DISCUSSION Big cities and your city?

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Hakuna Matata
Original poster
What is the biggest city near you? What are the buildings or architecture like?

Is there anything for tourists to do if they visit your city?

Animation Travel GIF by Francisco Negrello
I live in the middle of the woods about a ten minute drive outside a town with a population of about 800 people. The biggest city closest to me is about a 30-45 minute drive and has a population of around 8,000 🤣
Very very rural ass living over here LOL

The biggest actual... city sized city that we visit often enough is Green Bay, Wisconsin. Home of the Packers for all y'all football fans! Population of about 100,000 or so.
It's not a massive "skyscraper" city by any means! But it's on a bay of Lake Michigan and has some damned pretty views of the lake and lots of boat traffic. There's a zoo and a wildlife sanctuary and a place called Bay Beach which is this little amusement park that's super fun and so much cheaper than others. There's some cool museums and a convention center that gets some real cool showings sometimes.
There's also a LOT of breweries and probably a cheese factory or two. Wisconsin sure does love its beer and cheese!
Nearest city to me, Cowtown. AKA Calgary. And yes, very touristy, especially when the Calgary Stampede is in full swing for July. So many tourists.

As for the rest, pretty standard architecture. But it also depends on what area in the city you go too. The ritzy upperclass areas are all modern contemporary. Then mid class areas are kinda a mishmash of nice clean houses and the ones you know are crack dens. Lots of shopping areas, longs of parks and things. With a hard influence of "we're western, yahoo." on some of the buildings while trying not to look like it's from the dirty thirties.

It's a clean place mostly, always worth a visit.