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I read it in the paper so it must be true.
Original poster
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  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
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I'm an afternoon and 1am poster lmao
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  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
  2. Transgender
  3. Primarily Prefer Male
- Horror
- Paranormal
- Supernatural
- Biblical
- Sci Fi
- World War I II
- Roman / Greek
- 80s / 90s
- Romance
- Occult

Enzo Armani


Dearest Rizzo,

I appreciate you writing me back, I treasure any letter sent by a friend.

It has been a long journey since the Great War, plenty has happened. As I heard in your last letter, you are now in Rome. That is wonderful! I too am in Rome. My music career has had it's waves of greatness, but as I grow up, the spotlight does not concern me as much. The place I have chosen to settle down in has been the best choice for me. You are welcome to visit at any time.

I am thrilled to hear about your academic career. I still have a poem written in the back of my ration book, that you wrote for me after now that you're accomplished, I could sell it for thousands perhaps?

I digress, I did write to you to suggest we go for lunch in the city. I know the owners of a wonderful bakery who make the most wonderful bread. I visit there quite often. I have a few proposals that I believe you would be interested in, but I shall not enclose the details.

Please, send me a confirmation of your acceptance of our lunch, and I shall be there. May I suggest twelve?

It is the Cipriani Bakery, on Via Di Porta street.

Again, it warms me to know we are talking again.

I await your letter.

Enzo Armani


  • Love
Reactions: Izambane
Dear Enzo,

I am glad to hear from you again, and so soon. My time in Rome has been, as of yet, quite dull to say the least. Your letters seem to be the only thing I look forward to every week, isn't that humorous? And I am glad to hear that your music career is excelling, I could not be happier for you. I would love to come visit you, and perhaps catch up over some stiff drinks. And if you were to sell the poem, I would very much like to learn of how much it sells! Perhaps I could get a cut of the sales.

Lunch sounds lovely, and I would be thrilled to join. I am free tomorrow, my classes having been cancelled for the week due to construction on the main campus. Let me know if this works for you.

Warmest regards, with Love,
Alessandro Rizzo
  • Love
Reactions: King

Enzo Armani


The sun beat down onto the metal table, lunch time heat making it warm to the touch. Enzo had just missed the shade that was cast by the tall, narrow buildings. There was a view of the Colosseum down the slim street, but there was no buzz of the early morning commuters. It was peaceful, only the quiet chatter of the bakery behind him. Mostly just old couples who frequent the bakery every day.

Enzo sat back on the warm seat, relaxing after a long commute. There was a wad of socialist papers in his bag, hidden from the police. He only worked in the evening and through the night, so the afternoon sun wasn't something he enjoyed often. It was worth it for Rizzo though.

There was a smile on his face when he thought about Rizzo. The man had barely been in his life for a few months, but the impact he had on him was there for the long run. Enzo played with the brim of his peaked hat, wondering if he was been thought about in the same way.

Just the fire in the man's eyes had caught him. Even in the war, when Enzo felt at the bottom of the sea, the flames that burnt in Rizzo compelled him to fight. He just could see the struggle he had been through. Enzo wanted to know more.

Knowing he was coming to see him, after over twenty years, it was making Enzo's heart quiver. Something he hadn't felt since his last love.

What he had for Rizzo was love. It wasn't fully awakened, but deep down, there was a yearning for the talented man.

It wasn't until Enzo spotted the well dressed poet turn the corner did he feel it again. The smile on his face went from smirk to grin.

"Well, haven't you changed?" Enzo licked his teeth, sticking out a pale hand to shake. His eyes took in as much as he could. Rizzo was surely taller, and looked happier. What he had planned for their revolution would just make him even happier, he could tell.

Italy was an odd country, or so this man thought. The ancient ruins mixed with the modern city inspired a sense of confusion; the juxtaposition between the modern and the classical was one not found in many other places; sure, there were plenty of European nations with many the same number of ancient ruins, though none like Italy. The history here was so rich, so pure, and yet so derivative. The Roman Empire was the melting pot of the ancient world, where cultures came to mix in places where they otherwise wouldn't exist. It was the combination of the classical Europeans, the vibrant African cultures, and the expressive Asian minds that came to Rome to mingle among like-minded individuals. How on Earth had such a place become the hotbed of fascism in Europe? That was the question Rizzo found himself asking as he wandered down the road, the warm sun beating against his olive-toned skin that seemed oddly out of place even here in the Mediterranean climate.

For Rizzo was no average Italian man, and no matter his admiration of this country Rizzo knew that he did not, nor did he wish to, belong. Born of an absentee Italian father and raised by a Turkish-Greek mother, the idyllic island life of Corfu was the only life he knew. He knew not of the colosseum, the red-roofed villas, nor the vibrant nightlife. He knew only the sea, the blue-roofed cottages atop towering cliffs, and the quiet life that came from such places. Greece was his home and it was there that he felt most comfortable. Italy was a stranger to him, much as his father had been to him when they first met so many years ago. Ever since going to Naples for the first time, Italy has always felt like a hotel rather than a home. There was this sense of non-belonging that always kept him so distant. Even today as he worked in Rome as a literature professor.

Rizzo had kept a habit of keeping his head down, eyes averted from others gaze, and posture kept strong enough to keep conversation minimal. This allowed him to keep his social circle quite small, if it existed at all. The only true person who seemed to peak his interest was his fellow WW1 veteran, Enzo Armani… A curious fellow, much too happy for his own good. A truly genuine soul that Rizzo felt a connection for, one that was strong enough to make him question what it was. Love? What a silly thought…

Meeting for coffee with a man who he had not seen in twenty years made Riz excited, but above all he was extremely nervous. What was he to expect from this meeting? Would it turn into a friendship beyond letters, perhaps a forbidden romance? Hah! Did he just think that to himself? Alessandro Rizzo, emotionally unavailable, thought he was truly capable of being in a serious relationship? With a man no less? It's not as if Riz had not been intimate with other men before, but those were in passing. Never committed. Never serious. Perhaps his longest relationship was the weekend he spent with a Englishman on a tour of the University...why, what a depressing thought…

As he came upon the intended meeting place, Ale could spot the red hair from across the way. It was just as fiery as he had remembered it, his slightly less pale than he remembered. Perhaps too many hours outdoors brightened his complexion? Or, as was the case in many circumstances, Rizzo was simply forgetful of many details.

"As have you, my friend" Rizzo said, his accent a mix between his native Greek and the Italian that he spoke most often nowadays. Taking Enzo's hand within his, he offered a few strong shakes before placing his hand upon his suit's button, unfastening it as he sat down on the metal chair. "Did I keep you waiting long?"

Enzo Armani


The man just made Enzo feel something completely different. It was a deep down excitement to be around him. Maybe it was the feeling of excitement about his political agenda, or simply enjoying the company of a new friend. Whatever it was, it was a good feeling.

He sat down opposite Rizzo, the sun just casting a golden tint to his face. As he spoke, Enzo was reminded of his wonderful accent, and how it hadn't changed. It reminded him of his time in the trenches. A bittersweet memory. Those long nights spend cuddled up to each other were something he wanted to cherish forever, but the gunfire and blazing mines were a memory he wanted to erase.

"Not long at all." Enzo gave a smirk as he relaxed into the metal chair, lying a bit. "Not that I mind, this bakery is my favourite place in the city." Now that was the truth. Whilst Enzo was involved with the mafia, he offered protections to different businesses in return for free services. For a few years, their syndicate stood above all the rest with little competition. Whilst he missed the free bread and wine, he wasn't tempted to join the mafia once more. He had far greater things to achieve now.

"I hope I'm not taking up too much of your time, I know you're a busy man these days." Enzo treasured the letters that Rizzo had sent him, and had absorbed all of the information sent in them over the years. "How long have you been at the university now?" Enzo inquired. He seemed to be so much more successful than himself. Enzo wasn't jealous, but he wished he had that status to spread his message. But he knew Rizzo shared his values, and he had that status Enzo needed.

"Not long at all? Hmm..."

Rizzo repeated with a soft chuckle, shaking his head some. He knew he was more than a little late, but he also knew that Enzo wouldn't mind waiting considering the fact the two men hadn't seen each other in quite a while. Truth be told, Rizzo was more than apprehensive coming here today; he was absolutely terrified. Terrified that Enzo had changed, terrified he had come here with alterior motives, terrified that two men meeting at a bakery would seem suspicious. These fears were truthfully silly to fathom. He knew Enzo hadn't changed, he knew it from the moment he first saw the ginger haired man from across the street. He knew these fears were nothing more than paranoia, so why did he still feel this way? Why did his stomach feel as if he had eaten stale fish?

As he settled into his chair, he shared a brief glance with Enzo that lasted a few seconds to long. He found himself staring into those green eyes, and remembered those fears from those terrible nights of gunfire deep in the trenches in France that were some how quelled by said eyes. In those moments everything else ceased to exist. He felt so calm and safe in those moments, and longed for them even when he shouldn't have. Finally catching himself staring, he offered a soft chuckle to break the tension he felt swelling within himself before speaking once more.

"I'm not too busy in truth. Perhaps a bit busy ... but I enjoy work, so It never feels too strenuous. I've been there for ...oh, a few years or so I believe?"

Blah. Work was boring to talk about. At any other time he'd love to speak about it, but it had been years since he last saw Enzo and he was intrigued to learn of his life since they last spoke.

"How about you? How goes the life of a talented singer such as yourself?"

(sorry for such a short post :'( )

Enzo Armani


"That's good to hear that you're not too busy." He commented, surprised to know that Rizzo had only been at the university for a few years. Maybe time had ran quicker than he thought.

The question about his singing made Enzo chuckle. He had forgotten that was his life. The time he had spent in the Theater, bellowing his alto voice out for the crowd to go wild over. He had sang the trench many songs to keep the mood light-hearted. Even as he sang sultry jazz in the club, the crowd loved it. He sort of missed the wonderful pin-striped suits and whisky, but he couldn't tell Rizzo about that part of his life. Not yet.

"You know, it's been a long time since I was professional." He didn't quite mention this in the letters, "I'm working on different projects." He danced around the subject daintily. It was a difficult thing to bring up. The socialist movement was stirring under the feet of a fascist giant. He needed the powers of Rizzo to help swing it into a revolution.

He moved away from the topic, just to enjoy a simple conversation first. "How do you find Rome? I know you mentioned in your letters that it's not quite the same as home." He smiled, "Who are you living with?" He propped up his head by his hand as he looked up to Rizzo, questioning whether his sexuality had changed at all. He told himself that it wasn't for his own benefit, he was just curious.