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True North

Internal Compass
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
Fantasy, Horror, Scifi, Magical


Air. Water. Earth. Fire. Only the Avatar can master all four elements....
But one day, those who could not bend the elements, decided that no one would.

(Avatar Eiol's century long enslavement which led to the events below.)

The first of the four nations to fall prey to the Reorder were the Air Nomads. Their most skillful air bender neglected their culture's ideologies of peace and exclusive style of defense, and his chaotic tactics created tension and a vulnerable opening to strike. Without warning the second nation, the water tribe was overrun and some of their own people seduced into treason. The bad blood of the familial leaders drove a wedge in the alliance of their nation as a whole, and treachery from the inside resulted in their downfall. The third nation, the most resistant in the first hundred years, was the earth kingdom. Their old earth king soon passed and the heir was far too young to rule. A divide in the ruling caused a blinding distraction, and the invasion enveloped them before effective strategies could be enforced. Last to succumb was the fire nation. They put up a fight for the rest of the century. Only when the new avatar grew misled and corrupted, could they no longer stand a chance during a day of black sun. Their fire was weakened and they lost control of their militia.

Choose your place. Are you an enslaved bender? A bender in hiding?
An enforcer of the Reorder? Apart of the revolt?

The Reorder
A revolutionary group of non-benders who plot to erase all benders, so that no one has special power above them. They detained the adolescent avatar and intensively bent them to their will to create them into a self-denying, inquisitor of the Reorder. Experimenting with an ancient form of chi blocking, they were able to enhance the technique and paralyze benders from their power for an extended amount of time. Their agents specialize in this chi blocking technique and use it to disable their enemies for detainment. They gained the upper hand over the four nations with the avatar at their side and withheld a dire secret that would keep their order thriving.

Fire Nation Internment Camps
A place where fire benders are denied the sun. They are chambers with eerie crystals or metallic dungeons and cold, bitter darkness.

High Prison of the Water Tribes
Built upon the ruins of a demolished air temple, a high security prison where water benders are kept far from any water below.

Earth Kingdom Ice Traps
The ice pits where earth benders can never touch or manipulate the soil of the earth ever again.

Underground Confinements of Air
The remaining air nomads were forced underground with little oxygen and where their air bending and mobility is incapacitated.

The Phoenix Restoration
The revolt of non-benders and benders in hiding that aim to restore the order of the world by freeing the benders and bringing the Reorder to justice. Their ultimate goal, to release the avatar from their destructive influence to reclaim peace.
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Quite the interesting idea. I'll throw my hat in this and give it a go as well.
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happy to have some interest :jump:
Looks cool 👀 I might hop in, if that's alright.
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welcome :) just a few more interests and I'll set up an ooc for us
I'm a maybe. I saw this last time. I couldn't join, but I still kicked around ideas for an Earth kingdom escapee as mental exercise. I'll try to stop being such a scaredy cat and commit to writing it down.
an earth kingdom escapee, huh? interesting. one who plans to escape ic or one that you want to have already escaped?
whichever the decision, we'll need to devise a plausible explanation of how they manage/d to escape

after all, as an upcoming inquisitor, I need for all of my bender traps to be foolproof >;3
I've been thinking about that. Let me put it all on the table: I actually want to play two characters--one Earth Bender and one Air. Both escapees.

I don't see the Air bender's escape as being as important to her story as dealing with the aftermath and changes of not being used to the outside world and maybe worldbuilding out the imprisoned Air Nomads' new culture through her memories and struggles. She'd be pale, sensitive to light, her air-bending underdeveloped and not so powerful or creative as we're used to seeing.

I was originally thinking the Earth Benders' escape might happen early on but kind of slow burn(at least by my standard) or else be a flashback as well. I intended for him to join a group of old-and-young prisoners who have been planning an escape for some time. I imagined it as only being initially successful but ending in a massacre with only maybe a dozen or less actual escapees(from maybe around a hundred participants). It would make life harder for the remaining Earth Benders. Depending on how you wanted to run it and how many other Earth Bender PCs we'd have, we could make the escape a big subplot. I'll PM you some of my ideas.

I also want to play with the contrast in their coping mechanisms.

Say, what's the general tech level? I realized I was assuming Legend of Korra-esque (Steampunk schizo-tech 1920s-30s with some more ancient influences outside of metropolitan areas).
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I do like what your going for, for the air bender especially :] I've pm'd you my thoughts on the ideas
Regarding tech level, I'm leaning toward the original avatar but I'm open to considering a blend of advancements