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💜 Magical Madness 💜
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
  4. One post per day
  5. 1-3 posts per week
  6. One post per week
  7. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
I never know when I will get online, but I usually get on most days of the week and weekend. I am pretty active on here so you will see me around a lot.
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Transgender
  4. Primarily Prefer Male
High School/College, Scifi, Modern, Magical, Horror, Romance, Yaoi, Yuri, Slice Of Life, R Rated xD, Modern Fantasy
charmed: the school of magic
As all of the Professors and every magical creature that worked in the school were getting ready for the arrival of the new students, Headmaster Glacier was in his Study; in deep thought. There had been soo much preparation put into the entire rather special event, that Headmaster Glacier nearly forgot to thank everyone that had come together to make this day as wonderful as it should be for these fresh faces. Not to mention that only a few days prior to the event, the school was almost taken over by a certain powerful Warlock. Luckily, Headmaster Glacier took precautions for such an attack and he, with the help of everyone else, stopped the demon's "surprise" ambush. That was something to be expected. He knew that there would be more attacks from that man and other evil beings as long as there were soo many young and impressionable magical beings in one area.

While he looked over the papers and information of each students, his Assistant and lovely wife, Mrs. Glacier walked into the room. With a bright smile on her face, she walked over to her husband and stood over his shoulder. Looking at the sheets, that had different names, races and powers. One student's information stuck out to her the most however. "Artist ... Richardson ..." Oddly enough, there was something missing on his papers, but not even with their magical strengths combined, the both of them couldn't figure it out. Instead of dwelling too much on the odd sensation, Mrs. Glacier stared at her loving husband. "I truly am excited to see all of these students thrive and bring a new era of good magic into the world." Her golden aura of positivity was what drew most to her and it was the reason why Mrs. Glacier made the best Welcoming Tour Guide in the school. She had a special talent with calming down young witches and making them feel safe and at home at The School of Magic.

Headmaster Glacier smiled up at his wife and nodded his head; forgetting all about the attack for the moment. "You really do have a magical way of turning the worst situations into some of the best." Kissing her hand and standing up from his desk. "I think they will all do a good job and learn what they need to grow their powers and become great witches, fighting for the good of all mankind and every magical creature there is." Or he at least hoped that was what the witches-in-training would use their magic for. The School of Magic could only teach them the basics of how to use their powers, they couldn't force them to use their magic for good and the demons couldn't force them to use their magic for evil. Influencing them was allowed for both sides, but nothing more.

That little safety net of free will is known as The Window of Opportunity. Where a witch has a certain amount of time after discovering their powers to decide either to use them for good, or for evil. Neither side can force a newly empowered witch into doing anything, but enticing and tempting is fair game on both sides. Of course The Evil Beings love this, as they are pros at discovering people's deepest desires and saying that they can fulfill them; or at least lie and say they would fulfill them if they join their side. It would be a long and stressful battle for both sides to get these witches-in-training to pick the side they see as the better side.

"I think it's time we go and make sure everything is ready. I know that the students will be arriving any minute now." Kissing his wife/assistant, Headmaster Glacier walked out of his Study and headed to the Main Hall.

Once there, he was proud to see that everyone had finished the decorations and had placed all of the treats and drinks around the Main Hall. It was going to be a very interesting day and Headmaster Glacier knew that the young witches would not be up for training and talk of demons, right from the beginning. So he decided that having a Welcoming Party would help break the ice; it would also help dissolve any issues with the entire being magically kidnapped part of the ordeal as well.

"Everyone, get ready. I can already feel a few of them in the Realm" Headmaster Glacier had placed a spell around The School of Magic, which allowed him to feel the presence of anyone that broke through the seal of The Magical Realm that the school was located in. It would work for the young witches, since it was his magic that brought them here, but some creatures did find ways to get into the Magical Realm without his knowledge. But that was a problem for another day and time.

"And ... the first person has arrived." Turning around, as a cloud of blue smoke filled an area of the room and a blonde hair male stood there, confused and slightly annoyed. "Hello ... Artist Richardson." Grinning as he stared at the young male. There was something special about this one, Headmaster Glacier could feel it, he just didn't know what it was for now.

This was going to be a time to remember, for both the students and Professors. While excitement and happiness filled the school, there was vengeance and darkness brewing somewhere further down and no one would see it coming, not even The Headmaster.

As all of the Professors and every magical creature that worked in the school were getting ready for the arrival of the new students, Headmaster Glacier was in his Study; in deep thought. There had been soo much preparation put into the entire rather special event, that Headmaster Glacier nearly forgot to thank everyone that had come together to make this day as wonderful as it should be for these fresh faces. Not to mention that only a few days prior to the event, the school was almost taken over by a certain powerful Warlock. Luckily, Headmaster Glacier took precautions for such an attack and he, with the help of everyone else, stopped the demon's "surprise" ambush. That was something to be expected. He knew that there would be more attacks from that man and other evil beings as long as there were soo many young and impressionable magical beings in one area.

While he looked over the papers and information of each students, his Assistant and lovely wife, Mrs. Glacier walked into the room. With a bright smile on her face, she walked over to her husband and stood over his shoulder. Looking at the sheets, that had different names, races and powers. One student's information stuck out to her the most however. "Artist ... Richardson ..." Oddly enough, there was something missing on his papers, but not even with their magical strengths combined, the both of them couldn't figure it out. Instead of dwelling too much on the odd sensation, Mrs. Glacier stared at her loving husband. "I truly am excited to see all of these students thrive and bring a new era of good magic into the world." Her golden aura of positivity was what drew most to her and it was the reason why Mrs. Glacier made the best Welcoming Tour Guide in the school. She had a special talent with calming down young witches and making them feel safe and at home at The School of Magic.

Headmaster Glacier smiled up at his wife and nodded his head; forgetting all about the attack for the moment. "You really do have a magical way of turning the worst situations into some of the best." Kissing her hand and standing up from his desk. "I think they will all do a good job and learn what they need to grow their powers and become great witches, fighting for the good of all mankind and every magical creature there is." Or he at least hoped that was what the witches-in-training would use their magic for. The School of Magic could only teach them the basics of how to use their powers, they couldn't force them to use their magic for good and the demons couldn't force them to use their magic for evil. Influencing them was allowed for both sides, but nothing more.

That little safety net of free will is known as The Window of Opportunity. Where a witch has a certain amount of time after discovering their powers to decide either to use them for good, or for evil. Neither side can force a newly empowered witch into doing anything, but enticing and tempting is fair game on both sides. Of course The Evil Beings love this, as they are pros at discovering people's deepest desires and saying that they can fulfill them; or at least lie and say they would fulfill them if they join their side. It would be a long and stressful battle for both sides to get these witches-in-training to pick the side they see as the better side.

"I think it's time we go and make sure everything is ready. I know that the students will be arriving any minute now." Kissing his wife/assistant, Headmaster Glacier walked out of his Study and headed to the Main Hall.

Once there, he was proud to see that everyone had finished the decorations and had placed all of the treats and drinks around the Main Hall. It was going to be a very interesting day and Headmaster Glacier knew that the young witches would not be up for training and talk of demons, right from the beginning. So he decided that having a Welcoming Party would help break the ice; it would also help dissolve any issues with the entire being magically kidnapped part of the ordeal as well.

"Everyone, get ready. I can already feel a few of them in the Realm" Headmaster Glacier had placed a spell around The School of Magic, which allowed him to feel the presence of anyone that broke through the seal of The Magical Realm that the school was located in. It would work for the young witches, since it was his magic that brought them here, but some creatures did find ways to get into the Magical Realm without his knowledge. But that was a problem for another day and time.

"And ... the first person has arrived." Turning around, as a cloud of blue smoke filled an area of the room and a blonde hair male stood there, confused and slightly annoyed. "Hello ... Artist Richardson." Grinning as he stared at the young male. There was something special about this one, Headmaster Glacier could feel it, he just didn't know what it was for now.

This was going to be a time to remember, for both the students and Professors. While excitement and happiness filled the school, there was vengeance and darkness brewing somewhere further down and no one would see it coming, not even The Headmaster.
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artist peter richardson
i never thought i was special ... especially not this special
New York, New York

The School of Magic
Click Me!
Headmaster Glacier, NPCs
Headmaster Glacier, NPCs

Waking up at such an early hour on a Sunday, was not normal for Artist at all. His body apparently had a mind of it's own at this moment. Usually he slept all Sunday; there was no reason for him to be up like this. Six in the damn morning, on the weekend mind you. Trying to fall back to sleep was impossible, so he sat up from his bed with a grunt and a heavy sigh. Artist Richardson lived in his grandmother's upscale home in New York, New York. Even though his bed was the softest thing in the world, he still didn't always like sleeping in such a lavish place. He didn't feel like he deserved such wonderful treatment. Coming from the wonderful lady's spawn of a woman, who never took the time out of her drug infused days to take care of her only child. He could talk about how awful his mother was for years, but he didn't have the time or the energy to go into that.

"Morning ... I guess." Scratching his back and sliding his legs from under his cover. Moving his hair from in front of his face. The blonde locks, looking like a mess of hay on top of his head. Yawning and stretching, his usual start of the day. "It's way too early to be up right now." Even though he didn't have a reason to be up at six in the morning on a Sunday, his grandmother had already left for Church. Finding her note on the nightstand beside his bed. That wasn't the only thing on the nightstand. Spotting an odd looking envelope with even odder writing on said envelope. "What is this all about?"

Picking up the envelope and seeing that it said "From Headmaster Glacier" in gold and silver lettering on the front. "Who is Headmaster Glacier?" Artist figured it was some kind of joke or something stupid from the one friend that he did have in the entire world. Henry. A nerdy guy that would probably do something this lame. Shaking his head, he left the envelope on his nightstand, as he got up to take a shower and get dressed. "I wonder what Henry has up his sleeve now." Grinning as he stepped into his shower and took a nice and long one.

Once his shower was done and he was fully dressed, Artist went back into his room. His eyes went straight to his bed, where the envelope had been opened and the letter was laying, perfectly on his bed. A bright blue letter, with gold and silver writing on it. Looking around his room. "Henry? If that's you ... I will punch you soo hard, if you try to scare me right now." Rolling his eyes, as he flopped down on his bed. "I might as well read this, whatever it is." Shrugging his shoulders and picking up the admittedly nice looking piece of paper.

Quirking his eyebrows at the immaculate handwriting. "Okay, either Henry has been learning Calligraphy behind my back ... or this is some crazy dream." Clearing his throat and giving the letter a few looks over, before he started reading it. "Dear Artist Richardson. This letter has been sent to you for your eyes only, we are all excited to have you join us in this school. Where you will learn more about who you are meant to be and the power that lives inside of you. With our help in all fields of magic, you will learn to grow your magical gift and learn to control it and you will do great things in the future. I can already see how strong of a person you will become; and we will all be here to help you perfect your skills and show you the way magic can help and not harm."

Artist had to hold back from laughing at the letter. Who in their right mind would believe any of this mess? "Alright, this is obviously some elaborate prank. I bet there are cameras planted in my room or something." He spoke out loud, wondering if his grandmother was part of this also. She was a fun grandma, so it wouldn't surprise him if she did have a hand or two in all of this. But as he walked around his room and into his closet, Artist only found his clothes and everything else that belonged to him. No cameras, no Henry and no grandma. Sighing, he sat back down on his bed and continued reading the letter, until he got to the final line. "I have to say THIS three times? And what will happen if I don't? What will happen if I do?" Giving up on the entire questioning everything thing, he decided that if he wanted the prank to end, he would have to obey the rules. "Fine."

Sitting up more and making sure his back was straight and he was in a royal sitting position, Artist smirked a little. "I will allow myself to come to you, this is my destiny. I am one and true. I will allow myself to come to you, this is my destiny. I am one and true." He started feeling a weird tingle going down his back, but ignored it. One more time and then this whole prank would be over. Giving a small laugh, as he got ready to say those two lines; one more time. "I will allow myself to come to you, this is my destiny. I am one ... and true."

It wasn't even a minute after he said those two lines, when Artist noticed blue smoke started rising from the floor of his room. He didn't know what it was, and he couldn't move when it started covering his body. "What! What!" This was a first for Artist, the usually calm and disinterested male was freaking out. As he tried to move his body, the smoke just engulfed him and everything went blue.

What felt like after years, Artist could start to see people in front of him, as the blue smoke started disappearing. Wait ... why was he seeing people in his room? This was a prank!? He didn't think he had left his room and the smoke was just some concoction his nerdy friend came up with. That was until he heard the voice of someone unfamiliar and spotted several unfamiliar faces.

Annoyed but confused at the same time, hearing the male say his name made his spine freeze. "Ummm ... where am I and how the hell do you know my name?!" Looking around the room, Artist spotted what looked like a ... "Is that a freaking unicorn?" Nearly falling down and passing out, he was grabbed by a large man that kept him on his feet. "Hey, stay away from me." Moving back and staring at the tattooed male that just looked like he could knock Artist over with his pinkie finger.

He was told that everything would be explained once the others arrived. "The others? What is going on!?"

Waking up at such an early hour on a Sunday, was not normal for Artist at all. His body apparently had a mind of it's own at this moment. Usually he slept all Sunday; there was no reason for him to be up like this. Six in the damn morning, on the weekend mind you. Trying to fall back to sleep was impossible, so he sat up from his bed with a grunt and a heavy sigh. Artist Richardson lived in his grandmother's upscale home in New York, New York. Even though his bed was the softest thing in the world, he still didn't always like sleeping in such a lavish place. He didn't feel like he deserved such wonderful treatment. Coming from the wonderful lady's spawn of a woman, who never took the time out of her drug infused days to take care of her only child. He could talk about how awful his mother was for years, but he didn't have the time or the energy to go into that.

"Morning ... I guess." Scratching his back and sliding his legs from under his cover. Moving his hair from in front of his face. The blonde locks, looking like a mess of hay on top of his head. Yawning and stretching, his usual start of the day. "It's way too early to be up right now." Even though he didn't have a reason to be up at six in the morning on a Sunday, his grandmother had already left for Church. Finding her note on the nightstand beside his bed. That wasn't the only thing on the nightstand. Spotting an odd looking envelope with even odder writing on said envelope. "What is this all about?"

Picking up the envelope and seeing that it said "From Headmaster Glacier" in gold and silver lettering on the front. "Who is Headmaster Glacier?" Artist figured it was some kind of joke or something stupid from the one friend that he did have in the entire world. Henry. A nerdy guy that would probably do something this lame. Shaking his head, he left the envelope on his nightstand, as he got up to take a shower and get dressed. "I wonder what Henry has up his sleeve now." Grinning as he stepped into his shower and took a nice and long one.

Once his shower was done and he was fully dressed, Artist went back into his room. His eyes went straight to his bed, where the envelope had been opened and the letter was laying, perfectly on his bed. A bright blue letter, with gold and silver writing on it. Looking around his room. "Henry? If that's you ... I will punch you soo hard, if you try to scare me right now." Rolling his eyes, as he flopped down on his bed. "I might as well read this, whatever it is." Shrugging his shoulders and picking up the admittedly nice looking piece of paper.

Quirking his eyebrows at the immaculate handwriting. "Okay, either Henry has been learning Calligraphy behind my back ... or this is some crazy dream." Clearing his throat and giving the letter a few looks over, before he started reading it. "Dear Artist Richardson. This letter has been sent to you for your eyes only, we are all excited to have you join us in this school. Where you will learn more about who you are meant to be and the power that lives inside of you. With our help in all fields of magic, you will learn to grow your magical gift and learn to control it and you will do great things in the future. I can already see how strong of a person you will become; and we will all be here to help you perfect your skills and show you the way magic can help and not harm."

Artist had to hold back from laughing at the letter. Who in their right mind would believe any of this mess? "Alright, this is obviously some elaborate prank. I bet there are cameras planted in my room or something." He spoke out loud, wondering if his grandmother was part of this also. She was a fun grandma, so it wouldn't surprise him if she did have a hand or two in all of this. But as he walked around his room and into his closet, Artist only found his clothes and everything else that belonged to him. No cameras, no Henry and no grandma. Sighing, he sat back down on his bed and continued reading the letter, until he got to the final line. "I have to say THIS three times? And what will happen if I don't? What will happen if I do?" Giving up on the entire questioning everything thing, he decided that if he wanted the prank to end, he would have to obey the rules. "Fine."

Sitting up more and making sure his back was straight and he was in a royal sitting position, Artist smirked a little. "I will allow myself to come to you, this is my destiny. I am one and true. I will allow myself to come to you, this is my destiny. I am one and true." He started feeling a weird tingle going down his back, but ignored it. One more time and then this whole prank would be over. Giving a small laugh, as he got ready to say those two lines; one more time. "I will allow myself to come to you, this is my destiny. I am one ... and true."

It wasn't even a minute after he said those two lines, when Artist noticed blue smoke started rising from the floor of his room. He didn't know what it was, and he couldn't move when it started covering his body. "What! What!" This was a first for Artist, the usually calm and disinterested male was freaking out. As he tried to move his body, the smoke just engulfed him and everything went blue.

What felt like after years, Artist could start to see people in front of him, as the blue smoke started disappearing. Wait ... why was he seeing people in his room? This was a prank!? He didn't think he had left his room and the smoke was just some concoction his nerdy friend came up with. That was until he heard the voice of someone unfamiliar and spotted several unfamiliar faces.

Annoyed but confused at the same time, hearing the male say his name made his spine freeze. "Ummm ... where am I and how the hell do you know my name?!" Looking around the room, Artist spotted what looked like a ... "Is that a freaking unicorn?" Nearly falling down and passing out, he was grabbed by a large man that kept him on his feet. "Hey, stay away from me." Moving back and staring at the tattooed male that just looked like he could knock Artist over with his pinkie finger.

He was told that everything would be explained once the others arrived. "The others? What is going on!?"
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It had been a long night, a very long night and the young German felt it in his body. Alarm going off he turned his head to look at the clock. The blinking red showed three in the morning. Sitting up he felt something next to his feet. Picking it up he didn't pay much attention to it. Grabbing a huge bag of kettle chips he began to slowly eat the bag. Rubbing his eyes after a short time he grabbed the item he picked up earlier.

Turning it over a few times he opened the letter not remembering having one earlier the previous night. Reading the letter he smirked before looking around. Going back to the letter he didn't even get to finish it. Reading out loud the words flowed out from his mouth "I will allow myself to come to you, this is my destiny. I am one and true". Speaking them once he continued on reading. Finishing it he read it a second time, followed by a third. Absorbing the letter he didn't believe it. Yet, events recently were odd. Looking at the letter one last time he centered in on the mantra.

Speaking it out loud three times seemed silly. But, things were rather silly recently either way. Finally getting over himself he did it. The words were read quickly but, they were correct… Perhaps it was this moment that Azarius wasn't sure if he wanted them to have been. World falling away the German was transported, to where he wasn't sure.

Blue smoke evaporating Azarius found himself as he was without and shirt and with only the bag of chips coming with him. Blinking he seemed dumbfounded about everything that just occured. Not one to scream at the abnormal he often found that the strangest things were the most obvious to him. "Well, that was peculiar." He said gathering that he would need to practice his English…

Another burst occurred directly behind him. The sudden burst while startling, quickly panned off. Then, there was a voice. "Hey Bozo." He heard and turned around. While not reacting to the name he reacted to the other human voice. Staring at the woman Azarius began to eat some of the chips. Facial expression unchanging as Katalina lashed out at him, the boy only began to eat the chips once more. "These are mine." He spoke, his accent thick. Finishing the bag he crumpled it up into a very tight ball.

It was then that he realized they they were far from alone. He felt it, eyes on him... that sixth sense. Now, he could see another individual in front of him. Watching his actions Azarius quickly deduced that he was in the same shoes. Why, shouldn't he be freaking out? Normally, but in this situation he felt more or less complacent. "I can hear English. Where am I." Azarius spoke up.



The woman's apartment door shot open as she carried a bag of takeout food in with it. Closing it she turned around to look at her apartment's living room. No one else was home, she loved it, having it all to herself. Grabbing a plate fork and a bunch of napkins the woman quickly made her way into her room and shut the door.

Climbing into her bed she wrapped herself in blanket and turned the TV on. Turning her head to put the TV remote back she saw the letter on her nightstand. It hadn't been there before and no one else had been there. Freezing up she looked around the room but saw nothing. Taking the letter quickly she opened it up without much consideration.

Reading it she slowly stopped feeling anxious. Relaxing she continued to read before putting the letter down. "Sounds like bloody mary… It's a children's story." she mumbled out before repeating the mantra in a child's mocking voice. Upon finishing it everything changed. She was no longer warm with takeout food. This was a problem and the woman was not the most pleased. Perhaps more distressing was the fact that she was no longer at home.

Blue smoke clearing Katalina stood seeing another individual. "Hey, Bozo." Katalina said annoyed more than anything. Her normally kind nature was set aside. She lost her food and worse, she wasn't… where the hell was she. Seeing the guy turn around Katalina's eyes narrowed, he had a bag of chips. "You dare eat in front of me after taking me from my house?" Katalina spoke before the guy crumpled it up. She began to see more than just the other individual next to her. What was going on?
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Phoenix, Arizona to Charmed School of Magic




"INGRID APRIL! Get your ass down here, girl!"

The girl in question snickered at her foster mom's last command. Gloria thought she was in her room, trying to avoid her chores but if she knew where Ingrid really was, she would beat the shit out of her. Because Ingrid was sitting on the roof. And not like one of those useless house balconies that didn't have door to access it, nope! Ingrid was straddling the triangular roof, eyes glued on the sky in anticipation of witnessing the sunrise.

Make no mistake, Ingrid was not a fucking hippie. She didn't worship the sun or do bikram yoga whilst listening to the sounds of nature. She just always liked the thrill of witnessing natural phenomenon in an odd and potential dangerous place. Like on the roof. She'd done this about a thousand times before, sometimes with her youngest foster sibling, Janet, and sometimes with her foster brother, Adam. Her other foster sister, Monroe was terrified of heights so she relied on Ingrid retelling the events in exaggerated fashions. This time though, Ingrid had no company. The social worker had taken Adam to visit his mom at rehab, and Janet was sick with a stomach bug.

"Girl! I swear to our gracious God in high heaven, wan' I get hold o' ya, I'm gonna whip the skin right off ya! I promise!" As her foster mom shrieked from who knows where in the house, the Jamaican accent she tried so hard to push down, began to creep out and that's how Ingrid knew she was really getting pissed. Ingrid sighed in exasperation before scrambling to her feet and started to walk carefully to the edge of the roof that was closest to the ground. She'd forgotten how angry Gloria could get when any of the kids were with their social workers, because she always thought they were bad mouthing her--which they would never do because although Gloria was a raging bitch, she wasn't as bad as the foster parents they had encountered over the years.

"Alright, I'm coming." Ingrid grumbled under her breath as she reached the edge of the roof, but before she could crouch down to climb off, the sun seemed to burst from the horizon, bathing her in it's golden light. Ingrid stopped to shield her eyes, and cocked her head to the side when she saw something poking out from the rain gutter. "Wh...what?" She said to herself as she grasped the object and gently pulled it from the gutter.

It was a letter--a fancy gold and blue one--and it was addressed to her. "Why the fuck is it up here--Oh, that bitch!" Ingrid snarled, her heart thudding in her chest. Only Gloria would do something as shitty as hide her letters in such a seemingly unreachable place. Ingrid had half a mind to go down and cuss her out but she wanted to read the letter first. Maybe...Maybe it was from her parents. She'd never met them and even her social worker didn't know if they were alive or not. So maybe--

All hope of meeting her parents disappeared when she read the first few lines of the letter. Ah, so it was an elaborate scam. Or maybe some college was getting desperate for students and had concocted this fuckery to get people enrolled. "Figures." She snorted, trying to brush off her earlier feelings of sappiness. She was about to crumple it up when she saw the last line about saying the phrase three times. "What is this Bloody Mary?" She scoffed, but what was the harm in saying it?

"I will allow myself to come to you, this is my destiny. I am one and true."

"I will allow myself to come to you, this is my destiny. I am one and true."

"I will allow myself to come to you--

"INGRID APRIL CHAPMAN!!" Gloria screamed, and Ingrid looked down to see that her foster mother had found her, and true to her word, she was holding a switch that looked like it could tear Ingrid's skin off in one swipe.

--this is my destiny. I am one and true." Ingrid finished just to be a petty little shit and leave Gloria waiting longer. She was gonna get the shit beat out of her anyway so why not--"Oh my god!" She yelped, as blue smoke began to swirl around her. Gloria began screaming in terror, along with Ingrid who began backing up rapidly trying to avoid the smoke but it soon engulfed her.

She then found herself in a room, next to three other people who looked as confused as her. "What the hell just happened?" She demanded, and then noticed that she was surrounded by a lot of weird looking people and a...Unicorn? "What...the...fuck." Was all she could say.



She was annoyed, and a headache on top of that did not help. It was also morning, and she had just gotten up from her bed. Lily was not in the mood. Her attitude was often like it. It was increased and she did not know why. Feeling something she wasn't suppose tot or otherwise.

It was bareable, but it was still annoying. In a pouting mood, she was shuffling through her closet, to find and choose the right type of clothes for the day. There was a lot going on in her mind, and the most important thing was her future. Soon she wouldn't be a teenager anymore - after all - she was one year away from being a young adult, or twenty.

To her, age was nothing but a number, but to the society, she would be considered a young adult, but not old enough to drink. However, there were always a way around the latter. Lily lived in a house with her single mother. Her father was not in the picture, and one she hardly knew about. Her mother always did like to avoid this particular subject.

Walking down in her pajamas, she was the only one in the house. Her mother had left for work. It wasn't surprising for Lily. What she needed to do now, was to have some breakfast. Checking the refrigerator, nothing looked appealing to her. Perhaps coffee in the morning would suffice for now.

"Nothing easy to eat.." She mumbled to herself, before she ran her fingers through her dark blonde hair. On her way back to the second floor, there was a mirror on the wall. A quick glance, and she stopped in her tracks. "I.. I need to freshen up.." Yes, she was a mess.

Before she actually left for the second floor, the bell for their door rang. Catching her attention, she turned around. "Who is it?" She raised her voice, asking, before she walked towards the door. Before she could get there, an envelope was pushed in from the bottom of the door.

Curious, she gave it a short glance, before she opened up the door. The sun was bright as ever in New Orleans, and Lily instinctively placed her hand above her eyes to keep her eyes from the sunlight. "Weird.." Looking around, no one was there. Closing the door, she picked up the envelope on the floor.

It was a pretty letter, and it had her name on it. "Have they forgotten we have a mailbox?" A rhetoric question escaped her lips. Lily was curious, but not to the extent of reading it right away. Placing it on the table in their living room, she returned to the task at hand. It was time to freshen up and get ready for the day.

"Gahhh.." She sighed.. "I need to get ready." Lily was definetely not a morning person, and there was a good reason behind it. Up the stairs, and in her room, she picked up her clothes, and a towel, before she jumped in the shower. It did not take long for her to finish up. Back in her room, she got herself ready.

In a much better mood now, she turned on the music. Listening to 'A Different Way' by DJ Snake and Lauv. Taking her time to fix her hair and so on, she finally took a seat on her bed. Looking at her phone, shuffling through her contacts. Later that day, she was going to meet her friends. Dylan, Hayden and Rosetta. They were her click and she was looking forward to it.

Placing her phone down on the bedside table, she couldn't help but notice that sparkling envelope next to her phone. Confused and curious, she was wondering how it got up there. "Did I bring it with me?" Pondering at the situation before her, maybe she did. Turning off the music, she walked up to the door, before opening it up ever so slightly.

"MOM!.. Are you back?" Lily asked, but there was no response. "I guess not.. Maybe she came and left?" Not giving it much thought, she returned to the envelope and opened it up. It was not only shiny, but the handwriting was beautiful. The contents of the letter felt like something from a fairy tale, or something someone would do to pull a prank. It was definetely not her birthday, nor was it just around the corner.

It also mentioned a school, but Lily hadn't signed up for anything. Was it her mom? Was this just a mistake? She kept on reading it, and one line struck out to her. Something she had to read three times. Curious, she decided to get down to the living room where her laptop was. Looking this up or at least the name Headmaster Glacier would perhaps give her a clue.

While she was on her way down, on the stairs, she read the contents of the letter to a T. Reading that particular line three times just for the hell of it. Blue smoke appeared before her, going around her in circles. Confused and very much out of it, she fumbled on the stairs.

Ready to fall down onto the stairs, she knew it was going to hurt. Closing her eyes ever so tightly, she slowly opened them up after a few seconds. The fall didn't do much damage, or so she assumed. The floor was different. The area around her was different. She was in a room with people who were nothing but strangers in her eyes. Lily still held the letter in her hand, but she was definetely not in her house no more.

"Wait.. Am I dead?" She whispered to herself. Was she in heaven? Did she it her head too hard and is now seeing things? Standing up, she regained her composure. Sighing, she tried to register what was happening before her. "Okay okay.."

"Where am I?.." She looked around, before she gazed at a figure standing before her. A man, and someone who seemed like they knew what was going on. "Wait you.." Lily pointed at him with the letter. "Who are you!?"
Location | New Orleans > The School of Magic
Power | Empathy
Outfit | Click Me
Mentioned | None
Interactions | None
Mentioned: Students at the magic school
Interactions: Diane, Aunt Patricia (NPCs)
Outfit: HERE
Location: Magic School
▪ "One and true..."

Thunderous pounding of the front door had come in the middle of the night. Malia could not believe that dawn had not broke, but yet someone was still knocking at the door. It was annoying. Getting up, Malia rubbed her eyes as she walked to the hallway from the guest room. Looking down the dark hallway, Malia had saw her aunt in her robe. Even she hadn't a clue as to why someone would be knocking at the door. Entering her room once more, Malia dressed herself and then slowly followed after her aunt. Malia wanted to investigate who had come knocking so early. To her surprise, it was her adoptive parents.

Before a question could form on her lips, her adoptive mother had stormed in demanding that Malia gather her things. Apparently, someone had told her that Malia's aunt practices dark magic, which was a lie. Her adoptive mother, being the good Christian Saint, couldn't have her daughter staying with someone worshiping evil.

"I do no such thing, Diane." Aunt Patricia had spoken. Her arms crossed over her chest. This was not pleasant for Malia's adoptive mother to be throwing wrongful insults her way.

Looking at her adoptive mother, Malia just shook her head. She knew her aunt and these allegations were not right. Patricia was a loving healer, but that was beside the point. Malia wasn't returning home. Nothing there pleased her. Being beat for not being apart of the Lord's gracious flock was not ideal. Malia hated her adoptive mother and father, whom only adopted her because they thought it was their godly duty. She wished that her aunt had been ready to take Malia in when she was younger, not years later. Though Malia did not resent her for that, she had only just turned eighteen when her brother and his wife died.

"Malia... get you things NOW!" Diane's tone was strict and harsh.

Blinking back angry tears, Malia said, "No." That look on Diane's face was nothing short of furious. A second later, Malia received the hardest hit of her life. Holding her cheek, Malia ran off. Up the stairs and to her room. She could hear the screams of her aunt and adoptive mother as they battled back and forth. Tears streamed down Malia's eyes as she quickly began to throw clothes into a suitcase. As she did she noticed a gold and blue envelope, her name on it. "What the..." She said, wiping the tears away.

Feeling the envelope in her hand, Malia felt as if it was special. Tearing open the delicate packaging, Malia pulled out the letter and read it. Magic School? Was there even a magic school to begin with? Nothing in the conversations that she had with her aunt pointed to there being a school. Still, she felt obligated to following directions.

Standing up and walking to the middle of her room, Malia inhaled before chanting, "I will allow myself...this is my destiny...I am one and true?" Okay this was weird. This chant felt unusual, but she stated the chant again and again until finally the room blurred with smoke and spun around her. Strangly, Malia noticed that the objects in the room were changing and people had began to appear. Not before long, Malia was standing in a room with strangers. "Holy shit..." Malia whispered to herself as she looked around her. This was one special trip.
► ⊸
Tell Me You Love Me - Demi Lovato
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[fieldbox="The Gypsy, pink, solid"]The walk to the store felt eerie and awkward, she held onto the hijab tightly as she could feel the hardened stares upon her. She sometimes wondered if life would be better without it, but it was part of her identity...her culture...her everything. She can't just get rid of it like most of the White Americans try to say. Abira tried not to cry, but not because of the stares. It was what her mother said.

'Honey...we got some great news. After talking with the other Romani's, we were able to arrange a special ceremony for you and your future husband! He's coming over tomorrow to say hello to you! Please be on your best behavior when you get back from the store.'

"...Is it really happening?" She mumbled, her hand clutched to her chest as she got everything she needed and went to the counter. She honestly wasn't paying attention to everything; she was more focused on the possible guy she was meeting? Was he nice? Handsome? Kind? Intelligent? But most importantly, was this something she wanted? To never know about falling in love? She grabbed her things after paying and walked back home.

As she was returning from the shop, she saw the many kids running around playing amongst themselves. She could feel her heart grew heavy. She did imagine herself with a family and kids...but, did she really want to do that now? Does the arranged marriage even appeal to her? She ran back to the trailer to go to her bedroom. She laid on the bed, sobbing, for the first time. She didn't want to end up like this! Abira held onto the pillow tightly, curling into a ball as she allowed the tears to stream down her cheeks.

After some time, she sat up, wiping her eyes as she noticed something unfamiliar on the nightstand. She saw a letter along with a post-it note from her Mom 'Someone came saying it was for you. Let me know the contents once you're done.' Abira sighed as she opened the letter. She read through it, a little confused as to why she was given this. Even though she would've believed it was probably something from a fairytale, she seemed rather obedient to the letter. "I will allow myself to come to you, this is my destiny. I am one and true." She whimpered, "I will allow myself to come to you, this is my destiny. I am one and true." She said a bit louder, "I will allow myself to come to you, this is my destiny. I am one and true." She spoke one more time before laying back down on the bed, and closing her eyes. A nap was greatly needed...in order to think. She took note that she needed to let Mom know...but it would never happen.

She could feel her senses finally coming back to her. The normal sounds of clucking chickens and baa-ing of goats were replaced with exclamations. The exclamations of confused and impatient people. Her eyes opened up, her body twitched once woken up. her stomach rested on the cold floor, and her head faced what seemed to be may people and a bright-colored horse. She sat up on her knees, but before she could do or say anything, a form of smoke formed beside her, extinguishing in seconds to reveal the next person. She remained silent, unsure what she should do.[/fieldbox]

[fieldbox="The Whitelighter/Witch, green, solid"]The pounding of buttons and horror music was the only thing heard from the living room. Juan decided to play Fatal Frame II, after watching Markiplier's playthrough of it. Mingan didn't know why he wanted to watch it, probably to see Juan scream like a little baby and run to his K-Pop. Yeah...probably. But either way, he was watching it since he had nothing better to do until his parents got home from Costco.

The clang of the letterbox from the door caused Mingan to stop, and turn his head. He leaned back to eye the foyer to see many letters on the ground. He sighed before getting up, and meander to the fallen letters. Picking them up one by one, he went through them to see if they were worth opening. Few worthless junk mails, and bills for his parents, he only found one letter that was addressed to him. Fingers tore the opening to take out a letter. Mingan groaned, "Really with this shit?" He groaned, returning back to the couch. Juan paused the game, "What?"

"Just a stupid prank." Mingan tossed the letter on the coffee table. "It's whatever." He reclined his back on the couch, trying to relax.

Juan, always the curious one, picked up the letter and took a look. "Dear Mingan Adelgunde. This letter has been sent to you for your eyes only-"

"Heh, too late." Mingan took the game controller and played for Juan. He wanted to see how horrifying the game could be.

Juan ignored his comment, "-We are all excited to have you join us in this school. Where you will learn more about who you are meant to be and the power that lives inside of you-" Mingan grunted, "-With our help in all fields of magic, you will learn to grow your magical gift and learn to control it." Mingan continued pressing the buttons on the controller, he already can tell the letter was full of baloney. And how the game's lip syncing was full of baloney too, god it was distracting. "I can already see how strong of a person you will become; we will all be here to help you perfect your skills and show you the way magic can help and not harm."

"What a load of crap."

Juan narrowed his eyes, "Hmm...weird. It says there is something you have to say three times."

"Are we really going to indulge in the bullshit?"

"Well, what's the harm?"

"The harm is the time we'll be wasting on that things."

Mingan continued exploring through the environment of Fatal Frame II, while Juan decided he'll have a go. "I will allow myself to come to you, this is my destiny. I am one and true."


"I will allow myself to come to you, this is my destiny. I am one and true."

"Juan." Mingan spoke harshly, "It's just a prank letter, there's probably a small camera in there and we'll post us on Youtube how stupid we are."

"I don't see a camera." Juan tilted the paper at many angles. "So...it can't be that." He continued looking at the letter before he shoved it in front of Mingan as he was battling ghosts. "Hey!"

"Just do it! You never were any fun."

"I'm eighteen Juan." Mingan rolled his eyes, "I am done with teenage pranks." He paused the game and drops it next to him. "Fine, I'll do it if you leave it!" Mingan grabs the letter and glared at it. "I will allow myself to come to you, this is my destiny. I am one and true. I will allow myself to come to you, this is my destiny. I am one and true. I will allow myself to come to you, this is my destiny. I am one and true." Mingan drops it back at the coffee table, crossing his arms. "Sometimes I wonder why we're friends."

"Because only I would force you to do things for memory's sake." Juan chuckled, finding Mingan's stubbornness and unimaginative demeanor to be adorable. "Now-" He then started to notice his friend's eyes widening and shaking. "Uuuuh...dude." Mingan meeked, "I can't move."


"I can't move!" Mingan exclaimed, he felt his body going numb and his vision getting blurry. He couldn't even see Juan in front of him trying to get him up. "Calm down, maybe it was because of the sitting-!" Juan responded, until something formed around his friend's body, throwing Juan backward, hitting the wall. Mingan's hearing was slowly failing, only being able to see Juan trying to get up before everything went black.

Once the smoke vanished from him, he blinked. His senses and his body had numbed for a few seconds before operating as usual. While many were yelling and some older man in front of him, Mingan moved his hands to rub his face; finally able to move. Afterward, he could only say one thing: "I've been drugged." He emitted, his eyes narrowing at the surroundings. "Imma kill that bastard." He growled, imagining the many ways he will make Juan suffer for his persistence to read the letter. While the others were arguing, Mingan was already focused on where he was. A frown formed on his lips as his head turned to examine the surroundings. He couldn't tell where exactly he was, and he, unfortunately, didn't have his phone with him. With that, he walked all around trying to find his way out. He wasn't going to wait for questions to be answered.[/fieldbox]


I curse you
You curse me
Let's get together
and do a little cursing.
"As a child, I'd run around casting imaginary spells and slaying invisible dragons, for me back then; this would be a dream come true. However, now it's close to a nightmare that I
cannot wake up from."
[font=Slabo 27px;]It had been a week since William had gotten the letter. A prank more than likely, something about a magical school, powers and some more nonsense. The photography student already had a study he was going for, and quite frankly, the letter seemed something straight out of J.K. Rowling novel, just very badly written in comparison. It had gone where it belonged, the trash can. While the thoughts of magic wasn't out of the world, unfortunately, William had no intentions of going to an unknown school filled with what he was trying his best to avoid. Why learn something he didn't even plan on using? No, the only thing he needed to learn was the perfect angle and lighting for the perfect photo.

William was wandering around Castro Valley, more on the outskirts of the city, while having his camera strapped around his neck. Chocolate brown eyes scouted the landscape, took in the trees and the view of the town from where he had ended up. It was beautiful. A shame that most didn't get this far to enjoy it, but that was why he had his camera. Eyes were the best camera of all time, but this would have to do for those that couldn't or wouldn't want to go as far.

"Come on. . . I can't work with this angle," William murmured to himself as he picked up the expensive camera and placed it in front of his eye. "If only I could like shift the world a couple of inches to the left," he chuckled to himself before taking the picture and looking at it. An approving nod gave away his satisfaction, so it was about time to head back home. William had been doing this since sunrise, so a little bit of rest before he began editing it all together, was in order. The camera was tucked back into its small bag before William carried the expensive piece of equipment back into town.

Castro Valley wasn't a huge town, especially not when compared to New York or Los Angeles, but he liked it nonetheless. It was homey, small and somewhat natural. A thirty-minute walk to get away from society was far better than a two-hour drive just to breathe in non-polluted air. The photography student dropped by a local café to fill his belly a little bit, before heading back to his lonely apartment building.It was far from anything to brag about, but for a student's budget, it was plenty of good. The roof was still standing, despite the holes but William had been fortunate to get an apartment without any, the floor hadn't collapsed under his feet, and the thin walls were only a problem when his neighbors were "having fun" though they were easily blocked out by his sound reduction headphones. An excellent investment.

"I should probably take a shower before taking that nap and working on the edits," William said to himself as he stretched up in the air, making the sleeves of his white shirt roll up to his elbows before dropping back down along with his arms. Fingers dug into his pocket in the search for keys, unlocking the creaking door before stepping inside. Despite it, somewhat, rougher build the insides of the apartments were a bit nicer. It was simple, a very short entranceway with a small closet and area for shoes. The living room and kitchen were open and made up for most of the space, and just a little bit ahead was a door to the left and a door to the right. The first being the bathroom, the second being the bedroom. Glass covered the walls towards the city, though the curtains were keeping the light outside, so the single lamp in the roof had to do the job of lighting up the entire space by itself.

The living room had a laptop and several notebooks and scattered torn out pages around it, with an empty mug dangerously closed to the electronic equipment. On the far wall, the one leading into the living room and kitchen were cameras laid out and organized, undoubtedly the most expensive things in the entire apartment.

William made his way towards where the rest of the cameras were to put down the camera he had used, though just as he the bag had hit the top of the cabinet a looming shadow caught his attention. Startled, the student quickly turned around to find two insanely tall men standing, staring at him with empty eyes. They weren't tall as a 6'0 tall, but even taller than that. They were almost like the carnival artists with stilts for legs, hiding the wooden poles in a pair of gigantic pants. Questions were flooding into William's head, but the hand that reached out for him froze the wave and instantly turned it into adrenaline instead. Quickly, William ducked underneath the reaching hand and ran to the other side of the room. For a moment, he had thought that it was all just a part of his imagination and that he was overworked, but that hope was thrown out the window when the two strangers turned around and looked at him, once more, with those soulless eyes.

"What do you want?!" William asked as he stepped backward with each step they took forwards, hand reaching for something, anything, he could use to defend himself against the intruders. They didn't answer. Instead, they just kept approaching him, slowly. "Back off! I mean it!" William shouted, but it was as if it fell on deaf ears. Was it that they didn't speak English, or that his words didn't matter to them? Fingers, finally, curled around a mug that had been standing by the sink. He didn't waste a moment tossing it at the strangers, but the impact was what caught all of his attention, or rather, the lack of one. The mug disappeared with a flash of light as if it was just sucked up into some vortex.

Wide brown eyes caught the hand reaching out to him again, once more, dodging it before sprinting to his bedroom and closing the door. He used his body to block it, panting hard as his heart hammered in his chest. His lungs were struggling to catch air, asthma not helping them at all. What in the world, did just happen? What happened to the mug? Why were they here? What did they want? Why him? Questions had the time storm into his brain again, now that the situation had calmed down a little bit, but William needed to think of a way to get away more than he wanted to ask more questions that wouldn't have answers. William grabbed his desk's chair and propped it underneath the handle. If those lanky bones of, hopefully, human beings were anything to go by, then he hoped that their tall and slender build meant they didn't have muscles. There were no guarantees for it, but it was a gamble he had to take.

Eyes searched for an escape route out, that wasn't the blocked off the door, and he could only find his window. However, he didn't even manage to take a step towards it before two arms had suddenly hooked themselves underneath his arms, forcing them backward. "Let go of me! Let go!" William demanded, but it didn't do more for him than his words had before. "Get your hands off me! Let go of me-!" He didn't get much further before the tall stranger that held him threw him forward and toward the other. Well, he'd get one answer at the very least. Whatever happened to his glass, wherever it ended up, he was going there too. With an incredible forceful shove, William was tossed forward and soon enough wrapped and blinded by the same light from before. Despite being thrown at someone, there was a lack of immediate impact.

It felt more like he was falling off a cliff, because of how long it was, rather than merely being pushed into someone else. His feet finally found solid ground, though the momentum of the previous toss continued and the photography student stumbled onto the ground, hands barely cushioning his fall, though it didn't feel like it. Glasses went flying off the bridge of his nose, thankfully, before William had any chance of recollecting himself. It didn't help that his vision was blurry from his glasses have gone missing in actions.

"Where am I? What happened?" [/font]
[font=Slabo 27px;]Location: Apartment → School gates[/font]
[font=Slabo 27px;]Interactions: No one[/font]
[font=Slabo 27px;]Mentions: No one[/font]
[font=Slabo 27px;]Tagged: No one[/font]



× H O L L I S / M O N R O E / H A L S T E A D /

▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ . ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ . ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ . ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ . ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀

xxxBlinking the traces of shut-eye from her droopy lids, Hollis bounds down the oaken steps of the farmhouse's grand staircase, easing herself back to reality. Both parents were scuttling about the living space, bickering about a certain billy goat that was being uncooperative in his pen. Hollis found it rather peculiar, as most members of the farm's goat population were considered tame. Feuds were uncommon in the Halstead Household, & were very quickly settled in most cases. Dragging herself into the kitchen, Hollis rubbed her eyes as they adjusted to the vividness of the kitchen.

xxx"Harold, for the last time, we should invest in better fencing. Lord knows when that crazy goat'll hatch a grand escape plan." The woman in her late-thirties grumbled as she paced back into the kitchen. Hollis' senses were promptly assaulted by the mingling of buttermilk, eggs, bacon, & honey syrup, provoking a lighthearted sigh from the brunette. "Morning, Ma; morning, pa." Hollis chimed in, stretching her sore arms. Seating herself, she stabbed at a pork sausage, its grease dripping down her fingers. Hollis adored breakfast — it never failed to get everyone in high spirits in preparation for the day.

xxHer father exhaled a breath lingering of black coffee and french toast. "G'Morning sweetheart," As he planted a kiss on Hollis' forehead and he straightened his ivory tie, the man remarked, "There's something for ya' from the mail— found it lying on the floor this mornin', peculiar lil' thing." He extended a thumb towards the pristine envelope, laced in bits of gold and silver, that laid flat on the oaken dresser on its own. With a peck on his wife's cheek, Hollis' father made for the front door, disappearing into the garage. Hollis raised her eyebrows, taking a bite of her strawberry shortcake; what ever could it be?

xxxIt was quite an oddity — Hollis never received any sort of post. Moreover, the envelope was rather formal in appearance. Piling the dishes into the dishwasher, she chewed on her bottom lip. "I'm headin' upstairs to shower, I'll be down in fifteen," Hollis swiped the letter from the dresser, bounding up the stairs and throwing it onto her four-poster. A soft bark came from the corner of the room, causing Hollis' ears to perk up. Wynona — a red merle border collie — playfully pounced into her arms, almost toppling the brunette over. "Wynona, peach, Mommy's gotta do something." Hollis laughed.
xxxHollis, picking through the shirts that hung from her wardrobe, glanced at the letter, a twinge of anxiety prickling at her chest. She stared at it, before lunging at the envelope and shredding it open. Wynona jumped, howling disapprovingly at the suddenness. Whispering an apology to the border collie, she unfolded the paper roughly. Hollis held her breath. The contents of the letter spoke of a magic school, and she was almost certain that this was an obscene joke of some sort. She gnawed at the skin of her thumb nervously, her eyes scanning the phrase at the end of the piece of paper.

xxx"I will allow myself to come to you, this is my destiny. I am one and true."

xxxShe felt a gentle, warm glow flow through her limbs, stemming from her stomach. Hollis rubbed her forearm, continuing to recite the words firmly. "I will allow myself to come to you, this is my destiny. I am one and true." Hoping this was a mere silly instinct of hers, she finished, "I will allow myself to come to you, this is my destiny. I am one and true!" Whispers of smoke had begun to form beneath her, billowing around her and blinding her. After the initial shock, Hollis clutched the rosary that dangled from her neck, repeating a silent prayer with tightly shut eyes. Dying young was not on her to-do list.

xxxAs her eyelids fluttered open, she was instantly pummelled by her new surroundings she had been whisked away to. "Where in God's name am I?" The words were instinctive as her eyes darted around the unfamiliar territory, taking in the other supposed victims of the cursed envelope. Hollis' eyes were drawn to a man that stood unfazed among the crowd. She furrowed her eyebrows. "Excuse me, sir!" She called out. "May I know what's going on? Is it possible to pull out of this program?"
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||Francancisco -> Charmed School of Magic|| OUTFIT || Tagged - ||

Victoria bought herself sunglasses. They were round, dark, stylish, and went well with the smile that spread across her face as she practically skipped down the street with grocery bags in her hands. She had bought herself something with her hard earned money.

Something so simple might have seemed trivial to anybody else but not to her, it was a big deal. It truly was. Her aunt and uncle practically slaved her away in their crappy dry cleaners shop without pay then slaved her around at the house too. It wasn't as if they gave her anything good either, she shared a crowded room with her cousins who were obviously given better treatment.

Though, she could understand why. Her cousins were their actual children while she was just some kid that her aunt's sister shoved onto them. Still, the way they treated her, and sometimes even their own children, was wrong.

Victoria had been given the task of buying groceries. She did. There was leftover money, money she knew they wouldn't miss. So, she bought the sunglasses, the accessory she had wanted since she had seen through the shop window a week ago.

When she entered the house through the back door, she quickly hid the sunglasses in her jean pocket and put the groceries away quietly. She liked to be unheard and unseen, it was better for her to blend into the background and be a ghost. That way she wouldn't have to deal with her guardians or cousins.

It was a good day. The house was quiet, her aunt was probably out, her uncle working. He worked seven days a week, which was probably why he was so cranky all the time. Her mean cousins were nowhere to be seen.

The smile on her face grew as she headed up the stairs, though, she stopped mid-step. standing at the top was her second eldest cousin, Peter. He was one of the biggest bullies she had ever met. No doubt, when he saw the smile that was on her face, though it fell quickly, he knew something was up.

"What did you do?" He raised an eyebrow, slowly descending the steps to approach her.

Victoria swallowed, "n - n - nothing." She stuttered, she always had that problem so it shouldn't have been suspicious in the least.

He glared lasers at her as he looked her up and down. Of course, his eyes stopped on her bulging pocket. He was faster than she was and pulled her sunglasses from her pocket. "Where'd you get these?"

"I - I - I -I -" there was no excuse great enough that would stop him from snitching. He wasn't hearing it.

"MAMA!" He called, overjoyed to get her into trouble. She was doomed. Her aunt would make her work until her hands bled if she found out or worse, tell her uncle. He would slap the shit out of her or most likely worse. Because how dare she spend their money on her own desires?

Victoria snatched the glasses and shoved passed him as she ran up the stairs as fast as her legs could carry her. She ran straight into her room and locked the door behind herself. Huffing, she started looking for a place to hide the evidence.

There was no hiding her glasses or even herself. It was ridiculous to even think she could. In defeat, she sat at her cousin Cecilia's study desk and buried her face in her arms. Why had she bought the stupid things in the first place? Why did she think no one would find out? Why?

The brunette only lifted her head when she heard the sound of her aunt calling her name angrily. She really was doomed. She wished that she could be somewhere else. Somewhere her family could never find her. Not even her mother who was taking too long to come back for her.

Just when she thought to get up and open the door, which her aunt was now banging her fist against, she lifted her head and saw the letter. It looked to fancy to be Cecilia's. Despite her aunt's violent voice yelling outside the room, she picked it up and flipped it over before opening it.

"Magic?" she coughed, surprised at herself for not stuttering a single line. Blinking her eyes, she closed her eyes. She could have laughed or cried or both.

Her breath was shaky, but she would try it, imagine it. It wasn't real, Victoria knew that but she would rather be anywhere but here. If even for a moment of make-believe. "I will allow myself to come to you, this is my destiny. I am one and true..." When she tried hard she could stop stuttering. "I will allow myself to come to you, this is my destiny. I am one and true..."

One more time. "I will allow myself to come to you, this is my destiny. I am one and true..." After opening her eyes, she froze when seeing the blue smoke surround her. "W - what -" It wasn't possible for her to finish that sentence.

Then, she was in a room with others who she had never met before.

"Gǎo shénme guǐ," (what the hell). In that moment she forgot English, but she didn't stutter.

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× J A I M E / A L I S T A R / K E R R /
MENTION(S); N/A. xxx
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xxxIT WAS RITUALISTIC FOR JAMIE TO RISE AROUND FOUR IN THE MORNING ever since he was in elementary school. He would tidy his bedroom, bring the remnants of last night's supper downstairs to meet with the sink, and, despite being drowsy, go for a run. Perspiration running down his forehead, mixed with the scent of morning dew; it was invigorating to feel so alive at break of dawn. It was a practice he adopted from his grandfather. He would continually chide the boy, "Why rise late and waste daylight, when you can rise early and save it?" His head bobbed to the sound of his Galaxy Note, eyes straight ahead and focused down the streets of New York.

xxxAs he rounded a corner, he was submerged into a bustling boulevard where his grandparents' quaint apartment stood unobtrusively. Nestled between a pharmacy and a butchery, this was the abode of Jaime Alistar Kerr for as long as he could remember. The fuzzy memories of toddler-hood that resurface periodically were of him in the apartment on Apostle Boulevard, toothily grinning at his grandparents as they engaged in hide-and-seek, or of him flinging warm applesauce at grandmother. He chuckled to himself as he jogged past the butchery — after picking up a parcel bacon. Jaime caught whiffs of the red meat as it was handed to him, savouring the aroma.

xxxEmptying the Kerrs' mailbox of the day's mail, a quick glance ensured that Jaime need not open any, for none of them were in his name. The occasional letter concerning the percussionists' workshop he attended weekly, or a package from his mother were the sole items that occupied the metal container every now and then. He wiped the sweat off his forehead with a quick motion, blinking. The miniature cymbals that hung from his key ring jingled as he fumbled for his keys. The cat that lingered about the stairwell began to mewl, startling Jaime. "Easy, Bonito, easy." He mumbled, flinging the door open.

xxx"Jaime! Perfect timing — could you take the soup off the stove? I'm at the back cleaning up." His grandmother called while he fiddled with the laces of his shoes. Jaime let out a low grunt of acknowledgement, clambering into the kitchen and doing as wished. He might as well refilled his water bottle as he was close to the dispenser. Plopping a fresh slice of citrus, he rested the plastic canister on the counter. Jaime rapped the soup spoon against the stove to the sound of the leaky pipes that hugged the kitchen walls. Drip! Drop! Drip! Drop! He closed his eyes, ingraining the simple melody into the back of his brain.

xxx"Jaime! I found a little envelope, help me look it, will you? I left my reading glasses at Shelby's again!"

xxx"Got it!" He yelled in reply, flinching at his sweet grandmother's squeaky pitch. The little envelope that was mentioned was unfamiliar, that was what registered in Jaime's mind as it was transferred to his firm grip. "It doesn't look very old — must have been misplaced," Uttering to himself, he ripped the envelope open, reading the text under his breath to the rhythm of his favourite tune. "I will allow myself to come to you, this is my destiny. I am one and true ..." Jaime sang casually, throwing himself onto the love-seat in the living room. As the young adult peeled off his socks, it felt as though all circulation had returned to his feet.

xxx"I will allow myself to come to you, this is my destiny. I am one and true ..."

xxxMaybe it was due to leaving the air-conditioning off, or perhaps his lessened water consumption, but — Jamie felt awfully balmy. It was as though the Sun had advanced a tad bit closer to the Earth. It was more external than it was internal. He eyed the letter curiously, figuring that it was correlated to the piece of processed wood in his hands. Was the letter rigged to explode after a fixed duration? Beads of sweat began to gather at his palms as Jaime swallowed, determined to finish the third phrase."I will allow myself to come to you, this is my destiny. I am one and true." Jaime breathed with a final puff.

xxxFor a good deal, nothing ensued. He was laying on the comfortable, plush surface of the love-seat, chuckling at himself for assuming something so foolish. And then soft tendrils of blue began to curl around his feet, causing Jaime to succumb to a state of shock. The eighteen-year-old casually attempted to hop off the love-seat, but to no avail. His eyes widened as he sensed his limbs stiffen, as though they were frozen in place. Jaime struggled to unhinge his jaw to screech for assistance, but his throat was dry to the bone. Before his very eyes, he was transported to an alternate dimension.

xxxHe blinked — as he was considered rather a giant among the others that roamed amidst him, he didn't have any trouble navigating his way away from it. Jaime scrunched his nose as he caught a few shreds of alien language to his left. A tiny Asian girl stood her ground, appearing quite perplexed as he was. "What was that?" He aimed at the female, squinting his eyes. "I have no idea where we are, but I don't like it at all." Mumbling, he rubbed his temples irritably. He found her rather endearing, and her porcelain skin rendered him mildly speechless.

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