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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. One post per day
  4. 1-3 posts per week
  5. One post per week
  6. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Whenever I feel like it
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Nonbinary
  4. Primarily Prefer Female
  5. Primarily Nonbinary

  • Hello fellow red star role player~ It seems you've found yourself in the chaos of my new thread. Well, while you're here, please do give it all a read; you might just find something you like.

    First off, I've been role playing for almost ten years now in one form or another. Text based role playing is my favourite though, and always well be. I enjoy Dungeons and Dragons, LARPing, and the occasional MMORPG. Of course, I prefer single player games, simply because the story tends to be more rich than that of MMO's.

    Poetry is my passion, and I hope to be published within the next couple years. I'll be applying at a local publisher early next year, so if you have something that might inspire me to write a poem, please do send it my way! You'll be in the thank yous

  • I'm just gonna post a list of things that I typically enjoy in my partners. Most of it is pretty standard though.
    • Communication; communication is the key to any successful partnership or relationship right? Well, I expect to be updated on things, and prefer to have some OOC chatter going on that isn't always about the role play. I like to make friends with my partners, but it's not necessary for me to work with you. Yes, sometimes I'm a little bit formal, in the event that I don't know you too well yet.
    • Paragraphs; I prefer too at the minimum, but I understand lack of muse and situations. But don't just send me a couple of sentences. These paragraphs do not include dialogue. You're character can say nothing, but the way you describe them should communicate just as well as word.
    • Development; characters should not remain static; much like real people, characters should be kinetic and ever changing.
    • Proper Grammar, Spelling, & Puncutation
    • Pairings; are most MxF, though I don't mind trying FxF or MxM, just keep in mind that I'm inexperienced with same sex couples. I can play both sexes and any gender, and have nothing against doubling or playing multiple characters.

  • Bold indicates my preferred role
    Italics indicate plots
    * indicate cravings

  • Business man X Common Woman
    Teacher X Student*****
    Vampire/Demon/Monster X Crippled Female**
    Former Senpai X Former Kouhai
    (Step) Brother X (Step) Sister****
    Male Student X Abused Classmate
    Athletic Student X Team Manager
    Delinquent X Student Council President
    Maid X Master
    Uncharted Island Exploration
    Survival Themed***
    Genetic Experiments
    Reverse Harems*****
    Anything Vampires *****
    Supernatural Creature X Supernatural Hunter
    Bad/Good Boy X Good/Bad Girl
    Nerd X Jock

    There's always more, just suggest something and I'll like say yes

  • I haven't included any pairings inside of my fandoms, largely because I have no issue playing canon characters for you, or for me. If I'm not confident enough for a certain character, I'll let you know, but otherwise I'm retty flexible. The list is mostly a mix, since I haven't actually sorted them all into categories yet.

    Fire Emblem
    The Mortal Instruments / Infernal Devices / Dark Artifices
    Forgotten Realms / Dungeons and Dragons
    Assassin's Creed
    John Wick
    Marvel - Mostly X-Men
    Avatar: The Last Airbender (I haven't seen Legend of Korra yet)
    Darker Than Black
    The Vampire Diaries
    Honor Student at Magic High School
    The Walking Dead
    Warrior Cats
    Percy Jackson
    Vampire Knight
    Tokyo Ghoul
    Yosuga no Sora
    Monster Girls ((with a little less porn))
    Game of Thrones
    Maximum Ride

  • Just pick a plot and let me know what you think~
    A monster even to those like her; the same and yet so different; a familiar stranger.

    Alone, afraid, tired. The area around unfamiliar. Blood soaked her clothes. Vision blurred, muscles aching. Hunger. Nose broken, maybe ribs too. Shifting hurt.

    They had left her alone, beaten and blindfolded in a place none of them would ever go to again. She'd changed, shifted; let the lunar cycle control her. The last thing she remembered before showing up here was seeing the horror on her families faces.

    An Albino.

    Unlike the rest of the pack.

    Stranded and alone, expected to be dead within the day. They'd left her in another packs territory. The one who would find her? The rival packs Alpha Male.

    Question is; what's he going to do about it?
    Three months ago everything was normal, bright and cheerful. The sun shone and everything seemed perfectly at ease, so calm that the wind barely even stirred. If anyone had been paying attention they would have realized that the birds were silent, squirrels hidden away in their nests. If anyone had thought to suspect anything, then maybe humanity would not have been wiped out so easily.

    Three months after the first wave of zombies rose and devoured, Muse A is a young woman, hiding out, barricaded in a library. She hasn't left the building unless she's had to in the last two months. Alone and forgotten she thought she was the last person in the entire city before an injured boy - Muse B collapsed at the bottom of the stairs. When he woke they soon came to realize that there was a horde approaching.
    Banding together may be their only chance of survival.
    In modern day England, just south of Cromwell, a prestigious all-boys school has recently started to take in qualified female students. A second dormitory is currently being built, though for now a part of the males dormitory has been sectioned off for the few girls who have enrolled thus far. One girl, travelling all the way from Venice, Italy, to move into the only room on the top floor, is a highly anticipated arrival. Little does she know that she is one of the few human females with the genetics to produce extremely powerful monsters. She is a Bride. Her touch heals and empowers monsters and demons, giving them a strength they would never have known otherwise. They want her for themselves, to fuel their selfish natures and sate their rotten appetites.

    What happens on her 16th birthday when she suddenly starts seeing things for what they really are? When demons start to hunt down the freshly ripened fruit, how will she manage to survive?
    They rarely talked outside of over dinner when their parents made them. He was the rebel, but he was smart; he moved out as soon as he could, left the country and never came back, just like his older siblings. They never got any letters, no phone calls, no emails. They read about him in the papers as he found his own success, like those before him. He never knew his youngest sister. Never knew what she would be.

    She was only ten when he moved away, leaving just her and her parents in that mansion. Venice was beautiful, its culture and education was amazing, but she was a genius. When her brother was moving away, she was studying in collage. The night after her graduation she had stayed at her friends house, happy to celebrate with a small group of girls she had grown close to that year. Her parents have driven into town to pick her up, but on the way back, a sleepy driver ran head-on into them.

    Their parents died on impact, she fell into a coma. No one came when the notice went out. Not one of her siblings went to the funeral. Six months later, when she woke up, she was alone. She stayed in the hospital, alone save for the nurses and other patients. The day she was supposed to be discharged, a man appeared in her room, a bag over his shoulder and a letter in his hand.
    New Librarian & Infatuated Male Student, at an all boys school of course. For this one I was thinking that it would be her first job out of college and the previous librarian left to take care of his pregnant wife; parental leave and all. So she'd be introduced at the first day ceremony, and be one of few women on staff. So it would be naturally for a lot of the boys - not having much school experience with girls - to develop crushes on her. But one would stand out to her maybe? Have to work that part out and such >< Quiet type and such
    Homeroom Teacher & Second Year Student, she had known about him, seen other girls fawn over the attractive teacher, but hadn't really cared for it. Not until she met him outside of school when he drove off several rather shady looking guys who were pestering her. (I know, so cliche) He ends up sticking around with her to 'keep her safe' because it was getting near dark and she wasn't done her shopping yet. So he'd take her home, and they would exchange emails so that she can let him known if anything happens. (She lives alone)
    He's young; he's handsome; and he fears nothing. Bore on the shore, this young man quickly found his calling; sailing the high seas. A pirate. Ship surrounded, pirate ships burning on the water the same as the Spanish, it looked as if they were all going to die. Until he came across a compass on a dead sailor; a compass that points towards whatever you want most. He came to power as a captain that day, and has had notoriously good luck since. Even if it had only been a year before he found a woman on his ship while docked in Nassau. She's nothing like he's ever seen before; daring a brave - with a hatred of dresses. Her father always warned her away from the ocean, to stay in land where it was safe. Of course, she wouldn't listen to him, and when she saw one of the most spoken of ships docked just off the coast, she couldn't resist.
    What happens when the Captain can't say no?
    Muse A is a wealthy and powerful businessman; the CEO of a rather larger corporation, and incredibly intelligent. He could have any woman he desired, but he's rarely wanted one. His grandfather - the current Chairman of the company - has decided that he wants Muse A to marry and learn to love before taking over the company from him. As such, Muse A has been forced to chose a woman to marry if he wants to become to Chairman one day. Muse B is an office worker in the main branch of the corporation. She's hard working, determined, and often seen as an elder sibling for most of her coworkers. At twenty, she lacks romantic experience, and frankly, doesn't really care for it. Unbeknownst to her, Muse A has been watching her. Suddenly, Muse B is promoted to Muse A's personal secretary, where he begins to try to win her affection - without much success.
    Muse A is an up and coming (businessman, celebrity, whatever), and lives on his own in a large penthouse downtown. With his schedule gradually growing more busy - and a general lack of organization skills - he posts an advertisement on Craigslist and in the local paper, looking for a live in maid. Muse B responds to this advertisement and is immediately hired after a short interview. What Muse A doesn't know, is that Muse B has recently graduated college and has background in business management & secretarial arts. Soon he discovers that he has not only hired a very talented cook, but a reliable and organized woman - something he has never had faith in. Will Muse A come to terms with past trauma and fall in love with Muse B? Will Muse B be able to handle her sudden rise to fame?
    He left years ago and for good reason, after killing a monster masquerading as human, being charged with murder, and then digging his way from his grave. His best friend had buried him that day, and yet he woke in his coffin several days later. After that? Well, he left, and he never looked back.

    Until now.

    Now he's back. Why? He's heard rumors of something here that he hadn't seen in decades. Back before he rose from his grave; before he had to visit his best friends grave. Before he ran for his life. Home again, he's in for a surprise when a knife carrying, leather wearing, heart-breaking vixen figures out his secret.

    Does he make her an enemy?

    Or an ally?

    That's all I'm going to put in here for now, but I do have plenty more kicking around. If none of these suit your fancy, and you're still looking to role play, don't hesitate to ask about something or message me directly.

    Happy Role playing!

I give up. It won't stay the way I want it to.
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Hello Everyone! So it seems that my Muse has returned ((for the most part)), and I came up with a couple more plots that I would really like to play. In the plot section above you'll find six plots, mostly different genres, but I have some more plots stashed away if you want to see something else. In particular, I would really love to play Teachers Pet, or Read Between The Lines.
Hey there I saw a few of your pairings and thought that two of them combined may be interesting if done so, them being the Step-siblings and the vampire ones. If you do find the want to RP those two just let me know.
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'Vampire/Demon/Monster X Crippled Female**'

Is this taken? >_< This really appeals to me
'Vampire/Demon/Monster X Crippled Female**'

Is this taken? >_< This really appeals to me
It is not~ The only person who's shown interest ditched me haha PM me with some interesting input~
So I am back from a brief Hiatus; in which I had some very important real life matters to deal with (concerning both my Sir and his grandmother). If you need to know, you're free to ask and I can give you the basics that I'm allowed to share. Otherwise, I'm largely back for the foreseen future - assuming no other things come up - and would really love to role play! Currently, I really crave some Vampire action, as well as King of the Sea's and Teacher's Pet. Zombies are never something that I'll say no too either, but feel free to come to me with your own plots and ideas! Love y'all Hope to hear from you soon :3
Hey Everyone!
I've found myself with more extra time than I had originally thought I would have, and put some more ideas into words! This time I've added a couple more plots - both fairly domestic - but I have some less normal plots on the way as well! Feel free to toss ideas at me~
I'm also looking for some partners for some casual fun; meaning, proper grammar, but sorter posts, and a faster response speed. I'd love to have some action going on, play with things I haven't before and try new things. Never fear to ask; the worst I can do is say no and giggle a little bit~
Luv y'all <3
I'm also looking for some partners for some casual fun; meaning, proper grammar, but sorter posts, and a faster response speed. I'd love to have some action going on, play with things I haven't before and try new things. Never fear to ask; the worst I can do is say no and giggle a little bit~
Luv y'all <3

Hi there, if you're still looking for a partner I'd be open to a 1x1.
Hi there, if you're still looking for a partner I'd be open to a 1x1.
I definitely am looking <3 Feel free to PM me what you're most interested in~
Good afternoon everyone!

Recently I've come to find myself craving a
Skyrim role play or two~ I'd like to do something without the Dragonborn. Dragons will still be there, just the main quest line won't have anything to do with us. I can play canons, but would love to play an OC or two as well. I might have a few very vague ideas for a plot too!

Let me know if
Skyrim is your jam~ <3
So I have this problem, where I always want more people to talk to and plot with, even when I'm having trouble writing. I find that talking to people helps when I am having trouble. So even if we have nothing in common, I would love to talk to some new people about anything!

Love y'all ❤️
So, now that I've made it home from my trip and settled into my new job; I would like to pick up some new partners :3 I am up for playing most things that aren't in my OP, so please don't hesitate to mention it :) Love y'all
Hi there! I figured I would reach out to you, as I saw on a post that you wanted to do a forbidden love plot!
I'm particularly looking for something in the Victorian era (ie. 1880s-90s) but definitely not expecting a partner that is extremely educated in the history. I just like the setting and the drama it causes, since a lot of love was forbidden back then! I was mainly hoping to do a plot with a young woman and a kind Native American man (or First Nations, as I see you're from Canada too). He protects her, and they fall in love, though forbidden. We can of course work on the plot together. I would like to play the female, and am a very literature, quick poster with 4+ paragraphs per post.
Let me know if you're interested or if you have any plots you think might interest me. :)
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Turns out that I have more time than I thought I would, and am heavily craving certain things right now. First off, Skyrim. Gimme that fantasy-land xD And Monster Girls. I'm building a new setting, and have a few plots and ideas for rps involving monster girls~ Apart from that; I'm super hyped for modern supernatural settings :3 You can find my growing selection of available characters here and here~ Have fun browsing~
So it seems we have a good bit of similar interests, but before I ask about plots and or pairings, would you be okay playing a male in an MxF pairing? ; w ;
Hey there! I would be interested in doing a Mortal Instruments roleplay with you if you're up for it! :3