ALWAYS OPEN PARTNER REQUEST F x F F x M Back From The Dead (Never Ending Search)

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Let There Be Fire!
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
Online Availability
all day
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
  2. Primarily Prefer Female
Romance, Horror, Scifi, Fantasy, Magical
Hello Friends,
I am back from the dead. I had to step away for another 6 months, my child is now almost 2 and starting to get a real routine so now.. I have time to write again! So, hence the title, I am back to write!

Things about Me​

  • I am a 27 year old female, who is also a mama.
  • I will always keep you in the loop, I love OOC chatting.
  • I have a discord, message me if you want my discord. I am here to be your friend,too.
  • I am always coming up with ideas, and love being creative.
  • I am very loyal and never just drop anyone without knowing.
  • I match length, i love depth, I hate/loath one liners.
  • I haven't played males, so I am willing to try male, but would prefer female roles if I could

What I Expect from a partner​

  • Communication: I am always going to keep you in the loop rather I am busy or not. I love to get to know you, and for you to contribute into the story as well.
  • Investment: I just want someone who is wanting to contribute to the storyline and not the only one to come up with ideas, I want it to be OUR story. Also, I don't like short replies, I love the depth, there is beauty within writing.
  • Smut: 50/50 ratio with smut and story. I don't want it to take over but I do love a good smut especially with darker themes

My No Goes/Limits​

  • No Scat/Potty Play
  • Nothing to remove body ligaments, or too gruesome.

Now.. Onto the fun part.....


I am practically open to anything. Mention something, and we can work out a plot together.

I do have quite a few plots myself.
Currently craving symbol is !

Boss x Assistant
Gang leader x Innocent bystander
Best friend x Bestfriend
Good girl x Bad boy
Step Siblings
Arranged Marriage
Kidnapping situation
Teacher x Student
City Girl x Farmer/Ranch hand/cowboy
Bar Owner x Bar worker/Stripper/customer
Shy talented person x Agent
Singer x Fan
Singer x Dancer
Popular x New kid
Band x Dancers

Race Pairings
Human x Demon !
Hunter x Hunted (Vampire, Demon, Angel, witch) !
Angel x Demon !
Angel x Human
Angel x Angel
Demon x Witch
Vampire x Witch!
Vampire x Human!
Werewolf x werewolf
werewolf x human

We can always mix the ideas up and throw something together... Any who let me know. I do RP in PM's or Threads.

Vampire x Witch Vampire Hunter Plot !
There was a little girl (MC) who ended up becoming an orphan, a vampire prince/king/or high up in the community (YC) ended up killing them in front of her eyes. Causing the girl to grow up, taken in by a group/family of vampire hunters and being put under their wing and treated like one of their own to become a vampire hunter herself. Making it her only goal to kill the one that killed her parents, which she had made a name for herself growing up, being one of the most powerful vampire hunters being that she was in a family of witches, powerful witches that were royalty at one point. What would happen when she actually gets the chance to face him once again? Will it be a trap for her? Will she get revenge
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