Cascade Falls [REBOOT/OOC]

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a god among men
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Prestige
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. No Preferences
Slice of Life, Horror, Fandoms, Superheroes, Crime, Drama, Grit, Supernatural, Light Sci-Fi, Modern Era, Dark Themes
  • tumblr_m1gvuesASW1r9y560.gif

    Welcome to Cascade Falls
    The Town That Time Forgot
    Every time you ask, someone always tells you that it's just a town. Whether it's said with a convincingly happy smile, or a defeated look of submission, the answer remains the same. But there's something not right about Cascade Falls and you felt it the minute that you woke up in the hospital with that pretty nurse standing over you. She said so many things—you'd been in a car accident, your personal property had been destroyed in the wreck, your family had been informed and they're glad that you pulled through after such extensive head trauma.

    Was any of it true?
    Why can't you leave?
    Did that accident kill you?
    What is this place?

    On the outside, Cascade Falls looks like any other town. Main Street is decorated with quaint shops and entertainment spots, places to grab a drink, or have dinner, or gather with friends and neighbors for a game of horseshoes. The streets are lined with white picket fences and lush, green lawns that sit beneath newly constructed Victorian houses that are painted every happy color imaginable. At first glance, it's difficult to see how or why anyone would ever complain when life in Cascade Falls feels like a second chance, an opportunity to get it right when things in your life were so imperfect before.

    Sometimes, you catch yourself forgetting that this new life is a prison. The rules of Cascade Falls are an ominous reminder of the truth, and they're posted inside of every shop on Main Street.

    Official Notice



    The rules, however, don't make you half as nervous as the electrified, razor wire fence that encases the perimeter of the town, or the cameras and microphones that outnumber the residents. They're discreetly planted in every home, strung along every sidewalk; someone always watching, always listening, monitoring your every move.

    Maybe one day you'll get used to not knowing. Maybe you'll forget about your family out there, somewhere and maybe they've forgotten about you too. Some days, acceptance feels easier than the misery of wondering, of wanting to escape. You could have a wonderful life here, so why do you keep trying to fight it?


    IC Thread
    Available Spots: 8/12
    GM: @neptune
    Co-GM: @of Dirt

    {slide=World Extras|center}
    • The current population is 360.
    • Despite the many roads in Cascade Falls that connect to various shops and homes, there is only one way in and way out of the town. If you follow the main road, you'll find that it goes in a circle.
    • There are no crickets in Cascade Falls. If you were to look into the bushes that line the streets, you would find small speakers playing a continuous loop of a cricket chirping.
    • There are no televisions in Cascade Falls.
    • There are no computers or internet.
    • There are no cell phones, only landlines and most do not dial out.
    • There are no calendars.
    • Each night around dinner time, the radios in every home switch from static to classical music for one hour.
    • During the warm months, many people garden and share food with their friends and neighbors.
    • Winter is a harsh time. Many families sit on the verge of going hungry, and store shelves go from bright and colorful to bland and depressing with the wintertime staple of prepackaged food that resembles military rations.
    • The occasional helicopter will sometimes fly over head, but otherwise, the sky is clear of all air traffic.

  • Every home (and business) in Cascade Falls is outfitted with the same state of the art security system. For your safety, and with the exception of closets, every room contains 1-2 cameras placed in everything from smoke detectors, to ceiling fans and air vents. Each house also comes with an array of microphones, there are 2-4 to each room depending on the size and they are equipped to detect sounds of 30 decibels and over. There is no sleep mode for the microphones, they are always recording.

    Outside of your home, the same cameras and microphones line the streets and sidewalks. There are microphones in most lamp posts and cameras implanted in the sides of buildings, on signs, under park benches and discreetly hidden in trees. Unfortunately, technology is not immune to the elements, and years of being exposed to the rough weather of the Pacific Northwest has left sections of the town partially blinded. The hardest hit area is the cemetery and the older section of town where a few crumbling houses sit uninhabited.

  • Fête
    1. A celebration or a festival.
    1. To honor or entertain (someone) lavishly.

    Just as the fence is there to keep you safe, the rules of Cascade Falls are in place for the same purpose. Insolence and defiance spreads like cancer, and the only way to deal with cancer is to cut it out—so when someone talks about their life before, when a friend questions the small scar on the back of their right thigh, when a neighbor asks you what you think is beyond the fence, or if you've heard those screams—you must call the sheriff.
    The Fête is every celebratory holiday that you can think of all rolled into one and offers the addition of brutal, vigilante justice. When a fête is called by the sheriff, every resident will be instructed by a pre-recorded message in the form of a mass phone call. The message contains valuable information such as: the intended target(s), where they are located, what they are being punished for, how dangerous they are, and whether or not they should be brought to the center of town dead or alive.

    Many residents have mixed views about the fêtes, some feel that it's too brutal while others like the ideas of a self-policing society, but no matter what, everyone is expected to participate. It's a common occurrence for people to dress up in their best or wildest outfits, paint their faces and decorate their makeshift weapons just to make the occasion that much more special. The celebration lasts until the target is dead, either hunted down by their own friends and neighbors, or brought to the sheriff for disposal in front of the town. Afterward, some residents will continue to party well into the night.

    A fête is not something that happens very often, maybe once or twice a year at most. Cascade Falls gives citizens more than enough chances to reform their behavior before it becomes a problem.

    Some offenses are worse than others, but after three incidents of getting caught breaking the rules, you will be dealt with swiftly and without remorse.

  • Almost every job in Cascade Falls is purely for show. There are law offices that never see a single visitor, real estate agents who sit at their desk all day, a mayor who has never passed a law and various secretaries that never answer a phone or handle any paperwork. While these jobs are mostly there to give the people of Cascade Falls some semblance of normalcy, there are other jobs that do see activity and roles that integral to maintaining the order of the town.

    Some of these jobs come with perks, choose wisely:

    • Sheriff
    • Secretary (one more)
    • Lawyer
    • Mayor
    • Realtor
    • Waitress/Bartender/Service Employee (up to four)
    • Pharmacist
    • Teacher
    • Doctor/Nurse
    • Dairy Farmer
    • Craftsman
    • Librarian
    • Shop Owner (Coffee House, Toy Store, Grocery Store, Clothing Store, suggest something)
    *If you would like a different job, message me and we'll discuss it.
  • Thread Rules
    1. All Iwaku rules apply.
    2. Ship as much as you like, but remember that this isn't a romance focused RP. Some players may be teens, so don't be a creep.
    3. Everyone has a life outside of the internet, but if you sign up for this, you're expected to be committed. The minimum posting requirement is once a week, but more is encouraged. If you're absent from the IC for three weeks and haven't given some kind of explanation OOC or to the GMs, then your character(s) will be made NPC or violently killed.
    4. This is a multi-paragraph roleplay. Your posts are expected to be full of length and detail and should never be a one-liner.
    5. If your character dies at some point, you're more than welcome and encouraged to make a new one and rejoin the world.
    6. Save all the drama for the IC. If you're being a disagreeable little shit, making people uncomfortable or bringing a hostile attitude into the OOC then you will be removed after one private warning. Additionally, GMs aren't here to solve your problems--put on your big kid pants and talk it out like adults.
    7. Try and keep the OOC active, fun and friendly!
  • Character Sheet

    Age: (16-45)
    Physical Extras: (height, weight, distinct birthmarks, tattoos, piercings, etc.)
    Sexuality: (optional)
    Three Good Traits:
    Three Flaws:

    Place of Residence: (city, state)
    Marital Status:
    Who was president when you came to Cascade Falls?: (from Reagan to Obama)

    Marital Status:
    Family Children: (if none, leave blank)

    How long have you lived in Cascade Falls?: (no more than ten years)
    Have you ever tried to leave?:
    Have you ever been to the fence?:

    (Write a scene from your character's old life)

    {slide=Eric Reed|center}Name: Eric Reed
    Age: 36
    Physical Extras: Eric measures in at 6'0" even and weighs around 175 pounds. He has an athletic build and a strong upper body. Being of Irish heritage, his skin is also dotted with clusters of freckles. He has no tattoos or piercings.
    Sexuality: Heterosexual
    Three Good Traits:
    Alert -- Having spent a good portion of his childhood hunting with his father, Eric is now always aware of his surroundings and manages to catch things that most people miss.

    Daring -- Eric loves to try new things, even if those things scare him. He's a big risk taker in almost everything he does, whether it be going skydiving for his twenty-fifth birthday, or asking his girlfriend to marry him in the middle of a crowded bar. The rush that Eric gets from pushing his own limits is an incredible high.

    Realistic -- Eric is very grounded and has always been incredibly aware of his own limitations. He seems to accept whatever is going on in his life whether it's good or bad. He takes things one day at a time and that kind of thinking allows him to keep a level head.

    Three Flaws:
    Blunt -- If there's one thing that Eric doesn't like, it's liars. He's always honest and up front about how he feels. Sometimes, his lack of tact rubs people the wrong way, but if he has an opinion, he's going to speak his mind.

    Black and White -- In Eric's world, there are no shades of grey. He only looks at things in black and white, in categories of good and evil and there is no changing his mind. This stubborn and sometimes ignorant attitude has earned him a few enemies over the years.

    Suspicious -- Eric has a hard time trusting people and taking words at face value. He investigates simple things, and will ask someone the same question more than once just to see if their answer changes.

    Place of Residence: Flint, Michigan
    Marital Status: Engaged
    Mother --Sandra Reed (aged 50)*
    Father --Robert "Bob" Reed (aged 54)
    Older Sister -- Caroline Reed (aged 26)
    Fiancee -- Kelly Moore (aged 24)
    Son -- Chance Reed (aged 2)

    *Ages not factored into his time in Cascade Falls
    Occupation: Assembly line worker
    Who was president when you came to Cascade Falls?: Bill Clinton

    Marital Status: Widowed
    Occupation: Sheriff
    Wife -- Leah Reed (aged 27, deceased)*

    *Married for one year before her death by electrocution at the fence

    How long have you lived in Cascade Falls?: Eight years
    Have you ever tried to leave?: No
    Have you ever been to the fence?: Yes

    In-Character Writing Sample:
    Come on!

    Their laughter echoed behind them, bare feet stomping through the dew-wet grass a few hours before the sun was set to come up. Eric had one arm tucked around a blanket, and the other outstretched to a beautiful girl clad in a white sundress underneath a heavy flannel shirt. He smiled as her small hand fit into his own, her fingers delicate compared to the road-map of callouses that had taken over his palms. He hadn't been at the factory for very long, just a few months shy of a full year, but his hands had reflected the back-breaking work almost immediately. The money was good, though and looked even better for someone who was nearly ready to settle down.

    "All the way up there?" the dark-haired girl asked, skeptical as her green eyes turned toward the hill they had started to climb.

    Laughing again, Eric nodded, his toothy smile never waning when Kelly was around. "All the way up there."

    Beside him, Kelly groaned as they continued to walk on, one foot in front of the other up the hill's steep incline. "Why?" she asked, a frown wrinkling her forehead.

    "Because," Eric replied easily, happy to give a non-answer as he pulled her along. She was so much smaller than him, a few inches north of five foot and light enough that some nights, he could barely feel her weight next to him in bed. "It's the best spot," he added, just to appease her as he paused, her legs no match for his long strides.

    A comfortable silence fell between the two of them and it carried over until they got to the top of the hill. The late spring weather still turned up a few cold nights, but Michigan's unpredictable climate was no match for romance. Kelly stood by as Eric unfurled the thick blanket that he had brought from the car and spread it out over the wet grass before taking a seat. Again, he offered his hand, wordlessly asking Kelly to come sit with him as a rumble in the distance echoed through the surrounding area.

    "I can't believe you've never done this before," he said, his arms now protectively wrapped around the woman he loved, her back fitting snugly against his chest and the scent of apple shampoo filling his head.

    The world below the hill seemed to glitter and shine, all of the lights on and illuminating the tarmac as several planes began to taxi on the runway. The rush of a jetliner flying straight overhead was something that needed to be shared, and Eric always made a point to do big things with the people he cared for. He wanted to leave an impression on them, something for them to look back on with a certain fondness when times got tough, or if he ever got lost somewhere and couldn't find his way back.

    The rumbling in the distance intensified slightly, forcing Kelly to raise her voice, "I thought it was illegal!"

    His ear rang sharply with the sound of her, but Eric grinned anyway, "it probably is!" The nose of an airplane came racing toward them, going one-eighty and gaining speed as the wheels lifted off from the ground. Looking up, Eric craned his neck to see the belly of the plane, the lights on the wings that looked close enough to touch and the toxic smell of jet fuel that wafted down toward them. The noise from the engines was deafening, blocking out any other sound as it shook the ground below.

    "I love you!" Eric yelled.

    Kelly's head snapped forward and she turned where she sat. "What!?" she called back, the tail of the jet nearly over their heads.

    "I said, I love you!"

    Her smile was magic, lifting everything inside of him before her lips crashed into his.
    ζ Played by @neptune
  • Name: Casey Sloan
    Age: 23
    Physical Extras: Casey stands at 5'5" tall and she weighs roughly 115 pounds. She has an infinity symbol tattooed on the inside of her wrist, and several scarred over holes in both ears.
    Sexuality: Bisexual
    Three Good Traits:
    Charming -- Casey knows what she wants and she knows how to get it. She's very quick-witted and gets by on saying the right things at the right time, which often leads to having a large circle of friends and acquaintances.

    Open -- Making herself available is something that Casey has always done. Whether it's for friends, family, or a significant other, Casey is always there when someone needs her. She's everything from a shoulder to cry on to the friend who's always up for a party.

    Non-judgmental -- Considering the rough patches of childhood and adolescence that she had to suffer through, and the fact that she makes her money dancing, Casey never feels as though she's in a position to judge anyone. She always takes people as they are; good, bad and ugly.

    Three Flaws:
    Dependent -- Having her father die at a young age after he had been in and out of her life left Casey with more than a few emotional scars. She tends to latch onto people, dig in and not let go until the bitter end. Being alone frightens her.

    Unyielding -- Once Casey gets something into her head, her mind is made up and it doesn't change. Over the years, it's gotten her into a lot of trouble but she hasn't learned her lesson yet.

    Difficult --Somehow, Casey always manages to do things the hard way. Whether it was running away from home as a kid or dropping out of high school, her methods can only be described as difficult.

    Place of Residence: Key West, Florida
    Marital Status: Single
    Mother -- Crystal Johnson (aged 40)
    Father -- Ricky Sloan (aged 33, deceased)
    Half-sister -- Bree Johnson (aged 19)
    Occupation: Exotic Dancer
    Who was president when you came to Cascade Falls?: Barack Obama

    Marital Status: Single
    Occupation: Waitress at The Falls Coffee House

    How long have you lived in Cascade Falls?: Less than a year
    Have you ever tried to leave?: Yes, twice.
    Have you ever been to the fence?: Yes

    In-Character writing sample
    The world was spinning—moving fast and slow all at once and Casey felt on top of it all.

    The door to the bathroom pushed open roughly, ushering in the screeching sound of a heavy-metal guitar before it closed and muffled the music once more. Casey tapped her feet to a rhythm that she couldn't exactly make out, her pink flip-flops missing several beats as they slapped noisily against the dirty floor. She hummed to herself, feeling so good, so very alive as she bent her head and inhaled another line through a rolled five dollar bill. She cursed the instant that the drugs hit her, intensifying the high that she was already working on and blocking out the sound of an embarrassed, pity-filled giggle from the other side of the stall.

    Escape was Casey's first love, and cocaine was just the getaway car.

    After packing up her supplies and rubbing the last of the baggie on her gums, the blonde stepped out of the stall, revived, rejuvenated and ready for anything.

    The bar was packed, filled to the brim with enough people to be a fire hazard, but Casey barely noticed as she navigated her way through the crowd. By the time she reached the table, the band that was currently occupying the stage had moved onto another song, this one just as loud and obnoxious as the last. Casey was beginning to sense a trend and not being able to hear herself think was starting to harsh her buzz and bring her down. "I want to go," she yelled to Danny, an older man who often gave her free drugs just for hanging out with him. He was scum, that much was evident by the way he behaved, a bum like everyone else who had dropped out of the local high school, but his shit was good and Casey had tolerated a lot worse in her life.

    "Danny!" she yelled again, snagging him by the shoulder. "Let's go! I want to go to the beach!" For a moment, the two shared a look, one of frustration and confusion before the blonde girl broke eye contact and finished off the half-melted Seven and Seven. The sweet taste clung to her lips and tongue, leaving a bad taste in her mouth that lingered there well after they had left the bar and stepped out into the balmy, Key West night.

    It wasn't hard to find a little slice of heaven in the Keys and soon enough, Casey was burying her feet in the cool sand. The sound of waves gently lapping at the shoreline was a welcomed change from the headache-inducing music back at the bar and for the first time that night, Casey started to relax. Despite Danny being right there next to her, she felt totally alone, disconnected from even herself as she ran her fingers through the white sand.

    "We should get out of here," Danny said, breaking the silence as he looked at her. His face was sweaty, swollen from drinks and too much sun when he was younger.

    Casey screwed up her face in disappointment, "you want to go home? It's barely midnight."

    "No, I mean this place. We should go somewhere else, together—you and me."

    Bile choked the back of her throat, making it harder to come up with any kind of coherent answer. "Gross," she finally managed, her tone a cross between a humorless laugh and a whisper. She could feel Danny glaring at her, angry and probably ready to either backhand her or leave her stranded on the beach without a way home. Casey didn't give him the opportunity, though and stood to walk toward the water.

    "What the fuck is wrong with you!?" he asked when the waves were up to her ankles.

    She walked deeper into the ocean, submerging herself up to her waist, shorts and part of her tank top completely soaked with saltwater. "Sometimes I just want to disappear for a while..." He couldn't hear her back there, and Casey knew it, but sometimes moments weren't meant to be shared.
    ζPlayed by @neptune
  • Name: Sakamae Seiger
    Age: 30
    Physical Extras: Sakamae stands at 5'7'' and weighs 128 lbs. Though she doesn't have a lot of mass, her lean body has been through rigorous training and has been used to compete in Judo tournaments prior to coming to Cascade Falls. She is very toned all around and maintains her physique with daily at-home routines. She has long, straight black hair and honey colored eyes. Her entire left arm and shoulder bares a tattoo of Tomoe Gozen.
    Sexuality: Bisexual

    Three Good Traits:

    Loyal: Sakamae holds the people in her life close and is protective of them. She strives to be as supportive and as helpful as possible. Having a long history of being dumped and not getting called back for dates, she is particularly empathetic toward the lonely.

    Self-Motivated: When she wants something, she need only look within for the will to achieve it. Although she has no problem with going to others for help, she greatly values self-reliance.

    Contemplative: She is the kind of person that will think through all the possibilities any given situation will yield, which can make her effective at planning ahead and figuring out solutions to problems, but also makes her prone to overthinking simple things.

    Three Flaws:

    Insecure: Sakamae has been deeply insecure about her sexuality since she was young, especially during her college years. Much of that remains. She is self-conscious of her body, femininity, masculinity and many other things. She desires to be liked and wanted without having to compromise what she holds as being the core of who she is. Part of her insecurity stems from still not knowing what that is.

    Aggressive: Having grown up around guys and the competitive atmosphere of various sports, she has developed a short temper and never took criticism well. She gets defensive quickly and shows little restraint in who she challenges and how far she goes to get her message across. This is at best off-putting and often drives people away.

    Gullible: She always sees the good in people before she sees the bad. In fact, it is difficult for her to see the bad unless it is made plainly obvious. Her loyalty is unfortunately not hard to take advantage of.

    Place of Residence: New York City
    Marital Status: Single
    -Adoptive Mother: Karlyn Seiger (aged 53 in '06)
    -Adoptive Father: Dietrich Seiger (aged 52 in '06)
    -Older Brother: Reiner Seiger (aged 22 in '06)
    -Mother: Teruko Masami (aged 40 in '06)
    -Father: Jun Masami (aged 41 in '06)
    Occupation: Judo Instructor (for beginners and kids)
    Who was president when you came to Cascade Falls?: George W. Bush

    Marital Status: Single
    Occupation: Secretary to the Sheriff
    Family Children: None

    How long have you lived in Cascade Falls?: Nine years
    Have you ever tried to leave?: No
    Have you ever been to the fence?: Yes


    Sakamae breathed out through her nose noisily and solemnly as she looked at her reflection through the screen of her cell phone. Her thumb was poised to press the home button, to send a text to Henry, her most recent date, and ask if he was free to hang out on Friday, but there was a voice in her head screaming against it. As far as she was concerned, the dates always went well. They always had fun, laughed and there was always something to say. Guys liked to hang out with her, but they didn't want to go out with her. She wasn't the girliest girl. Being able to deliver mean serves in volleyball didn't score points outside the game and being able to nail those judo throws wasn't the biggest turn on. She had to deal with the disdain that came from other girls for being around the guys they wanted, without being able to have any of them herself. She stuffed her phone in her pocket reluctantly.

    "You ready?!" she called to her brother from her room, not entirely knowing where he was.

    "Huh?!" Reiner shouted back.

    After pulling on a black denim jacket, she looked at herself in the mirror and tidied up short, dyed red hair that didn't get in her eyes or reach her ears. Henry might've said she was too old and mature to be dressing like a confused teenager who listened to punk rock. But she probably was confused and maybe she wasn't as mature as she made herself out to be. And she loved the music. She walked over to Reiner's room and let herself in. "You wanna' knock?" he asked as she entered, preoccupied with a video game. He took a glance at her and smirked. "What? We're leaving now? I don't care about the opening act. Dead Sara; what the fuck is that? There's going to be so many girls there."

    "Oh no," Sakamae replied sarcastically, with a small laugh.

    "Don't you want to mosh a bit?"

    They lived in a part of Long Island that had a growing punk rock community, with many aspiring musicians. There was a lot she absorbed and made her own from spending a great deal of time with her brother and the music scene was one of them, though she had no interest in writing or playing music. She was drawn to the energy and aggression of the genre. A local bar and music hall was the go-to place to experience the scene and listen to local bands. Occasionally there'd be some bigger bands, like the one Reiner wanted to skip Dead Sara for, but Sakamae was curious to see what the up-and-coming band was made of. "I do. So what?" she asked, already knowing the answer and not really interested in hearing it. "Well, I'm going. See ya!" she teased, stepping out of the room and closing the door slowly.

    "Wow, okay, just hold on!" Reiner he said quickly, shutting down the PlayStation and throwing on a hoodie. Sakamae flashed a satisfied smirk as they made their way down the stairs and out the door. They entered the familiar, dimly lit bar and drank as much as they could before the show started. Once the guitars started blaring, they made their way to the front of the crowd and started throwing their weight around, causing all but a handful to keep their distance and give them more space than they needed. Reiner's prediction that the Dead Sara crowd would be reluctant to mosh wasn't wrong, but Sakamae wasn't ready to let that ruin her fun.

    As the only girl in the pit, she got weird looks from the other girls. Snobs, she thought as her mildly intoxicated self let her body crash in their direction, prompting them to slowly move further away from the action. In the midst of the chaos, she made eye contact with a pretty guy who was at the edge of the pit, but wasn't partaking. She smiled at him invitingly as she grabbed his forearm and dragged him in, enjoying how it felt beneath her fingertips when his muscles tensed up at the unexpected gesture. It was those moments that she felt most alive and free, with the smell of blood and sweat, the heat, bodies colliding into each other, the deafening squeal of an electric guitar and raspy, bluesy vocals screaming into the microphone. She forgot about Henry and the many others that never called back. She forgot about how strictly she needed to adhere to judo weight classes. She could've been there forever.

    ζPlayed by @of Dirt
  • Name: Riley Tierney
    Age: 27
    Physical Extras: Standing at 5'10'' and weighing 155 lbs, Riley is toned and lean. He has dark brown hair, forest green eyes and a scruffy beard. There are a couple of small scars on his knuckles.
    Sexuality: Straight

    Three Good Traits:
    -Likes to party: At his best, Riley knows how to have fun and will always be around if somebody is throwing a party (if he's not throwing one himself). He always tries to be entertaining on the job both for himself and everybody else.

    -Passionate: When he finds a hobby that he likes, he goes above and beyond in getting the most out of it, such as his job as a bartender and his acoustic guitar playing. As a bartender, he has a deep knowledge of what drinks go good with what foods and can recommend drinks to the uninitiated based on other tastes. As a guitar player, he is flexible and can play many styles, which reflects his wide range in music taste.

    -Speaks his mind: Although it sometimes gets him into trouble, it also demonstrates his unwillingness to take nonsense from people and a willingness to defend those he feels are being mistreated. He values honesty and this trait has made him somebody people feel comfortable talking to when they want an honest opinion.

    Three Flaws:
    -Is an asshole: A sober Riley is a rare sight and once he's had more than enough drinks in him, he becomes a hair trigger to his darkest self. Saying the wrong thing at the wrong time can make him aggressively confrontational and reveal a side of him that loves fighting and genuinely enjoys being the one in the room that everybody is wary of.

    -Unbearably gloomy: Getting close to Riley means realizing that his outgoing personality and drinking is an escape from the dark thoughts that haunts his mind every day. However, suppressing it every day will occasionally lead to moments where his wounds are out in the open for whoever is there to see. His unwillingness to seek help makes it very difficult to be a close friend of his, especially combined with the above flaw.

    -Seldom thinks ahead: He is very aware of his learning best by making mistakes, so he's become unafraid of making them, but it has turned into a bad habit of simply doing the bare minimum amount of thinking before doing something.


    Place of residence: Boston, MA
    Marital Status: Single (Divorced)

    -Ex-Wife: Cassandra Kosta, aged 24 in 2013
    -Mother: Brianna Carmody aged 55 in 2013
    -Father: Killian Tierney aged 54 in 2013
    -Identical twin brother: Brian Tierney aged 15 at death in 2001. Prior to death, his brother had recently been experiencing violent schizophrenic episodes. A neighbor called the cops due to the noise. Brian charged a cop with a kitchen knife and was shot dead.
    Occupation: Bartender and musician (played acoustic guitar)
    Who was president when you came to Cascade Falls?: Barrack Obama


    Marital Status: Single
    Occupation: Bartender
    Family Children: none

    How long have you lived in Cascade Falls?: Two years
    Have you ever tried to leave?: No
    Have you ever been to the fence?: No

    In-Character Writing Sample:

    "We're closing up soon, so chug the rest of your beers and get movin'. I'm just kidding take your time," Riley said to three regulars at the bar as he rinsed out a glass. He turned around and grinned. "This one needs to chug though. Ordered half an hour ago and only took a few sips. C'mon guy." They all laughed, accustomed to Riley's humor and knowing that by the end of the day he was probably more than a little buzzed himself.

    "Your boss lets you drink on the job?" one of the men asked.

    "He hasn't complained. I think it's technically a misdemeanor though," Riley replied while tidying up around his work area. He looked at an almost empty bottle of Captain Morgan and frowned, then looked at the rest of them. "Let's kill this," he said grabbing four shot glasses and pouring the rest of the bottle.

    "A misdemeanor? Jesus Riley, you know there'd be a riot if you ever got fired right?" While it wasn't the highest grossing bar in the area, it was definitely popular among the locals and Riley's excellence in making drinks and broadening their tastes kept them coming back. He was entertaining and he always made newcomers feel welcome and a part of the little community they've established over the past five years. He smiled warmly.

    "If I get fired and I don't see or hear about a cop car exploding I'll be very disappointed."

    "To exploding cop cars." They all clinked their glasses and drank.

    Riley glanced at the camera above them and chuckled. "Am I inciting violence? Hey I don't advocate for violence, mother fucker. God damn hooligan," he said pointing at person that brought it up in the first place. The three regulars roared in laughter. "We're closed get the fuck out before I call the cops, you thugs. Fuckin' massholes." he bellowed in between chuckles and with a huge grin.

    "We'll see you tomorrow, man. Hey! And don't let Cassie walk away; she's a dime. You gotta try harder for those kind of girls, you know?" Riley forced a nod and waved as they left. He sighed as soon as they left. Cassie was his wife and asked for a divorce a week ago. Information travels fast within their community, but there's always a little bit of lag. They didn't know that the papers were already signed and she had moved out. You keep waking up in the middle of the night from nightmares about your god damn brother and you refuse to talk to me about it, he remembered her saying. Like, I knew it affected you, but it seems like it's just gotten worse and worse every year. And every year you drink more and more.

    I don't know. I just feel guilty. Every time he had one of his episodes, his anger was always directed at me. It was gibberish to me at the time, but the more I think about it the more I realize what a shitty brother I was and what a shitty person I am.

    You didn't put a bullet in him some cop did and why are you trying to make sense out of the words of a crazy person?

    A crazy person? What's the matter with you? He was my twin; we had the same genes; who are you calling a crazy person?

    You're a crazy person too. You need help and if you're unwilling to get it then I'm leaving. I'm not putting up with this anymore.

    Help?! What help?! Getting prescribed happy pills for the rest of my life?

    Riley shook his head as he locked the bar behind him and squeezed the area between his eyes as he briskly walked home.

    ζPlayed by @of Dirt
  • Name: Cindy Robertson
    Age: 21
    Physical Extras: 5,3 ft tall, Slightly Average weight and has a birthmark of a square on her forehead where she covers it with her hair.

    Sexuality: Asexual
    Three Good Traits:
    Cheerful, yet Serious - Cindy is cheerful most of the time and try's to be helpful in anyway possible, she is prone to have conversations with patients most of the time in the hospital. However when things start to get tense then Cindy will change her attitude to something more serious to help people in there time of need or to sort out a dangerous situation.

    Sarcastic - Cindy is Sarcastic sometimes but enjoys being so since it amuses the people around her, so she tends to make a snarky comment here and there in a conversation in anyway possible for a good laugh, even if it might get her in trouble.

    Bookworm - Cindy likes to read in her spare time which was one of the many things she enjoyed while in University. She also knows a lot about literature and might make a reference to a book sometimes, she even writes as a second hobby when she has nothing better to do.

    Three Flaws:

    Clumsiness - Cindy tends to be clumsy most of the time which is why when people come to her she hides some items that she dose not want the person to see, however when holding objects in her hand she will probably trip or accidently throw said object at someone by mistake.

    Liar - Cindy tends to lie a lot especially if she needs to keep a secret for a friend, she dose not feel guilty if she accidently reveals the secret and tends to shrug it off, however if the secret was very important, she will freak out but try to calm herself in the situation she got herself in.

    Stressed - Sometimes Cindy will pressure herself when she has a lot of work to do both outside her job as a nurse and within. When is stressed she will most likely ignore people around her and even snap at them until she gets the job done. The stress started while studying as a Lawyer at University and continued after she graduated...She got used to it despite being a bad habit.

    Place of Residence: Alexandria, Washington, DC
    Marital Status: Single
    Greg Robertson - Father, Age: 55
    Mallory Stone - Mother, Age: 53

    Occupation: Lawyer (Was about to take Bar Exam.) She also worked part time at a Pet Shop.

    Who was president when you came to Cascade Falls?: Bill Clinton

    Marital Status: Single
    Occupation: Nurse in Training (Started a week before the events of the Roleplay.)

    How long have you lived in Cascade Falls?: A Year
    Have you ever tried to leave?: In the first few months in Cascade Cindy tried to find away past the fence, but was caught each time.
    Have you ever been to the fence?: Same as above, although Cindy is suspicious about what's on the otherside.

    Cindy quickly jolted herself awake upon hearing her cellphone just near the drawer of her bed, she quickly grabs it and turns off the alarm as she sat up on her bed. "So...Today is the day...Ugh god...I'm not going to pass, I hate exams..." Cindy thought to herself as she rubbed her head, afraid about what was going to occur today...Today was the day Cindy was going to take her bar exam to see if she will become a lawyer that she was studying to be for years.

    After breakfast, Cindy started to get ready for the day, she donned a grey work outfit and placed a few papers she need's for the exam in a suitcase before slamming it shut. After making sure everything was ready, Cindy left her house and drove off in her car to the exam.

    That is...If she'll make it...
    ζPlayed by @Fallen Child
  • Name: Avery J. Howard
    Age: 30
    Physical Extras: He stands at 5'10", years of hard physical labor clear on his body be it from his calloused, scared hands that showed what dangers lied in carving tools, sewing needles, forgetting oven mitts and power tools. Little scars litter the palms of his hands and the pads of his fingers, a few even curving around the side of his hands and the heels of his palms. His shoulders are broad and body muscled. His line of work before included plenty of heavy lifting and at the worst had to hold his entire body weight up for long periods of time. His new line of work hasn't changed that much, he made everything in his shop by hand, and in the madness between where he has nothing to do and it's too early to sleep, the man found tasks to do. He weights in at 154 pounds. The calf of his left leg still bears the scar from a not so freak incident that in all involved a bet, a faulty ATV break, a homemade ramp and him asking someone to hold his beer. He has no piercings, though he does have one tattoo that he can't exactly figure out where it came from in all honesty, all he knows is he woke up in a strange bed with his chest stinging and when he looked he found a tribal looking spade one the left side of his chest just bellow the collarbone. Never play poker drunk folks, bad ideas happen.

    Sexuality: Pansexual.

    Three Good Traits:
    Nurturing: Avery cares very deeply, and genuinely likes taking care of others even if he doesn't say it all the times. It's clear in little acts. Contrary to what his family might have thought this wasn't simply a byproduct of raising a little girl.

    Handy: At least in task that don't include a stove. He worked for years as a Handy man, and thus has made him a bit of Jack of all trades, at least in home care. He is good at repairing most things that can go wrong in a home from a leaky pipe to patching a roof. He also learned how to sew pretty early on. What could he do when he had a little girl crying to him over Professor Bearton loosening his arm in a tragic experiment gone wrong?

    Passionate: He dedicates his all to everything he does. His won't let himself half ass anything. If he fix's the sink, the pipes are getting replaced. If he makes a doll it's getting dresses and shoes to match. He cleans the house? Well hope you don't mind waking up to a big man cleaning around you like this is completely normal. He puts his all into everything he puts his mind to. Half-ass isn't in his vocabulary.

    Three Flaws:
    Mother Hen: He tends to fuss and hover at times. He acts like a mother at times and be like "Here, move I'll do it. Go get a drink." Before taking whatever task you were doing and do it himself. He can almost suffocate you with attention if he isn't careful.

    Overprotective (at times even a bit twistedly so): He's the sort if you have fallen under the line where he starts acting like a fussing mother hen over you, then you are likely going to see this side as well. He will practically pluck things out of your grip if he thinks you are going to hurt yourself with it. Let alone try to shelter harsh truths and realities. From where simply trying to make sure you don't get hurt or in trouble to where he's about to wrap you in bubble wrap and put you in the closet until he's finished getting all the glass out of the carpet. He'll do anything if it means protecting someone he cares about. A little blood on his hands means little to him when he get's to that point again.

    Bullheaded: Once he gets something in that head of his there is no getting him to stop. It often leads to lost tempers or simple shutting out. Though one way or the other with your help or not it's getting done even if he has to do it all himself. If he believes in something there is no talking him out of it, something his sister has learn the hard way more than once in their life.


    Place of Residence: Bardstown, Ky
    Marital Status: Single but was dating.
    - Mandy M. Howard (Sister, alive, 8)
    - Angela Howard (Mother, deceased seven years ago, Was 39 at death)
    - Tom (Father, Unknown, age, likely 50 years old)
    - Lisa Howard-O'Neal (Aunt, Alive, age: 55. Mother's sister)
    - Richard S. O'Neal (Uncle, Alive, age 56.)
    - Nick Howard (Uncle, Alive, 46)
    - Beck Klark (Ex Aunt, Alive, 48)
    - Angel Howard (Cousin, Alive, 14)
    - Ricky Jr. Howard (Cousin, alive, 9)
    Occupation: Handy Man
    Who was president when you came to Cascade Falls?: Obama


    Marital Status: Single
    Occupation: Toy Store owner/Toy maker.
    Family Children:

    How long have you lived in Cascade Falls?: Three years
    Have you ever tried to leave?: No
    Have you ever been to the fence?: No

    It was a frigid winter morning, but even so, a blond found himself in a pair of brown work boots and a thick jacket. Snowflakes clung to his hair and dark lashes like the frost on the first day of winter. At that moment he was reconsidering his life choices. To be more specific the reason he didn't stop the two extra minutes it would have took to put on an actual pair of jeans instead of running out in a pair of ball shorts he had fell asleep in. The breathable sleek material was doing little to protect his waist let alone other parts from the biting January wind. Though no sooner did that criticism cross his mind did another. She'd would have been out there, cold and alone in the first snow of January two minutes longer then she already was. The loud crunching of his boots breaking through the virgin snow was the only thing that broke the silence. Not even the birds he had shown her sang. No, they wouldn't be back until the start of spring. Ruby red cardinals and small little yellow birds were all that stayed behind, the only birds that still held a tune, but even now, they didn't sing.

    He kept repaying the event over and over in his head. It had been a pleasant morning, as pleasant as could be. It had been the first morning since he had flown in. It had been so odd if he was perfectly honest. Aunt Lisa had met them at the gate, the bear of a man that was her husband peering over the crowed to spot him and the little girl who clung to his hand like a drowning man did a life line. Her little knuckles white as he led her to the middle age couple. What had been the largest surprise was that no sooner were they in arms reach he found himself in a bear hug by the large man. He could still remember how he could barely brush the toes of his boots against the polished linoleum. To say he had been surprised was a drastic understatement. The man hadn't so much as given him a pat on the back since he caught the blond with another young man on a date. Needless to say the right winged, bible thumping man hadn't been the most pleasant person on the planet after the fact. He should have just bought a ticket back to home then and there.

    Though that hadn't been what started this whole mess, no it had been a middle aged woman, a careless word, and the woman yanking a stuffed bunny out of the hands of five year old little girl. Too old for dirty old dolls? Too OLD?! Who the hell did that woman think she was?! "Did I trust my instincts? Nawww, give then a damn chance I said." He muttered rubbing his hands together in a vain hope for warmth, a pink and multi-patch covered bunny tucked under his arm, long ears waving with each movement he made. "People change I said." He continued as he poked his head around a tree trunk only to be disappointed for the twentieth time that morning, causing the man to kick at the poor, innocent snow. "You're a fuckin' moron, Avery." He snorted, disdain clear in his tone, each step seeming louder and louder to his own ears. "Yeah, well, fuck you too."

    Avery was a good man, or at least he liked to think he was. He did everything, everything he could for that sweet little girl. He dropped out of college, he took on a number of odd jobs and would work himself to the bone to get home on time to meet her at the bus stop. He gave up everything that was him to raise her, to raise Mandy, that little girl with the brightest blue eyes and that sweet smile that made working until he couldn't even stand worth it just so he was sure she was happy, fed and warm. He should have knew better. This family never changed. They were still the same uptight, entitled jerks they always were. The ones who shunned a single mother and her little boy, who had all but shoved a wailing one year old into his arms so they wouldn't be 'saddled' with his mother's mistake.

    Now this. How dare they?! He raised her, he clothed her, he fed her. He was there when she was sick and he was the one who made those stupid little costumes for school plays. Then they had the audacity to say to her that when she comes to live with them, girls like her were too old for silly old dolls.

    "That poor girl needs more structure." She sighed, shaking her head with that same disapproving look, that same damn look she gave her mother when he would so much as make a peep when he wasn't spoken too as a boy. "You're too young to be raisin' her, dear, we can give her so much more." She had crooned, making it sound as if it was some grand favor he should be grateful for.

    "A boy your age needs to live a little."

    "Don't….whatever, you bring home run off when they see her?"

    "She needs a stable home, sweet heart. We can give her a real family. Do you want her growing up like you?"

    Those words even now still stung. He had hopped they could had left it at that. A 'discussion' over a cup of coffee in the middle of the night. An ambush on a jet lag young man. He knew it was foolish to hope, and now all that was left was him kicking himself. Having soothed a little girls worries as he tucked her in, and told her she wasn't going anywhere she didn't want to. Then this….they needed to go and they needed to go now.

    "Mandy! Com'on shorty! Miss Long-ears is awfully cold without yah." He called holding the repeatedly patched rabbit, the soft fabric clutched in his freezing hand, his knuckles white from holding it so tight. It's once pink fur now made mostly of patches of fabric. Pink poke-a-dots, green plaid, denim, all sorts of fabric made up the bulk of the doll. One eye replaced by a pink button and it was clear that most of it had been stitched together by hand. Some were puckered and sloppy while others neat and hardly noticeable. Four years of repairing little girls dresses, jeans. Performing emergency doll surgery, fixing the wheels on broken trains, and patching leaking balls. This doll was proof of what all that changed about his life. "Come on darlin', Bubby and Miss Long-ears needs one of your famous hugs." He called again peaking in a hollowed out log. Again no little girl. He could feel his heart hammer in his chest, part of him just wanted to sit down and cry, give up for a little while and just hit something, cry, scream, he didn't care. As long as it loosen whatever had a vice like grip on his heart. Threatening to squeeze the life out of him. He coudn't give up now, no he had a little girl that was waiting for him, a little girl that needed him to get her somewhere safe and warm before her little toes froze off.

    "Mandy May How-!" He had started to shout, feeling the blood starting to rush to his head as his panic started to evolve into something nowhere near as pleasant. He was brought short though as a sound caught his attention. A hiccup cut through him like butter stopping him short. The hiccup was soon followed by a shaking sob. It didn't take him long, stomping through the fallen snow with a whole new determination, the sound only getting louder and louder. He was nearly sent crashing into the new fallen snow, his glasses barely catching on the tip of his noes, calloused hand clutching desperately at the tree for support as he fought for balance, though it never quite came as he fell to his knees. The snow cut through his skin like a knife, sending a burning tingle up and down his skin. It bit at his bare legs and hand, but that didn't matter, it didn't even registered as an overwhelming sense of relief flashed through him as bright, teary blue eyes gazed at him through a veil of golden curls, her little body shaking and shuddering as snow continued to seep through her cotton panda Pajamas.

    "B-bubby…." She whimpered before a damn seemed to break as she crumpled in on herself, wrapping her arms back around her knees as she sobbed into her knees, shaking violently. "P-please…d-don't leave…..please…" She whimpered shrinking more and more as if to disappear into the bare, dried out buses.

    A long, relived sigh left him as all the panic and anger seem to wash out of his body in a rush. She was safe, she was safe, and at that moment that's all he could care about, as he hurriedly unzipped his coat. The edges worn and frayed and it has seen better days, but the old brown coat did it's job, even after all these years. It was clumsy and painful but he stumbled back onto his feet, yanking the jacket off to leave him only in the t-shirt and shorts he hadn't even bothered to change out of when he had went chasing after her into the cold. Even as the winter wind bit and cut at his skin he wrapped the thick fabric around her tiny form, skipping her up into his arms as he pulled the hood over her head. He fussing and shifting until her entire frame was under the warm, brown fabric. "Shhhhh, it's alright, it's alright." He cooed, gently patting her back as he tried to sooth her, letting out a playful 'gack' when he felt her tiny arms latch on around his neck, hiding her wind burned nose in his shirt.

    "I don't w-wanna stay with them."

    "I know darlin', I know….That's never goin' to happen....I promise."
    ζPlayed by @QueenOfHearts
  • Name: Lexia A. Hart

    Age: 26

    Physical Extras: Without her heels Lexia stands at 5'4" though with her heels she can usually pass as 5'6" and weighs 120 pounds. She is has an athletic frame, lean from her morning runs that she is insistent on keeping up. She has no scars or tattoos to speak of though she does have her ears pierced. Freckles are spread across her shoulders and the upper parts of her arm like it is across her nose and cheeks. Her dark hair falls to the middle of her shoulder blades in loose curls. Her eyes a brown hazel, bright and inquisitive.

    Sexuality: Straight.

    Three Good Traits:

    ✺ Intelligent: You can trust this young doctor to know what she's talking about. An IQ of 140 with a photographic memory makes her a reliable source of information. Though it does make her a bit clinical and relying on facts and numbers at times.

    ✺ Resourceful: She can improvise at a drop of a hat. She fashion a manner of things in a pinch or find alternative uses. Lot of things she can do resourcefully when it comes to surgery and medical related emergencies she had learned from a discharged military doctor that worked in the ER when she was put on his rotation during her interning years. She often keeps this and that in her bag just in case because of the tricks he taught her. It's amazing how useful ducttape, box of sugar or cornstarch can be in a pinch.

    ✺ Always Tries: She doesn't give up easy, a trait that she thought would make her adept at her line of work. She will do all she can and not give up on you. Even if it looks bleak, she is going to try. Some call it blind optimism, she calls it counting in the statistical probability that is human resilience. Let alone even if she is horrible at it and knows it she is still going to try instead of shut down and refuse to even so much as give it a try. If she worked up the nerve to commit there isn't going to be anything that makes her back down.

    Three Flaws:
    ✺ Cowardly: Lex is a coward, even if she doesn't want to admit it. She is easily frightened and intimidated. She's the first to look for an escape in a hard situation. It used to be a pastime for her roommate to see how high she could make her jump by sneaking up on her. So, even if she disagrees with something she can't bring herself to fight it, scared of what will happen if she doesn't do it, making her bow to someone's whims rather easily if they frighten her. It didn't help her timid nature in the least.

    ✺ Socially inapt: Her IQ and lack of interaction outside her family due to being home schooled as long as she could remember. The intensive lessons and tutors might have made it possible for her to graduate early and start pre-med at seventeen, but it also left her stunted in social events and situation most her age have experienced. Let alone she can come off harsh or insensitive when she meant to do anything but that. She tends to use old sayings or odds way of speech and use words overly large or complicated. She has tried to train herself and gotten help before she ended up in the town she now must call home. Though it didn't stick as well. She at times are lost on reading a person's emotions, even if she does try hard to be 'normal'. She feels everything despite her behavior at times. She cares, she feels guilt, she pities and she worries, she loves. Though it's often hard for her to express. Leaving her bumbling at times.

    ✺ Easily Frustrated: It's easy for her to get frustrated and impatient when things don't work. It might not stop her, but it frustrates her when the world seem to be crashing and breaking around her. Her frustration builds and builds until she can't any more at times, causing her to snap or lash out. She has even been known to break things or throw them at her worst. At her best? You find her face down on a desk muttering to herself while making hand motions as if she's having a conversation with the air itself.

    Place of Residence: Rochester, Minnesota
    Marital Status: Chronically Single
    - Sarah Elizabeth d'Airelle-Hart (Mother, Alive, 47)
    - Nathan Danial Hart (Father, Alive, 58)
    - Christen M. Hart (Sister, deceased, 24)
    - Alec A. Hart ( Brother, Alive, 22)
    - Raoul L. d'Airelle (grandfather, Alive, 79)
    - Amillia Lorel-d'Airelle (grandmother, Alive, 80)
    - Amy O'neal-Hart (Grandmother, Alive, 82)
    - Marcus Hart (Grandfather, Deceased, Died at age 74, would be 84)

    Occupation: Doctor starting her first Rotation at The Mayo Clinic. She specialized in trauma surgery
    Who was president when you came to Cascade Falls?: Obama

    Marital Status: Single
    Occupation: Doctor
    Family Children:

    How long have you lived in Cascade Falls?: Only two years
    Have you ever tried to leave?: "It's likely not in my best interest." (No, she is frightened what might happen to her if she tried.)
    Have you ever been to the fence?: "There's nothing wrong with a little objective curiosity, yes?" (Yes)


    "Sloppy?! Are you blind or just ignorant?! Really, I must ask. Have you seen my stiches?!" A woman all but snarled, a long, nimble finger jammed hard into the portly man's chest. The dark blue scrubs crinkling under the force.

    "Dr. Hart, I'm not criticizing your work, though how you spoke to that family?! That was just sloppy, they didn't need just the facts. They needed a sympathetic shoulder!" He hissed, slapping her hand away. The sound of skin hitting skin rang in the empty hallway, his large form towering over her, making the red drain from her face as she shrunk under his gaze, confusion flashing where anger had once been. "They needed comfort and all you did was tell them about the surgery. They said you brushed off their concerns, and just spouted numbers at them." He continued looking down at the freckled woman who now glanced down at the floor unable to meet his eyes. What most would have seen as and expression of guilt, it was the young woman running over the interaction again and again in her head. She had thought she had been doing well. Had she really brushed off their concern? The surgeon stared at her for a few moments longer before letting out a sigh that was nothing but pure exasperation and disappointment. "Just….just go take a break, I'll go smooth things over with the family. You're off my rotation for the next two weeks, you're going to be Dr. Anderson's problem until then." He muttered missing the look of disappointment that flashed across her features as she crossed her arms, clutching the rough blue material under her fingers. "I expect the next time I let you on one of my cases you've learned a damn thing. It's not all just about the skill, you understand?"

    Lexia tried to look smaller under his gaze, nodding her head meekly in response. Digging her manicured nails into the fabric, clutch the scrubs as if it was her only life line in this storm.

    "Do you understand me, Dr. Hart?" He stressing the word doctor, as if that title was in question.

    "Y-yes, I understand I…..I apologize." She muttered, swallowing back a bite of anger that flashed through her at his condescending tone. Though more importantly the tears that wanted to spill with every breath she took. If she can't cry, not is a position like this. Not when your very career rides on you not crumpling. Even if every time she spoke, every time she tired to look someone in the eyes she had to remember this. Her heart would clench, her stomach would drop and hands end up so clammy she didn't know what to do. She was anxious, scared. Her timid nature couldn't be here, she couldn't show it. A doctor couldn't be timid, they couldn't freeze up when someone yelled at them. Disapproved.

    Even though she knew that, no matter how many times she repeated that to herself like a mantra. This still hurt. He was one of the best trauma surgeon in this hospital, a mentor and she respected his skill like very few others she's worked with. It hurt that she had disappointed him yet again. She tried hard, she really did, but it apparently wasn't hard enough. She wasn't as sharp as she had been when she was an intern but it seemed her personality still didn't meet his expectations. Though there was no reason to speak to her like she was a fool. She hated it, hated when anyone got that tone with her. Speaking to her like she was an ignorant child playing at being a doctor. Yes she was twenty four years old, and yes that was young, but she didn't get here by luck. She worked hard, every day and night she worked hard. Practicing her stitches, her dexterity, studied. She tried so hard. She even been seeking help to help in this short coming. She wasn't a fold and didn't like being spoken to like she was one. Though that was him, she knew that she knew that was him, and she knew he was even crueler then this at times. She was getting off lucky, and with a small glimmer of hope behind that monotone expression, that he might actually have even an ounce of respect for her skill as well. What could she do about him speaking to her like this anyhow?

    "Good, now go on." He grunted before turning on his heels to leave her along in the hallway.

    It was a long but anything but quite walk down to the hospital cafeteria after that. The rush the chaos of a hospital. Nurses, doctors and interns rushing about. Filling the halls with chaos and sound, and to her of all things this was comforting. It kept her mind buzzing, pulling her from her thoughts of 'had I really hurt their feelings?' 'Did I make it frightening to them?' That faint guilt gnawing at the pit of her stomach even still. Though in that moment as the busy energy flowed around her, she could calm that weight in her chest and that burn behind her eyes as she watched them all move around her. For that moment she didn't feel like she was the only one, the only one to ever make a mistake. That she wasn't alone in something for once.

    All of that sadly vanished when she found herself in the cafeteria, having bought a couple of apples and strong cup of coffee. She sitting down quietly at an empty table, glancing around at the other people and doctors that filled the room. Chatting, laughing, and smiling. A pang of envy flashed in her as she popped the top off her coffee, grabbing the packages of sugar and cream out of the containers in the center of the table. It wasn't long until the black coffee was a milky brown, it about seventy percent sugar and cream at that point before she popped the traveling lid back on and sipping on the still slightly bitter liquid. Her freckled nose wrinkling in frustration for a moment. No amount of sugar or cream could drown that bite out. She wanted to be one of those people, no matter how clam, collected, so at ease she appeared, she envied, she wanted to be just like them. Able to talk to someone about meaningless little things. Like a good book maybe, or a movie even. Something. Though she knew, the second she would trying to strike up a conversation, something would go wrong, it always went wrong and if she didn't simply bore then something would come out not quite right and someone would find insult. A sigh left her before she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket.

    It took a second of shifting and digging before she finally pulled out a phone a simple black phone, though an uncharacteristically bright cartoon character sticker was slapped onto the back of it. It crooked and off center. A Happy smiling yellow duck that said 'You Quack me up!' It didn't look like it belonged for a reason. She hadn't been the one to put it there.

    'Hey there good looking! What time U getting back? I got my check in today so I'm making dinner.'

    Her roommate, she'd probably be a bit disappointed that her help hadn't added up to much. She was a social butterfly, always so good with people, and probably a little silly, but she was a nice girl. She liked her and for some reason Julia liked her as well. She was her first real friend she made when she moved out there to study. Her roommate her first semester at the dorms, and she had stuck with here ever since and Lexia? She had seen the girl through numerous boyfriends and girlfriends, broken hearts, nights spent burning an ex's things in trash can and giving hugs that she wasn't quite sure she was doing right after a little prompting. Though she was her friend, and she was the first person to try and help her. Try to teach her how to act like everyone else. To understand something outside her books.

    Her thumbs flew across the nicked and scratched screen as she set it down on the table in front of her, picking up an apple to bite into, pink painted lips puckering as the sourness bloomed on her tongue.

    '9:30 give or take traffic, rotation cut short. By the way it's you not U, you know that irks me.'

    Her phone hadn't been down long before it vibrated again.

    ' But it so cute when u r all gwump~ ;p Kay! I pick up wine, u tell me ALL about work. Got a 2nd in case it was bad.~'

    She never understood why she found it so cute. Let alone why she laughed like an overgrown child when the shorter woman ended up chasing her around the apartment after a rather frustrating conversation with the blond. Was that what having a friend was like?

    'Well….blagh. and that would be wise, thank you.'

    'Hah! Finally rubbing off on u~ Np btb. cu at home!'

    Yup she was just doing it now to annoy her, though even so Lexia couldn't help but shake her head , sending her pony tail bouncing and an actual smile pulling across her plump lips.
    ζPlayed by @QueenOfHearts
  • Name: Sammy "Sampson" Henderson

    Age: 28

    Physical Extras:
    Averages in the 180-190lb range
    Built on the lean side, but has strong muscle tone, particularly in the legs and upper arms.
    Sammy's got a wide, cheerful smile that splits his face and squishes his eyes, making tiny dimples and the world a bit brighter. He's an easy smiler at that, and its easy to tell he'll have some serious laugh-lines when he's older. His hair tends towards the darker spectrum, very soft and plush, but it bleaches out very easily and it highlights with a reddish brown when he's out in the sun through the summer months. He doesn't tan as easily as his hair lightens, but he can take on a fair enough tint to his skin, just enough for his freckles to pop up more obviously, but never more than that.
    He has a collection of tattoos, but is very closed lipped about them; they are each tied back to a moment in history that he wanted remembered and even Before, they were his and only to be spoken of over a booze and a laugh, where happy times and happy faces were present.
    He has a piercing, but if asked about it he gets a wide grin and a sheepish expression, hiding his embarrassment behind his boyish glee and not saying a word.

    Sexuality: Homosexual; incredibly private about this, an equal opportunity flirt.

    Three Good Traits:

    Optimistic – Sammy is about the most happy-go-lucky, genuinely bubbly person you'll ever meet. He's just about incapable of being upset by even the most traumatic news, and the glass is always half full when it's in his hands. This is a guy who laughs in the face of danger…although some people suspect that he simply doesn't know that it's danger at all…

    Good Instincts – While Sammy's intelligence has come under suspect in the past, his instincts (and coincidentally, his reflexes) aren't. He seems to always be in the right place at the right time, and sometimes he just sort of….does things that don't make a lot of sense until you look back at it later. He is very driven by whatever his gut seems to be telling him, and sometimes his gut tells him to step out of the way of an impending car crash and other times it tells him to tie his shoe right before something sharp goes sailing over his head. It could be suggested that it's less "survival instinct" and more…good luck.

    Good with his hands – If he can think it, generally he can figure out a way to make it. Sammy had a rough time as a child getting to grips with his physical world—he was slow to walk, slow to run, and it took him much longer than most to figure out how to write or even hold a fork—but he was a determined kid and will happily say that it was his inability to figure out how to work his body as a child that has made him very good with it now. He likes to tie knots in particular, and is actually a quite nice illustrator as well; preferring classical and traditional mediums, such as watercolor and pen and ink, where mistakes are permanent.

    Three Flaws:

    Oblivious – Sammy's optimism could very well be linked to his oblivious nature. He doesn't see things coming very well…or ever…and can only see the very best in people, completely ignoring any dangerous or suspicious behavior. His uncanny luck keeps him alive, but many of his friends (and family) would prefer that he be more aware of the impending doom rather than just be good at avoiding it when it happens. This trait also makes him very willing to accept lies and he's pretty impossibly gullible. You can stand by a dying man, hold on to the bloody knife while you strangle the life out of the poor guy and Sammy will walk up and accept your excuse of "Oh man, I was trying to save him, he was stabbing himself and I was trying to help" as 150% truth. He'll even hold you as you fake-cry in disbelief into his shoulder.

    Too Sweet – This guy is so nice, so generous, so kind and so lovable that it actually gets annoying after a while. He'll bend over backwards for you over and over and over again, get doors slammed in his face after he does a favor for a man, and accept so much gosh darn cruelty without blinking an eye that its actually more than a little bit unsettling In fact, his golden-boy game is so strong that he regularly loses friends for it, people calling him fake or just plain getting tired of it. It's easy to assume that he's shallow or even limited in his personality, which is a shame cause there's a lot in there…he's just…too happy for it to show.

    A Bottler – Sammy is not good at emotions. For a sweetie with empathy, he's actually horrendous at expressing his emotions and especially at processing negative feelings like "fear" "distress" "anger" "sadness" and "worry". He can identify and understand them and will support you like Atlas himself, but he cannot seem to handle them himself and so just…shoves them aside to be dealt with later…ie never. This habit combined with intense stress could result in mental issues if pressed too much. Hopefully he'll figure out how to simply express his misery before that happens.

    Place of Residence: Hempstead, New York
    Marital Status: Engaged
    John H. Henderson – Father – 50
    Georgia O. Henderson – Mother - 45

    Rusty Hamilton - Fiance - 22.5
    Occupation: Midfielder for the New York Lizard's lacrosse team; freelance illustrator
    Who was president when you came to Cascade Falls?: Obama

    Marital Status: Single
    Occupation: Nomad
    Family Children:

    How long have you lived in Cascade Falls?: 1 year; been wandering for up on 4 years.
    Have you ever tried to leave?: Yes; technically succeeded.
    Have you ever been to the fence?: Yes


    It took a steady hand to work in ink, a patient one that slid slowly and quickly depending on the spot, that predicted the dips and dents in paper and yet one that was spontaneous and relaxed, flicking into smooth curves and a thousand tiny stippled-dashes. It took a careful touch, a delicate one at times, where each tiny detail was highlighted with the liquid black of a dipped quill's tongue, and where one's mistakes could not be hidden or painted over—what was done was done; permanent and forever against the crisp white of paper. These hands were often small, or aged, or soft, or delicate, but these hands, these hands that cupped the sketchbook with care and that made bold strokes and thin lines against the paper, these were large, heavy hands with calluses and scars. They were long-fingered, knotted with breaks and almost always with dirt under the nails—friction burns against the skin and pale blemishes across the knuckles. These weren't the hands of an artist, dipped in ink and stained with paints, but the muscled chords of an athlete, a man who gripped the long handle of a netted stick and collided full force against men bigger and smaller than himself, who spent more time beaten and bruised than not, and who spent more hours training himself, working himself, pushing himself to and past the limit than he did curled up with pen and ink, languidly letting the soft strokes flow.

    Yet, these motions were of an artist, skilled yet relaxed, and a quiet smile played on the man's lips as he sketched, big blue-grey eyes flicking up from the paper then down again as he sat with legs splayed on a weathered green park bench, a scarf piled up high around his neck and a knitted cap pulled down low over his ears. The paper was worn, the sketchbook duct taped and taped again to keep the pages tight inside, its own hardback growing soft from years of being dragged here and shoved there, never getting the space it needed inside an athletic bag or a book bag, and getting too much space as it bounced around in the passenger's seat or was tossed on a couch or a bed day in and day out…but…it was comfortable in its position, well-loved and well used, with every inch of its surface patched with logos and stickers of favored films, favored places, favored memories, favored teams, (with a bright green, black and white NYL proudly plastered over the front) and every inch of its interior covered in sketches and in wordless thoughts, in comics and beautiful people with soft expressions and averted eyes.

    A new sketch was forming in hatches and lines on one of the last bits of spare space, her green eyes and quirky smile painstakingly rendered in black and white, and the bundle of pigtails and laughter carefully cradled in her arms. Another arm reached around to complete the circle, and an elderly man with joy in his crinkled expression offered a one-armed hug to his daughter and a warm pastry to his grand-daughter. Their backs faced away, a piece of happiness meant for themselves, not the onlookers, but somehow that lent a sense of wonder and reality to the piece, a windowed look to a moment over quicker than it began, and as a few more lines laid against the daughter's fur-lined hood, a sharp buzzing interrupted the moment and the pen was put down, the inkwell set aside as Sammy stretched out and slid a hand into his jacket pocket.

    The phone was retrieved and he gave a humming yawn as he worked out of the spot he'd been locked into, the bare fingers of his gloved hands flicking open the phone's locked screen and scrolling through the message. He noted the time and the comments in the email and locked his phone, shoving it back into a pocket as he rose to his feet with a full-body stretch, cracking his neck rather loudly before shaking out the chill and corking his ink, shoving it, sketchbook and pen into the crowded recess of his backpack as he began to walk, tossing the thing over his shoulder to head to an awaiting vehicle. He had time, he thought as the SUV rolled up, chauffer flailing at him to hurry along to an impromptu practice, to swing left and grab a hot chocolate from the coffee stand on the sidewalk.
    ζPlayed by @Jackalope
  • Name: Kenneth Tezuka (Keiichi Teuzka)
    Age: 26
    Physical Extras: A Japanese born American. Stands at 175cm (5'7") and 80kg (176lbs). Despite only being in his mid-twenties, he is often mistaken for someone much older. And who can blame him? With all those bags under his eyes, the wrinkles on his face, and his sluggish movement whenever he walks around. A side effect of his upbringing; he is a 3rd generation immigrant, his grandparents moving to the US a few years after World War II. The hardworking Japanese ethic was not lost on his grandparents on the move to the US, or his own parents when they were born. His previous job saw him work long hours and he would frequently stay overnight in the office. A trait his old boss was more than happy to take advantage of. To the annoyance of Kenneth, he is usually mistaken for a Korean or Chinese.
    Sexuality: Bi-Curious

    Three Good Traits:
    Patient: It takes a lot to anger Kenneth. He will always try to find a way to appease those who are mad, either through words or actions. Aside from his nationality, he doesn't take offense to much, and will gladly be a verbal punching bag to anyone who needs to vent. In a place like this, he has his fair share of emotional offloading. "For some reason, Americans see everything as an all or nothing game. It makes them quick to anger. Even their religion is the same. You must be good to go to Heaven, or else you suffer for eternity."

    Critical: As a former accountant, it was Kenneth's job to oversee the company's records and to ensure there were no errors in paperwork. He has a natural eye for detail. "I find it funny how the higher ups keep thinking about 'the big picture' but refuse to look at the small. To change the big picture, you must tinker with the small. You cannot improve your drawing if you refuse to work on your technique; shading, strokes, proportions. Improve the small, and the big will follow."

    Rote Memory: Kenneth has a good photographic memory. This extends to facts and figures on various topics. In another life, he could have been a lawyer. "Photos are for those with a weak brain."

    Three Flaws:
    Solitary: He tries not to talk to others if he can help it. He isn't shy. Just extremely introverted. Which is why the library is the perfect place for someone like him. Why be surrounded by people when you can be surrounded in books? "People are stores of faulty knowledge. Like books, they contain knowledge. Unlike books, they are prone to bias. Books also do not talk back or generate misinformation; they do not have difficulty communicating their thoughts. Why learn from such an unreliable source?"

    Passive: Like the Japanese, Kenneth is a pacifist, and will make any and all attempt to ensure he stays away from conflict. It usually leaves bigger problems to come back to haunt him later. "The Americans like to face problems as they come. They are reckless and stubborn and it causes them to sometimes make mistakes, but sometimes deal with the problem in unexpected ways. They are like a waterfall; crashing down at full speed and power with little regard to accuracy. I see myself as a gentle river, flowing gracefully around obstacles and removing small amounts of debris. Why give yourself the chance to make mistakes?"

    Inflexible: If something goes off course, it is easy for Kenneth to lose his bearings. He will spend hours meticulously planning his day. If there are unforeseen complications, it sends the rest of his day into haywire. "The Russians had no plan when they tried to take our land. They threw thousands of bodies across the ocean with no regard for tactics or training. Did it not occur to them an island nation would boast a powerful navy? How humiliating was it to be defeated by a country less than half its size?"

    Place of Residence: San Francisco, California
    Marital Status: Single
    Mayuri Tezuka - Mother (54)
    Masaki Tezuka - Father (60)
    Jigaya Tezkua - Paternal Grandfather (80)

    Occupation: Accountant
    Who was president when you came to Cascade Falls?: Obama

    Marital Status: Single
    Occupation: Librarian
    Family Children:

    How long have you lived in Cascade Falls?: 6 months
    Have you ever tried to leave?: No.
    Have you ever been to the fence?: Of course.


    The alarm clock buzzes at precisely seven thirty in the morning. A hand emerges from the covers and slams the off button two seconds later. A body shuffles out of the bed and into the bathroom. The lights turn on, and the sound of running water fills the silence. Ten minutes later, Kenneth stares in front of the mirror with a toothbrush held in his hand. He gargles and spits. He steps out of the bathroom, releasing a faint scent of citrus into the air, and opens the closet which stands opposite the bed. There is a full length mirror inside so he doesn't have to waste time adjusting his clothes. He unwraps the towel around his waist. Underwear, pants, shirt, tie, in that order. His suit hangs over his shoulder. He grabs his planner by the nightstand and exits the bedroom. It's now seven forty five.

    He lazily spreads butter on the two slices of bread and pops them into the toaster. He takes the tablet that he left overnight to charge on the coffee table. The 'fully charged' display on screen brings a faint smile to his lips as he unplugs the tablet. Two minutes later, the toast springs up and grabs them by his index and thumb on the plate. Now on the dining table, he opens the tabs on his tablet's web browser. Work emails, BBC, NBC, ABC, and personal emails. He puts the empty plate on the counter by the sink and puts on his suit. The taxi he called earlier on his tablet is waiting downstairs. It's eight in the morning.

    He reaches work at eight twenty two. Depending on traffic conditions, he can arrive at anytime between eight fifteen and eight forty five. Work starts at nine, but he checks himself in anyway. The floor is littered with identical grey cubicles. While the other stations are decorated with photos of family, various trinkets and doodads, his has a much less personal touch; preferring function over form as evidenced by the sticky notes and various file holders. He boots up his work computer. It's eight thirty.

    People start filing in at around eight forty five. The manager enters just before nine. Kenneth is already buried in the screen. At twelve twenty he goes down to the cafe on the ground floor and buys a sandwich to take back upstairs. A co-worker decides to complain to him about the work he has for the day, and he responds with nods and meaningless phrases to give the illusion of engagement. Satisfied, the co-worker walks back to his desk. It's a slow day, so at seven thirty in the evening he leaves the building, an hour and a half after everyone else. The taxi stops by a pizza place and he nabs a pie for himself for dinner. The taxi drops him off at his apartment. It's eight thirty in the evening.

    Kenneth takes off his suit, draping it on top of the arm chair, and sits on the dining table with the now cold pizza in front of him. He eats silently. No humming of the TV, no ringing noises from notifications on his tablet, not even the passing traffic on the street below. He finishes about half and shoves the box into the fridge. He heads into the bedroom and leaves his clothes in a pile in the corner of the bathroom for him to wash later. He takes another quick shower, changes, and slumps into his bed. It's nine forty five.
    ζPlayed by @Stuffies12

    Amy Keller
    Physical Extras
    5'9", 150 lbs (about 68 kg), pink birthmark behind her ear
    Three Good Traits
    • Committed: Amy doesn't take her work lightly, and she will work until the work is done.
    • Outgoing: She knows how to talk to people and does so quite easily.
    • Witty: She can crack a good joke every now and then.
    Three Flaws
    • Prideful: She's not prideful in the sense of overestimating her abilities. Rather, she refuses to give up on something or admit when she's at fault (even though she may very well know it), making her rather stubborn in an argument.
    • Secretive: Although she may be talkative, that doesn't mean she tells people much of anything, past (certainly not) or present.
    • Manipulative: Sometimes without even meaning to, Amy finds herself manipulating information out of people.

    Place of Residence
    Los Angeles, California
    Marital Status
    • Husband: John Keller, 35, status unknown
    • Daughter: Natalie Keller, 9, status unknown
    • Son: Joseph Keller, 3 (at time of death), deceased
    • Sister: Lilith Keller, 24 (at time of death), deceased
    Occupational Therapist
    Who was president when you came to Cascade Falls?
    Bill Clinton

    Marital Status
    Unmarried, Single
    Coffee Shop Owner
    • Lilith Keller, 16, adopted daughter

    How long have you lived in Cascade Falls?

    7 years
    Have you ever tried to leave?
    Yes, unsuccessful
    Have you ever been to the fence?

    "You were such a good sister to me." Amy remarked as she stared at the lifeless body of her older sister, Lilith. Her eyes were closed in a serene matter with almost a smile upturning her lips, as if she was at peace. She glanced at the solemn crowd behind her, a few dabbing tears out of their eyes. Amy just smiled warmly, and they all stood taller. If Lilith's dear sister could smile in such a time, so could they.

    They could not possibly know that their wonderful Amy had caused the death of her very own sister. The woman deserved after all, since a simple mistake had caused the death of her three-year-old son. Amy was merely returning the favor. An eye for an eye, no?

    Amy left the funeral without another word, allowing herself a brief moment of grief before letting it go completely. There was no room for such pitiful feelings in her life. She still had a daughter to raise and a husband to make happy. After all, this was a time of grieving for them, and someone had to step up and keep them all together. It helped that Amy had what might be called vengeance for her son's tragic and sudden death.

    The Keller family would never quite be the same again, but no one could ever know that poor Amy had become a murderer without even a drop of remorse.
    ζPlayed by @kimsim12
    Lilith Keller
    Physical Extras:
    5'6", 130 lbs
    Three Good Traits:
    • Quiet: She tends to keep to herself and doesn't cause trouble when it's not necessary.
    • Intelligent: She has a very intelligent and calculating mind that prefers logic over creativity.
    • Strong-willed: She has her own opinions, and she sticks by them. She's not often afraid to tell people how she feels.
    Three Flaws:
    • Hermit-like: She doesn't have many friends, and she doesn't really bother to gain any. She prefers her own company over anyone else's, though it's not like she can avoid talking to people when they address her.
    • Overly Logical: Creativity definitely is not her strong suit.
    • Stubborn: Like two sides of a coin, there is a pro and a con to having a strong will. Much like her adopted mother, she can be rather hard-headed and unwilling to compromise.

    Place of Residence:
    Chicago, Illinois
    Marital Status:
    • Father: Jacob Garrison, 39, status unknown
    • Mother: Rachel Garrison, 38, status unknown
    • Brother: Timothy Garrison, 14, status unknown
    Who was president when you came to Cascade Falls?:
    Barack Obama

    Marital Status:
    • Amy Keller, 32, adopted mother

    How long have you lived in Cascade Falls?:
    3 months; has no memory of her past life whatsoever
    Have you ever tried to leave?:
    Have you ever been to the fence?:

    Lilith Keller, then called Sara Garrison, rose early each morning. She preferred to watch the sunrise in the quiet, long before anyone else awoke. She had always been a bit of an introvert, keeping to herself with only a few close friends. Many considered her to be almost a hermit, though she certainly wasn't. She just enjoyed having the world to herself for a little while.

    Sitting on her front porch, she closed her eyes and smiled, listening the soft tune of the earth. Birds chirped their morning hellos, and the wind waved its usual greeting. Everything was so...peaceful. One felt like nothing could ever harm them again when it was quiet like this, and that was exactly how she felt.

    No one else in her family, especially her mother, was much of a morning person. Sara couldn't really understand it, but she supposed everyone had their preferences. In just a few minutes, breakfast of pancakes and eggs would be served. Her brother would laugh jauntily about some silly dream he had, and her father would be reading the paper like any stereotypical father would do.

    But, until then, she could just be by herself, unaffected by the world. Unaffected by anything. Just...peaceful.
    ζPlayed by @kimsim12
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This sounds like fun, would it be cool if I reserve a Toy Store Owner? Need to think up a name and a character and I would also like to reserve Pharmacist if that's cool? Gotta think up the chars I won't but should have them up by tonight or tuesday night.^^
This sounds like fun, would it be cool if I reserve a Toy Store Owner? Need to think up a name and a character and I would also like to reserve Pharmacist if that's cool? Gotta think up the chars I won't but should have them up by tonight or tuesday night.^^
Pharmacist has been reserved already and I believe Queen has the Toy Store guy. PM me and we can talk about some jobs, though!
  • Thank You
Reactions: Justin
I'm right here! Gonna post my new Application soon, i cant wait until this gets started, i never really liked the application i did before, but this version of Cindy Robertson will be better.
I'm right here! Gonna post my new Application soon, i cant wait until this gets started, i never really liked the application i did before, but this version of Cindy Robertson will be better.
If you need any help, just let us know. The good thing about the reboot is that people can tweak their characters to their liking before everything gets started.

Name: Cindy Robertson
Age: 21
Physical Extras: 5,3 ft tall, Slightly Average weight and has a birthmark of a square on her forehead where she covers it with her hair.

Sexuality: Asexual
Three Good Traits:
Cheerful, yet Serious - Cindy is cheerful most of the time and try's to be helpful in anyway possible, she is prone to have conversations with patients most of the time in the hospital. However when things start to get tense then Cindy will change her attitude to something more serious to help people in there time of need or to sort out a dangerous situation.

Sarcastic - Cindy is Sarcastic sometimes but enjoys being so since it amuses the people around her, so she tends to make a snarky comment here and there in a conversation in anyway possible for a good laugh, even if it might get her in trouble.

Bookworm - Cindy likes to read in her spare time which was one of the many things she enjoyed while in University. She also knows a lot about literature and might make a reference to a book sometimes, she even writes as a second hobby when she has nothing better to do.

Three Flaws:

Clumsiness - Cindy tends to be clumsy most of the time which is why when people come to her she hides some items that she dose not want the person to see, however when holding objects in her hand she will probably trip or accidently throw said object at someone by mistake.

Liar - Cindy tends to lie a lot especially if she needs to keep a secret for a friend, she dose not feel guilty if she accidently reveals the secret and tends to shrug it off, however if the secret was very important, she will freak out but try to calm herself in the situation she got herself in.

Stressed - Sometimes Cindy will pressure herself when she has a lot of work to do both outside her job as a nurse and within. When is stressed she will most likely ignore people around her and even snap at them until she gets the job done. The stress started while studying as a Lawyer at University and continued after she graduated...She got used to it despite being a bad habit.

Place of Residence: Alexandria, Washington, DC
Marital Status: Single
Greg Robertson - Father, Age: 55
Mallory Stone - Mother, Age: 53

Occupation: Lawyer (Was about to take Bar Exam.) She also worked part time at a Pet Shop.
Who was president when you came to Cascade Falls?: Bill Clinton

Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Nurse in Training (Started a week before the events of the Roleplay.)

How long have you lived in Cascade Falls?: A Year
Have you ever tried to leave?: In the first few months in Cascade Cindy tried to find away past the fence, but was caught each time.
Have you ever been to the fence?: Same as above, although Cindy is suspicious about what's on the otherside.

Cindy quickly jolted herself awake upon hearing her cellphone just near the drawer of her bed, she quickly grabs it and turns off the alarm as she sat up on her bed. "So...Today is the day...Ugh god...I'm not going to pass, I hate exams..." Cindy thought to herself as she rubbed her head, afraid about what was going to occur today...Today was the day Cindy was going to take her bar exam to see if she will become a lawyer that she was studying to be for years.

After breakfast, Cindy started to get ready for the day, she donned a grey work outfit and placed a few papers she need's for the exam in a suitcase before slamming it shut. After making sure everything was ready, Cindy left her house and drove off in her car to the exam.

That is...If she'll make it...

(I was going to app another person but i felt she was too similar to Megan Fisher.)
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Since Cindy was about to become a lawyer before ending up in Cascade Falls
Cindy had just started becoming a nurse on training
So, is she a nurse or a lawyer? I don't think the traits relate to her personality, so she's coming across a bit flat, imo. And did she not have a job before coming to town? Clean up your grammar and typos and we'll have another look.
Fixed a few grammar and Typo's. I feel embarrassed sometimes when i make those mistakes, i also added that she worked part time at a pet shop to explain what she did other then study to become a lawyer. (A reference to my old application.)

So to Clarify:

Before ending up in Cascade Falls, Cindy worked part time at a Pet shop while at the same time was studying to become a lawyer, the day she was going to take the bar exam was when she was taken to Cascade falls.

Now in Cascade Falls she works as a Nurse in Training, the reason for the job switch will be explained in the Roleplay.
Did you intend to make her three feet tall? I'm still seeing a lot of grammar mistakes in your sample, though and in the end, it's less about length and more about readability.
Cindy is now taller, i have also shortened the sample and fixed the mistakes found on it.
Oh, I wasn't saying it needed to be shortened! Let me finish some other stuff and I'll PM you with some help c:

Avery J. Howard
Age: 30
Physical Extras: He stands at 5'10", years of hard physical labor clear on his body be it from his calloused, scared hands that showed what dangers lied in carving tools, sewing needles, forgetting oven mitts and power tools. Little scars litter the palms of his hands and the pads of his fingers, a few even curving around the side of his hands and the heels of his palms. His shoulders are broad and body muscled. His line of work before included plenty of heavy lifting and at the worst had to hold his entire body weight up for long periods of time. His new line of work hasn't changed that much, he made everything in his shop by hand, and in the madness between where he has nothing to do and it's too early to sleep, the man found tasks to do. He weights in at 154 pounds. The calf of his left leg still bears the scar from a not so freak incident that in all involved a bet, a faulty ATV break, a homemade ramp and him asking someone to hold his beer. He has no piercings, though he does have one tattoo that he can't exactly figure out where it came from in all honesty, all he knows is he woke up in a strange bed with his chest stinging and when he looked he found a tribal looking spade one the left side of his chest just bellow the collarbone. Never play poker drunk folks, bad ideas happen.

Sexuality: Pansexual.

Three Good Traits:
Nurturing: Avery cares very deeply, and genuinely likes taking care of others even if he doesn't say it all the times. It's clear in little acts. Contrary to what his family might have thought this wasn't simply a byproduct of raising a little girl.

Handy: At least in task that don't include a stove. He worked for years as a Handy man, and thus has made him a bit of Jack of all trades, at least in home care. He is good at repairing most things that can go wrong in a home from a leaky pipe to patching a roof. He also learned how to sew pretty early on. What could he do when he had a little girl crying to him over Professor Bearton loosening his arm in a tragic experiment gone wrong?

Passionate: He dedicates his all to everything he does. His won't let himself half ass anything. If he fix's the sink, the pipes are getting replaced. If he makes a doll it's getting dresses and shoes to match. He cleans the house? Well hope you don't mind waking up to a big man cleaning around you like this is completely normal. He puts his all into everything he puts his mind to. Half-ass isn't in his vocabulary.

Three Flaws:
Mother Hen: He tends to fuss and hover at times. He acts like a mother at times and be like "Here, move I'll do it. Go get a drink." Before taking whatever task you were doing and do it himself. He can almost suffocate you with attention if he isn't careful.

Overprotective (at times even a bit twistedly so): He's the sort if you have fallen under the line where he starts acting like a fussing mother hen over you, then you are likely going to see this side as well. He will practically pluck things out of your grip if he thinks you are going to hurt yourself with it. Let alone try to shelter harsh truths and realities. From where simply trying to make sure you don't get hurt or in trouble to where he's about to wrap you in bubble wrap and put you in the closet until he's finished getting all the glass out of the carpet. He'll do anything if it means protecting someone he cares about. A little blood on his hands means little to him when he get's to that point again.

Bullheaded: Once he gets something in that head of his there is no getting him to stop. It often leads to lost tempers or simple shutting out. Though one way or the other with your help or not it's getting done even if he has to do it all himself. If he believes in something there is no talking him out of it, something his sister has learn the hard way more than once in their life.


Place of Residence: Bardstown, Ky
Marital Status: Single but was dating.
- Mandy M. Howard (Sister, alive, 8)
- Angela Howard (Mother, deceased seven years ago, Was 39 at death)
- Tom (Father, Unknown, age, likely 50 years old)
- Lisa Howard-O'Neal (Aunt, Alive, age: 55. Mother's sister)
- Richard S. O'Neal (Uncle, Alive, age 56.)
- Nick Howard (Uncle, Alive, 46)
- Beck Klark (Ex Aunt, Alive, 48)
- Angel Howard (Cousin, Alive, 14)
- Ricky Jr. Howard (Cousin, alive, 9)
Occupation: Handy Man
Who was president when you came to Cascade Falls?: Obama


Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Toy Store owner/Toy maker.
Family Children:

How long have you lived in Cascade Falls?: Three years
Have you ever tried to leave?: No
Have you ever been to the fence?: No

It was a frigid winter morning, but even so, a blond found himself in a pair of brown work boots and a thick jacket. Snowflakes clung to his hair and dark lashes like the frost on the first day of winter. At that moment he was reconsidering his life choices. To be more specific the reason he didn't stop the two extra minutes it would have took to put on an actual pair of jeans instead of running out in a pair of ball shorts he had fell asleep in. The breathable sleek material was doing little to protect his waist let alone other parts from the biting January wind. Though no sooner did that criticism cross his mind did another. She'd would have been out there, cold and alone in the first snow of January two minutes longer then she already was. The loud crunching of his boots breaking through the virgin snow was the only thing that broke the silence. Not even the birds he had shown her sang. No, they wouldn't be back until the start of spring. Ruby red cardinals and small little yellow birds were all that stayed behind, the only birds that still held a tune, but even now, they didn't sing.

He kept repaying the event over and over in his head. It had been a pleasant morning, as pleasant as could be. It had been the first morning since he had flown in. It had been so odd if he was perfectly honest. Aunt Lisa had met them at the gate, the bear of a man that was her husband peering over the crowed to spot him and the little girl who clung to his hand like a drowning man did a life line. Her little knuckles white as he led her to the middle age couple. What had been the largest surprise was that no sooner were they in arms reach he found himself in a bear hug by the large man. He could still remember how he could barely brush the toes of his boots against the polished linoleum. To say he had been surprised was a drastic understatement. The man hadn't so much as given him a pat on the back since he caught the blond with another young man on a date. Needless to say the right winged, bible thumping man hadn't been the most pleasant person on the planet after the fact. He should have just bought a ticket back to home then and there.

Though that hadn't been what started this whole mess, no it had been a middle aged woman, a careless word, and the woman yanking a stuffed bunny out of the hands of five year old little girl. Too old for dirty old dolls? Too OLD?! Who the hell did that woman think she was?! "Did I trust my instincts? Nawww, give then a damn chance I said." He muttered rubbing his hands together in a vain hope for warmth, a pink and multi-patch covered bunny tucked under his arm, long ears waving with each movement he made. "People change I said." He continued as he poked his head around a tree trunk only to be disappointed for the twentieth time that morning, causing the man to kick at the poor, innocent snow. "You're a fuckin' moron, Avery." He snorted, disdain clear in his tone, each step seeming louder and louder to his own ears. "Yeah, well, fuck you too."

Avery was a good man, or at least he liked to think he was. He did everything, everything he could for that sweet little girl. He dropped out of college, he took on a number of odd jobs and would work himself to the bone to get home on time to meet her at the bus stop. He gave up everything that was him to raise her, to raise Mandy, that little girl with the brightest blue eyes and that sweet smile that made working until he couldn't even stand worth it just so he was sure she was happy, fed and warm. He should have knew better. This family never changed. They were still the same uptight, entitled jerks they always were. The ones who shunned a single mother and her little boy, who had all but shoved a wailing one year old into his arms so they wouldn't be 'saddled' with his mother's mistake.

Now this. How dare they?! He raised her, he clothed her, he fed her. He was there when she was sick and he was the one who made those stupid little costumes for school plays. Then they had the audacity to say to her that when she comes to live with them, girls like her were too old for silly old dolls.

"That poor girl needs more structure." She sighed, shaking her head with that same disapproving look, that same damn look she gave her mother when he would so much as make a peep when he wasn't spoken too as a boy. "You're too young to be raisin' her, dear, we can give her so much more." She had crooned, making it sound as if it was some grand favor he should be grateful for.

"A boy your age needs to live a little."

"Don't….whatever, you bring home run off when they see her?"

"She needs a stable home, sweet heart. We can give her a real family. Do you want her growing up like you?"

Those words even now still stung. He had hopped they could had left it at that. A 'discussion' over a cup of coffee in the middle of the night. An ambush on a jet lag young man. He knew it was foolish to hope, and now all that was left was him kicking himself. Having soothed a little girls worries as he tucked her in, and told her she wasn't going anywhere she didn't want to. Then this….they needed to go and they needed to go now.

"Mandy! Com'on shorty! Miss Long-ears is awfully cold without yah." He called holding the repeatedly patched rabbit, the soft fabric clutched in his freezing hand, his knuckles white from holding it so tight. It's once pink fur now made mostly of patches of fabric. Pink poke-a-dots, green plaid, denim, all sorts of fabric made up the bulk of the doll. One eye replaced by a pink button and it was clear that most of it had been stitched together by hand. Some were puckered and sloppy while others neat and hardly noticeable. Four years of repairing little girls dresses, jeans. Performing emergency doll surgery, fixing the wheels on broken trains, and patching leaking balls. This doll was proof of what all that changed about his life. "Come on darlin', Bubby and Miss Long-ears needs one of your famous hugs." He called again peaking in a hollowed out log. Again no little girl. He could feel his heart hammer in his chest, part of him just wanted to sit down and cry, give up for a little while and just hit something, cry, scream, he didn't care. As long as it loosen whatever had a vice like grip on his heart. Threatening to squeeze the life out of him. He coudn't give up now, no he had a little girl that was waiting for him, a little girl that needed him to get her somewhere safe and warm before her little toes froze off.

"Mandy May How-!" He had started to shout, feeling the blood starting to rush to his head as his panic started to evolve into something nowhere near as pleasant. He was brought short though as a sound caught his attention. A hiccup cut through him like butter stopping him short. The hiccup was soon followed by a shaking sob. It didn't take him long, stomping through the fallen snow with a whole new determination, the sound only getting louder and louder. He was nearly sent crashing into the new fallen snow, his glasses barely catching on the tip of his noes, calloused hand clutching desperately at the tree for support as he fought for balance, though it never quite came as he fell to his knees. The snow cut through his skin like a knife, sending a burning tingle up and down his skin. It bit at his bare legs and hand, but that didn't matter, it didn't even registered as an overwhelming sense of relief flashed through him as bright, teary blue eyes gazed at him through a veil of golden curls, her little body shaking and shuddering as snow continued to seep through her cotton panda Pajamas.

"B-bubby…." She whimpered before a damn seemed to break as she crumpled in on herself, wrapping her arms back around her knees as she sobbed into her knees, shaking violently. "P-please…d-don't leave…..please…" She whimpered shrinking more and more as if to disappear into the bare, dried out buses.

A long, relived sigh left him as all the panic and anger seem to wash out of his body in a rush. She was safe, she was safe, and at that moment that's all he could care about, as he hurriedly unzipped his coat. The edges worn and frayed and it has seen better days, but the old brown coat did it's job, even after all these years. It was clumsy and painful but he stumbled back onto his feet, yanking the jacket off to leave him only in the t-shirt and shorts he hadn't even bothered to change out of when he had went chasing after her into the cold. Even as the winter wind bit and cut at his skin he wrapped the thick fabric around her tiny form, skipping her up into his arms as he pulled the hood over her head. He fussing and shifting until her entire frame was under the warm, brown fabric. "Shhhhh, it's alright, it's alright." He cooed, gently patting her back as he tried to sooth her, letting out a playful 'gack' when he felt her tiny arms latch on around his neck, hiding her wind burned nose in his shirt.

"I don't w-wanna stay with them."

"I know darlin', I know….That's never goin' to happen....I promise."


Name: Lexia A. Hart

Age: 26

Physical Extras: Without her heels Lexia stands at 5'4" though with her heels she can usually pass as 5'6" and weighs 120 pounds. She is has an athletic frame, lean from her morning runs that she is insistent on keeping up. She has no scars or tattoos to speak of though she does have her ears pierced. Freckles are spread across her shoulders and the upper parts of her arm like it is across her nose and cheeks. Her dark hair falls to the middle of her shoulder blades in loose curls. Her eyes a brown hazel, bright and inquisitive.

Sexuality: Straight.

Three Good Traits:

✺ Intelligent: You can trust this young doctor to know what she's talking about. An IQ of 140 with a photographic memory makes her a reliable source of information. Though it does make her a bit clinical and relying on facts and numbers at times.

✺ Resourceful: She can improvise at a drop of a hat. She fashion a manner of things in a pinch or find alternative uses. Lot of things she can do resourcefully when it comes to surgery and medical related emergencies she had learned from a discharged military doctor that worked in the ER when she was put on his rotation during her interning years. She often keeps this and that in her bag just in case because of the tricks he taught her. It's amazing how useful ducttape, box of sugar or cornstarch can be in a pinch.

✺ Always Tries: She doesn't give up easy, a trait that she thought would make her adept at her line of work. She will do all she can and not give up on you. Even if it looks bleak, she is going to try. Some call it blind optimism, she calls it counting in the statistical probability that is human resilience. Let alone even if she is horrible at it and knows it she is still going to try instead of shut down and refuse to even so much as give it a try. If she worked up the nerve to commit there isn't going to be anything that makes her back down.

Three Flaws:
✺ Cowardly: Lex is a coward, even if she doesn't want to admit it. She is easily frightened and intimidated. She's the first to look for an escape in a hard situation. It used to be a pastime for her roommate to see how high she could make her jump by sneaking up on her. So, even if she disagrees with something she can't bring herself to fight it, scared of what will happen if she doesn't do it, making her bow to someone's whims rather easily if they frighten her. It didn't help her timid nature in the least.

✺ Socially inapt: Her IQ and lack of interaction outside her family due to being home schooled as long as she could remember. The intensive lessons and tutors might have made it possible for her to graduate early and start pre-med at seventeen, but it also left her stunted in social events and situation most her age have experienced. Let alone she can come off harsh or insensitive when she meant to do anything but that. She tends to use old sayings or odds way of speech and use words overly large or complicated. She has tried to train herself and gotten help before she ended up in the town she now must call home. Though it didn't stick as well. She at times are lost on reading a person's emotions, even if she does try hard to be 'normal'. She feels everything despite her behavior at times. She cares, she feels guilt, she pities and she worries, she loves. Though it's often hard for her to express. Leaving her bumbling at times.

✺ Easily Frustrated: It's easy for her to get frustrated and impatient when things don't work. It might not stop her, but it frustrates her when the world seem to be crashing and breaking around her. Her frustration builds and builds until she can't any more at times, causing her to snap or lash out. She has even been known to break things or throw them at her worst. At her best? You find her face down on a desk muttering to herself while making hand motions as if she's having a conversation with the air itself.

Place of Residence: Rochester, Minnesota
Marital Status: Chronically Single
- Sarah Elizabeth d'Airelle-Hart (Mother, Alive, 47)
- Nathan Danial Hart (Father, Alive, 58)
- Christen M. Hart (Sister, deceased, 24)
- Alec A. Hart ( Brother, Alive, 22)
- Raoul L. d'Airelle (grandfather, Alive, 79)
- Amillia Lorel-d'Airelle (grandmother, Alive, 80)
- Amy O'neal-Hart (Grandmother, Alive, 82)
- Marcus Hart (Grandfather, Deceased, Died at age 74, would be 84)

Occupation: Doctor starting her first Rotation at The Mayo Clinic. She specialized in trauma surgery
Who was president when you came to Cascade Falls?: Obama

Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Doctor
Family Children:

How long have you lived in Cascade Falls?: Only two years
Have you ever tried to leave?: "It's likely not in my best interest." (No, she is frightened what might happen to her if she tried.)
Have you ever been to the fence?: "There's nothing wrong with a little objective curiosity, yes?" (Yes)


"Sloppy?! Are you blind or just ignorant?! Really, I must ask. Have you seen my stiches?!" A woman all but snarled, a long, nimble finger jammed hard into the portly man's chest. The dark blue scrubs crinkling under the force.

"Dr. Hart, I'm not criticizing your work, though how you spoke to that family?! That was just sloppy, they didn't need just the facts. They needed a sympathetic shoulder!" He hissed, slapping her hand away. The sound of skin hitting skin rang in the empty hallway, his large form towering over her, making the red drain from her face as she shrunk under his gaze, confusion flashing where anger had once been. "They needed comfort and all you did was tell them about the surgery. They said you brushed off their concerns, and just spouted numbers at them." He continued looking down at the freckled woman who now glanced down at the floor unable to meet his eyes. What most would have seen as and expression of guilt, it was the young woman running over the interaction again and again in her head. She had thought she had been doing well. Had she really brushed off their concern? The surgeon stared at her for a few moments longer before letting out a sigh that was nothing but pure exasperation and disappointment. "Just….just go take a break, I'll go smooth things over with the family. You're off my rotation for the next two weeks, you're going to be Dr. Anderson's problem until then." He muttered missing the look of disappointment that flashed across her features as she crossed her arms, clutching the rough blue material under her fingers. "I expect the next time I let you on one of my cases you've learned a damn thing. It's not all just about the skill, you understand?"

Lexia tried to look smaller under his gaze, nodding her head meekly in response. Digging her manicured nails into the fabric, clutch the scrubs as if it was her only life line in this storm.

"Do you understand me, Dr. Hart?" He stressing the word doctor, as if that title was in question.

"Y-yes, I understand I…..I apologize." She muttered, swallowing back a bite of anger that flashed through her at his condescending tone. Though more importantly the tears that wanted to spill with every breath she took. If she can't cry, not is a position like this. Not when your very career rides on you not crumpling. Even if every time she spoke, every time she tired to look someone in the eyes she had to remember this. Her heart would clench, her stomach would drop and hands end up so clammy she didn't know what to do. She was anxious, scared. Her timid nature couldn't be here, she couldn't show it. A doctor couldn't be timid, they couldn't freeze up when someone yelled at them. Disapproved.

Even though she knew that, no matter how many times she repeated that to herself like a mantra. This still hurt. He was one of the best trauma surgeon in this hospital, a mentor and she respected his skill like very few others she's worked with. It hurt that she had disappointed him yet again. She tried hard, she really did, but it apparently wasn't hard enough. She wasn't as sharp as she had been when she was an intern but it seemed her personality still didn't meet his expectations. Though there was no reason to speak to her like she was a fool. She hated it, hated when anyone got that tone with her. Speaking to her like she was an ignorant child playing at being a doctor. Yes she was twenty four years old, and yes that was young, but she didn't get here by luck. She worked hard, every day and night she worked hard. Practicing her stitches, her dexterity, studied. She tried so hard. She even been seeking help to help in this short coming. She wasn't a fold and didn't like being spoken to like she was one. Though that was him, she knew that she knew that was him, and she knew he was even crueler then this at times. She was getting off lucky, and with a small glimmer of hope behind that monotone expression, that he might actually have even an ounce of respect for her skill as well. What could she do about him speaking to her like this anyhow?

"Good, now go on." He grunted before turning on his heels to leave her along in the hallway.

It was a long but anything but quite walk down to the hospital cafeteria after that. The rush the chaos of a hospital. Nurses, doctors and interns rushing about. Filling the halls with chaos and sound, and to her of all things this was comforting. It kept her mind buzzing, pulling her from her thoughts of 'had I really hurt their feelings?' 'Did I make it frightening to them?' That faint guilt gnawing at the pit of her stomach even still. Though in that moment as the busy energy flowed around her, she could calm that weight in her chest and that burn behind her eyes as she watched them all move around her. For that moment she didn't feel like she was the only one, the only one to ever make a mistake. That she wasn't alone in something for once.

All of that sadly vanished when she found herself in the cafeteria, having bought a couple of apples and strong cup of coffee. She sitting down quietly at an empty table, glancing around at the other people and doctors that filled the room. Chatting, laughing, and smiling. A pang of envy flashed in her as she popped the top off her coffee, grabbing the packages of sugar and cream out of the containers in the center of the table. It wasn't long until the black coffee was a milky brown, it about seventy percent sugar and cream at that point before she popped the traveling lid back on and sipping on the still slightly bitter liquid. Her freckled nose wrinkling in frustration for a moment. No amount of sugar or cream could drown that bite out. She wanted to be one of those people, no matter how clam, collected, so at ease she appeared, she envied, she wanted to be just like them. Able to talk to someone about meaningless little things. Like a good book maybe, or a movie even. Something. Though she knew, the second she would trying to strike up a conversation, something would go wrong, it always went wrong and if she didn't simply bore then something would come out not quite right and someone would find insult. A sigh left her before she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket.

It took a second of shifting and digging before she finally pulled out a phone a simple black phone, though an uncharacteristically bright cartoon character sticker was slapped onto the back of it. It crooked and off center. A Happy smiling yellow duck that said 'You Quack me up!' It didn't look like it belonged for a reason. She hadn't been the one to put it there.

'Hey there good looking! What time U getting back? I got my check in today so I'm making dinner.'

Her roommate, she'd probably be a bit disappointed that her help hadn't added up to much. She was a social butterfly, always so good with people, and probably a little silly, but she was a nice girl. She liked her and for some reason Julia liked her as well. She was her first real friend she made when she moved out there to study. Her roommate her first semester at the dorms, and she had stuck with here ever since and Lexia? She had seen the girl through numerous boyfriends and girlfriends, broken hearts, nights spent burning an ex's things in trash can and giving hugs that she wasn't quite sure she was doing right after a little prompting. Though she was her friend, and she was the first person to try and help her. Try to teach her how to act like everyone else. To understand something outside her books.

Her thumbs flew across the nicked and scratched screen as she set it down on the table in front of her, picking up an apple to bite into, pink painted lips puckering as the sourness bloomed on her tongue.

'9:30 give or take traffic, rotation cut short. By the way it's you not U, you know that irks me.'

Her phone hadn't been down long before it vibrated again.

' But it so cute when u r all gwump~ ;p Kay! I pick up wine, u tell me ALL about work. Got a 2nd in case it was bad.~'

She never understood why she found it so cute. Let alone why she laughed like an overgrown child when the shorter woman ended up chasing her around the apartment after a rather frustrating conversation with the blond. Was that what having a friend was like?

'Well….blagh. and that would be wise, thank you.'

'Hah! Finally rubbing off on u~ Np btb. cu at home!'

Yup she was just doing it now to annoy her, though even so Lexia couldn't help but shake her head , sending her pony tail bouncing and an actual smile pulling across her plump lips.


Here is my repost of my profiles for submission. I've gone back and edited a little and cleaned up things I realized I missed last time. If you want me to change anything up or something please tell me! I'm happy to tweak it if necessary. ^.^ I'm excited to see this being restarted!​
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My Clothing Store Owner and Construction Worker/Town Handyman will be up most likely tomorrow afternoon, since I have work early tomorrow morning xD, so shouldn't stress all night and than put up something horrible.
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I still plan on making the character I talked to you about for the v. 1.0. I didn't get to work on her CS at all last week, but I'm hoping I've got enough in my head to be able to toss it on paper in no time.
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