."

The door opened all the way to reveal a rather large entrance hall and one quick glance through the room revealed that Mike and the butler were not the only ones present. Two ladies and a rather familiar looking feline. Mike gave the cat a look, amused. The little rascal had been holding out on him. Putting the once believed stray to the side for the moment, Mike addressed the two girls.

"Good evening," Mike greeted, nodding politely at each girl, his eyes were drawn to the eldest of the two, assuming her to be Eleanor Peterson. The child must be her daughter perhaps… or maybe a cousin or niece? Their ages didn't exactly match up for a mother-daughter relationship unless adopted. He was hesitant to say more, however, aware of how assumptions could be faulty and not to mention rude. Best to play it safe for now.

"My name is Michael Stranger."

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Mia Marie Ritter

Interactions: @QUEENIE , @Rose305
Mentioned: @Cosmic Penguin

Tap, tap, tap-tap, tap, taptaptaptap… Thin fingers glided smoothly along the keyboard until they halted entirely mid-word. Those digits wiggled in the air for a moment before spearing themselves into dark brown hair. She should go, right? Mia let out a sigh, unsure of whether she should be taking the anonymous letter she received a few days ago seriously or not. Almost everything about it was suspicious, and it wasn't like she needed investing in. But it wasn't the usual kidnapping letter or death threat or any of the like. What if it was a ploy? The person behind this letter was actually a kidnapper, trying to draw her out. In that case, it would be stupid to go.

She set back to typing with renewed vigor – for about thirty seconds, when her fingers came to another complete stop. What if it wasn't a ploy? What if it was something else? The girl peered sideways to see the full-length mirror on the wall, reflecting back her rigid posture as she was seated at her desk. This image, despite being so familiar, was very different for one big reason. She shook her head. Even if this was some farce to kidnap the daughter of a wealthy family, she could just… get away, right? With that weak determination, Mia pushed herself up from her desk and went to go change.

Ten minutes later, the young woman was waltzing through the living room to tell her sister that she was heading out. It took another five minutes to persuade the twin that she did not also need to go where it was Mia was going. The twin pouted, but ultimately agreed and plopped back into the couch with a huff, her anger offset by the sounds of the latest LEGO movie playing on the TV.

After thirty minutes, a Mercedes-Benz stopped in the driveway of what appeared to be a large house. Her driver opened her door for her and Mia stepped out, looking every bit of daddy's money that one would expect in a burgundy A line dress with a swing skirt and strappy high heels to match. For the weather, she was cloaked in a long cape jacket, that looked a lot like a poncho that was much too large for someone her size, fell to her knees, and buttoned down the front.

"Stay in the car, Andrew. I'll call if I need you." She gave the driver a small smile with her command and made her way up to the door where she searched for a doorbell. Was there one? Would she have to knock, really? Only a moment after she did so, a man opened the door. Per his appearance, Mia only lifted an eyebrow and stated, "I'm expected" in the haughty tone that showed she knew how to handle a butler – according to her. When the man let her in, she gave him a wave with her clutch in hand and strode off into the house as if she belonged there.

When she spotted the other people inside, she couldn't help but feel surprised. Part of her felt that if she wasn't attacked immediately, that this would be a one-on-one type situation with someone who was trying to blackmail her family or something. Instead, she saw a man and woman, a young girl, and a cat. Despite the unexpected number of people, and a pet, she was visibly underwhelmed by what she saw. It looked like a family or something. The others in the room may or may not recognize her from the news as the daughter of the corporate power couple that owned 40% of this city and a decent chunk of the next city over as well. One of her most recent appearances having been the story on her and her family's hospitalization after the Gala explosion four months ago, followed by the rumors of the family's medical records vanishing before any personal interviews could be done.

"I'm not late, am I?" She asked, as if already expecting to be told that there was no problem. The woman immediately pulled out her phone and turned it on silent before starting to click away at the texting keyboard. "What's this about?"
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  • Love
Reactions: Remmy Rose
Donovan Gates Myers

He didn't know if it was the 12 hour shift that he didn't break a sweat on or the mysterious invite, but something made him now want to go anywhere. It was strange. His body was now built for so much now but it didn't change his mindset. He was still...Don. Hard worker, but wanted sleep after a long shift. Or a pizza. Thankfully, he was allowed to take home scraps. It would just rot in the garbage anyways. Today, it actually was a pizza. "So good."

It wasn't long before he finally managed to get off his oddly heavy ass make it into the shower for a good scrubbing. Why the hell would someone want to invest in him anyhow? Was it about the explosion? Did this mystery investor hear him singing in the shower? Or did the just see him in the shower? The thought made him tense up a bit, and peek out the shower curtain. Damn creepy rich people.

When Don made it out of the backwoods-ish condo, he had his earbuds in and was on his way. Plain gray shirt, dark blue jeans, and a black hoodie. He didn't know how he was suppose to dress. The location suggest fancy, but screw that noise. Flipping the volume up, he started his jog towards the specified location.

He didn't have a car, but he had his own engine. Don knocked at the door only to have it opened by a man who looked possibly done with letting strangers into the house. "Hi, sorry. I got an invite. I'm the shower singer?" The proceeding squint suggested confusion, so Don just up and sauntered in. He tried gauging the people that already arrived and it seemed either the people who lied here are all super hawt or the investor was only interested in sexy people. Oh god we're doing a porn aren't we? He just sort of stayed to the side until he knew for sure. Oh there is a kitty.
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In a corner street somewhere, in someones house, there was a man, standing there. An aces card was in his hand. Leaned against the wall, he was flipping the said card back and forth. It was cold inside, and when he exhaled, that part was obvious. His emerald eyes were dull, or rather bored.

The floor beneath him was wet, and there was a good reason for that. The wall behind him was almost white. It was ice, if anything. Actually, the entire house was covered in ice. Cold steam was circling his left hand. "Hmmmm..Mmmmm.." There was one object in the house that wasn't. An old disk player. The song that was being played, was a classic one.

Damon always did enjoy the tone, the sound of the instruments from back in the day. For some reason, classical music always did find a way to soothe his soul. Give him peace and more. Throwing the card, he pushed himself off of the wall. Before the card could reach the floor, it froze.

"Mmmm..MMM..." With each step, his humming continued. A dead body or rather more than one dead body was covered in ice. A couple and their daughter had met an unfortunate man. That man was Damon.

Standing above their bodies, you could see that there was no regret in his emerald eyes. "To think that you could do something special as well. I guess I was lucky." Yes, since the change, something within Damon had turned over. Maybe he became a sociopath, or maybe he just enjoyed killing people for the fun of it. Or maybe, he was all of that from the start.

A woman, and a man, and their daughter were dead. "Well, I guess I'll have to find someone else.." Turning away, he began walking towards the exit. The house behind him decreased even more in temperature. A smirk across his lips if anything. Standing by the door, he simply poked it before it fell apart.

A side table next to the exit, there was a letter. "What may this be?" He whispered to himself, before picking it up.

"Eleanor Peterson?" Opening it up, he read the contents inside. It was an invitation for the person he had just killed. Something about this entire ordeal amused him. Damon was curious.

"Well then.. Mr.. Anderson.." Turning to his side, he glanced at the corpse that was Mr. Anderson.

"I'll gladly accept the invitation.. Miss.. Peterson." Damon grinned, before he left the house.

A couple of hours later, he was by the destination written on the letter. Once he actually got there, someone in a butler outfit was ready to greet him. Obviously, for now, he was to play along. Maybe whatever this was, it would be much more interesting than finding the next house with a family to kill. Or perhaps, he'd kill everyone inside.

Smiling to the butler, he was guided to the gathering. Once there, Damon could see that there were many others there as well. "Hello there." He pulled his hand out of his pocket, giving them a quick wave. "Name's Damon.. Received an invitation from Miss Peterson?" Looking around, he was wondering who the alluring woman behind the letter, or rather, the invitation was.
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  • Love
Reactions: Remmy Rose
⌊Eleanor Peterson⌉
▪ Leave if you are not serious

Two days prior to the meeting, Eleanor had contacted Andrea Garcia. Her reasons for inviting the girl before the others was simple, she had already made it clear that she wanted to help people. Andrea had be actively helping people in secret, and Eleanor knew that Andrea could do so much more than sneaking around helping people. When the raven haired female had reached the mansion, Eleanor knew that she would be upset and she was. Andrea had expected a second chance at her career that was ruined eleven months prior, but she sooned realized that helping others was her true calling and in any shape or form she could do it, she would. Eleanor then knew that she had chosen the right person for the job.

While people arrived, Eleanor had taken mental notice of each and every one of them. She had been watching them weeks prior to their arrival here at Peterson Mansion. She had to be sure that she was inviting the right people. Not every person who had received powers at the gala were interested in helping others, some wanted nothing more than to harm others. Eleanor had observed a few of them and knew that there was no changing their minds as they were already deep into the path of evil.

As each person entered the front hall, Eleanor chuckled inside her mind. They had no clue who she was and some even mistaken Andrea as her. Eleanor had known that the confusion was a possibility since she was only a teenager. To them, she was still a child, but little to their knowledge she was much more mature for her age. Often, people would not take Eleanor seriously until she proved to them that she was far more than meets the eye, even as a small child.

Once the majority of the group had arrived, Eleanor felt it was time to continue with her introductions. Although she was prepared to speak to them, someone entered that was not on the list. Damon had introduced himself as Mr. Anderson. The first response was to call him a liar, but she knew that wouldn't get them anywhere; however, she wondered where the real Mr. Anderson had gone to that this man was here pretending to be him. As she thought about it, she felt a strange pressure in her human-half of her brain. Was it trying to say something? It had been a long time since Eleanor had felt worried, she couldn't even tell if that really was her feeling. Despite having examined and watched most candidates, she had not examined this one simply because she did not know about him. Her subconscious mind was running a background check on him, to discover who he really was. It wouldn't take long as he used his real name since Mr. Anderson's was not Damon.

Stepping forward from Andrea's side, Eleanor offered a kind smile. "Welcome all," she said. "I am Miss. Eleanor Peterson, at your service." Not to her surprise, the crowd that had gathered was surprised that the child was the billionaire and source of the invitations. "I have invited you all here today to propose something to you all," she had begun. By now she could see that few were beginning to be lost in what she was saying, they were catching on to the fact that she may not be investing in them by supplying them money.

"Each of you has a gift, just like myself and Miss. Garcia here," Eleanor announced as she looked over to Andrea, who nervously waved at the crowd. Eleanor knew this was hard on her, Andrea was a secretive person. Showing the crowd that she was part robot, by lifting the sleeve of her shirt she saw few look surprised by this. "I know you, like me, received this powers from the explosion at the mayor's gala," Eleanor spoke, "I am here to say that these powers could allow you to serve a higher purpose, helping and protecting others."

Stepping by a large statue, Eleanor sighed. "I know I said that I would invest in you, and like Andrea, you all most likely thought that meant with money, but that is not the case," she informed them. From the outroar of anger coming from the crowd, Eleanor knew that they were seeking money. " I know that is not what you wanted to hear, but bear with me... I will be investing in you in the way that I can help grow, strengthen, and help you harness your abilities to their fullest potential. I can teach you to control them like never before." It was true, Eleanor could do that since she had a world of knowledge that grew day by day. Her mind had surpassed any that was human; however, her human side kept her humble.

"Those of you who wish to leave, you may do so," Eleanor announced, "but for those who wish to hear me out, please follow me into my office.

Leaving the front hall and traveling back through a narrow hallway, Eleanor came to a wall. Holding out her hand to an electronic lock, the wall soon opened. As the doors opened wide, Eleanor revealed her office to those who stayed. It was large and vast. Vehicles of many kinds that sit on the floor of the office had modifications to them. Machines worked on other vehicles and even other technology. "Welcome to my lab!" Eleanor exclaimed. For a moment her age showed through as she was very proud of her achievements. "Many of the pieces in here are still under construction, so if you choose to help out with the problem at hand please be careful with what you touch. Malfunctions will happen."

As the group crossed the floor towards a large wall of monitors, Eleanor switched one on. It was footage from two weeks ago. It showed the creatures harnessing the power and even the footage of her at the farmhouse. "Two weeks back I found these creatures mining electricity from the town's power grid. I followed them back to their hideout and found nothing, but before I could further exam the area I was knocked unconscious by this," Eleanor had paused the screen on a blurred vision of her attacker. He, or she, had glowing red eyes and it was easily seen that she had inhumanly sharp teeth and scaly skin. "I have not returned," She informed them, "I alone am not strong enough for this, and that creature knocked out the main circuit that allows me to switch between my weapons. Sadly, I can not replace the circuit just yet."

In the distance was a replacement circuit being made, but it was the ninth attempt at it. None could do the job that the original did. Eleanor looked over at it and sighed. She couldn't figure out what made the original so special, but she knew she needed it back. "Three days ago, the signal of the circuit came back online," she mentioned showing the map and the beacon on the screen. "They know who I am and they know I need it back."

Moving across the room to a map of the city with red circles marked throughout the city. "Since I went to the farmhouse, five factories around town have burned down," she mentioned, "just before catching fire and burning down, abnormal energy surges occurred in each area." Many of the fires had been in the news recently, police believed that an arsonist was on the loose. "I was able to resurrect security footage of one of the fires on the street of Maple and Garland. Those creatures were there as well."

When one of the crowd members question what this had to do with them and why Eleanor didn't turn this information over to the police, Eleanor chuckled. "Police had no way of dealing with this, they couldn't even withhold Dr. Charles Baker," she mentioned as she came over to the crowd member. "For those of you who don't know Charles Baker, he is a man with extraordinary strength like Andrea here who killed eleven police officers and is still out there."

Walking towards the circuit being made, Eleanor knew that it wasn't right so she stopped the process and threw the chip out. "I invited you here because I thought you all would want to help to change this town and prevent another disaster from occurring," Eleanor paused and looked at her hands. "We are the only ones who can prevent this... but if this is too much for you please leave now because I am not wasting my energy or resources on someone who is not serious about helping others..." Eleanor looked over at the imposter, she did not know his motive and it caused her to be nervous about him.

Watching as others left, Eleanor looked at Lester. The butler soon left and went to wipe the memory of those who left. Looking at those who stayed, Eleanor said, "So you are the ones who will risk their lives for the greater good?"

► ⊸
Afterlife - Avenged Sevenfold
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  • Love
Reactions: Mundane Monster
Mia Marie Ritter

Interactions: @QUEENIE
Mentioned: None

Even when the young girl stepped forward and started to speak, Mia continued to tap away at her phone for a minute. That was, until she glanced up to see that the one addressing the room was actually the pre-teen instead of an actual adult. Is this a joke? Mia dropped a hand onto her hip, letting her phone rest in the palm of her free hand while she watched the child with some mix between confusion and maybe even a little pride to see such a young girl making such a strong stand on her own. Needless to say, but Mia was intrigued by the whole situation at this point. Her attention remained piqued as the introduction continued on, with a not-so-subtle mention that they were powered, of sorts.

The child was powered in a completely different way. But it couldn't be true, could it? That everyone in this room had been affected in a similar manner that night? Mia took a subtle look around, making it seem more like a passing glance as she lifted her phone to start typing again. The typing lasted a few seconds, followed by a 'blooop' sound, before the woman relaxed her stance yet again.

Focused once more, Mia's lips lifted in a slight smirk. Of course she hadn't meant to invest in anyone financially. Is that what these suckers thought? Her smile grew in her attempt to contain a laugh, of which she was successful. It didn't make it any less amusing that these shmucks really thought they were called to a suspicious place by an unknown person all while thinking they deserved to be paid for…what? She peered around the room again. What could these people have that was worth any reasonable investment?

In Mia's case, she was just happy this didn't appear to be another kidnapping attempt. So it was going well so far. As the chance to leave was offered up, the wealthy young woman considered departing while she was still ahead. But the idea this young girl, or young cyborg, brought up was certainly an exciting prospect. More curiosity than caution, Miss Ritter trailed the mechanized child to her office.

The story that followed brought her enjoyment to a grinding halt. With factories being burned down by strange creatures, who knew when her own family's business could be at risk for the next arson. The question had come from Mia herself. "Why didn't you give this data over to the police? Surely, this is no place for a child, even one of your… talents, and group of random people to be meddling."

The child approached her to answer her question and Mia was met with a solid response. Of course, she knew the story of Charles Baker; it had been all over the news. What had not been on the news was any confirmation that the escaped criminal had any sort of actual super strength. Now that it was brought up, and supposedly confirmed by the data-darling in front of her, Mia drew back into thought. This really is a problem then. While considering the implications in this information, Mia completely missed her chance to bail out when Eleanor gave it to the group for possibly the last time. Not that she was ready to go yet considering the bomb that had just been dropped on them all, but she wasn't so sure this was something she should personally have any involvement in. Then again, this could be some great publicity for the business if she was spied on while doing something supposedly heroic. Perhaps, staying for now would be just fine. At least until she knew more details about what kind of plan this kid could put in motion.

a r c h e r
"get to close to the sun and you'll get burned"

Interactions: @QUEENIE

Outfit: HERE

Archer's day was going well or as well as can be. He had been at work for the past 2 hours writing his new article on the political state of the government. Though he wasn't sure it would the make first page, he did know it would make the pages. In the office he was well known for writing about politics and short stories. People there loved his stories and would constantly ask when his next one would be finished. Archer never answer's them, he just show's up at work with his new stories whenever they were done. It was something he was passionate about so he wrote often.

Still, today was a good day. Leaving the office he took in the smell of the city and began his walk back to his apartment. It was a small studio apartment in a highrise building. To be honest he loved his home, nice and small with little disturbances. He smiled as he entered his apartment, setting down his keys and walking to his laptop. He hadn't checked his emails yet today or the past few day's and knew it was time to look at the junk mail he always got.

To his surprise there sat an email from someone wanting to invest in him. The meeting was today but, Archer was sure he could make it almost on time. Jumping up from his laptop he grabbed his jacket and keys and ran out the door. Thinking he knew he wouldn't make it there on time by running but, he's not sure a taxi will help him. Deciding a taxi is the best option he flags one down and they raced to the mansion.

It doesn't take long till he's staring down a large mansion. Thanking the cab driver he runs up to the door and knocks. A butler comes up and guides him to the meeting. There he listens to a woman, Elanor, talk about there powers. Yes, Archer had a power and no he didn't really want to use it. So far It's only brought him trouble but, he supposed learning to control it would be a good idea. Looking at Miss Elanor he said, "Miss I would like to take you up on that, my powers have only brought me destruction and I think it's time I learned to control them."


Michael James Stranger

Interaction: Mansion Group

Mention: None

Attire: Comfy Casual

Location: Peterson Mansion


Michael pursed his lips, immensely glad he didn't open his mouth earlier, cause he was way the frick off. Turns out the woman was actually another guest and the kid he originally thought was hers was really Miss Peterson. That would of been a terrible first impression. Once his moment of surprise passed Michael stood up a little straighter, giving Miss Peterson his full attention. His eyes narrowed as she spoke, feeling a little put out at first. Michael had come here in hopes of earning fund, if Miss Peterson had simply left her announcement at that he might of left but something intrigued him. Even before the child revealed her identity as a... modified individual, Michael had a suspicion that she was by no means normal. A girl her age didn't act so proper and mature, she even seemed to lack a bit of expressive emotions that youth her age were always subjected to in one way or another.

So when she did unveil her arm for all of them to see, his interest peaked, green eyes moving to study Andrea for a moment before turning to observe each person here. So... that meant everyone present was a survivor of the bombing then? More importantly, subjects of the same side effects as well. The scientist in Michael twitched with excitement, the ever present itch of curiosity blazing to life. His gaze returned to appraise the data Peterson displayed on the monitor, drinking in the footage with a critical eye. A sense of disturbed discomfort flickered over his face at the vague images of the monsters that attacked her, stirring the primal instinct of fear at seeing such alien like creatures.

It was one thing to see them in movies but an entirely different thing to know that they could very well be real. Then again, after what happened over the past few months, Michael shouldn't be surprised. The shuffling of people leaving drew him out of his thoughts, leading the blonde to watch idly as some of the group made their decisions. Michael might of joined them earlier but now he was too interested in the proceedings to leave now. "I wouldn't say risk but I might be willing to give it a shot." He mused, a slight smiling curling his lips.
kai singer
location: Mansion
mentions: Andrea, Archer, Damon, Eleanor, Micheal & others
power: feline physiology

outfit: CLICK

Kai was a mixture of feelings at the moment and most of those feelings were negative. First of all, he was kind of annoyed that the first person he saw upon being welcomed into the mansion was Andrea Garcia, the prissy journalist who thought she was better than him. Of all people--Why did she have to be apart of the invitees? And it seemed like Jenny the Teenage Robot was partial to her already, gre-eaat.

...Why was his main food source here?! He had been just about to revert to his human form when the guy had entered, and in his panic Kai had just stayed as a cat. He probably looked like he was someone's pet...

And lastly
, he was super pissed because that little robotic shit had lied about the whole 'investing' thing. Kai made sure to pin his ears to his head to show his annoyance at the revelation. He had half a mind to bite a chunk of her pretty red hair off but he held off as she explained the reason behind her deception. He had to admit that her cause was noble but he wasn't really sure if he wanted to help. Stopping petty crimes was one thing but going after what looked like alien lizard terrorists with superpowers? That was a bit high brow for him. But still this...Eleanor must have selected him for a reason--as well as the other people in the room.

Kai took a moment to observe the others in the room--well the ones that had stuck around. As most cats often did--Kai refrained from looking directly at the individual who interested him the most and also filled him with a sense of immense anxiety-- He would have to figure out how to deal with that situation later. For now he watched the people who had stuck around. Most of them seemed more than a little annoyed that they had been invited under false pretenses but since they were still present, Kai figured that like him, they were intrigued. There was one person however...And Kai wasn't sure why, but his feline senses were telling him to steer clear of him. Kai didn't have a sure handle on all of his abilities, so he assumed that the guy who had introduced himself as Damon had some type of illness. Hadn't he watched something on Netflix about animals smelling cancer or something..? Concluding that that was the reason why the guy's scent was so off putting, Kai tuned back into the group. A ginger haired man had just stepped forward as the first to voice his agreement to join Eleanor's ranks, and following him was Kai's main food source--err, he should probably stop calling him that, especially since they were going to be working together. Yup. Kai had made up his mind. What better way to improve his life than to help save the world?

In one fluid movement, Kai shifted back into human form and casually adjusted his leather jacket. "I'm in too."
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Remmy Rose
Donovan Gates Myers

For the most part, he was successful in staying quiet as people exchanged looks and the tweener spoke...and -- Jesus is she the Terminator? A tween terminator. Tweeninator. Yup. I will think of her as that forever. As long as she doesn't whip my ass. Either one of them. At least the teacher's pet beating me up wouldn't be a surprize. However, no one acknowledged him directly and the robots were pretty freakin' wicked. This was turning out to be like some kind of superhero team up movie. So cool! Pretty sure that makes me the stand-in monster character though who never gets the girl. Boooooooooo.

Still, razor tooth monsters in need of some manners sounds like everything a nerd could ever ask for. She didn't even have to ask, Don was already sold. Of course, everyone started letting their intentions to stay be known. He flinched when the cat turned into a human. Admittedly, he was not ready for that. A couple more blinks and the young man looked towards the one that decided it was a good idea to try and make him a superhero.

"You got yourself another tank, Tweeninator."

  • Love
Reactions: Mundane Monster


He was there now, having accepted the invitation that was not really for him, but then again, the one who was invited, was not a part of this world anymore. Standing their with the other strangers, he pocketed his hands and gave each and everyone a thorough look. This all seemed like a secret meeting you'd see among superheroes.

Yes, Damon did enjoy reading a comic book or two. His eyes squinted ever so slightly at the woman who brought all of them together for the gathering. Not only was she young, but she was something more than just a human. A cyborg? A question ran through his mind, but he quickly brushed it away.

A simple smirk was plastered on his face. Her explanation, before they moved to another location did not matter to him. All of the people there looked fun. Fun to kill, torture and so much more. Damon had a knack for killing, and he killed for no reason. Like the others, he walked through a narrow hallway and through a secure door.

Now, the place before him was different. A laboratory, and where the young woman presented them with more information about why they were all invited. Leaning against the wall, Damon was more or less indifferent about the whole situation. Judging by the comments from a few others in the area, he gathered as much, that they too, had special abilities like himself.

Once the young, cyborg woman, or android, whatever was done with her grand speech, Damon had a rather serious expression plastered on his face. The others did have a point, but so far, most of the people were already in. "Well, I don't see myself going anywhere soon, so you can count on me."

Taking a brief pause, he continued. "I am curious though. Looking like that.. What can you do?" Damon wanted some answers. He wanted to see how she worked, or actually, how everyone worked, but for now, she was the priority. If she knew about Damon, or about what he has been doing since the event that made him what he was, he'd have to kill her.

  • Love
Reactions: Remmy Rose
Interactions: Eleanor - NPC.
Mentioned: Don, Damon, Kai, and others
Outfit: HERE
▪ The place where it begins

Coming two days prior than everyone else held it's own benefits. She didn't have to speak. Andrea knew where she stood on the matter at hand. She was willing to dedicate her life to this world. Resources and grit were enough to make Andrea a valuable asset to Eleanor, and Andrea was okay with that. She wasn't only willing to do this because of the fact that Eleanor was convincing or that the problem was huge, Andrea was willing to do this because it was the right thing to do. She was given extraordinary abilities for reason and it wasn't so she could write a blog that she got paid enough to cover her apartment for.

Watching as Eleanor addressed the others, Andrea couldn't help but chuckle a little bit. Of course, the idea of a child cyborg was throwing them for a loop. Honestly, it had thrown Andrea a few days earlier, especially since she had Eleanor explain how this whole matter happened to her. Turns out, Eleanor had been visiting the laboratory beneath the Gala at the time of the explosion. Parts were stuck inside her and her body absorb them in order to heal. It was a complicated story and Eleanor barely remembered any of it or understood the process of which her body morphed into a cyborg. Andrea could tell that the young girl was still sensitive to the fact that she was not fully human anymore.

Following behind Eleanor, the group went to the lab. Andrea had not seen the inside of the lab yet since she refused days earlier. Her anger towards Eleanor at first was quite significant but died down throughout the two days. The lab was very large and Andrea couldn't help but wonder how it fit so well inside the mansion. "Welcome to the Bat Cave," Andrea joked. Eleanor had basically everything a superhero would need in here and if she didn't have it she could make it. It was intriguing to think that her intelligence was far beyond that of the world's most brilliant minds and she was so young.

When Eleanor was finished with informing the crowd of the matter at hand, Andrea saw many people step forward and pledge that they would help. When the cat transformed back into a human, Andrea glared. Of course, the cat was that Kai. The man who ruined her career for a scope that was false and resulted in the death of a celebrity since he couldn't mind his own business for once. Andrea wanted to punch him, but she knew she would cause internal damage to him and he was willing to help Eleanor's cause. Turning her gaze away from the idiot, she looked back at the others stating their willingness to help. There were other good people out there in the world this was a good example of that. However, when Andrea heard Eleanor be called a Tweeninator, she could help but laugh. "That's a good name for you, Eleanor," She spoke through chuckles.

Though the mood was soon changed when someone questioned Eleanor's extent of her powers. Without her chip, Andrea even knew that it was not possible to show all of them. "Well that is a good question... but what can you do without the chip is a better question?" Andrea questioned, curious to know the answer. She knew Eleanor's powers with the chip were vast and almost never-ending since her body changed each day, but without that chip, her body didn't do that. She was given the explanation for that a day prior when she asked her a similar question; however, still, her abilities without the chip puzzled Andrea.

► ⊸
Wrong Side of Heaven - FFDP
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  • Love
Reactions: Mundane Monster
⌊Eleanor Peterson⌉
▪ "Who wants to go first!"

Exhaling in relief, Eleanor was excited that others were willing to help the situation at hand. There was no telling what lied ahead for them or even what could happen if they failed. Looking at the crowd before her, she knew that she had picked a good bunch. For those who had left, she was asshamed that they couldn't look past themselves for once. Whatever these creatures were doing effected the entire city.

When the man posing as Mr. Anderson asked about what she could do, Eleanor was hesitant. Despite being very mature for her age, it was still nervewracking to think about exposing herself in front of the others. Of course, it could have been worse... she could have been in her underwear. Hearing that Andrea seconded the man's question, she sighed.

"I have a connection with electronics," Eleanor began. Moving over towards one of the many machines that had a weapon on top of it. "I can create, shape, and build almost anything mechanical my mind sees," she informed them, "it takes time though, no one thing can be completed in an instant," she added. Eleanor was powerful in the way of creating new electronics and machines, but like always it took time, just a lot less time than normal.

Moving away from the piece of machinery, she took a seat at a computer system. "What I can show you is limited," she informed them, "since my chip is gone, I don't have my full capabilities." It was sad but true. Eleanor could not use all of her functions until that chip was retrieved or made again.

"I am able to speak to technology in a way," Eleanor confessed, "it's like I understand it and it understands me and my wants. It lets me know what it needs to function and I provide it." Turning to the computer system, she placed her hands on a scanner. The computer system came to life and showed different parts of the city, as well as, other aspects of Eleanor's research. "I can access things that other people simply can not," she added to the conversation.

"Though Mr. Anderson," she spoke directly to him, "sorry to say but I cannot show you many marvelous things I can do with my own body since my chip is needed." Eleanor could punch hard and access systems, but she couldn't use laser vision, flight, or even punch even use the weapons within her arsenal without the chip.

Looking to the rest of the group, Eleanor wished to move on to other things. "Anyways," she changed the subject, "I would like to thank you all for your help in this matter." It was quite pleasing to know that these people cared enough about the situation that they were willing to help. "My mansion is open to you all at any time you need," she informed them, "our next step is testing your abilities." Moving past the crowd, Eleanor pushed open a door into a cleared room. It was a testing chamber. Eleanor would be able to test the extent of one's abilities in order to know what she needed to work with them on. Everyone would need improvement if they were to go into the heat of battle.

"Welcome to the testing chambers," Eleanor said as a car was rolled in. "Here, I would like to test your abilities in order to see where we are beginning," she announced, "I said I would invest in you, and this is it, I want to help you perfect your abilities." Moving over to the tank, Eleanor motioned Andrea to follow. "Miss. Garcia here has already gone through testing, but will show you how it works."

Andrea had taken her place next to the car like instructed to do. Eleanor had gotten her to agree to show the other's her ability in order to show them that it was alright to show their gifts to the others. "Please, Andrea, demonstrate your first ability," Eleanor had asked her. Andrea then place two hands below the car's side and lifted. The car lifted with ease, this was the extent of Andrea's strength so far.

"Thank you, Miss," she said as Andrea lowered the vehicle, "now, on to the next." Lester then came out with an AK-47 as Eleanor ushered the others behind bulletproof glass. Andrea stood still and waited for the shoot to begin. Lester waited for Eleanor's queue and for Andrea to be able to activate her secondary power. Eleanor looked at her watch, a minute had past and it was time. "Go ahead Lester," Eleanor announced and the man began firing upon Andrea. Each bullet hit her but did not strick her down. They fell before the woman. "That is enough, Lester," Eleanor yelled out.

Removing herself from behind the bulletproof glass, Eleanor stood in front of the crowd. Andrea and Lester had rejoined the group by now. "I already have an idea of what your powers are," Eleanor informed them, "but I would like to start you off on what you are comfortable with and work from there on your testing."

Moving away from the crowd, Eleanor walked towards a control panel. "So, who wants to go first?"

Testing took only one hour to complete. Data of each person's abilities was placed into a confidential file that only her and the other person could see. Sure, now everyone knew each other's ability, but not what they could handle. Eleanor had escorted everyone into the lounge area by now and had Lester serve them snacks. She had told them to wait while she went and made her evaluations, which took only a few short minutes.

Upon entering the room, Eleanor looked at the crowd. "Well, I would like to say congratulations on complete you first testing chamber sequence," she announced, "now we are one team, but for outings, I have made teams in order not to attract too much attention." Moving towards the fireplace, she began to list the teams.

"Team A: Kai, Andrea, Mia, and Donovan," Eleanor said.

"Team B: Archer, Michael, and Damon," Eleanor announced.

There was no difference between the two teams. Both were powerful in their own way and no powerful than the other. "Before you start asking why you didn't make A team, I just labeled them that way. No difference between the two," she added.

► ⊸
Afterlife - Avenged Sevenfold
Mia Marie Ritter

Interactions: Eleanor (@QUEENIE)
Mentioned: Andrea, Donovan (@Cerulean)

Even while attached to her phone, Mia was very aware of the look that Eleanor was giving Mr. Anderson. She'd been eyeing him since he arrived, something that put Mia in a state of unease. Not only did the host act differently towards him, but he kind of gave off a weird vibe – an aura, maybe? Nothing concrete of course, but intuition said to stay clear of him for now. Mr. Anderson, as Eleanor was calling him, did ask to see what the kid could do and Mia was curious. Andrea seconded so the child gave them a little idea, verbally, of what she was capable of.

Not long after, she asked for the same in return. It was expected that she would want a demonstration of what these people could do if she was going to have them on her team. Despite the logic of it, whipping out some superhuman powers in front of a bunch of people she didn't know left her wondering why they didn't try some team bonding or something first. "No trust falls?" She commented absently, not expecting any response. Instead, she watched Andrea march into the testing chamber as instructed and lift a car before getting shot repeatedly. It was a marvelous sight, without a doubt, but even so, something else was floating around in her head.

'I already have an idea of what your powers are.'

Just how long had this kid been watching them? And how was she getting her data on their abilities – something that was no doubt kept as quiet as possible for most of them. Just who was this cyborg child? She tried to push the thought away so she could focus on the people here and their abilities. It would be best to memorize as much as possible about these people for future reference. Phone in hand as always, Mia diligently took notes on everyone. Her obscure notes would be hard to understand for anyone but herself, after all she was used to taking precautions. Though some may be understandable if you already knew the persons involved – and the references.

E. - Micah
An. – Cortico
Do. – Dr. Who
K. – Pebbles
Ar. – J.Cash
M. – K.Bacon
Da. – Flu

When Mia's time came to show her stuff, she wasn't really sure what to do. Sure, she'd come with an alteration already in place for emergency sake, but she didn't expect to have to show it and wasn't really sure how to apply it to a test. To test everything would take a lot of time and different types of tests. So when the time came to 'show her stuff' so to speak, the woman gave a small sigh and tucked her phone into her purse for safe keeping before moving to the testing area. Trying not to look too annoyed, she unbuttoned her large, flowy jacket and pulled it off, dropping it onto the floor. It took a minute of stretching, forcing the wings she'd had pulled against her back so tightly to finally expand. Wincing from the stiffness, Mia was finally able to shake them out and spread them, feathers that matched her hair ruffling from shoulder to tip. The wings weren't her only ability, but she would need more time if Eleanor wanted to test out her full skill set.

With wings this massive, it should never work, but somehow it just did. It still bothered Mia to this day that she couldn't explain the impossibility. When her test session was over, she went back to wait with the other, continuing her notetaking as much as she could. She made note of her A Team members and tried to remember who was who. Andrea and Kai were recognized pretty quickly – particularly as people to avoid. Let's see… Andrea's the She Hulk one… Kai is the cat - Me~ow to that human form. Donovan; however, she had never seen before. Though… She gave him a once over, taking some time to let her eyes linger on his backside. Well, she could stand to look at that some more.

"Anyway…" Mia pulled her jacket back on. "I have a question or two. First, how long have you been watching us and how… have you been watching us? You seem to know a lot about us. Secondly, what's the plan now?"
  • Love
Reactions: Mundane Monster
Andrea Garcia
Despite having completed testing days prior to the meeting, Andrea had been asked to demonstrate what testing could look like for some others. It wasn't necessarily what she wished to do, but she was willing to give it a go. Walking out towards the car, she lifted it with ease. She felt eyes on her and a part of her wanted to hide away somewhere. She felt like a freak in front of these people. A tiny girl lifting large objects was not natural nor was the girl who could deflect bullets.

Once the demonstration was over, Andrea returned to Eleanor just as Lester did. Looking at the others, Andrea noted, "you're results are recorded in a computer in the next room over. No one will see the results except Eleanor and you." Andrea was glad that her own results were not on display for other's to see. It was one thing showing them what she could do, it was another showing how her body did those things.

Looking to Eleanor, she asked if she could be excused. Eleanor allowed her to do so and she exited the testing chambers. It wouldn't be long before Eleanor had completed the tests, but at least for now she could have time away from everyone. Andrea knew that she would be placed into a group with others shortly and that she would have to learn to work with others, but she didn't want to. Other people were sloppy and put others in danger. Andrea worked better alone that is how she always was. Walking along the hallway, Andrea had come to the lounge room. Taking a seat in one of the many expensive, yet comfortable, chairs she thought about her gifts.

When Andrea had first discovered her gifts, she cried. She felt inhuman. For many days she had contemplated moving away from Crimson City and living the rest of her days in the deserts of Mexico, far away from civilization. Each day, the powers became more and more real to her. She'd avoid being hurt some how and that was when she discovered that her durability level had enhanced greatly. It was when she was rearranging her furniture that she discovered her limitations. Her powers could be used together, but only for a short period of time or else she risked passing out and becoming completely vulnerable. Andrea had spread broken glass across her living room floor and lifting her furniture to knew locations repeatedly. Eventually she became weak and passed out, her mother had discovered her and taken her to the hospital. That was how Eleanor discovered Andrea. Eleanor had explained that she found the medical report rather odd and that she examined some recordings of the security cameras around town to see if Andrea did anything extraordinary. Once Andrea did save someone by stopping a speeding car, Eleanor knew that she needed to invite her to the mansion.

Eleanor looked up when she saw the others enter the lounge room. She looked at them. Maybe she should have stayed to see their gifts, but it was alright she'd learn about them eventually. It wasn't long after that Eleanor had entered the room as well, carrying a clipboard in her hands and announcing that she had created teams for everyone. Andrea was shocked and upset with her choice in placing Andrea with Kai. How was she suppose to work with someone who ruined her career and never bothered to apologize, or show up to the funeral of the person he second-handily murdered? Andrea just didn't understand it, but she stayed silent. It wasn't the time or place to speak on the matter.

When her new teammate Mia had questioned how Eleanor had been watching them, Andrea chuckled. Was she really the oblivious? Cameras, the same way that the police happened to watch people. Andrea didn't speak up because she didn't know whether or not the girl actually knew about the police cameras. If she didn't she resembled most of Crimson City, which was not a bad thing. However, Andrea was interested in the plan part of her question. What was going to happen next?

Interactions: The group, Eleanor
Mentioned: Kai @Cosmic Penguin, Mia @SoleStride
Location: Lounge room
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There was a lot to take in, but nothing he couldn't handle. Listening to the cyborg speak her mind, he squinted his eyes. A curious expression was plastered on his face. Yes, he wanted to know more. More about them all actually. He wanted to see how they moved on a chessboard. He wanted to pluck out that one thing, that made them tick.

Without the chip, she couldn't do much, but still, she could do something. It was interesting. Damon wanted to ask more questions, but did not want to stand out. The fact that she had observed most of the lot around him for a while now, was pretty much what a stalker would do. "Hmm."

Nevertheless, the rest of the people and Damon moved on. It was time to show everyone or at the very least, the girl what they were capable of doing. Someone named Andrea could lift a car with ease. Strength of one hundred men in a woman like her. Someone had wings like an angel.

Damon quietly observed. Mentally taking notes. What would happen if he ripped those wings from the body? The woman named Andrea - what would happen if he would strike her with his own ability? The amount of offensive capabilities she has, does she have the same amount of defensive capabilities?

So many questions, and so few answers. Damon would have to take his time measuring everything here. His time killing each and everyone in this very place at some point. It was his time to demonstrate now. Show the people what he could do. "I guess its my turn now."

A quick smile plastered on his face. Walking forward, he was at the center now. All eyes were fixated on him. Giving each and everyone a simple glance, he inhaled and exhaled. Bringing his hand up, cold steam began to form right above his palm. His eyes fixated on the ice that was being formed.

After a few seconds, he had a ice-like crystal floating just above his palm. "Well, this is the extent of my ability, unfortunately." The ice-like crystal fell onto his hand, before he turned around, dropping it on the floor, before stepping on it, crushing it.

"I guess I'm done?" A rhetoric question escaped his lips. Now, Damon began to walk back to his original position, but stopped in his tracks, giving the people around him another look.

"Oh and.. I forgot.. Miss Peterson--" Diverting his attention towards the girl, he continued. "I'm not actually Mr. Anderson.."

"My name is Damon, like I said. I'm a friend of Mr. Anderson.. He wanted me to go in his stead because of his family. More or less, he doesn't trust letters from unknown people. He is a cautious man. So I decided to check this place out for him."

"I mean, I've had the letter you sent him for a few days now.. I do apologize if you were led to believe I was the man on the letter."

"But with all this.. He would definetely not take part in this. He has a family to look after, but I don't.. If he was here, he'd have left with the others who did just now." Damon's demeanor did not change. A simple smile on his face. He wasn't hiding anything, nor would one be able to detect that he was.

After all, the dude is a sociopath. The sociopath of the B Team. Unlucky them.
kai singer
location: Mansion
mentions: Eleanor, Andrea, Damon, Mia
power: feline physiology

outfit: CLICK

Witnessing other people use their powers was interesting if a little bit frightening. Seeing other people with supernatural powers made the situation even more real. Since Kai's abilities had manifested, he had gone up against regular people. He had completed regular tasks. He'd never faced off against something or anyone irregular, in fact he didn't even know how he would handle someone else with powers. Though I'm sure Tweeninator is going to help with that. He thought as he mulled her words over and over in his mind. She wanted to help hone their abilities via the promised 'investing'. Was she to be the Alfred to their Batmans? Or I guess Lurch over there is more Alfred-y. He thought, as he dragged his gaze over Eleanor's monotonous butler, Lester. What kind of name was Lester? Did his parents name him that? What kind of parents gave their kid the shortened version of the word 'molester'?

As these inane thoughts raced through his mind, Kai began to get nervous. Stupid thoughts? Obsessing over pointless details? Yup, he was panicking. Why? Because soon he was going to be in the spotlight. Granted the spotlight was going to be brief, but for a few minutes...All...Eyes...Were...Going to be...On him. It was one thing hanging at the back of the crowd earlier. No one was really looking at him then. And stepping up earlier to 'join'? That was just like stepping up to his boss's desk to tell him about a new scoop. Actually having to present his powers though? That was going to be an issue.

All the people before him had done so effortlessly. Freaking Andrea had revealed that she was She-Hulk sans the green. Mia Richer--err Ritter showed that she was the Pope's wet dream, and weird smelling guy was hot Santa pretending to be someone else. They had all presented their powers like it was show in tell in kindergarten or something! It should have been way easier for him to just--Do it! But unfortunately it wasn't but he sure as hell didn't want to be the last person to go up there.

Slinking forward, Kai stood in front of the group, heart thudding inside his chest, sweat beading on his forehead. He closed his eyes for a moment.

"House cat." He then transformed into an adorable house cat in one effortless 'swoosh', then reverted back. He scuffed his shoe against the floor. "I can turn into bigger cats, I think. I just needa...Touch." He mumbled into his scarf before slinking away, then unable to deal with the rising anxiety, turned back into his usual black cat form.

He stayed that way even when they were escorted to the lounge, where they were served snacks--and given their teams. Oh for the love of--Why do I have to be on her team. He thought to himself, shooting a cold feline look at Andrea, then swung his head back to stare wistfully at the man who used to feed him. He would have much preferred to be with him than her. At least it's not just us though. He thought as he turned to look at Mia Ritter and the hot guy number two.
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