City of Kadarvez

  • Thread starter Jae- The nonexistant
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Areiz walked out the door and started down the hall. The school felt empty..Areiz hated it. She went back into their science class and sat by one of the fish tanks, setting her head on the table and letting out a long sigh. "So the legend is true..they were right.." Her left hand sat on her right shoulder where she bore the mark of the seer, or so she had been told. She was trying to think on how they could fight the Shadows if they didn't exactly know their own powers yet.
Amie looked up when Ariez stood to leave. She knew there was nothing she could say so she only whispered her goodbye as she left the room. The person that had come to their rescue had now addressed her. She looked at him, her expression calm. "I-I'm Amie and... I'm fine. I didn't really take any attacks or anything...just my friends..." Saying it out loud made her feel worse. She hadn't been able to protect them and she didn't even get hurt, they did. She looked back down to her notebook page full of scribbled notes and words. "Thank you for helping us. You were more help than me even..." Amie started to write down his description and the name she had heard when he was speaking to Ariez. She was glad he had come when he did though. They were obviously not strong enough to fight them. Yet... Could Ariez have been right? Were they the guardians? It was still too much to think about at the moment so she focused back on the person sitting next to her. "So, what is that you're wearing? It looks a little strange..." She was not in the mind set to being to another class.


Sable walked up to the building across from the high school and looked up. She looked up to the top of the building, her golden eyes gleaming in the sudden intake of sunlight. She created a cloud of smog and rode it up to the top of the building. Sable stepped off when she reached the roof. She brushed any wrinkle from her dress and looked at Violet. She smirked at her then looked at Kuro Chi. So, the leader was gathering them together then. "I suppose it's that time then. The guardians have shown themselves. Things are going to get a little more exciting around her now, aren't they?" She took a seat on the edge of the roof and crossed her legs. Now to wait for the others.
Violet nodded. "They've shown themselves all right."

Areiz sat up after several minutes had gone by. She had partially sorted everything out, using the stories she was told as a child. She was the seer, blind, senses danger. Amie was the healer.. The protective wall. Hai.. Hai was the warrior. Where was their leader?
"Oh... this? I call it Prototype 001, or Base, for short. It is the second version of my new Hi-Tech Exo-Skeleton. It is supposed to aid the handicapped. but this is a combat version of the 'suit', It you want to call it like that". Arzen answered to the girl. He was really proud to talk to someone about his recent creation. "It is just a prototype, of course, and... it is kind of broken now, thanks to the little commotion that little girl caused". Then, he realized it was indeed too strange something like THAT happened. "By the way, do you have any idea of what did the 'shadow' want here?" His tone was a little anxious, and he was a bit too close than what he should have. He went back a little, and apologized. "S... sorry. But... do you have any possibly useful information about that?"
"Yes," Kuro murmured, "We will leave for my domain as soon as the rest of us gather. There I will construct a plan against the guardians. It would be wise to defeat them before the leader is revealed, however, if we were to do so before they fully realize their powers, I believe that the guardians would remain with a small hold of power here until the new guardians are chosen."
Violet nodded. "Correct, as always." She said, watching the school.

Areiz ran her hand over the fish tank, thinking.
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"Um, not really... I only know that she was a shadow." Things are still too weird to go jumping to conclusions about being guardians and such. I don't know if it would be the best to go talking about it with someone I don't really know either. If we really are guardians then that could be dangerous, right? She closed her notebook and stood up, suddenly feeling a little pressured. "I-I think I should go now. Um, thank you again for your help." She went ot her desk and stuffed her books back into her notebook and nodded to him as she went out the room.


"I agree. I'm rather excited to get my chance to see them." She looked intently at the younger girl. Obviously they had been some good for her to seem even slightly upset about them. That meant that they would be well worth her time.
"Well, I guess you are right. If you need help, just look around in school! You will find me". Arzen was alone now. Well, I guess it's time to leave as well. Better work on the other prototpe, and maybe even repair this one. You never know if those... things come again. He left the classroom walking, slowly, in case the shadows were back. When he felt he was safe, he started moving at a faster pace, towards the laboratory school had provided. It was nothing but the school's basement with some tools, but it worked perfectly fine. He removed Prototype 001 from his back, and put it away in a safe place. He then found Prototype 002, or 'Snowflake'. An experimental phase exo-skeleton with improved ion-cannon, but it still needed to be tweaked. It worked, but it may fail in any moment. He started working on it, hoping nothing interrupted his duties.
After several minutes Areiz got up and heard the bell go off. "4:00, end of school." She said aloud to no one as she walked out of the room, sighing internally. She passed by Amie on her way and stopped. "Hey..are you okay?" She asked, feeling some sort of guilt for not asking earlier.

Violet heard the bell and smiled a little. "Schools over, so the little smart ones are gonna come out."
The bell rang, and Arzen jumped in fright. He spend too much time in his project, and then he didn't repair Base. He wasn't ready to cover his shift protecting the school, because he either went with the Prototype 002, or simply go without protection at all. He decided to use Snowflake this time, it would be a great opportunity to try the ion-cannon. Of course iit could be dangerous, as it still was in Alpha stage, but he hadn't other choice. He wore the machine, and then he walked towards principal exit of the institute. He said hello to a couple of kids, some of the parents asked questions, etc. It was like every day. But he had to be careful, in case those shadows came once again. What the hell were they doing here?! Why did they attack those students? This is too strange.
Amie paused when the bell rang, a little disappointed that school was over now even though she had no intentions of going to her next class. Students filled the halls with chatter and the squeak of shoes on the polished floors. Amie hadn't noticed Ariez walking by until she grabbed her attention with a question."O-oh! Me? I'm fine, don't worry. How is your leg? I'm...I'm sorry I couldn't do much for you." She looked at the floor between them. She had only met her earlier that day, why did she feel so inclined to apologize for a failure she wasn't exactly prepared for?


Sable looked down on the students leaving the building with a mischievous smile. "I find it quite strange how they gather in such a place. I mean, what is it that they really learn? It's all useless if you ask me. What they should be learning are survival skills. They wouldn't last a second against me if it came down to is and that's rather sad." Though she sounded sympathetic her thoughts were far from it. Even if they did know how to defend themselves none of them would last more than a minute with her and from there the little guardians were supposed to arrive. Sable could only giggle at the thought of the frail teens taking up arms against her.
Areiz nodded. "Okay. And my leg is okay..It's not your fault..It's the shadow's fault." She said quietly, her head bowed again. "I'm sorry I pulled you into the fight..I shouldn't have started a fight." She expelled a little air, not exactly a sigh, but not just a breath either, something in between the two.

Violet nodded. "True. They learn nothing of use there. Stuff like math and science, stupid stuff. Oh, and get this, they have Mythology! We're 'myths'." She said, putting air quotes around 'myths.'
It wasn't really Amie's place to go pointing fingers because she knew that Ariez had felt threatened. They had followed her into that classroom. It wasn't her fault at all, really. "So... Do you think it's really true then?" She looked up at her then. "The legend? We're really...them?"


Sable's eye went wide. "Myths? They think we are myths? How rude! What kind of establishment is this?!" She was glaring at the building now with half a mind to corrode it with poison smog. There was nothing more insulting than being called a myth. Do you know how old those are? "I bet I could teach them something worth while in far less time than they spend in there learning such useless things as 'Mythology'." Sable's lips parted just enough to release a thin wisp of light purple into the air. Oh, how badly she wanted to rid the lazy teens of their useless lives, to hear their screams of agony- but she had to keep herself composed. Kuro Chi made the calls and she was not about to get on her bad side.
Areiz paused. "I..I do think so..but there's supposed to be a leader, I haven't seen one yet though."

Violet nodded. "Right!" She kept her hands gripped tightly together to keep from doing anything.
Arzen just waited, and waited, and waited. There were plenty of kids in school, and if anything happened to any of them, it would be his fault. Lost children trying to find a way to his parents, rebellious teenagers vandalizing the building, and so on. It was a hard job, but someone had to do it. Of course, his technology made everything easier. He kept an eye in the horizon, looking for any suspicious beings, finding nothing at all.
"Oh, leave them be," Kuro Chi sighed, "I feel that their lives are pitiful enough even without our help. Only a few of those down there even have a remote chance of a pleasant life, you know. The rest are doomed to a slow, painful existence until the swift hand of death claims them. Besides, it's good to be considered myths. You can't fight against people who aren't real, after all." Kuro stood up as the crowd of students washed over the school's yard. "Let's leave now," She said abruptly.
"That's true... Maybe we just haven't found them yet. It had to be pure luck that we found each other, you know." Amie froze at the thought that she may have possibly met this person before and forgotten their existence. What if she had met and talked to the leader? The chances of her not writing it down was fairly high since she tended to only write down only the really important instances. How would he have known anyway? Would they know if he was different when they met? He was the leader so maybe there was a certain aura they would be able to pick up on. After seeing those Shadow members, as they were called, there had to be some extra-sensory type thing going on between them. "We should probably be going now... It may not be safe to stay here or out for long," Amie suggested.


What the leader had said was true. On her way to meet Kuro Chi she had witnessed quite a lot of self induced anguish by the people living in the city. They were prone to causing grief amongst themselves. It was pathetic but then, as the leader had said, most of them were fated for unpleasant lives. Sable only sighed and stood. "Yes." She opened her umbrella and rested the metal bar against her shoulder.
Areiz was so intent in her thoughts she almost missed Amie's comment on leaving. "Huh, what? Oh..I guess." She snapped out of her trance. "See you tomorrow I guess.." She said, turning towards the door. She put her books in her locker and started towards the door, crossing her arms and closing her eyes behind the bandage, hidden by the bill of her cap.

Violet nodded in agreement with everything Kuro Chi had said. She stood up and stretched, deciding how she would get off the roof whether by transforming or what she liked to call 'sliding', but 'sliding' might cause too much attention, attention she didn't want right now.
As the shadows were leaving, a flying figure arrived to the scene. It was Buttons, who was floating above their heads. It was holding some sort of papyrus, which fell from the imp's claws to the hands of one of the shadows. Afterwards, Buttons landed on the roof of the institute for human learning, to rest for a moment while the Demons read the message written for them.

"Excuse my master. He was delayed because of certain... circumstances he would rather not write in here. Please, lead me to a place where you would like to meet him and I'll guide him to you position"
Violet took the paper to Kuro Chi without reading it. "Buttons." She said simply, holding the paper out.

Areiz paused just outside the front doors, feeling very unsure of her safety. She waited only one minute before continuing, stopping by the bench and sitting down, waiting for the familiar hand of her caretaker.

Violet glanced over at Areiz and scowled, but made no other movements towards her, too much attention on Kuro Chi.
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