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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
We spoiling this one just cause blood material. If you want a higher res, message me privately :)

He's gorgeous 😍 Aaaaa, thank you Manna. Thank you so much.
Because this is one of Fluffy's characters for me, I super approve of the perfect Cain ♥
I'm kinda interested. if you want, I could send a ref of one of my SAR OCs for you to try out some fur stuff, if you like! Just let me know whenever!
Sure, lets see!
if you want to do him, take time. I don't mind waiting a while! <3
It's not my first time drawing fursonas lol. I'll do him I'm just out getting a tattoo done right now.
oh, nice. take however long you want for him, I want you to have quality, not speed.
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Name: Leshiren
Gender: Male
Species: Dragon
Rank: Hatchling (Unranked)

Description: Currently barely the size of a large pony, Leshiren isn't too terribly intimidating to those who have been raised in the presence of dragons. As he ages, however, his size will double several times over, bringing his shoulder height to the head height of a large draft horse at half growth, increasing to nearly triple said size by full growth weight wise, though he will only be close to twice the height. Once full grown he will be able to transport a team of fifteen to twenty men in proper harness. Leshiren's head is crowned by four sturdy horns angling back away from his head, ending in deadly obsidian points. Each of his paws are tipped with five razor sharp talons black as night. Lehshiran has a frill used to visually express his emotions, though it often lays tucked against his crest and neck unless he has been startled or is using it in an aggressive display. He is a dark navy blue, nearly black, that shimmers to a beautiful azure in direct sunlight. His wings are an unearthly violet that fades out to white near the very edges, standing out brilliantly against his dark base. When calling upon the elemental forces, it is often that cyan and pale, neon green runes flash across his scales, bringing a whole new level of terror to those standing in his path. His eyes are a pale silver-white that change color slightly according to his mood and the intensity to which he feels his current emotions.
Hey there. Would you possibly care to do an elf version of the character in my profile? I will include a copy here, so you can see. I just want a version without the draconic element.View attachment 251491
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How's Blaze coming along @Manna Beast ? just wanted to check in after a hot minute
@RealFurSwapChara I've been down and out these past few weeks due to some eye issues, so drawing is put on a pause till I can actually look at my tablet and not have dilated eyes
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@RealFurSwapChara I've been down and out these past few weeks due to some eye issues, so drawing is put on a pause till I can actually look at my tablet and not have dilated eyes
sorry, didn't know. really hope that your eyes get better man, all of us in headspace hope the best for ya!
  • Thank You
Reactions: Manna Beast
You have such good art, Manna 🥺

I kindly ask if you could draw my little shithead, Merle when you have the chance?

Merle's description: Merle stands at a measly 5'1", lithe and graceful like a dancer with waist length hair that is half charcoal black and half silver-y grey. There are soft waves (2b) in their hair, but they tend to keep it tied back in someway because Merle claims it gets in the way too much, especially for fighting. They haven't tried to cut their hair yet because Merle silently believes it'll help him fit in with his sisters. At some point, Merle will give up and give into their own feelings and cut their into some kind of shaggy mullet. Their skin is pale with plenty of dark colored beauty marks scattered along their arms, legs, hands, face, and everywhere clothes hide. They look so pale that surely if they stood in direct sunlight for more than five minutes, Merle suddenly have lobster skin. Their features are soft, making them look kind and approachable with a sharper jawline. They have three eyes, two like a regular human and a third in the middle of their forehead. All three eyes are a deep mossy green with a ring of gold around the pupil. Their 3rd eye stays closed for the most part and tends to be covered by bangs, but when open the pupil can dilate like a cat's and Merle seems to be able read other beings much easier than normal. While Merle is in their 'angelic' form as well, they have two large pearly white wings set on their back with a wingspan of around 7ft, so they can (hopefully) make themself appear larger than they actually are. Oddly, on his wings he has a few sporadically places feathers that are black, but he tends to dye them or color over them so no one knows.
A thin golden ring hang above their head as, the halo.
While in this form, Merle can be found wearing pants and backless shirts because it makes it easier for his wings to move, but his clothes (shirts at least) tend to be a little looser fitting because Merle despise showing of any sort of curves to their body.

Merle is trans masc, but feel free to draw him with either long or short hair c:

Take your time and thany you so much in advance! <3
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btw, @Manna Beast I'm gon color it in to make it feel more complete, but thanks regardless!
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