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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Let me know if there's anything you'd liked changed. (Note, it's under the Spoiler in my previous post)

And who said they didn't take persons from elsewhere?
Goliath Race Details

At the highest mountain peaks — far above the slopes where trees grow and where the air is thin and the frigid winds howl — dwell the reclusive goliaths. Few folks can claim to have seen a Goliath, and fewer still can claim friendship with them. Goliaths wander a bleak realm of rock, wind, and cold. Their bodies look as if they are carved from mountain stone and give them great physical power. Their spirits take after the wandering wind, making them nomads who wander from peak to peak. Their hearts are infused with the cold regard of their frigid realm, leaving each Goliath with the responsibility to earn a place in the tribe or die trying.

Driven Competitors
Every day brings a new challenge to a Goliath. Food, water, and shelter are rare in the uppermost mountain reaches. A single mistake can bring doom to an entire tribe, while an individual's heroic effort can ensure the entire group's survival.

Goliaths thus place a premium on self-sufficiency and individual skill. They have a compulsion to keep score, counting their deeds and tallying their accomplishments to compare to others. Goliaths love to win, but they see defeat as a prod to improve their skills.

This dedication to competition has a dark side. Goliaths are ferocious competitors, but above all else they are driven to outdo their past efforts. If a Goliath slays a dragon, he or she might seek out a larger, more powerful wyrm to battle. Few goliath adventurers reach old age, as most die in attempting to surpass their past accomplishments.

Fair Play
For goliaths, competition exists only when it is supported by a level playing field. Competition measures talent, dedication, and effort. Those factors determine survival in their home territory, not reliance on magic items, money, or other elements that can tip the balance one way or the other. Goliaths happily rely on such benefits, but they are careful to remember that such an advantage can always be lost. A goliath who relies too much on them can grow complacent, a recipe for disaster in the mountains.

This trait manifests most strongly when goliaths interact with other folks. The relationship between peasants and nobles puzzles goliaths. If a king lacks the intelligence or leadership to lead, then clearly the most talented person in the kingdom should take his place. Goliaths rarely keep such opinions to themselves, and mock folk who rely on society's structures or rules to maintain power.

Survival of the Fittest
Among goliaths, any adult who can't contribute to the tribe is expelled. A lone Goliath has little chance of survival, especially an older or weaker one. Goliaths have little pity for adults who can't take care of themselves, though a sick or injured individual is treated, as a result of the goliath concept of fair play.

A permanently injured Goliath is still expected to pull his or her weight in the tribe. Typically, such a goliath dies attempting to keep up, or the goliath slips away in the night to seek the cold will of fate.

In some ways, the goliath drive to outdo themselves feeds into the grim inevitability of their decline and death. A goliath would much rather die in battle, at the peak of strength and skill, than endure the slow decay of old age. Few folk have ever met an elderly Goliath, and even those goliaths who have left their people grapple with the urge to give up their lives as their physical skills decay.

Because of their risk-taking, goliath tribes suffer from a chronic lack of the experience offered by long- term leaders. They hope for innate wisdom in their leadership, for they can rarely count on wisdom grown with age.

Goliath Names
Every Goliath has three names: a birth name assigned by the newborn's mother and father, a nickname assigned by the tribal chief, and a family or clan name. A birth name is up to three syllables long. Clan names are five syllables or more and end in a vowel.

Birth names are rarely linked to gender. Goliaths see females and males as equal in all things, and they find societies with roles divided by gender to be puzzling or worthy of mockery. To a Goliath, the person who is best at a job should be the one tasked with doing it.

A goliath's nickname is a description that can change on the whim of a chieftain or tribal elder. It refers to a notable deed, either a success or failure, committed by the Goliath. Goliaths assign and use nicknames with their friends of other races, and change them to refer to an individual's notable deeds.

Goliaths present all three names when identifying themselves, in the order of birth name, nickname, and clan name. In casual conversation, they use their nickname.

Aukan Warpath Vaimei-Laga
Goliath Traits
Goliaths share a number of traits in common with each other.
Ability Score Increase
Hia Strength score increases by 2, and his Constitution score increases by 1.

Goliaths have lifespans comparable to humans. They enter adulthood in their late teens and usually live less than a century.

Goliath society, with its clear roles and tasks, has a strong lawful bent. The goliath sense of fairness, balanced with an emphasis on self- sufficiency and personal accountability, pushes them toward neutrality. Neutral Good/ Chaotic Good.

Goliaths are between 7 and 8 feet tall and weigh between 280 and 340 pounds. Your size is Medium.

Has a base walking speed of 30 feet.

Natural Athlete
Has have proficiency in the Athletics skill.

Stone's Endurance
You can focus yourself to occasionally shrug off injury. When you take damage, you can use your reaction to roll a d12. Add your Constitution modifier to the number rolled, and reduce the damage by that total. After you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Powerful Build
You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.

Mountain Born
You're acclimated to high-altitude, including elevations above 20,000 feet. You're also naturally adapted to cold climates, as described in chapter 5 of the Dungeon Master's Guide.

He can can speak, read, and write Common and Giant.
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Did you need me to put the class(s) in there?
@Daemon whoa! That's a lot of information! Could you work it into the character sheet found on the OP?
  • Sympathy & Compassion
Reactions: Cwispy
All it literally is is the racial information for Goliaths.
Aurelya Morn
Paladin of Tyranny

Drow | Paladin, Oath of Conquest | Chaotic Neutral
77 | 5'7" | 150lbs | Red | Dark Grey | White

Taller and heavier than most female drow, Aureleya's figure was sculpted for a martial life. While considered attractive among most races, Aurelya would likely use her allure to intimidate, rather than beckon unwanted suitors. Among members of her own race, however, Aurelya is seen as slightly above average, nowhere near the caliber of dark elven nobility.

Aurelya's smooth facial features are marred by a scar that tugs on her upper lip, giving it a sneer-like quality. Her long wavy hair falls down to the middle of her back, which she keeps most of it braided, while a single braided lock decorated with a ruby or obsidian gem, dangles over her ear.

Personality Traits
  • Silent: "What goes into my mouth is less likely to defile, than what comes out."
  • Indomitable: "My will never crumbles."
  • Ruthless: "I do whatever it takes, no matter the cost."
  • Guarded: "Trust is a luxury for the weak."
  • Meritocratic: "The best will rise and the weak will fall. If one stronger than me arises, then I too must grow stronger."
  • Victory, No Surrender: "I will fight on any ground at any time; whatever the cost may be, I will never surrender. Do or Die."
  • Burden of Command: "The people under my command trust me with their life- I will not fail them."
  • Failure: "I harshly judge those who accept defeat... it is absolutely intolerable."
  • Friendship: "I could willingly cast allies and subordinates into the jaws of war if it meant winning. But a precious friend... is a weakness my enemies could exploit."
  • Fatigue: "My reasons for fighting have kept me going, but I've been fighting for so long.... when will it end?"


  • red eyes drow girl(1).jpg
    red eyes drow girl(1).jpg
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I can try, by the Goliaths aren't originally from the Dalelands that doesn't mean he could be a castaway sent to prove his worth. Goliaths are from the 5th Edition


Name: Aukan 'Warpath' Vaimei-Laga
Race: Goliath/ Assmir
Personality Traits:


Character Appearance:

All it literally is is the racial information for Goliaths.

There will much to it than that, he's not just a Goliath. :)


Name: Nicholai Stryfè

Race: Human/ Part Elf

Class: Dragon Knight

Dragon: Silver Wyrm

Alignment: Neutral Good.

Faith/ Religion: None

Blood Type: O+

Personality Traits:

Ideals: Nickolai believes that there must be some regulation in combination with freedoms if the best is to be brought to the world--the most beneficial conditions for living things in general and intelligent creatures in particular. People with a similar way of seeing the universe as a place where law and chaos are merely tools to use in bringing life, happiness, and prosperity to all deserving creatures. Order is not inherently good unless it brings this to all; neither is randomness and total freedom desirable if it does not bring such good.

Valuing both personal freedom and adherence to laws, Nickolai feels that too many laws may unnecessarily restrict the freedom of good beings. They also believe that too much freedom may not protect society as a whole and encourage counterproductive divisions and in-fighting and can often promote governments which hold broad powers but do not interfere in the day-to-day lives of their citizens.

As a character he values life and freedom above all else, and despises those who would deprive others of them. Nickolai sometimes finds himself forced to work beyond the law, yet for the law, and the greater good of the people. he is not vicious or vindictive but is a person driven to right injustice. Nickolai always attempts to work within the law whenever possible, however.

To a good being, life and the assurance of other creatures' rights take precedence over all else. This is not to say that this character will have an aversion to taking another's life when faced with a choice between an attacker's and his own, however. they also believe that law and chaos are merely tools to use in bringing life, prosperity, and happiness to all deserving creatures. Neither numbers nor individual concerns have any bearing on decisions regarding the needs and rights of any given creature. In other words, in the view of a who believes as Nickolai does; rarely will either the needs of the many or the personal desires of an individual outweigh the needs of any other creature. All life is given even-handed treatment. As with all alignments neutral with respect to law and chaos, self-reliance is a cornerstone of a neutral good being's personality. In a crunch, Nickolai trusts in himself and in no other individual or group. This doesn't mean they can't make friends and develop trusting relationships with others, however. Nickolai isn't normally as independent as chaotic good beings, and they can cooperate in groups. But, they don't always trust a group to be more effective than they could be themselves.

Nickolai will keep his word to those who are not evil and will lie only to evil-doers. He will never attack an unarmed foe and will never harm an innocent. He will not use torture to extract information or for pleasure. He will never kill for pleasure, only in self-defense or in the defense of others. Nickolai will never use poison. He will help those in need and works well alone or in a group. He responds well to higher authority until that authority attempts to use the law to hamper his ability to do good. He is trustful of organizations as long as they serve his utilitarian purpose. He will follow the law unless more good can come from breaking the law. He will never betray a family member, comrade, or friend. Nickolai is indifferent to the concepts of self-discipline and honor, finding them useful only if they promote goodness.


  1. Alignment: Neutral good characters can be a dangerous alignment when it advances mediocrity by limiting the actions of the truly capable.

  2. Inpatient: He can be somewhat impatient; wanting to press the charge and slay his foes to the last.
  3. Somber: Due to growing up on battlefields, and seeing the dead piling up, it doesn't make him an approachable guy.

  4. Distrustful: Made to believe all beings have ulterior motives. Add to his own disastrous outgoings with trusting the wrong kind of people.

Motivations: Nickolai acts as law, tradition, or a personal code directs them. Order and organization are paramount to him. They may believe in personal order and live by a code or standard, or they may believe in order for all and favor a strong, organized government. Nickolai represents in all of us as you can be because it means you are reliable and honorable without being a zealot.


Age: 29

Height: 6'6/198.12 CM

Weight: 220.6 lbs /100.0 KG

Eyes: Crystalline blue

Skin: Warm, glowing, Caucasian

Hair: Short, platinum blonde hair

Character Appearance:

Is a tall, well-built man of European nobility; his arms are long and knotted with muscle, his stomach slightly concave but rippling just beneath the skin; he is rather handsome; his pale features speaking of some far away land. His hands are callused, but not just from har labor and training--oh no. He has fought many battled against the likes o Driders, Bugbears, Trolls, and giants. Though, it would not be polite but rather unbecoming of him to no mention Xanathos, Silver Great Wyrm (dragon) who has saved him from many a hairy situation.
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Ideals: Believes that there must be some regulation in combination with freedoms if the best is to be brought to the world--the most beneficial conditions for living things in general and intelligent creatures in particular. Peoplr with a similar way of seeing the cosmos as a place where law and chaos are merely tools to use in bringing life, happiness, and prosperity to all deserving creatures. Order is not inherently good unless it brings this to all; neither is randomness and total freedom desirable if it does not bring such good.

You can't just copy paste from the web to create your character xD


The Alignment System - Neutral Good

That's a mess.
I'm not meaning to plagiarize, but the way they put it makes sense, why my make it convoluted and distorted if it already makes sense?
I'd have inducted the author but the sit it I was reading from had no names.
Ideals: Believes that there must be some regulation in combination with freedoms if the best is to be brought to the world--the most beneficial conditions for living things in general and intelligent creatures in particular. Peoplr with a similar way of seeing the cosmos as a place where law and chaos are merely tools to use in bringing life, happiness, and prosperity to all deserving creatures. Order is not inherently good unless it brings this to all; neither is randomness and total freedom desirable if it does not bring such good.

You can't just copy paste from the web to create your character xD


The Alignment System - Neutral Good

That's a mess.
Added to that fact, noone bat an eyelash when I made my first rendition of my character which was straight from 5e handbook. So, I don't see the difference. Its how he's played that should matter. o.O If its not broke dont try to fix it is my motto.
Ideals: Believes that there must be some regulation in combination with freedoms if the best is to be brought to the world--the most beneficial conditions for living things in general and intelligent creatures in particular. Peoplr with a similar way of seeing the cosmos as a place where law and chaos are merely tools to use in bringing life, happiness, and prosperity to all deserving creatures. Order is not inherently good unless it brings this to all; neither is randomness and total freedom desirable if it does not bring such good.

You can't just copy paste from the web to create your character xD


The Alignment System - Neutral Good

That's a mess.
Also, I didn't "create my character from a web page. The character is mine. The information about his class and alignment is borrowed. But, that happens even in tabletop games.


(1) Gygax, Gary. Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Dungeon Master's Guide. TSR:1979. and Gygax, Gary. Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Player's Handbook. TSR:1978.

(2) Cook, David "Zeb," et al. Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, 2nd Edition Player's Handbook. TSR: 1989.

(3) Wujcik, Erick. Ninjas and Superspies. Palladium Books: 1994.

(4) Renaud, J.R. "Making law out of chaos." Dragon (#163). November 1990: 74-78.

(5) Parlagreco, Carl. "Another View of the Nine-Point Alignment Scheme." The Dragon (#26). June 1979: 23. and Wujcik, Erick. Ninjas and Superspies. Palladium Books: 1994.
O-o Ehhh it's up to the GM

Name: Finnious Stonecutter
Race: Human
Class: Samurai, Fighter
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Personality Traits:

  • Humble: "One should not boast, it defiles the deed."
  • Decisive: "In battle and in life, the strong don't hesitate."
  • Outspoken: "Decisions, conversation, communication, key ingredients to understanding."


  • Power: "The strong can make the law, or live above it."
  • Legacy: "Leaving an impression on the world is the greatest form of immortality."
  • Freedom: "To be forced stationary is a sentence on par with death."


  • Fickle: "I do what I wish to do. Your feeling is invalid."
  • Defeat: "Should loss of any kind approach me, I might sacrifice everything to avoid it."
  • Heart-to-Heart: "I'll be honest, I have no problem talking to you. I just can't understand your deepest feelings."

Age: 31
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 256 LBS
Eyes: Hazle-Brown, Gentle & Smoldering
Skin: Olive-Medium; Tough & Thick Hide
Hair: Long, Medium Brown, Tied & Knotted

Character Appearance: Imagine if you will, the classic frame of a male statue. Well proportioned muscle and limb length, a broad back and puffed chest. His body made upright and posture stable and strong. This body trained in the style of swordsmanship and martial prowess is decorated in scars, reminders of mistakes. Finnious would have you believe he could be a goliath shrank down to the size of a normal human man due to the density and, almost divinely shaped, masculine figure he provides.

A square jawline with a protruding Adam's apple covered by a thick, well-shape beard reaching the middle of Finniou's neck. While his eyes may seem narrowed most of the time, they offer a gentle side to the giant man. Yet no one would claim Finnious is classically attractive. The normal farm maid would view Fin as a barbarian and rugged and rough. Though the more worldly individual could see the boldness of his features and find a man of a handsome nature.
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Whew. Holidays were a handful. Gonna get to work on writing an introduction for Chief, Aurelya and Finnious!

@Blackangel , I will mention a statue in a corner of the arena; that is Chief.
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Glad to see you survived the holidays.

And looking forward to the intro