Bleach: A New Dawn (OOC/Sign-up)

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Aka god dammit Kurisa.
Skills look fine. The last one really isn't going to be all the helpful considering it lowers the swinging speed.
Tch hey gotta put in something there xD Remember last time where not many people read the rules etc? need proof of that stuff! xD I mean I know it's a pain for people to read that much but once it's done there no need to probably ever again xD
No XD they didnt read at all and went straight to asking XD
Skills look fine. The last one really isn't going to be all the helpful considering it lowers the swinging speed.
Speed is only useful when put into where it's needed. A fast character isn't going to have the overall advantage just because they're faster. Having an ability that makes your blows heavier is actually quite useful for allot of situations. Someone with higher durability or using a type of armor will need to be hit with harder blows to get past, unless you put speed into power then speed will be overall useless in that situation if you can't break past a defense.
Name: Kame Mihara

She has a full body suit tattoo, the designs consisting of koi, whales, waves and various flowers.
She wears standard Shinigami gear for now, considering it presumptuous to wear her armour.
She has an athletic build, considering working the body to be more important than working on "magic".

Age: 380 Soul Years


Height: 5'9"

Weight: 132 pounds.

Hair Colour: Brown.

Eye Colour: Silvery Brown

Birthday: February 20th

Clan/Family: Deceased father (Shinji Mihara) who was once a Shinigami, mother (Minori Izumi) and older brother (Eiji Mihara) who are not.

Race: Soul

Profession: Shinigami

Rank: Unseated

Spiritual Energy Colour: White with blue hues.

Power Level: Unseated

Personality: Stuck in an environment she hates, Kame Mihara is a woman of few words who prefers her sword to do the talking for her. A reserved and quiet individual, she has the tendency to disappear in her surroundings. Her violent attitude has also risen ever since the attack on her district. Kame only begins to show life outside of Seireitei and despite all of its shortcomings, considers district 72 of Northern Rukongai as her true home. Having a grudge against the Shinigami (especially the twelfth division) makes her isolate herself from others and on the inside, Kame has no respect for any of them, regardless of rank. On the outside Kame can be described as a blank slate, rarely offering her insight unless asked and obedient. She believes everyone is on equal grounds, that there is no such thing as talent, that those on top will only get there and remain there through hard work, nothing more and nothing less.

Highly determined to see her plan follow through, Kame is loyal to her duties as a Shinigami for now but will not hesitate to take any opportunities to become stronger - if they aren't detectable, of course. Kame considers herself reformed from her troubled childhood and adheres to her own moral code, the most important rules being: not to steal, giving her opponents swift deaths, and to never betray those close to her. Clearly, Seireitei and the Gotei 13 are not close to her. In battles Kame prefers one on one duels and dislikes working with her Shinigami companions. She dislikes Kido and Hoho and any other techniques that change Zanpakuto from swords into "magic shooters". However, she's not averse to using these techniques as she knows they greatly increase one's combat capabilities. Kame still tries to use techniques that boost one's physical capabilities however, not those that create fancy beams of energy or fiery explosions.

History: Being "born" into district 72 of North Rukongai wasn't ideal for Kame Mihara. Or anyone, for that matter as the poor region was rife with conflict. Her environment shaped her into a hot-headed girl who learnt quickly to beat others before they beat her. Her path into becoming another one of Rukongai's thugs was averted by a group of three kindly souls, who came across one of her fights one day.

This one was different however, as Kame was losing, and losing hard. Beaten within an inch of her life, Kame could only watch as her saviours effortlessly defeated all five thugs. They took her in, taking pity on her age and tried to rehabilitate Kame. They did manage to tame her violent personality in time and although they remained living in district 72, they could rely on each other to take the edge off the grittiness of their lives.

During that time, Kame took on the surname Mihara from her new family and honed her fighting skills with her new father, who unbeknownst to her was a renegade Shinigami who had abandoned his duties to be with the soul he loved. He took her unrefined, brutish brawling and hammered discipline and tradition into it. The years went on and Kame grew up relatively peacefully. It could not last in the rickety supports of district 72.

When she was 280 soul years old, disaster struck. Shinigami sent to restore the balance of souls raided the district. Many died in the attack and Shinji Mihara, her newfound father, was one of them. At the deaths of those she considered friends, neighbours, allies, family - Kame was overcome and swore an oath to take her revenge on the Shinigami responsible for the attack. She remembered no name or face, only the fire, blood and the insignia branded on their clothes and in her mind - the number twelve.

It was enough to let her know who her enemies were. She didn't know them personally - they didn't know the residents of Rukongai personally. How dare they snuff out their lives, as if they were just gambling chips! As if the souls of district 72 had no more right to life than those in district 1, or district 2, or even the Seireitei itself. They had taken the lives of those she loved and the only support pillar she had in the district. She was no fool however, and she knew she was not strong enough to challenge the unseated members of the organization, let alone the captain of the 12th Division. There was only one way to go about this, and that was to join the ranks of the Shinigami she detested.

Kame prepared herself, picked up her father's blade and armour and left her family to join the ranks of the Shinigami. It wasn't a plan she came up with all on her lonesome, as her fellow souls also bayed for blood. Imprinted with their blessings, Kame attended the Academy and passed. During that time she meditated with her sword and achieved Shikai, which proved to be a bittersweet moment. As her Zanpakuto was not her own, it took her greater effort to communicate and work together with it which further enforced her ideals of relying on her own strength. Now an unranked, unseated member of Soul Society, Kame Mihara waits for the opportunity to strike.

Relationships/Friendships/Rivalries/Siblings: Deceased father (Shinji Mihara) who was once a Shinigami, mother (Minori Izumi) and older brother (Eiji Mihara) who are not.

Obtained from her late father, Kame considers it presumptuous to wear as of yet and only keeps it for sentimental value in her room.



Zanpakuto name: Tenkujira (Heaven/Sky Whale)

Type: Melee/Wind/Water.

Zanpakuto Shikai Release command: Spout blood, Tenkujira!

Spirit Appearance:

Spirit Personality/Goals:
Tenkujira is an impossibly patient creature compared to Kame Mihara. Calm and wise, he considers his new master nothing more than an overgrown child and so dislikes lending her his powers. Tenkujira has no love for battle and has no pride to be taken advantage of. This allows him to be completely comfortable lying dormant in sealed form for so long. There is nothing better than to sleep and cruise the skies of Kame's inner world after all. He is self centered, only willing to lend help when her life is in danger which would threaten his world as well. Tenkujira's ultimate goal seems to be to maintain his current lifestyle for as long as possible. He is a defensive creature who prefers techniques to swordsmanship, a topic he clashes on with Kame as she is the polar opposite. Tenkujira also does not respect Kame and he still considers his true master to be Shinji Mihara.

Inner world:

Sealed appearance:

Shikai appearance:
The rusted blade gives way to steel, albeit jagged and chipped. The handle is worn, the tattered leather even having fallen off in patches, and the engravings of a whale rest upon the fuchi. The blade itself grows in length, favouring two hands over one to swing it effectively.

Bankai appearance: N/A

Shikai skills:
(Start off with no Shikai or 4 to 5 Shikai skills)
1. Kirunami / Slicing Wave
Sends an arc of slicing water from her blade.
Cooldown: Once per two posts.

2. Kamikumo / Divine Clouds
Emits a series of rolling clouds from her blade or mouth, obscuring enemy vision and instills fear through reiatsu. Higher ranked characters are not affected by the fear.
Cooldown: Once per two posts, duration is eight posts (does not stack) or until someone sweeps away the clouds/gets out of range.

3. Kazekiri / Windcutter
Uses wind around her blade to increase cutting power, range, and durability.
Cooldown: Once per two posts, duration is five posts (does not stack).

4. Omoikiri / Heavycutter
Increases the weight of her blade for heavier blows. Reduces swing speed and takes more energy for every strike, causing her to become tired out if the fight drags on.
Cooldown: Once per post, duration is one post. (Used more for burst, sustained fights drain her energy quickly which means she shouldn't be able to keep using this technique for free damage boosts). Three posts in a row is maximum limit for now.


Bankai skills: N/A
6. (Ultimate Skill)

Non-lethal Zanpakuto Skills: Kame can call on the powers of Tenkujira to glide through the air/water faster and to increase her lung capacity, making it capable for her to stay underwater for longer periods of time.



Kido (Bakudo + Hado)

#1 Sai (Level 1)
#4 Hainawa (Level 1)
#8 Seki (Level 1)
#9 Geki (Level 1)
#9 Horin (Level 1)
#11 Kyomon (Level 1)
#12 Fushibi (Level 1)

#1 Sho (Level 1)
#4 Byakurai (Level 1)
#11 Tsuzuri Raiden (Level 1)
#31 Shakkaho (Level 1)
#32 Okasen (Level 1)
#33 Sokatsui (Level 1)

Super Harisen Slipper


Total points gained: N/A
Total Points Spent: N/A
Mission log: N/A
Points spent and skills gained: N/A

A WIP. Tell me if anything needs changed.
A few questions as well:
Do I take all skills listed for the unseated?
Do I have my Shikai yet? If so, should I include it in my history?
Hello and Welcome ^_^ I'm one of the Co-Gm's and there's only one thing that I think should be changed with this CS and that's to do with this skill:

'2. Kamikumo / Divine Clouds
Emits a series of rolling clouds from her blade or mouth, obscuring enemy vision and instills fear through reiatsu. Higher ranked characters are not affected by the fear.
Cooldown: Once per two posts, duration is eight posts (does not stack) or until someone sweeps away the clouds/gets out of range.'

I think the duration should be either 4 or 5 posts since I feel a 2 post cooldown is a little too short for a move that lasts 8 posts ^_^ however, that'd be just for now, as your character grows in strength, so will her skills and abilities etc. so the duration will have a chance to increase and such.

That's the only thing that I think should be changed, the rest of the CS is really good, quite an interesting history you've got there :)
Ok! Changed the duration to four posts, thanks.
Looks good to me, pretty interesting character! can't wait to see what happens with them, defiantly one I'm going to follow! Approved! *Stamps seal of approval* xD
I added yo shiz to my post of cs's.... yea. Also -pressures to join squad three.- We have punchies
Edited Squad Positions, if I left anyone's character out let me know and tell me what position they're going to be o3o
Edited Squad Positions, if I left anyone's character out let me know and tell me what position they're going to be o3o
I added yo shiz to my post of cs's.... yea. Also -pressures to join squad three.- We have punchies
I have a character coming in for Squad three. I forgot to introduce her beforehand, actually forgot to introduce her and Reika. But I'll post her CS in a bit.

As for my other CS' I'm gonna re-write them completely, or atleast most of them. So that's gonna take a while to get up.
I added yo shiz to my post of cs's.... yea. Also -pressures to join squad three.- We have punchies
Pfft, Squad Three got nothing on Squad's Eight and Thirteen~~~ *Flips hair fabulously*
Really you promoted Asuka cause of looking the part XD Shizuka could stab Asuka and win XD
I have a character coming in for Squad three. I forgot to introduce her beforehand, actually forgot to introduce her and Reika. But I'll post her CS in a bit.

As for my other CS' I'm gonna re-write them completely, or atleast most of them. So that's gonna take a while to get up.
Really you promoted Asuka cause of looking the part XD Shizuka could stab Asuka and win XD
Ohohohohoho~ Fumio would like to see that~ He's a pretty shallow bastard xD What'd you expect? Gotta look the part bruh xD But Fumio would admire Shizuka's killing side o3o And that's it, he'd find the rest of her uninteresting, especially her appearance xD
YO YO! Glad to see you here! was wondering where you were xD
haha, been around here and there. Just got off of vacation so, I'll be around more. ;)
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