Banished From Equestria (Sign-up and OOC)

  • Thread starter The Wandering Magus
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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Lies? Excuses? No, no, my dear Zelos. For where in my speech have I spoken what is not truth? Excuses? You may see it as excuse, I see it as perfectly good reasons. As for feeling something not "right", I certainly feel no such thing. Life is complicated enough as it is, intricate and beautiful in its intricacy. Tests of wit every seven cycles, the building of beautifully complex machines, the analysis of an entire new means of thought and expression, and on occasion the creation of entire worlds with but a word and a thought, this is life, this is art and music and the enjoyment of the mundane made fantastic! Simple? Can you not see the infinite complexity of even a single branch of possibility in this one world-tree of infinite branches, among infinite trees in an infinite forest of forests? I see beauty in every grain of sand and every speck of dust, the ridges like beautiful mountains, the crystals like diamonds shimmering in the light of the stars. I see majesty in even the atoms, and the endless and unpredictable dance of their electrons, and the endless wiggling of their strings. I see perfection in a sleeping newborn foal, and perfect love when a couple look into each others' eyes. I am in awe when I watch the trillions of proteins in a single cell working together in harmony and balance. Where is this simplicity you find so tedious and repetitive? Where is this "wrongness" you seek to destroy, where are these lies and excuses you find in my speech? Tell me that, Zelos. Why do you not see beauty in creation, yes, even in our own creations, and the creations of these foolish, petty, short-lived, speck-sized mortals? For there is beauty there as well, though hidden at times, yet the beauty shines all the brighter for the contrast!

Frustration? Pain? Curse? It is true freedom to be free of the limits of universes! And I interact with my creations, if you have ever even noticed in these equine worlds of mine. I thoroughly enjoy watching the day-to-day activities of these quaint creatures, and their little sorrows and joys. It is a delight, in fact, to act as steward and quiet observer and commentator. I enjoyed watching the dream-walker and the experiment fall in love, just as I appreciated the beautiful tragedy as the forgotten love appears in their moment of passion. I felt thrill as these creatures responded to trial and tribulation with staunch determination, and felt pure joy as they comforted one another and showed mercy to their enemies. Where is this frustration and limitation that you feel?
Zelos just laughs "Fine fine I lost that round Ill admit to that lord knows the wonderer is more well known than the demon for his worldly visits"

"Though I do ask one question when have I ever said I don't appreciate the worlds I inhabited, or claimed not to have loved or lost, has it never crossed your mind as to why when I hold so much power I chose to remain with a host, or considered why I haven't enveloped worlds in shadow and fear, tisk tisk my dear wonderer you think far to lightly of me, Look at the worlds I ended the ones warped in fear of there own demise I just grant them what they wanted, an end a rapture a dooms day now am I truly evil for giving so many what they want the answer to their fear, the power to move onwards"

"buuut I will conseid your not that bad Wonderer ive met more annoying entities"
Zelos grumbles "Cheshire for one" "But Regardless I think soon it may be time for the gods to show there true potential dont you, rather than just watching these chess pieces move around the bored which reminds me where is my piece "
Wavelength could be seen running off with Ryo's king piece. "Suckeeeeeeer!" yelled his distant voice as it faded over a hill.

Cue Benny Hill themed chase...
Soon, perhaps. Each world has its time. We brought Ragnarokr to one world, destroyed another with the Flood, brought countless others to their end in fire and water as stars expanded, yet the ideas of those worlds seldom fade, and the souls of those lost return to the Tree of Life to be renewed, and to the halls of the All-Highest to be judged. But for this world, "soon" as we see it may not mean the same thing to these mortals, who are gone in the blink of an eye. For them, a thousand years seems an eternity, while to us, certainly, even a billion years, a trillion years, years beyond the comprehension of mortals seem but a passing moment, a single thought.

Your piece will be here, "soon". Perhaps in a few days as these mortals see it. Perhaps in a few thousand years. What is an eon of this world to you or I?
"All this talk... Interesting, but meaningless to us poor mortals... Maybe one day we will Ascend, hmmm?"
Ascend? Naah, too much responsibility. I'd rather just prance around in my hazard suit trying to make sense of the world as it crumbles around me. ovO
Hey Seriack, sorry I haven't posted, but I've been really busy last few days, and honestly I don't know where else to go at the moment. Do you want to take the reigns on this?
Sure, I can take over, just let me get home first.
"Abilities: Mild telepathy(communication and offensive), mild pyrokinesis, weak light/darkness manipulation"

I don't really see "tele-other" listed on there as an extraordinary ability, which it sort-of is, Physics. Can you change that a bit? I've gotten complaints in PM about it. Sorry for the trouble x3
Don't quite know how Night Fall should react to a dreamwalker. He isn't very familiar with Tel'aran'rhiod, or whatever they call it in Equestria.
Who wants me to raise the sun now? Anything in particular that needs doing before that?
[MENTION=318]DoomOtter[/MENTION] Yeah, it is an interesting concept... What's funny is, I was writing his backstory before season 3 showed Luna can enter dreams... When I saw that happen, I was happy, cause I could make it a bit more believable, even though it still kind of out there. /shrug
Why do I always make best friends with the teacher of my class?
Or, in this case, the GM of the rp?

I don't know what to do right now...
Thats simple most time there actuly quite a nice person, and infact probaly (no offence) more sencible than your regular freinds or at least classmates though this is purly a school based example the reason here is because Magus Is a good man urr pony