Bleach: A New Dawn (OOC/Sign-up)

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Original poster

~On Break. May or may not be back~
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So just a quick update for any of you people who are interested. This RP has been going for near on two years now and there is still plenty of story left with much more to come. Some of you newer members will notice some characters are already seated etc. These are the characters of older members who have been around for likely sometime and were with myself on the previous site we Roleplayed on. Without going into to much depth about why we are moving I will merely say it is purely because of the better features this site offers and that the vast majority of the members prefer it to our older RP site.

Now just because the RP has been going for quite sometime does not mean you should let that put you off as anyone can jump into the story at anytime. The existing members and such should give you the rough background of things if you wish to know however it isn't the end of the world if you don't know as the story is only important from where you jump in and onwards as past events very unlikely will affect your character. Now I know the OP and some of the features may be a bit "Uhh...this looks like quite a bit to take in~" Well it could be seen like that but it really isn't all that difficult to understand and it's a system that myself and the Co-GM's have tried to come up with to allow a little more freedom with some things while trying to stay as true as possible to the Bleach Universe as to me that is quite important.

I am sure there is much more I can go onto say but for now I will leave it here. If there are any questions you have ask any of the Co-GM's or Myself and we shall answer them. If you need help with anything...well...that's half the reason we are here. I hope to see some new interesting characters out there and also to meet some new people and have more to RP with in the future.

(Just a quick note. Some things may take a small while to get going but once we are in gear things should move along smoothly, we are still working out some kinks as we updated a few things recently as the move allowed us to do so. So if you could bare with us through this stage that'd be great!)


So this update is more for older members re-making their CS's. As you know we had a different or more slightly different points system on the old site. Things of course have changed now. The skills your characters learned still remain however the points no longer do. Instead you set the power level and points equal to that of the rank of your character. I shall give some examples

Joe Blogs, 6th seat, Squad ?? = Mid level seated, 40 points

Joe Blogs the 2nd, 3rd Seat, Squad ?? = High level seated, 60 points

those are now the points you start off with...that is your new starting point as this is a whole new system. As I said the skills you brought and earned are kept, the levels do depend on when you learned them and how long you have had those skills. To be safe however I'd set later ones to level 2 as that is also fair. If anything fails to make sense here then PM me and I shall try my best to clear things up for you


Updated the way in which skills are now levelled up which is explained in the skills section. If you are confused by this then please ask and I will try explain it in an easier way

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- Reserved for my Co-Gm Stuff -​
Here I'll document Squad Positions amongst other things.
I'll also be adding any Art-related work that is done for this RP to showcase it, along with badges/banners etc. that I'll make~


  • Captain


    3rd Seat

    4th Seat
    Ayashi (A.K.A Hanbun-Tenshi Akuma)

    [tab=Squad Two]
~ I will update this table throughout the Roleplay ~
This table is currently unfinished as I am awaiting confirmation on the current status and position of certain already established characters.

  • Questions that have been asked and answered so far

    Q: Do I take all skills listed for the unseated?

    A: It's optional; You can start off with a few or all Unseated skills, it's entirely up to you.


    Q: Do I have my Shikai yet? If so, should I include it in my history?

    A: his is optional also; You can start off with a Shikai or choose to gain it at a later date. If you do choose to start off with a Shikai, you can have up to 4 to 5 Shikai skills that must be approved before you can start fighting within the IC.

    It is your choice whether or not to include it in the history, however it is appreciated if you do choose so but not mandatory.


    Q: When creating the skills, I assume you can pick any level between 1-3 depending on your rank - but again, Unseated aren't shown to have any rank levels. Is it anything from 1-2 for an Unseated?

    A: You would start around level 1 or 2, an average point if you will. In short the levels show the difference between a master of the skill and a noob.


    Q: If you wanted to create an unbalanced character who works mainly in Kido/Hoho as an example, how would you reflect this in the skills sheet? A strong bias towards the Kido skills, one or two Zanjutsu/Hakuda, and a few in Hoho? Would this be able to work in this Roleplay without being too much of a hindrance?

    A: You could do it and well the levels are a good way of showing this and also just RPing in general. However skills are pretty much just that, skills (with the exception of Kido and Hoho) Zanjutsu and Hakuda skills are more fancy flashy skills...I wouldn't say they reflect ones swordsmanship or hand to hand. This is different for Kido and Hoho of course.


    Q: Is it alright/encouraged if my character has a very vague knowledge on what went on during the RP so far?

    A: It isn't expected but is acceptable if you wish to have your character possess this knowledge.


    Q: Could I use a previous character for this RP?

    A: Yes, you can as long as you edit the CS to follow the CS template of this RP (Within the OP above). However, your character would still start off as unseated within this RP unless told otherwise.


    Q: Is there a posting limit? Do I have to wait a certain number of posts before replying?

    A: There is no post limit, you can post as much as you'd like. Post orders do tend to be sorted out when more than two people are in the same interaction (such as during a mission etc.) but this would be planned out in the OOC beforehand.


    Q: Is it possible for people to remember their previous life as Shinigami?

    A: Once a human dies and is sent to the Soul Society, that soul is reborn and therefore wouldn't remember their past life. Thus it wouldn't be possible unfortunately.


    Q: Can you simplify the 'Points' section of the CS?

    Points gained from missions etc. = Power Level/Total points gained (these don't decrease)

    When you spend points they go on skills or on upgrading skills. The list of "Purchases" if you will are listed in the "Points spent/Skills gained" Section of the CS. You list also the total amount of points you've spent on these "purchases"

    When you complete a mission, do training or so on you list them in the mission log along with how many points you gained.

  • Explaining Masteries
    ~ From the AbigailTenshi point of view ~

    If you're seated, you can have 1 mastery, 1 expect level skill and the last two as proficient areas. Basically for this, you can choose one of the 4 areas (Hoho, Zanjutsu, Hakudo or Kido) as your mastery skill ^_^ This means you can learn more higher level skills despite your current power level. For example, if you were to choose Kido as a mastery while your at any seated power level, as long as you show your character learning these skills and progressing, you'll be able to learn up to Captain level skills despite being seated level. However, this means the skill will only be at a seated power level, so if your character were to use it, a Captain or Lieutenant would easily be able to bat it away, depending on how high your seated level is ^_^ But you MUST show your character learning these skills and practising and you won't be able to learn Captain/Lieutenant level skills from one of the other areas.

    Now, also while with a seated power level, you can have one expert level area, so lets say you choose Kido for mastery and Hakudo for expert level. It's basically the same as Mastery but the only difference is that you can only learn up to the Lieutenant level skills, no higher than that ^_^ Also, the skill will still be used with the seated power level, meaning it'd be weaker than if a Lieutenant or Captain level character were to use the same skill ^_^

    Then you can have the other two as just proficient areas, so in this instance, Hoho and Zanjutsu, meaning that you'd only learn up to your level, which in this case would be seated level, so only the seated level skills ^_^

    If you're Lieutenant, you would be able to have 2 masteries and the other 2 would be expert level, meaning that you'd be able to learn Captain level skills within your mastery areas, but they'd still only be Lieutenant level strength, or whatever level strength you are ^_^ You'd learn skills the same level as you are in the expert areas ^_^

    With Captain power level, you'll be able to have 3 masteries but only one expert level area, so yeah, basically the same stuff just add another mastery to your bank ^_^

  • For those planning on joining that would like an overall summary of main events, or those who just would like a refresher, here's an explanation of what has happened so far. This outlines only the main arc events and doesn't include any side stories.

    A Summary of Main Events
    ~ Thanks to Expllo ~

    A random guy named Yamato appeared in the Seireitei whom, in the past, was apart of the Hueco Mundo corps. He was the last surviving member as the rest were slaughtered, most notable by a red headed Arrancar. Soon after his arrival from being trapped in Hueco Mundo a hooded figure appeared with an army of hollow. The Gotei 13 fought hard but came out with some loses, one notable one being a white-haired Shinigami Akio. After the invasion the Shinigami trained awaiting another one.

    Skipping some time, a new invasion happened, but this time in the human world! It required most Shinigami in the Gotei 13 to stop it with only a few Shinigami staying behind. They were Arrancar clones, weak but would split into two when hit, the only way of killing them being obliteration. Meanwhile, in the Seireitei more powerful Arrancar had showed up, the real threats, revealing that the clones in the human world were just a distraction. The Captain of Squad Six, Kuchiki Kurisa, the fastest Shinigami in the Seireitei began a battle with an Arrancar who revealed to be the fastest one. Further away in the Seireitei an exile, Kaizo, began a battle with two Arrancar showing off his Bankai and control of his hollow abilities, the very thing that got him exiled.

    As the battles continued Kaizo had the advantage of his fight until it was revealed that the Arrancar weren't fighting at full strength. As they took away their seals, they soon gained the upper hand. If not for the mysterious Juki, Kaizo's mentor, stepping in then Kaizo would probably have died. Returning to Kurisa, he had gained the upper hand in his fight by activating his Bankai. Before the fight between the two could continue the Head Captain, Shinji, had appeared with his blade to the back of the Arrancar's neck.

    The Head Captain pinned the Arrancar down to the ground with his foot, holding him there while speaking to him. Going to stab the Arrancar he stopped once a voice called out to him. Looking back, Shinji noticed a red headed Arrancar named Lokura holding his son. Angered, Shinji was on the verge of activating his Bankai just to save him. Before he could, Lokura had tossed the son to another Arrancar and took hold of Shinji's blade. He released the blade soon after, doing so allowing Shinji to strike the Arrancar, though his blade stopping on contact once hitting him. Mocking Shinji about not being able to cut him the Arrancar showed him how it was done by slashing across his stomach leaving a deep wound, then stabbing him through the shoulder then through the back.

    The Arrancar's then left with Shinji's son captured. Kaizo was taken away by Juki while Shinji & Kurisa were carried to Squad four by Rio in which both were saved soon after. The strongest Shinigami they had, battered and broken. A week later the Shinigami were still recovering, many dead and others wounded greatly. Shinji managed to survive, although pride broken and power taken, was able to resume his duties. The Shinigami had to train harder in order to be ready for next time.

    Reports had come that two rogue Shinigami were in the 7th North Rukongai District assaulting and killing innocents. Two powerful Shinigami were sent out to deal with them, Lieutenant of Squad One Yu Amagi, and Lieutenant of Squad Ten Hikari Shinrai. Once caught up to the rogue Shinigami, Hikari began fighting and debating with the one he was fighting about whether or not what Shinigami were doing was wrong or right, and if they were corrupt or not. Meanwhile Yu sat down with his asking why he was doing what he was. The Shinigami revealed that they were stealing to help the poorer districts, the ones Shinigami ignored. Hikari and Yu had both noticed that there weren't any actual damage done to the surrounding area, nor were there any dead people revealing that the report may have been false.

    A large explosion erupted from where Hikari and the rogue Shinigami were fighting causing the talk between Yu and the other guy to come to an end as they raced to see what had happened. As they got there the man Hikari was fighting was covered in blood in cuts, soon using an ability to teleport the other guy away. As the fight between Hikari and the rogue continued [With Yu watching], the rogue had used an ability that wasn't shown. All that was known was that it caused him to turn into ash once Hikari revealed he was a Vizard and used Sandobaggu Bīto on him.

    Once the fight ended Hikari showed respect to the man, and admitted that there were corrupt Shinigami in the Gotei 13 just like the man had said. While Hikari stayed around to make sure people were alright and help fix the damage caused from the fight, Yu went to go report the mission. Shinji showed trouble with his powers, as he was so weak he hadn't even noticed Yu's spirit energy as he approached the door. Once told to enter Yu had addressed Shinji with the problem in which Shinji expressed his disgust of the situation. He took Yu to Central 46, the supposed root of the problem. Before they entered Shinji had warned Yu that there may have been a traitor around, and if they were to attack then Yu was to warn the other Squads.

    Once inside the Central 46 Compound the two Shinigami expressed shock at the dead members. Soon enough a white haired man revealed himself, the same white haired man who had seemingly died in the first hollow invasion, Akio. The two exchanged words, Shinji and Akio, before seemingly about to get into a fight. Remembering the warning, Yu made his way to Squad twelve to get the message out fastest. Expecting Zero, the Squad Twelve Captain, to be sitting in his chair as usual as it spun around revealed to be Ryuu, an old friend of Yu's whom he went on missions with. Speaking about how he studied Yu, Ryuu then slashed at him with enough force to destroy a fair portion of the barracks. Yu struck with confusion, he began fighting Ryuu nonetheless seeing how he was a traitor.

    Meanwhile, in other parts of the Seireitei traitors began revealing themselves. Ashido, the Squad Nine lieutenant and previous 3rd seat of Squad four, revealed his traitorous nature when turning on his 3rd seat Takeo. He then made his way to Squad Four where Yamato and Sosuke, a seated of Squad four, were talking. Ashido stated that Takeo was a traitor in which Sosuke stated that they'd handle Takeo, Ashido soon running inside the barracks. Once Takeo showed up him and Sosuke had a dispute about who was really the traitor which ended in Sosuke unsheathing his Zanpakuto to fight Takeo. Before Sosuke could do anything else he felt a trident rip through his torso, looking back at Yamato who had killed him.

    Yamato then revealed that it wasn't Lokura who killed his Squadron but in fact him. He then shot several Sokatsui at Takeo resulting in a large explosion before running in the barracks to join Ashido. On his way to Squad four with a Squad member, Hikari noticed the scene and soon chased after the two alongside Aya Oda. As the fight between Ryuu and Yu continued, as well as Hikari and Aya chasing the traitors, Shinji and Akio continued to fight as well. The fight resulted in the Central 46 grounds becoming a wasteland.

    Akio had Shinji on the floor kneeling, his Zanpakuto gun to his head ready to fire the last blast before white petals swarmed Akio's hand causing the gun to become dust. Kurisa Kuchiki was there, alongside his son he went to go find not too long ago, Kurisu Kuchiki. Kurisa told Kurisu to handle Akio while he helped Shinji go get healed, and that's what Kurisu did. As the fight began Kurisu had the upper hand the entire fight, to the point Kurisu cut Akio's left arm off. Doing more damage to Akio, he pressed his left foot onto Akio's head and added more pressure beginning to crush his skill, stopping once he felt a great amount of spirit energy. A Garganta opened in the sky with ten figures stepping out, then another opening underneath it with more of the clones pouring out and flooding the Seireitei. They were now at war…

    The fight between Ryuu and Yu continued with Yu on the losing end, and soon being saved by the Squad Twelve captain Zero. Ryuu and Zero then began fighting as an Arrancar named Tenso showed up whom Yu had fought previously, more so was Tenso's punching bag when Yu went crazy due to his hollow side. Tenso was also one of the Arrancar Kaizo fought. Meanwhile fights had erupted between Squad Ten's Gai and an Arrancar named Joker (#9), Squad Twelve's Ryutaro and an Arrancar named Rujimaru (#10), Squad Eleven's Shiro Morimoto & Nishiki vs Utsuroka (#4), and Kaizo & Rio vs Zetsuo (The other Arrancar Kaizo fought alongside Tenso). A half Arrancar half Shinigami named Xura then showed up causing massive damage with aoe (Area of effect) attacks.

    The fight between Gai and Joker ended with Gai's sister being controlled by Joker and aiming to behead an immobile Gai whose last words were telling his sister to not think it was her fault. After he died his sister exploded, revealing to just be a balloon created by the Arrancar. The fight between Ryutaro and Rujimaru ended with Ryutaro being tied up and rolled into a ball having every single bone crushed then being obliterated by a grand rey cero. The fight Xura had was between three Shinigami, one in which he had fought before, Takeshi. That fight ended with Xura being beheaded by the Shinigami Takeshi, though he exploded leaving Takeshi in a bad state.

    As the fights continued between Shinigami and Arrancar, it would soon come to an end. Kurisa close to Squad four with Shinji he had stopped to protect Shinji from an Arrancar despite being exhausted. He would soon notice many Arrancar appearing, alongside four Shinigami. Akio, Ryuu, Ashido, and Yamato. One of the Arrancar stated that they'd spare Kurisa if he handed over Shinji, before Kurisa could reply he was ordered to stand down stating that if they wanted him then they'd have to beat him.

    Shinji then stood in the middle of the Arrancar and Shinigami, being asked if he was ready to die Shinji replied that they were the ones who were going to die. Lokura had appeared behind Shinji, attempting to strike him before Shinji turned and caught the blade, his spirit energy rising drastically causing a shockwave. Then, a grinned formed on Lokura's face as a welcome back escaped his lips. Kurisa showed confusion as Shinji thanked Lokura before calling him useless and striking him down.

    Kurisa asking what the meaning behind it was, Shinji explained that he had used the Shinigami to gather the data he needed. He then revealed to be one of the survivors of the Hueco Mundo corps, alongside Akio, Ryuu, Ashido, and Yamato. A yellow light then shined down on the Shinigami and Arrancar as they rose up into the sky.

    Having been chasing the traitors, Hikari had watched as the whole scene play out. In disbelief by the whole thing he hadn't noticed people gathering to watch the traitors leaving until Yu shouted out at Shinji asking him to explain himself. All around the Seireitei Shinigami watched as their Head Captain lifted into the sky with the enemy.

    "You!" Shinji had called out before leaving. Juki, the mysterious man and mentor to Kaizo, had appeared stating outright how he was the Head Captain. Kurisa then spoke up, stating how he thought that they could trust the man and had ordered his Squad to stand down. Trusting Kurisa, Hikari ordered his Squad to stand down as well. As Juki asked anyone to challenge him if they thought he wasn't worthy enough, only one did, Shiro Sora. Despite how powerful Shiro was Juki made light work of him, able to paralyze him and give him a light cut that was life threatening deep. Juki healed it in seconds then sent Shiro flying back greatly with Sho.

    Juki then went on a speech about how the Gotei 13 needed to become stronger, how he wanted Captains to be above Captain Level and wanted Lieutenants to be able to take on Captain level enemies. He then slammed the tip of his cane onto the ground with a bright green light blinding everyone. Once awake the Seireitei and Shinigami were in perfect condition, as if nothing had happened at all.

    Three months later…

    Juki had brought in Shinigami to fill spots within the Gotei 13, mostly Captain Positions so they could train Shinigami and run their Squads. The Shinigami resumed their normal lives, although still training and awaiting an attack. Juki had taught Shiro to control his Bankai while Yu and Hikari had unlocked theirs. Shinigami were sent on missions like normally, even Captains were sent on specific missions…Atleast one in particular, Kuchiki Kurisa.

    Being sent on a mission by the Head Captain he was to investigate a village because of a large spiritual energy. There he found everyone in the village to be controlled by something thanks to a device the Squad Twelve Lieutenant Kagiko made that showed the difference between souls and hollows. One night he sliced above a woman's head slicing through several wires, releasing the woman from the mind control. Everyone in the village appeared as he did with red eyes, being controlled as well. By using his Zanpakuto Kurisa used his petals to cut through the wires of them all, setting them free and telling them to evacuate. Soon after he was attacked by what seemed to be a puppet who revealed to be #0.

    Attempting to activate his Bankai it resulted in failure as chains wrapped around his Zanpakuto causing Kurisa to jump back ripping his sword away. Asking if he could hear his Zanpakuto calling out to him, the person who created the chains revealed to be Shinji. Kurisa couldn't and asked where Shuzaku was, Shinji replied that Kurisa was foolish for giving him the name…Now the Zanpakuto was his. After dialogue exchange wires wrapped around Kurisa's body as petals shot towards him, about to rip him to shreds.

    …He was dead. Shinji and the puppet left and afterwards Kurisa was given a proper burial before his body disappeared. Some time later an announcement was made, calling everyone to Sōkyoku Hill. Once everyone was there Juki announced Kuchiki, Kurisa's death and read his last words. His last words sending a message to Rio, Kenta, Kaizo, Kagiko, his family, and those that looked up to him.

    Despite the gloom his death gave inspiration and led to much training from Shinigami. After the announcement Kagiko and Shiro had an interaction, mostly Kagiko taking a look at Shiro's Zanpakuto. After walking with his Lieutenant, Nishiki, he suddenly stopped telling her he needed to go visit someone. Going to Squad Twelve he grabbed the Captain to talk, and they went to a forest. There he asked why Zero was so secretive, once Zero replied so information wouldn't get out Shiro asked why the enemy slipped past their defenses so easily. Accusing Shiro of accusing him of allowing the enemy to slip in, Shiro said it'd make sense considering he never showed up to any of the battles, as well saw him working on an Arrancar once he entered the lab. It was then revealed that Zero was also a traitor as he and Shiro began fighting, Zero fighting based on the information he had on Shiro which was soon found to be false as the data Kagiko had given him was false, as Kagiko also had intentions that Zero was a traitor.

    Back at Squad Twelve Kagiko was seen changing data about Shiro on Zero's computer while telling him he shouldn't have been relying on a computer. Defense mechanism then activated, including thousands of blades flying towards Kagiko and the computer about to self destruct, all of which he stopped quite easily. As the fight between Shiro and Zero continued Shiro had the advantage the whole fight to the point that his attacks were so fast that Zero had been cut before he even saw them. There it was revealed that Zero was the cause of Kurisa's death, by sending him to the village when he knew Kurisa wouldn't accept help. It was stated that Kurisa was becoming too strong and Shinji wanted his Zanpakuto. Stabbing Zero through the gut then shoulder, Shiro uttered the words, "It's no fun stabbing someone who feels no pain." revealing that Zero wasn't a soul. Taking a syringe out of his pocket, a syringe that Kagiko had given him back at the lab secretly, he pierced Zero's head with it leaving him brain dead before stabbing him in the head and walking away.

    Informing Juki of what happened Kagiko explained all of what Zero was up to. Before he was dismissed Kagiko was tested to become the next Captain of Squad Twelve. Later, two Shinigami by the names of Fumio and Rio had also gained Bankai. After some time Hikari, Yu, Fumio, and Rio were all appointed Captain Positions. Three (Or more) months later…'

If you have any Questions that haven't been listed or are confused about any part of the Opening Post, please don't hesitate to ask!
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Anyway, this spot is for us to keep track of our cs's, so message me the page your cs is on, and ill add it here. Only If I haven't done it yet though.
(Hatake)Ai Zheng Rui & Kamon-
(The one you are most likely talking to Abi)Shiro & Kaizo, etc-
(You Abi)Rio, etc-
(Mexi- Shoske)Shoske, Anri-
(Explosion)Kimi Ito, etc-
Debat- Nic)Gio, Sinai & Nurse-
(Mana)Suzzio Garath-
(Limey) Nadameru-
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Custom Skills

Custom Skills Template

Custom Skills form

Name (& Number) of Skill:
Type of Skill: (Zanjutsu, Hakuda, Kido, Hoho and so on)
Rank of Skill:
Days/points to learn: (2 for unseated, 3-4 for seated, 5-6 for Lieutenant, 7-8 for Captain)
Incantation: (Kido only. Add if there is one)
Public?: (Yes or no. Is this skill able to be learned by everyone)
Teachable: (Are you willing to teach this skill to people? Yes or no)
Users: (Who uses the skill?)


Picture: (if one is available) [/spoili]

Accepted Custom Skills

[Spoili] Stuff goes in here [/spoili]

[Spoili] Stuff goes in here [/spoili]

Name (& Number) of Skill: Atsuryoku burō
Type of Skill: Hakuda/Kido Hybrid
Rank of Skill: Lieutenant in both Hakuda and Kido
Days/points to learn: 5
Inventor: Yu Amagi
Incantation: None
Public?: No
Teachable: Yes
Users: Yu Amagi

Description: By using Kido, the user creates a circle(Shown in Picture) that if the enemy is caught inside, slows down their movements. Which enables the user to strike sixty four times, however the user puts Kido into each of his strikes, while it may look like its hurts, the main draw of it, is the fact that it slows down the targets movements. It doesn't make the target super slow, but it works enough that you can probably see a change in their speed. Of course this can fail if you get out of the circle in time.


Name (& Number) of Skill: #93 Kogane no nesshō
Type of Skill: Kido
Rank of Skill: Captain
Days/points to learn: 7
Inventor: Chie Oda
Incantation: N/a
Public?: No
Teachable: Yes
Users: Chie Oda

Description: A orange ball with red trails that emits great heat, enough to be able to set nearby objects on fire. You can get rid of the heat entirely and just make it a ball that explodes on contact, but with the heat, you have more chance of effectively destroying what your target is. It is recommended you don't use this on allies as it can easily burn right through them if they aren't careful. A true expert in this, can make the ball emit extreme heat, but if a new person isn't careful with it, they could effectively burn themselves horribly from the move.


Name (& Number) of Skill: Ten haaku
Type of Skill: Kaidō
Rank of Skill: Seated
Days/points to learn: 4
Inventor: Fuma
Incantation: N/a
Public?: No
Teachable: Yes
Users: Fuma

Description: The user conjures up two giant glowing hands out of thin air by holding his hands together almost like they are praying. The hands then cover the intended person they want to heal and here is the thing. The hands only heal serious or grave wounds. As that was the purpose Fuma made this move form, if its simple cuts or nothing life threatening, the hands are utterly useless and even as though it is angered takes a ton of the users energy if if feels the injuries aren't grave enough.

Picture: (if one is available)

Name (& Number) of Skill: Enkei Seru #89
Type of Skill: Bakudo
Rank of Skill: Captain
Days/points to learn: 7
Inventor: Mok
Incantation: Flee but fail, hide but fail, bound in an orb to face your threats head on. Bakudo 89, Enkei Seru
Public?: No
Teachable: Yes
Users: Mok

Description: Generating a blue orb around but the user and target, the size can vary depending on your skill with kido. The orb defends against nearly everything, and the only sure way to shatter it, lies in one technique that Mok himself designed for the bakudo. The technique is not only bound to Mok, so many others know this technique. Of course, it can be destroyed by other means, yet none have been known.

Picture: (if one is available)

[Spoili] Stuff goes in here [/spoili]

Name (& Number) of Skill: Sunappu
Type of Skill:Kaidō
Rank of Skill:Seated (Though grows with rank/proficiency in Kaido/Kido)
Days/points to learn:4
Users:Tae & Kenta Makoto

Description: The technique is simple. The user simply snaps their fingers towards the wounded part of the target and rings (Color of the user's spirit energy) form around the wound healing them, though in response of forming the rings out of spirit energy the user loses the amount based on how many rings were formed. The rings can stay even if the target is in combat though can be broken. Those proficient in Kaido can heals medium sized wounds instantly like Kenta. Meanwhile Captain ranked people can heal larger wounds instantly like Tae, of course needing the right amount of experience of Kido and Kaido. Though while the rings are on the target the user is unable to cast any other Kido due to holding this one. Only when the ability ends is when they can cast Kido.

Name (& Number) of Skill: hado 40: Ensis Exsequens
Type of Skill: Kido
Rank of Skill: Lieutenant.
Days/points to learn: 5
Public?: No
Teachable: Yes
Users: Gio

Description: this Kido creates a blade of reiatsu over a fist. The length of the blade depends on the users skill and how much energy they put into it.

Picture: (if one is available)

Name (& Number) of Skill: Oathbreaker wave (# 80)
Type of Skill: Hado
Rank of Skill: Lieutenant
Days/points to learn: 5
Inventor: unkown
Incantation: "roar triumphant with Azure rage, Divide stagnant blaze. Strike sword of Damocles, rain down auroran damnation"
Public?: yes
Teachable: yes
Users: Gio

Picture: (if one is available)

Name (& Number) of Skill: Furo-En Hado 40
Type of Skill: Kido
Rank of Skill: seated
Days/points to learn: 3
Inventor: unknown
Incantation: : "ye Lord, Masked in dragons bone. spready your wing. ye who bears the name devine. Infernal hellfire, a raging see ablaze. ignite this realm. "
Public?: after Gio learns it yes
Teachable: Yes
Users: Gio when he learns it


Picture: (if one is available)

Name (& Number) of Skill: Bakudo 7. Kaze Sho
Type of Skill: Kido
Rank of Skill: unseated
Days/points to learn: 1
Inventor: unknown
Incantation: : none
Public?: after Gio learns it yes
Teachable: Yes
Users: Gio when he learns it

Description: A blast of wind. doesnt really damage but its good for getting hollows out of your grill.


Name (& Number) of Skill: Hado 21 Zanrashi
Type of Skill: Kido
Rank of Skill: unseated
Days/points to learn: 1
Inventor: unknown
Incantation: : . "shred to peices, grind to dust. engulf rage setting calm asside. blow
Public?: after Gio learns it yes
Teachable: Yes
Users: Gio when he learns it

Description: your standard Razor wind type kido. not all to high on cutting power but it works on hollows and thats what matters.


Name (& Number) of Skill: Hado 43 Dark dragons Breath
Type of Skill: Kido
Rank of Skill: seated
Days/points to learn: 3
Inventor: unknown
Incantation: : . "come wind, dark spirits. Clad in darkness suge forth, mind-devouring tyrants howl."
Public?: after Gio learns it yes
Teachable: Yes
Users: Gio when he learns it

Description: a blast of dark colored wind, that packs one hell of a walop. It pummels as well as cuts but the cuts arent deep.


Name (& Number) of Skill: Bakudo 54 Lotus cannon
Type of Skill: Kido
Rank of Skill: seated
Days/points to learn: 3
Inventor: unknown
Incantation: : . :" Swirl among the realms of gods. erupt among the land of man. dare not devide the angels footsteps for the demons shall pursue"
Public?: after Gio learns it yes
Teachable: Yes
Users: Gio when he learns it

Description: A Twister of wind shoots from the users out stretched hand. The air current pins the target to a a surface, if used from above it can either trap them in the eye of the twister or pin them to the ground. if trapped in the becomes extremely difficult to dodge anything coming at them...


Name (& Number) of Skill: Battery seal
Type of Skill: Kido/seal
Rank of Skill: Lieutenant.
Days/points to learn: 5
Public?: No
Teachable: Yes
Users: Gio

Description: this seal stores reiatsu from its bearer for later use. It can absorb small amounts over long periods of time or be poured into till capacity. It is not advised to store more energy that the bearers soul is capable of withstanding.

Picture: (if one is available)


Pending Custom Skills

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(Head Captain)


  • Juki





    -Hair Colour-

    -Eye Colour-

    23rd of February




    Head Captain

    -Spiritual Energy Colour-

    -Power Level-
    Head Captain Level



    Ritsuna - Assistant



(Captain of Squad 2)


  • Kaizo

    (Appears 19-20)




    -Hair Colour-
    Dark Brown

    -Eye Colour-
    Bluey Grey

    May 17th




    Captain of Squad 2

    -Spiritual Energy Colour-

    -Power Level-
    Mid Captain level

    Revealed in RP


    Rio - Girlfriend

    Shiro - Friend/Rival

    Koujaku & Akira - Childhood friends


    Vizard Mask



Kurisu Kuchiki
(Captain of Squad 6)

Kurisu Kuchiki

  • Kurisu Kuchiki





    -Hair Colour-

    -Eye Colour-

    25th of June

    Kuchiki Clan



    Captain of Squad 6

    -Spiritual Energy Colour-

    -Power Level-
    Low Level Captain



    Kurisa Kuchiki - Father

    Miwa Kuchiki - Mother


    Vizard Mask


Kenpachi Shiro Sora
(Captain of Squad 11)

Kenpachi Shiro Sora

  • Kenpachi Shiro Sora

    (Appearance age of 19-20)




    Hair Colour:

    Eye Colour:

    28th October

    Deceased father and mother
    Older Brother who's current status is unknown



    Captain of Squad 11

    Spiritual Energy Colour:

    Power Level
    High-Level Captain

    I prefer to RP this out


    Nishiki - It's complicated

    Kaizo - Friend/Rivals

    Seki - Likely Shiro's Stalker

    Kagiko - Business

    Chie - Some girl he saw naked in the Spa's/ex-Squad mate



Kagiko Shuiji
(Captain of Squad 12)

Kagiko Shuiji

  • Kagiko Shuiji

    (Appears around early to mid Twenties)




    -Hair Colour-
    Dark Brown

    -Eye Colour-
    Yellowish Green

    21st of May




    Captain of Squad 12 & Head of the SRDI

    -Spiritual Energy Colour-
    See through Violet

    -Power Level-
    High Level Captain



    Shiro - Business

    Nene - Squad member

    "Ringo" - Squad member

    Carries many pieces of equipment upon his person

    The bells on Kagiko's hat and uniform are activated by spiritual energy and only ring when someone is close to him. He can disable these so they do not ring but they are usually only used when he is either sleeping or fighting. this means when someone gets close to him, he can react quickly as the bell closest to the opponent will ring the loudest


Asuka Mirai
(Squad 8 Lieutenant)

Asuka Mirai

  • Asuka Mirai

    (Appears around 19-20)




    -Hair Colour-
    Dark Brown

    -Eye Colour-

    21st of April

    Has a father, Mother and younger brother



    Squad 8 Lieutenant

    -Spiritual Energy Colour-

    -Power Level-
    Low Lieutenant

    Asuka is an immensely intelligent girl, there are almost no limits to what she can come up with. Her skills also reflect her intelligence especially in the way she uses them. However as she is quite intelligent and often studies she is quite serious, she rarely lets down her walls to have fun as there is never a chance to stop learning, you can think you learnt it all but you in truth would have learnt not even a fraction of what there is to know. This girl wants to know it all and if she has her way she will...this will always make her amongst the hardest of people to figure out due to the sheer amount of battle plans and strategies she can come up with in the blink of an eye (A short piece of info on her)


    She doesn't really like anyone much

    Usually carries a book around with her


Kazuya Jiro

Kazuya Jiro

  • Kazuya Jiro

    (Appears around 18-19)




    -Hair Colour-

    -Eye Colour-

    10th November

    Mother and Father - Deceased



    4th Seat of Squad 13

    -Spiritual Energy Colour-
    Black in Shikai

    -Power Level-
    High Seated Level

    Kazuya is a very shy and seemingly shut away person. however. Kazuya is an immensely smart Soul and this is in both general work and in battle. Kazuya will also often try to avoid talking to people if possible and if he does he will answer with as little as he can and trying to keep it simple. When walking Kazuya often has his hands in his pockets and his vision often follows the ground as to avoid eye contact with people. Kazuya also seems to show some form of fear at using his Shikai or even talking about his Zanpakuto spirit...


    Due to not talking to people much he doesn't really have any

    (Can include unique clothing items and such)




(I am well aware of who this is I just love the design of this character a lot)

  • Shizuka

    (Not thought to be to old)



    Unknown but quite light

    -Hair Colour-

    -Eye Colour-
    Very Dark brown

    October 30th

    Has no Family



    4th Seat of Squad 3

    -Spiritual Energy Colour-
    Smokey Black

    -Power Level-
    High Level Seated



    Yu - Her Captain...and her target to cut...


    Paints her nails black

    Hides her sealed Zanpakuto on her person

    Has copies of her sealed Zanpakuto hidden within her clothing all over her body, something she requested Squad 12 make so she could use the knives in many different ways

    Has an impressive amount of spiritual energy that rarely comes out


(Story Character)


  • Koujaku

    (Appears around 20)




    -Hair Colour-
    Navy Blue

    -Eye Colour-

    11th of January





    -Spiritual Energy Colour-

    -Power Level-
    Low Level Captain



    Kaizo & Akira - Childhood friends

    Celestria - Freaky friend



(Story Character)


  • Akira

    (Appears around 18)




    -Hair Colour-

    -Eye Colour-

    17th of September





    -Spiritual Energy Colour-

    -Power Level-
    Low Captain Level



    Kaizo & Koujaku - Childhood friends

    Celestria - Some girl he beat at cards

    Akira can form black rods from his body that allow him to pierce an opponent and control them. This only works if they are quite a bit weaker than himself, another ability of his Zanpakuto


Takahiro Ukisaru

Takahiro Ukisaru

  • Takahiro Ukisaru





    -Hair Colour-

    -Eye Colour-
    Dark Green

    3rd December

    Ukisaru Clan




    -Spiritual Energy Colour-
    Dark Green

    -Power Level-



    Father and Mother - Deceased

    Older brother - Deceased

    Younger Sister - Alive

    Younger brother - Alive


    Was nicknamed Taka in the Academy

    The Band on his right arm is a sign of his nobility

    the scars on his arms have not been explained to anyone but his family


Izuka イズカ

  • Izuka イズカ





    -Hair Colour-

    -Eye Colour-

    March 17th



    Hired for various jobs


    -Spiritual Energy Colour-

    -Power Level-



    Carries a plain Katana around with him alongside a Bokken


Sachi Kai

Sachi Kai サチ カイ

  • Sachi Kai





    -Hair Colour-
    Red Violet

    -Eye Colour-

    21st of July





    -Spiritual Energy Colour-

    -Power Level-

    Sachi is a pretty friendly guy and also a pretty hard worker, yet has his moments of laziness. Sachi loves to spend his time around water...although he'd prefer it to be the ocean he makes do with what there is available. Sachi is also a pretty good hunter and cook as he has spent the majority of his life eating fish.

    What attracted his attention to the Seireitei in the first place was hearing through the grape vine about the Kuchiki clan having some rather expensive and prestigious Koi which would be just amazing to catch and eat...however aside from the silly dream he has Sachi also wanted to become a Shinigami so he could keep a roof over his head and do his part to help protect everyone and everything.


    Namazu - A small cat he befriended on his adventures


    Sachi is an excellent hunter, especially of fish. So if you want fresh fish, this is your go to guy to get it

    Namazu is a small cat Sachi met whilst travelling around and has since taken him in and fed him.


(Note: Some Captains here are in their positions for story purposes and likely wont be around forever)​
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- Reserved for My CS's -

Rio Darishimo

  • Name
    Rio Okotaru Darishimo
    リオ 怠る ダリシモ

    Huerone Umeko Hari
    フエロネ 梅子 玻璃





    Hair Colour
    Black with a few Plum strips

    Eye Colour
    Left Eye is Plum
    Right Eye is a Crystal

    February 25th

    Hari Clan; Umeko Family



    Captain Of Squad Thirteen

    Ex Lieutenant in Captain Kaizo's Squad Two
    Ex Third Seat in [Deceased] Captain Kurisa Kuchiki's Squad Six

    Spiritual Energy Colour
    Sea-foam Green with a few Plum and Dark Silver streaks.

    During Bankai, Rio's spiritual energy would change to a Smoke-like Deep Red.

    Power Level
    Low-Level Captain


    Rio is a rather calm, collective and mature person. She knows how to handle her short temper and anger well so she hardly spins off the rails, however she does get close to loosing her sense of control in frustrating times. She has no clue what she is capable of if she does manage to loose her self-control so she simply doesn't let it get to that point. She is quite a nice person in general but out of politeness. She rarely makes an effort to be nice to others unless it's a person she truly does like and wants to get to know. Rio is always stern and professional as she doesn't let herself relax or just let go, she feels that she doesn't deserve to release her own restraints until she has successfully completed her main goals. Also, she finds it rather weak to let loose in times of peace as things could quickly turn upside-down at any minute so you mustn't let your guard down even for a moment... You must always be prepared to protect yourself.

    During battle or desperate times, Rio is always calm and tactical. Hot-headed behaviour doesn't get anyone anywhere so she always finds a way to keep a clear and tactical mind, always thinking of tactics, techniques and playing out scenarios inside her head to try and defeat her opponent, even during preforming said moves. She always compares herself against her opponents before jumping into a fight to try and find possible weaknesses and to find her advantage over them. Rio rarely backs down from a fight, even when the odds are stacked highly against her. However, she isn't afraid to loose a battle but will give her utmost best while fighting. Winning isn't everything, the experience is more valuable to her than the outcome of the fight. Her main aim is to keep herself alive and gain as much usable knowledge as possible while fighting. Rio also loves to watch others fight as she is then able to observe from the sidelines and learn even more. She will not jump into fights unless asked to, otherwise she'll keep out and watch, even when it's hard to watch. She hates when others jump into or interrupt fights when not asked and if she sees someone trying to do such a thing, she'll try to stop them but if they continue, she would just leave them and watch.

    ~ After being promoted to 3rd seat ~

    As time progressed, Rio had hardly changed.

    She used to often run whenever something she couldn't deal with arose, hence why she was given the nickname 'Blue Bird' from her Clan; the Hair Clan. Rio, or Huerona, is still her same old, professional and calm self, but now she allows her emotion to show freely instead of bottling it all up. Despite this, she still covers most of it up, but isn't afraid to show her appreciation or love towards another with a smile or hug. Interactions such as these were usually uncomfortable for her so she tended to stray away from people overall, not wanting to let herself get too close to another. But, ever since Kaizo's expression of his feelings for her, even though they both still have their bad moments, her outlook on said area had changed... Now with Kaizo banished from the Seireitei, Rio feels guilty for not showing him her true feelings towards him or the appreciation he deserves... Even though she hadn't seen him for a little over a year, she still believes he's out there, getting stronger by the second. That thought helps her not worry too much about him and focus on herself, Souta and Kazuhiko. Within times like these, Rio can't help but wonder how Kenta was doing, however she didn't dwell on it too much as she knew the two would cross path's again. She vowed to herself that once she came into contact with Kenta and Kaizo again, she'd show them just how much they mean to her.... She had enough of loosing people, so no matter what, she wouldn't let it happen again.


    Kaizo - Lover
    [Deceased] Kurisa Kuchiki - Past Captain, Was and still very Loyal to
    Kenta Makoto - Old Close Friend
    Nishiki Kalemoru - Friend

    ~ Clan ~
    Fumio Kouineji (Kazuhiko Hari) - Past Best Friend, Current Fellow Clan Mate
    Souta Fushimaru Hari - Past Best Friend, Current Fellow Clan Mate
    Konome Fushimaru Hari - Fellow Clan Acquaintance (Actual status currently unknown)
    [Deceased] Ursula (?) Hari - Ex Hari Clan Head, was Killed by Rio with the help of other Clan members and her Mother, in which died in order to make sure Rio won. Hates Ursula's guts and is glad she is dead.

    ~ Family ~
    [Deceased] Ronda Umeko Hari - Mother

    [Deceased] Daichi Umeko Hari - Father

    (I'll add the others as the Roleplay continues)

  • Past Appearance


    Rio's history is a mystery to everyone and even herself. When she tries to recall her past, she receives nothing but permanent blur or just emptiness. No memories of her parents or childhood... nothing. The earliest thing she's able to remember is starting the Soul Reaper academy but even that is blurry, but... she is able to make out or assume certain things out of the fog, only small insignificant things.

    At times it's almost as if she is able to use techniques and use knowledge that she doesn't even remember learning. It's extremely disconcerting for Rio as she just isn't able to explain how she knows so much or is able to do certain things and use certain techniques naturally when others would fail or struggle without years of training and experience. It had gotten to the point where she would just ignore her unexplained knowledge and just go along with what she thinks at the time rather than with what she knows.

    Throughout her time living in the Seireitei... well, at least she thought she had been living in the Seireitei for a while since she has no memory of her past or most of her academy days, she'd isolate herself from others. That certainly was a bad choice as it meant more time for her to try and access her past memories and fail each and every time, leading her to become extremely frustrated with her own mind and weakness. Soon she started to drown herself in her training, again ignoring what she knows and going by her thoughts at that moment in time or with what she had recently learned.

    Rio wasn't one to have fears. She had competed with her fears head on, concurring them almost instantaneously. But the only fear that she can not face, her biggest and only fear would be to discover that what truly happened in her past... Is something best left forgotten. But why is everything blank? What happened? How did I even get here? Who are my parents? Do I even have parents, brothers or sisters? Do they know me? Or am I blocked from their memories too? Are they here? Alive? or... Dead?... Why did they leave me here alone?... Mountains upon mountains of unanswerable questions would pile up on Rio, scrolling through her mind, haunting her when she's asleep or the second she's left alone.... Despite all this, she refuses to give up and still secretly searches for her answers, but she doesn't make it her main focus or goal as she knows she'll find them someday... Or she never will.

    ~ After discovering her Clan and meeting her mother ~

    Rio couldn't believe it, not at all...

    'The woman... Is my mother?... Why... After all of this time.... Depression's grip on me was strong, but I ignored it... Loneliness was unbearable, yet I managed to keep going.... And now my mother apparently finally decides to show herself... Pathetic.'

    Rio didn't believe the woman at first when she appeared out of no where during her time away from the Seireitei. It's had been years... Actually, Rio didn't know how long it had been, her memory was still unclear. It took her until Kazuhiko talked to her to finally believe the woman's story. The woman called Ronda... she was her mother.
    On top of that, her first meeting with the past didn't go as she thought it would of... And ended with her permanently gaining a Crystal Right eye. Rio certainly didn't forgive Kazuhiko's apology, not after the first nor twentieth time, but eventually she had slowly gotten close to him. After he explained everything, the past, who he was, who the others were and why he needed to find her, she felt.. happy. Finally, she knew who she was, her past uncovered.... Well, some of it was.... Kazuhiko wouldn't explain why he fought her in the first place... Every time she mentioned it, Kazuhiko would apologise repeatedly, get her something or do something nice for her and then never mentioned the subject again... The others, Patrika and Souta, wouldn't say anything to do with the Clan's traditions. Patrika would only accuse her of being a Traitor and Souta would tell her that it wasn't the right time.... Until recently....

    As the three of them trained together, Souta, Kazuiko and Rio, they finally uncovered the secrets of the Clan, explaining everything... Rio was indeed rather shocked at first, from both the sudden information overload as well as it's contents, but atleast she now knew everything and was bent on helping the two destroy the beast who stole control of the Clan.

    ~ The rest of her Back Story has been revealed throughout the Role Play ~

    - She wears an eye-patch over her Right Eye -
    - She has the number "14" branded on her Left Ankle -
    - Her real name is "Huerona Umeko Hari" -
    - She was known as a "Traitor" to her Clan but has redeemed herself with most of it's members -

  • Zanpakuto Name
    Hana 華 {Petal} | Kan 幹 {Stem}

    Illusion of the Mind and Crystal

    Zanpakuto Shikai Release Command
    結晶、発見し、魂の心を砕ける ~ HanaKan
    "Kesshō, hakken shi, tamashī no kokoro o kudakeru ~ HanaKan"
    "Crystal, to discover, to shatter the mind of souls ~ HanaKan"

    Spirit Appearance


    ~ Hana, Right Zanpakuto ~


    ~ Kan, Left Zanpakuto ~

    ~ Both wear this outfit. The Maroon area's are different colours for both Spirits; Hana's are Blue and Kan's are Gold. ~


    [Beast Appearance's Currently Unknown]

    Spirit Personality/Goals
    ~ Personality will be Roleplayed. Basically, Hana is the more caring and fun-loving one of the two, whereas Kan is the analytical and strict one. They work extremely well together, as well as with Rio. ~

    ~ The goals of the two are currently unknown and will be revealed within the Roleplay. ~

    Inner World


    ~ A quite lake. The trees have bright pinky-coral and black leaves, some have orange leaves. The floor is covered with dull grey, hard dirt, sprinkled with colour from fallen coral and orange leaves, none of the black leaves fall off the dark wood trees. The water's surface is mirrored, however the reflection is blurred. The sky is a gradient from a soft white to a dark harsh grey. ~

    Sealed Appearance


    ~ Dual Green Katanas with Chains ~

  • Shikai Appearance


    ~ Hana is a large Ninja star on the Right end of the chain (Larger than in the picture, i.e. Large enough for Rio to hold the star by the middle circle, gripping the inner edges of the star), Kan is a small sized Kunai on the Left end of the chain. The chain itself is extendible and retractable so it can change in length at any time. ~

    Shikai Skills

    Kabā no kurisutarukēsu | Kurisutarukabākēsu
    カバーのクリスタルケース | クリスタルカバーケース
    {Crystal Case Cover} | {Crystal Cover Case}

    A layer of Crystal would build upon the cutting edges of Kan's Kunai and Hana's Ninja Star, making the edges sharper and therefore would cause more damage. In addition to this, both weapons would grow by a half of the weapon's current size with each layer. The Crystal would either grow on the weapons and cover them (Crystal Cover Case), or the Crystal edge would be released with a swing of the weapon, producing an Arc of Crystal (Crystal Case Cover). The Crystal can build upon itself to release a stronger Arc or to simply strengthen the casing. The Arc's can absorb any dispelled attack which would then be sent right back at the opponent and would explode on contact with anything. The explosion would be weaker than the initial dispelled attack. The more built the Crystal, the more dispelled attacks it can absorb depending on the strength of the dispelled attacks. With each 2 layers, 1 weak-medium dispelled attack can be absorbed, but it would take 3 layers to absorb 1 strong dispelled attack. She would only be able to hold 1 strong attack, the more layers, the less extra damage she'll receive but she would always take some damage from strong dispelled attacks.

    The cool-down - It would take 1 dormant post for the Crystal to build one layer. Rio can, however, use the Crystal attack within the post but the attack wouldn't be as strong as it would of be if she waited for it to build. It can build up to 8 times (8 layers) which would take 8 dormant posts to build. After 8 posts, the weapons would quadruple in size, with each two posts doubling the size of the Crystallized weapon, creating much more powerful weapons or Arcs.
    Lasts - Building the weapon would last until the Shikai is deactivate and currently cannot exceed 8 layers, however, Arcs would cause the built up Crystal to be released, returning the Shikai back to it's original state. With more training, Rio will be able to increase the number of layers the weapons can build and the strength of Arcs that can be produced, therefore increasing the number of how many dispelled attacks the Arcs are able to hold and etc..

    Kesshō senmeina gazō
    {Crystal Clear Image}

    At any time, Rio can create a image of herself to take her place, allowing the real her to move invisibly but unable to attack or defend, only move to different locations. This image would be still, just like a life-like doll of herself. If said doll is touched or once the move expires, the doll will shatter into millions of Crystal fragments. The can also be combined with any Kido Rio knows. If Rio does this, the doll would explode instead of shatter on contact or when the move expires.

    This will last 3 posts, the cool-down would take 4 posts. With more training, Rio would eventually be able to have the doll move for one post before becoming still. Further training on this level, Rio would be able to get the doll to even talk. At the moves final level, the doll would be an exact copy of herself, being able to walk and talk throughout the whole of the number of duration posts, making this move useful when confusing enemies or entering dangerous situations.

    Kesshō no hashira
    {Pillar of Crystal}

    Holding up her Ninja Star, Rio would hold her Kunai behind the hole in the Ninja Star pointing the Kunai towards the middle of the hole. Once this happens, a Crystal sheet would cover the hole, then Crystal would shoot from the tip of the Kunai into the middle of the Crystal sheet, creating a long pillar to shoot out the other end of the Ninja Star. This Pillar would be thick and extremely solid so hard to penetrate, the tip would be as sharp as a syringe and the Pillar would absorb dispelled attacks, however if a dispelled attack were to be adsorbed, the Pillar would explode on contact, if it doesn't absorb an attack, it'd piece through whoever or whatever is in the Pillar's way. The Pillar would continue to grow for however long the Kunai is held in place. Once the Kunai moves, the Pillar would stop growing and shot straight ahead.

    This will last for however long the Kunai is held in place up to a maximum of 10 posts. The cool down for this would be 6 posts.

    Idō kurisutarushīrudo
    {Movement Crystal Shield}

    Rio would be able to cover any part of her body at any time with a small shield of Crystal that'll move to wherever the opponent hits. More than one part of her body can be Crystallised at the same time, shielding more than one area. This move is perfect for hand-to-hand or close combat but the Crystal shield will absorb dispelled attacks and explode on that part of the body, meaning Rio would either have to dodge the dispelled attack, or counter-attack. The Crystal appears to block contact but once the contact has moved away, the shield shrinks before disappearing. The shield can be as big as Rio needs it to be.

    This will last for a total of three posts. The cool down for this would be 2 posts.

    5. To be revealed

    6. To be revealed

    7. To be revealed

    8. To be revealed

  • Bankai Appearance


    ~ Kan; the chain attached to her Left Shikai would slowly decrease and turn into deep red smoke. The more it does, the bigger the Kunai grows. As it does, glowing red markings would surface on the front, the tip gaining more sharpness in the process. The finished form - A large Kunai with glowing red markings held with the Left hand.

    Hana; the chain would snap in the middle and decrease, turning into deep red smoke (Same as Kan) along with the Ninja Star, but then the smoke would mould around her Right hand, wrist and a part of her forearm. Red glowing markings would surface, emitting through the smoke as it clears. The finished form - A Gauntlet with glowing red markings covering her Right hand, wrist and part of her forearm. ~

    Bankai Skills

    1. To be revealed

    2. To be revealed

    3. To be revealed

    4. To be revealed

    5. To be revealed

    6. To be revealed

    - Combo Bankai Skills -
    w/Fumio (Kazuhiko)

    1. To be revealed

  • Due to being a part of the Hari Clan, Rio gained her Crystallized form. Her form is Five Crystal Foxtails that protrude out from her lower back. Her Zanpakuto is the key to unlocking this form and is absorbed to activate it. When deactivating, the tails shatter and release the two swords amongst the shards of Crystal. Since Rio absorbed all of her mother's power and soul, due to the Clan's main ability, she is able to use her mother's crystal form while this form is active - Something that will be revealed later.


    Since salt are Crystals, the substance can be used in fast-acting healing by either rubbing salt on any wound, or submerging the wound within water as salt is also a particle within water. Using this method would sting but the results are well worth it as the wound would be fully healed. It only works in healing wounds, however if whole body-parts are destroyed without a trace, salt wouldn't help heal what's not there. However, if there's a slight trace left, it may take a little while but the body part would heal and as good as new. During the healing process, the boy cannot engage in attacking or defence as the body has to keep still while healing. It, however, the body is moved during the healing process, the wound could easily get wore through tearing, which would cause excruciating pain.

  • Zanjutsu
    - Hōzuri
    - Shitonegaeshi
    - Hōzan Kenbu
    - Ryōdan
    - Senmaioroshi


    - Hadō #1. Shō
    - Hadō #4. Byakurai
    - Hadō #11. Tsuzuri Raiden
    - Hadō #12. Fushibi
    - Hadō #31 Shakkaho
    - Hadō #32. Ōkasen
    - Hadō #33. Sōkatsui
    - Hadō #34. Kongōbaku
    - Hadō #40. Gaki Rekkō
    - Hadō #54. Haien
    - Hadō #73. Sōren Sōkatsui

    - Bakudō # 1. Sai
    - Bakudō #4. Hainawa
    - Bakudō #8. Seki
    - Bakudō #9. Geki
    - Bakudō #9. Hōrin
    - Bakudō #11. Kyōmon
    - Bakudō #20. Hakufuku
    - Bakudō #21. Sekienton
    - Bakudō #22. Inemuri
    - Bakudō #26. Kyokkō
    - Bakudō #27. Tanma Otoshi
    - Bakudō #28. Shibireyubi
    - Bakudō #30. Shitotsu Sansen
    - Bakudō #37. Tsuriboshi
    - Bakudō #39. Enkōsen
    - Bakudō #58. Kakushitsuijaku
    - Bakudō #63. Sajō Sabaku
    - Bakudō El Escudo

    - Tesshō
    - Tsukiyubi
    - Chōhigezutsuki
    - Kazaguruma
    - Panchira Torunēdo
    - Kagamibiraki
    - Oni Dekopin

    - Shunpo

  • Points gained


    Mission log

    - Hollow Invasion Clean Up ~ Gained 8 points

    - One Year Time-Skip ~ Gained 60 points + Promotion to Squad 6 Third Seat

    - Surprise Arrancar Attack! Defeat of the Never-ending Swarm! ~ Gained 30 points

    - 3 Month Time-Skip/Traitors Revealed However There Is Hope! ~ Gained 40 points + Promotion to Squad 2 Lieutenant

    Points spent and skills gained

    - Bakudō #20. Hakufuku ~ Spent 4 points
    - Bakudō #21. Sekienton ~ Spent 4 points
    - Bakudō #22. Inemuri ~ Spent 4 points
    - Bakudō #26. Kyokkō ~ Spent 4 points
    - Bakudō #27. Tanma Otoshi ~ Spent 4 points
    - Bakudō #21. Sekienton ~ Spent 4 points
    - Bakudō #28. Shibireyubi ~ Spent 4 points
    - Bakudō #30. Shitotsu Sansen ~ Spent 4 points
    - Bakudō #37. Tsuriboshi ~ Spent 4 points
    - Bakudō #39. Enkōsen ~ Spent 4 points
    - Bakudō #58. Kakushitsuijaku ~ Spent 4 points
    - Hadō #34. Kongōbaku ~ Spent 4 points
    - Hadō #40. Gaki Rekkō ~ Spent 4 points
    - Hōzan Kenbu ~ Spent 3 points
    - Ryōdan ~ Spent 3 points
    - Tsukiyubi ~ Spent 3 points
    - Chōhigezutsuki ~ Spent 3 points
    - Kazaguruma ~ Spent 3 points
    - Panchira Torunēdo ~ Spent 3 points

    - Hadō #54. Haien ~ Spent 5 points
    - Hadō #73. Sōren Sōkatsui ~ Spent 5 points
    - Bakudō #63. Sajō Sabaku ~ Spent 5 points
    - Bakudō El Escudo ~ Spent 5 points
    - Senmaioroshi ~ Spent 4 points
    - Kagamibiraki ~ Spent 4 points
    - Oni Dekopin ~ Spent 4 points

    [Points Reset] Total Points Spent

    200 Points Left


Fumio Kouineji

  • Name
    Fumio Hari Kouineji
    文雄 玻璃 コウイネジ

    Kazuhiko Hari
    和彦 玻璃





    Hair Colour
    Luscious Red

    Eye Colour
    Cloudy Crystal Silver

    July 13th

    Hari Clan; Hari Family



    Captain Of Squad Eight

    Ex Lieutenant in Captain Rinkai's Squad Eight
    Ex Fourth Seat in Captain Rinkai's Squad Eight
    Ex Seventh Seat in Captain Rinkai's Squad Eight

    Spiritual Energy Colour
    Crystal Silver.

    During Bankai, Fumio's spiritual energy would change to a Midnight Black with Crystal Silver tips.

    Power Level
    Low-Level Captain

    Fumio is the type of person to always hold a smile, a deceitful one at that. He always seems to be happy or flirty and tends to laugh at most situations, even bad ones. It's rare to even catch Fumio out of his calm, composed and in control exterior. Anger is one emotion that he barely shows, even when he's absolutely livid, it's hard to tell due to that eerie smile he wears constantly. It's only when he's completely drowned in anger does he actually show it and loose all mercy and composure. Generally, he's a happy guy, but always has an air of deceit following behind. He's the type that others can't tell whether to trust or not.


    Chie Oda - Ex-Girlfriend, because she made him care too much
    Rinkai - Past Captain who he liked, but not friends/close with
    Aya Oda - Kind of Friend/Close Friend/Ex-Friend/Annoyance
    Asuka - Lieutenant, Annoyance but he likes her style~

    ~ Clan ~
    Souta Fushimaru Hair - Close Best Friend/Considers him his Brother
    Rio Okotaru Darishimo/Huerona Umeko Hari - Past Best Friend, Current Fellow Clan Mate
    Konome Fushimaru Hari - Fellow Clan Acquaintance (Actual status currently unknown)

    Patrika (?) Hari and Rest of Clan - He doesn't care for them and most of them hate him, the rest are scared of him. Some were past Close Friends, other were murdered by him which he enjoyed doing immensely~
    [Deceased] Ursula (?) Hari - Ex Hari Clan Head, His Abuser/Rapist/Torturer. She killed his family and destroyed his humanity, is the reason he is how he is and therefore hates her guts, is glad to be rid of her.

    ~ Family ~
    [Deceased] Myuri Hari - Mother

    Kurou Hari - Father

    (I'll add the others as the Roleplay continues)

  • Past Appearance

    Fumio is a part of the Hari {玻璃} Clan. Anything else about the clan is unknown to those outside of said clan. Keeping discretion is most definitely a golden rule of theirs that all clan members follow, including Fumio. During his time at the academy, Fumio's mind always seemed pre-occupied and at times when he thought he was alone, he'd look... worried? Something always seemed to plague his mind, thus meaning he'd spend as much of his time as possible studying alone. He never even took the time to acknowledge his classmates or to make any acquaintances... He was just too busy within his own mind to discover the outside world. However, no matter what, he'd always wear a faint smile whenever he thought others were near and acted as if he always had everything under control, even in the worst of times.

    Finally finishing the academy and making it into the Seireitei came to no surprise to Fumio as he had no doubt that he'd pass with flying colours. His reasons for wanting to make it as a Soul Reaper would soon be realised, but becoming a Soul Reaper definitely isn't his main goal however.

    ~ The rest of his Back Story has been revealed throughout the Role Play ~

    - On his shihakushō, Fumio wears his clan's characters on an armband on his left arm -
    - His real name is Kazuhiko Hari, Kazuhiko meaning 'Prince' -
    - He was the Guard Dog of the Head of the Hari Clan -
    - He has the number "11" branded on the back of his neck -

  • Zanpakuto Name
    Gaishō 外傷 {Trauma}

    Pure Crystal

    Zanpakuto Shikai Release Command
    結晶の創製 ~ Gaishō
    "Kesshō no sōsei ~ Gaishō"
    "Fabrication of crystallization ~ Gaishō"

    Spirit Appearance


    ~ Crystal-like strands of hair with eyes full of colour ~

    [Beast Appearance Currently Unknown]

    Spirit Personality/Goals
    Gaishō seems to be a quiet type. He speaks in a knowledgeable tone and points out information in a vague way as he tends to make Fumio figure out exactly what he's saying himself instead of telling him exactly what he wants. Due to this, he never states anything, but points of the obvious often for a good reason or he'll just not speak at all.

    This Zanpakuto's true goal is currently unknown.

    Inner World


    ~ Literally on top of the clouds. ~

    Past Inner World


    ~ A never-ending, black and white hallway. Windows line the left side of the hallway. Depending on Fumio's mood, the weather in the clouds outside the windows covering the view will change. ~

    Sealed Appearance


    ~ A Black Katana with Red triangles lining the bladed edge ~

  • Shikai Appearance


    ~ This Black Crystal swords is entirely solid crystal with white crystals growing out of the hilt, covering the wielder's hand and somewhat shielding it. ~

    Shikai Skills

    Idō kurisutarushīrudo
    {Movement Crystal Shield}

    Fumio would be able to cover any part of his body at any time with a small shield of Crystal that'll move to wherever the opponent hits. More than one part of his body can be Crystallised at the same time, shielding more than one area. This move is perfect for hand-to-hand or close combat but the Crystal shield will absorb dispelled attacks and explode on that part of the body. The Crystal appears to block contact but once the contact has moved away, the shield shrinks before disappearing. The shield can be as big as Fumio needs it to be.

    The cool-down - Will be 2 posts.

    Duration - Fumio can create the shield whenever he needs to for three posts before the cool-down.

    {Crystal Arc}

    A layer of Crystal would build upon the cutting edge of the blade. This layer would be build-able up to 3 layers. The absorption ability is strong as the the Crystal Arc compacts the absorbed dispelled attacks, causing an explosion just as powerful as the attack dispelled. The first layer can absorb any dispelled attack and is able to hold up to two different or the same dispelled attacks. The second layer is for ridiculously strong dispelled attacks so Fumio rarely has to build to this layer but if need be, he'd be able to hold up to four different and/or same attacks. The third layer is never needed, but if the need does arise, it can hold up to 6 different and/or same dispelled attacks. With each dispelled attack absorbed, the Arc's power morphs to accommodate each of the attack's characteristics. Since the strength of each attack is retained when absorbed, when multiple attacks are absorbed, the strength piles on making the Arc just as powerful as if those attacks were dispelled at the same time to hit one target. The Arc would explode upon contact with anything.

    The cool-down - It will take 1 dormant post per layer to build the Crystal before swinging the blade to release the Arc.

    Duration - However long it takes for the Arc to come into contact with anything once released.

    3. To be revealed

    4. To be revealed

    5. To be revealed

    6. To be revealed

    7. To be revealed

    8. To be revealed

  • Bankai Appearance


    ~ A refined black crystal blade with a refined, clear-ish crystal hilt that holds a black crystal ball. ~

    Bankai Skills

    1. To be revealed

    2. To be revealed

    3. To be revealed

    4. To be revealed

    5. To be revealed

    6. To be revealed

    - Combo Bankai Skills -

    1. To be revealed

    w/Rio (Huerona)

    1. To be revealed

  • Due to being a part of the Hari Clan, Fumio was the first to gain his Crystallisation form. Transforming into this form consists of Fumio turning completely crystal, along with gaining an immense power boost due to the amount of Hari Clan member's powers he has absorbed due to the Clan's main ability. Along with this, Fumio is the only one within the Clan who is pure crystal, making him already more powerful than the others within the Clan since birth. This was why he had been named Prince (Kazuhiko) and had been titled the Prince of the Hari Clan as the members believed that Fumio would rightfully claim the Clan as King once he was at a reasonable age and would rule, throwing out the Clan's tradition of initiation and replacing it with a monarch instead.

    This made Ursula, who was the current Head of the Clan at the time, angry and thus she made a plan. She stole Fumio from his family after she believed she had murdered them and trained him to become her personal guard dog, using every extreme method of intimidation and abuse in order to install fear into Fumio so he'd never overthrow her. He would of gave in and surrendered to her if it weren't for his closest friends who he considered family, Souta Fushimaru and Huerona Umeko, the only two that he truly cares about.

    Since salt are Crystals, the substance can be used in fast-acting healing by either rubbing salt on any wound, or submerging the wound within water as salt is also a particle within water. Using this method would sting but the results are well worth it as the wound would be fully healed. It only works in healing wounds, however if whole body-parts are destroyed without a trace, salt wouldn't help heal what's not there. However, if there's a slight trace left, it may take a little while but the body part would heal and as good as new. During the healing process, the boy cannot engage in attacking or defence as the body has to keep still while healing. It, however, the body is moved during the healing process, the wound could easily get wore through tearing, which would cause excruciating pain.

  • Zanjutsu
    - Hōzuri
    - Shitonegaeshi
    - Hōzan Kenbu
    - Ryōdan
    - Senmaioroshi


    - Hadō #1. Shō
    - Hadō #4. Byakurai
    - Hadō #11. Tsuzuri Raiden
    - Hadō #12. Fushibi
    - Hadō #31 Shakkaho
    - Hadō #32. Ōkasen
    - Hadō #33. Sōkatsui
    - Hadō #34. Kongōbaku
    - Hadō #40. Gaki Rekkō
    - Hadō #63. Raikōhō

    - Bakudō # 1. Sai
    - Bakudō #4. Hainawa
    - Bakudō #8. Seki
    - Bakudō #9. Geki
    - Bakudō #9. Hōrin
    - Bakudō #11. Kyōmon
    - Bakudō #20. Hakufuku
    - Bakudō #21. Sekienton
    - Bakudō #22. Inemuri
    - Bakudō #26. Kyokkō
    - Bakudō #27. Tanma Otoshi
    - Bakudō #28. Shibireyubi
    - Bakudō #30. Shitotsu Sansen
    - Bakudō #37. Tsuriboshi
    - Bakudō #39. Enkōsen
    - Bakudō #58. Kakushitsuijaku
    - Bakudō #62. Hyapporankan

    - Tesshō
    - Tsukiyubi
    - Chōhigezutsuki
    - Kazaguruma
    - Panchira Torunēdo
    - Oni Dekopin

    - Shunpo

  • Points gained


    Mission log

    - Rescue Rinkei! ~ Gained 48 points + Promotion to Squad 8 Fourth Seat [3-part mission]

    - One Year Time-Skip ~ Gained 60 points + Promotion to Squad 8 Lieutenant

    - 3 Month Time-Skip/Traitors Revealed However There Is Hope! ~ Gained 40 points

    Points spent and skills gained

    - Bakudō #20. Hakufuku ~ Spent 4 points
    - Bakudō #21. Sekienton ~ Spent 4 points
    - Bakudō #22. Inemuri ~ Spent 4 points
    - Bakudō #26. Kyokkō ~ Spent 4 points
    - Bakudō #27. Tanma Otoshi ~ Spent 4 points
    - Bakudō #21. Sekienton ~ Spent 4 points
    - Bakudō #28. Shibireyubi ~ Spent 4 points
    - Bakudō #30. Shitotsu Sansen ~ Spent 4 points
    - Bakudō #37. Tsuriboshi ~ Spent 4 points
    - Bakudō #39. Enkōsen ~ Spent 4 points
    - Bakudō #58. Kakushitsuijaku ~ Spent 4 points
    - Hadō #34. Kongōbaku ~ Spent 4 points
    - Hadō #40. Gaki Rekkō ~ Spent 4 points
    - Hōzan Kenbu ~ Spent 3 points
    - Ryōdan ~ Spent 3 points
    - Tsukiyubi ~ Spent 3 points
    - Chōhigezutsuki ~ Spent 3 points
    - Kazaguruma ~ Spent 3 points
    - Panchira Torunēdo ~ Spent 3 points

    - Bakudō #62. Hyapporankan ~ Spent 5 points
    - Hadō #63. Raikōhō ~ Spent 5 points
    - Senmaioroshi ~ Spent 4 points
    - Oni Dekopin ~ Spent 4 points

    [Points Reset] Total Points Spent

    200 Points Left


Nishiki Kalemoru
Lieutenant Appearance

General Appearance

  • Name
    Nishiki Kalemoru
    ニシキ カレモル





    Hair Colour
    Midnight Black

    Eye Colour
    Emerald Green


    To Be Revealed



    Lieutenant Of Squad Eleven

    Ex Third Seat in Captain Kenpachi Shiro Sora's Squad Eleven
    Ex Twentieth Seat in Captain Kenpachi Shiro Sora's Squad Eleven
    Ex Fifth Seat in Captain-less Squad Five

    Spiritual Energy Colour

    Power Level
    Mid-Level Lieutenant


    ~ Her personality will be mostly role-played but here's a basic explanation ~

    Nishiki is notorious for being a flirty and friendly personality. She is generally bubbly and full of energy for the majority of the time and openly shows her emotions, making it clear how she feels. Her mood can change as fast as a flick of a switch, but no matter how emotional she feels, she tends to be laid-back most of the time and doesn't give much a fuck about most things honestly.


    Kenpachi Shiro Sora - Her Captain and Fuck Buddy which she is secretly extremely loyal and devote to which makes it complicated.
    Sui Sanda - Friend, who she wanted to fuck but has decided against it.
    Hikari Shinrai - Friend
    Seki Ren - Fellow Squad mate who's well jell over the fact that she got her man~ She finds her anger adorably halerious.
    Rio Darishimo - Cute Friend

    (I'll add the others as the Roleplay continues)

  • ~ Back-story To Be Revealed ~


  • Zanpakuto Name

    The Seven Deadly Sins

    Zanpakuto Shikai Release Command

    Spirit Appearance








    ~ 7... Yeah, 7 various Tarot cards that represent each deadly sin. The picture on each card moves but only when speaking. Each card also has it's own voice and personality in accordance with the sin it represents. They appear around Nishiki but not always all of them at the same time, they can also appear in any position but while they are in the light, they cannot move. ~

    Spirit Personality/Goals
    Each spirit has a different personality and goal which would be obvious by the type of sin they are. However, there is one overall main goal that they share and that is to completely control Nishiki; turn her into a puppet for their own personal entertainment and to fulfill each of their personal goals. There was a time when they had achieved this goal... but something got in the way, and the same thing has happened again, but this time there seems to be no chance of them reaching this goal ever again, ultimately switching who's in control.

    Inner World


    ~ A pitch-black, dark... room? Area. One single spotlight is shone on Nishiki as the Tarot Cards appeared around her. When she is being punished or her Zanpakuto spirits just want some amusement, the light shuts off and is shone in a different area. Nishiki has to run into that area as the longer she is in the dark, the weaker her spirit becomes. During in the dark, she'd be able to feel something crawl onto her, like many hands trying to drag her back and drag her down with them as they attempt to take over her body. ~

    Sealed Appearance


    ~ A Katana with a engraved hilt ~

  • Shikai Appearance and Skills

    Tarot Card


    "Avoid Namakemono!" {怠け者}
    - Using the SLOTH Scythe -
    Nishiki's senses will sharpen only when she is stood in one spot. The longer there, the sharper her senses which means she'd be able to block fast and strong attacks easily with one move as her reflexes would be sharper. If she attacks once, for example, releases one arc of blue spiritual energy, that attack would be much stronger than if she'd chain attacks together. The more she moves, the weaker her attack power and senses will become, she could even get to the point to temporarily losing all senses if she moves too much.

    Tarot Card


    "Infuriate Gekido!" {激怒}
    - Using the WRATH Scythe -
    Her attack power is dramatically increased and so is her focus, however she is reckless and would attack without thought, more with her emotions than with her mind. During usage of this Scythe, pain is hardly felt, she'd have to be dramatically injured before pain would falter any of her attacks, her speed and her reflexes as her body is numb and all that is felt is rage. Even the slightest trace of anger is amplified, turning Nishiki into a cold-blooded killing machine without a brain, heart or any mercy, but only the instinct to kill whatever is in her way. Seek and destroy all enemies. All injuries she gains during usage would be felt once this Scythe is switched or sealed whether they are immediately healed or not.

    Tarot Card


    "Rein Hokori!" {誇り}
    - Using the PRIDE Scythe -
    Her skills increase dramatically as she is much more cocky in this state. Her reflexes improve, as well as her movements are crisp and precise. In this state, she is more focused on her own moves and perfecting them than her opponent's, making it easy for her to loose track of her opponents movements. This Scythe is incredibly sharp but the heaviest of them all, sacrificing her speed for perfect, precise attacks.

    Tarot Card


    "Pleasure Yokubō! {欲望}
    - Using the LUST Scythe -
    Nishiki becomes more swift. Smoke also emits off of the Scythe that could easily distract and be used to manipulate enemy's if the latter is surrounded by said smoke and breathes in a large amount as it hinders their intelligence, making it hard for them to think straight. Due to having lustful intentions while using this Scythe, she is easily distracted by the looks or actions of her enemy, paying to much attention to them than to herself. The large Scythe is also the most difficult to use, hence why her moves would become more swift than fast. She'd easily be able to block charged attacks and strong attacks in swift movements, but her reflexes aren't fast enough to dodge fast attacks, which is her downfall.

    Tarot Card


    "Gain Don'yoku!" {貪欲}
    - Using the GREED Scythe -
    Nishiki is more likely to go straight in for an attack rather than wait and think it through. Strategies aren't her strong point while using this Scythe, however, her speed is increasedd the most, making it incredibly easy for her to dodge and avoid attacks. Although, she takes more damage if hit head on by any attack, making it crucial for her to keep on her toes. The main goal for her is to get as many hits in as she can and every take items from her enemy without them knowing. These items are then stored in the hoops of her Scythe. The more she takes, the heavier her Scythe becomes which means that her speed would be effected, yet she is unable to stop attempting to take as much as she can from her opponents.

    Tarot Card


    "Consume Bōshoku!" {暴食}
    To be revealed
    - Using the GLUTTONY Scythe -
    This Scythe takes from the opponent's power with each hit, consuming it and causing it to grow but it wouldn't cease to grow. The more power the Scythe consumes from the opponent, the large it grows and the stronger it's attacks become. Nishiki's speed and reflexes would stay to an average level, making it easy for her to gain damage as well as give it. The stronger the opponent, the stronger the Scythe would get from consuming their power. However, that would easily pose a problem as if the Scythe consumes too much from a strong opponent, it's becomes much more heavier from the growth, making it impossible to use despite it's strength. This Scythe is best for a last resort as the power it takes from an enemy is added to it's own.

    Tarot Card


    "Desire Senbō!" {羨望}
    To be revealed
    - Using the ENVY Scythe -
    During use of this Scythe, Nishiki can copy the opponents fighting style, techniques and strategies, but only from what she has observed from them. Her attacks would be only a mimic of theirs so when using the opponent's attacks against them, they wouldn't be as strong as if the opponent where to preform these attacks. This hinders Nishiki's attack power but increases her ability to counter-attack, dodge and predict the opponents attacks, making her able to use her weakened versions of their attacks and techniques in the most effective way.

    Tarot Card
    ~ Unknown ~
    ~ Appearance is in Nishiki Kalemoru's picture ~
    To be revealed

  • Bankai Appearance
    To be revealed

    Bankai Skills

    1. To be revealed

    2. To be revealed

    3. To be revealed

    4. To be revealed

    5. To be revealed

    6. To be revealed

  • To Be Revealed

  • Zanjutsu
    - Hōzuri
    - Shitonegaeshi
    - Hōzan Kenbu
    - Ryōdan
    - Senmaioroshi


    - Hadō #1. Shō
    - Hadō #4. Byakurai
    - Hadō #11. Tsuzuri Raiden
    - Hadō #12. Fushibi
    - Hadō #31 Shakkaho
    - Hadō #32. Ōkasen
    - Hadō #33. Sōkatsui

    - Bakudō # 1. Sai
    - Bakudō #4. Hainawa
    - Bakudō #8. Seki
    - Bakudō #9. Geki
    - Bakudō #9. Hōrin
    - Bakudō #11. Kyōmon

    - Tesshō
    - Tsukiyubi
    - Chōhigezutsuki
    - Kazaguruma
    - Panchira Torunēdo
    - Kagamibiraki
    - Oni Dekopin

    - Shunpo

  • Points gained


    Mission log

    - 3 Month Time-Skip/Traitors Revealed However There Is Hope! ~ Gained 40 points

    - Mysterious Intruders from Hell! ~ Gained 8 points

    Points spent and skills gained

    [Points Reset] Total Points Spent

    138 Points Left


Souta Fushimaru

  • Name
    Souta Fushimaru Hari
    ソウタ フシマル 玻璃





    Hair Colour
    Fruity Ginger

    Eye Colour
    Both Navy Blue and Pale Red

    July 13th

    Hari Clan; Fushimaru Family


    Clan Leader
    [Current Head of the Hari
    (玻璃) Clan]


    Ex Unseated in Captain Rinkai's Squad Eight

    Spiritual Energy Colour
    Antique Gold.

    Power Level
    Low-Level Lieutenant


    Souta is pretty much a nice but stubborn type of guy. He sticks to what he feels is morally right and does as much as he can to help out those he cares about or those he feels are good people. He has a kind heart, however he tends to be stubborn and easily made uncomfortable. He seems to be more of a closed off, to himself type of person when, in fact, he's a rather easy-going, caring and supportive guy in most situations, just doesn't show it in an obvious way the majority of the time. His kind-hearted nature is often conflicted with the nature of his most closest friend and practical brother, Kazuhiko Hari, also known as Fumio Kouineji.

    Since Kazuhiko is rather the opposite of what Souta is like, often Souta tends to find himself in situations where he doesn't know whether or not to side with Fumio. His kind and soft nature, along with the desire to never hurt anyone and to always help those in need is hard to hold up when presented with situations that involve Fumio. Despite knowing what Fumio is like and his way of thinking, Souta almost always defends him even when it's over something that he knows Fumio is going the wrong way about. Instead of pointing fingers and hauling abuse at Fumio, which one would feel Fumio deserves, Souta sides with him in a bid to help him change or more evolve into a better person, or atleast to minimise the event and try to prevent anything unnecessary. Anyone else, Souta would certainly be against, but since he has known Fumio since birth and the two are quite close, he knows deep down that the way Fumio has turned out to be isn't his fault and therefore works with him instead of against.

    Other than that, Souta always seeks the good route; the route that'll avoid casualty as much as possible. However when it is necessary, Souta will fight for what he feels is right.


    Aya Oda - Friend that he cares about greatly and worries often about, despite how he acts.
    Chie Oda - Aya's bitch of a sister that he doesn't mind, just treats her how she treats him. Considers as a friend but not so close.
    Kagiko Shuiji - Cool guy, hopes to be friends with

    ~ Clan ~
    Fumio Kouineji (Kazuhiko Hari) - Close Best Friend/Considers him his Brother
    Rio Darishimo (Huerona Umeko Hari) - Past Best Friend, Current Fellow Clan Mate
    [Deceased] Ursula (?) Hari - Ex Hari Clan Head, he sees her as the reason Fumio is the way he is and is glad she's finally dead. Has taken over her place as Hari Clan Head.

    ~ Family ~
    Konome Fushimaru Hari - Sister, he killed the one who experimented on her (Dr Heigai) with the help of Fumio after being captured by them. Doesn't know whether she is alive or dead, but misses her greatly and wishes she didn't try to force him to attack her years ago before she disappeared. He is deeply regretful of that

    (?) Fushimaru Hari - Father (Relationship and status currently unknown)
    (?) Fushimaru Hari - Mother (Relationship and status currently unknown)

    (I'll add the others as the Roleplay continues)

  • ~ Most of his Back Story has been revealed throughout the Role Play, the rest is yet to be revealed ~

    - He has the number "2" branded on the Left side of his face, behind his ear -

  • Zanpakuto Name
    Himawari 向日葵 {Sunflower}

    Flower/Plants and Crystal

    Zanpakuto Shikai Release Command
    ブロッサム ~ Himawari
    "Blossom ~ Himawari"

    Spirit Appearance


    [Beast Appearance Currently Unknown]

    Spirit Personality/Goals
    ~ Personality will be Roleplayed ~

    ~ His goal(s) is currently unknown and will be revealed within the Roleplay ~

    Inner World


    ~ Endless fields of Sunflowers under large clouds and a permanent, beautiful Sunset. ~

    Sealed Appearance


    ~ A Gold-hilted Katana ~

  • Shikai Appearance


    ~ A cross between a Mace and a Warhammer; The bottom face (using the last image as reference) is flat. ~

    Shikai Skills

    1. To be revealed

    2. To be revealed

    3. To be revealed

    4. To be revealed

    5. To be revealed

    6. To be revealed

    7. To be revealed

    8. To be revealed

  • Bankai Appearance
    - May Not Be Achievable -

    Bankai Skills

    1. To be revealed

    2. To be revealed

    3. To be revealed

    4. To be revealed

    5. To be revealed

    6. To be revealed

  • Due to being a part of the Hari Clan, Souta has gained his Crystallisation form. When Souta Crystallises, instead of being covered in Crystal/becoming Crystal much like Fumio (Kazuhiko), Souta instead has Crystal Spikes shoot out of his skin. Many long Crystal Spikes would protrude out of his back, outer arms and outer legs while shorter Crystal Spikes would shoot out of his shoulders, the backs of his hand and tops of his feet. On his face only four short Crystal Spikes shot out of either side; one out of both sides of his forehead, curving upwards resembling Crystal horns, one out of both of his temples, one out of both of his cheekbones and one out of both sides of under his bottom lip resembling Crystal Spiked snakebite piercings.

    During this change, Souta's Shikai would envelop in light before becoming almost liquid, covering all of his hands and sliding up his arms, adding a Crystal cover up 3/4's of the way, under his spikes. Also, Souta's eyes would swirl into a cloudy Crystal Silver colour, identical to Fumio's (Kazuhiko's) eyes. During Souta's particular Crystallisation, nerves are also infused with his Crystal Spikes, making him able to use them to feel and feel them when they're cut or touched. If his Crystal Spikes are cut off, they would grow back almost instantly, however this would be painful but Souta wouldn't have a choice but to endure. Souta's Crystal Spikes also do not absorb dispelled attacks when attached to Souta's skin, however, once the Spikes are released, they're able to absorb.

    Due to training in this form more than with his Shikai, Souta is in the process of creating a set of skills that he can perform when in this form.

    Pankucharingu hōyō
    {Puncturing Hug}

    If Souta is able to get his opponent in a bear-hug, locking his hands Souta would be able to cause Crystal Spikes to force out of his skin on the inner part of his body, piercing the enemy within seconds in multiple areas. The Crystals would then snap off of Souta once he let's go. During the snapping of the Crystal Spikes, Souta would feel pain as within each Spike, during Crystallisation, nerves are also infused with each Spike and therefore causing pain.

    This move would only work if Souta is able to get the enemy in a bear-hug. The cool-down for this would be 5 posts.

    {Spiked Release}

    If Souta manages to keep all of his Crystal Spikes in-tact for atleast 7 posts, he would be able to raise his Spiritual Energy to the point that activates all of his Crystal Spikes shooting out of his skin, stabbing into all close-medium ranged enemies. Once all Crystal Spikes had shot out of his skin all at once in one attack, in place of the old Crystal Spikes would grow new ones which would take one full post to grow back, during which he'd still have use of the Crystal covering over 3/4's of his arms and all of his hands that cannot be removed unless Crystallisation ends. Of course Souta would feel pain during the release but not as much as he would during the re-growth.

    This move can only be performed if Souta's Crystal Spikes are kept in-tact for atleast 7 posts. The re-growth of his Spike's would take one post after the attack post. The cool-down for this move would be 8 posts.

    - Variation -

    Instead of releasing all Crystal Spikes at once, Souta would be able to release individual patches of Crystal Spikes one after another, however all Spikes won't grow back until all Spikes have be fired, even if it isn't at a target. This too would cause pain but alot less than if all Spikes had been released at once. The re-growth would be the exact same as the original release; taking one post after the attack post to regrow with only the use of his Crystal-covered arms and hands for battle or protection.

    3. To be revealed

    4. To be revealed

    5. To be revealed

    Since salt are Crystals, the substance can be used in fast-acting healing by either rubbing salt on any wound, or submerging the wound within water as salt is also a particle within water. Using this method would sting but the results are well worth it as the wound would be fully healed. It only works in healing wounds, however if whole body-parts are destroyed without a trace, salt wouldn't help heal what's not there. However, if there's a slight trace left, it may take a little while but the body part would heal and as good as new. During the healing process, the boy cannot engage in attacking or defence as the body has to keep still while healing. It, however, the body is moved during the healing process, the wound could easily get wore through tearing, which would cause excruciating pain.

    Bloom Despite Destruction
    Whenever Souta's Shikai hits a surface, that isn't skin, a few flowers and plants would grow and bloom there once the Shikai moves from the area no matter what the surface is made of.

  • Zanjutsu
    - Hōzuri
    - Shitonegaeshi


    - Hadō #1. Shō
    - Hadō #4. Byakurai
    - Hadō #11. Tsuzuri Raiden
    - Hadō #12. Fushibi
    - Hadō #31 Shakkaho
    - Hadō #32. Ōkasen
    - Hadō #33. Sōkatsui

    - Bakudō # 1. Sai
    - Bakudō #4. Hainawa
    - Bakudō #8. Seki
    - Bakudō #9. Geki
    - Bakudō #9. Hōrin
    - Bakudō #11. Kyōmon

    - Tesshō

    - Shunpo

  • Points gained


    Mission log

    - 3 Month Time-Skip/Traitors Revealed However There Is Hope! ~ Gained 40 points

    Points spent and skills gained

    - None -

    [Points Reset] Total Points Spent

    100 Points Left


Konome Fushimaru

  • Name
    Konome Fushimaru Hari
    コノメ フシマル 玻璃

    Ōhi Sango
    王妃 珊瑚




    however noticeably light for what she appears to be

    Hair Colour

    Eye Colour
    A gradient of Yellow, Orange and Red

    January 4th

    Hari Clan; Fushimaru Family



    Unseated in Captain Kurisu Kuchiki's Squad Six

    Spiritual Energy Colour

    Power Level

    - Past Personality -
    Quite, observant and always hiding somewhere in the background, Sango prefers to not bother anyone and just watch. She does tend to pop out of random areas at random times and no one would even realise how or when she'd got there. Whenever she's alone, she'd come out of her shell or hiding place and talk to her Zanpakuto spirit aloud, enjoying the time she'd spend with her weapon. Currently, her weapon is her only friend as he's knows her well, obviously. Sango will fight, but only if threatened with violence or forced to fight. Unlike most others in within the Seireitei, Sango has no urge to fight, she'd only do it for self-defence. She'd much prefer peace and tranquillity over violence and the greed for more power.

    Ever since returning to her original self, Konome's personality has changed back to normal. She's now strict, blunt and isn't afraid to voice her opinion. She's still as observant as she has always been, but this time is more scrutinising. If she doesn't agree with something, she'd make it known and would occasionally purpose obvious solutions, but only to people she feels is worth the time. People who are not serious, she won't bother trying to help or even respond to.

    Konome prefers now to work mainly on business terms and therefore tries to distance herself from any development in her relationships simply because she doesn't want to become close with anyone anymore. As far as she's concerned, her home is destroyed and gone, her life has restarted completely, her mother and father are nowhere, not that they seemed to care or she cared, and her brother seems to of disappeared. Personally she doesn't want to try and gather her old life or even start a new one; being in limbo and only on business terms seems to be a more appealing choice to her now.


    Henry Tobias - She's close with him due to everything he did for her while she was Sango and wishes to make it up to him. However, pursing/continuing a relationship with him further is definitely not on her mind
    [Deceased] Viole - Thought he was nice
    Nishiki Kalemoru - Would prefer to stay away from her

    Dr Heigai - Hates his guts, the one who experimented on her. She hopes to never she his disgusting face ever again. If she did come across him, she'd kill him within a heartbeat.

    ~ Clan ~
    Fumio Kouineji (Kazuhiko Hari) - Fellow Clan Acquaintance (Actual relationship yet to be revealed)
    Rio Darishimo (Huerona Umeko Hari) - Fellow Clan Acquaintance (Actual relationship yet to be revealed)

    ~ Family ~
    Souta Fushimaru Hari - Brother, Feels hate towards him, but misses him

    (?) Fushimaru Hari - Mother, hates and doesn't care if she's dead or alive
    (?) Fushimaru Hari - Father, hates and doesn't care if he's dead or alive

    (I'll add the others as the Roleplay continues)

  • ~ Most of her Back Story has been revealed throughout the Role Play, the rest is yet to be revealed ~

    - Had been Experimented on, Zanpakuto was replaced in the process, she was also given gills at the back of her neck over her brand (has forgotten her number), making her able to breathe underwater -

  • Zanpakuto Name
    Densen 伝染 {Contagion}

    Poison (Corrosive and irritant) and Coral (The sea creature)

    Zanpakuto Shikai Release Command
    呼吸する ~ Densen
    "Kokyū suru ~ Densen"
    "Breathe ~ Densen"

    Spirit Appearance


    [Beast Appearance is the Shark in the image]

    Spirit Personality/Goals
    ~ Personality will be Roleplayed. Basically, Densen believes he owns Konome and is obsessively over-protective of her. He hates anyone who tries to get close to her and even hates her family for being her family. He's quite hot-headed but always tries to be soft towards Konome. ~

    His goal is basically to be the only one close to Konome in as many ways possible.

    Inner World


    ~ Murky, dark and cold depths of the sea. Various shades of grey, blue, green, yellow and pink sea creatures litter the water. Both Sango (Konome) and Densen can breathe underwater and communicate using telepathy whilst inside and outside the inner world. ~

    Sealed Appearance


    ~ Hand-made looking, worn out and water-damaged mosaic short blade ~

  • Shikai Appearance


    ~ The Trident is alive as all the veins pulse and slither up and down the weapon, also over her hands where she grips the weapon. During Shikai, Densen is brought out of the Zanpakuto and control's Ōhi's (Konome's) body, however, she still has the majority of control. ~

    Shikai Skills

    1. To be revealed

    2. To be revealed

    3. To be revealed

    4. To be revealed

    5. To be revealed

    6. To be revealed

    7. To be revealed

    8. To be revealed

  • Bankai Appearance


    "Mr Stingington! Rise And Breath Contagion! Poison Their Existence!"
    ~ Ōhi Sango's (Konome's) clothes change into the jumpsuit seen within the picture as her Shikai Trident transforms into a large Jellyfish that floats behind her. At the end of half of it's tentacles (The bright purple part) are various strength corrosive acid with the other half being various strength irritant acid. The Jellyfish is attached to the grip of a whip, at the end of the whip (The part that touches others) is a poison that morphs with accordance to Ōhi's wishes. During Bankai, Densen completely controls Ōhi's body whereas Ōhi is trapped within the Jellyfish itself. ~

    Bankai Skills

    1. To be revealed

    2. To be revealed

    3. To be revealed

    4. To be revealed

    5. To be revealed

    6. To be revealed

  • To Be Revealed

    Since salt are Crystals, the substance can be used in fast-acting healing by either rubbing salt on any wound, or submerging the wound within water as salt is also a particle within water. Using this method would sting but the results are well worth it as the wound would be fully healed. It only works in healing wounds, however if whole body-parts are destroyed without a trace, salt wouldn't help heal what's not there. However, if there's a slight trace left, it may take a little while but the body part would heal and as good as new. During the healing process, the boy cannot engage in attacking or defence as the body has to keep still while healing. It, however, the body is moved during the healing process, the wound could easily get wore through tearing, which would cause excruciating pain.

  • Zanjutsu
    - Hōzuri


    - Hadō #1. Shō
    - Hadō #4. Byakurai
    - Hadō #11. Tsuzuri Raiden
    - Hadō #12. Fushibi

    - Bakudō # 1. Sai
    - Bakudō #4. Hainawa
    - Bakudō #8. Seki
    - Bakudō #9. Geki
    - Bakudō #9. Hōrin


    - Shunpo

  • Points gained


    Mission log

    - 3 Month Time-Skip/Traitors Revealed However There Is Hope! ~ Gained 40 points

    Points spent and skills gained

    - None -

    [Points Reset] Total Points Spent

    0 Points Left


Miwa Kuchiki

  • Name
    Miwa Ringo-Kuchiki
    ミワ 林檎-朽木

    Also Known As Ringo

    (She's Lost Track)



    Unknown but rather Lightweight

    Hair Colour
    Chestnut Brown

    Eye Colour
    Emerald Green


    Kuchiki Clan; Previous Family Unknown



    Fifth Seat In Captain Kagiko Shuiji's Squad Twelve

    Spiritual Energy Colour

    Power Level
    Mid-Level Seated

    ~ Will be Roleplayed ~


    Kagiko Shuiji - Current Captain, on business terms only

    ~ Family ~
    [Deceased] Kurisa Kuchiki - Husband, she has so many emotions towards him at the moment... but overall, no matter what, she'll always love him and will always be overwhelmingly upset whenever she thinks of him now....

    Kurisu Kuchiki - Son, the only reason she hasn't given up on life. He is her world and joy, she would do anything to help him, even give her life to protect him. However the main reason she joined Squad Twelve secretly is to keep an eye on him

    (I'll add the others as the Roleplay continues)

  • ~ Her Back Story is To Be Revealed ~

    - She originates from the Rukongo -

  • [Carries an Asauchi, hasn't gained her Zanpakuto yet]
    Zanpakuto Name


    Zanpakuto Shikai Release Command

    Spirit Appearance

    Spirit Personality/Goals

    Inner World


    Sealed Appearance


  • Shikai Appearance


    Shikai Skills

    1. To be revealed

    2. To be revealed

    3. To be revealed

    4. To be revealed

    5. To be revealed

    6. To be revealed

    7. To be revealed

    8. To be revealed

  • Bankai Appearance


    Bankai Skills

    1. To be revealed

    2. To be revealed

    3. To be revealed

    4. To be revealed

    5. To be revealed

    6. To be revealed

  • To be revealed

  • Zanjutsu
    - Hōzuri
    - Shitonegaeshi


    - Hadō #1. Shō
    - Hadō #4. Byakurai
    - Hadō #11. Tsuzuri Raiden
    - Hadō #12. Fushibi
    - Hadō #31 Shakkaho
    - Hadō #32. Ōkasen
    - Hadō #33. Sōkatsui

    - Bakudō # 1. Sai
    - Bakudō #4. Hainawa
    - Bakudō #8. Seki
    - Bakudō #9. Geki
    - Bakudō #9. Hōrin
    - Bakudō #11. Kyōmon

    - Tesshō

    - Shunpo

  • Points gained


    Mission log


    Points spent and skills gained


    [Points Reset] Total Points Spent

    40 Points Left




  • Name




    Unknown but is extremely lightweight, more than expected

    Hair Colour

    Eye Colour
    Pearl White

    August 29th



    Juki's Assistant first, Shinigami second

    Of Juki's Squad One

    Spiritual Energy Colour
    Invisible, acts like wind

    Power Level
    High-Level Lieutenant


    Ritsuna is a caring and genuine person. Everything she does is for Juki as he is, and will always be, her top priority at all times. Anyone who dares to oppose or disrespect Juki will be punished by Ritsuna for doing so. She refers to Juki as her Master since that is who he is to her. She lives her life with the soul aim to please Juki by any and all means necessary. This isn't against her will, she does this because it is truly the only thing she wants to do. Juki is her love, Juki is her life, she lives to serve Juki and protect him since she is his assistant after all -and may or may not have a secret crush on him-.

    With her loyalty to Juki aside, Ritsuna is also rather motherly, especially to children. She adores them and loves to bake treats for them, also for anyone else she likes. She has a tendency to show that she likes someone by making food for them, after she has made Juki his meals and treats of course. Her way of breaking the ice and greeting people is to bring them food, which works in her opinion, considering the fact that she is a highly skilled cook and everything she makes has a certain special ingredient that make them taste delicious. This ingredient is secret and only one other person in the world knows what it is and how to use it right.


    Juki - Her Master -Juki is Love, Juki is Life- who she adores, protects, serves, assists and cares for with all of her heart.
    Yu Amagi - She thinks he's nice and finds his daughter adorable.

    (I'll add the others as the Roleplay continues)

  • ~ To Be Revealed ~

  • ~ To Be Revealed ~
    Zanpakuto Name


    Zanpakuto Shikai Release Command

    Spirit Appearance

    Spirit Personality/Goals

    Inner World

    Sealed Appearance

  • Shikai Appearance

    Shikai Skills

    1. To be revealed

    2. To be revealed

    3. To be revealed

    4. To be revealed

    5. To be revealed

    6. To be revealed

    7. To be revealed

    8. To be revealed

  • Bankai Appearance

    Bankai Skills

    1. To be revealed

    2. To be revealed

    3. To be revealed

    4. To be revealed

    5. To be revealed

    6. To be revealed

  • To be revealed

  • Zanjutsu
    - Hōzuri


    - Hadō #1. Shō
    - Hadō #4. Byakurai
    - Hadō #11. Tsuzuri Raiden
    - Hadō #12. Fushibi

    - Bakudō # 1. Sai
    - Bakudō #4. Hainawa
    - Bakudō #8. Seki
    - Bakudō #9. Geki
    - Bakudō #9. Hōrin

    - Tesshō

    - Shunpo

  • Points gained


    Mission log


    Points spent and skills gained


    [Points Reset] Total Points Spent

    160 Points Left


Keisa Rune [W.I.P]

Celestria [W.I.P]

Lotte Brunhild

  • Name
    Lotte Brunhild





    Hair Colour

    Eye Colour

    April 12th




    Captain Of Squad Four

    Spiritual Energy Colour
    Clear or Red (When Igniting) or Blue (When Freezing)

    Power Level
    Unknown-Level Captain

    ~ Will Be Role-played ~


    Fuma - Her Lieutenant, despite giving him a hard time, Lotte sees him as next in line to become Captain and likes working with him

    (I'll add the others as the Roleplay continues)

  • ~ To Be Revealed, or not ~

    - She speaks with a strong German accent -

  • Zanpakuto Name
    Genäht [Stitched]

    Thread and Igniting/Freezing

    Zanpakuto Shikai Release Command
    "Sie kommen, genäht zu werden!"
    "You come, get stitched!"

    Spirit Appearance


    [Beast Appearance Currently Unknown]

    Spirit Personality/Goals
    ~ Her goal is currently unknown and will or will not be revealed within the Roleplay. ~

    Inner World


    Sealed Appearance


  • Shikai Appearance


    Shikai Skills

    Unsichtbaren Faden
    [Invisible Thread]

    Each time Lotte pricks an opponent with the end of her sword (will only produce small cuts), a piece of invisible thread would be hooked through the skin/clothing. This works like stitching a wound so each time Lotte pricks the opponent, the same thread is fed through the skin or clothes, depending on what she pricks. The tip of the sword is also warms, making it easier to feed the thread through with the pin-sized needle on the end or her sword that's also invisible, this also makes the opponent able to feel when they've been pricked and where, but the thread itself is invisible. This can continue until she either breaks the thread herself or the opponent does, in the mean time she'd be able to pull on the thread or end up wrapping the opponent up in painful, or not, invisible thread. Only Lotte would be able to see the thread, to her the thread is black.

    Cool down is 3 posts after the thread has been broken. Duration last until the thread is broken.

    Entzünden or Einfrieren
    [Igniting or Freezing]

    Once Lotte has pricked her target, she has the ability to either set the thread on fire or send ice travelling down the thread to the opponent. If she chose to ignite the thread then the thread would disintegrate once the duration has ended. This would obviously burn the opponent however would help their wounds close depending on how the thread had been attached. If she chose to freeze the thread then after the duration has ended, the thread would shatter. During the duration, this would make the opponent feel as though they were being bitten by frostbite depending on how the thread had been attached. This would also cause the frozen skin to be numbed as an after-effect, making her further cuts, slices or pricks got unnoticed until after the duration of the after-effect had expired.

    Fire thread; Cool down is 5 posts, duration of being burned is 3 posts. Frozen thread; Cool down is 5 posts, duration is 3 posts and after-effect is 3 posts.

    3. To be revealed

    4. To be revealed

    5. To be revealed

    6. To be revealed

    7. To be revealed

    8. To be revealed

  • Bankai Appearance

    Bankai Skills

    1. To be revealed

    2. To be revealed

    3. To be revealed

    4. To be revealed

    5. To be revealed

    6. To be revealed

  • -

  • Zanjutsu
    Decently Skilled


    Decently Skilled

    Decently Skilled

    Decently Skilled

    Decently Skilled

  • Points gained


    Mission log


    Points spent and skills gained


    [Points Reset] Total Points Spent

    - Points Left

Last edited by a moderator:

  • Name:Shoske Saito



    Height: (optional)

    Weight: (optional)



    Eye Colour:

    Jan. 13



    Shinigami {Future Vizard}


    4th Seat of Squad 11



    Power Level:
    OVER 9000!!
    High Seated Level
    Will reveal through RP

    Will reveal through RP

    Laihel: Former bestfriend, now MIA

    Blood soaked head band with black designs on it

  • ~Zanpakuto~

    Zanpakuto name: Tsutaiyou Kengetsu

    Type: Unknown

    Zanpakuto Shikai Release command: Rise and Fall {Rise and bathe this world in your light, Fall and drown their corpses in your darkness}

    Spirit Appearance:
    Beast appearance: Two wolves, one pitch black with white eyes. The other one a pure white with orange eyes. The white one radiates brightly while the black one seems to make things dimmer.

    Human appearance:

    Spirit Personality/Goals:
    Both of his zanpakutos are always cold and emotionless. Their goals are hidden for Shoske but they seek for him to find out who he is, regardless of how harsh and cold they are towards him.



    Sealed appearance:
    Dual katanas. The hilt instead has golden wrappings and the blades are black

    Shikai appearance:
    2 of these, they also have a 2 foot black chain at the end of their hilts

    Bankai appearance:

    Shikai skills:
    1. He does not have a name for his first shikai skill or power. The first skill allows to control his shikai swords without having physical contact with them. He can stop, SPIN or pull back his shikai blades, along with other types of moves.
    2. Tensou Deikenyoru - He can teleport and only teleport through his swords, switching places with them. He can do this even if they are separated by barriers or even dimensions. He can also teleport to either one of the swords even if he isn't in contact with either one of them (( 15 Max per shikai, 1 post use=1 post cooldown. So if 2 uses in 1 post, then 2 post cool down)
    3. Tenpisen Demizu (Sun Flash Flood): Shoske's first offensive move he learned from his zanpakuto spirits. This skill only requires only one of his shikai, but he can use both. First, he draws a line on the ground with the tip of his zanpakuto, an orange glowing line forming as he draws across the ground. Once Shoske has spoken the name of his skill, a massive flood like attack of pure light comes erupts from the light and covers the land in front of Shoske. The light is incredibly hot and can melt whoever comes into contact with it. The light can remain on the land and he is also able to manipulate it so that it circles around him.(3 Post use, 8 post cooldown)Shoske has also formed subskills for this technique
    3a. Senkou Demizuwa(Flash Flood Ring): By drawing a circle in the air in front of him instead, Shoske can fire off a large torrent of the same light as the skill, but this time in dense torrent increasing its potency. It is also able to hit targets in the air, unlike the skill it comes from. (1 post use, 4 post cooldown. If Tenspisenkou Demizu is in use, this skill cannot be used)
    4. Museigetsu Nami ( Silent Lunar Wave): Shoske swings his zanpakuto upwards in the sky or on the ground, creating a glowling pitch black line from the tip of his blade. Unlike the previous skill, this technique is not limited to the floor. Once Shoske speaks the name of the technique, a massive wave of pure black energy erupts from the line her drew. The wave is able to go over his target and engulf them in a sea of darkness. The energy is extremely cold and dark, with no oxygen, like the coldness of space. Shoske has practice the skill enough to create a sub skill. Shoske is also able to use this skill in conjunction with Tenpisen Demizu, trapping his target between a wave of absolute coldness and a flood of intense heat, giving them a horrible way to die. But this requires him having both shikais. (1 Post use, 6 post cooldown)
    4a. Getsuba Nami ( Lunar Wave Claw): By swinging his zanpakuto, Shoske is able to fire off an arc of the same black energy at his target. ( 1 post use, 3 post cooldown)

    Bankai skills:
    6. (Ultimate Skill)

    Non-lethal Zanpakuto Skills:

  • Skills

    All of them
    Half of them
    All until Expert/Lt. level

  • Name: Anri Onizuri



    Height: 5'4

    Weight: None of your business!



    Eye Colour:
    Purple (Emits a strange purple smoke when she's in great distress/anger)

    June 18

    Onizuri Clan




    Spiritual Energy Colour:
    Appears to be a purple/pinkish smoke

    Power Level:

    Anri is a very shy and timid girl, often startled by the most subtle things. Due to past events, Anri no longer speaks but instead talks through a notepad and marker. She one day wishes to make friends, but is too shy to even start a conversation due to her strange way of talking. Will show more in RP

    History: (Would like to be done but can be done later)

    Shoske Saito: Secretly her brother, she seeks to find him but doesn't know his name.
    No other relationship

    Her shinigami outfit closely resembles a school girl outfit (In appearance)

  • ~Zanpakuto~

    Zanpakuto name: Yogui

    Type: Unknown

    Zanpakuto Shikai Release command: The world is your canvas

    Spirit Appearance:

    Spirit Personality/Goals:
    Yogui is a complete enigma, never answering any of Anri's questions directly but instead gives her clues or riddles. He ofter makes her question herself and everything she knows. His goal is unknown.

    Inner world:
    A endless, white and blank dimension with not a single thing in sight

    Sealed appearance:

    Shikai appearance:
    In appearance pic. The sword however, is mostly for display and defense. It hides her true shikai, which hides within the hilt. Inside of the hilt is a brush which allows her to use her shikai skills
    Bankai appearance:

    Shikai skills:
    1. My Dear Friends(Will come up with a better name): Anri uses the brush from her shikai along with the notepad that she always carry around for this technique. Anri is able to create and bring to life whatever she draws within the notepad. These creatures are not made of ink but are instead actual living and breathing beings, which makes her zanpakuto a really unique and desired zanpakuto.

    Bankai skills:
    6. (Ultimate Skill)

    Non-lethal Zanpakuto Skills: Anri is able to draw and create various creatures which serve no battle purpose but others instead

  • Skills

    1 Sai
    4 Hainawa
    8 Seki
    9 Geki
    9 Horin
    11 Kyomon
    12 Fushibi
    1 Sho
    4 Byakurai
    11 Tsuzuri Raiden
    31 Shakkaho
    32 Okasen
    33 Sokatsui

    Total points gained:
    Total Points Spent:
    Mission log:
    Points spent and skills gained:

Hozumi Indra Oda

  • Hozumi Indra Oda
    Has the body of a 4 year old

    Hozumi now

    Hozumi once fully matured

    Age: Now about a year or two old
    As a kid: 4'0
    Now: 5'8 (Still Growing)
    Weight: (optional)
    Hair Colour: Black ( Has once transformed to become a pure white )
    Eye Colour: Crimson with 3 tomoes in his pupils ( Has changed before during a battle. Transformed into his father's eyes, but instead were black and white )
    Birthday: March 15
    Family/Clan: Oda Clan
    Race: Part Soul, Part Demon, Half Viole's race
    Profession: Gang Leader in Hell now
    Rank: Unseated
    Spiritual Energy Colour: Night-colored (Black with specks of crystal like white, representing the stars. Around his body is usually a bright white glow, representing the moon)
    Power level: High-Level Lieutenant
    Jyu Viole Grace: Father
    Aya Oda: Mother
    Chie Oda: Aunt
    Fumio Hari Kouineji: Former uncle, soon on his shit list
    Lucy: Teacher, techinically sister
    Old Man: Teacher
    As a child, Hozumi was carefree and a happy kid, without a single care in the world. He was wild and rebellious, unless his mother was around whom he was scared of. He acted like an average child but he still felt like an outcast, since he was the only child in the whole Soul Society. Even when he interacted with other children, they spaced themselves away from him and treated him like an outcast. They all felt like he was different and wanted nothing to do with him. Inside, it hurt him alot. But he never showed it and kept up his happy and cheerful personality.

    As time went on and Hozumi grew up in Hell, he went through massive change. Change which a child should not go through. He become much more darker, serious and ruthless. Will RP rest out.

    History: Indra is the son of Aya Oda and Jyu Viole Grace. The only people who know who the father is are Viole, Aya and a few select others. After a series of events, Hozumi has been entrapped in Hell with Lucy and aims to get back out. However,while in Hell Hozumi has faced many difficulties, pushing his life on the edge numerous of times. While in Hell, he has discovered many things about himself only that he could obtain through rigorious training.
    - Has inherited multiple traits from his father, including his monstrous and other worldly reiatsu
    - An absolute prodigy

  • ~Zanpakuto~
    Zanpakuto name:
    Type: Unknown
    Zanpakuto Shikai Release command: Deicide
    Spirit Appearance: (optional)

    Inner world: (optional)
    Sealed appearance: A large oodachi, with black wrappings covering the hilt and sometimes the entire blade.

    Shikai appearance:


    Bankai appearance:
    Shikai skills:
    (Start off with no Shikai or 4 to 5 Shikai skills)
    Bankai skills:
    6. (Ultimate Skill)
    Non-lethal Zanpakuto Skills:

  • Skills
    Zanjutsu Master
    Hozan Kenbu
    Hitotsume: Nadegiri
    Kido Expert

    Hakuda Expert
    Gatoringu Jidanda
    Sandobaggu Bīto
    Oni Dekopin

    Shunpo Master
    Suikuchi: The castor remains still, saving up and storing their strength in their limbs. The castor has to remain still for a few seconds, sending most of their strength to their legs. Then using a certain technique, the castor begins to absorb the surrounding reiatsu into their muscles, making it seem as if their body is vibrating (hehe). Then, the person can use all of the strength in one go to use a greatly enhance version of shunpo. The technique is a 1 time use and takes a while to use, since a lot of concentration is needed. It also needs a couple post cool down, since CONTINUOUS use will damage the body

    Points gained from missions:
    Mission log:
    Points spent and skills gained:

Last edited by a moderator:
Yu Amagi(3rd squad captain)
Yu Amagi

Age: 458( so 22)

Gender: Male

Height: 6'1

Weight: 151

Hair Colour: Dark Purple

Eye Colour: Blue

Birthday: December 31

Tis a secret, for now hes just in the Amagi family

Race: Soul/vizard


Rank: Squad Three Captain

Power level: Low level Captain.

Spiritual Energy Colour: Black with Purple outline

Personality: Yu is quite the serious person, when he is told to do something he makes sure to take it seriously, no matter how simple it is. He is rather mature about most situations, and sometimes gets annoyed when others are goofing around. He does however relax every now and then, although he doesn't really like it, as he rather be improving his skills. He isn't a cold person, he will treat others with respect, yet at times he does seem harsh. Yu likes to plan things out before he engages anyone in a battle. He finds it reckless, to just charge head in without a single strategy. He is a caring person despite how he acts and he wants to help restore order no matter what. Yu does his best to remain calm and relaxed in battle, yet he tends to get careless when his plans start to fail. As shown when he first fought a losing battle against Tenso, when Yu started to just try anything.

When Shinji betrayed the soul society, Yu has also shown to become a little more lacking in trust, as he watched his mentor and captain just go away with the enemy willingly, without any answers, along with who he thought was his friend Ryuu. Even after that, he doesn't label them traitors, as he wishes to hear their story with his own ears.

History: Yu is quite the serious person, when he is told to do something he makes sure to take it seriously, no matter how simple it is. He is rather mature about most situations, and sometimes gets annoyed when others are goofing around. He does however relax every now and then, although he doesn't really like it, as he rather be improving his skills. He isn't a cold person, he will treat others with respect, yet at times he does seem harsh. Yu likes to plan things out before he engages anyone in a battle. He finds it reckless, to just charge head in without a single strategy. He is a caring person despite how he acts and he wants to help restore order no matter what. Yu does his best to remain calm and relaxed in battle, yet he tends to get careless when his plans start to fail.

History: Yu's family wasn't a wealthy one, as they were simple farmers, they grew their own food and lived quite happily. Every now Hollows would attack the district he lived in and all his family and him did was pray that they would be okay. This continued for several years, it was almost like a routine to him. Help out his family, then hide away when the hollows attacked. One day, the hollow numbers were much larger than they usually were, and they started to lay waste to everything in sight. They eventually made their way to Yu's family house, they destroyed most of the land, even destroying the house utterly. Luckily his family got out of the house before then, Shinigami then saved his family before the hollows could get to them.

After that day, Yu didn't want to hide anymore, he wanted to be strong like the Shinigami that saved his family. He told his family what he wanted to become and at first they didn't like the idea, but they gave him their approval. So he left to join the Academy, where he listened to everything they told him. He trained as long as he could in order to get stronger, he didn't want to be weak and unable to defend the ones he loved. So he would practice while everyone took breaks he didn't want to slack at all, he wanted to be able to protect his family and everyone else from the Hollows.

Years after years in the academy, Yu became better and better as he was one of the best at using kido. He eventually surpassed all in his class at using kido, he was said to be quite gifted at using Kido. he was also quite good at everything else, not disappointing anyone besides himself, as he felt it wasn't good enough. So even after he graduated from the academy, he still trained to the best of his abilities each day. It was also after he graduated that he meet Shinji, the squad one captain, who accepted Yu into his squad. It was this day that Yu considered Shinji a mentor, living up to his words every day.

A year would pass as Yu would became stronger under Shinji's tuterage, with Yu finding himself to be the lieutenant of the squad, Yu couldn't believe everything that would happen to him. Being one of the worst, to becoming one of the best shinigami's. It was hard to believe, yet after a few months would be one of the hardest days in his life. An arrancar attack on the soul society happened, and instead of their head captain, Yu's mentor saving them. He turned out to be on their side and left with them. It would be at this point that a new head captain someone called Juki would come around. Yet Yu himself wouldn't accept this, he needed to figure out the reasoning behind Shinji's actions, and until then, he wouldn't accept Juki's intrusion.

Hikari- strangely someone that went through nearly the same things he has, so while Yu considers him a close friend he wonders if they somehow aren't related.
Shinji- His mentor, Yu considers him a great friend as he trained Yu himself. So he cant label him evil or a traitor for reasons he does not know.
Ayashi- One of the only people who can make Yu nervous and flustered at the same time, truly the love of his life.
Ayame- You touch her, Yu punches you.... with a mountain....... of metal....... fifty thousand times.
Shiro- One of the more annoying people. Whenever he meets Shiro he just cant help himself but to taunt the man

Other: Yu wears a sleeveless uniform plus Haori, and has a pair of Purple guantlets on to improve his striking power. And BLEACH Kurisa? ABU TEN BILLION! -shoots self-


Zanpakuto name: Hakai no Okami

Type: Kido/ Melee

Zanpakuto Shikai Release command: Bear your fangs hounds of carnage, tear them asunder, Hakai no Okami

Spirit Appearance:


The male one in his beast form take the form of a Giant glowing yellow wolf, while the female takes the form of a smaller white and grey one.

Spirit Personality/Goals:
The male is more is not very serious about much and would rather solve things without much work, hence why when he tested Yu for bankai, it was mostly the female who fought Yu than him. While the female is more quirky and hyper, more than willing to solve things through physical means. Both of them however just want Yu to stay on his true path and keep growing better, they hate it when he begings trailing off the path they wish for him, and as for such his inner world suffers for it. When hes on it, it looks vibrant a truly gorgeous place, but when he trails off it. It looks like a place of death, with nothing to show any form of life.

Inner world:

Sealed appearance: A katana with a black and white hilt

Shikai appearance:
They are purple not red

Bankai appearance:

His clothing in bankai

Shikai skills: (Get ready for the wolf skill names!) With his true zanpakuto form, Yu can switch himself with any wolf that he summons
(Start off with no Shikai or 4 to 5 Shikai skills)

1. Wolf Assault- By sticking his zanpakuto into the ground, Yu can make Wolf shadows appears, which he can make explode upon command. He can create several wolfs, however the most he has ever been able to create was twelve. He can also make one giant wolf, which can withstand more damage and make a bigger explosion, but it is much slower than the smaller wolfs. (Last three post, cool down six)
2. Wolf protection- What this does is form a Wolf like Shell around the user to protect them fro kido like attacks. It can stand up to kido fairly well, but Physical moves tend to have an easier time shattering this. The user can use this to either bide himself time to prepare for a bigger move, or take a hit they feel they would have poor chances of enduring. (lasts 4 post(or until it shatters), Cooldown 12 post)
3. Wolf's roar- Similar to the Wolf assault, except instead of rushing at the enemies and exploding. They fire kido beams from their mouths, however it takes them quite a bit to recharge, before they can fire again. (Last three post, cool down seven.)
4. Rabid Punch- This skill more along the lines powers up Yu's striking power with his black and purple reiatsu. If it hits it gives off the feeling as though you were being bite by a Wolf (Post cool down three)

5. The Deadly Wolf- The user makes one single wolf, however, it moves out of sight right away, and begins to howl as it moves around hiding from the target, what the howling does is build up its explosive power, so however long it howls is how much stronger the explosive power it gives off is. (Last 6 post, Cooldown a day)
6. Wolf Annihilation- A combination of both Wolf's assault and Wolf's Roar, with the difference being that Yu can change what they explode into. It can be the normal explosion or he can change it so they explode into Kido beams which fire in the area towards the target but aren't accurate. He can also create double the wolves than he could in the other skills with the max number being twenty four, they however don't last as long, so the attack is made for a quick barrage. (Last 2 post, Cool down 8)
7. Wolf Mode- What Yu does with this move is he entirely covers himself in his Reiatsu and what this does is increase his Speed and Defense, pretty much increasing his durability. Yu also focus more along the lines with Hakuda while using this, as he finds the speed plus with the physical attacks to be very effective in terms of combat. However using this drains him of his energy more than his other attacks so he has to be careful when using it. ( Last 4 post, Cool down 10 post)
8. The Pack- Its quite simple, instead of twenty of his explosive wolfs or kido wolfs, he has over fifty of them. all brimming with powerful explosive power, they can also shoot kido, so when this technique comes along, simply ignoring the wolves will do you no good. (last five post, cooldown two days)

Bankai skills:
1. The Army- An upgraded version of the pack, with an upgraded everything. More numbers leading up to one hundred or fifty giant wolves, and the explosive power puts even the combined explosive power of his shikai skills to shame. The radius for the explosions are much larger being over ten meters, and if a wolf blows up another wolf, instead of that explosion cancelling out, it powers up the explosion itself making it much stronger. If they all explode at the same time, they have half the power of an atom bomb. (lasts five post cooldown a day)
2. Claw of the fighter- There are three variations to this attack, the first one takes the form of a Red wolfs head over his left fist, which upon hitting causes explosive damage upon impact, each strike with this variation has the force of twenty bombs in one, he can also use the explosive force as a defensive mechanism as well.

V2- In this one, the wolfs head has longer teeth and has a dark green head. Instead of destructive damage in variation one, this one bites into the target and steals a bit of their energy with each hit, replenishing the users own energy. While it does bite into the target, it leaves no marks, so it doesn't leave any damage but it can weaken the target.

V3- The wolfs head in variation three is a Purple color and its mouth is always open, this one does damage the target but not like variation one where it is more close quarters. Variation three fires off Kido Beams, with the destructive force of a bomb times twenty. This is more so used for range, when it calls for it. (Altogether it last six post, cool down ten post)
3. Wolf Soul- This move is a one shot use, he can do any of his shikai moves, bankai moves are not allowed, and he can amplify the power of that one move fifty fold, raising the power of it to immense limits, only thing is if he chose a wold skill, he could only make one of them, so he really has to be wise with which we decides to use.( Every shikai skill besides seven is instant use and cooldown is six. Shikai skill seven last three post but cooldown is eleven.)
4. Oblivion- An area of effect type skill, a statue of a wolf standing upon many skeletons pops out of the ground, what comes after is over five hundred wolves. They do not attack, they simply run as far away as possible and the farthest one is the outline for the area of the explosion, making a full circle with the statue in the middle. Pretty much the wolf that gets the farthest is what is used for how big the area is with the statue residing in the middle so the area is a full circle. The thing is, the explosion itself has the power of an atom bomb, yet when the smoke clears from the explosions, the other wolves are not gone, they instead turn into kido swords that trace any sign of life and attempt to eradicate them if they survived the explosion. This attack has no remorse for anyone besides its master, and will kill even allies. (Has to last four post, or you kill all the wolves, cool down a day.)
5.Wolf Nuke- This skill last quite a while, and can either be on of his weakest bankai moves or strongest. It first starts off as a tiny wolf, yet has the face of a deranged demon, that leaks smoke out of its mouth. Now even though it already has the power to blow up, it can become much stronger by simply devouring the earth or buildings around it. It is quite the fast eater, but it takes a lot for it to get powered up, and the more it eats the bigger it gets, and the bigger it gets the stronger it becomes. At full size it is capable of blowing up an entire district if it so chooses. However such an ability can even lay waste to its user so this move is a gamble itself. (last ten post, cooldown two days)

5. (Ultimate Skill)Alpha-Yu's strongest skill, combines all his Bankai moves into one devastating move, by channeling his energy and chanting the names of his bankai skills, then finishing it with the names of his zanpakuto spirits. A purple aura begins to radiate around him, while dark purple electricity seemingly surges around him, getting close to him is rather difficult in a way as the immense pressure that goes off around him is enough to slow anyone down. Now this attack can take two forms, the first being his blade itself changes from what it looks like now to a slightly different from with the dagger no longer attached and the blade is longer and wider, and is a dark purple, static electricity also flows around it, as it gives off an immense amount of devastating power. Being able to block a swing from this is an achievement in itself, living it is like a sign that you are not destined to die that day. The other attack, dissolves the blade itself creating two small dark purple and black orbs in both his hands. Power radiates tremendously from each orb as they have a static electricity flow from them. What could make these more devastating than the blade form, is the power that is behind each of the orbs. The equivalent to ten atom bombs, five for each orb. A hit from one of these is most likely a guaranteed kill, the downside is. the range of the explosion is quite short, only covering an area up to fifty meters at most. What Yu can do is use them u close by ramming them into the target, or throw them from afar. The speed at which they are thrown is twenty times as fast as a shunpo. However once Yu uses either form, he is left utterly exhausted and low on energy. So if he fails to take down his target, his life is essentially over.(Instant, losses bankai for four days)

Non-lethal Zanpakuto Skills:


Hōzan Kenbu

Hiryū Gekizoku Shinten Raihō
Tsuzuri Raiden
Gaki Rekko
Soren Sokatsui

Shitotsu Sansen
Sajō Sabaku
Standing Ovation
Hakudan Keppeki

Gatoringu Jidanda
Sandobaggu Bīto
Super Harisen Slipper
Panchira Torunēdo
Oni Dekopin
Furious Spear
Shunkō (Hakuda/Kido Hybrid)
Atsuryoku burō

Speed Clones

Points gained from missions: 208

Hell arrived(Juki) 8 points

Points spent and skills gained: Standing Ovation 7
Danku 7
Hakudan Keppeki 5
Tenteikura 5
Hako Okuri 5

Points remaining: 184

Fuki Morimoto
Fuki Morimoto

Age: 377

Gender: Female

Height: 5'9

Weight: 120 lbs (alll muscle dood)

Hair Colour: Black

Eye Colour: Brown

Birthday: August 1st

Clan/Family: Her family is alive and well, while her clan are nothing more than simple merchants or farmers.

Race: Soul

Profession: Shinigami

Rank: Unseated 8th

Spiritual Energy Colour: Yellow

Power Level: Idk unseated level XD?

Personality: She can be summed up in a few words. What the fuck. The way she acts and motivates herself would be bizarre to most. And she does the strangest of moves. So she weird to make it simple, but shes kind. Easily helping near on anyone that even wants to ask her in the first place.

History: Nu

Bitch new

You see dat mask. Good. and nupe fudge you kurisa.


Zanpakuto name: Hame-goro pūma

Type: Meele/earth

Zanpakuto Shikai Release command: Hell yeah, Hame-goro pūma!

Spirit Appearance:
Beast form looks like a komodo dragon, while the humanoid version is a adult male with a poncho of sorts on and long brown hair and brown eyes.

Spirit Personality/Goals:
Truthfully, it wants to know what this woman is hiding, cause it does not believe anybody would act like such a dumb ass. So he wants his user to be more truthful and open about things, then lock things up with a fake being and mask.

Inner world:
Its the middle of a desert with one pond Oasis to be found.

Sealed appearance: Has a small katana, and by small, i mean barely bigger than a dagger.

Shikai appearance: the sword vanishes, with brass knuckles that are brown and instead of spikes has game on her left hand and over on her right. (I WILL BE CORNY HOWEVER I WANT)

Bankai appearance:

Shikai skills:
(Start off with no Shikai or 4 to 5 Shikai skills)
1. Damn Dude: The user slams her right fist to the ground which coats her arm in the crusty earth, then burst towards the target and with one might swing, sends an earth uppercut to them, which would attempt to send them flying in the sky. (Instant and four cooldown)
2. Ko- Slamming her fist to the ground, both hands and weapons become covered in a rocky substance, in whi which the use tries to get close enough to deliver the two punch game over attack, note it doesn't mean instant ko. She just likes the sound of it. But being hit twice in the face by a rocky fist plus brass knuckles doesn't exactly feel great. (last three post, cool down five)
3. Down to the ground- she stamps her feet to the ground which causes the ground to sink in under both the user and target, however she is covered in a rocky substance and proceeds to grab onto the target with their head wrapped under her right arm, while she locks her legs around them, so they cant escape and then hurls them at high speeds to the ground, smashing the targets head face first into the ground.( Instant, cool down five)
4. Rocky knock out- This attack can be a surprise or it can just happen. She wraps her arm around the back of the targets neck with her back facing them, and then stomps her foot to create whatever object she chooses out of the earth itself, then proceeds to run and jump with her arm wrapped around the targets neck and slam them head first on whatever she made. (Instant, cool down 4)

Bankai skills:
6. (Ultimate Skill)

Non-lethal Zanpakuto Skills:


Zanjutsu: Doesn't practice it
Kido: Again does not practice it
Hakuda: Tessho
Hoho: Shunpo

Total points gained:
Total Points Spent:
Mission log:
Points spent and skills gained:

Kata Hora
Kata Hora

Age: 421

Gender: female

Height: 5'6

Weight: Nahhh

Hair Colour: Black

Eye Colour: Black

Birthday: February 3rd

Clan/Family: Her clan is a family of assassins, not as famous as most, which makes them think that they do a great job if no one know that they are even assassins.

Race: Soul

Profession: Shinigami, plus she takes assassination jobs her family gives her.

Rank: Unseated

Spiritual Energy Colour: Dark green

Power Level: Unseated

Personality: She a assassin bra, she the silent type

History: Like an assassin tells people their shit, get rekt m8


Other: She has dat mask


Zanpakuto name: Hinshi no hoshi

Type: Kido/ Light

Zanpakuto Shikai Release command: Fly, Hinshi no hoshi

Spirit Appearance:
To be fair its a eagle but a golden one, while the human version is a male with a cape of golden feathers and a black armor on, they have Blond hair with green eyes.

Spirit Personality/Goals:
I do tis later

Inner world:
A castle in the skies, only with shooting star over the building daily

Sealed appearance: In appearance

Shikai appearance:

Bankai appearance:

Shikai skills:
(Start off with no Shikai or 4 to 5 Shikai skills)
1. Blinding death- She holds up an arrow at the sun, which charges the arrow with light, which she fires at the target which explodes within damaging range, its purpose does not pierce, but damage the targets eyes badly, enough that they would either be blind, or have a hard time seeing things. (instant, but if it damages their eyes, it last 3 post, while cool down is six)
5.Golden rain- with her arrow charged by the sun, she fires it off into the sky and on its decent splits into multiple smaller golden arrows, which do pierce and explode, so if it doesn't pierce you it will explode in a blinding light. (instant and same effect as damaging your eyes, cool down eight)

Bankai skills:
6. (Ultimate Skill)

Non-lethal Zanpakuto Skills:


Zanjutsu: Hozuri
#1 Sai
#4 Hainawa
#8 Seki - Unseated
#9 Geki - Unseated
#9 Horin - Unseated
#11 Kyomon - Unseated
#12 Fushibi

#1 Sho
#4 Byakurai
#11 Tsuzuri Raiden
#31 Shakkaho
#32 Okasen
#33 Sokatsui
Hakuda: Tessho

Total points gained:
Total Points Spent:
Mission log:
Points spent and skills gained:

Ginko Otsuka
Ginko Otsuka

Age: 377

Gender: Female

Height: 5'8

Weight: I wouldnt ask doood

Hair Colour: Red

Eye Colour: Greeen

Birthday: October 31st

Yeah........ About that. They dont exactly live.

Race: Soul

Profession: Shinigami

Rank: unseated in 3rd squad

Spiritual Energy Colour: Midnight Purple

Power Level: unseated

Personality: (Would like to be done but can be done later) <--- Thanks man

History: (Would like to be done but can be done later) <----Too kind

Shizuka- her stabbin buddy

Other: Ughhhh Bleach


Zanpakuto name: Gūru jōgi

Type: Blood

Zanpakuto Shikai Release command: Drink and enjoy, Gūru jōgi

Spirit Appearance:
I'll do this later

Spirit Personality/Goals:
Blood, and it wants special blood too. its a sick twisted person, that wants nothing more than the blood of a thousand innocent people. Only then would it truly be happy. We are talkign about pure as the driven snow blood.

Inner world:
(This gives everyone else an idea of your inner world)

Sealed appearance: a katana that has a black blade

Shikai appearance: the one in her appearance, and yes the handle is a blade as well.

Bankai appearance:

Shikai skills: Her passive ability is the more she bleeds from using her shikai, the stronger she becomes, but she has to remember that she can't lose to much blood, or she'll die from blood loss.
(Start off with no Shikai or 4 to 5 Shikai skills)

Bankai skills:
6. (Ultimate Skill)

Non-lethal Zanpakuto Skills:


Zanjutsu: Hozuri
Kido: #1
Hakuda: tessho
Hoho: Shunpo

Total points gained: 6
Total Points Spent:
Mission log: Red haired male(Yu) 6 points
Points spent and skills gained:



Gender: :3

Height: 5'9

Weight: 129 lbs

Hair Colour: Black

Eye Colour: Brown

Birthday:November 13th

Clan/Family: Plot

Race: Soul

Profession: Plot

Rank: unseated 8th

Spiritual Energy Colour: Purple and white

Power Level: Plotttt + 3

Personality: TBR

History: TBR




Zanpakuto name: Mūdihōku

Type: Moods

Zanpakuto Shikai Release command: Emotions go crazy, Mūdihōku

Spirit Appearance:
A giant blue hawk that soars over a plain of flowers, while humanoid is a human male with short spiky blue hair and blue eyes.

Spirit Personality/Goals:
It has so many goals that its hard to keep track of.

Inner world:
(This gives everyone else an idea of your inner world)

Sealed appearance: Katana with a blue hilt

Shikai appearance: Sword in appearance. It is just as long as Ranmaru.

Bankai appearance:

Shikai skills:
(Start off with no Shikai or 4 to 5 Shikai skills)

Bankai skills:
6. (Ultimate Skill)

Non-lethal Zanpakuto Skills:



Total points gained:
Total Points Spent:
Mission log:
Points spent and skills gained:

Chie Oda(re-tired shinigami)
Chie Oda


Gender: Female

Height: 5'7


Hair Colour: Red

Eye Colour: Green

Birthday: October 31st

Oda clan which is all but dead, the clan has demon blood which gives them demon powers
Sieg is her older brother

Race: Soul/Demon

Profession: Ex-shinigami

Rank: ex lt of squad three

Spiritual Energy Colour: Gold

Power Level: High lieutenant

Personality: Some people when they see Chie, they think that she is a pretty and sweet girl, yet they then get shocked to find out she is hostile, angry, and rather violent at times. For the most part that pretty much sums up who Chie is. And she would agree to those statements one hundred percent. She does however have a weakness to cute things. She can't explain why, but whenever she sees something adorable, she becomes a lot nicer and gentle. She really hates that side of her, so she tries to avoid anything cute at all cost.

History: Chie grew up in a rather brutal district where robbery and violence was quite common in those parts she lived. She was quite the timid girl back then, afraid of going outside for the fact she might see one of these gang members that have been destroying the place and bullying shop owners to give them money for protection. She hated anything to do with violence so she did her best to avoid any confrontation with it. Yet one evening she was out with her pet dog taking a quick walk, when this gang member stopped her. Pretty much he tried to have his way with her, when her pet dog attacked the man and bite his arm. This only made the gang member angry and caused him to hit the dog with his sword. Upon seeing this sight, Chie lashed out in anger at the man, with her reiatsu rising she somehow knocked the man out, yet all the noise brought more gang members. Luckily for her though a Shinigami came along, and arrested all of the gang members, he strongly urged her to join the academy, feeling she would be a good addition to all the Shinigami. She considered this, but first she buried her pet that sacrificed himself. Then she went to join the Academy, with her wanting to get away from her district and get stronger at the same time.

Fumio- Ex boyfriend, not sure why he went full dick
Aya- Her weird sister, quite the silly one for reasons unknown
Sieg- Her brother who one day murdered here entire clan besides a few members.
Anges- A member of her clan who somehow avoided death by Sieg's hands



Zanpakuto name: Suu~ifutosunēku

Type: Fire/ Kido

Zanpakuto Shikai Release command: Strike them down, Suu~ifutosunēku!

Spirit Appearance:

Spirit Personality/Goals:

Inner world:

Sealed appearance: A regular katana with a red hilt

Shikai appearance:
Just thy sword

Bankai appearance:

Shikai skills:
(Start off with no Shikai or 4 to 5 Shikai skills)
1.Ignition- This one is simple, by channeling her Reiatsu into her sword, she can cause it to ignite on fire, this helps her use some of her other skills. She can also use to simply attack, which can leave the enemy with some burns if it hits. (Last four posts, cool down 7)
2. Inferno Stinger- When she has used Ignition, the user points their zanpakuto at the enemy and every time she trust it a medium sized fire Needle launches at the enemy, she can also make it separate into several tiny needles. of course the tiny ones do less damage than the medium sized one. (cool down post 4)
3. Hell's cutter- The user with the ignition enabled, starts to rapidly slash the air in front of her, causing arches of fire to go flying out towards the intended target. The accuracy isn't the best as she is slashing randomly. (cool down 3)
4. Charge Shot- This move doesn't require Ignition to work, as the user stabs the zanpakuto into the ground, with the five gems on the hilt facing towards the target. It takes a minute to charge up with her spiritual energy, but when she finishes charging it, the gems begin to fire off kido blast rapidly. The accuracy isn't very good, but it makes up for it with multiple shots. (Cool down 8)
5. Firin my lazer!- Its as it sound but with slight difference. She charges up her Spiritual Energy in the five gems on her Shikai's Hilt, and when its done charging, she fires it off yet the beam itself is quite large and looks fire like and thats because she added fire into the mix to not only increase damage but the attack itself has more accuracy than her Charge shot. but this attack takes much longer before it can be used again. (Cool down 20 post)
7)Fire Bomb- The user makes a copy of herself out of pure fire, and it will have the feeling of an actual person, yet while the defensive capabilities are next to non existent, it makes up for it, with speed much greater than its own user, and a little secret that once it comes into contact with the target, it explodes into a gigantic fireball, however the only real flaw is that it takes five seconds before exploding, so thats how much time the target has to get away. (Last two, cooldown six)
8)Annihilation Inferno- A combination of both Fire and Kido, the user draws a Circle in the air where the outline actually appears in fire, then the user charges a kido beam that is strong enough to shake the ground a bit, but the flaw is that it take a minute to charge and usually enemies move out of the way before then. However if they stay, she holds her blade up to the circle and then fires off the beam, thats when the fire combines with the Kido beam and swirls around the Kido beam itself, sending fire everywhere upon explosion.(Cool down 10 post)

Bankai skills:
6. (Ultimate Skill)

Non-lethal Zanpakuto Skills:


Hōzan Kenbu

Senjū Kōten Taihō
Ittō Kasō
Sōren Sōkatsui
Hiryū Gekizoku Shinten Raihō
Tsuzuri Raiden

Shitotsu Sansen

Furious Spear


Total points gained: 160
Total Points Spent:
Mission log:
Points spent and skills gained:

Aya oda(Lt of squad 8)
Aya Oda

Age: 188

Gender Female

Height: 5"5

Weight: 55 kg

Hair Colour: Black

Eye Colour: redish orange

Birthday: December 25th(Yayyy christmas)

Clan/Family: Same as Chie

Race: Soul/Demon

Profession: Shinigami

Rank: Lt of Squad 8

Spiritual Energy Colour: Red with yellow trim

Power level: High lieutenant, or low captain. I dont know.

Personality: She acts to say simply like a child, not seeming to care about problems in her life, unless they involve her sister, then she will most likely shrug it off.

History: Growing up in a district that was hardly ever protected by the Shinigami, was a eat or be eaten world, as Aya had to be strong due too all the gangs that went around bossing, destroying, and killing whatever, and whoever they pleased. Due to this, Aya felt as though she had to be a strong role model for Chie as their parents were one of the unlucky people. So she did her best and protected Chie, and even helped out other people being attacked by the gang members. She was surprisingly quite a monster when it came to fighting people, she could sometimes even scare people off by how she acted before she was going to attack, and her Spiritual energy made her all that more terrifying as it only got bigger and bigger, as she beat the gang members. However at one point she knew she'd have to get stronger to protect her sister, so she ended up telling Chie that she was going to the Academy, where she excelled in most of the courses they taught, blowing away even some of the most talented people from the noble clans. She ended up graduating earlier, but she wasn't thrilled about her current level at all, so she went and trained in private for a few years, managing to acquire Shikai along the way, which was quite a big blade, yet she wielded it with ease.
Upon making it back to the district where she grew up in, she found on of the people she grew up with, who told her of all the events that happened while she was away, yet hearing them only managed to bring out the destructive side within her, as she knew the gang that attacked Chie very well. She then spent the next year destroying the gang entirely. Leaving no trace o them anywhere in the district. Knowing her sister went to the academy however made her much more happy, and she went back, figuring it was time she found a squad to join, after all these years.

Chie- Her beloved sister, one of the only people that she would destroy a district just to find a lost doll for.
Fumio- Well he was cool in her books, even though of him as a big brother, but then he went and SOILED IT.
Souta- Even though his best friend is a dick, she still cares deeply for her cherry.
Kenji- First meet him, by trying to take his head off with a ball of metal. And strangely enough, ever since that day, they bond like children do pretty much. Except that one discovered porn first and the other pushes off the advances.
Lucy- Will be dead for life if she dont bring her son back safely
Sieg- An arse brother who went and wiped the clan out.

Other: Had a son called Hozumi.

Zanpakuto name: Shākukingu

Type: Liquid Metal/Lighting (The lighting is the only way for the liquid to harden, without it, it's just gray water pretty much)

Zanpakuto Shikai Release command: Shower the enemy with their blood, Shākukingu!

Spirit Appearance:

Inner world: It seems to be simply a never ending bridge over a vast ocean, with pillars sticking out of the water.

Spirit's goals: Simply enough, he wants to be the feared monster he claims he is, and despises it when Aya goofs off and acts like a child, he considers it a disgrace when she doesnt act like the type of monster he wants her to be, he also hates being left in one place. He fears that he will drown for some reason. So he wants Aya to be more serious and more of a monster that is worthy of the king of sharks.

Sealed appearance: In appearance

Shikai appearance: In Spirit appearance

Bankai appearance:

Bankai Look:

Shikai skills:
(Start off with no Shikai or 4 to 5 Shikai skills)
1. Pest Zapper- Like her sisters Ignition, but with the difference being her long blade becomes enveloped in electricity, also as the one that showed Chie how to do something rather similar, she has more experience and can use it longer. (Last 6 post, cool down 10)
2. After Effect- The user has gray liquid hat spins around the long blade of her shikai, which she then send flying at the target, where if it hits, soaks into the pores of the enemy, which then later, if the target is hit by any electric attack, causes the gray liquid thats insides the pores to harden, causing it to penetrate wherever the liquid soaked into. ( Last three post, cool down seven post)
3. Electric Shredder- With Pest Zapper activated, the user has Gray liquid form on the edge of the blade, with the electricity already hardening it, the user then swings the long blade right at the target, causing a long arch of gray liquid which then hardens into a long arc of metal that slams into the target with tremendous force. (cool down five post)
4. Whirlpool of Annihilation- The user with Pest Zapper activated, has to be in the air for it to work to it's fullest, she points the shikai above her and starts to spin it in a circle slowly at first with the gray liquid forming slowly, then picks up her speed, causing the electricity to harden the liquid further and further out, until a giant metal swirl is above her, she then send the entire thing flying right at the target. (Post cool down twelve)
6.Shark Attack- simply put, its like a special arc, as they take the form of a giant shark, but once it hardens, it seems to grow a mind of its own, and can sense out its prey which it then tries to attack. The downside to this, is that it will literally attack anything, so she has to be careful when she sues it near an ally(cool down five post)
7.Explosions!- As the name sounds its an explosion, but its a explosion of metal, the user forms up to eight torpedoes, that lock onto the target and fire off, of course if it comes into contact with anything it explodes, yet its not one of those fiery galore explosions, its shrapnel flying everywhere explosions, so its recommended you dodge very carefully. ( Last until she uses all torpedoes, cool down twelve post.)
Bankai skills:
6. (Ultimate Skill)
Non-lethal Zanpakuto Skills:




Sōren Sōkatsui
Hiryū Gekizoku Shinten Raihō
Tsuzuri Raiden

Shitotsu Sansen



Henry Tobias(deceased)
Henry Tobias

Age: 423

Gender: Male

Height: 6'2

Weight: 175 lbs

Hair Colour: Black

Eye Colour: Red

To be fair he doesn't know.

Also does not know.



Rank: former 6th seat

Spiritual Energy Colour: Gray, like his life

Power level :Muwhahaha

Personality: An energetic man, who seemingly seems to make anyone want to kill him after a few minutes with him being around. Usually it has to do with his constant pranks and jokes that he does to mostly everyone. Yet he when he isn't joking around he is quite the sincere person, always telling the truth even when he probably shouldn't. He also seemingly loves to fight, as he had the passion as a child, and he tends to provoke people into fighting him at times. However if this is all a facade that he puts up or not is debatable in itself.

Henry's early childhood is a mystery to those who wish to know, as he seemingly doesn't let anyone know about it, although for the most part he will say he grew up as a child with two Shinigami parents, with his mother being apart of Squad two, and his father apart of squad six. Yet other people could easily tell that Henry inherited a lot from his parents, as he got his father goofing off personality, yet also got his mothers love for combat. His parents decided to teach him at a young age how to fight, as they believed he would become a great Shinigami, and maybe even Captain. Of course his parents would argue about which squad he would join, which lead to them getting in a fight them self, which always amused Henry. The first real life threatening situation Henry was in, was a group of Hollow showing up near his family's house. they were drawn their due to both his parents Reiatsu, plus his own which was quite big for someone of his age. Surprisingly Henry held his own, with what his parents taught him, although his parents them self did kill all the hollows. After the situation was cleared up, his parents decided he was to go to the academy to further improve, and that is where he went.
It took him quite a long time to pass, and it wasn't due to his lack in skill, it was more along the lines that he would pull jokes on the instructor, and wouldn't pay attention. He payed more attention at home, because if he didn't his mother's wrath would come out, and that scared him shitless. yet he didn't fear the Instructor, so it took him much longer before he was ready to leave. When he did graduate he decided to show the Instructor that he would take everything seriously, and did so by defeating him without being hit once. Now he spent the past few weeks simply walking around considering which Squad to join. He even got his own rival along the way with his name being Shoske. Despite joining squad six, he was only there for one reason, and now its weighting on his mind to stay or not.

???- Someone he knew as a child that was taken away from him causing his hatred to grow and escalate over the years.
Sango: One of the only people he has meet that he hasnt hated. Unsure if it was the sheer fear of most things or cluelessness, he couldn't help but like her, even when she went back to her true self.
Everyone else: Despises them with every fiber of his being, he can't stand the shinigamis, and if it weren't for Sango, he wouldn't even be here.

(Can include unique clothing items and such)


Zanpakuto name: SosaMujihi

Type: Wind/ illusion

Zanpakuto Shikai Release command: Bring about their end,SōsaMujihi

Spirit Appearance:
(left sosa, right mujihi)

Spirit Personality/Goals:
They don't have any, they simply feel bad for Henry, his pain is theirs. In fact their inner world would be a lush beautiful place, but the coldness in his heart turned it into what it is. If they had a goal, it would be for Henry to find his happiness again.

Inner world:

Sealed appearance: In appearance, with one being smaller than the other.

Shikai appearance: Mujihi turn into a Templar sword with green decoration on it while the hilt is gray, Sosa however turns into a curved dagger, that simply has a green hilt

Bankai appearance:

Shikai skills:
(Start off with no Shikai or 4 to 5 Shikai skills)

1.Shrouded Wind-With Mujihi and Sosa, he sends out a wind arch at the target, yet by using Sosa he makes it seem like it's going much slower than it really is. So he might get a preemptive shot with this, so when he uses it next the enemy will most likely be confused, or if they are quite smart, will see through the trick and doge it. (Cool down 3)
2. Fake out- Using only Sosa, the user makes the enemy think that Henry is in front of the target, when really he isn't even near them which might cause the enemy to slash at the air, which gives Henry the chance to strike, or run if he so chooses it. It's like a distraction skill in case he is feeling overwhelmed by the target. (cool down 4)
3. Ravage Winds- This one is more of an offensive move, as Henry spins around and around causing winds to pick up and form around him at high speeds. He then moves towards the target. As this is rather dangerous, In more detail, it's like he forms a mini tornado around him. So those getting too close would end up getting cut on their body and some attacks with their zanpakuto like simple slashes might get deflected. A strong enough force can cause him to stop however. Downside is during this he could lead himself in to traps as it's rather hard to stop himself without cancelling it altogether. He never uses it against Allies. (cool down 4)
4. Mind games- This skill is what he uses to get his target to lower their guard, as Sosa makes the enemy think, that the user is falling to their knee in pain, when in reality the User is fine and waiting to see if the target lowers their guard, so he can strike. He uses this to see if the enemy would be stupid enough to lower their guard in any situation. (cool down 5)
6.True Terror- Sosa is able to tap into the users mind and bring about their worst fear, making the target thinking that their fear is right in front of them, and truly if they were hit by this fake image, they would truly think they were hurt, but thats cause they are causing the damage themself, as they are doing every action outside their mind, however, Henry has to keep to keep Sosa ability up and can't move or else he breaks the spell, so this move effectively makes Henry stay at a standstill until he either quits or the target beats the fake image. And half the time, the illusion could be pointless depending on what they fear, cause milk sure ain't going to hurt you. (Last until completion or Henry cancels it, cooldown ten post)
8.Like I care- Henry begins spinning at a immense rate causing wind to swirl around him in the form of a hurricane, however, what he does with Sosa is shroud it to look like nothing, but him spinning, yet they will certainly feel the powerful winds trying to suck them up and tear them apart, this technique however is very dangerous as it destroys anything remotely close to him, effectively shredding it to pieces, he says he will never use it on allies.(last four post, cool down twelve post)

Bankai skills:

6. (Ultimate Skill)

Non-lethal Zanpakuto Skills:


Hōzan Kenbu


Tsuzuri Raiden
Gaki Rekko
Soren Sokatsui

Shitotsu Sansen
Tanma Otoshi



Total points gained: (This never goes down, just keep adding points you earn to it)
Mission log:
Points spent and skills gained:

Sui Sanda
Sui Sanda

Age: 356

Gender: Female

Height: 5'9

Weight: Supa light

Hair Colour: Dark blue

Eye Colour: Dark blue

Birthday: September 11th

Clan/Family: Sanda clan which consists of: Nene her sister, Takara her cousin and Touzo her clan leader, and other members.

Race: Soul

Profession: Shinigami

Rank: 4th seat in squad nine

Spiritual Energy Colour: Green and blue

Power Level: High level seated, or low lieutenant

Personality: She has shown to be incredibly smart, such as the events with the multiplying Arrancars. Enabling the squad eleven members to kill them fully and so they didn't split into two more of them. She is also rather lazy at times, and would rather not move, or would rather finish something in as little as possible.

History: TBR

Nene: Well they are siblings, although they don't talk much.
Takara: A clan member who tried to kill her but failed in the process, and lost an arm to Sui.
Nishiki: Well.... lets just say they bonded in different sort of ways.
Hikari: Was the victim of different sort of ways.
Takeshi: So was he



Zanpakuto name: Hareyakana bara

Type: Unknown

Zanpakuto Shikai Release command: Show them your beauty and elegance, Hareyakana bara

Spirit Appearance:

Spirit Personality/Goals:

Inner world:

Sealed appearance: A katana with a green and blue hilt

Shikai appearance:

Bankai appearance:

Shikai skills:
(Start off with no Shikai or 4 to 5 Shikai skills)
1. Zen mode- Sui goes into a meditation stance, where she herself starts floating, and by decreasing her physical strength her reflexs and speed go up instead, she can stay in this mode for how ever long she concentrates, but if she does leave it she cant go back into for quite a while (Cool down nine post)
2. Rage mode- In this mode, Sui goes into a more aggressive way of combat, as she can move her Shikai's much faster, and they have more force to back them up, this mode however does exhaust her much faster however. (Last four post, cool down nine)
3. Quick Barrage- By getting rid of one of her swords, she can transform that sword into another version of her, where both of them have three swords. However the clone is much slower with the Shikai and doesn't have as much force with them either. (Last three post, cool down seven
4. Speed mode- In this state, the blades seem to move at faster rate, but the purpose is for the blades to surround the target rather the user, once they do they start firing off beams at every angle at the target as they move around them, giving them hardly any time to attack Sui.(last three post, cool down six)
6.Watch your feet- The users seemingly sends her swords into the ground, where they disappear, but then multiple blades of her spiritual energy color rise out of the ground under the target effectively cutting or killing if they are hit.(cooldown five post)
8.Super Nova- By charging all four swords, they all leak out a tremendous amount of power, that at any point could fire off a deadly beam, however once they fire off they go into a rest state where instead of floating around Sui they drop to the ground.(Last until all are used, cooldown eight post)

Bankai skills:
6. (Ultimate Skill)

Non-lethal Zanpakuto Skills:


- Zanjutsu -



- Kido -


Tsuzuri Raiden
Gaki Rekko
Soren Sokatsui


Shitotsu Sansen
Sajo Sabaku
El Escudo
Hako Okuri
Hakudan Keppeki

- Hakuda -


- Hoho -


Total points gained: 60
Total Points Spent:
Mission log:
Points spent and skills gained:

Seki Ren
Seki Ren

Age: 376


Height: 5'11

Weight: 134lbs

Hair Colour: Black

Eye Colour: Red

Birthday: July 4th

Clan/Family: Her family is a rather touchy subject after the death of her brother.

Race: Soul

Profession: Shinigami

Rank: 3rd seat

Spiritual Energy Colour: Teal

Power Level: High seated

Has quite the serious look most of the time, which many define her as being stuck up, or stubborn maybe even she doesn't give a flying fuck about anything. Despite that, she is friendly to those that deserve it, otherwise if she feels you don't deserve her kindness, then she will be what people usually think she is, a bitch. However she is the opposite of her brother when fighting, as she rather enjoy it to its fullest, dragging it on if need be. If they are stronger than her, then the better, if they are weaker, then she cant help but toy with them.

When she isn't running around she is much more relaxed, or so she says, and while she may not agree with what she is told, she doesn't really argue, as her brother pretty much does it for her. For the most part, she simply agrees with her brother and lets him do the talking, as she rather just fight. She does have perfect respect for her brother and would gladly agree with her brother on just about anything, well maybe besides fighting.

History: Seki growing up in a poor district, with her Mother, Father, and brother who was three years older than her. For what she could know was her father was quite ill, so taking care of all three of them was left to her ex-shinigami mother's care. As she got older it was clear that they had to learn how to survive, which led to Seki being taught lessons by her mother in the ways of zanjutsu, Seki would remember each day that her mother drilled lessons into her head and whacked them into her body, while her brother was learning from the father about being a man. Each day whenever her mother was teaching her, she would always say that even though you may feel stronger than the thugs outside, that someone out there is far stronger, and you should always make it your goal to surpass them. Her mom then got in contact with one of her shinigami friends to teach her brother about Hakuda after seeing some of his fights with the thugs around. As the years went by the lessons that Seki were being taught started to grow shorter and shorter, until Seki had learned all she really could about Zanjutsu from her mother. So teaching both her and her brother one more thing, she taught them how to do shunpo, which made dealing with the thugs way too easy, it was easy before but now they hardly gave any sort of challenge. Seki couldn't hardly take the fights seriously, as she was already stronger than the thugs. While her brother was more serious than she was, she could never truly take a fight with a petty thug seriously, and could only think about what her mother had said about surpassing those stronger than her in the world. As the years passed by their father started to get better, and their mother had more free time. Before the two could hardly do anything to thugs their mother had already knocked them out, due to that they were put into the academy to get stronger together.

Gai(deceased): Her brother, who she grew up with, and he went to the academy with, they always worked betetr together even if they werent in the same squad, so when she found out he died, of course she wanted revenge.
Shiro: Her captain, a reckless one, but a captain she admires
Nishiki: A whore, a really annoying whore.



Zanpakuto name: Hakai no akuma no joō

Type: Melee

Zanpakuto Shikai Release command: "Live to fight, Hakai no akuma no joō."

Spirit Appearance:

Spirit Personality/Goals:
It made it clear that its purpose is war, and it wants to enjoy several enjoyable wars. Not no race war, nohate wars, and certainly no cold wars. A war that it can truly enjoy.

Inner world:
A destroyed battlefield littered with broken weapons, seems like a barren wasteland with no grass or trees, or even buildings.

Sealed appearance: Appearance

Shikai appearance:

Bankai appearance:

Shikai skills:
(Start off with no Shikai or 4 to 5 Shikai skills)
1. Demons Earthquake: Seki channels her spiritual energy into her Sword and to her arms to increase her power by fifty percent This boost is only temporarily and last only for a few seconds, in which she uses it by slamming her sword into the ground causing the ground to split towards the target sending pieces of the ground high up into the air, which with her boosted power can whack them with her arm and send flying at the target as well. (Cool down 6)
4. Swing from Battle- To be honest, its a simple swing with her blade, all she does is charge up power into her arms and then swings with all her might, however the swing itself is dangerous as its powerful enough to take out chunks of the earth and her surroundings and send everything flying at the target.( Cooldown five post)
6. Koma- Channeling her Spiritual Energy, Seki is able to summon and harness her power with her Zanpakutos demon pet Koma, combining both her power and Komas, they both have a purple outline and look like they have a purple little shine to them with a black like mist also surrounding them. While in this state her power is doubled and her instincts become more savage like Koma's This state last a while, yet it can be broken quicker by killing either Koma or well her. (Last 4 post, cool down 9)

7.Parade of death- Similar to her ability Koma, she summons a giant pack of all sorts of demonic looking animals, with Koma leading all of them, and much with Koma, she shares her power with every single one of them, which effectively gives her a big boost in power speed and defense. She then sends all the demon animals to obliterate the target. (Last three post, cool down nine)
8.Borrow- This one is simple but deadly to both the target and her as well. Seki borrows power from her own Zanpakuto spirit which goes into her body and greatly gives her a boost to just about everything greatly, the big downside is, it also slowly hurts the user as she can't control the power so it s like tearing her apart from the inside to just be able to use this skill.(Last five post, cool down a day)

Bankai skills:
6. (Ultimate Skill)

Non-lethal Zanpakuto Skills:

- Zanjutsu -

Hōzan Kenbu

She doesn't let anyone know that she has the ability to do it, and quite well at that.

- Hakuda -
Super Harisen Slipper
Panchira Torunēdo
Gatoringu Jidanda

- Hoho -


Total points gained: 60
Total Points Spent:
Mission log:
Points spent and skills gained:

Takara Asuhara
Takara Asuhara

Age: 354

Gender: female

Height: 5'6

Weight: 125 lbs

Hair Colour: Light green

Eye Colour: Pink

Birthday: February 3rd

Clan/Family: Same as Sui's

Race: Soul

Profession: Shinigami

Rank: Rogue

Spiritual Energy Colour: Pink with Green outline

Power Level: High seated(was former 4th seat)

Personality: Has quite the silly personality, making jokes and puns at those that would usually punch someone for annoying them. Yet she also tries to make others feel good about themselves even if it might possibly bring them down. She hides the fact that she wishes to destroy her clan so the clan tradition will cease to exist.

History: TBR

Sui: Well she tried to kill her, and failed. Proof of this is a missing arm.
Deuce: Well he got her blood, so shes sure hes a nice guy. Just wont tell her where he got the blood.
Leon: A man that knows when a nap is needed.
Rose: Female frienddddddd
Kenta: The prince charming that savored her when she got her arm blown off, and almost drowned. And due to this she now teases him daily.

Other: Shits and giggles
(Oh and she smokes.)


Zanpakuto name: Kurimuzon kōu

Type: Fire/ Water

Zanpakuto Shikai Release command: Drown in Hell, Kurimuzon kōu

Spirit Appearance:

Spirit Personality/Goals:
Hard to tell when she only critics Takara on the things she does that children would do.

Inner world:
(This gives everyone else an idea of your inner world)

Sealed appearance: A katana with a light green handle

Shikai appearance:

Bankai appearance:

Shikai skills:
(Start off with no Shikai or 4 to 5 Shikai skills)
1. Slice em up- When swinging her two Shikai's, her left one sends out arcs of water, and her right sends out arcs of fire. Since her shikai size is rather small she can send out multiple arcs at a time, and if the fire arcs hit the water arcs, it turns the water arcs in boiling water arcs. (cool down 4 post)(Total arcs she can make:6)
2. Swirling Circle- instead of making arcs that attack, she makes arcs that swirl around her, and defend her from incoming attacks, they can only block one attack so its like a quick shield. (Post 3, Cool down 6)(One Arc)
3.Flash Flood- Its a quick strike move where the user points both her blades at the target, and the blades then unleash a water torrent so hot that it can melt away your skin. (Cooldown four post)
4.Bone Cutter- Another simple one, the blade heats up to a intense heat, that is capable of cutting through nearly everything, besides other zanpakutos of course, or someone with great defense, if thats the case. It will simply burn them. (Last two post, cool down four)
6. Flaming Geyser- Where ever Takara, pokes her Shikai is where she activates a Geyser that erupts from the ground, however the geyser is fire water, and while they can dodge it the raining down fire that comes from the geyser. (She can only make four geysers, and they only vanish when they are activated, Cool down 24)
8. Drown all of you- Now this skill is more of a last resort since it is rather large, Takara is able to summon a Tsunami composed of fire that rain down and burns everything to a crisp. She wont ever use this if she know her allies are somewhere within its range, and would risk death than to use this technique and risk killing any allies. This also has the possibility of killing her and if not badly injuring her, as though its her skill, its heat is immensely hot, plus with the power of it, she has to risk the possibility of her own life if she uses it. (Cooldown 3 days.)

Bankai skills:
6. (Ultimate Skill)

Non-lethal Zanpakuto Skills:


- Zanjutsu -



- Kido -


Tsuzuri Raiden


Shitotsu Sansen

- Hakuda -


- Hoho -


Fuma(lieutenant of squad four)
Name: Fuma

(Just less anger and more dead inside)

Age: 374

Height: 5'8

Weight: 129

Birthday: January 4th

Hair Colour: Silver

Eye Colour: Ocean blue

Race: Shinigami

Rank: Lieutenant of squad four

Power level: High lieutenant or low captain

Spiritual Energy Colour: Black with a red outline

Personality: One could say, Fuma looks rather heartless or looks like a cold person, but really he just doesn't for the most part have any emotions, and when he does show a slight emotion its not for very long. One of the only emotions he has ever shown was shock. Despite this, he loves to heal people, while his way of doing it may seems forceful, they do work quite amazingly. He also seemingly tries his best to make sure everyone tries to recover as quickly as possible and he will constantly remind those moving around to stay still and rest.

History: Will roleplay it out

Oh just about everyone fears him and his bandages.
Lotte: His captain who almost kicked him out due to his methods, then heard his story and decided against it.
Viole: His dead ex captain, was more of a powerhouse than a healer but hey, Fuma could respect him

Other: I'm your whitemage, and no one fucks with the whitemage! -blows up seconds later-


Zanpakuto name: Yuruginai namakemono

Type: Kido/Support

Zanpakuto Shikai Release command: Please heal, Yuruginai namakemono

Spirit Appearance: Imagine a Giant sloth resting against a tree

Goals: It.... it takes too long to say what it wants.

Inner world: A field of bright healthy grass with a Single giant tree in the middle

Sealed appearance: A simple Katana

Shikai appearance: Appearance, so his spiritual energy plus the red bandages that never seem to break or end.

Bankai appearance:

Shikai skills:
(Start off with no Shikai or 4 to 5 Shikai skills)
5. Reiatsu refill- While it heals faster this way, it also drains him quicker too, as he gives his Reiatsu in order to make the Target recover much quicker, so this would pretty much be used to heal a strong ally in the middle of a battle. (Goes until completely healed, or until he runs out of Reiatsu.)
7. Please go down- The user takes a combat stance with his Reiatsu covering his arms giving them a bit of a power boost, which is all it pretty much does, and considering this is mainly for self defense, its could be considered strong. (Last 3 post, cooldown 7)
8. Please stay still- The user puts straps of his own Reiatsu over the target, and they emit powerful healing properties into the target, but it only woks if they stay still, it also forces them to stay in one spot, and if they struggle it gets tighter around them until they stay still. (Stops when the healing is done, or if he breaks it himself.)

Bankai skills:
6. (Ultimate Skill)

Non-lethal Zanpakuto Skills:


- Kido -


Tsuzuri Raiden


Shitotsu Sansen
Tanma Otoshi
Sajo Sabaku
El Escudo
Hako Okuri

Ten haaku
Heiwana nemuri

- Hakuda -


- Hoho -


Total Points: 190
Skills bought:#20 Hakufuku
#22 Inemuri
#27 Tanma Otoshi
#28 Shibireyubi
58 Kakushitsuijaku
#61 Rikujokoro
#62 Hyapporankan
#63 Sajo Sabaku
#65 El Escudo
#73 Tozansho
#75 Gochutekkan
#76 Hako Okuri
#77 Tenteikura
Points spent: 60

Neil Arekurrukaze
Neil Arekurrukaze

Age: 390

Height: 6'6

Weight: 195

Hair Colour: Brown

Eye Colour: Dark green

Birthday: April 1st


5th seat in squad six

Spiritual Energy Colour: Explosive Red (Pretty much it just shoots out)

Powerlevel: I'd say high seated or medium seated

Man is loud and eccentric he will shout justice speak justice and do justice. He lives his whole life by justice and wasn't nothing more than justice. He will recruit justice and will lead for justice, he will fight for justice and will die for justice. HE LIKES JUSTICE OKAY


Rio: His first tutor, who he bought a box of eyepatches for, after he blew hers away
Kaizo: A man who nearly killed him cause he thought he assualted his girlfriend.
Fuma: A man who despises him for moving to much and involving others in dangerous situations
Kurisa(deceased): A true man of justice, Neil will miss him
Kurisu: the son of Kurisa, he just hopes this man is a justice lover



Zanpakuto name: Kami haidora

Type: Wind/ Melee

Zanpakuto Shikai Release command: Crush them to dust, Kami haidora!

Spirit Appearance: Its a giant black and red Hydra

Inner world: A huge canyon and in the middle of it is nothing but water and the Hydra

Goals: It wants the opposite of justice, but well Neil really doesn't listen too much, yet that's why his zanpakuto likes him so. he lives by his own ways

Sealed appearance: A simple Katana with a hilt half black and red

Shikai appearance: In appearance

Bankai appearance:

Shikai skills:

1. Torrent shot- By opening up showing the fan part the User swings the giant fan down sending what looks like a gust of air at the target, but really its several wind strikes, that pound into the target(cooldown 3 post)
5. God slash- With the weapon closed, the user hold the weapon behind his back, then brings it above his head and downwards with incredible force. This sends out a humongous wind arc, that even if the enemy block can still crush them with its power, truly it takes a truly strong person to be able to withstand this and not be moved or hurt
8. You will die- The user with the fan open starts swing it like crazy all around him with begins to create a tornado around him, but then it starts to cover around Neil until it becomes incredibly dangerous armor to those that try to attack him, as the wind pressure around him is immense, and it can easily cut through people by just running through them. Sending out wind arcs is quite easily to do, all he has to do his throw a punch and he can send out a powerful wind arc. There is a way to fight him up close, it just takes effort of its own to stand near him during this. ( Last five post, cooldown a day)

Bankai skills:
6. (Ultimate Skill)

Non-lethal Zanpakuto Skills:


- Zanjutsu -



- Kido -



- Hakuda -


- Hoho -


Points gained from missions:
Mission log:
Points spent and skills gained:

Ryozo Saigo

Age: 392

Birthday: October 15th

Height: 5'11

Weight: Unknown

Hair Colour: Black with red ends

Eye Colour: Blue

Race: Shinigami

Rank: 11th in squad thirteen

Spiritual Energy Colour: Black and Gold

Powerlevel: Low seated

Personality: Overall he is a kind person, he cares about people like anyone would, if they treat him with kindness he would do the same to them. As long as they aren't mean people, then he has no reason to hate anyone. He may look like a depressing individual but truthfully that is not the case, even going to so far to risk his own life for someone elses. he was raised to be a true warrior and man of the people and thats what he believes in.

However when it comes to battle he seemingly throws any hesitation to the wind, not fearing death in the slightest, cause with battle comes the possibility of death, so instead of cowering before it, Ryozo rather look death in the eye and embrace it like a true warrior would. That way he has no hesitation when it comes to battle, no fear of what may come.

History: Will be roleplayed if I can.




Zanpakuto name: Raionkuraingu

Type: Dark/Light

Zanpakuto Shikai Release command: (optional) Such Bliss, Raionkuraingu

Spirit Appearance: (optional) There's actually two, yet one is a shadow and one is bright light.

Inner world: (optional) A giant cross seemingly hanging in the void, yet has two Giant red dots staring down at the cross.

Sealed appearance: Look at appearance

Shikai appearance: One is a pure black Coffin with white trim, it also has rigged blades on its sides, the other is a white Coffin that has a flat blade along the side. They both have a handle on the top so he can swing them that way, they are also pretty light despite what they seem

Bankai appearance:

Shikai skills:
(Start off with no Shikai or 4 to 5 Shikai skills)
1. Hell's touch- Knocking twice on the top of the Black coffin then opening the door, makes multiple black spear like projectiles fly out at the target at an immense rate. And at the end fires off one black ball, that bounces towards the target before exploding (cool down five post)
2. Heaven's touch- By rubbing the White coffin, instead of opening it, it begins to play a melody that soothes and heals minor injuries to those of the users picking, it however will not heal the user at all. (cool down seven post)
5. Hands that kill- By tapping the top of the black coffin once, it will allow a special move to happen, that upon opening the door, one would see its pure black inside, yet what comes out is multiple Black arms that reach out for the target, and attempt to drag them to their death. Of course one way to avoid this is to simply get ten meters away from the hands or simply prove your will to live by continuously smashing the hands as well. (Last three post, cool down eight)
6. Ray of Love- by letting go of the black Coffin the user opens the white coffin, and the inside then emits a bright ray, that heals whoever the user wants fully, however it cannot heal the user at all, more so that it won't It only will heal allies. After that the inside of the Coffin looks plain and normal. (Cooldown one day)
7) Those That Embraced- By letting go of the whit coffin, the user opens up the Black Coffin, when then starts groaning, followed by an incredible amount of corpses that start running out of the coffin and towards the target, while the corpses that come out may number over a hundred, they are still corpses, so they hold no real value, but struggling to survive against the bodies that have fallen, is the truly hard part. (last five post(Or until all corpses are killed), cooldown a day)

Bankai skills:
6. (Ultimate Skill)

Non-lethal Zanpakuto Skills:


- Hōzuri


- Hadō #1. Shō
- Hadō #4. Byakurai
- Hadō #12. Fushibi
- Hadō #11. Tsuzuri Raiden
- Hadō #31 Shakkaho

- Bakudō # 1. Sai
- Bakudō #4. Hainawa
- Bakudō #8. Seki
- Bakudō #9. Geki
- Bakudō #9. Hōrin

- Tesshō

- Shunpo

Points gained from missions:
Mission log:
Points spent and skills gained:

Nene Sanda
Nene Sanda

Age: 390

Birthday: Play a game and she will tell you

Height: 5'8

Weight: Play a game with her and she will tell you.

Hair Colour: Pink with some red mixed in

Eye Colour: Silver

Race: Shinigami

Clan/Family: Same as Sui's

Rank: 4th seat in squad twelve

Spiritual Energy Colour: Pink and Silver

Power level: High seated(Then again its squad twelve, these fuckers could be unseated and dangerous as shit)

Personality: As one would label as member from squad twelve as odd or sketchy, she certainly falls in line with such remarks. Considering everything a game or a challenge in which she can win, even when it comes to science. As she will try her hardest to win at whatever she chooses, even once seeing if she could tame a Hollow with her games, yet it grew so aggravated that it killed itself to be free from her game. Yet despite this she continues this little experiment, despite so far all the Hollows killing themselves.

So far the only person to beat her at any game has been Zero, but he was a captain so its to be expected, yet she keeps trying anyway, as its fun to see how he will react to the idea of a certain game. She hardly ever seems serious, and even considers battles to be just one big game, which she can win. However she does take her work as a 12 squad member seriously.

History: TBR

Sui: Is her sister plain an simple
Zero: her former captain, would most likely win at games now
Kagiko: Her new captain, is still attempting to one up him. So far failing.



Zanpakuto name: Fenikkusu warau

Type: Game

Zanpakuto Shikai Release command: Play along, Fenikkusu warau

Spirit Appearance: A child dressed in a Phoenix costume

Goals: It wants to outwit and beat those that would seem much smarter than the wielder even with an advantage. Doesn't matter how he wins, as long as he wins he will brag for years.

Inner world: A Giant Chess board that circles a sun, although the sun isn't as hot as one would think, although it most certainly is bright.

Sealed appearance: A Katana with a purple blade instead of the hilt being a certian color

Shikai appearance:

Bankai appearance:

Shikai skills: Her type allows her to make certain games up, where they both have a challenge, and whoever completes it first gets a reward while the other gets a penalty. She states the reward and penalty at the start however, so no risk of her changing it in case she does end up losing.
1. Easy Mode- Much to its name, this game mode, features a challenge, but the risk is gentle, if anything its only something that will annoy you at most. The reward is also more pathetic as well, but its still worth winning in most cases. Of course she states what the game is and reward and penalty will be at the start. (Last until challenge is complete, cool down 10 post)
4. Normal Mode- again its what it sounds like, just a bump up from easy mode, where the rewards are better, but risk are more sever, nothing that kills you, but it can be such things as not being able to use your right eye or left arm for the remainder of the fight. So one might want to win unless they are feeling very cocky. (Last until challenge is complete, cool down 15 post)
7. DLC- This one is a Give and gain type of ability, she states what she wants, and then her zanpakuto gives her what it will cost for it to work. This can vary from many thing, and she is allowed to deny it if its too costly. For example, she could ask for a super power boost plus greatly modified speed, and the cost could vary from her having to dislocate one arm, or gouge out an eyeball.(Depends on what she gets, and if used I will ask one of the gms, cool down 8 post)
8. Hard Mode- much like Normal mode, but this one is where it becomes much more risky, could be that you feel searing pain everywhere, or that a certain bone breaks, it of course can't be used on anything that will cause instant death however. The rewards for this one are great, so one should aim to win at all cost (Last until challenge is over, cool down one day)

Bankai skills:
6. (Ultimate Skill)

Non-lethal Zanpakuto Skills:





#1 Sai

#4 Hainawa

#8 Seki

#9 Geki

#9 Horin

#11 Kyomon

#12 Fushibi


#1 Sho

#4 Byakurai

#11 Tsuzuri Raiden

#31 Shakkaho

#32 Okasen

#33 Sokatsui


Super Harisen Slipper


Points gained from missions: 60
Mission log:
Points spent and skills gained:

Mok(Temp squad five captain)
Mok Tenrai

Age: Unknown

Height: 5'7

Weight: unknown

Hair Colour: Purple

Eye Colour: Gray

Race: Shinigami

Rank: Captain of 5th squad

Spiritual Energy Colour: Wavy Gray

Powerlevel: Unknown but strong due to being a captain

Personality: You'll see

History: (Temp cap, not important)

Shin: A squad member who knows that you listen once, or gets shot by blunt bullets.
Gio: A man who has not learned this yet.



Zanpakuto name: Bakuhatsu usagi

Type: Kido/illusion

Zanpakuto Shikai Release command: Obliterate, Bakuhatsu usagi

Spirit Appearance:

Inner world:

Sealed appearance: Katana in appearance

Shikai appearance: The marking on his forehead is a sign the shikai is activated, plus a sniper rifle is what so far has been seen as a weapon.

Bankai appearance: Yet to be revealed

Shikai skills:
(I'll rp them out, nothing op as temp cap)

Bankai skills:
6. (Ultimate Skill)

Non-lethal Zanpakuto Skills:


Zanjutsu: Decent in Zanjutsu knowing up to lieutenant levels
Kido: An absolute master in in
Hakuda: Somewhat lacking in it, going as far as seated levels
Hoho: Has quite impressive speed

Points gained from missions:
Mission log:
Points spent and skills gained:

Hyperion Nowa
Hyperion Nowa

Age: 398

Birthday: August 16th

Height: 6'2

Weight: 157

Hair Colour: Red+Black (he does wear the yin yang pendant in his hair though.

Eye Colour: Stormy Sea Blue

Race: Shinigami

Rank: 4th seat in squad ten

Powerlevel: High seated

Spiritual Energy Colour: Yellow and black


History: TBR

Hikari: Man who also gave him a nickname..... also random at times
Haruka: Nice but weird at the same time
Keina: Somehow manages to take his credit when she pushes him to the dangerous situations.
So all in all he has anger management classes every friday.



Zanpakuto name: Avalon Angelika

Type: Lighting/ Meele

Zanpakuto Shikai Release command: Let them embrace your pain Avalon, shower them with despair Angelika, let them embrace their end.

Spirit Appearance:

Inner world: Looks much like Hueco Muendo despite a few building that stand up.

Sealed appearance: The sword and gauntlets he has

Shikai appearance: The sword disappears and Hype´s gauntlets grow in size. The little lightning points get into the triangle shape emitting much more energy than before. The defensive plates grow thicker but still are light in weight. As he is a close combat type he doesn't need a sword to his usage.

Bankai appearance:

Shikai skills:
1. Thunder- Its seriously what it sounds like, the man calls down thunder from the sky right towards the target, that simple. However the more he shouts it the stronger it is. (cooldown 3 post)
4. Flash- in this state, Hyperion's punches are ungodly fast, enough that he could punch a wall fifty times over, while all you may see is one. Of course the sign to this is the fact that electricity surges around Hypes arms(Last 2 post, cool down 5)
7. Thunder Tko- In this state Electricity surges all around Hyperion, and his spiritual energy goes through the roof as well, when all this happens, Hypes attacks become as strong as fifty thunder bolts combined, but his actions tend to be more violent in this state, as his body is releasing all the negative energy he had built up. So an Ally should be careful around him in this state. (last four post, cool down ten)


Bankai skills:
6. (Ultimate Skill)

Non-lethal Zanpakuto Skills:





#1 Sai

#4 Hainawa

#8 Seki

#9 Geki

#9 Horin

#11 Kyomon

#12 Fushibi


#1 Sho

#4 Byakurai

#11 Tsuzuri Raiden

#31 Shakkaho

#32 Okasen

#33 Sokatsui


Super Harisen Slipper


Points gained from missions: 60
Mission log:
Points spent and skills gained:

???(Aka Blue)
Name: ??? He really doesn't give it out, and if its needed he just tells people to call him Blue


Age: Unknown

Birthday: Unknown

Height: 6'2

Weight: 155

Hair Colour: Dark blue

Eye Colour: Light blue

Race: Shinigami

Rank: Unseated in squad 7

Powerlevel: Unknown

Spiritual Energy Colour: White and a light blue outline

Personality: Has quite the cold expression to most situations not showing much care for those, even will use others in order to achieve victory, of course he considers this for the betterment of the Seireitei, yet despite this he tries to save those around him for his own reason, although he will ridicule the one he is saving for being a weakling. He also despises people who claim they will keep their promises, and will be very open about how he finds that to be nothing but utter bullshit. He hardly shows himself caring for others, even when he saves them, going as far as to think they will owe him one for him assisting them. Despite his cold attitude he is rather smart how fighting, if he feels he cannot win, he will not attempt to fight even if his allies request for it. he would rather leave them to die than get himself killed. He also shows impressive skills in combat, yet tries to only battle when he knows it will benefit himself.

History: This plays a major part with one of my characters, so TBR

Other: Seemingly he has been around much longer than most of those that are seated, although no one truly knows how long. (AND YES I PRETTY MUCH MADE THE ANIME HIM IN RP VERSION.)


Zanpakuto name: Mugen

Type: Unkown, most think its illusion do to some of the names, although its hard to tell

Zanpakuto Shikai Release command: Mugen unsheathe.

Spirit Appearance: he does not state what it looks like although he knows

Inner world: Again he keeps nearly everything a secret

Sealed appearance: Katanas in appearance, just minus the glow

Shikai appearance: His spiritual energy covers his zanpakuto making the width bigger with the spiritual energy covering it making it look like a bigger blade.
(There is a better example.)

Bankai appearance:

Shikai skills:

First Illusion: Netherworld Insects- He swings his sword and releases a small swarm of supernatural creatures that devour his opponents.(Last three post, cool down six)
2.Eight Flower Mantis: He quickly slashes the enemy eight times. The slashes collectively resemble a flower.(cool down four post)

Ascending Flower: He activates the power of his tattoo(It's a 3 on his chest, and his pupils change into three dots. Veins also rise around his eyes. Once it is activated, he can activate Triple Illusion.(This is more so to activate other skills as this skill doesn't deal damage at all)
4.Forbidden Spell: Triple Illusion: he drastically increases his speed and strength at the cost of some of his life, however he is able to regain life if he effectively kills things during this mode. He can also send out arc, that instead of cutting explode upon touching anything. (last four, cool down nine)
5.Fourth Illusion Style: His pupils changes to four dots and he gains another drastic increase in speed and power, Unlike the third one it doesn't drain his life force(Last four cool down twelve

Fifth Illusion Style: Mugen's blade changes color and emits a large amount of dark, lightning-like energy. Like the Triple Illusion, it uses up his life force, though on a larger scale. Forcing the Fifth Illusion causes excessive strain on his body and soul, eating away at his life force quicker than any of the previous Illusionary Styles. It also causes him to enter a berserker-like state, and causes his hair to pale to a light purple.(Last five, cool down a day)

Bankai skills:
6. (Ultimate Skill)

Non-lethal Zanpakuto Skills:

Unknown to not knowing how long he has been around, they assume the basics.
Last edited:
Last edited:
Name: Chiyou Aizheng

Wears a sleeveless top similar to Soi Fon's and wears black colored versions of those pants and a red sash around his waist.


With pony tail:

Fan service:

Age: 310

Height: 5'7 (Still growing)

Weight: 121 lbs

Hair Colour: Black

Eye Colour: dark grey

Race: Soul

Profession: Shinigami



Mukei: Best Friend

Kamon: Friend/training buddy/man servant

Sinai: Did a mission with her

Rank: Ex-3rd Seat, squad 7

Spiritual Energy Colour: Orange, red and, and yellow. If observed closely the reaitsu seems to take the shape of leaves.

Power Level: Low level lieutenant

Personality: An ambitious young man that aims for the top, hoping one day to become a captain that is greatly admired. He believes that one must train their mind and body in order to become the perfect warrior and he follows it almost religiously. Zheng cannot stand slackers as he believes them to be the least productive people that hold everyone back. That's not to say that he doesn't know how to relax. He knows the importance of taking a break as it is a good rest for the body and mind. Zheng enjoys spars as he likes to match himself against others and see how strong he had become over a period of time though he isn't a man who enjoys senseless violence.

History: (No idea. Working on it.)


He has an impressive understanding of the body's of humanoid beings and takes advantage of it in many ways. For example, he knows where to strike that will really damage and even impair them for a period of time. Another use is that he is able to use muscles that a normal person doesn't use in on a daily basis so he can make use of most of his body.


Zanpakuto name: Tenzai (Heaven's Riches)

Type: Organic/Reaitsu

Zanpakuto Shikai Release command:
Along this road
Goes no one
This autumn eve

Spirit Appearance:

Inner world:

Sealed appearance: Two simple gold bangles. One on his right wrist and one on his left.

Shikai appearance: He himself becomes the zanpukto

Bankai appearance:

Shikai skills:
1. Art of Motion: This is a move that redirects long range attacks by exuding reaistu in his own palms and by moving his arm or even his whole body depending on the size of the attack in the desired direction of redirecting the attack. This can only be pulled off when the attack is with in 5 inches of his palms. Needs a cool down of 5 posts.

2.Tempered Iron Will: By creating a thin layer of reaitsu on his body, he is able to create a strong defense that would be able to withstand many attacks and even lessen the damage of very powerful moves. It's so hard that he can even block blades with it and increases damage of his physical attacks. In this way it's like an Arrancar's Herrio. Lasts for 3 posts. 6 post cool down

3. Heaven's Soaring Fist: By using his own reaitsu as a medium, he can send a long range punch at his opponents that is equal to his strength. They are the size of his fist. What makes this dangerous is that this move can be used in conjunction of Hakuda techniques that involves hands.1 to five post cool down without Hakuda techniques used in conjunction. 5 posts if Hakuda techniques are used.

4. Fist of the Monkey King: Zheng gathers reaitsu into one fist and when he punches someone he transfers that reaitsu into his target's body and uses it to hinder the flow of reaitsu of his target, weakening his opponent's attacks. The higher the rank of his target, the shorter it will last. As of now: unseated, seated, and low level lieutenant (4 posts), mid-level lieutenant (2) higher (0). 10 post cool down.

5. Tempest Autumn Dragon: The user charges a mass of reaitsu on his leg and when he sends a kick, he releases a traditional Chinese dragon made of entirely of reaitsu that goes down of tries to blast through his target. This attack has a very powerful piercing power and compared to his other attacks this is much more destructive as it destroys almost whatever gets in its way. Should not be used in spars. 7 post cool down

6. (To be gained) Earth Dividing Sword: Zheng gathers a mass of reaitsu on his leg and forms it into a blade, sharpening it to a great extent to the point that it can cut through solid stone. The attack is initiated as a drop kick, using full force to cut through his targets in half. If given enough reaitsu the reaitsu can extend from his leg so that it can have further reach. 5 post cool down.

-Variation: Instead of a drop kick he can use it as a side kick instead. It can as well be mixed in with hakuda that uses the legs. 5 post cool down without hakuda. 7 post cool down with hakuda.

7. (To be gained) Internal Shock: This attack is very precise and has to have excellent timing. Zheng concentrates a small mass of reaitsu into his palm and has to strike his opponents head. As soon as his palm strikes his opponent the reaitsu flows into his/her head in a focused strike. They will feel like that their brain is shaking. At this point their cognitive abilities are weakened and they will most likely have trouble standing let alone walking, unfocused vision and then pass out depending on the target. Unseated: They will pass out, low to mid-seated: They will have the following effects except passing out for 2 posts, high seated to low level lieutenant: 1 post, higher: no affect

8. Raging Tempest Embodiment: Zheng forces his reaitsu to increase his blood flow through out his body, making them become exponentially stronger and faster. His metabolism is increased to the point that his own sweat vaporized, making it look like he is steaming. The drawback is however that his heightened metabolism means he absorbs nutrients faster than before, meaning that overtime this ability would be weakened and even may outright kill him if used for too long. Has to be used if the situation calls for it. Never to be used in a friendly spar and only on enemies. After use, he must eat food with plenty of nutrients in order to make up what he lost before. Can be used once a day.

Bankai skills:
6. (Ultimate Skill)
Non-lethal Zanpakuto Skills:
Cloud Stroll: By focusing his reaitsu onto the soles of his feet, he is able to release said reaitsu and stomp the air in order to make it appear he is jumping on the air while in reality his reaitsu is just giving him a quick boost. This allows the Zheng to be able to move around in the air easier and in conjunction with shunpo he can move even more rapidly. 3 post cool down



Kido: Expert Level
#1 Sai
#4 Hainawa
#8 Seki
#9 Geki
#9 Horin
#11 Kyomon
#12 Fushibi
#20 Hakufuku
#30 Shitotsu Sansen
#37 Tsuriboshi
#39 Enkosen
#58 Kakushitsuijaku
#63 Sajo Sabaku
#1 Sho
#4 Byakurai
#11 Tsuzuri Raiden
#31 Shakkaho
#32 Okasen
#33 Sokatsui
#34 Kongobaku
#40 Gaki Rekko
#54 Haien
#58 Tenran

Hakuda: Master
Super Harisen Slipper
Panchira Torunēdo
Gatoringu Jidanda

Hoho: Intermediate

Points gained from missions: 83
Mission log:
Points spent and skills gained:

58 points

Panchira Torunēdo
Gatoringu Jidanda

#34 Kongobaku
#40 Gaki Rekko
#54 Haien
#58 Tenran
#20 Hakufuku
#30 Shitotsu Sansen
#37 Tsuriboshi
#39 Enkosen
#58 Kakushitsuijaku
#63 Sajo Sabaku
Name: Kamon

Age: Not even a year old. Appears to be in his twenties

Height: 6'4

Weight: 145

Hair Color: black

Eye Color: gold

Birthday: 4th October

Zheng and Mukei

Race: Mod Soul

Profession: Shinigami

Rank: unseated

Spiritual Energy Color: Dark blue

Power Level: Mid-Seated

Personality: As of now he has very little concept of emotions and thus must grow over time. He is however very obedient of Ai Zheng Rui and Mukei. He only has basic knowledge of the world he lives in.

Mukei: His creator
Zheng: Training partner/friend/servant

History: A Mod Soul that was created by Mukei to be Zheng's training partner.

Other: He has an unusually high amount of durability, enough to take blows up to a lieutenant. He also cannot use kido nor hoho, but has his own variations of them.

Name: The World
Ability: The World is an Arcane, abilities that mod souls are born with the moment of creation. Unlike most mod souls this power only came to be after his creation. This power allows him the power of void and creation. Void allows him to be able to create small pocket dimensions and creation allows him to create objects, the amount and quality varies on the amount of reaitsu used.

All named by Zheng.
Arcane skills:

1. Void: With either hands he opens a small pocket dimension that he can store projectile attacks that he can send redirect at his opponent or even store his own attacks in them. 5 post cool down

2. God's Bane (Sealed Form): A large iron sword that Kamon molded from his reaitsu. As a sword it is sharp and durable enough to be able to withstand zanpuktos and other weapons. Other than that it is an ordinary weapon. It lasts for five posts. Cool down three posts.
3. Warrior's Iron Fist: Kamon channels and molds his reaitsu into two large iron fists with thick, massive chains connected to them. The fists hover above his hands and he can use those fits to smash his opponents. The chains can even protect him and he can grab the chains to swing the fists around. 3 post duration. 5 post cool down.

4. Summer Breeze: Kamon creates five God's Bane in a void and when he opens the void the five swords fly at his opponent in order to pierce his opponent. As well as harming his opponent the swords as well remain on the battlefield ready to be used. The swords remain for 2 posts. Five post cool down.

5. Iron Eruption: Kamon creates numerous God's Bane in the void and then he unleashes the void from underneath his target(s), sending numerous blades at his opponents to slice and dice. The only way to tell that this attack is about to happen is to notice the distortion underneath them. 7 post cool down


??? skills:
6. (Ultimate Skill)

Non-lethal Zanpakuto Skills:

Zanjutsu: Master
Hōzan Kenbu

*Named by Zheng
Kido: Intermediate
Azure Lance: A simple blue beam of energy shot at his target that has piercing power by the palm of his hand or at the tip of a weapon.

Impact Barrage: Sends a barrage of foot ball sized blue spheres of energy that explode on impact by his hands or the tip of a weapon.

Crush Fang: Kamon sends a crescent arc of reaitsu at his target that explodes on contact by swinging a weapon covered in his reaitsu.

Sanctuary: By condensing his reaitsu into a thin wall he is able to create a sturdy wall to block oncoming attacks.

Hakuda: Expert

Hoho: Beginner
Liquid: A mod soul's variation of Shunpo. When used the sound of water swishing around could be heard.

Points gained from missions: 40
Mission log:
Points spent and skills gained:


Hōzan Kenbu

Name: Kuro Masami
Beast Child of Rukongai

Without the robotic parts


Gender: Female

Height: 5'3

Weight: 95 lbs

Hair Colour: She's a tiger

Eye Colour: Green

December 14

Adopted Family



Rank: Squad 11 unseated

Spiritual Energy Colour:

Power Level: Unseated

Personality: (Would like to be done but can be done later)


No one knows if she was cursed or simply born this way, but the Beast Child of the Rukongai was born as a tiger. Everyday she was discriminated for her appearance, even her family abandoned her and left her to rot on the streets. She fought for survival, whether it was fighting homeless souls like her for a warm space to sleep for the night or stealing food that was barely sufficient to fill her aching stomach. At the end of the day she was alone, nameless, neglected, broken.

One day one of her thefts went horribly, horribly wrong; she was caught stealing a duck by the butchery's owner and proceeded to cut her arm off with his his knife only to be be stopped by a hand. A blonde haired man with gentle blue eyes asked what was the matter and then paid for the stolen duck, saving the tiger girl. The girl just thanked him and was about to leave when he offered her a chance to come with him, which she denied. She didn't need anything from anyone. She can live without anyone. Then the man picked her up and tossed her up on his shoulder and oh boy did she flail and scream but he didn't let her down. Even if it was against her will she was going to live a better life. At his home she found a family that she never had: a mother, father, and multiple siblings. For the first time in her life she was well fed, wore fine clothes, and most of all happy. It was then that the man gave her the name Masami.

Masami found out through many of the man's stories that her father was a shinigami, a captain of two different squads during his time as a shinigami. She knew how fond of he was of the place, the place where he became accepted and found the love of his life and many great friends. Encouraged by his tales she begged him to teach her how to fight so that one day she could become a shinigami. He couldn't refuse his daughter and taught her the basics of fighting, but not everything. She was still much to young to even handle the immense power of the skills that he knew.

She entered the academy and faced many hardships, such as prejudice towards her for her appearance, but Masami made it through with flying colors


Because she is a tiger her senses are superior to the average person. She has a strong sense of smell and hearing as well as has night vision.


Zanpakuto name: Hantahone (Bone Hunter)

Type: Melee

Zanpakuto Shikai Release command: Lick your chops

Spirit Appearance:

Spirit Personality/Goals: ???

Inner world:

Sealed appearance:
See appearance picture

Shikai appearance:

Bankai appearance:

Shikai skills:

1. Split: The naginata is able to bisect into three parts, connected just by a chain.
2. Extend: This can be only activated when Hantehone is bisected. The chains extend out when swung and then soon retracts when needed.

Bankai skills:
6. (Ultimate Skill)

Non-lethal Zanpakuto Skills:





#1 Sai
#4 Hainawa
#8 Seki
#9 Geki
#9 Horin
#11 Kyomon
#12 Fushibi

#1 Sho
#4 Byakurai
#11 Tsuzuri Raiden
#31 Shakkaho
#32 Okasen
#33 Sokatsui





Total points gained: 4
Total Points Spent:
Mission log:
Points spent and skills gained:

Name: Kuro Hatake


Age: 680 (so about 34 in human years)

Height: 5'11

Weight: ???

Hair Colour: Blonde

Eye Colour: Blue


Many kids and his wife


Ex-shinigami, head chef, "consultant" of spiritual matters

Rank: Ex-captain of squad 11, ex-captain of squad 13

Spiritual Energy Colour: Scarlet

Power Level: Legendary Captain

Personality: Acted out

History: Too long to tell. All you have to know is that he picked his family over the Soul Society and is currently living in the human world with them.

Masami Kuro- adopted daughter
Juki- unknown



Zanpakuto name: Aki Karite

Type: Wind/Fire

Zanpakuto Shikai Release command: Rise

Spirit Appearance:

Spirit Personality/Goals:

Inner world:

Sealed appearance:

Shikai appearance:

Bankai appearance:


Outfit turns into that and hair and eyes change as well

Shikai skills:
(Start off with no Shikai or 4 to 5 Shikai skills)

Bankai skills:

Non-lethal Zanpakuto Skills:



  • Hōzan Kenbu
    Hitotsume: Nadegiri

#1 Sai
#4 Hainawa
#8 Seki
#9 Geki
#9 Horin
#11 Kyomon
#12 Fushibi
#20 Hakufuku
#21 Sekienton
#22 Inemuri
#26 Kyokko
#27 Tanma Otoshi
#28 Shibireyubi
#30 Shitotsu Sansen
#37 Tsuriboshi
#39 Enkosen
#58 Kakushitsuijaku
#61 Rikujokoro
#62 Hyapporankan
#63 Sajo Sabaku
#65 El Escudo
#73 Tozansho
#75 Gochutekkan
#76 Hako Okuri
#77 Tenteikura
#78 Hakudan Keppeki
#81 Danku
#83 Standing Ovation
#84 Millon Escudo
#96 Kyujurokkei Kakafumetsu
#97 Fusatsu Kakei
#98 Shiso Kekkai
#99 Pt.1 Kin
#99 Pt.2 Bankin

#1 Sho
#4 Byakurai
#11 Tsuzuri Raiden
#31 Shakkaho
#32 Okasen
#33 Sokatsui
#34 Kongobaku
#40 Gaki Rekko
#54 Haien
#58 Tenran
#63 Raikoho
#73 Soren Sokatsui
#88 Hiryu Gekizoku Shinten Raiho
#90 Kurohitsugi
#91 Senju Koten Taiho
#92 Hyoga Seiran
#96 Itto Kaso
Seals, Barriers, Uncategorised and Kaido
Sentan Hakuja
Noren Mekuri


Super Harisen Slipper
Panchira Torunēdo
Gatoringu Jidanda
Sandobaggu Bīto
Oni Dekopin


Speed Clones
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Name: Kame Mihara

She has a full body suit tattoo, the designs consisting of koi, whales, waves and various flowers.
She wears standard Shinigami gear for now, considering it presumptuous to wear her armour.
She has an athletic build, considering working the body to be more important than working on "magic".

Age: 380 Soul Years


Height: 5'9"

Weight: 132 pounds.

Hair Colour: Brown.

Eye Colour: Silvery Brown

Birthday: February 20th

Clan/Family: Deceased father (Shinji Mihara) who was once a Shinigami, mother (Minori Izumi) and older brother (Eiji Mihara) who are not.

Race: Soul

Profession: Shinigami

Rank: Unseated

Spiritual Energy Colour: White with blue hues.

Power Level: Unseated

Personality: Stuck in an environment she hates, Kame Mihara is a woman of few words who prefers her sword to do the talking for her. A reserved and quiet individual, she has the tendency to disappear in her surroundings. Her violent attitude has also risen ever since the attack on her district. Kame only begins to show life outside of Seireitei and despite all of its shortcomings, considers district 72 of Northern Rukongai as her true home. Having a grudge against the Shinigami (especially the twelfth division) makes her isolate herself from others and on the inside, Kame has no respect for any of them, regardless of rank. On the outside Kame can be described as a blank slate, rarely offering her insight unless asked and obedient. She believes everyone is on equal grounds, that there is no such thing as talent, that those on top will only get there and remain there through hard work, nothing more and nothing less.

Highly determined to see her plan follow through, Kame is loyal to her duties as a Shinigami for now but will not hesitate to take any opportunities to become stronger - if they aren't detectable, of course. Kame considers herself reformed from her troubled childhood and adheres to her own moral code, the most important rules being: not to steal, giving her opponents swift deaths, and to never betray those close to her. Clearly, Seireitei and the Gotei 13 are not close to her. In battles Kame prefers one on one duels and dislikes working with her Shinigami companions. She dislikes Kido and Hoho and any other techniques that change Zanpakuto from swords into "magic shooters". However, she's not averse to using these techniques as she knows they greatly increase one's combat capabilities. Kame still tries to use techniques that boost one's physical capabilities however, not those that create fancy beams of energy or fiery explosions.

History: Being "born" into district 72 of North Rukongai wasn't ideal for Kame Mihara. Or anyone, for that matter as the poor region was rife with conflict. Her environment shaped her into a hot-headed girl who learnt quickly to beat others before they beat her. Her path into becoming another one of Rukongai's thugs was averted by a group of three kindly souls, who came across one of her fights one day.

This one was different however, as Kame was losing, and losing hard. Beaten within an inch of her life, Kame could only watch as her saviours effortlessly defeated all five thugs. They took her in, taking pity on her age and tried to rehabilitate Kame. They did manage to tame her violent personality in time and although they remained living in district 72, they could rely on each other to take the edge off the grittiness of their lives.

During that time, Kame took on the surname Mihara from her new family and honed her fighting skills with her new father, who unbeknownst to her was a renegade Shinigami who had abandoned his duties to be with the soul he loved. He took her unrefined, brutish brawling and hammered discipline and tradition into it. The years went on and Kame grew up relatively peacefully. It could not last in the rickety supports of district 72.

When she was 280 soul years old, disaster struck. Shinigami sent to restore the balance of souls raided the district. Many died in the attack and Shinji Mihara, her newfound father, was one of them. At the deaths of those she considered friends, neighbours, allies, family - Kame was overcome and swore an oath to take her revenge on the Shinigami responsible for the attack. She remembered no name or face, only the fire, blood and the insignia branded on their clothes and in her mind - the number twelve.

It was enough to let her know who her enemies were. She didn't know them personally - they didn't know the residents of Rukongai personally. How dare they snuff out their lives, as if they were just gambling chips! As if the souls of district 72 had no more right to life than those in district 1, or district 2, or even the Seireitei itself. They had taken the lives of those she loved and the only support pillar she had in the district. She was no fool however, and she knew she was not strong enough to challenge the unseated members of the organization, let alone the captain of the 12th Division. There was only one way to go about this, and that was to join the ranks of the Shinigami she detested.

Kame prepared herself, picked up her father's blade and armour and left her family to join the ranks of the Shinigami. It wasn't a plan she came up with all on her lonesome, as her fellow souls also bayed for blood. Imprinted with their blessings, Kame attended the Academy and passed. During that time she meditated with her sword and achieved Shikai, which proved to be a bittersweet moment. As her Zanpakuto was not her own, it took her greater effort to communicate and work together with it which further enforced her ideals of relying on her own strength. Now an unranked, unseated member of Soul Society, Kame Mihara waits for the opportunity to strike.

Relationships/Friendships/Rivalries/Siblings: Deceased father (Shinji Mihara) who was once a Shinigami, mother (Minori Izumi) and older brother (Eiji Mihara) who are not.

Obtained from her late father, Kame considers it presumptuous to wear as of yet and only keeps it for sentimental value in her room.



Zanpakuto name: Tenkujira (Heaven/Sky Whale)

Type: Melee/Wind/Water.

Zanpakuto Shikai Release command: Spout blood, Tenkujira!

Spirit Appearance:

Spirit Personality/Goals:
Tenkujira is an impossibly patient creature compared to Kame Mihara. Calm and wise, he considers his new master nothing more than an overgrown child and so dislikes lending her his powers. Tenkujira has no love for battle and has no pride to be taken advantage of. This allows him to be completely comfortable lying dormant in sealed form for so long. There is nothing better than to sleep and cruise the skies of Kame's inner world after all. He is self centered, only willing to lend help when her life is in danger which would threaten his world as well. Tenkujira's ultimate goal seems to be to maintain his current lifestyle for as long as possible. He is a defensive creature who prefers techniques to swordsmanship, a topic he clashes on with Kame as she is the polar opposite. Tenkujira also does not respect Kame and he still considers his true master to be Shinji Mihara.

Inner world:

Sealed appearance:

Shikai appearance:
The rusted blade gives way to steel, albeit jagged and chipped. The handle is worn, the tattered leather even having fallen off in patches, and the engravings of a whale rest upon the fuchi. The blade itself grows in length, favouring two hands over one to swing it effectively.

Bankai appearance: N/A

Shikai skills:
(Start off with no Shikai or 4 to 5 Shikai skills)
1. Kirunami / Slicing Wave
Sends an arc of slicing water from her blade.
Cooldown: Once per two posts.

2. Kamikumo / Divine Clouds
Emits a series of rolling clouds from her blade or mouth, obscuring enemy vision and instills fear through reiatsu. Higher ranked characters are not affected by the fear.
Cooldown: Once per two posts, duration is four posts (does not stack) or until someone sweeps away the clouds/gets out of range.

3. Kazekiri / Windcutter
Uses wind around her blade to increase cutting power, range, and durability.
Cooldown: Once per two posts, duration is five posts (does not stack).

4. Omoikiri / Heavycutter
Increases the weight of her blade for heavier blows. Reduces swing speed and takes more energy for every strike, causing her to become tired out if the fight drags on.
Cooldown: Once per post, duration is one post. (Used more for burst, sustained fights drain her energy quickly which means she shouldn't be able to keep using this technique for free damage boosts). Three posts in a row is maximum limit for now.


Bankai skills: N/A
6. (Ultimate Skill)

Non-lethal Zanpakuto Skills: Kame can call on the powers of Tenkujira to glide through the air/water faster and to increase her lung capacity, making it capable for her to stay underwater for longer periods of time.



Kido (Bakudo + Hado)

#1 Sai (Level 1)
#4 Hainawa (Level 1)
#8 Seki (Level 1)
#9 Geki (Level 1)
#9 Horin (Level 1)
#11 Kyomon (Level 1)
#12 Fushibi (Level 1)

#1 Sho (Level 1)
#4 Byakurai (Level 1)
#11 Tsuzuri Raiden (Level 1)
#31 Shakkaho (Level 1)
#32 Okasen (Level 1)
#33 Sokatsui (Level 1)

Super Harisen Slipper


Total points gained: N/A
Total Points Spent: N/A
Mission log: N/A
Points spent and skills gained: N/A

A WIP. Tell me if anything needs changed.
A few questions as well:
Do I take all skills listed for the unseated?
Do I have my Shikai yet? If so, should I include it in my history?


Name: Eiji Mihara


Age: 415


Height: 5'8"

Weight: 152 pounds.

Hair Colour: Black.

Eye Colour: Amber.

Birthday: May 3rd.

Clan/Family: Deceased father (Shinji Mihara) who was once a Shinigami, Deceased mother (Minori Izumi) who was not, younger sister (Kame Mihara) who is a Shinigami.

Race: Soul

Profession: Shinigami

Rank: Unseated

Spiritual Energy Colour: White with red hues.

Power Level: Unseated.


Eiji Mihara has always been a curious soul, questioning everything and everyone. Contrary to popular opinion, Eiji is not a forgiving soul - he is a forgetting one. He often cannot force himself to face facts that affect him negatively. For example, he considered Minori dead the moment their district was slaughtered and only stayed with what he called her empty husk out of obligation to the person that once resided within it.

He has not forgiven the Shinigami who killed his family either - Eiji has just suppressed the memory altogether. He also dislikes harming anybody and believes that everyone deserves a second or even third chance. Eiji is outgoing but at the same time has only a few people close to him.

In battle, Eiji always stays on the defensive making his opponents tire themselves out instead of directly harming them. He isn't one to be on the front lines anyway and if he is, he'd be the one healing the fallen. His persistent nature makes him an annoying opponent to face.


Eiji Mihara's earliest memories are scattered; snapshots of the various districts and fleeting images of the people in them. As a young soul, Eiji never stuck in one place for too long, including the one he was first assigned to, district 14 of North Rukongai. His childlike appearance wasn't just on the outside - the reason for Eiji's travels was to find a family. District 14 was one of the more prosperous districts and it was rare for any one soul to be excluded but to Eiji, none of the relationships he made there felt sincere.

It was in District 47 he found the souls he would later learn to call family. Their names were Minori Izumi and Shinji Mihara and it just so happened that he found them in hiding from a pair of Shinigami. To prevent the child from revealing their location, the duo decided to bring him into their hiding spot. One thing led to another and soon Eiji found himself traveling through the districts with his new family.

It was after a few years had passed when they arrived in district 72, still on the run as Shinji had abandoned his duties as a Shinigami in favour of staying with Minori. They came across a young girl fighting a losing battle and his parents took her in under their wing out of pity. At first Eiji was jealous of his new sister Kame. He felt as if she was here to steal the family he'd looked all over for. The lessons Shinji had given him were now given to Kame (though Eiji had complained numerous times about his disinterest), Minori seemed more comfortable talking with Kame - from his point of view, it was a disaster.

It was only after actually living with Kame for a while that he came to appreciate her and he found he still had room for one more person to care about. They lived in the 72nd district for a while, certain that no Shinigami would ever find them there but Eiji was proven to be wrong. In an attempt to rebalance the scale of souls, their district was ransacked and Shinji was killed. This triggered Kame's quest for vengeance, which he initially supported but the more Eiji thought about it the more he realized how rash that decision was.

Although he and Minori continued to live in the 72nd district after Kame had left to become a Shinigami, it was never quite the same. Minori had become bitter and blind to the brightness of the world. When she had once talked about the quiet of living in a poorer district she complained about their quality of life. It was only after Minori died that he even thought about applying to the Academy.

Now with his mother dead, Eiji made it his personal goal to become reunited with Kame and to show her the error of her ways. He had seen how a person even as pure as Minori could become consumed by revenge. Now an unranked Shinigami, Eiji wishes to join the fourth Division where his skills can be put to the best use. Not to mention how being a healer he'd eventually meet up with Kame, whose hot temper would undoubtedly lead her to fight.


Deceased father (Shinji Mihara) who was once a Shinigami, mother (Minori Izumi) who is not, younger sister (Kame Mihara) who is a Shinigami.


Wears a wooden pendant in the form of a circle around his neck.
Has a dragon tattoo on his back.


Zanpakuto name: Ryubaba

Type: Fire/Kido

Zanpakuto Shikai Release command: Incinerate, Ryubaba.

Spirit Appearance:


Spirit Personality/Goals:
(Zanpakuto Spirits tend to have their own personality and also goals. The personality of your Zanpakuto and Goals of your Zanpakuto determine how quick the progress will be made. Please make these goals realistic and make it challenging for your character as that will likely make the experience more enjoyable.)
Ryuubaba is a heavily competitive Zanpakuto Spirit with a fiery temperament. She is also very proud and can shift from calm to furious with a single slip of the tongue. Believing herself to the one of the strongest Zanpakuto Spirits alive, Ryuubaba enjoys playing around with her foes. This makes her conflict with Eiji as her prefers to use his skills to protect others, not kill. Ryuubaba's main goal is a mystery but she attempts to get Eiji to choose the most violent path. However she is very loyal to her master and allows him to use his defensive abilities, though she will grumble about how much of a waste they are.

Inner world:

Sealed appearance:

Shikai appearance:

Bankai appearance: N/A

Shikai skills:
(Start off with no Shikai or 4 to 5 Shikai skills)
  1. Ryuka no Tate / Dragonfire Shield
Incases himself or an ally in a dome of fire, protecting them from a single attack. The person inside cannot attack without breaking the dome.
Duration: Until the target of the shield is attacked or attacks.
Cooldown: 3 posts, cannot be used on more than one person at a time.
  1. Chiyu no Hi / Healing Fire
Uses healing fire to cauterize wounds, stopping blood loss. This can also be used to help heal his allies affected by ice type techniques. It can also be used to reduce muscle pain, spasms, stiffness and increase blood flow for faster healing.
Duration: N/A, depends on the injury he is attempting to heal. Ranges from a post to three posts.
Cooldown: 6 posts, cannot heal more than two people at a time.
  1. Kasai Ame / Rain Fire
Rains lava for a short duration. Harms the user as well.
Duration: Three posts.
Cooldown: Ten posts, cannot be stacked.
  1. Yuuki / Courage
Bolsters the "inner flame" of his allies. Increases their courage, resolve and stamina.
Duration: Two posts.
Cooldown: Five posts.

Bankai skills: N/A
  1. (Ultimate Skill)

Non-lethal Zanpakuto Skills: He can emit warmth and light from his Zanpakuto, keeping him warm and lighting up dark areas.



Kido (Bakudo + Hado)

#1 Sai (Level 1)
#4 Hainawa (Level 1)
#8 Seki (Level 1)
#9 Geki (Level 1)
#9 Horin (Level 1)
#11 Kyomon (Level 1)
#12 Fushibi (Level 1)

#1 Sho (Level 1)
#4 Byakurai (Level 1)
#11 Tsuzuri Raiden (Level 1)
#31 Shakkaho (Level 1)
#32 Okasen (Level 1)
#33 Sokatsui (Level 1)

Super Harisen Slipper


Total points gained: N/A
Total Points Spent: N/A
Mission log: N/A
Points spent and skills gained: N/A
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You can add all the unseated skills if you want them, they're free. And you can have Shikai, putting it in the history or not is entirely up to you @mahigan

Edit: Nice face-claim
ok! I'll work on fixing the history up tomorrow or something. and thanks, I like the picture too. : )
No problem man, from the bit I've read so far she seems alright. One of the GMs will give you their thoughts once it's finished, just give a heads up once you're finished (ツ)
Alright, I'm finished. Awaiting GM approval now :)
Might as well state this even though it isn't my job anymore. Your other abilities should have cooldowns just like your first one, and your abilities with effects (Like the fear reiatsu) should have post durations telling how long said effect lasts in the IC (Four posts? Two? Etc.)

But your abilities look good, just need to add those cooldowns and durations.
Oooh yeah, I forgot about that after I made the first CD.
I'm not too good at balancing my abilities haha but I gave it a shot.
They seem kinda spammable to me atm but at the same time they're not anything special, just stat boosters. (Save for the first). I'll make any changes you guys suggest though because as I said, I'm not that great at balancing :P
As Explloololo said, gotta add countdowns and the ither stuff as wEll. But youre almost missing a few letters in your other section (hint: scroll at the bottom if each section in the op xD or read em )
I think they look alright, only thing the GMs may question is the Omoikiri once per post. Usually the lowest we go for cooldowns is two, but in context of the ability (Just a small boost but tires out if it drags on too long) I think it's fair game.
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