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terrified to be known, desperate to be understood
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Adaptable
romance. angst. drama. modern. fantasy. supernatural. adventure. crime. period pieces.


[bg=maroon] BY INVITATION ONLY - Apple's Peak [/bg]

  • [bg=black]

    The fairy tales were written and told by Charles Perrault, Hans Christian Andersen, Brothers Grimm, all the greats, and even the little nursery rhymes you were told as kids weren't just stories. They were real. They had happened. All of it. The magic, the mystery, the beauty, the love.

    They've always been real unbeknownst to everyone. Including the characters of the stories themselves...

    For generations and generations, they've been reincarnated and lived out the lives of their stories again and again. Always with new turns, twists, horrors and always the magic. And they've never remembered their past lives. These tale characters are called Everafters.

    Yet, there is a secret ending no one knows about. Each time the pages of the stories close, the stories of their lives come to an end, these characters, people, Everafters, are hunted down and killed/eaten by mysterious monsters.

    No one knows why. And they never have been able to figure it out because they can never remember their past lives each time. They only time they've come to remember anything of their old lives is when it's too late. When the story has ended and the monsters have come after them.


    However, the 21st century has arrived. And things have really changed.

    These monsters are no longer coming after the story is done. They've started to come at any time they please.

    But things have not only changed on their end. The Everafters are starting to remember themselves in bits and pieces, dreams and nightmares, in blackouts. But they're coming to know and remember who they are. Who they were.

    Now, a town called Apple's Peak located outside of Los Angeles is attracting the Everafters. Another mystery that has yet to be solved, but they are all attracted to it and have headed there.

    If they worked together, they could find answers and save themselves from the same fate, from their common enemy.

    Sadly, there is too much conflict monster themselves, the heroes, the villains, the neutrals, and even with normal human beings. They're people and so they have issues.

    The Everafters stories are taking a new turn. This time at their own will.

    And no one knows how it will end.


  • [bg=black]


    The story book characters. Whether a hero, villain or side character the person will always be an Everafter. Therefore, they've lived many lives and have been killed all the same by the monsters. And continue to be hunted.

    As an Everafter, they are different from normal human beings. Some of their differences may be increasingly inhuman. Such as magic, strange abilities or more.

    For example; Snow White may have enhanced, mesmerizing, hypnotic beauty. She is the fairest of them all.

    Everafters are sorted into one of two categories based on their role in the story. But this doesn't necessarily make them bad or good completely or at all.

    The Good
    The heroes. The good guys.

    The Bad
    The villains. The hateful ones.


    The Monsters

    The Ugly

    There is next to nothing known about these horrid creatures. No one has ever seen one and lived to tell the tale. The only thing that the Everafter's do know is that only their kind can see the creatures, no normal human beings can. And they always leave a bloody mess of their victims. So, it seems they aren't intelligent beast.


    Apple's Peak
    A quaint, close-knitted community, but large town located outside of Los Angeles, California. It attracts Everafters, somehow calling out to them. The town's appeal is as mysterious as almost everything else, there's something magical about it... But because it attracts Evetafters it also attracts the monsters.

    Unknown to its residents the town is magic and holds most, if not every answer, the Everafters need and want.


  • [bg=black]

    Name | Storybook character | Association ( The Good or The Bad) | Face Claim | Reserved By |

    Clarissa Richards| Alice | The Good | FC: Elle Fanning| @MaryGold
    Rachel Walsh| The Little Mermaid | The Good | FC Emily Browning| @MaryGold
    Zhao Meiling | Fa Mulan | The Good| FC: Park Shin Hye|@MaryGold
    Lorelei Durand | Philip | The Good | FC: Danielle Campbell | @MaryGold
    Holly Amherst | Dorothy | The Good | FC: Willa Holland |@MaryGold
    Imogen Babineaux | Maleficent | The Bad | FC: Cara Delevingne | @lxngdon
    Katya Vikashnykov | Cheshire Cat | The Good|FC: Melanie Martinez | @lxngdon
    Alexandria Dalir | Aladdin | The Good | FC: Emaraude Toubia | @Marianne
    Camilla De Vil | Cruella De Vil | The Bad| FC: Imogen Poots | @Marianne

    Carolina Dubois | Belle | The Good| FC: Leighton Meester | @Alexis
    Auerelia Gothel | Mother Gothel | The Bad | FC: Phoebe Tonkins | @Alexis

    Eadlyn Addison | Mad Hatter | The Good |FC: Evan Peters| @MaryGold
    Julian Bruno | Big Bad Wolf | The Bad | FC: Matthew Daddario | @MaryGold
    Isaac Portland | Peter Pan | The Good | FC: Bill Skarsgard| @lxngdon
    Ryan Fischer | Aurora | The Good | FC: Lucky Blue Smith| @lxngdon

    Collin De Vil | Cruella De Vil | The Bad| FC: Tom Felton | @Marianne
    Halcyon Sarantos | Hercules| The Good| FC: Aaron Taylor Johnson | @Marianne
    Liam York | Kumiho | The Bad| FC: Luhan | @CrystalTears
    Tobias Wheaton | Baekaneko | The Good | FC: Min Seok | @CrystalTears

    Hans Wilhem | Hansel | The Good | FC: Douglas Booth | @Alexis
    Gregorovitch Wilhem | Gretel | The Good | FC: Max Irons | @Alexis


  • [bg=black]

    None as of yet


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Apple's Peak.

A quaint town, large enough to participate in many activities. Not as much as you would in a city. But still enough to entertain, it's a tourist town after all. And though near the big city, it is still far enough to live in an area mostly surround by trees, a forest.

However, what the town is mostly known for is, you guessed right, its apples. The best apples in the country. There are many apple orchard farms, but the trees are scattered all over town. Including in the center where the largest tree is held. Which is how it gained the name Apple's Peak.

The town is very peaceful for the most part, always gathering immigrants and foreigners. It is also the most diverse town in the country. So, never is it boring despite its peace.

Though unknown to the residents it's a magic town and a great darkness has started seeping into it.

Apple's Peak, California
Tuesday, March 21st
Weather; Cloudy, gloomy skies, light raining and cool air


Elizabeth Kates, age sixteen, was found dead on the public walking trail two days ago.
She was in pieces.
The last to have seen the girl is Clarissa Richards.
No known suspects and the police are still looking.
Most suspicious are those who have recently moved into town.

Everyone is on edge.
Mayor Verbeck suggests that all be cautious.

The funeral will be held at four o'clock sharp, all who wish to attend is welcomed.

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Reactions: Marianne

"It's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then."


Location: Coffee Shop
Interactions: ---
Mentions: ---

Elizabeth Kates was dead.

Clary had only seen her two nights ago. It seemed so strange that she wouldn't be seeing her again. It left her feeling empty, though, she supposed she should feel sad. After all, she was her best friend. Well, ex-best friend to be more precise. The girls just didn't get along anymore when Lizzie had started trying to be normal.

Which Clary had found absolutely infuriating. They were different, and not just in one way, but in many. They could do things no other human being could. And, Lizzie had tried to deny it, refuse it and change to be with the "cool kids". At the very least, she did become a part of their little gang for a night before dying a horrible death.

Well, at least she assumed it was a horrible death. They found her body in pieces. A gruesome, morbid sight, she had heard. Of course, they tried to keep this quiet. But, it was a town, a close-knitted town and the word was eventually spread. They were looking for suspects. And the people were looking for someone to blame. Most of them were blaming the non-town natives who recently moved in.

It was ridiculous, she knew them to be innocent. Especially considering she knew who - or to be more precise - what killed Lizzie. It was the monsters, obviously. She had seen them, no longer in just her nightmares, but on the streets of this town, walking amongst the people. Horrid creatures they were. But they never seemed hostile when she saw them and they'd disappear whenever they noticed she caught them.

Most frustrating of all, no one believed her when she told them the truth. The honest truth.

"Have you taken your meds, dear?" He parents would ask.

No one took her seriously. She was the town crazy. But she wasn't crazy. And they also thought her to be dangerous. She was the last one to see Lizzie before her death. They argued, heatedly, and Lizzie walked out on her after doing terrible things to her. It seemed natural the town crazy losing her only friend would snap and kill her. People suspected her. But they couldn't touch her, her parents pulled the strings and held the most power around here. So, they looked the other way.

Clary sighed, staring at the window where it was raining lightly. Currently, she was sitting in the best coffee shop in town. The one where her other, true best friend work. In at the moment, the shop was quiet, there weren't many people buzzing around like it usually was. The atmosphere in the town was as gloomy as the weather.

And of course, the funeral was to be held soon. Clary wasn't attending. So, she sat, drinking her hot cup of chai milk tea, watching as Eadlyn bored sat behind the counter, waiting for a customer to come in. He looked bored beyond belief. When she caught his eyes, he sent her a pleasant smile.​

"Can I have some cookies with my tea?"

"Sure thing, Rissa."


"Have I gone mad?"
"Yes, you're entirely bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret. All the best people are."


Location: Coffee Shop
Interactions: Clary
Mentions: Elizabeth Kates

"What kind of cookies do you want?" The blonde young man asked the young girl sitting near the window. He wiped his hands on his apron before moving into the back to find the stash of many kinds of cookies. There were so many there that he found himself sneaking a one or two to eat and no one on the staff would notice. Which was good because his boss was rather stingy and he could be fired.

"Snickerdoodle will satisfy me just fine, please." The English girl called to him her request.

"Snickerdoodle it is," Eadlyn mumbled to himself, putting on his gloved for sanitary purposes. He placed two large snickerdoodle cookies onto a small glass plate after quickly heating them. They tasted best hot. And he only liked to serve the best to his costumers. That was why he was the manager and most loved employee to the customers and staff both.

He happy took another and placed in the pocket of his apron for himself. Then he went back out to set it down in front of the girl, his friend, his best friend. He patted her shoulder and went back to his place behind the counter, waiting for the ring of the bell indicating a new customer had arrived.

The ring would probably never come. Business was slow today. Really slow. Usually, the coffee shop was always busy and loud and full of energy, something that he enjoyed greatly. But someone had died, a girl of the young age of sixteen. And people were afraid, and angry and cautious. Most of them were staying indoors, using the gloomy weather as an excuse.

To be honest, he was the only one working in the shop today. The only people inside at the moment were himself, Clary and a couple of old geezers in the back. Which only meant one thing for him ....

He was bored.

"I think I'll just die here if this keeps up. Maybe I will go to the funeral. At least I'll have something to do." He groaned, complaining Clary who was quietly nibbling on her cookie with a book in her hand. She was ignoring him.

Today was the day he'd finally die of boredom. He knew it would come, eventually. Maybe, he should be more mournful for the poor dead girl instead of complaining about such trivial things. But his heart wasn't all there and he didn't know her too well as it was.

So, he stared at the door and waited.


"I know you. I walked with you once upon a dream."


Location: Library
Interactions: ---
Mentions: ---

All she needed was one lousy book, but the damn librarian was giving her a hard time. And over what? The fact that she obviously didn't want to be working any hours right now? So, she took it out on her. One of the only people who seemed to be at the library at this time. And therefore, her being there was another reason for her to work.

Honestly, Lory didn't give two shits. She needed that book to study for a rather difficult Literature test coming up in a week or two. And she had extra time to study considering half of her classes were canceled. Many of the professors were friends with the parents of the dead girl, Elizabeth, she believed her names. But, they were all planning to attend the funeral and mourn.

And that gave her time to study.

Though, she had thought about going to the funeral. She would definitely get extra credit from her professors. However, she didn't know Elizabeth nd she would never use someone else death to her advantage in such a way. It was wrong and she knew it. She didn't even know her either.

Finally, the woman had stopped wasting her time and handed her the book from the shelf.

"Thank you," Lory said rather forcefully and walked away to sit a table.

She made sure to not get comfy if she did she would fall asleep and waste her own time. And she didn;t want that. She sat up straight and quietly read the title. "Grimm's Fairy Tale's." Murmured the brunette, frowning slightly. Something about the book irked her.
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Reactions: CrystalTears

NAME: Liam York
LOCATION: Coffee Shop
INTERACTIONS: Clary & Eadlyn
TAGGED: @MaryGold

It was yet another one of those mornings. The mornings where he hadn't gotten enough sleep, where the dreams had haunted him all night long, put their claws into him and dragged him all the way into the depths of their darkness. Liam didn't know why these kinds of dreams kept happening, why they decided to keep haunting him of whatever it was showing him. It kept repeating itself, but yet it still felt different. There were feral growls, red angry eyes and blood splattered everywhere. The faces of the victim kept on changing, their gender and their age were no different. Had he done that? Had he killed all of those people? Those who kept on showing up in his dreams? Was this some kind of revenge? Some kind of sick twisted "karma" that now wanted to shower him in the regret that he had so many times ignored?

"No. No it's not me!" Liam shouted to himself in the mirror, splashing cold water in his face to calm down. His sister was working, screaming at a mirror wouldn't make her worried if she didn't know about it. "Why can you not leave me alone?" He whispered before taking a peek into the mirror again. His eyes were slitted, ears perked on top of his head with a tail strongly beating behind him, his fangs were peeking out of the corner of his lip, threatening to poke through his lip. "I did not ask for this. . ." A soft sigh bounced off the wall, deep breaths were taken as the ears disappeared along with the tail. His heterochromia eyes --the left being blue and right green-- slowly expanded themselves to look as normal as they possibly could before his fangs retracted themselves. Losing his temper was dangerous, he tended to turn. . . different whenever that happened, as if the one who had done all of what happened in his dreams were sealed inside of him somewhere, threatening to come out and do it again.

Liam sighed. There was no reasoning to getting himself worked up over this, it was only a dream that he had so many times before. In order to get a more "fresher" start to the day he stepped into the shower, hoping to wash away all of his worries, insecurities and dreams.

While the shower was as efficient as one would figure for solving all of his problems, it did manage to give him a better start to the day. He stepped into the living room and turned on the TV, it was nice to have some background noise while making some food, but today it wasn't as pleasant.

"--The girl that was murdered on the public trail two days ago have been confirmed to be the sixteen year old Elizabeth Kates. Kates' body was found in pieces on the trail by a couple walking for two days ago and ongoing investigations are currently made by the police. So far the police are not open to give statements yet, but they have confirmed that investigations are being made.

Mayor Verbeck suggests everyone to be careful as this is the--"

The TV turned off. He let out a loud sigh as he put the remote back down. His appetite seeped out of him, just like that. There were rumors that people were suspecting those who had recently moved to Apple's Peak, how wonderful it was that he had only lived there for about a week now? There were still boxes being delivered to them, half of his room was still missing along with his art supplies. Maybe that was what he needed, art. There was nothing better in this world than to let the pencil's lead rub across the smooth paper, to feel each brush of his pencil become a part of something bigger in the end. To watch and create as a line became a person, a flower, an animal. . . the limits of a line was truly endless as Liam could shape it into almost whatever he wanted.

A smile crept up on his lips as he grabbed his already prepared bag, tossing the wet towel into the dirty laundry basket. His hair had yet to completely dry, but it was dry enough for a trip outside. Inspiration hit him like lightning, and now he was in the mood to find something to draw. He checked his bag. Pencil case, color set, sketchbook, polaroid camera, cellphone and his wallet. All good to go then. His sister wasn't a big fan of him leaving the house, mainly because he had shared what he had dreamed, what he was. It wasn't her wish to lock Liam away inside of the apartment, to treat him like some sort of beast that needed to be inside a cage in order to be deemed "safe", but he understood why she wanted him to stay if he could. Liam shared her thoughts, but he couldn't keep himself from going out, no matter how dangerous he thought himself to be. He wanted-- No he needed to explore the world, just to explore what beauty that existed in the world, to know not to taint it.

Light steps carried the kumiho down the streets. The weather was dark and gloomy --as if to punctuate today's news-- and a light drizzle made it hard for him to be able to draw something outside. Another sigh escaped his lips, the cool air making it condescend and turn into a thick enough mist for it to be seen by the eye. He regretted not wearing his jacket, but the weather wasn't bad enough to make him cold just yet. His eyes fastened themselves upon a tea shop, having skipped breakfast, a cup of tea and maybe a snack was really tempting. The news report had really shooed his appetite away, but he had a separate appetite for tea and a suiting snack in this kind of weather.

As he entered there was a soft chiming that came from above the door. He shook his head a bit --to get rid of the excess water from both the shower and the rain outdoor-- before greeting the barista behind the counter. "Good morning." He greeted the man, giving him a quick smile and a slight bow with his head. "May I have. . . " Heterochromia eyes searched the menu for something that called for him, though there was a lot of good options on the menu, Liam made up his mind rather quickly. "I'll have a blue butterfly tea and piece of strawberry shortcake please." He politely requested before scouting around the tea shop. He usually would have done so before entering --as a measure to avoid crowded places-- but he wanted shelter away from the weather as soon as possible.

This was when his eyes laid upon a particular girl. She was currently swallowed up by the plot of a somewhat thick looking book. Her back was straight, her cup elegantly placed in her other hand as she brought it up to her lips. There was something. . . stunning about her. Not in a romantic kind of way, but in an artistic way. The barista was busy with his order, so Liam decided to walk over to her table --seeing as she was sitting alone-- and hoped he was not intruding.

"Excuse me." He softly called out as he sent her a pleasant smile. "I'm sorry if this sounds weird, but may I draw you?" It was a bit more bold than what he usually would have done, but he felt the inspiration for drawing and he found what he wanted to draw. A spring flower standing in the middle of the gloomy streets. "You may take it with you afterwards for free if you wish. I just figured that on this gloomy day I'd draw something that did not fit in." He smiled, though he kept himself from sitting down in case she would decline his offer. The last thing he wanted was to seem pushy.

"--And so I realized. . . The real monster, the one I feared, was myself,"
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Reactions: MaryGold
k a t y a

location: Coffee shop
interaction: Eadlyn (@MaryGold)
mentioned: n/a

Katya was slightly shaken up by the knowledge that someone had died in Apple's Peak. It wasn't as if this was a very dangerous area -- no, she had always felt safe here. But regardless of how the young Russian felt, someone had died and there was nothing she could do about it.

As sad as it was, Katya was determined not to let this ruin her day completely so she made her way to the coffee shop as she tended to do in the mornings. Maybe sticking to her usual routine would be good for her. It wasn't like she had known the girl, not at all, so Katya didn't see why she needed to be affected. As horrible as it was to think that, it didn't really concern her. So she probably wouldn't be attending the funeral.

Katya entered the coffee shop with her camera hanging in its case from her neck. The tiny girl approached the front counter and addressed the barista politely. "Hi, could I please have a chocolate latte and a peppermint brownie? And two raspberry macaroons."

i s a a c

location: Park
interaction: n/a
mentioned: Halcyon (@Marianne)

You are not going to get murdered as you walk to the park.

Isaac was being irrational, but after the murder of that poor girl, he was on edge, and he knew most of the town was. It was hard to simply get over such a horrible, horrible act, especially in a small, little town like Apple's Peak. This place was so serene, so quiet. Things like that weren't supposed to happen here.

Which was why Isaac, like most of the town, was trying to continue on with his normal routine. He wanted to mourn the girl, he really did, but he had not known her at all and it felt slightly rude to pretend that her death affected him in any major way.

So, Izzy jogged his way to the park and rested on a bench as he waited for his best friend to arrive and grace him with his spectacular presence -- Halcyon. Isaac just prayed his best friend was alright and not too damaged from all of this.

i m o g e n

location: her home
interaction: n/a
mentioned: Collin and Camilla (@Marianne)

Imogen Babineaux was probably one of the only people in the town who really did not care about the dead girl. Why would she? It didn't affect her in any way, shape or form, and here, in her manor at the outskirts of town, she was more than safe from the claws of whoever hurt the deceased.

So, Imogen simply lounged around in bed. But she was bored. She got out her phone and texted Collin, telling him -- not asking -- to come over. Of course, Imogen knew that whenever she got Collin, she'd get Camilla, but maybe if she ignored the girl she'd get the hint and go away.

Unlikely. But it was worth a try.

r y a n

location: library
interaction: Lorelei (@MaryGold)
mentioned: n/a

A girl had died. Okay. Ryan didn't see how it affected him.

But, apparently, his mother was very concerned about his mental health and Ryan had therefore been instructed -- no, commanded -- to go for a walk as apparently that helped with sanity or some bullshit Ryan didn't understand. He had contemplated simply not going at all, but Ryan didn't hate his mother, really, and it would be easier to do what she said rather than to simply ignore her, so he went to the library.

Ryan was searching for a book on dragons -- cool, dragons, they were nice -- when he bumped into the shoulder of a girl. "Fuck," he said irritably, as if it were her fault that he was clumsy and didn't know where he was going. "Sorry," he said rather tersely to the girl.
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location: The Park
interactions: Isaac @lxngdon
mentions: Alexandria

Halcyon wasn't sure what to make of everything. Death... Death was a trigger for him because it reminded his of his mother and her mysterious death. At least, it apeared mysterious, but Hal didn't think so. He felt like there was something else to it. Something more. There had to be a reason behind how she died. Everything had a reason.

Just like how he suspected that there had to be some proper reason behind this girl's death, but he knew that he would just drive himself crazy thinking abotu it. He needed to stop. He needed a distraction. He had rung up two of his best friends to meet them at the park. He knew that meeting Isaac and Alex would help. It usually did, and he didn't trust himself to be alone at that moment.

Dressed in a red flannel shirt and jeans, Halcyon entered the seemingly empty park. It could have been full of people and he would hardly have noticed. His mind was just too occupied. Hands in his pockets he walked along the pathway till he spotted Isaac and brightened. Yes, talking to his best friend always helped. He headed over to the bench he was seated on and sat down as well before leaning his head back and staring at the sky. "How you holding up?" He asked Isaac, more concerend for his friend than himself at the moment.


location: His home/Imogen's home
interactions: Imogen @lxngdon
mentions: Camilla, Imogen @lxngdon

Collin was always excited if he was invited over to a girl's place. You'd think he'd get used to it by now since it happened so often but no, he always felt that thrill of going to see a girl, and already all the lines he would say to her would pop into his mind. Flirting was like second nature to him, even if he was somewhat picky about the girls he put moves on.

Seeing the text from Imogen, he smirked. He had just gotten out of the shower and so he threw on a dark pair of jeans and a snug grey sweater before grabbing his car keys. "Mia!" He called out to his sister. "We're heading to Imogen's place!" He said 'we' because he knew she would insist on coming. She wasn't usually a cockblocker. It was only when she didn't like the girl on the receiving end.

After checking in the mirror that his whitish hair was tamed and under control, he headed out of his room and toward the door. The twins lived lavishly from all the conning and blackmail they did. Colling couldn't imagine a better life. Hearing about death was not so new to him, so even in a place like Storybrook, the death of a girl was not news to him.


location: Her home/Imogen's home
interactions: Imogen @lxngdon
mentions: Collin, Imogen @lxngdon

"Mia! Andiamo!"

Camilla groaned as she heard her brother call out to her another time. She had hoped that if she didn't respond, he might not go, but she knew he wanted to go there without her so if there was even the slightest hint that she might not tag along he would be out of the door in seconds. "Coming!"

She knew they both weren't good people. And she didn't care, quite frankly. Despite it though, she was still wary lf who he was hanging out with and if she didn't think they were good, she immediately disliked them. Like her brother was picky with who he flirted with, she was picky about everyone.

So, she trudged out of bed where she had been painting. Streaks of purple and blue stained her cheeks from her careless brush strokes and she washed up before slipping into jean shorts and a fitting blue sweater. Combing her fingers through her hair, she walked out and joined her brother in the car before he started to drive toward Imogen's place. She didn't exactly have a pleasant expression when they arrived and knocked at the door. Her sickly sweet smile was so clearly mocking.


location: Outside the Park
interactions: N/A
mentions: Isaac @lxngdon

Alex was running low on cash. This usually meant that she would have to resort to a little pick pocketing. It was usually harmless, it wasn't like she took a lot. She usually just nipped a little from a lot of poeple and it was enough to last her a week before she did it again.

The park was the best place to do it, and since Hal had mentioned he wanted to meet her and Isaac there, she saw her chance. It would hardly take long. Maybe she could even splurge a bit and get an ice cream.

But just as she was outside the park gates, she peered in and saw that there were hardly any people around. She knew that it most likely had something to do with the death of that girl. She had heard about it. It had disturbed her, but only for a while, because she had other things to get to. She didn't like death, but mourning for a girl she didn't know felt odd and out of place. She could only hope it didn't happen to anyone else.

People appeared to be a little too wary to go out of their houses so the park wasn't too filled. She just stood outside the gates, thinking of what she could do. She wouldn't get her salary from the bar in another two weeks, and she wasn't going to ask anyone for money. She knew she couldn't walk in and talk to Isaac and Hal because she'd seem distracted, so till she settled her thoughts, she stayed outside, pacing along the pavement and trying to think.

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Reactions: MaryGold

"It's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then."


Location: Coffee Shop
Interactions: Liam @CrystalTears
Mentions: Eadlyn

Clary looked up and away from her book and let her her eyes land on the source of the new and unfamiliar voice. Truth be told she hadn't moved her gaze from her book because she was uncertain if he was referring to her or not. But she had to check and quickly came to realize he did mean her.

"It does sound a little weird." She agreed, a smile coming to her face. Which was definitely a vast improvement on her features on this gloomy day indeed.

It was weird to her because she didn't exactly see herself as something that didn't fit in this gloomy day. Or maybe it appeared that way because she wasn't very used too much gloomy weather in their small town. Whatever it may have bee, she didn't care. She was flattered and curious.

Curious because she did not know who he was. Obviously not a town native, neither was she, but she had been here a longer than him. It was easy to tell because Eadlyn hadn't known him either. And he knew everyone.

"I don't mind at all, I would like it very much, actually." Clary set down her book, just as Eadlyn came over to the table and set down Liam's Order and stalk back to the counter. Usually, he'd probably stay and chat, but there was another customer who had just entered. A short, dainty woman. But, Clary didn't pay her much attention. "I'm Clary," She introduced herself, holding out her hand to shake his.

"First, though, are you at drawing? Because I don't want an ugly portrait of myself."


"Have I gone mad?"
"Yes, you're entirely bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret. All the best people are."


Location: Coffee Shop
Interactions: Katya @lxngdon
Mentions: Liam @CrystalTears| Clary |

Hearing the chiming of the bell indicating there was a new customer and potential friend always brought a smile to Eadlyn's face. And immensely so on this drab of a day. He was grateful for more people to come inside the cozy shop despite being the only one on duty, ultimately meaning he'd have to be on his feet if more were to come.

He didn't mind, the more the merrier. And at least he'd have something to do because standing behind the bench all day with nothing to do would have killed him. Some would think he had ADHD, honestly, sometimes he thought he did too. But, it made nod difference for him if he did.

When the newcomer came in, an Asian man he hadn't known, but seen before, came inside and ordered he immediately went to work. With a smile on his face, he had quickly returned ready to strike up a conversation, wanting to get to know the young man, but he was already talking to Clary about some drawing.

So, he simply set his things on the table and returned to his spot only after another person had entered. That made him happy, he loved meeting new people. And he had seen this dainty woman before too.

"Chocolate latte, peppermint brownie and two raspberry macaroons ..." He repeated her order with ease regardless of her much different and distinct Russian accent. Many people from all over the place lived in Apple's peak.

Once again he was moving to fulfill a customer's order, making her chocolate latte up front in sight where the machines for the job were set. He smiled pleasantly and let his eyes fall on camera."Are you a photographer or is it just a hobby?"


"I know you. I walked with you once upon a dream."


Location: Library
Interactions: Ryan @lxngdon
Mentions: None

"Are you?" Lory snapped, her voice low as she whipped around to face the man, who turned out be annoyingly tall. And it didn't help that she was just short either. She had to arch her neck back to look him in the face. She didn't care if he was much bigger than her, she raised her chin and gave him a full on glare.

He had knocked the book from her hands onto the ground and almost her along with it. Of course, she should have sat down before distracting herself and beginning to read, but he should have been watching himself too.

To be honest, she would have normally just let it go and walked way. But Lory was already in a sour mood because of many things and most recently before he was because of the rude librarian. And then he had to turn out to be rude too.

She crouched down to pick up her book with one hand and popped back up into her standing position. "Because I'm sure if I smacked this book on top of your head, you'd really be sorry."


"The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all."


Location: The Park
Interactions: Alex @Marianne
Mentions: None

Mei was happy. Very pleased. And that would be peculiar on a day like this with her conditions.

For starters, she lived alone and across the country from her family. Sadly, she could only scrape up enough money to visit them on the holidays. Though she had only moved to the town of Apples Peak three months ago, she had been away from her parents for two years.

She didn't have many friends at all, and business was sour.

That was, until now. She found herself completely booked in her security work.

Why? Because someone had died, and it was a sad thing. That that poor, probably sweet, young girl had to go so horribly. But thanks to that all the rich snobs that lived in the quaint town were looking for bodyguards, excellent bodyguards. And Mei was the best of the best.

With that, she'd make a load of money and she could go see her Baba and Mama sooner than the holidays. She was so happy she decided to go for a run. No gloomy clouds or drizzling rain would prevent her from any form of exercise.

Unfortunately, she had yet to wash her laundry. She came to a conclusion to go for a walk instead and not on the trail, the trail she usually went on, the one the girl had died. The dark haired woman instead made her way to the park.

Just as it came into view, she noticed a pacing woman. "Are you okay?" She asked, approaching the woman. It was a little peculiar to see anyone on this day outside of the park pacing with a worried look on their face.


"Who says my dreams have to stay just my dreams?"


Location: Outside Resturant
Interactions: None
Mentions: Hans & Greg @Alexis
The fact that a girl had died was far from her mind, and maybe it shouldn't have been, but Rae had other things to worry about. Like whether or not she had enough money to get back home on the bus. She hoped she did because she didn't want to be stranded downtown just because she was silly enough to forget her wallet.

Currently, she was sitting on the bus as the driver drove into the downtown area of town. She was the only passenger, though. And it gave her a weird feeling, for once she had a seat to sit in. Usually, the buses were full of people, loud and vibrant. Usually, the whole town was a busybody regardless of it being a town. It was like living in a city at times.

But, no, some poor girl had died, leaving most of everywhere vacant. The town, Apple's Peak, was a close-knitted town and everyone knew just about everyone and if not they heard of that someone. That was where it differed from a city.

Rae's stop had come, so she jumped up from her seat, grabbed her purse and climbed down the steps. She made her way down the pavement, hands in her pockets and stopped out the outside of a restaurant. The same restaurant where her good friend Hans worked.

They had decided to hang out for the day and she was always happy to spend time with her friends. And they hung out often, the only difference this time around was the fact that his brother would be tagging along. And she had yet to meet him.

If he was anything like his brother, she would like him a lot.

She leaned against the outside wall of the restaurant next to the entrance door and sent a text to Hans to let him know she was waiting outside.


"But grandmother! What big eyes you have." She said.
"The better to see you with, my dear."


Location: Car Repair Shop
Interactions: None
Mentions: Carolina @Alexis

Julian walked down the pavement into a garage shop.

Normally, he would be driving to where needed to go in his sleek red mustang. But, unfortunately, some asshole had hit his car when he was away and ran off without paying the cost. So, he was walking just about anywhere in this town.

Sure, he had two more cars in his possession, but he lent one to a friend and another to his parents. And they had ye to be returned, but he didn't worry too much about them. His mustang was really all that he cared about.

And yes, he could have taken a taxi. But, Julian hated taxis and there was no way in hell he'd climb into the back of one again. The last time he had been on one left a bad taste in his mouth. He'd rather not deal with it ever again.

However, to make matters worse. He had a hangover. He had gained it from a party last night after having too many drinks. It had gone away slightly on his way to the car repair shop.

When he arrived, the place was practically empty. It probably had something to do with that young little girl that was found dead recently. His care was supposed to have been fixed days ago though. He wasn't going to take any excuses.

Julian walked up to the counter and rung the bell after seeing a figure in the back. It looked to be a woman. "Hello?" He called.

"It's not where you go. It's who you meet along the way."


Location: Walk Trail | Elizabeth Kate's Death Site
Interactions: Toby @CrystalTears
Mentions: Elizabeth Kates | Seedlings = @lxngdon @Marianne @Alexis @CrystalTears @MaryGold
"Okay, Toby, let's gather as much information as we can from here and get going. We have a lot of work to do today." Holly said to her partner as they stopped in front of the yellow police tape blocking off the area where the young girl had been killed.

Anyone who saw them would have thought they were trespassers. And to the Outsiders, they would have been. But they were here on official business, just not legal business. Again, that was only to the Outsiders. Outsiders they may be, but they were a big deal considering the world was full of them and so they had to abide by their rules. Or at least on the surface.

Holly lifted the police tape and went under to the examine the area. Like she had said, they didn't have time to play around or waste. Not that she ever sis, it was her partner who had. He was more into the other part of their duties which they would have to fulfill right after this before nightfall.

At the moment, though, their job was to investigate the death site and find any clues that would help determine whether her death was caused by an Outsider, in that case they wouldn't involve themselves, an Everafter or worse case scenario the Monsters.

She was hoping it was the very first.

After they found clues, they were to find the Seedlings of the New Wave. The New Wave. It was a special month where Apple's Peak called for new Everafter's to come to it. And there was a story to that, there was a story to the whole town in which she would have to explain to these Seedlings.

Holly was good at explaining things, but being nice she wasn't good at. That was where Toby came in. He attracted people better than she ever would.

"Honestly, just from looking at this place, it was definitely no Outsider." She murmured.

The site was a wreck, the ground was slightly trudged in mismatch places, many trees were split, many large branches broken. And it wasn't just the one spot they stood in, no, all of it led up to the spot. The girl had been chased and killed where they stood.

The police were wise to keep this unexplainable part from the public. She was sure they were baffled themselves. But, she she knew it could be explained, rather easily too.

It was either an Everafter or a Monster.

And if it was monster, that had meant she was Everafter. And if that was the case, things were going to get much worse.



LOCATION: Restaurant
MENTIONS: Greg | Rachel @MaryGold
INTERACTIONS: Rachel @MaryGold

Ever since Hans heard about the death of that girl -- the mysterious death that they hadn't found a suspect for yet -- he had been a little more on edge. For some reason, he was triggered, and he couldn't quite figure out why. It affected him more than it should. It wasn't like he actually knew the girl. He hadn't even heard of her. But a sudden death in a town like Apple's Peak was unheard of and now that it had happened, Hans felt like there was a good chance it could happen again.

He didn't want to think that way though. He was never usually the pessimist, that was his brother -- though he would claim that it was just him being realistic. Hans tried to focus on the fact that there were people looking into the poor girl's death now and they'd come up with some answer sooner or later. Him worrying about it wouldn't help in the slightest.

He had taken an early morning shift at the restaurant to go over the stock and make sure to get the fresh produce and he was excused from work the rest of the day. The restaurant was going to be open only for lunch instead of the whole day like it was supposed to be. Hans' boss said that with the death, it seemed there was no business anywhere. A lot of the chefs hadn't even shown up for work, so Hans was taking advantage of the opportunity by spending the day with his friends. He got the text from Rachel just as he was hanging up his apron.

Running a hand through his hair, he made his way outside and grinned upon seeing Rachel.
"Hey," he said in greeting before rolling up the sleeves of his sweater. "You've got me for the whole day. What do you feel like doing? I think Greg will be here soon too." He had forced his brother to come along as well since there was no business at his ice cream parlour either.



LOCATION: Outside Restaurant
MENTIONS: Hans | Rachel @MaryGold
INTERACTIONS: Hans | Rachel @MaryGold

Usually, using his powers was a way to soothe himself. But now, Greg couldn't resort to that. He had no business ever since the death of that girl. Nobody knew how it happened, and hardly anybody spoke about it. In fact, there wasn't anyone in the town to actually talk about it. Since the girl died, the place was practically deserted and it was bad for Greg's business. He used his powers to make the best oce cream in town and now he was just making ice cream for himself.

That was why his brother had suggested he come and hang out with him and his friend Rachel. He had never met her but he was about to. He wasn't sure how to feel about that. He wasn't always good when it came to socialising, unlike his brother Hans. He was more reserved. He was the observer. He was good at reading people unlike Hans who just tried to be friends with anyone and everyone. Greg, on the other hand, was quite picky.

Sometimes he felt like Hans was the older brother though, because somehow Greg always ended up listening to him. Which was why he had donned his coat and walked out of the house, hands in his pockets as he made his way to the restaurant his brother worked at. He saw them outside when he approached which meant he had no time to stall or change his mind. He didn't even know what they were doing, but he wasn't worried about that because as far as doing things was concerned, his tastes and Hans' tastes were similar.

Walking up to the both of them, he managed a smile.
"Hey," he said and looked to Rachel to be polite. "I'm Greg."



LOCATION: Car Repair Shop
MENTIONS: Julian @MaryGold
INTERACTIONS: Julian @MaryGold

Carolina often wondered if she was one of the few that didn't really care much about the sudden death of a girl in the town. She understood it was a big thing since it rarely happened, and yes it was sad, but life went on. If she sat around like most of the others and worried about it, she would neevr get things done, and it wasn't as if it was going to bring the girl back to life. Yes, Carolina was sad about it, but she had things to do, and she couldn't let that get in the way of it.

Especially now, since all the others at the car repair shop she worked at stopped showing up for work. She didn't know them well but she assumed they were grieivng or too scared to come outside since there was supposedly a killer on the loose. Carolina wasn't so worried. She had means to defend herself, and she felt she could do a good enough job for it. What she was wprried about was the fact that she now had to fix these cars up on her own. She enjoyed it of course, and it was quick for her because of her power, but she was also one to get easily distracted by other things that interest her which meant she was a little slow on the job.

She had only one car left to do, a red Mustang, and she had gone into the back of the garage to find a few spare parts when she came across a new book she hadn't read before. The cover appealed to her and she had picked it up merely to look at it, but before she knew it, she had finished half the book. She had still been reading when she heard someone walk in and call out for some attention since nobody was out at the front.

Carolina hastily put the book aside and walked up to the counter to see a taller figure standing there. She had to look up to him, but that didn't surprise her. She had to look up to just about everybody with her height. Leaning against the counter, she looked at him expectantly.
"How can I help you?" She asked with a grin. Since he didn't have a car with him, she was guessing he was here to pick up the Mystang. Oh well, he'd just have to stick around for a while longer.



LOCATION: Sidewalk
MENTIONS: Julian @MaryGold

Aurelia didn't get what all the fuss was about. So a girl died. How did that concern her, or anyone for that matter? It wasn't like the whole town knew her. Murders happened all over the world. If they stopped to mourn every single person that died, the whole world would constantly be in a state of grievance, and what a dull world that would be.

It was already so dull, according to Aurelia at least. The people in town were boring. Not all of them, but a lot of them were. Her friend Julian was an exception because they were so similar, but he was busy picking up his car, and Aurelia didn't like going to garages and car repair shops because of all the grease and thr scent of petroleum. She was very health conscious and beauty conscious, and for a good reason too. In her eyes, she defined perfection, and she had done a lot to get herself that way. She wouldn't risk it all for anything.

Since most shops were closed for the day, Aurelia was hoping that at least some spa or something was open. She had spent all night writing a new song, and she was exhausted, so she needed to appear bright and glowing. And with all the depression in the town, maybe her appearance in random places might enlighten people. So, she found herself leaving her house and heading toward the nearest salon.

Liam York ❁

Coffee shop

Eadlyn, Katya


@MaryGold @lxngdon

If he was to be honest with himself he had expected more of a "no" than a yes. It wasn't exactly the best conversation starter with a stranger and neither was it a good pick-up line if Liam was one of those people to actually flirt with people he had just met. He waited a couple of seconds before sitting down across from her, putting his bag onto the seat with him. The bag didn't seem too wet and neither did Liam himself, which was a good thing since reeking wet clothes wasn't exactly nice attractive and not pleasing. He gave a quick lookover to everything that was in his bag to make sure that nothing had been damaged by the rain, and he smiled when he saw that the water hadn't managed to soak through the fabric of the bag just yet, as nothing inside seemed to have been touched by the water. Careful hands took out the needed materials to sketch, a pencil case that was dedicated to pencils with different types of leads, an eraser and of course the sketchbook.

"Thank you for your cooperation. Really though, if you want it after I'm done I really don't mind giving it to you for free. I'm the one asking to draw you." Liam repeated just as the barista came with his order. He gave him a quick smile and a "thank you", and watched as he disappeared to take care of the customer that had just entered the cozy little coffee shop as well. Places like these were almost immune to the gloomy news, to the atmosphere the entire town seemed to have after the brutal murder of that poor girl. It was nice, like an alternative reality where nothing really mattered, as if the wooden walls were sheltering them from reality in itself. Of course, it wasn't possible and neither was it true, but having an escape --even if it was a fake one-- was something anyone would need. Liam had one of his worst mornings as of moving here today, so to finally get to a place and have the emotion "enjoyment" going through his head for the first time today was definitely something that felt "deserved".

He smiled and reached out his own hand to grab hers, giving a light shake before withdrawing it. "I'm Liam. It's a pleasure." He politely said, but it was also an honest remark. Meeting Clary and being able to draw her would probably be the savior of this day, keeping it from being completely grey. Liam was just about to flip through his sketchbook to find an unused page when Clary asked if he was a good drawer or not. Liam was far from the type to brag about his own abilities --main reason why he kept publishing his works under a pen name-- but he didn't mind showing off his sketchbook. He was far from a Leonardo Da Vinci, but at least he wasn't a hopeless case. People bought his artworks for. . . well a good amount of money, then there were those that would probably have sold more on the flea market. The main reason why his paintings sold as well as they did was the "mystery" behind the painter, or so many critics believed anyway.

"Here." Liam said as he handed Clary his sketchbook. "It's my previous sketches. I hope you like them." He smiled as he decided to prepare take a sip out of his tea in the meantime, enjoying the somewhat bitter, but sweet taste of the butterfly tea he had ordered, sneaking in another sip before putting the cup back down. It was delicious, but the taste wasn't so tempting that he wanted to burn his tongue because of it. Instead he grabbed his spoon and took a spoonful of his cake, hoping she enjoyed the various sketches that resided in the book.

They ranged from animals to people to objects. Some had been colored while others were only sketches. There were a couple of pages that was the home of multiple sketches, and some had only one. All of them also had his signature in the bottom left corner of the page as well which read: "L.Y" with a little flower underneath the letters.
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Toby wants to chat with you!

Hi Cutie!
Open your door
already~ It's cold!

Usually at this time of day Toby would have been seeking shelter underneath a roof somewhere to get himself away from the water. Rain really sucked. Rain was like the party poopers of life. Want to go the beach? NOPE! It's going to rain like the world is on fire! Planning on a picnic? NOPE! Rain!!!! However today it wasn't the biggest party pooper, because there had been a murder and him and his partner Holly had been tasked to investigate. Even if he wasn't living anywhere, he still knew enough from newspapers that were being sold literally every corner and from the TVs of the homes he had visited, that the murder had happened. It was like the plague, it couldn't be avoided even if he had wanted to. Usually this would have been something they left to the hands of the police, but this wasn't a usual case. This was a case where it was under suspicion that the murder wasn't "natural" and that the victim wasn't "natural" either. It was under suspicion that she was an Everafter, and that meant it suddenly fell under their jurisdiction. Toby wasn't really the type to hang around dead bodies, but it seemed as the stray cat he was, would become even more like a stray cat today.

"I doooooon't waaaaaaanna woooooork~!" Toby whined loudly as Holly told him they had a long day ahead of themselves. He already knew and didn't need Holly to add that information to his head, if anything he wanted to find a couch and curl up to sleep or play video games or something. At the very least he wanted a snack! He shrugged his trench coat properly on himself and made sure the hood was placed properly on top of his dark hair, hiding his ears that were currently bending backwards in order to not perk on top of the hood. It was a bit annoying how he was probably the only Everafter that had permanent signs that he wasn't human. There were like mermaids and foxes and wolves, but of course he was the one that had bright features of a cat visible at all times.

Unlike Holly, Toby jumped over the police tape with little to no effort. He used a tiny strength enhancement in his foot to make himself jump higher, giving it a defense boost shortly after to make the landing light. The police had --obviously-- taken away the body of the poor girl, but there were several small signs and tapes that indicated where they had found the parts of her scattered about. Holly probably couldn't smell it, but Toby knew that there was a lingering scent of blood in the air from the uncleaned crime scene. There was also a different scent that he would rather not have guessed, but he couldn't help, but think it was probably the odor of the parts decomposing a bit before the poor couple had found her. The media hadn't gone out with what part had been found first, but Toby could only shiver at the thought of finding pieces of a human being scattered about.

The cat walked over to Holly as she was working --something Toby wasn't planning on doing really-- and he flung himself over her back. His chin placed itself on her shoulder and his arms hung loosely said body part as well, almost as if giving Holly zombie arms. "It's booooooooring!" He whined, even if he had barely been there for a couple of minutes at its best. "Hey Holly. Can't we go and take a cup of coffee? Or get some breakfast? What about just chilling somewhere? I'm so not in the mood of creeping around a murder scene. . . " He added and nuzzled his head against her, his hood falling off, but luckily they were alone and no one could see them. There were few people lingering around a murder scene after all, and the police were still back at the office investigating what clues they had found. Unfortunately whatever investigative powers and intelligent minds they had they wouldn't be able to solve this case. It was beyond their comprehension, they didn't know about them. It was meant to be that way.

"Holly. Do you think it was a Monster?" Toby asked, suddenly getting a bit uncharacteristically serious in his tone. "If it was. . . We should find the Seedlings quickly shouldn't we?" Toby asked as he withdrew himself from Holly and then put that ridiculous grin back on his face. "Because I don't want to work anymore than I have to!" He reasoned the thought with, but it didn't really take a genius that the ulterior motive behind wanting to find the Seedlings was to make sure they were prepared for what could be out there hunting them. Though it was probably also because Toby was genuinely bored and loved to meet new people. This kind of stuff was Holly's field, recruiting was Toby's. They filled each other's gaps. "So! Let's go--!" Toby had taken a single step, but of course there was a puddle there which happened to force him to lose his footing. It was only thanks to his quick reaction that he managed to break some of the fall by increasing the defense of his hands, but his butt got all of the impact.

Drenched in the puddle water he hissed and hit his hands in the puddle --as if that helped the situation-- his ears hanging down on the side of his head because of the weight of the water. "Stupid water! I hate you!" He shouted angrily at the puddle as if it would solve anything. "Do you know how hard it is to dry and brush fur?! Huh?! Do you?!" He continued before giving the puddle a final hiss, grinning as if he had won some sort of imaginative argument with the poor puddle.

Elizabeth Kate's Death Site


The Seedlings (New Everafters)

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