Blacklights - An AU BNHA Roleplay

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Don't jinx it.
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. 1-3 posts per week
Online Availability
8 a.m. to 3 p.m. EST
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Female
Modern Fantasy, Fantasy, Psychological, Action, Steampunk
"When we had no home, he gave us a place to belong. When we had no purpose, he gave us a reason to live. But above all else, he recognized us."

In a world full of superpowered humans, the world of heroes overshadows all else. Natural talents such as those of the musician and artist go largely ignored in favor of those that protect the weak. Those with less than spectacular quirks, along with those who've no quirk at all, are kicked to the sidelines, while those with amazing abilities are tossed into the spotlight, leaving little room for anyone else. For five orphans, a life lacking such recognition is exactly the type of life they lead. That is, until they're taken in by a young man who goes simply by Lighthouse. He offers them a place to stay, a goal to strive for, and a means to make their voices heard. After several years of training their quirks, they would turn their disadvantage into their advantage.

In a world full of heroes...

...they would become villains.
With this proposition came rules, the first among them being that they never harm unless it was necessary to save the lives of their new family. The second was that they were not to use their quirks while out in public unless together with the family while committing a crime. The third was to never reveal their identities, no matter how tempting it might be. The final rule, and the one he claimed to be most important, was simple.

Always remember family.
With newfound hope filling their hearts and a glimmer of light just beyond their reach, their family's journey to make a name for themselves began.

Yes, it's another BNHA roleplay, but hopefully one that tackles a different angle than per usual. Plus season three just ended and we're gonna need our fix till season four, amirite? /shot

I'm looking for four other players, as I'll be playing one of the orphans because reasons to be revealed in the roleplay. I'd prefer those interested be capable of at least putting out two paragraphs per post, and be able to post at least once or twice weekly. I'll definitely be making a Discord, so, while not mandatory to participate, I highly recommend creating an account if you don't already have one, lest you miss out on any shenanigans.
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Mark me down as interested
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That moment when you have interest, but know you're gonna have to google every-time a name drop happens.
That moment when you have interest, but know you're gonna have to google every-time a name drop happens.
This is an AU, so none of the characters present in the canon series will be in the roleplay. All we're borrowing is the setting.
aww hell yea. mark me interested af.
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Reactions: Wryneck
Well, there's three people. I'll mayhaps see to posting an OOC thread today. Everybody have a Discord?
I'll try a Quirkless guy for this one.
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If there's still spots available, I would be interested in joining.
I know very little about this show but I'd be interested in joining my guy. If that's okay.
I know very little about this show but I'd be interested in joining my guy. If that's okay.
OOC link is 3 posts up! There's a link there with all the main info you need.
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