Betrothed To The Unknown. Open idea!

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Original poster
Okay so I have a real craving for a medieval arranged marriage RP. My main idea is that the two characters come from completely different worlds. I already have a character for this, her background is a mix of norse and celt. This idea will require some world building as it obviously needs to take place in an AU. I also want to add some fantasy elements, and was thinking of making my character a sort of witch. but this isn't necessary. My posts are normally at least two decent sized paragraphs and I would like my partner to match this ideally. I also prefer roleplays that have a little, or a lot, of UST and angsty goodness!

So to sumarise I need someone to play the male half of an arranged marriage, set in a medieval AU with possible fantasy elements as well. I also am more than happy to add in other plot points too, I like my RPs to be collaborative in nature!
I may have a character that will work in a au based off Norse mythology.
Oh wow I'd given up hope that anyone would be interested! I'm intrigued by your character now.
Want to take to pm and we can discuss it because this character is new.
Sure thing! Sorry for my late reply, I had internet issues!