Cosmic Fey's Collection of Plots (MxM, Dark-ish Plots) [Updated 5/20/17]

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Cosmic Fey

Dragon Lord
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. One post per day
  4. Multiple posts per week
  5. 1-3 posts per week
  6. One post per week
  7. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
I'm usually on at points through out the day. Some days I'm not due to various reasons, but I try to give my partners warning if I'm going to be away for more than a day or two
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Male
  4. Primarily Nonbinary
Slice of life, high fantasy, modern fantasy, urban fantasy ...anything fantasy really. Dark comedy, supernatural, psychological - anything with dark overtones and miserable, dysfunctional characters. Love me some Hurt/Comfort.
Hey guys! I'm Fey. I'm 24, I stay up late and drink more caffeine then is probably strictly healthy. Anyway I have a few ideas and I was hoping they'd interest you.

  • The plots with (!) are ones I like enough to play out with multiple partners, even if I have a partner already.

    Plot One (!):
    I had an RP with this plot a while ago, but it didn't get too far before it died. :( I really liked it though, so I thought I could give it another shot.

    (YC) and (MC) have been best friends since early childhood. When they were children, (MC) moved away. Fast forward to when both are in their early 20's and (MC) returns and the friendship between the two of them starts back up again and it's like nothing as really changed. However, all is not well. Determined to keep (MC) from ever leaving again, (YC) kidnaps (MC) and keeps them hidden away.

    Possible Tags and Triggers:
    • Non-Con
    • Dub-Con
    • Psychological and Physical Abuse
    • Captivity
    • Kidnapping
    • Drug use
    • Brainwashing

    Plot Two (!)
    This is one of my favourite plots/dynamic to explore. This is a plot I've played before and probably always go back too when I have the chance.

    MC is an Empath, meaning they can feel the emotions of the people around them. They've had this ability from a young age and because of it, they sometimes have a hard time separating their own emotions from everyone else and knowing what they themselves are feeling. Large groups and crowds only make it worse. YC is MC's Anchor. An Anchor is kind of like a buffer for the Empath between them and other people's emotions. The Empath focuses on their Anchor's emotions and it keeps them from getting overwhelmed and overloaded with other people's emotions and also allows them to keep their sanity intact.

    But what happens when MC starts falling for YC, their Anchor? MC's unsure if it's really what their feeling or if they're picking up on someone elses emotions. YC, having developed a crush on MC but trying to hide it as best they can, decides to take advantage of this and begins a relationship with MC

    Plot Three (!)
    YC and MC are fraternal twins. As kids the were always very close, but when their parents got divorced when they were young, due to a custody agreement, the twins were separated, one going to each parent and they only ever saw each other during holidays and their birthday, each going to a different school. Fast forward a few years and they end up going to a party at a (unknowingly) mutual friend's house. When they see each other they connect again right away even though they haven't seen each other in months. Hours pass, and their - now drunk - friends suggest a game of truth and dare (or a similar game). When one of the twins chooses "Dare" their friend dares them to kiss their twin - the friend not knowing they're twins or related at all because they have different last names, thinking only that they seemed to get along well, maybe they should hook up.

    Before either one can get a word out that their related, their friends demand that they go through with it, or the dare for chickening out will be worse. So they do. A quick tiny peck, nothing wrong with that right? Only their friends say that didn't count and to do it "properly". So they do and after getting past the initial awkwardness of it, they both find themselves getting into it and enjoying it. Later, when they're alone in a spare room while everyone's in another room, asleep, they talk about the kiss (and a bunch of other things like they used too when they were kids). The decide to start hanging out outside of school more often, just as siblings at first, but kisses keep happening - and later more intimate touching and they decide to be a couple - keeping the fact that they're twins a secret from their friends and their relationship in general a secret from their parents.

    OR, alternatively;

    While the custody agreement is the same as above, instead of a party, the twins are unknowingly sent off to the same boarding school. Because they're so close, most of their peers assume they're a couple. Since this rumor has the added bonus of keeping away would-be-admirers, the twins - who are rather possessive of one another and don't like to share, see no point in correcting this oversight. It comes to a head months later when both are home/visiting for the holidays, when one twin admits that they have fallen in love with their sibling.

    Aside from twincest, this RP can contain:
    • Bondage
    • Slight Dom/sub elements (As in, one twin would be more aggressive and possessive and the other one would be slightly more passive and clingy (but only with their twin) - I would like to play the latter if it's not too much trouble)
    • Possibly other elements of BDSM (but properly, with safe-words and discussing limits and such before hand)
    • Possessiveness from both twins
    • Possible co-dependancy
    • And any other plot candies/plot ideas we might have :)

    Plot Four
    (MC) is an omega who for his whole life has been locked in an underground lab and made to believe he's a beta (whether through science or magic or a combination of both can be discussed). The lab was raided. Once the chemicals/medications that were messing with his mind and biology were flushed from his system, it was became clear that he's not a beta, but an omega. Because most people see omegas as property, not people, he's sent to an auction to be sold off to an Alpha. (YC)

    Plot Five
    Good Boy meets Bad Boy plot, with a slight twist – the Good Boy isn't as good as he appears, already into drugs, drinking and sneaking around, and the Good Boy persona is just a mask he wears for the public. This can go one of two ways:
    1. The two already know one another from parties and they pretend not to know one at school because it would look odd and destroy both their reputations.
    2. The Bad Boy has no idea that the 'goody-two-shoes' act is just an act until they're forced to work on a project together

    Plot Six
    Another idea with twins. In this world, people get Soulmate Marks in their teen years, and it's said that you have the same marks, even if you've been reincarnated. A pair of soulmates has been reincarnated, this time as twins. This one isn't as fleshed out, but we can always discuss ideas and plot in PM's :)

    (Alternatively, they don't have to be reincarnated, if a reincarnation plot is not your cup of tea. I just really want to do something with soulmates being siblings and the drama and fallout that comes with that. I just thought the reincarnation bit would add an extra level to the drama if we go that route.)

    Plot Seven
    Another Omegaverse idea. I had an RP with this plot that I was playing out with another person a long time ago and I really liked it, but the RP didn't get very far so I was thinking I'd give it another shot.

    So the Omega (MC) has strict parents who don't let him go outside because they know he can be vulnerable but are way too overprotective about it. One night he ventures outside and goes to a bar/social place but he's in heat. He doesn't really know what the heat is because his parents never told him he was an Omega, so it doesn't bother him too much and - as far as he knows - he's never around Alphas anyway. Well, an Alpha (YC) is probably older and out and about when he sees the Omega and asks why they're out when they're in heat. This can go into sex, the Omega getting mad, something happening, etc. and it develops from there.

  • These don't have plots to go with them, but we can always improvise!

    • Teacher/Student
    • Supernatural Creature/Human
    • Stepbrother/Stepbrother
    • Soulmates/Soulmate Identifying Marks
    • Reincarnation

    Plot Candies
    • Hurt/Comfort (I am Hurt/Comfort trash, and I'm okay with that)
    • Unhealthy Relationships/Power Dynamics
    • Anything to do with Alpha/Beta/Omega. I just really love that setting, you guys.
    • Crossdressing
    • Feminine-looking boys
    • Androgynous characters

  • - As you can probably tell from the Plot List, I like plots exploring with unhealthy relationships and power dynamics. I really like plots exploring unhealthy relationship where one or both characters acknowledge that it is unhealthy and fucking horrible. Why do I like plots like this? Catharsis probably. None of it will be romanticized, so, if you're looking for something that does romanticize it for whatever reason, I'm not the partner for you.

    - You've probably noticed that I prefer to play the characters that fall into a more 'submissive' role in the bedroom, or bottom, BUT that does not mean my characters are pushovers (unless they're supposed to be). They still have backbones and when push comes to shove, they'll push right back until they break (unless they're already broken). That's not to say that I won't play Tops, Doms, or Switches, because I totally will if you ask, it's just I'm a lot more comfortable playing subs and bottoms.

    - I have a, shall we say, odd sleep cycle. This means my online times vary day to day and response times are all over the place. If you're looking for someone with set response times, I am not the person for you.

    - I'm dyslexic. I try to catch all the letter and word mix-ups, but even with spell-check, I'm not always successful. If you spot any, please feel free to point them out! I promise I won't be upset.

    - I love to chat OOC. I might be shy, but that doesn't mean I don't like to make friends! On that note, I love music, so if I find a song I think fits a scene, character, or relationship dynamic, I'll most likely share it.

Feel free to shoot me a PM if any of this catches your interest!
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Updated with new plots Feb 19!
I am very interested in plot three if you're still looking!
New plots as of March 10th
Still looking! Also new plots as of April 2nd.
Updated April 6th
Still looking. Also, updated as of April 20th
Still up for new partners! I'm craving something with Student/Teacher or Older Brother/Younger Brother - something with a bit of an age difference (no characters under 16 though) so if you've got an idea in mind, feel free to PM me! :)
I'm high key in love with all of these lol

Maybe plot 2 mixed into the omegaverse
so one twin is in alpha
the other is omega

I also really like plot 1
as yandere pairings are sort of my obsession rn
i don't do non-con for personal reasons
but I can do dub-con/coerced
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