Breath of Fresh Air

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Opal couldn't help but give the dragon a shaky, shy smile. "It's okay," he told Opal. "These are good people. I'll . . . I'll be fine." He followed Mr. Harn, who led him upstairs to the bathroom so the group wouldn't hear the noises.

Noah let out a slow breath. "Poor guy. Hey, Grandpa Jenkins, could we - ?"

"Cook him a new fish when he's feelin' better an' a nice, light soup fer his dinner tonight? Step ahead of ya," Grandpa Jenkins said, smiling and setting to work prepping some noodles and vegetables.

"Yeah! Thanks," Noah said brightly.

It was around ten minutes later when Axle came back downstairs. He looked a lot more at ease, and he waved a hand. "Lily? Would you mind bringing Tima upstairs? Opal's feeling better, but I'm insisting he wait and rest a while in case things change."

Noah sighed in relief. "I'm so glad he's feeling better! Being poisoned would definitely take a lot out of someone. Nel, want to help me make grilled cheese to go with the soup when it's supper time?"
Tima made a soft, uncertain trill, settling in obediently with Lily but worried still. She was sure to give the little dragon gently pets and reassurance as Opal left, and made sure she drank some water while she was at it. While Mr. Jenkins cooked, she took over watching Nobu so Nel could go off by himself for a little while, knowing their sensitive friend was feeling even more out of sorts than she was. While he calmed himself outside with the dragons, she hovered in the kitchen sneaking Tima and Nobu little pieces of vegetable to eat.

It was a relief to see Axle not so worried upon his return, and Lily got to her feet as quickly as she could without disturbing Tima. "Of course! Let's go, Tima, I'm sure he's waiting to see you."

She walked more carefully than she would have with Pumpkin sitting on her, or if she had been carrying Nobu. "Knock, knock," she called softly as she got to the door, poking her head around to be sure Opal was there before walking in. "Feeling a little better?" She asked gently as she approached, and held her arm out for Tima to crawl across before the little dragon could jump down to the bed and press her body against his with a little rumble. "She was missing you already."
Soot lifted his head at once when Nel appeared outside the door. Something was wrong. He smelled stressed, anxious - worried. The dragon chirred softly and made his way over. Then he gently bumped his muzzle against Nel's cheek and gave him a lick. Was his human hurt? Or had something happened?

In the background, Chaital lifted her head as well, watching over the pair from a distance.

When Lily made her way to Axle's room, Opal was propped up on the pillows, a little pale but already looking more relaxed. He smiled weakly and waved an arm. "Hey, Lily. Hey, Tima." He chuckled when the dragon jumped down to the bed and immediately pressed against him, and he reached out and gently stroked her. "I am, thank you. There was definitely something weird in my stomach. Right after I threw up, I felt so much better."

He yawned lightly and rubbed his eyes. "And I think Axle was right. Maybe I do need a little nap. Or a big one. Is everyone downstairs all right?"
Nel felt uneven, off level as if the world had tilted suddenly under his feet. When he got to Soot he let the dragon greet him, then made a soft, distressed sound and wrapped his arms around Soot's neck, tucking their heads close together and squeezing his eyes shut. "How can people be so horrible?" He murmured softly, a slight shake in his voice, and was grateful for Soot's size so that he wouldn't have to worry about how hard he squeezed or how much weight he leaned on the dragon. He just needed something solid to hold onto, when he felt so overwhelmed he thought he might just shake apart.

Infernus, resting nearby on Chaital's other side, lifted his head and laid it over her shoulders to look at them, a soft rumble of concern in his throat. He wasn't sure what had happened, but he could tell at least that Nel was very upset.

"That's good," Lily said with a little smile when he said he was feeling better, sitting carefully on the edge of the bed near his legs. "They're worried about you. Take all the time you need to rest. Mr. Jenkins is making you some soup to eat once your stomach settles a little, something easy to digest. Is that gonna be okay?"

He'd wanted to watch the fish so closely, but maybe since he was more sure they were his friends now and he'd had medicine he would be more okay with not watching it made.
In reply, Soot chittered again, leaning into Nel slightly as though to return the hug. He thought he caught the scent of tears forming. Carefully, he maneuvered the rest of his body to curl around Nel. Then he wrapped him in his wing like a blanket.

A few minutes later, Noah came ambling out, glancing around for Nel. It didn't take him long to realize where he was. He headed over to Soot and nodded. "Hey, Soot. Nel with you?"

Soot rumbled and lifted his wing, and with the dragon's permission, Noah made his way over to Nel and patted his shoulder. "Hey. What's going on?" he asked gently.

"Oh! I love soup. Yes, that would be wonderful," Opal said cheerfully. He leaned back against the pillows a bit further and nodded. ". . . Good of you to come up and check on me. Thank you." He closed his eyes, letting his head drop down. "Shall I come down once I'm awake?" His tone was already so much softer, and it had lost most of the pompous air he'd had before. Most of it. But that could just be due to him throwing up and feeling tired.
Nel made a soft, upset little sound in his throat as Soot wrapped around him, just sinking to the ground to cling to the dragon and let himself be wrapped up. It made him think of being little, tucked into his mother's arms and listening to her heart beat until he felt less like crying. It was easier to sit there, leaning against Soot's side where his wing kept it dark enough he could hardly see, and trying to think through it all.

When he heard Noah's voice, he took a deep breath and rubbed his eyes dry even as Soot lifted his wing. He didn't try to hide the fact that he'd cried a little, only pulled his legs in loser to make room and leaned his back against Soot's side. "Everything is . . . a lot." He managed quietly after a moment, shaking his head and scrubbing his hands over his face once more. "I'm sorry, I . . . I needed to go outside."

Whenever he needed to think, or when he had to try and make his own head make sense, it was always easier to go and sit with the dragons. At least with them he could say whatever he needed to out loud without responses, have company without burdening anyone. He didn't want anyone to feel like they had to help him.

Lily relaxed a little at his enthusiasm, reassured that he wasn't going to fight getting food from a virtual stranger again, in light of what had happened to him. "No, no, just rest. You can come down if you'd like, but if you'd rather rest I'll bring it up to you. Are you okay by yourself, or do you want a little company?"
"It's okay," Noah said with a soft smile. He sat down next to his brother and pulled him into a side hug. "No need to apologize. I figured you needed a breather, so I gave you a few minutes. But I also wanted to remind you that you have a brother now who wants to help support you, so I came looking for you. You want to talk through stuff, or just sit and cry for a bit?" he offered.

He was a little new to helping people process their feelings. But his father always knew just what to say when helping him. "Oh! Or maybe do you want me to get Father? He always knows what to say."

Opal snorted. "I don't think it's possible to accompany me in the dream realm. But thank you for the offer." He gave Tima another gentle stroke on the head. "Tima and I shall be quite all right sleeping on our own. We'll come down once I'm feeling better and she's awake," he decided with a nod.
Nel let Noah pull him closer and just shook his head, managing only a soft sound at first as if he might start to cry again if he opened his mouth. After a moment to breathe, he pulled his knees up close and pressed the heels of his hands into his eyes for a moment. "N-No, no, I don't want to bother him. . . It's okay, I . . . I guess it just makes me sad. . . And after everything that happened . . ." He shook his head again, unable to find the words.

The disaster was days behind them, but every time he looked up towards the broken edge of the city or around them at the camps of refugees, his heart hurt all over again. Adding whatever had happened to poor Opal on top of it all, he felt overwhelmed by a sort of sadness that wasn't for himself. When bad things happened to himself, it was almost easier.

"All right, if you're sure." Lily gave him a little smile, glad he was feeling well enough to have a little attitude, and got back up to her feet. "Rest well. Let us know if you need anything."

He would be all right with Tima snuggled up to his side, she thought, and just left the door cracked open a bit behind her. She should go back and make sure Nobu wasn't causing Mr. Jenkins any trouble, anyway. She'd left the injured dragon for him to keep an eye on while she checked on Opal, and it wasn't fair to let him do all the cooking and the babysitting at the same time.
Noah's smile faded a little, and he rubbed Nel's back. "You wouldn't be a bother. I promise. Listen, having strong emotions is like being sick or hurt. Sometimes you need other people to help you through it. And that's okay." He took a soft breath. "It makes sense you're sad. There's a lot of bad in the world. And - and with everything that happened right before this . . ." He swallowed, his own eyes shimmering. "You sure I shouldn't go get Father? I really think he'd help."

"Yes, I'm sure," Opal replied, and he smiled and waved his hand. "Thank you kindly. We'll see you all soon, I'd imagine." He yawned again and snuggled deeper into the blankets. "Just a short nap, after all . . ."

Downstairs, Grandpa Jenkins was talking Nobu's and Ol' Boulder's ears off while he cleaned. ". . . So then ah told that ol' fart, I says - 'Ya sure ya want grapes with that an' not whine?' Hoo hoo! You shoulda seen th' look on her face!"
It was almost funny, hearing that he had strong emotions from someone who arguably had stronger ones. But it was because of that he didn't want to burden Noah either. "If . . . If you want to," he said after a pause to think, sniffling a little and resting his arms loosely around his knees. "I dont know." He was so used to just sitting by himself until he felt less horrible that the thought of anyone coming to get him was still a foreign one. He just didn't want to make Noah start crying, too.

Lily gave Opal a smile and a wave, glad he was feeling better - and more polite, even. When she went downstairs she couldn't help but grin at the sound of Mr. Jenkins voice, and the way Nobu watched him from the ground with rapt attention. "Must've been a good story," she said with a little chuckle. "Sorry I missed it. Can I help with any of the cooking?" She was tired after running around as messenger all day, but she wanted to help still.
"I do. I'll be right back," Noah said, nodding. He got up and hurried off inside, where he disappeared for a few brief minutes while talking to his father near the front door.

Grandpa Jenkins glanced up with a smile. Then he waved Lily over, nodding. "Ya can help me eat some leftover muffins after ah finish cleanin'! Supper won't be started fer a good long while." He finished rinsing off the last of the plates, and then pulled down a basket of muffins from the top shelf. "Here. Ya like poppyseed?"

"Oooh! I do! Mind if I snag some for me and the boys?" Axle asked, already reaching a hand into the basket.

"Ya might as well. Already got yer mitts all over 'em," Grandpa Jenkins replied with a smile.

"Thank you kindly!" Axle replied, and he made off with the muffins and headed to the front door where Noah was waiting.

At last, Noah came back outside, with his father and some muffins in tow. He sat down next to Nel again and gave him a hug.

Axel sat down on his other side, also giving him a hug before holding out a muffin. "Want a little snack while we sit together?" he asked with a gentle smile.
"Not even the soup?" Lily asked curiously, only to be distracted a second later. "Oo, muffins!" She took one with a little thank you and just laughed as Axle and Mr. Jenkins poked at each other over them. She hoped Nel was okay. If Axle and Noah were with him, it would be all right.

Nel only nodded as Noah got up to hurry inside, taking a few steadying breaths when he was gone and there was no one but the dragons to hear how the air shook on its way in and out. It was strange, having anyone worry about him just because he was feeling upset, but he supposed in the past he would just wander out into the nearest field to sort out his feelings, where there was nothing but goats or dragons to witness it. Having others come to witness it, despite knowing it was okay to be upset sometimes, made his cheeks feel flush as he waited.

He rubbed at his eyes a little to dry them as Noah sat down, making a soft, almost surprised sound when he found himself sandwiched between them. "Thank you. . ." He said softly, automatically, and just sat holding it for a little while, feeling strangely warm inside despite being silent for a time. Thinking about the people around him, that cared enough about others to help and to risk everything they had, and to come and sit with him when he was feeling sad was helping him feel a little better already.
"Nah, not the soup Opal's gonna want. It's real light. Mostly chicken broth, bit of salt, chicken pieces, noodles, few vegetables. Takes just around an hour to make, an' the fresher the better," Grandpa Jenkins said happily. "But tell you what. How's about you an' I play some checkers while we're waitin'? Been itchin' fer a game."

Axle was glad Nel didn't seem to mind him sitting so close, especially after Noah had mentioned he was worried about bothering him. The older man wrapped an arm around his shoulder and nodded. "I'm very glad to get to spend time with you, Nel. You're a gift." Then he lapsed into comfortable silence, enjoying the chirping birds in the distance and the steady breathing of Soot's chest.

Noah's eyes shimmered again, and he sniffed and pressed against his father. "Y - you're a gift too, Father," he murmured. How often had he taken for granted spending time with him? But after a terrifying day of chaos and destruction, here he was, alive and well with him and Nel. The thought made him tear up all over again.
Lily gave a thoughtful hum around a mouthful of muffin as Mr. Jenkins explained how quick the soup could be, but had to wonder how long they were going to let Opal sleep. If he went for too long, he wouldn't sleep overnight. Or he might just be tired enough to do that, too, anyway. She hoped he was all right.

"Snacks and games?" She said with a little laugh. "You spoil me! Lemme just pull Nobu over so he's close."

You're a gift. The words struck a chord inside Nel's heart, one that sung and reverberated inside his chest until he thought he could feel it in his fingertips. He was always worried about being a burden to anyone, worried about not 'pulling his weight' or making himself worth enough to be kept around. A gift was special. A gift was something someone wanted. It was enough to have his vision blurring again when he thought about it for too long.

"D- Don't do that," He managed with a watery laugh when he could both see and hear Noah starting to get worked up beside him, brushing moisture from his eyes with one hand but with a small smile on his face. "If you start, th-then I will, and - it'll never end." They were quite the pair, he thought, the both of them trying not to sob over nothing, and yet also everything at once. Quite a trio. Quite a family.

It was like the first rays of sunshine beginning to show through the darkest of rain clouds. Everything felt dark and stormy and overwhelming, but in the distance there was still light.
Grandpa Jenkins beamed and gestured a hand for Lily to bring the little dragon over. Then he set to work putting together the checkers board, humming thoughtfully. "Suppose once Noah an' the rest come back inside, you an' him wander by Jasper's real quick and see how he's doing? Ya know how he tends to try an' work through everything on his own."

"Hey, come on," Noah said, sniffing even as tears started rolling down his cheeks. "It's okay to cry. Good, even. Helps you get out all your negative emotions, like - like almost losing Father, and - and seeing the city - and people running - " he choked out. It wasn't long until he was full on crying, burying his face in Axle's side.

Axle rubbed his back gently and kissed the top of his head. There were tears in his eyes, too. "I know. I know. A lot of great tragedy, all at once, and not nearly enough time to process it," he murmured.
Once Nobu was settled in at her feet, content enough for now, Lily sat down and helped sort out checkers colors and help get the board set up. "I don't know. . ." She murmured with a little sigh, feeling tired just at the thought. "I'm still a little mad at him. . . And who knows what direction he went in." It hadn't been so very long since he'd wandered off, so Infernus could probably find him still. She did want to make sure her friend was okay, and Mr. Jenkins was right and she would probably go, but she wasn't exactly happy about it. Jasper had been stupid, and angry. He deserved to brood about it for a while.

Nel only shook his head, biting down on his lip for a moment to try and distract himself and then just pressing a hand over his eyes as the gathering tears began to spill over. It was a strange mix of stress, pain, and also some joy at the same time and he didn't know how to deal with it all. He tried not to let himself sob like his body wanted him to, his shoulders shaking almost silently but for the stutter in his breath. Seeing the city falling behind them had made him feel numb. It was all the people that made the pain come crushing in. Thinking Axle was gone. Seeing Jasper's desperation to find his dragons. All the families that had been separated with no idea who had lived or died. They were what made it all so real it made it feel like he couldn't draw a breath. When would it get better?
"Well, that's understandable," Grandpa Jenkins said with a chuckle. "Ah suppose there ain't too much of a rush. You can go after him when you feel good an' ready for it." He cracked his knuckles and grinned. "Now . . . you ready to get skunked?" he asked, picking up a white checker piece.

Axle's eyebrows furrowed in worry. He leaned over to rub Nel's back as well, letting out his own deep, shaky breath. "Nel," he said gently. "It's all right to cry. Let it out. We're right here with you. We'll all keep each other safe, all right? Deep breaths. In and out," he murmured.

Noah, meanwhile, had eventually slid down from Axle's side to the grass, grabbing at blades with one hand and his father's shirt with the other, desperately trying to steady himself as all the memories came rushing back. The chunk of the city breaking away. Having to leave his father behind to help with the evacuation. Freezing in place when so many people had been counting on him.
Lily shook her head a little, a bit sad and disappointed at all that had happened, but was glad that Mr. Jenkins was around to help with everything. He'd known Jasper for even longer than she had, even if her friend hadn't really spent much time at the Dragonry as a child. Once he'd been left in his grandfather's care, and once he'd gotten Nobu and Naga, he'd started to come around a lot more.

"Oh, me get skunked?" She shot back, willing to push everything aside so they could have a little time to smile, and sat up straighter in her chair as she reached for her first piece. "We'll see about that!"

That wasn't it, Nel wanted to insist. It wasn't even that he didn't want to cry in front of someone, or that he thought it was wrong to be upset. He just didn't want to let it feel as if the world was suffocating him. He wanted everything to be okay, or to know that even if it wasn't they would always work together to make it better, and now, after everything, to think that there were still people around who would do something as horrible as poisoning poor Opal - it made his heart feel heavy. There was no cure for the bad that could be in someone's heart. He just wished he had never seen it.

As that strangled feeling pulled tight around him, Nel buried his face in his hands and just let himself cry, the barely touched muffin rolling off into the grass. He was too old for being held when he felt so upset, he thought, but it felt good to have Axle's arm warm around his shoulders, and Noah's faint breaths mingling with his from the ground nearby. It didn't always have to be just him and the grass, just him and the dragons. He didn't have to be alone.

Long minutes later, when the tears had finally stopped and he simply sat with his arms around his knees, leaning a bit into Axle's weight at his side and just breathing. He was sure he must have looked like a wreck, his eyes and face red from crying, but it would be all right.

". . . thank you." He managed softly when the silence had stretched, feeling worn out but also, maybe, just a little better. "For sitting with me. Sorry for getting so upset. . ." He really didn't meant to drag everyone down or make Noah upset, but he supposed that wasn't really his fault at all. There was plenty to be upset about. Now they just had to try harder to see what there was to be happy about.
Grandpa Jenkins grinned and leaned forward. "We'll see about that! Ain't nobody beat the checkers strategist yet!" He was quite good at checkers, too, and started off with an aggressive offensive strategy.

"There you go," Axle told the pair, rubbing both their backs gently while Noah eventually broke out into sobs. "Let it all out. I had a good cry this morning already, myself. Oh! Nel, your muffin." He scooped it up off the ground with a hum. ". . . Tell you what. We'll get you a fresh one after this, and feed this one to Pumpkin. It'll be his reward for finally waking up."

He waited in patient silence while the pair cried. Eventually, when the sounds subsided into hiccups and sniffles, and then deep breaths of relief, he smiled warmly when Nel eventually spoke. "You're very welcome," he said gently. "But you have nothing to be sorry for. There have been a lot of emotions happening that last few days. It's good to cry it out on occasion. Healthy, even." He patted Nel's shoulder. "Would you like me to go get you both glasses of water?" he offered.

"Y - yes, please," Noah choked out, wiping his eyes. "Thanks, Father."
Being with people that had, for reasons Nel was sure he would never be able to quantify, decided to take him in as family, even in a difficult time, was more relieving than he had ever thought it would be. He'd gotten used to being on his own; the Dragonry would always have been somewhere to call home, and the people that worked and lived there were his friends, but he could never have expected them to sit by his side as he cried for seemingly no reason at all and tell him it was all right. Axle and Noah were so gentle, so understanding. He had never met people who cared so much about everything before.

"Thank you," he managed softly, shifting his feet out of the way when Axle got up and drying his face on his shirt when the man was gone. After a moment he shifted his weight around to sit cross-legged, listening to the distant murmur of Lily's playful voice from inside, and the rumble of dragons at his back. This was Home, he knew. He was sure he would never find a better one.

"Are you all right?" Nel asked quietly, reaching a hand out to Noah to help him sit up, or just for the younger man to hold, if he felt inclined. "Do you want Chaital to come closer?" He felt steady enough to get to his feet and beckon her over.
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