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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


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Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. 1-3 posts per week
Online Availability
8 a.m. to 3 p.m. EST
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Female
Modern Fantasy, Fantasy, Psychological, Action, Steampunk

"When we had no home, he gave us a place to belong. When we had no purpose, he gave us a reason to live. But above all else, he recognized us."

—Kitagawa, Katsugu

GM: @fol·ly·cle

Group Size: 5 players
Genre(s): Fandom, Action, Drama
Pace: One to two posts per week
Quality: Two or more literate paragraphs

Blacklights is an alternate universe Boku no Hero Academia roleplay, set in Sapporo. While you don't need knowledge of the show or the show's characters to participate, a general understanding of the setting and how quirks (the show's term for superpowers) work will be necessary. You can find information regarding quirks, as well as a good summation of the setting, here.
In a world full of superpowered humans, the world of heroes overshadows all else. Natural talents such as those of the musician and artist go largely ignored in favor of those that protect the weak. Those with less than spectacular quirks, along with those who've no quirk at all, are kicked to the sidelines, while those with amazing abilities are tossed into the spotlight, leaving little room for anyone else. For five orphans, a life lacking such recognition is exactly the type of life they lead. That is, until they're taken in by a young man who goes simply by Lighthouse. He offers them a place to stay, a goal to strive for, and a means to make their voices heard. After several years of training their quirks, they would turn their disadvantage into their advantage.

In a world full of heroes...

...they would become villains.

With this proposition came rules, the first among them being that they never harm unless it was necessary to save the lives of their new family. The second was that they were not to use their quirks while out in public unless together with the family while committing a crime. The third was to never reveal their identities, no matter how tempting it might be. The final rule, and the one he claimed to be most important, was simple.

Always remember family.

With newfound hope filling their hearts and a glimmer of light just beyond their reach, their family's journey to make a name for themselves began.


1. This goes without saying, but follow all site rules.
2.. I, the GM, have final say.
3. Keep IC drama and OOC drama separate, and keep OOC drama between the involved parties, and an admin if necessary.
4. No godmodding or plotbunnying. I will accept ideas for developmental arcs for individual characters, but don't force them into the roleplay.
5. Roleplay with integrity. I don't have a combat system for this roleplay, so I'm trusting and expect players to carry out fights fairly and logically.
6. If you will be unable to make a post within a 7 day period, please let me now so we can carry on with the roleplay as opposed to waiting for a post that will never come. If inactivity seems to be bogging down progress, I may ask you to leave the roleplay.
7. As is the goal of any worthwhile roleplay, have fun!

Character Sheet

Feel free to format this as you wish, so long as it contains the required information.



Age: (A reminder that our characters are teenagers. Try to stay between 15 and 19.)


Appearance: (You can include an image above the name and put here whatever, if anything, the image doesn't cover, or just type a description of your character,)


Background: (Remember they were an orphan before Lighthouse took them in.)

Personality: (Just a brief summation of the pros and cons of them as a person.)

Quirk Name & Type:

Quirk Description:

Theme: (Just some music that you feel represents your character. Optional.)

Discord: Discord - Free voice and text chat for gamers

Please refrain from joining the Discord until your character has been accepted.
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Chapter List

Chapter One: Reflection
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Kitagawa, Katsugu






Katsugu was born an only child to a Kaede Kitagawa, a quirkless mother whom worked as a tailor, and Mitsuteru Kitagawa, a factory worker, who possessed the same quirk as she. They were loving parents that provided with anything their daughter wanted, which was never much. In a world such as she grew up in, one could never want more than the affection of their parents, knowing how obsessed with the hero world most were in this day and age. Katsugu grew up a cheerful young girl. Intelligent, and sensitive to tone, she did well in her studies, and even took up the piano. Her parents encouraged her endeavors, sharing hope that their daughter would one day be a world class pianist that everyone would listen to. Dreams of a stage surrounded by more people than her young mind could bother to count filled her head. Dreams that would soon be shattered.

It happened while she was at school. During a trip to the grocery store, her parents were murdered by a thief not even worthy of a name. The 7-year-old Katsugu would spend the day at school, and find herself sleeping in an orphanage that night, the only family member that could take her in being a pro hero that claimed his occupation kept him far too busy to care for a child. Weeks, months, and years passed. Before she knew it, she'd spent 7 years of her life in an orphanage. She could do nothing but grow spiteful of this fact. Was the world so obsessed with heroes that there was no time to pay any attention to those they were supposed to be helping? She grew firm in the belief that no one like that could truly be a hero. A hero was someone who was supposed to help everyone, no matter what life they led.

She held steadfast onto this pessimism, which turned even more people away from adopting her. It was only when she met a man that only went by Lighthouse that someone decided to see past it. Katsugu was reluctant at first, believing his choice to take her in couldn't possibly be sincere. After talking with the man about what kind of father he would be, the words "one that sees his daughter" resonated with her. She agreed to go along with him, on the stipulation that if she found living with him to be disagreeable, he'd return her to the orphanage. The young man afforded a laugh and extended his hand. As odd a gesture as it was, a handshake was exchanged. One that Katsugu would never regret.

Her life would be the first of several orphans' to whose Lighthouse would be a shining beacon of hope.


Though she was a bright and cheerful girl that lit up her parents' days when she was younger, spending half her life in an orphanage made her take to being distrustful of other humans. While the three years she's spent with Lighthouse have helped her loosen up a bit, she still has ill feelings towards those that don't belong to her family. If anything, her newfound family only revealed to her just how many others are truly being overshadowed by heroes. Despite this coldness towards others, Katsugu has shown herself to be a very compassionate person, particularly towards her siblings. Being one of the eldest among them, she ensures that they always get their fill when it comes to meals, and sticks up for them when they find themselves in trouble, whether it be their fault or not.

Katsugu has little faith that their little family will ever gain the recognition she had dreams of as a child, but even that is a lot more than she had before being taken in by Lighthouse. Though she still wonders whether or not she's simply lying to herself, she always tells the others that Lighthouse will definitely make it so they're all seen by the world, that they'll shine so brightly, the world will be unable to ignore them. Through the front she puts up for the others, she hopes to trick herself into believing what she wants them to.

Quirk Name & Type:
Burden — Emitter

Quirk Description:

Burden allows Katsugu's body to store kinetic energy it receives via being met with opposing forces. Katsugu is then capable of releasing said pent up kinetic energy to boost the strength of her attacks, or to disperse it to various parts of her body in order to raise her resilience. Burden only stores energy, not absorbs it, so there's a limit to how many injuries Katsugu can take on during a fight, and, likewise, there is a limit to how much energy she can store without releasing any. As such, while without any real drawbacks, her quirk is ill-suited for combat situations.

Theme: TBD

Name: Akiba Hiroya

Alias: Frost

Age: 19

Sex: Male

Appearance: Slim but fit, around 6'2 in height

Nationality: Japanese

Background: Hiroya is the first born between Akasiji and Kanimiko Hiroya. Akiba has no recollection of his parents or the life he had before the lighthouse took him in. At the age of three his parents had been murdered and he was left for dead. The lighthouse found him and quickly felt for him and took him under their wing.

The lighthouse raised him and took care of him, this was the only family he knew. As more joined like him he quickly accepted them under their roof as one of their one. This was his family.

Personality: Hiroya seems to be calm and collected. Always he studies the things around him to the extent of overthinking things. He's quite smart and quick to react but notorious for getting lost in his head. He doesn't show much emotion even towards his new family occasionally he'll smile or chuckle but nothing major, most of his emotion is shown though his actions. If provoked he'll lash out and take initiative which doesn't always work out in the end.

Quirk Name & Type: Nitrogen Gas - Emitter

Quirk Description: Nitrogen Gas is exactly what it states. Hiroya can use his mouth, palms, or feet to emit Nitrogen Gas. He is able to control where the gas goes as long as he doesn't shoot it at a fast rate. This allows him to use it very utility based or for attack and defense. His Breath is always chilled.

Theme: TBD

(Hopefully there's nothing wrong and I explained everything well. Let me know)
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Color me very interested to join this rp. I'm out right now but I can have my profile done by tonight.

(Her original hair color is black, but a passive of her Quirk gives her hair a watery feel and color to it. It cannot behave like water unless the Quirk is active.)

Name: Elvira Sokolov

Alias: Aqua

Age: 15

Sex: Female




Elvira did not grow up a lush and lavish lifestyle, but rather in the slums of society. Her Russian father and Japanese mother had both been born with borderline disastrous quirks that made it difficult for them to find proper work. And when they did find something suitable, they were always laid off for someone who held more experience or was deemed "safer" by their employer. This left them no choice but to become what labeled them "villains", just so their daughter would be able to eat a single proper meal every day.

While Elvira was oblivious to how her parents received money, she knew that they worked incredibly hard for whatever she was able to eat that day and so never once complained. She had asked before about the source of their income, but her mother and father just dodged the question, leaving Elvira curious but not wanting to butt her nose where it didn't belong.

When she turned five years old, Elvira had gotten home from school one day to find that her parents were not home. She wondered where they were, and when they did not return in time for dinner, she ate some saltine crackers with water before going to bed.

The following day, police arrived at her house before school and told her that she needed to pack her things. Elvira asked where her parents were, and learned that they had been killed during a robbery by pro heroes. The heroes had never been named, but it wouldn't be long until she knew.

During the night in the orphanage, she turned on the television to see her parents' deaths all over the news. The media had painted them as the worst things to walk the Earth and glorified the heroes that killed them. News channel after news channel, no one mentioned that the "menaces of society" were only doing what they did for their daughter. They never mentioned they were just a couple down on their luck, doing what they could to stay alive prior to their untimely demise.

And the heroes, they laughed. They basked in the glory of their murders! They received praise for killing her parents; for ruining Elvira's life.

And she couldn't do a thing about it. No one listened when she said her parents were not monsters. Instead, they wrote it off as some kind of manipulation or abuse done to her by them.

While an orphan, she bounced from foster home to foster home and from her home country to one she could somewhat speak the language of. She began to grow hopeless about finding another home until she met Lighthouse. While cold-hearted at first, Elvira grew to love her new family with all her heart.

She despises pro heroes, hating them for ruining not just her life but the others who lost a loved one because of them as well. She took Lighthouse's promise of being heard by the world to heart and hopes for herself and her siblings to have their chance one of these days.


Elvira is a kind and loving girl with family being the number one thing in her world, to the point of being self-sacrificial. She looks up to everyone in her family and makes it her mission to be the optimist when things look grave. Though she appears calm and relaxed, Elvira is actually very afraid that she will never see her family again if they are out of sight or away from home, thus can get panicky if she is left alone for too long. She knows her clinginess can be annoying and is actively trying to fix it.

Due to her previous lifestyle, she is quite a glutton when it comes to food and never asks for materialistic items. Elvira is still not used to being able to go to bed without hunger pangs, and so eats as much as she can whenever there is a meal on the table. She does try to eat more water-based foods to control her weight and keep herself from becoming useless in battle, but junk food is just sooo good.

Quirk Name & Type: Hydroform - Transformation

Quirk Description:

Elvira's body quickly shifts from human form into 100% water that she can form and manipulate in any way she wishes. This allows her to not only travel via puddle to puddle, within a river, or through falling raindrops, but attack someone from the inside if she can manage to slip into an orifice of the person's body (mouth, nose, etc.). Her quick can also allow her to sabotage or completely destroy machines that are not waterproof.

While not suitable for offensive combat or defense, she is capable of evading most attacks so long as her reflexes are quick and on point. During her time with Lighthouse, she honed her reflexes to mastery levels and makes up for her lack of fighting skill with evasiveness. Swords, knives, and bullets do not affect her when she is in liquid form, but she is not invincible. Electricity, acidic substances, and fire are very capable of hurting her and will feel like she is being burned alive. She will also have noticeable burns on her person when she returns to human form.

The Quirk is ideal for stealth missions since Elvira will be able to shift into a puddle or hide within anything that is not too dense. Though she can hide in drinks that are more water than chemical, Elvira refuses to do so because salts, acids, or anything generally harmful to the human body will affect her. It would be the equivalent of pouring lemon juice on an open wound.

Elvira's quirk does have its flaws. For instance, her ability is time-based and can be lengthened or shortened depending on what she eats. If Elvira drinks 3 gallons of water with a helping of water-based fruits and vegetables, she will be able to use her quirk for three hours straight. If she eats french fries, potato chips and drinks 3-4 cans of salty beverages she will decrease her usual two-hour time limit to one.

If she is careless and continues usage of her quirk beyond the time limit, Elvira will become a puddle of water and be stuck that way until her body recovers and returns to human form (which usually takes about 10-15 minutes). When in this state, she must be left alone or transported via some kind of container.

(Hopefully I did okay. Let me know if you have questions or I need to change something.)
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Name: Eli Tanaka

Alias: Echo

Age: 17 (A reminder that our characters are teenagers. Try to stay between 15 and 19.)

Sex: Male

Appearance: Eli stands at 5'10 and weighs about 150 Ibs, and constantly dyes his hair different colors, which often range from black, brown, red, or darker hair colors. As his natural hair color is a very light blonde. For "activities" when out and about with his new family, he wears a black hooded long coat, leather gloves and sneakers and a utility belt that acts as storage for Eli's homemade gadgets or devices given to him by either the family or by another party. To conceal his identity, he wears a cloth mask that covers his entire head and goggles. Outside of these activities, he is typically seen wearing a hoodie, and sunglasses to avoid making eye contact with anyone outside of his family.

Nationality: Japanese

Background: Born to an American father and Japanese mother, Eli was the youngest of his two siblings. Said siblings would go onto becoming heroes, a lifestyle that would go onto being the end of their parents. Having just turned three, his parents were killed by a vengeful person who lost a loved one due to the siblings lack of experience. But the killer couldn't bring himself to kill Eli as well, and so he was taken and put into an orphanage. Where due to his mixed origins, caused him to be bullied and made fun of up until the day he was adopted by Lighthouse.

While there in the orphanage and soon after being adopting, he began to harbor a hatred for two specific heroes by the names of "Icy Archer" and "Zap." As he believes that it is because of them, that he lost his parents. Which was further nurtured by Lighthouse. Eager to assist his newfound family in whatever task, and in hopes of one day getting revenge on the two heroes responsible for his parents deaths..

Personality: Despite suffering from what one might call a "deadpan/serious" face, Eli is quite the opposite when in the ranks of his new family. Making small jokes, or making small talk or asking if they want him to build something to assist them or just something in a general. A tinkerer by heart, Eli loves to take apart whatever and examine the parts inside and use said parts to build something new. Due to his young age and not having a lot of experience regarding certain matters, which has caused to undertake training to effectively take down someone in hand to hand combat.

But the very second he goes out with his siblings to take part in their shared activity, Eli practically turns into a different person. Going quiet unless he needs to convey important information to his siblings. And focuses on taking down anyone that poses a threat to his siblings' well-being. He also harbors an intense hatred for any hero that has their identity known. As he believes they're just going to get their loved one hurt for the sake of fame. And while his dislikes heroes, he will at least give some respect for those who don't disclose their identity. Not enough to go easy on them though.

And when meeting friends outside of his family, he adopts a slightly more eccentric personality and lies about his personal life.Almost to the point that one would even go as far as to call him the 'expert liar.' The reason for this, according to Eli is "To avoid having someone very clever connecting dots where they shouldn't be connecting them to." Eli does this to almost any stranger, able spin a story and get them to believe it. But will absolutely never do this to his family. Excluding small things such as the time he helped himself to someone's snack...

Quirk Name & Type: Electric Touch - Emitter

Quirk Description: Eli can let out an electrical current similar to a taser via physical contact, or via other electrical conductive means. The natural strength of this is only similar to a taser and as such can only stun or knock out someone. But, Eli can absorb larger amounts of electricity to enhance the power to more lethal means. This method does have its drawbacks, as Eli can't hold the additional charge before it is violent dispersed from his body. And absorbing electricity is equally damaging to Eli as it would to anyone. And the ability only has a finite range to only extremely close contact. Which forces Eli to be more up close and personal with his opponent.

Theme: TBA

[Be warned, I typed this up while extremely tired. So do let me know if I misspelled anything or if there are any errors, or if I jumbled something.]
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Arai Jeon

Hot Shot




Jeon is well built, holding a muscular frame yet maintaining a lean form.


Jeon generally dislikes discussing anything about his past, even with family.. Though with slip ups and giving in from time to time here is what is known.

Jeon was born in the Busan, South Korea to a Korean mother, Ji-a and Japanese father, Arai Sadao. His mother was a pro hero who operated mainly in Seoul, Korea and was renown for being the 3rd ranked pro in all of Korea. His father was a villain, a man who held a leadership role within the Yakuza.. Not much is known as to why his father moved to Korea, but it is heavily speculated it was due to fleeing felony charges in Japan.

When Jeon was young his mother was killed in action, his father around the same time vanished.. Chances are to head back to Japan, leaving Jeon to fend for himself in a slum in Busan. Though he was essentially orphaned Jeon never ended up in a orphanage, instead he joined a gang known as Meog-Iui Yasu. The slums in Busan were notorious for housing many different gangs, often times these gangs would pay off pros to turn a blind eye to any shady dealings. Most in Busan knew of the corruption, and controlling it proved to be far too difficult for the Korean government.. Since most offenses did not involve innocents, government officials often turned a blind eye as well branding Busan as Korea's Underground.

Meog-Iui Yasu were among the few gangs of Busan that actually wanted create a better environment to live in for it's citizens. As such, they took it among themselves to police the city. However, in spite of this Meog-Iui Yasu were not exempt from criminal activity, they performed highly illegal activities to better clean up Busan.. This meant sometimes violence, theft and even murder.

One one night, a job went horribly wrong leaving most of Jeon's gang family killed. In the midst of this chaos is when Lighthouse revealed himself to the grief stricken and panicked Jeon. Completely out of it Jeon attacked him out of rage, sorrow and confusion.. But was quickly beaten to the ground by Lighthouse. There with a knee pressing against Jeon's chest, flames around them and police sirens I ghe distance, he made the young man a offer. A means to get out of this current situation and to start over..

Jeon reluctantly agreed.

At first Jeon was extremely cold with his other family members, and outright rude most of the time. Overtime that heated personality of his tempered and now he views the family as the real thing. Something he would not trade for the world.


Hot headed, passionate and loyal to a fault are the best words to describe Jeon. The young man views his family as a second chance at having a good life and as such adores them.. Even though outwardly he has trouble displaying it. Jeon is also very confident in his own abilities viewing every fight as just a step to strengthen his own skills. At times that over confidence has lead to trouble for the young man, but he has always been able to bounce back. He will even go as far as openly mock who he is fighting, and does not pull punches when it comes to insults.

Jeon definitely carries something of a rebel air about him, with a get up that screams biker gang member and a scowl to match, Jeon surrounds himself in a unapproachable air. This is however just a defense mechanism, walls he put up due to past experiences. Though at times he has a tendency of bumping heads with other members of the family he cares for them deeply, any member would be able to attest to that.

Unlike most of the family members, Jeon does not have a burning hatred for pro heroes.. He just dislikes how most are in it for the fame and praise. That and being in a environment where most were paid off to stay out of affairs left a sour taste in his mouth.. In spite of that he keeps in mind the stories of his mother, and how much good she did.. Deep down he longs to do the same and make her proud.

Quirk Name & Type:
Henshin! - Transformation

Quirk Description:

Whenever Jeon yells out, "Henshin!" he transforms very much akin to a Saturday morning action hero. Armor encases Jeon's frame granting him enhanced speed, power and endurance. Jeon even garners better control of internal energy stores gaining the ability to shape and manipulate energy. Currently he can only create a hot blade of condensed energy.

Henshin! comes with downsides though, whenever the armor is summoned it pierces into his body and latches onto him very much like a parasite. In doing so the armor while active constantly drains Jeon's stamina. With enough training Jeon has been able to reduce the negative side effects of his quirk, but he still has a long way to go before he can truly master it. Once he deactivates the markings of the piercings fade leaving minor scars. His body also due to his quirk is naturally hotter.

In order to activate his quirk, Jeon needs a combination of concentration and adrenaline currently. This means his heart rate must reach a minimum of 185 to activate and maintain that heart rate otherwise he runs the risk of losing the transformation.. Not only that but Jeon needs to also be able to focus on that activation of his quirk as well. To achieve this, Jeon usually full on sprints to raise his heart rate while also concentrating on the activation. Initially this was difficult for Jeon at first, but he has gotten much better.

Currently Jeon can only sustain Henshin! for a maximum of three hours. He is able to last possibly for another 30 minutes, but doing so will heavily damage the young man and will put him out of commission for at least a day. Along with that Jeon's appetite is massive, he is technically eating for two whenever he does eat.. A diet high in protein, fats and carbs is needed to maintain the power of his quirk.


[Working on post right now, just wanted to toss up my profile to not lose the spot.]
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@Jessica2477 @The Wanderer
Love them! Both approved.

@Sasha Bliss
Two immediately evident problems. The first is that Akiba's quirk is extremely overpowered, particularly for our setting. The story revolves around a group of underpowered kids trying to gain recognition. Reality altering isn't something that'd go unnoticed, in all honesty. Plus it will trivialize antagonists and the like.

Second issue is that it seems you're assuming Lighthouse brainwashed them, in sorts. My fault for not clarifying. He's not looking to manipulate them in such a manner. He genuinely just wants to help them get noticed.

Other than those two things, it should check out if you go with another quirk.

Your CS checks out for the most part for now. Just a bit curious about the armor's makeup. I'm not sure about quirks that summon physical objects onto one's being, but then we have a creation quirk in the anime, so it's a gray area. I can accept it though. Just would like more insight into how it works, because it is a bit of a curious case.
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@fol·ly·cle Updated the CS! And yeah, there are a few gray areas in the anime in general. Haha No worries, I will not play Jeon as overpowered, and if you need me to dumb down the quirk at all please let me know.
@fol·ly·cle Rip, figured it was probably too much the quirk that is, and I'll fix the other part as well.

Edit: If you would kindly read over it again? I fixed it.
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"Everything I do has its purpose."

Koichi Makoto

Mr Mystery



Koichi Makoto is 140 centimetres tall.

As Mr Mystery, he wears a trenchcoat and matching fedora, and a very peculiar mask that gives an illusion that he is faceless. The colour of his outfit depends on night and day.


Makoto was born Quirkless and was always looked down upon due to such. He doesn't remember much about his life before the orphanage, but has always assumed that his parents abandoned him for being quirkless. This was what caused Makoto to reject Quirks and accept being the abnormal.

As opposed to dwelling on it, he wanted a way to realise his true potential, and wanted to show that he could par with the world of feats and powers. Makoto took a liking to Detective novels during his time in the orphanage, which later went on to be the inspiration of his alias Mr Mystery.

The Lighthouse came by one day, taking him in alongside a few others. He wondered why this Lighthouse would pick a Quirkless person such as himself, but came to realise that Lighthouse saw more in him than just a Quirkless lad - but rather, as one with determination to change things.

Makoto is a finnicky person who is rather easy to tick off. A natural-born conspiracy theorist, Makoto doesn't like to leave stones unturned and is always wary about things. He doesn't take kindly to attempts to get close, and sees his new family as mere folks living under the same roof. After all, who knows which one of them is a government spy? Anyone could.
Makoto does, however, believe in the concept of keeping one's friends close and one's enemies closer, which is why he does offer to help - not out of self-conscience or goodwill, but to keep an eye.
Also, he gets very angry when you mistake him for a girl, or say he is one on purpose.

Quirk Name & Type:
Plot Armour N/A

Other Information:
Mr Mystery's true 'Quirk' lies in gritty detective skills and street level combat, allowing him to par with those with Quirks. He is also a conspiracy theorist and is very up-to-date with facts and conspiracies.
He also possesses a few gadgets with him. His Mysterangs are razor-sharp boomerangs capable of exploding. The Mystery Hook is a grappling hook gun with a fancy name. His Mystrenades are non-lethal and only explode in noxious smoke. This was all made with basic DIY for the structure and the materials for his sharp objects are an ancient katana alloy that has been folded thousands of times, personally smithed by him from guidebook reference. The Mystrenades feel more makeshift and homemade, though.

He is armed with a bulletproof vest and a fireproof trenchcoat, the latter made of a frabric-rubber hybrid.

His arsenal of devices might improve over time.

Mr Mystery takes inspiration from The Question and Batman. Huh, Rorscharch does too.​
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Name: Wren Mitsukuni

Alias: Hypnos

Age: 17

Sex: female



she was born in London and raised by her parents but they were killed by a deadly plague when she was 15, luckily she fled, not catching the plague though she was an orphan after that, her family having been killed back in London

Personality: Wren is quite lazy when it comes to her leisure time, choosing to lie on a large floating pillow rather than walk, though when it comes to her friends she is very kind and caring, she is also very motherly, she also could be pretty cold-hearted

Quirk Name & Type:
Sleep Stasis (psychic type)

Quirk Description:
Wren has the ability to put others to sleep and sometimes, with enough willpower, trap them in a temporary nightmare though not only is it tiring and need focus, she could pass out if she uses it to often

Theme: (Just some music that you feel represents your character. Optional.)

her pillow that she floats around on

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@Sasha Bliss
That's better, but are you happy with it? There are a lot of complex quirks you could come up with that'd work. Just making sure you're alright with what you're going with and not settling for the RP.

That's better. Might wanna add that in order to maintain the transformation, he has to not only get his heart rate over 185, but also keep it higher than that, else he de-transforms. Either way, very detrimental combination. Almost wanna ask if you wanna remove that it saps his life force. Just forcing him to stay active is enough. You might be going for something with the life force but though, so it's up to you.

Mind elaborating on how exactly your character got their hands on police technology? Just seems like how most of his gadgetry came about. Our group will only be starting their first crime at RP start — they aren't yet veterans. The quirk nullifiers are also pretty OP. Might wanna save them for something he develops later on after a few crimes. All else should be good.

Unfortunately, I can't accept this sheet. I'm not sure this roleplay would be a good fit for you. The quirk would be alright, but the type you provided shows you didn't read the link provided. That, and your background and personality is barebones.

I'll be closing off signups once Crow gets his character in order.

It has been modified, changed to katana-steel. Improvements will come later.
@fol·ly·cle I think I'm gonna stick with the Ice theme but if I do decide to change it before the rp it'll probably be something to do with Nitrogen Gas. But I probably won't since it may take too long to try and balance it.
@fol·ly·cle Changes made, altered life force to stamina. You were right, the wording as a bit off I did not mean to make it sound like he was losing days of his life every time he activated it lol. That'd be a bit much. Glad you approve of the changes, excited to get this story going~
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@Sanctus, @The Wanderer
Either of you have Discord? It's okay if not. Just asking for the sake of convenience.
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Pretty sure I saw you were closing sign-ups in this thread but its still marked as open so... If you decide youre okay with another person joining, I'd love to be in this ^^