Cool Idea loosely based on animes (Bleach, Tokyo Ghoul, etc)

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Ultra Paradox

Original poster
It's been one hundred years, one hundred long years since the Nova Guardians roamed the streets of Japan. Once known as "The Keepers of Peace", the ones who fought for the name of justice and nothing more, they were living legends. Rumors have it that at one point there were as many as two-hundred, but now there are none. While evidence of Nova Guardians being real were little to none, there was a common belief that these justice seekers were out there somewhere. But those days are far behind them, for the living legend has become nothing but another Japanese Folklore.

The year is now 2000, and Japan is ravaged by corruption and violence. An economy that's been plummeting over the recent years with an ever growing crime rate, they are in need of the most aid. A new political leader and practical ruler, "President" Shijo Towi, preaches that a new change is upon Japan. He will be that iron fist bringing upon the change, with the militarization of the police and ongoing late night raids, he hopes to accomplish this.

Yet, as expected Towi's promises fall short. The police force is just as corrupted as he is, embezzling the population, doing little to nothing in order to stop actual criminals, arresting, beating, and even killing innocent citizens. The new era in Japan seems almost like a dictatorship, with very little resistance against Towi due to fear of being arrested and "dealt with".

The Japan that once lived in peace and prosperity is no more. This is the era of Towi, and that won't change. Or...will it?


This is an old story idea I'm thinking about rebooting! Back when I wrote it, it had no direction, so I decided to bring it back and give it some meaning. The idea will be that one Nova Guardian comes back, she finds people who are seeking justice (and also has advanced abilities, whether it be the skill of fighting, using weapons, or even knowledge) and trains them to become the new generation of Nova Guardians.

I will need a Co-GM though since this is my first time GMing, and I will need somebody else to aid me come up with more lore as I will have a Wiki website to hold all the lore. Let me know if you find it interesting and I apologize for any errors as I wrote this all in a big rush. I'm open to any suggestions!

Here's a Wiki Website I'm making that will hold the lore for this Role play! If you're interested with that little summary, check out the quick introduction on the website and explore if you'd like!

Can't wait to get this on the road!

Rebirth of NG-Wiki!
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I'm down for this. I can see it being scaled for small group or 1x1 depending on how many people show interest.

Could you tell me a little more about expectations and char design?
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I'm down for this. I can see it being scaled for small group or 1x1 depending on how many people show interest.

Could you tell me a little more about expectations and char design?

Awesome I'm glad somebody took notice! I'll PM you for sure.
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I do love this idea and would love to be a part of it in someway. :D
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I do love this idea and would love to be a part of it in someway. :D
Cool, I'll have the actual group roleplay idea where you could sign up available in some time.