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What good is just one wing?
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Anime-esque, sci-fantasy, adventure, cyberpunk, high-fantasy, Victorian fantasy. comedic slice of life
I've been working on a variety of ideas here and there over the last year, usually as the result of one idea not fitting another setting, and thus being discarded; but then I still wanna use that, refine it, and insert it elsewhere, so here are three pitches I'd like to do in some shape or form. However, I wanna know what would garner the most interest.

Pitch 1: Λbsence
Λbsence is a pet-project of mine that I've first started working on almost two years ago now. I've ran it in various iterations across multiple sites and usually got really got reactions. The latest version I had to drop, unfortunately, due to personal issues, but I've since reworked it. Here's a basic rundown:

On the planet of Thalassa, a world mostly consisting of oceans, with millions of islands scattered across the globe, there are only two types of people: Sheep, and those seeking glory. Be it the Rogues, essentially pirates, sailing across the world in pursuit of the Monarch Corpse, ancient remains belonging to a god-like creature, be it the MAGNA Agents, the central government's enforcers of justice, or be it the Syndicates, mafia-esque organizations, usually run by the nobility of the old world. Oh, and who could forget the hunt for the mysterious Moirae Cards, mythical artifacts that grant those worthy superhuman abilities. Nevermind the side you're on, the secrets of the world, the true history, and the power to conquer Thalassa await in the mysterious waters known as Ocean Peak.

- This roleplay emphasizes factions. Rogues (pirates), MAGNA Agents of the government, or Syndicate goons make up the bulk of the notable characters.
- There are various superpowers, such as: Monarch Corpse powers, Moirae Cards powers, the ancient martial art Suntsumei, and others.
- There are various "wacky" elements to this roleplay, and it will feature a variety of tweaked and/or fully fictional species, such as Titans, Laghoonias, Sa'Ciel, Dinosaurs and so on and so on.
- This roleplay is HEAVILY influenced by shonen and seinen series such as Ergo Proxy, JoJo's Bizzare Adventure, or One Piece. I'm not saying it will be an absolute weeaboo fest, but if epic fights, continuously more powerful enemies, and a healthy dose of comedy and slice of life isn't your cup of tea, this is probably not for you.
- If you want to get an idea of the "aesthetics" of the roleplay, think Super Mario Sunshine meets Seville's and Sicily's architecture meets Caribbean islands meets Flamenco dancers meets Borderlands.

Pitch 2: The God Cocoon
The God Cocoon has broken, and its jewel-like shards glimmer in the sky. The world is a harsh place, and humanity lives primarily in camps erected all throughout the wilderness. Survival is the name of the game, and to accomplish it, the unfortunate souls living in this world not only need to fend off the zombie-like husks of former humans and animals, they must also fight with each other, for even in these dire times, some human's greed is flaring up. Beyond the everyday struggles of the common man, however, slumbers the threat of the Gods that have escaped their Cocoon. When, how, or even if they will attack is uncertain, but their presence can be felt, day in and day out.

- This roleplay would be a little bit like Final Fantasy 15 (i.e. magic in a modern society, with cars, roads and such), but considerably more... rural, I suppose. Think outbacks, mountains, rivers, wilderness. Empty cities only confirm the catastrophic condition of humanity. If you can imagine a camp set up in the woods of Louisiana, but with magic, you are probably about right.
- While the world itself is NOT Earth, it would heavily mirror it, for convenience. There will be motorcycles, phones, canned beans; the good stuff.
- The central theme would be survival. Think Walking Dead but with the occasional primordial giant Deity that may or may not want to delete you from existence.

Pitch 3: Pure Imagination
Cairo, Egypt, 21:13 / Tokyo, Japan, 04:44 / London, England, 12:00 / The United Stat...~

It happened around the world. At different times, and with various degrees of local support, but it happened nonetheless. Through odd negotiations, and even stranger behavioral changes amongst the leaders of a multitude of nations, an agreement was reached that birthed 'Project Gallivant'. A "Conceptual, submerged, multinational naval external territory"; or, to put it simpler, a city in the depths of the ocean. It was an odd project, really, allowing global journalists to write lazy articles, likening the whole affair to old movies, or a certain video game series, and the world had a laugh. But, ultimately, the city came to be, with extraordinary funding and perhaps unprecedented cross-cultural unity, and with its steady realization, excitement came to grow. The prospect of living in the ocean, in a state of the art metropolis was both terrifying and amazing. New Logia, is what they called the place.

It has been 44 years since the first residents were brought down. And, since then, contact has been lost. Not just that, but the city itself appears to have vanished from radar, and the odd currents that have developed in its general perimeter have made research (or rescue, really) nigh impossible. It seems the city has gone,

And yet, every now and then, some people, none of the with any real connection to one another, stumble upon flyers, business cards, even e-mails or dubious phone calls; all of the inviting them to come and visit New Logia. Now... what if YOU had the chance to go?

- This roleplay will feature a sorta custom/sorta real mythos that will be unraveled as the roleplay progresses.
- If you can imagine ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses, beings from Japanese mythology, a somewhat-toned down, contemporary cyberpunk environment (imagine a Neo Tokyo city infused with stereotypical Egyptian elements, and some colonial American visuals), and a rather reaching premise, then you're golden here. :P
- Actually you can kind of think Let It Die, if you've played that game, that's a little how I want it to feel.
- Yokai, Anubis, oh my!
- There's totally gonna be a cast of chosen ones and, spoiler-alert, it's you!


So there are my three ideas. Feel free to say what you like about them, what you dislike about them, what you would potentially join and all that good shizz. Helps me deciding and fleshing it out more than I already have.
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
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I loved the theme of Λbsence while it lasted, and if you're thinking of restarting it, I'd be happy for giving it another try (albeit with a different character this time).

However, I'd love to hear more about 'The God Cocoon' as well. What will the context for our characters be? Were they once living normal lives before everything went crappy, or have things been like it for a while? If there's magic, I'd like to hear a little bit more about what sort of things magic can do in the world, how common it is, if our characters have access to it, etc.
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I loved the theme of Λbsence while it lasted, and if you're thinking of restarting it, I'd be happy for giving it another try (albeit with a different character this time).

However, I'd love to hear more about 'The God Cocoon' as well. What will the context for our characters be? Were they once living normal lives before everything went crappy, or have things been like it for a while? If there's magic, I'd like to hear a little bit more about what sort of things magic can do in the world, how common it is, if our characters have access to it, etc.

Yay! I'd love to have you, also. <3

As for the God Cocoon; Our characters will be camp residents, lone survivors/scavengers, perhaps former military. Really, any role that would fit a general zombie-survival story will fit here, likely. As for the catastrophe, it'd be somewhat recent, but long enough for a post-apocalypse society to emerge. By that, I mean that camps would have been running for a while, people have accustomed to this new way of life, and the dangers that come with it. But it wouldn't be like "Oh, yeah, this has been going for hundreds of years".

As for magic, there would be two distinct forms. One, the divine magic, that is inaccessible to humans. It is the driving energy behind the Husks (Zombies) as well as the Gods. But humans can utilize technology to channel magic with. Rifles, blunt weapons, vehicles, technology at large would predominantly be fueled by magic harnessed from natural resources. In a sense, it would be a very grounded roleplay with the nifty plot-device of "cuz magic".
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