Banished From Equestria (Roleplay)

  • Thread starter The Wandering Magus
  • Start date
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Physics turns to face the newcomer.
Uhh, sorry pal, I was kinda busy getting some..survival stuff from these guards... Physics says, seeing the injuries on the body of the mare, he looks worried now. Uhh, I think one of these guys carried some medical supplies... Physics says, looking over the pile of things he expected the other to carry. You''re welcome to... Physics wasn't sure if he should offer it for free, or offer to trade yet.
Take some.... Physics says, knowing a friend in these part of the woods was more important then anything she might be carrying.
Farsight looks a little confused when the Pegasus just stands and walks off, having just been down and in pain just moments before. He shakes his head in disbelief and moves back over to the same cart. Farsight had noticed Physics looting the corpses... Corpses... He didn't like seeing those, and he knew there would only be more before they finished this little "adventure"... Farsight then hears Tian and moves toward her and Physics. "What happened?" ​He asks the mare.
Tian finally reached the group, and the blue unicorn who seemed to be looting the corpses before, what she thought was really disrespectful, but avoided talking about it, finally gave her his attention. He looked worried after seeing her bruises and gaver her some medical supplies. - "Thanks. This poor unicorn here really needs it. It seems he had some bad time with the guards who banished him." - She said to the dark red unicorn who appeared, gently dropping the black unicorn on the ground and started treating his wounds, without caring about her own. She turned to the blue unicorn again. - "Sorry if I'm asking too much, but do you have any water or food with you? It seems this guy really needs some energy. My name is Tian Long, by the way." - She said, bowing and smiling softly at the ponies.
Alright, "Tian Long", here.... Physics says, feeling the words of his name in his mouth, sounding out the foreign sounding name in his mouth, while he levitates a handful of bread and water to to the pony.
Oh and, the name is Physics Shift... Physics tells the newcomer.
"It's nice to meet you, Physics Shift! I hope we get along well in this tough times." - She said, smiling. She took the bread and water, thanked him, and started feeding the black pony, splitting the bread into small pieces to get easier to chew and used the water to help him to swallow. While doing so, her vision got a little blurred for a moment. "It seems I'm not at my best either. But I still can carry on a little further." She thought.

After finishing with both the bread and the water, she gently took out a lock of mane covering his eyes, to see if he was already looking better. But after doing so, she noticed something weird: his coat's color was getting lighter. The dark black it was before became a dark gray, but it didn't look like he was becoming pale. She just stood there, staring at his peaceful expression, wondering.
Night Fall finished securing his harness , then half dragged the cart towards the newcomer. "Let's get him settled in here. We need to get moving quickly."
"Uh, what?" - Tian asked a little startled, after being dragged back from her thoughts to the real world. She looked at the bat pony, and then to the cart, and finally undestood what he said. - "Oh, sure. When they notice the guards they sent aren't returning, they will probably send reinforcement. And we don't want to wait for them, do we?" - She said, gently lifting the pony again and placing him over the cart. She then looked at the bat pony. - "The cart is heavy now, isn't it? If you want, I can carry it from now on."
Lets hide the bodies before said "reinforcements" come by...least they think they need more troops... Physics says, moving another corpse into a second bush, still waiting for on of the others to take something from the supplies pile he stacked nearby.
I appreciate the gesture." Night fall said. " But one of the wheels is broken, so I'll need to fly it.
Physics continues placing bodies in bushes, or behind trees and under piles of dirt, trying to make them as hard to find as he could.
"Oh, well, so I can't really help with this." - She said with a soft smile. Then, she looked at Physics, then at the dead bodies. Her eyes started to get wet - "Don't hide them. Let them here. You guys murdered them, and bad or not, they were all ponies like you and me. They proably even have a family waiting for them to come home safe and sound. At least pay some respect and let them be found and let them have their burial." - She said, with a sad but serious tone, while a small tear rolled down her right cheek.
Farsight had listened to the encounter between Tian and Physics, keeping himself a bit aloof until he knew the other pony better. When the bat pony spoke up, Farsight moved over to his cart. "Let me try and mend the wheel... I do have a few unicorn spells that I know, although most of my spells deal with dreams." He says, adding the last bit in almost as an afterthought. Farsight looks down at the wheel, and focuses his magic, his horn glowing gray. The wheel begins to knit together, strands of wood almost coming to life as each grabbed the edge opposite from itself. The spell was a bit draining on Farsight, and his armor and weapon vanished, the strain of having all of keeping all of it up too much for him to handle. But within seconds, the wheel was fixed, leaving Farsight only able to hobble a small bit, instead of walk. "We... Had best... Get moving...." He says, and begins to limp off in the direction opposite the wall.
It doesn't matter to them what happens to us when they gut us, why should it matter to us what happens to them? Physics says, finishing hiding the last body. Especially when hiding them gives us a advantage... Physics adds on, already moving forward.
"Because otherwise we will be as good as them, and I don't want to go down their level. We must think about the others as we wanted them to think about us. How would you like if somepony killed a member of your family and you didn't even retrieve the body? The end don't justify the means, and I wouldn't want to face the princesses if I was to recover their reign over the dead body of other ponies. We must teach and change them, not kill them. So now that you already did it, at least pay proper respect." - She said, pacing around the place. When she was near one of the bodies, she discretely uncover a really small part of it, hoping it would be enough for it to be found. She will try to convince Physics, but she needed a plan b. - "For now, we should outsmart them and make them lose our track. We should take alternative paths, cover our hoofsteps. In the last case, we should scare them with our power. But please, don't ever kill them."
The group of ponies, already moving again, could hear a quite but clear rustling in the bushes they hid their victims in. It was clear something was moving in there, but they didn't have enough time to investigate. Not much after the rustling began, a blue unicorn jumped out of the bushes, very surprised by what he found in there.

His looks were very surprising, too. The colour of his coat got darker the closer it came to his hooves and his mane as well as his tail were completely made of water, though it would probably look more impressive weren't there a bunch of leaves stuck in there. He wasn't tall and looked fairly weak, not at all a danger to anypony.

"What's going on here? What are those guards doing in those bushes? I heard some commotion, so I came to check it out."
The new pony said as he backed away from the bushes some more, switching his gaze between the group of ponies and the bushes.
Fatal, having been listening to everything that's going on, turns and takes flight. She can't fly very high or very quickly, but she does make her way over to the pony known as Tian. She lands beside him, giving Physics a look that lets him know where her opinions lie. She has never really had family aside from Stellar and Mighty, but if she were to pass away, she knew that they would want to see her. She wanted to see them now. She misses her 'family'. Not so reluctantly, though, she turns to the side of reason.

"I'm sorry, Tian. This is the best chance for our survival. Would you rather we die along with them, or live to tell the tales of the brave warriors on both ends of the battlefield? Live, and honor them, if that is your wish. That will have to be enough for their families." Fatal says, her voice seeming to lose emotion as she speaks. Survival is all she's ever really known, despite what she'd like to know.

Fatal looks up at the pony that jumps out of the bushes, preparing herself for combat. She's never seen anything quite like it. A mane and tail made of water? The only thing close that is Stellar's mane, which turns to strands of light when she's casting her most powerful spells. "You will answer our questions first. Who are you?"
Physics gives a sigh, he knew this would be suicide for the group, but if then really felt like it...
Physics horn glows, he starts levitating the bodies out of their hiding places, not wanting the scorn of the group on him, especially when he had no leverage within said group anyway. He lays them out on the road, easy to spot.
Alright, they're get their burial in Equestria.... Physics says, brushing some sweat from his brow, the large use of magic exhausting him a little. But....we should be more careful they know we can hurt them....they won't take any chances with us anymore, no small hunting parties, we're have several squads on each of our flanks now... Physics finishes his little speech giving a small cough, before turning to adress the new pony.
And yea, who's this? Physics asks eyeing the pony suspiciously.
"Huh, wha? Oh, of course." The blue unicorn said confused and cleared his throat, then gave a quick bow. He continued with a smile. "My name is Majem. I have been banished from Equestria for trying to poison our new rulers. My only regret is that I failed, but alas, not every plan can work out the way I want it to." He quickly glanced around at everypony, then continued, still smiling. "I suppose you lot are banished too? I guess that answers my question, then. Luckily I have a new one, what are your names?"
Physics holds his head up high as he prepares to speak, his arrogance getting the best of him. Physics Shift, at your service Physics says, liking the sound of his own voice saying his name.
Majem raised an eyebrow at Physics. "I take it you're the one who stripped the guards off of their belongings?" He said, slightly annoyed by that. "It'd be best to keep as little as possible while travelling. Carrying things gets very exhausting over time."