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Beautiful like a Forest Fire
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Applo's Characters
- Anitya Kominmyas - Whore with a heart of patinated bronze.

- Asra - Slave to wanderlust.

Tóra Uønsket - A soul without kin chasing down death.
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Anitya Kominmyas
Whore with a heart patinated bronze

Twenty-six | Female | Greek | Prostitute

Almost typically Hellanistic in appearance, there can be no doubt as to Anitya heritage. Lithe and tall at 5'9 in height, Anitya has the figure for her profession, seemingly having been amply gifted by the gods in all the right places. Her shock of red-hair is normally tied back into a messy bun with strands hanging down to her shoulders.

Clothing wise, Anitya favors garments that are suitable for the warm climates of the world she inhabits; loose flowing dresses and lightweight sleeveless blouses make up most of her scarcely used wardrobe.​

Anitya has a personality for everyone she meets. Her job is to workout who people want her to be and to play that role to perfection. Behind the mask this red-head is cynical, selfish and self serving. The world is a cruel and uncaring place and Anitya learnt at a young age that no one will look out for her except for her. While not necessarily untrustworthy if this whore can see a way forward that has a better outcome for her, she will take it and feel no remorse for those left in her wake.

Perhaps it was the will of the gods, but Anitya always seemed destined for the life of a lady of the night. When she first burgeoned into the first flushes of womanhood she already had an aversion to the labors of an honest person, always seeking to shirk her duties for flights of fancy and thrill. The many attempts by her parents to correct their wayward daughter only served to push Anitya further towards her future career by driving her from the familial home and onto the streets of Athens where she had nothing to offer to earn her daily bread other than herself. Not that this posed much of a problem for Anitya.

Life in Athens quickly transformed from one of uncomfortable squalor to one of almost divine bliss. It did not take long for Anitya to learn the many tricks of her trade and in so doing earn herself a very comfortable living. Despite this, Anitya was never fully satisfied. She had a constant yearning in her to see new places and meet new people. At first she was hesitant to give up the life she had built for herself but when a wealthy merchant got on his knees to beg her to accompany him to Osman, the red-head decided it was the will of the gods for her to explore their world. Since then Anitya has followed fat men with even fatter coin pouches around the Persian empire as her heart has seen fit.

Seductive tongue: While plain good looks will get you so far in Anitya's profession, to really excel you need a tongue that can make people melt.

Distracting Appearance: Anitya knows how to use her looks to leave those around her disorientated and distracted from what they should be focusing on.

Flexible: Contorting her body into strange and otherwise uncomfortable positions is an art that Anitya has studied and practiced well.

Butt stuff
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Slave to wanderlust

Twenty-Seven | Female | Puntling | Traveler

On Punt, Asra's appearance is unremarkable. Away from her homeland, Asra is unmissable because of how much she stands out from the crowd; although at a little over seven feet tall perhaps stands over it would be a little more correct. If this wasn't enough for someone seeking her company to pick her out then her ocean blue skin, greenish hair and muscles that would make even members of the Shah's order weep with envy certainly should be. On closer inspection one would notice that this imposing physique is littered with faint but very deliberate markings.

When it comes to dressing herself, Asra is not fussy or flashy. At home, she would wear the simple hard-wearing clothes of the common folk she was from. In the rest of the empire, this puntling will wear whatever she can find that will fit. If her strange style is a source of mirth for others, she does not appear to let it bother her.

Asra is a good daughter. Her mother always told her so; her grandmother too. This title is one that she always tries to live up to. She is kind and polite to all those who she meets and generous to those whom she thinks needs it. Deceit is not something in this Puntling's nature. If you get a promise or oath from her lips, you can expect Asra to do her absolute utmost to keep it and that she will feel guilty and remorseful if she can't.

This belief in the bond of her word is something Asra naturally extends to the promises of others. Some would say she is trusting, although plenty of others would say this is foolish naivety. Those who seek to take advantage of this open handed nature are unlikely to find themselves on the receiving end of a Puntling's Wrath. Violence is not something Asra is comfortable with at all. People who have wronged her and been caught will just find her generosity and trust withdrawn, unless she really thinks they might need her help.

There is one aspect of her psyche that Ara has allowed to blossom, despite the disapproval of her elders, and that is her love of chasing the horizon. For as long as she can remember, the promise of the unknown has always called to her, a siren song pulling her into its grasp. One day she will return home, she has promised as much, so now, Asra longs to see as much of the world as she can

Like near everyone from her village, Asra is a fisher. She cannot remember the first time she sat in a boat, but being on and under the water is as natural to her as eating and sleeping.

Not everyone's history is interesting or filled with intrigue. For Asra, life began as it had for generations of her forebears in a unremarkable fishing village on the rocky fringes of Punt. Her family, like near every other family in the village, made their livelihood from the bounties of the sea. When she was young, Asra helped to prepare the day's catch, once she was big enough she helped to gather the daily harvest with net and spears. No one would call the lifestyle Asra of her family lived luxurious, but it was comfortable. They had what they needed. Life was good.

The only wrinkle in the silk-like existence for Asra was an eternal desire to see what lay beyond the horizon. It called to her. While others were content to spend what free time they had at home, Asra would always be out exploring every inch, every nook and cranny of her island home. When she was young, this was enough to satiate, at least temporarily, her wayward desires. But, as was surely inevitable, one day in the early years of her womanhood, this daughter of giants found her homeland devoid of new secrets for her to uncover. At first there was a sense of satisfaction in this achievement, how many of her kind had seen all that their island home had to show. Soon though, satisfaction soured into sorrow. Asra yearned to see more in a place that had nothing more to give. Sorrow eventually ripened into despair and for several years, Asra stopped living and began just existing, living each day under a cloud of misery.

It was a moment of serendipity that was to lift the young Puntling from the depths of her gloom. A lost merchant ship, replete in the splendor of the empire, pulled into the bay that was Asra's home. She had always known about the empire in a vague way, but to see these strange folk, so short in stature, was a revelation of sorts. In an instant her mind was made up.

Her family did not want her to leave, but Asra was resolute, and loving as her parents were, they could see the hurt in their child's soul. They accepted her promise to return because they knew she was a good daughter and let her board the ship with their blessings. Since that day Asra has roamed the lands of the empire, working when she needs to and adventuring every day she can. The horizon calls to her and now she can answer.

Puntlings may be the descendants of giants, but Asra is a child of the sea. Years of working above and diving below the ocean's surface has left her as much at home in water as on dry land. She is a keen swimmer and diving beneath the surface while no longer some she has chance to do frequently, is practically second nature to her. This wholly physical lifestyle combined with the gift of long-lost forebears has given Asra strength and endurance that humans can never come close to achieving. Another boon of her slightly backwards existence is understanding that nature can provide. There are few things that Asra can not find a substitute for by turning to the gifts of the world with an experienced eye and practical hands.​
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Tóra Uønsket
A soul without kin chasing down death.

Twenty-Eight | Female | Deinian Aspect | Mercenary


For a woman of Dein, Tóra is not all that remarkable. The crown of her head reaches a little shy of six feet and she has the solid sturdy build typical of those who hail from the frozen wastes of the north. Likewise, Tóra adorns herself in the style of her homelands. Her hair and clothes are often adorned with beads and the trinkets of strange gods, an axe is rarely far from her hands and she bares the tattoos so important and prized by denizens of Dien.

Those who have spent time amongst the north folk and are keen of eye might notice that Tóra actually has curiously few of these almost sacred markings. Likewise there are a few other curiosities that the observant may notice about this northerner. Her ears for example are almost inhumanely tapered to a point. Her cuspid teeth are devilishly pointed and almost fang like. And in the dark of night, her eyes will shine bright in the light of the moon.

Some people put up walls around themselves, Tóra puts up fortresses. Even for those gifted of in the language of the unspoken, this strange mongrel of a woman is tough to read, if only because there is so little to be understood. Events that would bring others to tears of either ecstatic joy or crushing sorrow barely seem to register to this north-woman. Near every event in her life is met with the same tepid expression, the merest hint of a smirk being the most you'll see of happiness on her face; the slightest damping of her eyes of sadness.

There are perhaps only two times when anyone might see more vivid emotions coming from Tóra. The first is in the moments before a battle when she is reminiscent of a child waiting to be given a new toy. The other time when emotion could be considered to flow freely is when the mead and ale do to. At such times, Tóra can be entirely unpredictable as her emotions take their chance to escape.

Tóra's mother, Talia, was recently married to a warrior of a neighboring tribe when Tóra was conceived. As was traditional in Talia's new clan, as a childless woman she accompanied her husband on raiding trips where she and the other women provided a rear-guard to watch over the boats and the camp while the warriors were further inland.

On an expedition to the sun lands, soon after the bulk of the force had left on a raid the camp was attacked by a force of strange animal folk that quickly overwhelmed the defenses. Most of the camps defenders were slaughtered within minutes of the attack. Talia and a few other survived because individuals amongst the wolf kin claimed them as prizes and forced themselves upon the women. Horrific as it was, this meant that they were still alive when the raiding party returned and manged to kill the attackers.

Two months or so after the attack Talia found that she was with child and happiness began to find its way back into her life at the thought of having a baby. Nothing untoward was thought of the pregnancy at the time, Talia had laid with her husband since the attack and none of the other survivors had become pregnant. The truth of the matter was apparent within moments of Tóra's birth and both mother and baby were cast out of the tribe after the rest of the tribe saw the babes eyes and teeth.

Mother and baby returned to Talia's birth tribe where her farther was able to use his influence to allow mother and child to stay. For ten years they were grudgingly permitted to live on the edge of the village even though most members of the tribe despised and harassed the pair. However soon after the start Tóra's tenth year the political balance of the tribe changed and the protection brought by Tóra's grandfather was lost. Mother and daughter were stripped of the tribe name, declared unwanted, forced out of the village and forbidden from ever returning. From that day on the pair wandered the wilds of Dein following the migrations of the animals that they now depended upon for their survival. This was when Tóra, at the hip of her mother first learned how to hunt..

The pressure of survival honed her skills to a fine point with Tóra's ability surpassing that of her mother's within a handful of year. Even so life was exceptionally hard for the pair. Word of a cursed child had spread across the tribes and most villages were completely closed to the pair. Even the those that would deal with them treated the pair as pariahs and kept them to the outskirts of settlements. Without the support of others, every long Deinian winter was dangerous and in the winter after Tóra's seventeenth birthday Talia fell gravely ill. Unable to provide enough food and at the same time as caring for her mother Tóra watched as her mother faded away and died in front of her.

With nothing left to keep her in a land she now hated, Tóra began to wander south. She never meant to become a mercenary, in fact, at first she tried to make a living of sorts as a hunter. Trouble though, trouble always seemed travel in her footsteps. Wherever she went, nearly every night Tóra would end up in a fight of some kind. It didn't matter who she was facing, Tóra would fight till all her opponents were flat in the dirt or she was. It was as she was being dragged from the floor after one fight that a merchant offered Tóra coin if the north woman would fight to protect her good as eagerly as Tóra had fought the night before. She stayed with that merchant for a while, but eventually was offered an better deal which she took without another thought. And so this woman, this stranger in every land began the life of an Itinerant mercenary going wherever coin or danger called her to go.

Nomadic Survivor:
It has been a long time since Tóra lived anything that could be called a normal or settled life. She has survived because she learnt the skills she needed to find food and shelter in Dein's biting cold.

Fearless Warrior: No matter what the heavens throw at her, if this strange half breed has to fight it, no fear will enter her body. In fact just as in the tales of crazed warriors that hail from the lands of Dein, Tóra seems to welcome the worst possible scenario.
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