Celsius Academy

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[BCOLOR=transparent]In ancient times, the gods of ignis (fire), lacus (water), aer (air), and terra (earth) created a planet made to form life. When the planet was under attack, they chose certain humans to give powers over the elements. The leaders of the army against dark outside forces was a man with fire power and a human wife. They had five kids, a boy named Pace Celsius and their quadruplets, Ornetta, Rea, Aurea, and Mena Celsius. When one day his parents were needed for a serious battle against an unknown enemy he was asked to keep them safe, as well as himself. His parents didn't return from that battle.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]As they grew older he became his younger sisters' caregiver. He soon discovered he retained his mother's human qualities while his sisters very quickly started to show their powers, one from each element. Pace trained the girls with their powers. After the sad day when their brother died many years later, they went out in search of a purpose.They found a village of families and kids like them. In memory of how their brother raised and helped them with their powers they opened a school named Celsius Academy where they could pass his kindness down to the generations to come.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Years passed and soon the magic world was plunged into chaos. A group of elemental's that called themselves 'Tenebris', banded together to try and force the world to bow to them. This group became feared, but there was one person they couldn't scare. The Headmistress of Celsius Academy, McMurry Hughes. While students attended the school members of Tenebris would try and sway graduating students to join them. Thankfully for the students, a special barrier was placed around the school to prevent any Tenebris members from entering. The only catch was the Headmistress couldn't leave school grounds, if she were to leave the barrier would fall and anyone could enter the school.[/BCOLOR]
About the Headmistress

[BCOLOR=transparent]Even through all of this McMurry has named herself neutral, never joining either side no matter what they say. Both sides did want her to join them as she is the only known descendant of one of the school's founders and said to be very powerful. While that is true McMurry has no intention of joining either side of the war and wants nothing to do with it. She finds it idiotic that other people want the world to bow to them. They had lived in peace for quite some time and wanted it to go back to that.[/BCOLOR]

This is a bit of a reboot of an old rp that me and my friends wanted to try again. If you have any questions let me know. ^^​
The backstory is interesting but what's going to happen in the RP itself?
The backstory is interesting but what's going to happen in the RP itself?
I have a set plot in mind that has to do with the war. Looking at I realize it's kinda like harry potter but, still different. During the rp I'll randomly pm people about plot and I'll be letting people know through the ooc thread about plot progression. Mostly it will be like a normal school with clubs and sports but, there will be little pushes toward the plot. I sincerely hope that made any sense.
I sincerely hope that made any sense.
Enough sense for now, thanks. Do you have a planned character sheet yet, or do we submit our own? Can we play people from Tenebris? Are there any limits to abilities? Within the academy faction can we play only students or faculty too? What's the age minimum/maximum?

Given that it's a school how do you plan to manage classes? Or will the RP mostly be centered on what happens after? What's the rest of the world like at this?
Enough sense for now, thanks. Do you have a planned character sheet yet, or do we submit our own? Can we play people from Tenebris? Are there any limits to abilities? Within the academy faction can we play only students or faculty too? What's the age minimum/maximum?

Given that it's a school how do you plan to manage classes? Or will the RP mostly be centered on what happens after? What's the rest of the world like at this?
1.) I have a set character sheet so don't worry.
2.) Yes but, they will be disguised as either a student or teacher, if this is a plan you'll need to pm me to talk about it when the sign up are up.
3.) There is no character limit but, keep you need to manage all of them.
3.) You can play either student or faculty but, there is limited faculty.
4.) the youngest are 14 and the oldest are 18 for students, teachers can be how ever old.
5.) It will mostly be centered around after classes and in between but, there will be in class stuff.
6.) The world is still a work in progress but, it's set in Georgia, United States. In different parts of the world there are battles but, the Tenebris are mostly hiding and attacking in the night.

Hope this answers your questions.
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A spot as a teacher would be great. Are we limited so a single type of element or is it more say a philosophy. Defensive magics, etc.
A spot as a teacher would be great. Are we limited so a single type of element or is it more say a philosophy. Defensive magics, etc
You are limited to one type of element which will be listed in the info thread I'm making.
Can I reserve water/gym teacher?
Yes but, please wait till the sign up thread is ready to reserve any more characters or make your character. I have a set character sheet and a set list of elements.
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That was the only concept I had jumping around in my mind.
The info thread should be up either today or tomorrow.
SCREAMS time for round three
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@The Writing Owl bc your characters were rad, are you up for another go??? x'D
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Aw, geeze, I'm glad you think my characters were rad! Sure, I'm up for another go. :)
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My questions have been answered. Will post soon.
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