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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Formerly 'BX' and 'BladeX'
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. One post per day
  4. 1-3 posts per week
  5. One post per week
Online Availability
HA! I could try and answer this but it depends on the Season.
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
  2. Primarily Prefer Male

❃ Blade's 1x1 Partner Search ❃

Hello there! If you've stumbled into this thread then you are, much like myself, looking for some roleplay partners. So, instead of a long, drawn-out introduction I will get right to the good stuff. If you're interested, please feel free to PM me or post here.

❃ What I Look For In A Partner ❃

So what I look for is fairly simple and straight forward. Nothing too out of the ordinary. Basically:

❃At least 2 posts a week with notification if life gets in the way, or you want to drop.
❃Ability to pick a role and not be forced into one. The same courtesy will be extended to you.
❃The ability to at least occasionally be able to play females. Otherwise, male roles for myself are preferred as long as my partner is female.
❃Open communication. No 1x1 is successful without being able to talk to one another OOC. Sometimes it can even result in friendship.
❃Willingness to help develop the plot. Don't leave everything up to me, bring something to the table.
❃At least one paragraph, 7 sentences, of relevant, well-written content in third person past tense. No first person or present tense.
❃No one liners.
❃No May-sues or... You already know this one.
❃Do not control my character I won't control yours.
❃As this isn't a red-star area I should probably state I won't RP with anyone under the age of 17. It'd be weird for me, being nearly 21 and all. And no sexual content unless said player is over 18, as per site rules.
❃Real and semi-realistic art images for characters. I also do descriptions, but no anime or hand-drawn please.
❃No zombies, or pregnancy stories unless it's thoroughly discussed. Babies kill it for me. Also no monsters, slimes or furries.

❃ Pairings and Plots ❃

Number of ❃ up to 5 indicate craving level. Plot roles can be reversed in gender, or role you'd like to play. MC and YC are used simply to make the roles clearer.

Prince or Princess/Servant❃❃
❃ A Casual Affair ❃

MC[my character] and YC[your character] have been best friends since they were practically in diapers. They can't remember a day without one another. In college years, you went to separate schools, hoping to staying touch and visit when possible. For the first 2 years, that worked out fine. But things got busier, one got a boyfriend while the other was in and out of good and bad relationships. Eventually, all contact ceased. Until they both reconnect due to moving back to their home town for work.
MC is now engaged, soon to be married. And YC has no idea and feelings that you had as teens and young adults slowly start to resurface. But due to the nature of MC status, it's not possible to break off the engagement. After all, MC is an heir to a large company, and the bride to be is favored by the parents and by a contract from another company to merge with MC's. What will become of the two?
{Can be M/f, F/F or M/M| Romance, drama,slice of life|Craving level: ❃❃❃❃❃|}
❃ What in Hell? ❃

MC is a demon, being sent to the human world to find and kill a human target as part of an initiation ritual into a high-level demonic position. YC is an average, hard working [whatever you'd like here] who is also the target my character is after. YC is walking home late at night, and my character is following for the kill. When things get heated and MC has yours just where they want them, something happens and a mark is left on YC. MC is sent a shock, flying backwards and landing far off. MC also has a matching mark. MC imprinted upon yours, however, no matter what happened MY can't kill yours, and YC will fade if they stay too long from MC. How will the two survive? Especially now that MC is a target of another demon's hunt.
{Can be M/f, F/F or M/M| Romance, drama, fantasy|Craving level: ❃❃❃❃|}

❃ Star Struck ❃

MC is a well-known Musician/Actor going back home for a long break from the limelight. YC is a young college students working their way towards fame. YC and MC run into each other by accident in a small coffee shop. MC is in disguise, however YC noticed who MC is immediately. Striking a deal that a scene wouldn't be made as long as YC got to talk to MC, MC agree and finds a place to be able to speak with YC. However, during this small conversation, it is revealed that MC is spending time away from the big screen not only because they were in need of a vacation, but also because of an illness that MC is trying to recover from.
{Can be M/f, F/F or M/M| Romance, drama,slice of life|Craving level: ❃❃❃❃|}