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8 a.m. to 3 p.m. EST
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Modern Fantasy, Fantasy, Psychological, Action, Steampunk
Ashes, (to) Ashes

"Obsolete, such as ye were, so unto ashes shall ye return."
It was on a Monday night that the blood red fog came rolling in, enveloping all in its path. Those consumed could do nothing but release blood curdling screams as life left them. The living died, and the soulless eroded. Within an hour, the fog had spread to every corner of the world, leaving a mostly barren wasteland and few survivors behind. Those who lived waited for the fog to settle — for morning to come.

The fog did settle...

...but morning never came.

Ashes, (to) Ashes is a post-apocalyptic roleplay of sorts. I'm still fleshing out some of the details, but the general gist is that God has "died", and the angels left behind in its absence have decided humans to be obsolete, and so has decided to bring about their extinction. The only wrench in their plan was the continued existence of fallen angels, and their now since lifted banishment to Hell. Having decided to side with the humans, the fallen angels share their hosts body (being incapable of inhabiting earth in a physical manner) which, in turn, grants their host that particular fallen angel's ability. Thus, the primary focus of this roleplay will be the struggle of those "abandoned by God" against those now self-appointed rulers of all creation.

Naturally, we won't get straight into that. The start of the roleplay will revolve around our characters' adapting to the Destroyed Earth, as it's being called, as well as whatever fallen angel has decided to bless them with some means of surviving the Blood Fog. After that, it'll move more towards the fighting back part.

As I said, I haven't fully ironed this out yet, so suggestions are welcome and appreciated, even if you aren't interested in joining!
Well, I'm partaking.
Sounds intriguing, I'm interested. Is this still open?
This is interesting. And I'll at least toss out some thoughts and questions.

So, Fallen angels. Presumably not necessarily out and out demons, so that's cool. Nice to have a change there. Presumably they sort of grabbed people based on their own criteria. But, is the relationship consensual (I.e. "I give you power to survive, you let me experience the world through you"), or is it more something the people have little say in? Is this a sort of possession thing, with another entity within one's head and sometimes just taking control, or more like coordination, with the person still in active control at all times, but the fallen angel watching in spirit? Or can that go whatever way a player likes for their character? What sort of powers do you intend characters to have?

And, because it's appropriate enough, what sort of themes or influences do you have for this? I'd hate to just go full anime and channel Shakugan no Shana or something only to run into some heavy dissonance with the GM or everyone else.
Sounds intriguing, I'm interested. Is this still open?
It most certainly is!

This is interesting. And I'll at least toss out some thoughts and questions.

So, Fallen angels. Presumably not necessarily out and out demons, so that's cool. Nice to have a change there. Presumably they sort of grabbed people based on their own criteria. But, is the relationship consensual (I.e. "I give you power to survive, you let me experience the world through you"), or is it more something the people have little say in? Is this a sort of possession thing, with another entity within one's head and sometimes just taking control, or more like coordination, with the person still in active control at all times, but the fallen angel watching in spirit? Or can that go whatever way a player likes for their character? What sort of powers do you intend characters to have?

And, because it's appropriate enough, what sort of themes or influences do you have for this? I'd hate to just go full anime and channel Shakugan no Shana or something only to run into some heavy dissonance with the GM or everyone else.
Glad to see more interest!

1. The relationship can vary, based on the inhabiting fallen angel. The humans can't exactly force the fallen angels out, but not all fallen angels necessarily take over all their functions. In most cases, it'll be more of a symbiotic relationship. The humans want to survive, and the fallen angels want to basically stick the middle finger up at those who reside in what would be called Heaven. They are interested in at least keeping their human hosts alive, as they can't inhabit deceased bodies. In a way, I guess you could say they feed off the soul, thus tethering them. Likewise, if a human host dies, so does the fallen angel (unless they leave the body beforehand). The angels also inhabit bodies (they can't enter without a host), but more of theirs will be non-consensual (as can be expected).

2. Power wise, it's a little hard to narrow down, so I'd have to see what people come up with and determine its appropriateness for this roleplay before accepting their sheet. The powers are limited by human limitations though (i.e. if the power is super strength, you can maybe swing with enough force to shatter your arm one time, but your arm would, in fact, shatter after said swing).

3. As for theme, I wanna say mostly mankind's struggle, morality, and the like. You were one in Destructed World Cacophony, yes? That was also dissonance, so anime-ish elements are fine (see avatar image). Just not the serious comedy sort. I imagine that, for the most part, our characters will be in a LOT of despair initially, especially those watching a loved one or other such occurrence unfold right before their eyes.
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Thanks for all that. I don't think I was in Destructed World Cacophony, but I do remember it a bit.
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No problemo! While there will be fighting, the focus will be more on the character development throughout their struggle to survive — the way they perceive things, what they're willing to do, just generally how the whole situation changes them under seemingly insurmountable odds.