BNHA Rehabilitation Academy

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Your neighborhood artist
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
  4. One post per day
Online Availability
All day
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
I like Fantasy, Modern, Modern Fantasy, Yaoi, Yuri, and Romance. Please do not be shy in bringing up another genre. I just might be interested in it ^^

I can do incest and Mpreg as well
@The Dapper Mog


Welcome to the Juvenile Rehabilitation Academy, where delinquents 18 years old and under come to prove that they deserve a second chance.

Each student has been convicted of a crime, whether they are guilty or not is a mystery. The only thing the academy and the staff know about each person is that everyone was given an option. Serve the lengthy prison sentence they were given, or spend time in JRA to prove that they can redeem themselves as human beings.

Notice that "time" was said instead of a specified amount? Well, the students have a time limit. They have only 2 years to obtain the staff's and Headmaster's unanimous agreement that the person in question can graduate. If they fail, or the student is deemed a "lost cause," they will be sentenced to prison and serve their time in full. Your presence at JRA does not count towards your time owed. You are simply prolonging the consequences of your decisions.

This is your last chance to become something in this world. Make it count.

  • 1. All Iwaku rules apply
    2. No Godmodding/Metagaming/etc.
    3. No OP Quirks
    4. I ask for a minimum of one paragraph posts once a week. If you want to post more, I don't mind!
    5. Please no text talk unless your character is actually texting. The rest of the players and I want to be able to understand your post.
    6. Please no drama in the OOC. If you have some beef with someone, I'd prefer it be in the IC between the characters or take it to PMs.
    7. Cussing is absolutely allowed. Please put on your sheet if your character cusses every other sentence.
    8. If you have to leave for any reason, or you are going to be inactive, please let me or my Co-GM know! We won't bite or tell you off ^^
    9. Right now, I will only allow a second character if you are playing a teacher and a student. If my co-GM and I allow second characters, I will post an announcement saying so.
    10. If you want something to happen to your character as a plot point or part of their character development, please send me a message explaining what you want to happen. I want everyone's characters to have equal amounts of screen time and attention. All I ask is that you don't force your character's development/a plot point for them into the RP. Please and thank you~

    (The Discord link will be provided when/if your character is accepted)

  • Name:
    Age: (Your character must be 13-18 years old)
    Date of birth: (The year is 2018 in the RP)
    Nationality and native language:
    Quirk: (Note: If you can't think of a Quirk you want to use, my Co-GM and I can roll one for you. The Quirk will be decently powerful, so no need to worry about receiving a stupidly weak or something OP. Simply put "Roll for me" in this area.)
    Subject Teaching: (Only for teachers)
    Pro Hero experience: (Only for teachers)

    Appearance: (Anime Only)

    Hair Color:
    Eye Color:


    (For students)
    Crime Convicted of:
    Guilty?: (Was your character guilty of this crime. Be warned, I will only accept a limited amount of falsely convicted individuals)
    Crime on paper: (Put a brief description of the crime you were convicted of)
    What actually happened: (If innocent, please described the differences between the crime on paper and what happened)

  • (Filled)

    For safety and confidentiality purposes, the staff and faculty have agreed per contract to wear a full face mask on the premises. The staff consists of pro heroes who were recruited for the positions based on their skills, quirks, and experiences. They will only mention their hero names if they so choose to, and will never reveal their faces on campus.

    ((Note: Even though the teachers' faces can be seen in the character sheets, they will not be seen in the RP unless their masks are off.))

    "Welcome students,
    My name is not important, but you may call me "Headmaster". I run the school behind closed doors and ensure that everything is in order. I know what happens, even when the cameras are off, so don't try anything stupid. Escape is nigh impossible. The only way you're leaving is if you're deemed rehabilitated, you've accepted your prison sentence, or you're dead. Good luck.

    "Hello, my dear students, and welcome! You all have made poor choices, and this is your chance to make some good ones. I have confidence in each of you, and redemption is rarely fully beyond your grasp. I will do my best to help ensure your success! Just remember, a prison sentence is getting off easy. If you make another poor choice here, you'll be beyond redemption. And those beyond redemption have only one fate. Don't let us down."

    "Hello everyone, and welcome to JRA. I know this may seem intimidating, being in a completely new environment and all, but there's nothing to worry about. You're here because you've made terrible choices in your life, but you also know that you're only human. We, the staff, believe that you can change for the better. We only want what's best, but we can't do it without your cooperation. I hope you can find it within yourselves to become the better you, and to leave this academy reborn. I have faith in all of you."

  • Nakamura Sumire

    Age: 15

    Crime: 2nd degree Murder

    Reese Kendall

    Age: 16

    Crime: Massive Destruction of Property; One count of Manslaughter

    Alaric Vander

    Age: 17

    Crime: Two counts of 1st degree murder

    Souta Takumi

    Age: 16

    Crime: Assault, Battery, Vigilantism

    Yoshiyuki Aichi

    Age: 15

    Crime: Several Counts of Destruction of Property, Several Counts of Assault, One Count of Attempted Homicide

    Katagawa Misako

    Age: 17

    Crime: Vandalism, Arson

    Sakai Yuuto

    Age: 18

    Crime: Multiple counts of larceny, possession of MDMA with intent to sell

    (Need to put in Zap)

  • 6 AM: Wake up and brush teeth in 2 student dorm with roommate. After, the students must wait for a teacher or the commanding officer of the guards to open the doors for breakfast. (Breakfast is mandatory)

    7-9 AM: If student isn't assigned a job, the student will have free time to draw, hang out with their classmates, workout, or go into a controlled and concealed room to exercise their quirks. Guards will be present during whatever they decide to do, so conversations will be monitored. Nameless (Mika) will monitor students who decide to use their quirks at this time.

    9:00 AM: Head count before students are taken to class. Students will learn whatever the teachers have to teach per country curriculum standards.

    12:00 PM: Lunch time. Lunch consists of nasty sack lunch or a hot meal. Edna is trying her best, okay?

    1 PM: Return to class.

    4 PM: Showers then more free time. Students can read, draw, hang out, exercise their bodies/quirks, or do their schoolwork during this time. Guards will be present. Girls shower will be monitored by Mika, Togura will monitor male showers. Togura will monitor students who decide to use their quirks during this time.

    6 PM: Dinner. Dinner consists of a sack made from lunch leftovers. Students can try to "cook" prison recipes for dinner if they're creative enough.

    Students will have free time until they are forced to their rooms at 8 PM. Mandatory room searches will occur during free time to prevent makeshift weapons, contraband, or plans to escape.


    Regardless of the students' status as "students", by law they are still convicts and must be treated as such. Below is the provided list of contraband that students are not allowed to be in possession of. If caught with one of the following items, the students are sentenced to "detention," or solitary confinement, for 24 hours and will receive one point on the roster. Points count towards the expulsion of a student. In other words, reaching a certain amount of points will result in the student being forced to serve their time in prison.


    -Durgs and drug-related items

    -Explosive substances or devices

    -Tobacco and tobacco smoking accessories such as pipes, lighters, and matches


    -Tattooing equipment

    -Aerosol pressure spray cans

    -Anything that can aid an escape

    -Film, computer games, some certain publications

    -Cameras or other photographic devices

    -Pornographic material

    -Mobile phones, laptops, or other digital media electronics

    -USB devices

    -Any substance or article that threatens the safety or security of the prison, the staff, and/or the students.

  • -Students may receive one visit per month for one hour. Only family members that have undergone background checks and were approved may come. If the family members have a background in villainous activities, they will be banned from visitation.

    -Reporters and journalists are banned from speaking with students. Lawyers, however, may interact with only their client for as long as they need to.

    -Guards will monitor and record audio/video of the visitations the students receive.

    -Students may be wired money to a little personal bank account from approved senders. However, they will have to request access to it via their teacher, and if the teacher approves the reasoning, they will make a call and request the Headmaster. Depending on the points and the behavior of the student, the Headmaster will approve or deny the request.

    -There are no restrictions to the amount of letters a student can receive. However, packages will be thoroughly inspected for contraband before the student receives it. CDs and books must be brand new in the packaging or the guards will confiscate it.

    -Students must wear the uniforms given to them by the academy. They can customize the uniforms to certain degrees, but not in ways that it becomes revealing.

    -To regulate potentially dangerous quirks, students will be wearing suctioned wristbands that monitor the activation of said quirks. If a student tries to use their quirk without permission, they will receive a heavy but controlled shock, similar to a taser. Continuous offenses will result in a point.

Total Students


Students Girl to Boy Ratio

Girls: 3
Boys: 4
Androgynous: 1

Teachers Girl to Boy Ratio

Girls: 2
Boys: 2
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Oh! One more important thing I forgot to mention.

Your character MUST have a redeeming quality about them! If they are an evil, mindless killer, then they wouldn't have been given the option of JRA in the first place. Please keep this in mind when creating a character!
Name: Nakamura Sumire
Age: 15
Date of birth: 10/01/2003
Gender: Female
Nationality and native language: Japan, Japanese

Painful healing
-Unlike the usual "healing is soothing" cliche, Sumire provides a very unpleasant experience. Her quirk allows her to heal wounds up to a single broken bone, but it will feel like she has taken a blowtorch and cauterized it until it works again. If the person does not have a wound and she tries to heal, she will instead begin to damage the area.

Overusage of the quirk will result in exhaustion, to the point of inducing a coma if she is not careful.

Subject Teaching: N/A
Pro Hero experience: N/A



Height: 5'1
Weight: 125 lbs
Hair Color: Purple
Eye Color: Purple


Sumire is a friendly and motherly girl who tries to see the best in everyone, regardless of their past. She is putting up a strong front, but in reality, she is terrified of the potential psychos she will have to be around for the next few years. Sumire wants to prove that she is mentally sane and worthy of her second chance and hopes the others can receive the same fate too.

After the incident that led to her coming to JRA, she refuses to use her quirk unless absolutely necessary.

Due to her motherly and overly friendly ways, Sumire can come across as annoying to the people who do not want anything to do with her. She has a tendency to eavesdrop on information that shouldn't concern her, and is trying to toughen up her skin for a place like JRA.


Sumire grew up in a very conservative household that treasured modesty and proper etiquette. Her mother saw her more as potential bragging rights than a child to love and raise. Her father didn't get to see her very often due to the divorce, but when he did, he often passed down knowledge regarding businesses and corporations to help her get ahead in her future career.

She never dabbled in crime in the past; She didn't see the point of it when every legal thing a person wants can be obtained through hard work. Sumire had focused more on school and her studies at the time until the incident happened that ruined her life forever.

Hobbies: Reading, cross stitching, card, and coin collecting

(For students)

Crime Convicted of: Murder in the second degree

Guilty?: No. Actually guilty of involuntary manslaughter

Crime on paper: Sumire tried to use her quirk to heal her uncle's open wounds due to a woodworking accident. However, multiple witness and close relative statements claim that she was not well mentally, and saw this as an opportunity to kill her uncle because she thought she would be the main beneficiary on his will.

After the judge saw the intense remorse on her face, he decided to have a therapy session done to test her psyche. She passed, saving herself from being thrown into an insane asylum, but there was still the murder charge on her. She was given the choice of going to JRA or being sentenced to prison.

What actually happened: Sumire desperately tried to heal her uncle after he seriously injured himself while woodworking. Her intense and painful healing triggered shock and he died as a result from it.

Name: Takana Mika (Goes by Nameless for students)
Age: 28
Date of birth: 12/20/1990
Gender: Female
Nationality and native language: Japanese, Japan

Quirk Disable

~Mika can temporarily disable anyone's quirk within her direct line of vision. She cannot pick and choose whose quirk she disables, so comrades must be careful to avoid her line of sight when her own quirk is active. Using the quirk messes with her other senses since it's putting everything into her eyes, so she will become momentarily deaf, unable to smell, unable to touch, unable to taste, or unable to balance when her quirk activates.

Though Mika has adjusted her fighting style to make up for whichever important sense she loses, she will still require a teammate to watch her back.

Subject Teaching: Physical education
Pro Hero experience: 10 years



Height: 5'7
Weight: 140 lbs
Hair Color: Dark blue
Eye Color: Purplish blue


Mika is a soft-hearted, compassionate, and sincere woman who does her damnedest to become a good role model for children and young individuals. She sees delinquents as children who had taken the wrong path and believes they can avoid the cards Fate has played out for them. Mika adores cute things, has a strong sense of justice, and has learned to put her feelings aside to do the right thing.

Because of her soft-heartedness, Mika can get a bit emotional at times. Her desire to be a good role model stems to everyone, including the students. She will most likely behave as best she can to set a good example; even if the students don't care for her.


Born and raised to a household that had a history of throwing their lives away, Mika knew she had to be the one to make the difference. Her parents were drug addicts and her brother an alcoholic working long hours to keep away from the woman he thought he loved, each one relying on her financially or emotionally.

Mika realized the strength of her quirk when she had been 10 years old, and from then, worked her ass off to become one of the top pro heroes in the country.


Traditional artist, kickboxing, DIY crafts (hot glue is best friend), and strategy games
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Arrietty Caron
18|| DOB 7/05/2000 || Female || Originally from France, speaks French
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 110
Hair Color: Pale Blond
Eye Color: Cleark Sky Blue
Quirk: Short range teleportation || Can roughly go around 15 - 20 feet in places that are insight, cannot go through doors/walls or other objects

Personality: Arrietty is a sneak, a liar, someone doesn't have any tells when she is lying to your face. She is a master of manipulation and can make you feel like the most important person in the world, or devastated by yourself. She likes to cause torment by spreading rumors and causing mischief wherever she goes. Her redeemable quality is that she is actually a good listener though! Get on her good side and she can say exactly what you want to hear when you need to hear it. She will listen to your concerns and treat you like a real friend, with compassion and empathy. Her skills for spreading rumors come in handy if you are her friend, as she can make your life better by talking you up or destroying your enemy.

Background: Arrietty was born into a family with a lot of drama. Her parents had split up before she was born, her family taking sides on who was right or wrong in the divorce. They also loved to cause more drama, including custody wars, lies about how each parent was, etc. It was always a blood bath with all kinds of drama with her family. Some say Arrietty was born into trouble, she really had no choice. Her family problems is what caused her to love drama herself, turning her to mischief and learning how to perfectly lie. She loved the drama, even as a small child. She would purposely cause problems among her family that would cause uproars on both sides. However, it didn't stop at family drama when she got older. Arrietty found a niche of friends who liked to go out and cause problems. With Arriety's little quirk of teleportation, she could get away with a lot. Pick pocketing, shoplifting, and more.

Then her life escalated... To further crime. (continued in 'Crime Convicted Of')

Crime Convicted Of: As we have seen, Arrietty had found herself in a life of small petty crimes. Sometimes stealing larger things. However, that wasn't the cause of her downfall. Arrietty was tasked one night with her group of 'acquaintances' to move some products around, some illegal products. Arrietty didn't know the full details of what she was smuggling, but knew it had to be something bad. However, to her it didn't matter. She thought she was invisible with her little quirk. However, she was caught. Arrietty was smuggling large amounts of a new, and highly illegal drugs. The final thing on her rap sheet that caused her to be sent away.


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Arrietty Caron
19|| DOB 7/05/1999 || Female || Originally from France, speaks French
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 110
Hair Color: Pale Blond
Eye Color: Cleark Sky Blue
Quirk: Short range teleportation || Can roughly go around 15 - 20 feet in places that are insight, cannot go through doors/walls or other objects

Personality: Arrietty is a sneak, a liar, someone doesn't have any tells when she is lying to your face. She is a master of manipulation and can make you feel like the most important person in the world, or devastated by yourself. She likes to cause torment by spreading rumors and causing mischief wherever she goes. Her redeemable quality is that she is actually a good listener though! Get on her good side and she can say exactly what you want to hear when you need to hear it. She will listen to your concerns and treat you like a real friend, with compassion and empathy. Her skills for spreading rumors come in handy if you are her friend, as she can make your life better by talking you up or destroying your enemy.

Background: Arrietty was born into a family with a lot of drama. Her parents had split up before she was born, her family taking sides on who was right or wrong in the divorce. They also loved to cause more drama, including custody wars, lies about how each parent was, etc. It was always a blood bath with all kinds of drama with her family. Some say Arrietty was born into trouble, she really had no choice. Her family problems is what caused her to love drama herself, turning her to mischief and learning how to perfectly lie. She loved the drama, even as a small child. She would purposely cause problems among her family that would cause uproars on both sides. However, it didn't stop at family drama when she got older. Arrietty found a niche of friends who liked to go out and cause problems. With Arriety's little quirk of teleportation, she could get away with a lot. Pick pocketing, shoplifting, and more.

Then her life escalated... To further crime. (continued in 'Crime Convicted Of')

Crime Convicted Of: As we have seen, Arrietty had found herself in a life of small petty crimes. Sometimes stealing larger things. However, that wasn't the cause of her downfall. Arrietty was tasked one night with her group of 'acquaintances' to move some products around, some illegal products. Arrietty didn't know the full details of what she was smuggling, but knew it had to be something bad. However, to her it didn't matter. She thought she was invisible with her little quirk. However, she was caught. Arrietty was smuggling large amounts of a new, and highly illegal drugs. The final thing on her rap sheet that caused her to be sent away.


Everything looks good, but you need to make her a little bit younger. 18 or 17 would be good.

Aside from that, your character is accepted. I'll be sending you a Discord invite via PM
Name: Reese Kendall
Age: 16
Date of birth: 9/4/2002
Gender: Female
Nationality and native language: Australian, Speaks English.
Quirk: Sound wave based, capable of using sheer sonic force as a ranged attack, or sending shock waves through a target she is touching.

Appearance: - 176998 sample.jpg

Height: 4'8
Weight: 58kg
Hair Color: Bluish Black
Eye Color: Green

Personality: Reese is on the quite side despite, or perhaps because of her rather noise orientated quirk, and doesn't seem very interested in talking about them self, she does make at least a token effort to be sociable with others, though is just as inclined to ignore a teacher as listen.
She doesn't seem to mind destroying buildings or care about the costs of things, but she does at least seem somewhat concerned with human lives, in as much as she hasn't killed anyone intentionally.
Reese also displays an odd shyness, refusing to undress even around other girls or participate in any swimming activity, and is perfectly fine with demolishing a door and leaving class if anyone attempts to force her participation.

Background: Reese was born into a fairly happy situation, despite their marriage being mostly for the sake of creating a child with a stronger quirk, her parents tolerated each other well enough and adored their child in their own overbearing way, when not training the young woman to fight and continue their proud (if rather poorly known) tradition of being powerful, disciplined heroes, they would take her to carnivals and generally give her whatever she pleased.
Though there was some occasional trouble involving her quirk and the houses of those who annoyed her, she was mostly well behaved and did well in school, until an unknown incident seemed to cause a rift and Reese ran away from home, or rather, strolled unopposed out the front door.

She soon found herself involved in crimes, partially for money and partially as a slap in the face to her family, her usual role was as a support for other gangs and small time villains, with Reese using her powers to break them into secure locations and help fight off police when required, though she was discrete enough that all evidence of those crimes is circumstantial at best.

Hobbies: Reese enjoys an odd game of finding large rocks and seeing if she can shake them apart with her quirk, as well as sewing, for reasons she herself has stated not to know, though she made her own costume, and seems to have modified most of her civilian clothing.

Crime Convicted of: Massive Destruction of Property, Manslaughter (1 count).
Guilty?: GUILTY
Crime on paper: Reese attempted a solo job for a gang angry at someone refusing to pay protection money, she was to sneak into a partially built office building and destroy enough supports that it would collapse, with the assurance that it was empty.
However she miscalculated and began to fall before she could escape, and Reese ended up injured and partially buried in rubble, making it easy to catch her, it was later discovered that a homeless man had been sheltering within the structure and died in incident.
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How is She GM?
How is She GM?

I like her! She and Arrietty seem really cool~ Though I noticed you just gave a birth year. Is her birthday meant to be unknown?

I also wanted to know the limitations of her sound quirk if possible.

Right now I'm just waiting for my Co-GM to give the final say. Once you receive his acceptance, I'll send you a Discord invite

To everyone else:

Could use some boys
Oops! Forgot to put the rest of the birth date! Ahh the risks of multitasking...
As for her quirk, the vibration part is not the best for attack since she needs to be standing right next to the target with both hands on them, though with enough time she can shake apart concrete, not metal or anything really solid like that though.

The attack is harder to explain? It's really loud and has a physical force behind it, but anyone used to taking hard hits could simply power through it... She is pretty good at fighting armored people though! Since not a not of armor stops sound!
Oops! Forgot to put the rest of the birth date! Ahh the risks of multitasking...
As for her quirk, the vibration part is not the best for attack since she needs to be standing right next to the target with both hands on them, though with enough time she can shake apart concrete, not metal or anything really solid like that though.

The attack is harder to explain? It's really loud and has a physical force behind it, but anyone used to taking hard hits could simply power through it... She is pretty good at fighting armored people though! Since not a not of armor stops sound!

Got it! Thanks for the explanation. I think I get what you're saying~

Either I or @The Dapper Mog will let you know if/when you're accepted
Name: Alaric Vander
Age: 17
Date of birth: 04/01/2001
Gender: Male
Nationality and native language: American/English
Quirk: Discharge
His quirk allows him to control and discharge electrical blast from his body. He can also manipulate electric circuitry. The down side is that he works like a rechargeable battery. He can store a certain amount of electricity in his body but after it's used up, he has to recharge for a while. Another side effect is that when he is charging, you can see the current running through his veins like a circuit board.

Subject Teaching: (Only for teachers)
Pro Hero experience: (Only for teachers)


Height: 5' 7''
Weight: 120
Hair Color: purple
Eye Color: one blue/one yellow

Personality: fast talker, uneasy, a bit crazy due to the amount of electricity going through him, outgoing, fun at times.

Background: Alaric grew up in a home for boys. He was dropped off there at a young age and the place has no idea of who is mother or father are. He grew up knowing only the workers and the other boys at the home.

There wasn't a lot of kids there that had quirks. Some of them did but not a lot. The ones that did, were simple little quirks to. Nothing like Alaric's. He was constantly picked on by the other boys when he was recharging himself. They would make fun of his arms as they saw his veins light up. He was always the subject of jokes and constantly messed with. He has been punched and beaten, called a freak as well.

One night though, something snapped in him. A couple of his regular bullies took a bit far one day. He was recharging before bed and they came and poured water all over him. Seeing as he was having electricity flow into him, this ended up burning his arms to some extent. The workers did nothing when he showed his arms to them. Just wrapped them up and said, "stop whining."

When the bullies were asleep, Alaric awoke and walked over to them. He looked down in there sleeping beds. He smiled down at them. He put his hands over there mouth and flooded there body with electricity. The boys never knew what was happening. Alaric used up all of his battery life on them. Making their eyes explode from their skulls.

The workers found the bodies the next morning with Alaric in the corner, covered in blood, and charging his self back up.
Hobbies: Chess, sports

(For students)
Crime Convicted of: first degree murder of two boys.
Guilty?: Yes
Crime on paper: Killing two boys that were picking on him.
What actually happened: guilty
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Name: Reese Kendall
Age: 16
Date of birth: 9/4/2002
Gender: Female
Nationality and native language: Australian, Speaks English.
Quirk: Sound wave based, capable of using sheer sonic force as a ranged attack, or sending shock waves through a target she is touching.

Appearance: View attachment 169159

Height: 4'8
Weight: 58kg
Hair Color: Bluish Black
Eye Color: Green

Personality: Reese is on the quite side despite, or perhaps because of her rather noise orientated quirk, and doesn't seem very interested in talking about them self, she does make at least a token effort to be sociable with others, though is just as inclined to ignore a teacher as listen.
She doesn't seem to mind destroying buildings or care about the costs of things, but she does at least seem somewhat concerned with human lives, in as much as she hasn't killed anyone intentionally.
Reese also displays an odd shyness, refusing to undress even around other girls or participate in any swimming activity, and is perfectly fine with demolishing a door and leaving class if anyone attempts to force her participation.

Background: Reese was born into a fairly happy situation, despite their marriage being mostly for the sake of creating a child with a stronger quirk, her parents tolerated each other well enough and adored their child in their own overbearing way, when not training the young woman to fight and continue their proud (if rather poorly known) tradition of being powerful, disciplined heroes, they would take her to carnivals and generally give her whatever she pleased.
Though there was some occasional trouble involving her quirk and the houses of those who annoyed her, she was mostly well behaved and did well in school, until an unknown incident seemed to cause a rift and Reese ran away from home, or rather, strolled unopposed out the front door.

She soon found herself involved in crimes, partially for money and partially as a slap in the face to her family, her usual role was as a support for other gangs and small time villains, with Reese using her powers to break them into secure locations and help fight off police when required, though she was discrete enough that all evidence of those crimes is circumstantial at best.

Hobbies: Reese enjoys an odd game of finding large rocks and seeing if she can shake them apart with her quirk, as well as sewing, for reasons she herself has stated not to know, though she made her own costume, and seems to have modified most of her civilian clothing.

Crime Convicted of: Massive Destruction of Property, Manslaughter (1 count).
Guilty?: GUILTY
Crime on paper: Reese attempted a solo job for a gang angry at someone refusing to pay protection money, she was to sneak into a partially built office building and destroy enough supports that it would collapse, with the assurance that it was empty.
However she miscalculated and began to fall before she could escape, and Reese ended up injured and partially buried in rubble, making it easy to catch her, it was later discovered that a homeless man had been sheltering within the structure and died in incident.

@Mahou-Shoujo, Nice character. ^_^ You are good to go. You will receive an invite to the discord here shortly.
Name: Reese Kendall
Age: 16
Date of birth: 9/4/2002
Gender: Female
Nationality and native language: Australian, Speaks English.
Quirk: Sound wave based, capable of using sheer sonic force as a ranged attack, or sending shock waves through a target she is touching.

Appearance: View attachment 169159

Height: 4'8
Weight: 58kg
Hair Color: Bluish Black
Eye Color: Green

Personality: Reese is on the quite side despite, or perhaps because of her rather noise orientated quirk, and doesn't seem very interested in talking about them self, she does make at least a token effort to be sociable with others, though is just as inclined to ignore a teacher as listen.
She doesn't seem to mind destroying buildings or care about the costs of things, but she does at least seem somewhat concerned with human lives, in as much as she hasn't killed anyone intentionally.
Reese also displays an odd shyness, refusing to undress even around other girls or participate in any swimming activity, and is perfectly fine with demolishing a door and leaving class if anyone attempts to force her participation.

Background: Reese was born into a fairly happy situation, despite their marriage being mostly for the sake of creating a child with a stronger quirk, her parents tolerated each other well enough and adored their child in their own overbearing way, when not training the young woman to fight and continue their proud (if rather poorly known) tradition of being powerful, disciplined heroes, they would take her to carnivals and generally give her whatever she pleased.
Though there was some occasional trouble involving her quirk and the houses of those who annoyed her, she was mostly well behaved and did well in school, until an unknown incident seemed to cause a rift and Reese ran away from home, or rather, strolled unopposed out the front door.

She soon found herself involved in crimes, partially for money and partially as a slap in the face to her family, her usual role was as a support for other gangs and small time villains, with Reese using her powers to break them into secure locations and help fight off police when required, though she was discrete enough that all evidence of those crimes is circumstantial at best.

Hobbies: Reese enjoys an odd game of finding large rocks and seeing if she can shake them apart with her quirk, as well as sewing, for reasons she herself has stated not to know, though she made her own costume, and seems to have modified most of her civilian clothing.

Crime Convicted of: Massive Destruction of Property, Manslaughter (1 count).
Guilty?: GUILTY
Crime on paper: Reese attempted a solo job for a gang angry at someone refusing to pay protection money, she was to sneak into a partially built office building and destroy enough supports that it would collapse, with the assurance that it was empty.
However she miscalculated and began to fall before she could escape, and Reese ended up injured and partially buried in rubble, making it easy to catch her, it was later discovered that a homeless man had been sheltering within the structure and died in incident.

@Mahou-Shoujo, Nice character. ^_^ You are good to go. You will receive an invite to the discord here shortly.
Will be trying to get a character up today!
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Reactions: Jessica
Name: Alaric Vander
Age: 17
Date of birth: 04/01/2000
Gender: Male
Nationality and native language: American/English
Quirk: Discharge
His quirk allows him to control and discharge electrical blast from his body. He can also manipulate electric circuitry. The down side is that he works like a rechargeable battery. He can store a certain amount of electricity in his body but after it's used up, he has to recharge for a while. Another side effect is that when he is charging, you can see the current running through his veins like a circuit board.

Subject Teaching: (Only for teachers)
Pro Hero experience: (Only for teachers)


Height: 5' 7''
Weight: 120
Hair Color: purple
Eye Color: one blue/one yellow

Personality: fast talker, uneasy, a bit crazy due to the amount of electricity going through him, outgoing, fun at times.

Background: Alaric grew up in a home for boys. He was dropped off there at a young age and the place has no idea of who is mother or father are. He grew up knowing only the workers and the other boys at the home.

There wasn't a lot of kids there that had quirks. Some of them did but not a lot. The ones that did, were simple little quirks to. Nothing like Alaric's. He was constantly picked on by the other boys when he was recharging himself. They would make fun of his arms as they saw his veins light up. He was always the subject of jokes and constantly messed with. He has been punched and beaten, called a freak as well.

One night though, something snapped in him. A couple of his regular bullies took a bit far one day. He was recharging before bed and they came and poured water all over him. Seeing as he was having electricity flow into him, this ended up burning his arms to some extent. The workers did nothing when he showed his arms to them. Just wrapped them up and said, "stop whining."

When the bullies were asleep, Alaric awoke and walked over to them. He looked down in there sleeping beds. He smiled down at them. He put his hands over there mouth and flooded there body with electricity. The boys never knew what was happening. Alaric used up all of his battery life on them. Making their eyes explode from their skulls.

The workers found the bodies the next morning with Alaric in the corner, covered in blood, and charging his self back up.
Hobbies: Chess, sports

(For students)
Crime Convicted of: first degree murder of two boys.
Guilty?: Yes
Crime on paper: Killing two boys that were picking on him.
What actually happened: guilty

Birth year should be 2001, unless he's gonna turn 18 that year. That's just me being nitpicky though.

Anyway, I see no problem with your sheet. Judging by the like my Co-GM gave ya, I assume he didn't see a problem either. I'll send ya an invite really soon.
Name: Alaric Vander
Age: 17
Date of birth: 04/01/2000
Gender: Male
Nationality and native language: American/English
Quirk: Discharge
His quirk allows him to control and discharge electrical blast from his body. He can also manipulate electric circuitry. The down side is that he works like a rechargeable battery. He can store a certain amount of electricity in his body but after it's used up, he has to recharge for a while. Another side effect is that when he is charging, you can see the current running through his veins like a circuit board.

Subject Teaching: (Only for teachers)
Pro Hero experience: (Only for teachers)


Height: 5' 7''
Weight: 120
Hair Color: purple
Eye Color: one blue/one yellow

Personality: fast talker, uneasy, a bit crazy due to the amount of electricity going through him, outgoing, fun at times.

Background: Alaric grew up in a home for boys. He was dropped off there at a young age and the place has no idea of who is mother or father are. He grew up knowing only the workers and the other boys at the home.

There wasn't a lot of kids there that had quirks. Some of them did but not a lot. The ones that did, were simple little quirks to. Nothing like Alaric's. He was constantly picked on by the other boys when he was recharging himself. They would make fun of his arms as they saw his veins light up. He was always the subject of jokes and constantly messed with. He has been punched and beaten, called a freak as well.

One night though, something snapped in him. A couple of his regular bullies took a bit far one day. He was recharging before bed and they came and poured water all over him. Seeing as he was having electricity flow into him, this ended up burning his arms to some extent. The workers did nothing when he showed his arms to them. Just wrapped them up and said, "stop whining."

When the bullies were asleep, Alaric awoke and walked over to them. He looked down in there sleeping beds. He smiled down at them. He put his hands over there mouth and flooded there body with electricity. The boys never knew what was happening. Alaric used up all of his battery life on them. Making their eyes explode from their skulls.

The workers found the bodies the next morning with Alaric in the corner, covered in blood, and charging his self back up.
Hobbies: Chess, sports

(For students)
Crime Convicted of: first degree murder of two boys.
Guilty?: Yes
Crime on paper: Killing two boys that were picking on him.
What actually happened: guilty

Birth year should be 2001, unless he's gonna turn 18 that year. That's just me being nitpicky though.

Anyway, I see no problem with your sheet. Judging by the like my Co-GM gave ya, I assume he didn't see a problem either. I'll send ya an invite really soon.
Thanks. Updated the date. Was a miss count on my part
Arrietty Caron
19|| DOB 7/05/1999 || Female || Originally from France, speaks French
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 110
Hair Color: Pale Blond
Eye Color: Cleark Sky Blue
Quirk: Short range teleportation || Can roughly go around 15 - 20 feet in places that are insight, cannot go through doors/walls or other objects

Personality: Arrietty is a sneak, a liar, someone doesn't have any tells when she is lying to your face. She is a master of manipulation and can make you feel like the most important person in the world, or devastated by yourself. She likes to cause torment by spreading rumors and causing mischief wherever she goes. Her redeemable quality is that she is actually a good listener though! Get on her good side and she can say exactly what you want to hear when you need to hear it. She will listen to your concerns and treat you like a real friend, with compassion and empathy. Her skills for spreading rumors come in handy if you are her friend, as she can make your life better by talking you up or destroying your enemy.

Background: Arrietty was born into a family with a lot of drama. Her parents had split up before she was born, her family taking sides on who was right or wrong in the divorce. They also loved to cause more drama, including custody wars, lies about how each parent was, etc. It was always a blood bath with all kinds of drama with her family. Some say Arrietty was born into trouble, she really had no choice. Her family problems is what caused her to love drama herself, turning her to mischief and learning how to perfectly lie. She loved the drama, even as a small child. She would purposely cause problems among her family that would cause uproars on both sides. However, it didn't stop at family drama when she got older. Arrietty found a niche of friends who liked to go out and cause problems. With Arriety's little quirk of teleportation, she could get away with a lot. Pick pocketing, shoplifting, and more.

Then her life escalated... To further crime. (continued in 'Crime Convicted Of')

Crime Convicted Of: As we have seen, Arrietty had found herself in a life of small petty crimes. Sometimes stealing larger things. However, that wasn't the cause of her downfall. Arrietty was tasked one night with her group of 'acquaintances' to move some products around, some illegal products. Arrietty didn't know the full details of what she was smuggling, but knew it had to be something bad. However, to her it didn't matter. She thought she was invisible with her little quirk. However, she was caught. Arrietty was smuggling large amounts of a new, and highly illegal drugs. The final thing on her rap sheet that caused her to be sent away.


Everything looks good, but you need to make her a little bit younger. 18 or 17 would be good.

Aside from that, your character is accepted. I'll be sending you a Discord invite via PM

All fixed!! Thanks!

The characters look super awesome so far! I love it!

Yoshiyuki, Aichi



Date of Birth:




Nationality and Native Language:



Density Shift

Aichi's quirk allows him to alter the density of his own body, and potentially, the density of others objects. Doing so allows him to make himself more or less dense. Practical applications are reducing his own density to being less than that of air, which would allow him to float, walk on air, or given a means of propulsion, to fly. As well increasing his own density to make an impact stronger, or make him more difficult to move.

Note: This does not increase or reduce mass or volume, only the density, therefore his physical body undergoes no visible changes.






117 lbs.

Hair Color:

Light Brown

Eye Color:



Aichi is a kind soul, who wanted nothing more out of life than to help people and make others happy. As such, he tends to behave in a goofy manner, usually being friendly towards even the harshest of people. Often times Aichi attempts to use humor to deflect serious thoughts, emotions, or situations, preferring to act as though his pain isn't real, and to hide his struggles from others so the won't be affected. This doesn't always work, but it's the greatest defense mechanism he has developed over the course of his life. Aichi adores the idea of the hero lifestyle, and often laments the way his life has gone so far. While acting as though he is carefree and being goofy and friendly towards people, he is often shy and even quiet in tense situations or when dealing with people he doesn't know well. Interestingly, Aichi doesn't feel any particular ill will towards villains, instead seeing them more as misguided than downright evil.


Aichi's parents are a fairly conventional sort. His father was a hero for many years, only to retire after a particularly grueling battle. While his mother is a citizen without a quirk, but a loving and caring woman that worked herself to the bone to ensure her family's well-being and happiness. In his childhood, Aichi watched his father perform heroic deeds on an almost daily basis, hoping to one day follow in his footsteps. Aichi discovered his work fairly late in his childhood, and hasn't had a lot of time to learn to use it, and the timing for it to appear was poor. His father had only recently become injured and forced to retire. His sudden loss of his ability to be a hero caused him to become reclusive and bitter. The loving and encouraging father he had known his whole life changed into a callous and uncaring person. While his mother did her best to soothe the tensions in the household, and to make her husband return to the man he was, it was a constant struggle. Because of this, Aichi found himself spending less time at home, making reckless attempts at helping people while somehow managing to find himself surrounded by people who skirted the edge of heroism and villainy.

Many times, Aichi and his friends went out of their way thwart criminals and help people when they could. This would be seen as some to be admirable, at first, but quickly devolved into a troublesome habit that caused more harm than good. In fact, many different events led nearly every member of the group to change, either through failure, incident, or incarceration. A few of the individuals in particular that Aichi palled around with and admired slipped into the realm of aggression and criminal activity, even engaging with him on a couple of occasions. It was during one of these incidents that caused the young man to become in conflict with the laws of society. During a fight with his former best friend, his quirk activated with much more intensity than he had expected, losing control in his anger. The result being a destroyed building with several people being injured. Aichi never forgave himself for the incident and turned himself in, believing that the only way he could be certain he never repeated the mistake was to face punishment. However, his desire to help people and to be a hero didn't fade, and not long after he began serving his sentence, he was offered a spot at the Rehabilitation Academy, a chance to show that he could be a hero and atone for his mistakes.


Making People Laugh
Researching Scientific Topics

Crime Convicted Of:

Several Counts of Destruction of Property
Several Counts of Assault
One Count of Attempted Homicide



What Actually Happened:

See background. A particularly violent fight with a former friend resulted in an overuse of power, causing the destruction of a large building and several injuries of people within the building, as well as the target of the attack.​
Last edited:
Name: Takumi Souta

Age: 16

Date of birth: 09/11/2002

Gender: Male

Nationality and native language: Japanese

Quirk: Nullification

A quirk specializing in the cancellation of other quirks. The user can cancel out quirk-based abilities that make contact with either of their palms, or nullify target's ability to manifest quirk entirely in the same way. Nullification takes several moments before taking effect at the novice level.

Requires contact with the target to completely cancel their ability to use their quirk or contact with the production of a quirk, i.e. a blast from a fire user or the like. Requires contact be made with palms in order to nullify. Takes a few seconds for nullification to occur, as such explosions or some other quirks may still do some damage before it is negated.

Height: 5'11
Weight: 152 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Violet

Personality: Despite his violent tendencies and devil may care attitude, Takumi is a rather good guy to get to know and a loyal friend. While not happy go lucky or overly talkative, he certainly doesn't have any issue walking up to someone and striking up a conversation or inquiring about something. Due to his lack of friendships previously, he's more than motivated to gain some allies now. Unfortunately his lack of social interaction has made him slightly dense or awkward and disables him from recognizing some social cues immediately. In many ways, he can be related to a dog; friendly and loyal, but you need to tell him exactly what you want.

Unfortunately, much like a dog, he needs to be watched or he'll likely get into trouble. Many see him as belligerent, as should any attempt to bully him, someone he sees as an ally or really anyone that doesn't appear to have the will to fight back, the situation is going to escalate. His blatant and outspoken way of speaking certainly doesn't help cool things down either. While he tends to justify these bouts as acting in the defense of himself or others, he can't deny that a part of him enjoys combat and can be seen grinning through fights that actually pose a challenge. This is the main reason for how he found himself in the situation he is now; his intentions are good with a will to help and protect others, but his actions are pretty bare-knuckle oriented.

Background: Takumi wasn't one of the unfortunate rarities to be born without a quirk, but early on he might as well have been. With his quirk of nullification having an oddly specific effect zone, it's unknown when exactly the ability manifested itself, but the boy didn't actually discover it until later than his peers. By that point, the hierarchies had mostly been established; the nobility and the peasants. With his non-flashy quirk, he was forcefully shoved into the latter. Most accepted these terms and seemed to cuddle up to those with the luckier draws. Takumi wasn't one of them.

Like his less than reputable father, Takumi was never one to think that someone's quirk should define them. As such, he often found himself butting heads with those who grew a little too big for their britches after they got their quirks. Most of the time Takumi got his ass kicked, but he seemed to always get one or two good hits in on his opponents. Half of the time, that was all that was needed. When you could blow someone away with a snap of your fingers, there wasn't much of a reason to build your body up. Still, while some may have seen his endeavors as, although aggressive, perhaps noble in a way, due to the associations of his birth parents as known villains, most simply saw it as a villain's kid following in the same footsteps.

Takumi was adopted and raised mostly by his grandparents when his parents left to go "change the status quo". His grandfather, a retired pro-hero, held a rather harsh and candid opinion of the boy's parents who took issue with the monetization and greed of the hero industry. To a certain extent, Takumi agreed. He disliked those with dangerous and abusive attitudes being tolerated because they had strong quirks and stayed just clear of the law, but mostly he just disliked the idea of people that were lucky in the lottery of life thinking that meant they could do whatever they wanted.

At first, Takumi attempted to enter a hero school, but that didn't go so well. Whether it was the actions in his youth, his association with his parents or the fact his quirk wasn't that well-developed, he was turned away at almost every step. His determination disallowed any setbacks, however. If he couldn't work within the system, he would do so outside of it.

He didn't get far enough to make headlines or anything; a high school kid trying to hunt down criminals on his own with an underdeveloped nullification quirk. He took down a few minor crooks with mediocre powers and skills, but as he went on he quickly began taking damage. Sprains, bruises, cuts; one drop of blood was all it took to I.D. him.

Crime Convicted of: Assault, Battery, Vigilantism
Guilty?: Guilty
Crime on paper: Acted as a vigilante hunting down small-time criminals and thieves illegally. Took a couple street thugs and common robbers with weaker quirks. Allegedly tried to take on a local gang but was injured in the process, barely managing to escape. When authorities arrived they found signs of a struggle and DNA evidence. When they tracked him down, he had several cuts and bruises, a cracked rib and burn injury on half of his left arm. He was treated and given a choice for rehabilitation. Considering his zeal to fight villains, it is thought that he might prove to be an asset as a hero if he can develop his quirk and learn how to follow society's rules.
Name: Takumi Souta

Age: 16

Date of birth: 09/11/2002

Gender: Male

Nationality and native language: Japanese

Quirk: Nullification

A quirk specializing in the cancellation of other quirks. The user can cancel out quirk-based abilities that make contact with either of their palms, or nullify target's ability to manifest quirk entirely in the same way. Nullification takes several moments before taking effect at the novice level.

Requires contact with the target to completely cancel their ability to use their quirk or contact with the production of a quirk, i.e. a blast from a fire user or the like. Requires contact be made with palms in order to nullify. Takes a few seconds for nullification to occur, as such explosions or some other quirks may still do some damage before it is negated.

Height: 5'11
Weight: 152 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Violet

Personality: Despite his violent tendencies and devil may care attitude, Takumi is a rather good guy to get to know and a loyal friend. While not happy go lucky or overly talkative, he certainly doesn't have any issue walking up to someone and striking up a conversation or inquiring about something. Due to his lack of friendships previously, he's more than motivated to gain some allies now. Unfortunately his lack of social interaction has made him slightly dense or awkward and disables him from recognizing some social cues immediately. In many ways, he can be related to a dog; friendly and loyal, but you need to tell him exactly what you want.

Unfortunately, much like a dog, he needs to be watched or he'll likely get into trouble. Many see him as belligerent, as should any attempt to bully him, someone he sees as an ally or really anyone that doesn't appear to have the will to fight back, the situation is going to escalate. His blatant and outspoken way of speaking certainly doesn't help cool things down either. While he tends to justify these bouts as acting in the defense of himself or others, he can't deny that a part of him enjoys combat and can be seen grinning through fights that actually pose a challenge. This is the main reason for how he found himself in the situation he is now; his intentions are good with a will to help and protect others, but his actions are pretty bare-knuckle oriented.

Background: Takumi wasn't one of the unfortunate rarities to be born without a quirk, but early on he might as well have been. With his quirk of nullification having an oddly specific effect zone, it's unknown when exactly the ability manifested itself, but the boy didn't actually discover it until later than his peers. By that point, the hierarchies had mostly been established; the nobility and the peasants. With his non-flashy quirk, he was forcefully shoved into the latter. Most accepted these terms and seemed to cuddle up to those with the luckier draws. Takumi wasn't one of them.

Like his less than reputable father, Takumi was never one to think that someone's quirk should define them. As such, he often found himself butting heads with those who grew a little too big for their britches after they got their quirks. Most of the time Takumi got his ass kicked, but he seemed to always get one or two good hits in on his opponents. Half of the time, that was all that was needed. When you could blow someone away with a snap of your fingers, there wasn't much of a reason to build your body up. Still, while some may have seen his endeavors as, although aggressive, perhaps noble in a way, due to the associations of his birth parents as known villains, most simply saw it as a villain's kid following in the same footsteps.

Takumi was adopted and raised mostly by his grandparents when his parents left to go "change the status quo". His grandfather, a retired pro-hero, held a rather harsh and candid opinion of the boy's parents who took issue with the monetization and greed of the hero industry. To a certain extent, Takumi agreed. He disliked those with dangerous and abusive attitudes being tolerated because they had strong quirks and stayed just clear of the law, but mostly he just disliked the idea of people that were lucky in the lottery of life thinking that meant they could do whatever they wanted.

At first, Takumi attempted to enter a hero school, but that didn't go so well. Whether it was the actions in his youth, his association with his parents or the fact his quirk wasn't that well-developed, he was turned away at almost every step. His determination disallowed any setbacks, however. If he couldn't work within the system, he would do so outside of it.

He didn't get far enough to make headlines or anything; a high school kid trying to hunt down criminals on his own with an underdeveloped nullification quirk. He took down a few minor crooks with mediocre powers and skills, but as he went on he quickly began taking damage. Sprains, bruises, cuts; one drop of blood was all it took to I.D. him.

Crime Convicted of: Assault, Battery, Vigilantism
Guilty?: Guilty
Crime on paper: Acted as a vigilante hunting down small-time criminals and thieves illegally. Took a couple street thugs and common robbers with weaker quirks. Allegedly tried to take on a local gang but was injured in the process, barely managing to escape. When authorities arrived they found signs of a struggle and DNA evidence. When they tracked him down, he had several cuts and bruises, a cracked rib and burn injury on half of his left arm. He was treated and given a choice for rehabilitation. Considering his zeal to fight villains, it is thought that he might prove to be an asset as a hero if he can develop his quirk and learn how to follow society's rules.

Looks good. Gonna send a discord invite soon