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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Anytime, I have no life.
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Douche
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Nonbinary
  3. Transgender
  4. Primarily Prefer Male
Fantasy, romance, slice of life, anti-hero stories, "you're our only hope", fandom non-canons, soft scifi, transhumanism, magical girls, horror, suspense / mystery, detective noir, fractured fairytales

Bells of Notre-Dame

Now here is a riddle to guess if you can
Who is the monster and who is the man?

Paris is Burning

Gypsies are being hunted in Paris like never before, as a coup de grâce from the Minister of Justice, Judge Claude Frollo. His religious fanaticism is reaching its paroxysm and he is ready to burn the city to the ground. He seeks to cleanse Paris of the vermin he believes the gypsies to be, a foolish endeavour many think - but the most cruel man of Paris has the army in his palm and as long as the pay is good, they will do his dirty work.

There is a group, however, that run an underground network in the sewers and secret chambers under the very city whose streets run red with blood. The whispers heard throughout the places call it the Court of Miracles, where gypsies can find a certain sanctuary and hope to live in security. Recently, a young but deformed boy, they called him the Hunchback, has been kidnapped by Judge Frollo during one of his raids. The boy is simple-minded and with his parents murdered by Frollo's minions, is left vulnerable and hidden away in the bell towers. The fate of one boy would not normally bother those who run the Court of Miracles, but the attacks on their kin throughout the suburbs of Paris are becoming alarmingly precise...

A few years pass and Judge Frollo has successfully wiped most of the gypsies off the map. The Court of Miracles has thinned in its members, some fleeing for a safer haven while others have simply disappeared. The man's cruelty is only matched by his feverish determination to purify the city in God's name. The Hunchback, having been given an even less favourable name, died the night of the Feast of Fools after being tortured.

The Court of Miracles is in more danger than ever; Judge Frollo's minions are closing in and if he is not stopped, there is no telling what his next target will be. How far can a single man's fury take an entire city?


This is just an interest check, I don't know if anyone is interested in this kind of thing. I have in mind for this roleplay to be a mix of three things: Hunchback of Notre-Dame (Disney movie), Notre-Dame de Paris (Victor Hugo classic novel), and my own plots and ideas.

If you find yourself interested after reading this little intro, here's what I'm looking for:

Approximately 4 to 6 players
Posting expectations: a couple paragraphs, though 1-2 paragraphs with good content is favourable over ten paragraphs of fluff
Posting speed: One post every two weeks. Players can post out of turn, but I do not want two players going off posting back-to-back for two pages.
Original characters only! Yes I used Frollo and Quasimodo (rip) but they are (were, rip) important elements for this idea I had. I don't have carbon-copies of Phoebus or Esmeralda etc.
Playable character roles: gypsie, city guard, commonfolk, religion person (monk, priest, nun even -- but no important big roles like the Archdecon).
Fade-to-black in terms of sexual content, but there will possibly be sexual themes present.
Possibility of multiple characters, to be determined on what kind of cast we'll be looking at.
Pay attention to the tags - they're relevant!

That's all I can think of for now.

I fully reserve the right to decline someone from joining the roleplay at any time. I'm picky about who I roleplay with and their quality of writing.

Thanks for in advance for your interest!
Hmmmmm, I think I'll toss my hat in, see what this is all about, so long as I have time lol. I've never seen (or maybe it's more like, I don't remember) Hunchback of Notre Dame, so I don't know if that's gonna be a dealbreaker, but I'm genuinely curious about this sort of rp, if you'll have me. :)
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Pahn
This looks interesting ^_^
  • Love
Reactions: Pahn
Hmmmmm, I think I'll toss my hat in, see what this is all about, so long as I have time lol. I've never seen (or maybe it's more like, I don't remember) Hunchback of Notre Dame, so I don't know if that's gonna be a dealbreaker, but I'm genuinely curious about this sort of rp, if you'll have me. :)
Heya! To be fair, I think it would be best if you had seen the Disney movie or read the Victor Hugo book. It's a roleplay based on those two things, so missing the source of it would kinda suck for you.

This looks interesting ^_^
Awesome 8D

I am intrigued, I would like in.
Heya! I've taken the liberty of looking through your posts and I don't think our styles will mesh very well, I'm sorry! Good luck in your roleplay search!
Heya! To be fair, I think it would be best if you had seen the Disney movie or read the Victor Hugo book. It's a roleplay based on those two things, so missing the source of it would kinda suck for you.

Where could I watch it?
Got a place you could watch it for free
Sharing illegal content, such as pirated movies, on Iwaku is not allowed. Please avoid such discussions in my thread (or any thread on Iwaku), thanks!
It's not pirated, I know the rules, thanks though
Awesome! I'd still prefer if you took the discussion elsewhere please, this thread is to gauge the interest for this roleplay idea :)
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I'm interested. c:
  • Love
Reactions: Pahn
Righty-o, I took you up on your statement Pahn and watched the movie. I enjoyed it and would like to stick around to see more of this rp, such as the basic plot, character sheet, rules, and whether or not you'll be providing us direction or if the players will be coming up wih our own ideas and plots to help push the plot along. Thank you! :3
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Reactions: Pahn