Bleach IC Thread

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Jessica Stansell

Original poster
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  1. Multiple posts per day
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  1. Beginner
  2. Elementary
  3. Intermediate
  4. Adaptable
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  1. Male
  2. Female
anime and modern mostly
but fine with any genre i guess

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Up in the soul society, Izuru, after finishing a mountainload of paperwork, is laying on top of the 3rd division's roof thinking. After his captain deserted the squad Izuru's been doing his best to do what he could to hold down the fort over at his division sense he now has to be acting captain along with his lieutenant duties.

Down in the world of the living and in Karakura Town, one of Ichigo Kurosaki's sisters, Karin Kurosaki, is walking around the town. It being a Saturday, she had just left her friends after being at the soccer feild for 2 hours. She hasn't sensed any hollows near her location yet today but she is still looking around for them just incase. She hasn't told her brother yet that she's been fighting them herself like he has.

Yuzu, on the weekends when her dad doesn't need help at the clinic, has started helping Kisuke Urahara at his shop. She's over there today as well helping Tessai sort some merchandise onto the shelves. Sense her's and Karin's 12th birthday, Yuzu has now been starting to see soul spirits as well as hollows more clearly and more often herself like Karin and Ichigo.

Keigo has been walking about the town. After running errands for his sister that morning, as it's the weekend and he doesn't have school, he took off on his own for the day. He wonders if he's going to run into any hollows that day, the fact that they scare him he's hoping that he won't.

Tatsuki is over at the dojo she takes karate at practicing. She didn't have a scheduled practice so no one is there but Tatsuki herself.
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Jushiro Ukitake Captain of the 13th division of the 13 Court Guard Squads is feeling extremely well today given he was laid up with his illness just the day before. He decides to head to the 8th division to go drinking with his long time friend Shunsui Kyoraku. He knows the Squad is safe In the hands of his capable Lieutenant Rukia Kuchiki. Jushiro Ukitake is an extremely friendly and kind man and so will often get distracted talking with or helping others.

Szayelaporro Granz the Octava Espada In Sosuke Aizen's arrancar army and a mad scientist is, like always, secluded within his lab his slender fingers tapping on the keys of his computer inputting Data and results from his latest experiment. Being extremely antisocial and narcissistic he sees no reason to be around his fellow Espada unless required.
Ikkaku Madarame, the 3rd seat of the 11th division, just as Izuru is on the rooftop of his own division, the 3rd division, doing, is spending time alone himself thinking over the betrayals they recently faced as well and the three open captain positions. He didn't even tell his best friend Yumichika where he was going before he took off. He had already been approached by his friend and the 6th division's lieutenant, Renji Abarai about if Ikkaku himself possibly would consider applying for one of the captain positions himself and filling one of the gaps, due to the fact that he met all the requirements including having mastered his swords bankai. Ikkaku of course had given the reply of "No thank you" to Renji. Ikkaku did indeed feel sorry for 3rd division's lieutenant Izuru Kira, 5th division's lieutenant Momo Hinamori, and 9th division's lieutenant Shuuhei Hisagi, but he didn't and he never will want to leave the 11th division and Zaraki's command. He is content about where he is and Ikkaku plans on keeping it that way. Still Ikkaku knows the sereitei and the remaining captains there are in need of help majorly and wonders if he could help fill the gaps they have some other way without leaving the 11th division, it being the division where he wants to be in until the day he dies.

Off in another part of the seireitei, the gate to Huego Mundo rips open all of a sudden, and a soul reaper who had been trapped in the menos forest of Heugo Mundo's vast territory comes flying out of the gate just before it closes and crash lands roughly against the ground, one of the vaste lordes ranked menos having thrust thrown him back out of the hollows home world. So there he was, the soul reaper by the name of Ashido Kano, back in his own home again, the soul society and within the seireitei walls specifically. Still not sure why the vaste lordes level menos that he was currently fighting off ripped open the gate all of a sudden and freed him from the menos forest like that, Ashido shakes his head and then gets to his feet and brushes himself off from being on the ground. He then checks his Zanpakuto to make sure its still in tact which it is. After doing that Ashido just sighs, as he stands there still for a few minutes longer. He hadn't been back to the soul society in hundreds of years. He wonders how much everything has changed while he was gone, as he knows many of the captains in charge when he was there originally aren't there anymore, them either having already passed on or had gotten killed, or them having stepped down for one reason or another. He wonders if he could even go back to the division he came from now, the captain that Ashido followed back before he got trapped in the menos forest having been killed by Aizen, and the captain currently in charge of the division Ashido was a member and seated officer of, having been only a child when Ashido last saw him.
Kenpachi Zaraki

11th Division


Kenpachi's bells chimed just before the 6'7" 198 .lbs man landed with force near Ikkaku sending the lieutenant sprawling backward over the rooftop leaving the bald lieutenant scrambling to hold on for dear life. Kenpachi then flicked his wrist to the side, his notched and chipped blade held out to the side. Zaraki started exerting his enormous spiritual pressure that was suffocating even with his eye patch hung over his left eye. If he had decided to take that off, the eruption of the golden aura would surely blow Madarame away, casting him to the winds like dust or ash.

"Ikkaku..." Kenpachi growled menacingly. "You little shit, you've been hiding something from me," He said his right eye narrowing on his lieutenant. "You've unlocked you Bankai, haven't you?" The word rang out and entered Ikkaku's ears--how did he find out?

Kenpachi then lined his sword up to Ikkaku, the edge facing his lieutenant.
"You're gonna show me your Bankai if I have to kill you to do it; no ore laying on your ass--get up and fight me. You're either going to kill me and take my spot--or you'll fill the role of captain in another squad. And just so we are clear--" Zaraki grabbed the eye patch and tor it free unleashing a massive wave of reiatsu in the form of a large golden skull. "Play time's over kid, it's time you make a choice!"



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When he was able to regain his composure, Ikkaku saw right away how angry his captain was at him. He had never wanted his bankai to be known to anyone. He wanted to keep following under Kenpachi's command until his death. He didn't know how his captain discovered that he had unlocked bankai level and not only that but had mastered it. But he figures that doesn't really matter now. Because the fact is that Kenpachi did find out and now wanted answers, and not only that but a fight as well. Ikkaku looks to his captain and says "Look sir. I know you don't like listening that much to explanations but just hear me out. After that I'll give you a strings pulled..if that's what you desire from me. Cause that's what it sure looks like. So...I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner about unlocking my swords' bankai stage level. I guess I should have. But I had my reasons for not telling anyone about it. I want to follow you and only you. I mean due to circumstances that were taking place at the times, my help was needed at the highest level possible. So Yumichika, Renji, Rangiku, and Captain Hitsugaya know about my bankai. But I haven't told anyone else ever. I never planned to tell anyone other than the four of them before today, nor do I have any desire to now. I don't want to be a captain for another division. Of course I'm willing to help them, Izuru, Momo, and Hisagi, as well as everyone else in any other way sure..It's not like I won't help..But I don't want to leave the 11th division. This division is where I belong. And as for the other choice you gave, the one that involves taking you down and becoming captain of this division myself, like I said, I chose to follow under your command even before I left the rukon district..I joined the 11th division under your command officially when I got out of the soul reaper academy..And I'll be your lieutenant..But I have no interest in even being the captain here..That place and rank is yours and belongs to only you..You're my captain..You always will be..Due to that, your say and what you decide of course goes above all else..But I've never wanted anything other than to follow under your lead..And I always planned it to stay that way..And Yumichika's the same way.."
"Look, sir. I know you don't like listening to that much to explanations but just hear me out. After that, I'll give you a strings pulled..if that's what you desire from me. Cause that's what it sure looks like. So...I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner about unlocking my swords' Bankai stage level. I guess I should have. But I had my reasons for not telling anyone about it. I want to follow you and only you. I mean due to circumstances that were taking place at the times, my help was needed at the highest level possible. So Yumichika, Renji, Rangiku, and Captain Hitsugaya know about my Bankai. "

"Eh? The hell you prattling for?!"
Kenpachi glared as his head tilted back, the bells in his spikey hair jingling.

One could see--if not feel the immensity of his displeasure. It would feel like a crushing weight of a rather large boulder--and that kept him still enough to barely move and yet, Kenpachi had yet to even take this confrontation seriously. He hadn't even removed the eye patch to revel in the conflict between him and Ikkaku. They had fought before and Kenpachi had told him to get more powerful--so he did.

"But I haven't told anyone else ever. I never planned to tell anyone other than the four of them before today, nor do I have any desire to now. I don't want to be a captain for another division. Of course, I'm willing to help them, Izuru, Momo, and Hisagi, as well as everyone else in any other way sure...It's not like I won't help...But I don't want to leave the 11th division. This division is where I belong. And as for the other choice you gave, the one that involves taking you down and becoming captain of this division myself, as I said, I chose to follow under your command even before I left the Rukon district...I joined the 11th division under your command officially when I got out of the soul reaper academy...And I'll be your lieutenant...But I have no interest in even being the captain here...That place and rank are yours and belongs to only you...You're my captain...You always will be...Due to that, your say and what you decide of course goes above all else...But I've never wanted anything other than to follow under your lead...And I always planned it to stay that way...And Yumichika's the same way.."

"It looks like you just don't get it--baldy."
Kenpachi reached his hand out and grabbed Ikkaku's scalp before slamming his head into his lieutenant's skull with such force it would send Madarame sprawling backward across the angled rooftop. Yet, despite this event and the fact Ikkaku was not bleeding from his forehead, he would look up to see Zaraki holding himself a little different--one was to dare say even more confidently.

"I told you...get stronger!" Kenpachi stated, directing his long notched and worn blade at Madarame menacingly. "But if all you're going to amount to is a simpering dog--" Kenpachi rotated his neck popping and cracking it several times. "Then I'll have to beat you like the dog you are." Kenpachi lifted and peeled away the eye patch and immediately releasing vast, unquantifiable reiatsu the came down upon him like a pillar of light surrounded by several large gold rings that shone astonishing brilliantly.

"Ikkaku," Zaraki said his lieutenant's name. "I have no need for weaklings that can't get over what THEY want. The Soul Society, the Seireitei, was not founded on just one type or measure of strength--but many. Look around you--how did these others become captains of squads? They took what they knew and applied it. You, on the other hand, stagnate like a weed that needs pulling out--root and stem." Zaraki's words were sharp--but they would strike ate Ikkaku's heart making him think that his decision to stay was his own cowardice and inability to get stronger.

"Now, Drink Nozarashi!" Kenpachi said, swiping the notched edge of his Zanpakuto to the left. The sword grew many sizes over and its level of sharpness was such that even structures now where near them were cut, gouged and slid apart and slide apart as they had been clean swept aside.


"Huh?" Ikkaku looked at his captain's sword release and blinks his eyes as he stares it down "Wow that's impressive captain. Your sword looks awesome." Ikkaku then sighs and says "But look. I hear you sir. And I will get stronger. I always strive for that very goal in mind. Why do you think I like to fight? Sure I find fighting a strong opponent fun, a lot of fun, just like you do. But I also like battling strong opponents so I can keep learning new methods therefore so I can always continue to fight the next opponent that comes my way. I always will continue to fight. I'll never quit. You can count on that to forever be my way in which I live." Ikkaku then breathes in and out knowing his captain wants this battle. He's to mad to listen to what Ikkaku is saying. Ikkaku isn't 100% certain, though he's mastered his bankai, that he's even fit to be a captain. For he does indeed know what a good several of the current captains had to go through to earn their rank. Including his own. And Ikkaku himself knows for sure that he doesn't want to be a captain. He doesn't want to leave his captain, Zaraki's, side, and he doesn't want to leave the 11th division. And Ikkaku is the lieutenant of the 11th division, which he knows has it's own weight to carry and responsibilities. But he has always looked up to his captain and he doesn't want to let Zaraki down. Ikkaku doesn't know what to do. But if he fights his captain, Ikkaku hopes that it'll show Zaraki how much Ikkaku does indeed respect him and also that the fight will give Ikkaku some of the answers he's seeking.
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"Huh?!" Kenpachi grunted, sticking his left finger into his left ear in a lazy, uninterested fashion.

The Captain of Squad 11 swung his Shikai form zanpakuto which had the very devastating and destructive effect of cutting through just about anything and everything around the two men--and not even in close proximity to the immense weapon. It seemed to be capable of cutting anything, even just space itself. The power is Shikai let off was simply put--overwhelming. With his Shikai released, and the abilities it made Zaraki, already bestowed the title 'Kenpachi' for having killed the previous divisional leader in a duel--a fearless, monster of a man with almost as much raw spiritual pressure as old man Yamamoto.

Kenpachi's body flickered and in an instant, all Ikkaku would see was the broad, psychopathic grin. His speed was insane! In an instant, he closed the gap as if he had simply taken but a single step when in reality he was several feet away just a fraction of a second prior. His unreal strength put on full display when he wielded Nozarashi with just one hand despite the enormity of its size. With his free hand, he jutted it forward with explosive power and velocity. Zaraki's palm connected with Ikakku's forehead and the bridge of the lieutenant's nose smashing it making blood flow freely out over his hand before Zaraki took Madarame as if he was weightless and accelerated forward dragging the lieutenant's face through the side of the wall until he simply launched Ikakku like a mere javelin and watched him sail through the air and crash to the ground.

Ikkaku stunned obviously, having been knocked for a loop pretty effortlessly as he was just now stays still trying to process what just happened to him. It was the first time his captain released his sword. He hadn't ever been able to do it before and he was still as strong as ever. He defeated the previous captain like it was nothing and became the 11th division captain himself supposedly without even knowing his swords name at the time. Now that his captain knows Nozarashi's name, Ikkaku realizes that it alone has only made Zaraki that much more powerful. Ikkaku knows he's in trouble if he doesn't think of something quick. As he rises up off the ground slowly but surely, bleeding but willing to go on though he doesn't quite know yet how, he looks ahead towards his captain, calm and with a firm look on his face. He feels he should release his sword if he is going to get anywhere against his captain's own released sword's power. But he doesn't think that his shikai will be enough, so he decides to release his sword's bankai level form instead and he does just that, Ikkaku standing in his bankai state minutes later and looking to his captain and he says "Well captain. What do you think? This is my sword's bankai level stage."