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Red Thunder

A Warrior in a Garden
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Prestige
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Male
Fantasy, SciFi, Modern, Magical
Life requires balance, and so Death is its counterweight. A knife's edge, they say: too many dead, and the World of the Living decays; too many living, and Life itself runs short. As Life is gained through conception, Life must be lost in a final heartbeat; as Death brings a temporary finality, the Soul that dies must be escorted, lest he find himself lost.

We Shinigami provide the guidance. When a Soul leaves its body, we cleanse it, approving its ascension to the Soul Society where it awaits reincarnation and renewal, where it once more enters the cycle. And when a Soul lingers too long in the World, reluctant to depart with some task yet lingering in its heart or some desire yet chaining it to the Living World, we too deal with the inevitable fallout. These Souls lose the very thing that made them human, embracing the fury and regret that lingers in exchange for their being, and it leaves them Hollow. Hollows must be cleansed, for in their cleansing do they enter the Soul Society and its peaceful rest. Thus do we maintain the Balance, keeping the cycle going, ensuring that all Souls are where they should be at their appropriate time.

Of late, Intelligence personnel have become concerned. Reports of Hollows arrive, yet when our Shinigami report to the area, there is only a distinct emptiness that seeps from its absence, an emptiness and absence that none can explain. The instances of this have been thus far small, and the Balance has so far been maintained. But some fear this is only the prelude, an omen of things to come. We must find the source of this Imbalancing, lest it progresses to catastrophe.
Good afternoon, or whatever time it is where you are! Bleach has always grabbed me for its setting and the ideas it put forward, all through the Soul Society Invasion arc (and somewhat into the Hueco Mundo arc), and with some encouragement from some friends, I'm looking at starting a Bleach RP within the next few weeks. This will take place earlier than "canon" and will involve mostly OCs from the players.

So! Important stuff. First, plot. This will be centering around the appearance of the Quincy as a factor of consideration for the Seireitei and all the fun apocalyptic and genocidal scenarios that entails. The Shinigami (call 'em Soul Reapers if you like; I'm not particular) will be almost entirely OCs, as stated above, and nearly all positions from Lieutenant to 5th Seat will be available for any of the 13 Divisions. Sorry; no Captains.

Second! Expectations! I'm looking for writers with a good grasp on the English language. Mistakes happen, and that's always understood. But writers should be able to maintain verb tense (past) as well as person Point of View (3rd person). Another thing: sorry, otakus, but I'm putting the axe on any and all Japanese honorifics. I'm a stupid American with no time to study them or to try to decipher them while I read a post, and I will certainly not be writing them. I also expect 3 paragraphs per post of appreciable size (don't make 3 paragraphs of 1 sentence a piece). Posts will be expected to be made at least biweekly, though sooner is certainly allowed (provided you don't hog the IC with a dialogue with another PC; that's what collabs are for). I'm also not expecting you to be hyper or even a bit familiar with the source material! I can't reasonably expect that, given my own lack of knowledge, so if the interest is there without the knowledge, that's ok! Just be a ready and willing student!

Last! Rules! … Which I've already covered a great deal of in the Expectations block. No god-modding/Mary Sues (very easy to do when making up your own powers, as we will be doing with our Shikai and eventually our Bankai). No bunnying, unless previously permitted. Be courteous, in the Interest Check and the OOC; leave the drama for the IC. And of course follow any and all Iwaku rules.

Alrighty, that covers it for now. Again, looking to start this is a few weeks, and with no more than 7-8 players. All CSs (once that thread is made) will be analyzed by me for approval; a CS app is no guarantee for acceptance. And to that end, first come first served, on both Divisions and ranks as well as general acceptance.

So! Questions? Comments? Snide remarks?
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@Red Thunder
Ooh, very interesting. However I do have a number of questions.

First off, what are the possibilities of people being allowed to play as Quincy or Arrancar.(I would take it since there will be no one playing Captains, it also means no one would be playing Espadas.) Also, what about those who wish to be Vizards or Shinigami with hollow masks in general?

Secondly, if playing as an Arrancar is available as well as since we're playing as Shinigami...will we have access to Shikai first or resurrections for the Arrancar?

Third, are you planning on making a table of sorts to be able to sorts to stable out stats of players? Such as seeing what a certain Shinigami or whatever is more profound at like some being better at Kido than others or one being better at close combat, etc.
@Red Thunder
Ooh, very interesting. However I do have a number of questions.

First off, what are the possibilities of people being allowed to play as Quincy or Arrancar.(I would take it since there will be no one playing Captains, it also means no one would be playing Espadas.) Also, what about those who wish to be Vizards or Shinigami with hollow masks in general?

Secondly, if playing as an Arrancar is available as well as since we're playing as Shinigami...will we have access to Shikai first or resurrections for the Arrancar?

Third, are you planning on making a table of sorts to be able to sorts to stable out stats of players? Such as seeing what a certain Shinigami or whatever is more profound at like some being better at Kido than others or one being better at close combat, etc.
1. No Arrancar or Quincy or Vizards. The first two are purely going to be NPCs, and the latter won't exist at all.
2. See above.
3. No stats. That's part of my approval, as well as general trust in the writers. Trust me, I won't put up with anything OP; players will be expected to write combat realistically and, say, not win every encounter and land every hit and dodge every attack. Each PCs sills will be elaborated upon in the CS, but not in stat form.

Hope that helps! Keep 'em coming!
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What a STUPID IDEA. Honestly.

Let me go make a character real quick...
1. No Arrancar or Quincy or Vizards. The first two are purely going to be NPCs, and the latter won't exist at all.
2. See above.
3. No stats. That's part of my approval, as well as general trust in the writers. Trust me, I won't put up with anything OP; players will be expected to write combat realistically and, say, not win every encounter and land every hit and dodge every attack. Each PCs sills will be elaborated upon in the CS, but not in stat form.

Hope that helps! Keep 'em coming!
Ahh alright. That solved quite a bit of confusion for me. Thank you.
And finally, i am very much interested to see where this goes. Now to just wait for the actual roleplay to make characters. XD
Alrighty, to whom this concerns, bit of an update.

1) I've begun compiling bits of setting and whatnot, so we're officially underweigh. As stated, the OOC and IC should be up in a few weeks! And speaking of...
2) Feel free to start figuring out a character, if you've not already. To give you a timeframe or backdrop that this will be taking place against, it will be the beginning of the Meiji Period in Japan. While the Shinigami aren't too likely to be concerned with the worries of the Hoo-Mans, it's still a consideration. It also can give you a ballpark on where (or rather when) to have your PC from. And of course feel free to start discussing pre-story relationships, etc between PCs, as well as assigned Divisions and rankings (which might be easier on Discord...should probably make one). And speaking of ...
3) There may be some slight change to canon as I see fit to make it work for us. There are certain characters I want and don't want involved that may have otherwise been canonically, and for the sake of enjoyment of you guys, they will get the axe. This does include most of the Captains, so take that into consideration. Four (thus far; there may be more later) have survived the cut: 1st Division Captain Yamamoto, 2nd Division Captain Shihoin, 8th Division Captain Kyoraku, and 13th Division Captain Ukitake.

As always, please and any questions you have (they help me plan and develop), and thank you for the interest!
Would someone who has only seen half an episode of Bleach fit in well with this RP?
Would someone who has only seen half an episode of Bleach fit in well with this RP?
Sure, provided you're a ready student! I've actually been compiling a VERY compressed summary of need-to-know terms for such an occasion, and of course, any further questions will be welcome. Independent research is also obviously encouraged, as the Bleach Wiki will be a far better teacher than I.
  • Thank You
Reactions: marcy
Would love to join If you'd have me. I've done a couple bleach rps, but I'm always down for another.
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Reactions: Red Thunder
Sounds like fun, I haven't had a good Bleach RP in a while.
Would love to have y'all apply! Check through the Interest Check, the Lore, and the CS pages and give it a look!
Is this still taking more members? Big Bleach fan here. ^_^
Is this still taking more members? Big Bleach fan here. ^_^
You're certainly welcome to put up a CS for application; we're still accepting them! Be sure to read through the Interest Thread, the Lore, and the Rules!
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Greenie
You're certainly welcome to put up a CS for application; we're still accepting them! Be sure to read through the Interest Thread, the Lore, and the Rules!
Aye :D and thank you!
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Reactions: Red Thunder