Be my partner? (I have cookies)

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Lawful Chaotic
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per week
Online Availability
From 10 pm - 1 Am, Philippine Timezone
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Adept
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Medieval Fantasy, Modern Fantasy, Supernatural, Romance, Horror, Slice of Life

Hey, hi, hello!


[spacer]Greetings! I see you've stumbled upon my thread. Allow me to introduce myself. My name's Zaffrei, and while I'm quite new to Iwaku, I've roleplayed for quite some time now, although I'm not that good. Anyway, here's some more info about me:


    • I do different kinds of roleplays, such as fandom-based ones, with the genres fantasy, horror, romance, mystery, but I usually do fantasy and romance.
    • I also write in different styles. I adapt to how you roleplay, so i you do it short and quick, I might do the same.
    • Smut makes me a tad uncomfortable, but a little making-out between characters is a-okay with me.
    • I'm also open to other stuff, such as M x M, F x F, or other LGBT pairings. However, while I am open to these pairings, my usual consists of M x F.
    • I'm a sucker for romance. Very. Especially the slow-burn types. But what I mostly love is angst. I live for angst, especially if it's well-placed and keeps the story interesting.
    • While I usually use realistic art for faceclaims, I use anime and real-life people too, that is, if I have no other choice. So it won't bother me if it's the same for you, as long as the features of you character fit well within the realms of our roleplay.
    • I usually play female characters, but can play male characters at times, although seldom as main. I can play various characters at a time, just not too many. It makes it harder for me, and for the story as well, in my opinion.
    • I'm a pretty okay writer, and I write as many as 8 paragraphs (on a good day), or as little as 2 paragraphs (on a bad day). As I've stated, I adapt and adjust for the sake of my partner, but please, please at least have proper grammar and punctuation. It's alright with me if you write something as short as 2 paragraphs, or as long as 10 paragraphs (I'm quite the reader, so it's totally okay with me if it's that long), so long as it's grammatically correct, and with proper English. I usually write in third-person, and it'd be great if the same applies for you.

Pairings and Plots

[spacer] The underlined ones are the roles I prefer. So kick back, have a drink and take your time making your choice. Once you're done,we'll discuss things via PM!


    • Pairings
      • Hero x Villain
      • Demon x Human
      • Vampire x Hunter
      • Lance McClain x Keith Kogane
      • Adrien/Chat Noir x Marinette/Ladybug
      • Steve Rogers/Captain America x Bucky Barnes
    • Plots

      A.) "Roommate Romance"

      Genre: Romance, angst, slice of life (preferably F x M)

      A first-year college freshman , toughened up after a broken heart in the past, meets her unexpected roommate. While she doesn't necessarily want a roommate, she has no choice but to bear with it. The thing is, she is not particularly happy with having attachments, due to her past, and is afraid to experience it all over again, but she soon finds herself opening up to, and later, falling for her roommate. Will this lead to her having more problems or will she finally move on from her past?​


      B.) "Definitely Soulmates"

      Genre: Drama, action, romance, horror, supernatural

      A teenage girl with psychic abilities saves a bunch of troublemakers after they disturb a rogue ghost. However, she discovers that the said ghost followed her all the way home. What's more, it seems she literally can't get rid of them, as it seems that their souls are now bound together. After a visit to a local store witch, they discover that the only way to fix their situation is to solve the reason behind the ghost's death. Except, as they investigate further, what seemed to be an accident in the past turns out to be murder. Worse, the killer is still at large, and if they aren't careful, the girl might just be the next victim.​


      C.) "Vigilante-Next-Door"

      Genre: Drama, action, romance

      Two years ago, a certain vigilante kept the crime rate down, despite plenty of protests and doubts on their intentions. Then they disappeared without a trace . Fast-forward to the present. An inquisitive senior high schooler still believes that the vigilante is still out there. With the ambition of being a legitimate investigative journalist, she tries to track down the vigilante, in order to find out the reason for their disappearance for the sake of a school project. Little does she know that her next door neighbor is the vigilante, or ex-vigilante, but when she finds out, things go crazy, as the vigilante's past soon comes knocking on their door.​


      D.) "The Barista"

      Genre: Thriller, action

      A detective's son is in love with the barista of their local Starbucks - until he witnesses the gruesome murder of the manager of the convenience store next door. Turns out that the barista is a serial killer, and the one responsible for the number of killings around the town, and the current case of his dad. Worse, he's not sure if the barista saw him, but if he doesn't find enough evidence and stop the barista soon, more people are going to die....even him.​


      E.) "Little Nightmares"

      Genre: Fantasy, romance

      A young adult suffers from nightmares and writes them down on their dream journal as a way to recuperate, only to find themselves sucked into the journal and live their nightmares all over again, in the form of a place akin to Wonderland, except it's not as wondrous as the real thing. With the help of a mysterious dream creature, the only figment in the nightmareland that seems to be safe enough to be with, the dreamer ventures to escape the land of nightmares they themselves created​



Other Stuff


[spacer]Wow, you've reached the end of this thread! I hope you don't mind a little more extra stuff?


    • So you've seen the plots above, and if none appeals to you, but you still wish to roleplay with me, let's do some plotting together, yeah? I don't mind. In fact, I like it when people brainstorm together. It ends up with amazing plots as the result. Anyways, just let me know.
    • I prefer long-term roleplays, but as I'm still a high school student, and currently quite a busy bee, I can only be on a few hours a day. I hope you don't mind. However, I reply as fast as I can, depending on the length of my post. And if anything comes up, I'll let you know, and I'll do the same if it applies to you.
    • Please write at least 2 paragraphs. That's all I ask, other than correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling. No text talk please, as I cannot stand that.
    • You wish to discuss the matters of the plot, the characters? Sure! You have new ideas about our roleplay that you want to try out? Double sure! As I said, I love it when people brainstorm together, it creates such wonderful stories. And if you wish to involve yourself with the whole roleplay, I will absolutely join you on that train ride.
    • Yes, I know most of the plots stated above are romance, but that's because, like I said, I'm a sucker for it, especially angsty, slow-burn types! However, if you want to try another genre, just tell me so, and we can work things out.
    • I write out rather detailed bios for my characters, but sometimes withhold information, so that I can slowly reveal it within the roleplay. But, please, if your character cannot possibly know a certain piece of information, don't insert it in the roleplay like they know it already, without the information ever revealed by my character.
    • Losing interest sometimes happens, whether on one party, or both, but if it ever happens to you, just tell me, and we can discuss things and make it work. If not, well, thank you for the time you gave me, and I bid you good luck on your journey far ahead!
[spacer] Thank you for stopping by! Have a nice day, oh, and a swimming corgi!


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Ooh, you sound like a fun partner to roleplay with. I have a different sort of plot/pairing in mind, so if you'd be okay with brainstorming with me, I can pm you.
Ooh, you sound like a fun partner to roleplay with. I have a different sort of plot/pairing in mind, so if you'd be okay with brainstorming with me, I can pm you.
Sure! just pm me, and we can discuss things there ^^