ALWAYS OPEN PARTNER REQUEST F x M M x M M x NB Anyone M and F RP (Real Gender Doesn't Matter)

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Commander Kira
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
Online Availability
On Mobile Phone and PC So Very Active
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Male
Romance, Action, Sic-Fi, Adventure, Survival, Mystery, Mature Themes, Sexual Theme
Hello Partners!!

So over the last few months I have been putting together some special rp ideas. And this one before you is one. Its a custom stories all taking place with in the Star Wars world. And well the timeline so with in Order 66 and time after. Clone Wars Season 7. Please like Using Discord.

Yeah this is A Cannon X OC (Commander Kira)

And yeah all character are 18 and older. Yeah Ahsoka would be as well. Do give the plots a read and message me back!

Plots that been thinking!

Ahsoka was on her first mission alone with Captain Rex as he adviser and helps kept Clones troopers in line. During the planet Assault. A new crash they came across and the pilot was still alive. And Ahsoka will asked them to get him out and treat his wounds. And then Ahsoka and Rex will go and talk to him. Ahsoka will find out more about him he was only a few years older than her. And she would talk to him and then before she could get a chance to really get close to him. His team came to get him and cover the suit.

A few years would go by Ahsoka would meet him again. And this time she would be escort him to Capital. That way he could conclude business and Alliance. And then he and Ahsoka would have to fight to get out alive. And then they would end up on a colonies of Togruta. And Ahsoka would be able to get them a place to stay until they could be recuse. She know that she couldn't go back and she want to start a new life with him. And things would have changed a lot back at his home and they would both have to fight again this time to change things for good… and Ahsoka would be by his side.

Other plot!

After a few years and Ahsoka was finally promoted to Jedi Knight. And she was given a special force team. Under Lieutenant Commander Kira Yamato, The 9th Special Operation Legion. And Ahsoka would meet Kira. And she won't have seen his face. Because of his armor. And well as the Lion of Orb. And know as Last Knight. And after months of fighting together and seeing how skilled Kira was and his ability with his special forces. Then after a very costly victory. Ahsoka would see a bit of Kira emotional side. And she would be able to reveal his face. And she was shocked to see how young he was really. And she would fall in love with him. And after a little while and order 66 and Kira would save her and both clones and Kira teams would have been killed. Kira and Ahsoka would be the only ones who get out. And they would go and hide for a while. Before Kira's country called again. And Ahsoka would go with him.

Hope you like the ideas!


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I am looking for someone to Play Ahsoka. Been looking for plot 2!
Still on the hunt for Ahsoka for Rolplays!
Some new updates pictures of my Ahsoka idea! Still looking for a fun partner!


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I am searching for Ahsoka Female Partner!! And if your out there!


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I am still looking for Ahsoka playing Partners! And some fun in the Rp!


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I am Still on the search of Ahsoka! Please Message me!
I am Looking For Someone to play Ahsoka! Anyone and its for Discord!
Still is open for a Female Ahsoka
Searching For Ahsoka. And any Partners open to playing her!
And the search for Ahsoka is on!
Any New Partners For Rps? And would be open to playing Ahsoka Please Message me!
AnyOne A Togruta OR Ahsoka Fan??? IS Open for Rps!
I am Still Searching for A Ahsoka Rp! And a writing partners.
Anyone Open to playing Ahsoka For A RP?
I am still searching for Rps Need Female Partners or male who can play female characters!
**I am SUB looking for Male and or Female DOM**
***IRL Gender Doesn't matter***
**Wolf, Cat, Foxy Are all welcome for Playtime!! Please Read and Enjoy this for M X F and M X F Idea!**
*For Male Just Switch Mistress with Master and boom you all set!*

Wolf Estate

The two floors and basement are 15,550 feet square. And then the step leading up to the house is all marble and a marble deck. Big door in the house. All floors are marble and some have carpet in the rooms shore off at right inside the door. On your left is the living room, small hall to bathroom, and another small hall to four guest bedrooms for Closets inner circle of friends. To your right is the Dining room, off that is the kitchen with a center for eating. And a door to a small wine basement. Right in front of the stairs to go upstairs. Thiers hidden door to the basement for guests.

Head upstairs the circle marble stairs that lead to a nice landing to a door. This door opens to the master bedroom. King size bed with silk sheets and pillows. A master bedroom with shower for two and whirlpool bath for two or three. And a big sink for two. And a steam room. Back out in the room there are three closest and a hidden cell and door. First closet holds clothing and make-up and stuff like that. Second closest hold all the different kinds of outfit and things sexual play. And then the third closest hands all the kinky equipment and things for the bedroom. And the cell is on the opposite far wall. One push of a controller opens the door. And then the cell is like any cold stone floor shackles on the wall and bars to keep you in. The last hidden door is the door lead to the basement. And marble stairs rounding way down.

The Wolf Den

This where the Wolf take her new slave. For training and sexual humiliation and pleasure by the crowd. And she will spent a few days with the slave here before taking slave to her home.

This is a Old Fortresses Dungeon, where it's has cells, flogging posts, slave posts, slave wall restraints, and the some public and popular punishment BDSM crucifixion site. And the sandy area with Mable and stone. Give the place the perfect fun location. And the few small groups that Wolf let's in for the live shows been part of her group of a while. A handful are able to help Wolf and touch her slave. Here the slave is public whipped and publicly fucked by Mistress and her chosen handful. As well as inspiration for the crowd and video cams. But this is also her punishment pleasure Location where she will meat out harsh punishment for slave not performing and what not.

Hope you like this place?

Wolf Mistress Setting

The Wolf would be at the Underground Slave / Kinky Market. And the they will have all new slaves and one that is special for the Wolf Mistress, when they bring him out on stage for the crowd. The Wolf Mistress would be asked if she would like to do the full inspection for the crowd of the new slave. And she would get the first change to bid on him. If she was to make him make sexual sounds as she used the riding crop and getting him hard and showing his balls and the most important feeling his ass with her finger. Before making him cum hard for the crowd. If she does all this, she can bid 50,000 gold coins and she get to buy him. Without the bidding war. She would then get to take him back to her Wolf Den for the first few days!
I am looking for Female and Male to rp with! And please DM and make sure you have read the ideas before message me! Thanks! On Discord!!

Plot Idea

After the mission Kira would end up rescuing a Fox. and she was in danger. She was the Princess of her people. But during the invasion she was taken and held as a Captive during the assault and take over. After her recuse she now she would join Kira. And she would become part of the group know as Compass or 9th Special Legion Lion. But she would not expect to have even more strong feelings for Kira. As they where together. And hunting down the ones responsible for the attack on her planet. And when seveal old enemy would be behind it and open up some very old wounds and the world would be in great danger. So would Kira and Krystal relationship.. and Krystal would have to find out about Kira past and things that happened to him.

Would they be able to stop this new thread and maybe have a chance at happiness?


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Anyone want to Write stories with me! And I am searching for people still!
SAO Death Game
Month In
First Floor

Asuna would still get one of the few rare looks as a Neko. And she would still be playing a bit solo and some party groups. And she was still being hunted by the many groups. But she would turn them down. And during this time she would not be in a happy place. Then during a exp grains she gets trapped against higher level creatures. And she would be close to losing most of her hp when The Lion would show up. Kira would save Asuna when nearly lost his. And they would pare up and continue together. After the first boss battle she will end up staying with Kira and she would learn some different of his real life secrets and what give him a advantage. But things will turn when Kirito would be after Asuna. And things would get worse. There was still no pain canceling. And blood and gore was more and more. Body didn't disappear. Unless they where put under ground. Witch leave the world very real and dangerous. With some unknowns. But Asuna would have Kira by her side and his Legion group know as the 9th Lion Legion.

Hope you like this idea?


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