Breath of Fresh Air

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Noah's shoulders sank a bit in relief, and he smiled at Lily with a nod. "Thanks, Lily," he murmured. She'd take care of him, too. They'd take care of each other. No matter how dire the situation was, they had to help each other.

He took a breath and patted Opal's shoulder while Lily went to pick up Nobu. And when she came back and set the dragon down, he offered the dragon his hand with a smile. "H - hey, buddy. Nobu. You want some pets? Huh?"

Once Nobu had decided one way or the other, Noah wrapped his free arm around Lily and glanced over at Opal and Grandpa Jenkins. ". . . Opal? Do you need anything?"

Opal winced and shook his head, burying himself further against Grandpa Jenkins' chest. He couldn't have what he needed. His parents were gone. And he remembered everything - the poison in the cups, the dragon and rider that had attacked them, the screams . . .

What he really wanted was for everything to go numb for a bit so his head would stop pounding.

"Yes, I see that now," Axle said with a nod. He'd had no idea who was with Jasper, if anyone, when he started out. But he hadn't had the time to think about that in the event Jasper was in danger.

Still, he was glad he'd come out to keep him company until the police arrived, at least. He leaned further against the tree and scratched Chaital's chin. "I'll take your word for it," he murmured once Jasper had described the situation. "But if they really are Opal's parents . . . Are they recognizable? If not, Opal may have to come identify them." It made him queasy, talking about the murder so lightly, but he had to keep his composure like he always did. Too many people needed him.
Nobu was worried about Jasper, but the people that were with him were sad, and it made him feel sad, too. With a soft whine, he nudged Noah's hand with his muzzle and set his head in the young man's lap to get pets.

Lily held Noah's hand again when he put his arm around her, leaning on him and focusing on taking slow breaths to keep herself calm. "I think . . . Just give him some space for now," she said softly, shaking her head at Noah's attempts to talk to Opal and finally leaning carefully forward to pick up her drink with her free hand. Mr. Jenkins had him for now. He would use words when he was ready for it.

Jasper was quiet at first, letting Axle take in the information, but was quick to shake his head at the man's suggestion. "Absolutely not." He said firmly, something bitter in his voice at just the idea of it. "He's seen enough. No one's making him look at it again."

How would he have felt, if he had been able to see his parents' bodies after he'd lost them? He'd seen enough when his grandfather had passed, and the man had gone in his sleep, not been brutalized until he was hardly recognizable. It was out of the question. They were only just beginning to get along, but he would put a stop to it himself if someone tried to force that sort of mental torture onto Opal.

"Did you know them?" He asked with an irritable huff, trying not to think about it anymore. "He seemed like he knew you." It wasn't pleasant, but it would be better to ask a person who wasn't their child to identify the bodies. Someone else. Anyone else.
"Mm. All right," Noah said at last. He leaned in against Lily, letting her breathing help him calm down, along with petting Nobu's smooth scales.

Grandpa Jenkins waited until Opal's sobbing had subsided. Then he picked up a glass of water and held it towards him. "Here, lad. Take a cool drink."

Opal sniffed, shakily took a glass, and took a few sips. He sighed in relief and nodded; the water did help. Then he paused and held the glass up towards his dragon. "Tima? Thirsty?" he asked hoarsely.

Axle took a breath. "I never said I liked the idea," he insisted softly. "All I'm saying is the police may ask him to do so, if neither of us can identify them." He set his jaw and nodded. ". . . I probably could. But I haven't seen the bodies yet, so I'm not sure."

He slowly closed his eyes and nodded. "But yes. I did know them. Opal's parents had always been on the stuffier side, per se, but they were kind in their way." His voice had a light tremble to it, and he took a breath. "And now, to find out they were murdered . . . I can't even begin to imagine who would - "

Then his eyes widened. "Wait a moment. I might! Jasper." He took the young man by the shoulders, gently but suddenly. "Do you know how they were killed? If not, I may have to go look myself. But I may have a lead."
Tima had stayed curled around Opal's shoulder as he cried, her head pressed to his and warbling softly as if to try and soothe him. Not even Mr. Jenkins holding her human had made her draw away, despite her dislike of feeling squashed or trapped. When he offered her water she hesitated, wanting him to drink it, but after a little pause stretched her neck out to put her head in the glass and take a few gulps. When she back, water dripping off her chin, she flicked her tongue at him and touched her damp muzzle to his cheek. She wasn't sure what was wrong, but he was very upset.

Jasper was ready to bristle, to stand in Opal's defense even if it got him in trouble - but Axle was clearly upset, and he was already in trouble for getting into a fistfight with one person they knew. It wasn't worth it, mincing words with someone who wasn't really fighting him.

Still, he frowned when Axle took him by the shoulders, unsure if he wanted to protest being grabbed just yet. "I can't tell for certain. Either somebody mangled 'em up close and personal or they dropped 'em a few times. Not sure from where, since there's nothing there, but I doubt anyone could've impaled them on tree branches by hand." What kind of hint could that possibly give?
Between Grandpa Jenkin's breathing, Tima getting a little drink and warbling at him, and him taking another few sips himself, Opal finally started to calm down a little more. He hiccuped and wiped his eyes. ". . . Are we certain J - Jasper's going to be safe out there?" he asked worriedly. "What if whoever . . . Wh - what if they come back?"

Axle finally let go of Jasper's arms to pace in a circle instead. "Hm. Dropped them a few times, with no visible high object to - " His gaze flicked to Chaital briefly. Then he paled. ". . . Oh, my fucking shit. Jasper, which type of police did you send for? Upper Floaten or Lower?"

He pointed a shaky hand at Chaital. "More specifically, did you send for police that have dragons?"

It couldn't have been one of their group. Axle would stake his life on it. And the only other people he knew that rode dragons were the Dragon Riders of Upper Floaten.
"Jaspers a big boy," Lily said gently, if only to try and make Opal smile a little, or just to feel slightly less awful. "And he's got Chaital with him, and Naga. They would never let anyone hurt him."

Jasper could take care of himself, and Naga was small but she was still a dragon with sharp teeth and claws, and white hot fire at her disposal. Even without Chatial, she could fend off a person trying to do him any harm. It was sweet of Opal to worry about him, though. Whatever little talk they'd had, it had at least cleared the air between them.

Jasper got to his feet as Axle paced, a little frown on his face still as the man seemed to come to some sort of awful conclusion. "I sent Nel to get Malia. She'll send someone. Why the hell would I get police from Upper Floaten? And what are you implying?" Was he trying to say someone in law enforcement had killed them?

A motion in the distance caught his eye through the sparse trees, and Jasper gestured off towards the sky. "Unless Joachim suddenly decided to choose his own rider, looks like she's coming herself." Other than Nel, Malia, and a couple of other staff members, Jasper had never known the large dragon to allow anyone else on his back. If he was coming, so was she, even if she was bringing members of the police with her.
"And Axle, too, by this time," Noah pointed out, wiping away the few stray tears that had pooled in his own eyes. "He'll be okay. Th - they'll be back once the police come over and find out what happened."

Opal swallowed thickly and nodded. Jasper would be okay. He had to be okay. He couldn't imagine him being left there in the forest alone with the same killler that had drugged his family, dragged them outside with a dragon, and -

He winced and shut his eyes again, giving a soft whimper as he leaned against Grandpa Jenkins. ". . . When's he gonna be back?"

It took Axle a moment to collect his thoughts. But once he did, he shoved a hand through his hair and anxiously stammered out a reply. "All right, listen. I know from a few conversations with the Carvers that they were occasionally involved with the Dragon Riders. And there was one conversation in particular, with Opal - "

His voice trailed off when Jasper pointed out Joachim's arrival, and he let out a long, heavy sigh of relief. Good. The Dragon Riders weren't here. "Thank the stars," he muttered.

Chaital glanced upward and chattered a greeting, lowering her wings and curling her tail submissively. Pumpkin squeaked and rolled in the grass, waiting for Joachim to arrive so he could run over and ask to play.
Opal was so worried. Lily knew they'd made up, but she didn't know he was so concerned. She would have said something sooner, if she thought he would be so upset about it.

"I'm sure they'll be back soon," she reassured, a worried frown on her face and briefly distracted from her own distress. "It'll be okay, Opal, I promise. They're perfectly safe." With Chaital around, they had nothing to fear.

Tima gave a soft, worried little sound and tucked her head more firmly against his jaw, letting him feel her and know she was there. She didn't know what was happening, but she would be there for him.

Jasper was lost at first, looking at Axle like he was a raving madman, but gradually his brow few down in something like suspicious indignation. "You think the Riders did this?" People were people, and sometimes awful people got chosen by dragons just as good ones did, but it was rare. Unless corruption had come later, after they were already bonded, Jasper couldn't imagine a dragon going along with what had happened - if that was what Axle was implying. He didn't want to think that it was.

Joachim landed nearby, where there was space enough for him between trees, and once he was settled Jasper watched as Malia dropped down from his back first, nimble and used to travel by dragon, before turning to assist down not one, but three officers. As they approached, Nel came down as well, though he stayed near Joachim's side rather than come closer.

"I sent Fern back to the Mill. . ." He said in way of explanation, hesitant and not wanting to approach. Joachim, as large as he was, chuffed a greeting to Chaital and reached his head down low to the ground when Pumpkin approached to give the small dragon a very careful nuzzle. He was big, but he was largely a gentle creature.

"That way." Jasper said when the officers approached, non-riders from the local Lower Floaten police force, and gestured off the correct direction. "Look up. You'll see it."

"Are you all right?" Malia asked as she approached, sparing a glance for Axle but focusing on Jasper afterwards. "Nel let us knew what happened. You don't have to stay." It was her land, so she wasn't leaving, but he and Nel could go. If the police had more questions for any reason later on, she would find him again.
Slowly but surely, Opal noticed Tima's presence more and more, until finally his breathing slowed, his heartbeat dropped, and he petted her scales gently with a sniff and a very small smile. "Aww. You're a sweet girl, Tima. Thank you kindly," he murmured.

He relaxed a bit and glanced around at the group. "Someone mentioned there was cocoa? Which cup hasn't been drunk from yet? I rather wasn't paying attention."

". . . Just one rider. One rider and one very specific dragon," Axle said slowly. "But I very, very much hope I'm wrong."

He glanced over and blinked in surprise when Malia wasn't the only one to climb off of Joachim's back. There were three officers. And Nel. Axle was the most surprised to see him, if only because he'd come back to the sight of the tragedy, but he was grateful for the company. "Ah. Good job flying for help, Nel," Axle told him with a nod. "I can't imagine it was easy."

He studied each of the officers closely as they passed. Luckily, none fit the description of the rider he had in mind. He nodded to Malia next and let out a gentle breath before he, too, turned towards Jasper. "I think I'd better stay in case the officers have immediate questions. Would you rather stay, or do you need to go home?" he added gently. "Same goes for you, Nel."
Tima pressed into Opal's hand, small and confused but determined to help somehow. The house had gotten much less scary, and Opal was in distress, so she was more free to focus on him rather than be so afraid.

Lily leaned forward over Nobu's bulk to nudge a cup closer to Opal, offering a small, somewhat shaky smile for him. "Don't worry, we don't have any cooties."

Jasper knew Axle had someone specific in mind, but at the same time it made it feel as if none of the Riders were trustworthy. He knew it couldn't be true, since Malia or the Grandmaster could vouch for most of them, and she seemed to trust the man's judgement. Jasper was going to have to look out for everyone now, wasn't he?

"In what world would I stay here." Jasper said dryly, shaking his head and shifting away from Chaital to start walking away. ". . . Thanks for the assist." He didn't think he'd needed it, but as reluctant as he could be to admit it sometimes he could appreciate Axle's concern.

Nel held his hands up as if to proclaim innocence, shaking his head at the mere idea of staying. "I- I just came back to make sure everyone got to the right place. I'm going to walk back now." He'd come back to accompany Jasper back, as well, but mostly to guide the police.

"Coming, Chaital?" Jasper asked, looking back at her as he moved away. "I'm sure Joachim's got it from here."

Malia stepped over to Axle once they started to leave, putting a hand on his arm. "Were you here when they found it? Nel didn't mention you."
Opal smiled a bit more and sniffled, stroking Tima's neck and shoulders. He already felt much calmer. Especially with everyone in the house there to support him. He even managed a hoarse laugh at Lily, scooping up the cup and taking a long sip. ". . . Th - thank you. I do appreciate it."

Again his eyes slid towards the window. ". . . Jasper did a marvelous job, making sure we were all safe."

Axle shrugged lightly. "Just thought I'd leave the offer open. It's just as well, though. I'd like to make sure you boys get home safely. Especially with someone dangerous on the loose." He nodded to the pair as they headed off, and then glanced over at the golden bronze dragon. "See you soon, Chaital. Tell Noah I said hello."

Chaital chuffed and got to her feet, following alongside the group to make sure they got home safe.

". . . Yes. Thank you, Chaital," Axle said, relaxing a little and watching the pair leave. He turned back towards Malia and took a breath to steady himself. "No, I - I wasn't here before. I just arrived a few minutes ago, when I heard Jasper was on his own in the forest."

He ran a hand through his hair. And when Pumpkin landed on his shoulder, he reached up to stroke the dragon's muzzle. "I was just telling Jasper I have a theory about who did this. I . . . I very much hope I'm wrong. But I spoke with Opal once, and he off-handedly mentioned some sort of dragon breeding program. His parents have mentioned dragons before, too. And based on the dragon scale bracelets Mrs. Carver would sometimes wear . . . I have reason to believe they were working with some sort of underground dragon breeding business. And based on the way they were killed, I think one of the Riders is in on it."
Lily could have sighed in relief at Opal's weak laugh if she hadn't thought she would offend him somehow. As it was, she just gave him a little smile and let him have his drink. It was a relief to be able to help him feel better, if only for a few seconds.

"He's good at that." She said after taking a sip of her own drink, expression gone unmistakably fond. "He sounds angry sometimes, but he just worries about people. He's always taken good care of me." She had believed the angry face, for a little while after they'd met, but it hadn't taken her long to start seeing through him even when they were little.

Jasper walked away without any further prompting, waving Nel along so they could trudge back together with Chaital and Naga in tow. The others were alone with Mr. Jenkins, and it didn't seem quite fair to leave him the responsibility of taking care of all of them at once. Besides, someone had to keep people from trying to make Opal go back.

Malia's expression grew more and more troubled as Axle went on, brow furrowing and mouth turning down at the corners. She glanced back at where the police were working, briefly, then pulled Axle a few more steps away before turning to face him again. "These are serious accusations, Axle," she cautioned, her grip tightening around his arm in an attempt to remind him she was with him even as she questioned him. "Are you certain they were involved?" If he was sure, she would stand by him at every step. But the Riders were a tight knit organization, and they couldn't go accusing one without being absolutely sure, not without sewing discord into their barely maintained union of Upper and Lower Floaten. If they were going to have the police investigate, it would have to be quietly.
With another chuckle, Opal's smile grew a little warmer. "He is angry sometimes," he told her. "Remember when we fought each other?" It already seemed like a lifetime ago. Something to be laughed at, for how ridiculous it was.

Opal ran a finger down Tima's snoot thoughtfully. ". . . Say. What's Jasper's favorite meal? I think we should make it for him. To say thank you."

"That's the problem. I'm not certain. That's why I haven't mentioned their name," Axle said softly. "And as I said . . . I desperately hope I'm wrong. I've always known the Riders to be wonderful people. But if something is amiss, it needs to be corrected."

He took a breath. "Eventually we should talk to Opal. There's a chance he might know more. But . . . not tonight. From the look on his face, I think he's only just tonight seen the corpses." Then his eyes went wide. "Malia. That day he came to you, and you patched up his head . . . do you suppose that was the day it happened?"
Lily did sign at that, though with exasperation and a little shake of her head. "Don't remind me. . ." She was still a little angry at him for that, though it seemed neither he nor Opal had any lingering poor feelings. "His temper is his biggest problem." If he didn't get so irritated with people so quickly, he wouldn't have gotten into so many fights growing up. But then, she knew well enough that he had just been in pain, and hadn't known what to do with it.

Tima gave a little coo at the petting, closing her eyes and leaning contentedly into Opal's touch. They hadn't been together long but he was always gentle with her. He treated her better than any human ever had.

"Hmmm, his favorite?" Lily murmured faintly, setting her cocoa down so she could give Nobu some pets without letting go of Noah with her other hand. "I think . . . spaghetti and meatballs. It's not very fancy," she added with something a little bit sad in her voice, "but his grandpa used to make it for him when he was little."

"There are bad seeds no matter where you look," Malia said with a shake of her head, her expression serious, hardened by experience. "Dragons weed them out more effectively than we can, but not even they are perfect." It was possible for a dragon to choose a rider with the potential for horrid things somewhere inside them, to become bonded regardless of it and become unable to break away once the connection was made. It was

She frowned at the reminder of Opal's injuries, her eyes drifting down and away as she thought back on when Noah had brought him to her, and a moment later looked back at him with a start like something had just occurred to her. "He was acting strangely - he kept saying a tree smacked him. We thought he had just walked into it and knocked himself silly. You don't think . . ."

They'd tried to kill him too.
"Oh, it doesn't have to be fancy," Opal said with a gentle smile, slowly rising to his feet and lifting a hand to keep Tima in place while he moved. "It only has to be something that will help lift his spirits."

Grandpa Jenkins smiled and ruffled Opal's hair. "Well, I dare say that's a good idea! Who wants to help me get that goin' in the kitchen, eh?"

Noah pulled in a breath and glanced at Lily, gently brushing one of her tears away. "What do you think? Should we go help them get Jasper some dinner? Nel's probably gonna be hungry when he gets back, too. And Father!"

"And the dragons," Opal pointed out with a grin. "Right, Tima? We'll have to get you some meatballs, too!"

Axle set his jaw and nodded slowly. ". . . I do think," he murmured. "I suspect whoever murdered his parents had tried to kill him, too. As to why they were unsuccessful . . . I've no idea. But maybe Opal will have more information." He clicked his tongue and shook his head. "Horribly nasty business. Anything else I can do to assist in the moment, besides offering my company?"
Opal really was different, now that he was back in his right mind. Before Noah had come to their house, Lily had never thought someone from Upper Floaten could be so thoughtful. Thinking of Jasper after Opal himself had been so upset - he was really very sweet now that he felt better.

Lily closed her eyes when Noah brushed at the moisture clinging to her lashes still, giving a soft, watery little laugh at how gently he was treating her. "Yeah. . . Yeah, let's go help. I'm sure Nobu wants a meatball, too." Doing something together would help them all feel better, she was sure of it.

Tima gave a little chirp and bobbed her head a little, eager to find out whatever a 'meatball' was. It was food, she thought, so it must be something good.

Malia's fingers curled into Axle's sleeve as he spoke, until she finally let him go and ran a hand back through her hair, huffing out a weary sigh. ". . . We shouldn't tell them." She said firmly. "The kids. Warn them that someone dangerous might still be looking for him, but don't say who. Let's keep that between us, and the police. . . I'll have a very careful talk with the Grandmaster as soon as I can find him." She would not toss around accusations, but she would tell him they suspected dragon involvement, which left both his and her people as possible suspects. Any rider, not just one that was part of the Association, could be a potential suspect. For now, Chaital, Infernus, and Soot would keep their children safe.

Finally, she gave a small shake of her head, and just reached to take one of his hands in hers. "I appreciate the company. For now, we should stay back and let the officers see to their work. Joachim will guard the scene for me until they no longer need it."
The group convened in the kitchen, where Grandpa Jenkins was more than happy to distract them all with the recipe for spaghetti and meatballs. "Now, I know it probably ain't the way his grandpa made it," he began, "But ah hope it's enough to cheer him up a bit. So first, we need to make the noodles! Ah've got a way of flattenin' the dough that's easy."

He took the group through each step, and within a short while, there was a pot of homemade noodles cooking above the fire and a pan of meatballs cooking just below. Grandpa Jenkins nodded and gave Opal two of the raw meatballs. "Here, see if Tima an' Nobu like 'em."

Opal smiled gently. He split the meatballs into sections and gave some to Noah and some to Lily, too. "You both should help. Seeing a dragon eat is very satisfying, in its way. Here, Tima," he added, holding one piece up to her in a flat, outstretched hand.

"Oh, I very much agree," Axle said at once, reaching out a hand to set it on Malia's shoulder. "We'll tell them just enough to keep them safe. And I definitely think we ought to make sure everyone travels in pairs or groups. At least until everything's sorted out."

He moved his hand to try and take Malia's, letting out a weary sigh. "Whatever happened here, we won't let the perpetrator get anywhere near the kids. That much is certain. Luckily we have a lot of good news to focus on, too, otherwise I might've wound up with a hernia from stress," he joked.
Lily was all but fully recovered with the idea of making homemade pasta in mind. She was eager to help mix and flatten the dough, and to put little dots of flour on Nobu and Tima like she was giving them face paint. Nobu was happy again, finally, encouraged by the lighter atmosphere as they worked together, and Tima only confused by the activity. She had never been in a room of humans moving around that hadn't been frightening.

When Opal shared the treat meant for him to give to dragons, Lily flashed him a smile and turned to hold out he piece of meatball in her hand to Noah. "It looks like braiiinnnss!" She said as she gave it a little jiggle atop her palm in his direction, as if she might get some on him, and giggled at her own jokes even as she crouched to let it slide off her hand into a waiting dragon mouth. "Nobu likes the taste of brains."

Tima gave the raw meat a curious lick when Opal presented it to her, hesitant and curious but trusting he would only give her food that wouldn't hurt her. She struggled to pick up the soft texture from his hand, but chomped on it happily enough once she had it and made a soft, content hrrr in her throat when it was gone.

"That's for the best." Malia said softly, squeezing his hand once it was in hers and keeping it for a while. Lily would go to work, but Infernus was among their fastest flyers and he would always keep her safe. Around the Dragonry, with all of the refugees around and Riders included, it would be best that no one went anywhere by themselves, no matter how much they might bawk at it.

"Given current circumstances, I'm finding it hard to focus on the good." She said with a sigh, leaning against his side and watching the officers move about as they inspected the scene. "Good thing I've got you here to remind me, hm?" He was very much a person that looked for silver linings, she'd found. She could use more of that, sometimes.
Noah stuck his tongue out and pretended to gag, even though he already had some of the same meat in his own hands. "Ewwww! It does! Gross! Now you've ruined meatballs for me, Lily. I hope you're happy," he teased with a laugh.

Opal chuckled and shook his head. "Well, that's more for the rest of us," he announced in his soft, refined voice. He smiled when Tima took the treat and even made a content noise after. "Ah, we've found something you like, hm? Here you are. Plenty more where that came from." He held up the second piece of meatball to her with a gentle hand.

Noah beamed and nodded to Nobu. "Okay, Nobu! Open wide!" he announced, sliding the meat chunk down towards him.

Axle blushed lightly and leaned back against her, smiling and nodding. "We can help remind each other," he said softly. "For one thing, our whole family is safe, and whole, and no one's badly injured at the moment. All the dragons so far have been found safe and well. We have brave police who are willing to investigate and get to the bottom of what happened. And, for the cherry on top, I think there are still some desserts we can all share once we swing by the Old Mill afterwards to check on everyone."
Lily snickered at Noah's pretend disgust, pleased with herself for helping cheer both him and herself up a little. Even Opal joined in a little, which was a relief. "Oh, you'll be fine," she said with a laugh, "they look less like brain once they've cooked."

Nobu, with an eager wiggle, tilted his head back and opened his mouth wide for the meatball to be dropped in, giving it only a couple chomps before swallowing with a pleased rumble. With Jasper not back yet, he was sure to be given more treats than normal.

Malia took a moment to close her eyes and just breathe, letting his reminders sink in despite her sympathy for Opal and the horror of the crime itself. "I should stay for a little longer," she said, giving his hand a little squeeze and leaning their heads briefly together "But I would never say no to dessert." She wanted to see Opal herself before anyone tried to speak to him. It would be better if she and Axle were the ones to ask about his accident, to see if he had truly been involved, so as to make the investigation as easy on the poor young man as possible.