Anyone interested in a type moon/nasuverse style RP?

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Pretty much what it says on the tin. Looking for people to rp in the same universe as fate stay night, tsukihime, and Kara no Kyoukai. Not looking for a holy grail war, but a unique adventure in the world of type moon. Anyone interested?
Not doing a holy grail war or Fate thing for once? Sounds good. Any plans for what you'd be doing with mages, vampires, and the rest of the setting's weirdness?
Is it going to be Prilllya? Please say we're going to be doing Prillya things.

Either way, I'm snooping on board.
Would prolly start with some thing small, prolly starting in London. I've got my own character and plot thought up, but would love to have more people and stories on board. Prolly in the same vein as Kara no kyoukai and mahoyo, maybe a little tsukihime esque. More than anything, it would be something new, but in the world of type moon
My own plot is something I'm mostly interested in keeping a bit quiet, but expect a lot of mystery as it involves missing memories. I'll most likely also involve a lot of elements that didn't get much screen time in type moons works such as demon lords, true demons, or Gazamy the spook. I'm also hoping to incorporate as much collaboration on the over arching plot as possible. If possible, I'd like to involve the holy church or the mages association, which is one of the reasons I want this to start in London.

Right now I'm more in a brainstorming stage, so I'm open to any ideas, as long as they fit within the nasuverse
Ok, so your looking for individual story archs that will lead to a final show down with either the holy church or mage assosiation?
Not necessarily a showdown. Not unless things turn out that way. I'm likely going to put some sort of greater threat in place, likely one of those true demons or demon lords I mentioned, but at the start my character is going to be an anomaly, something that shouldn't exist the way he does. I don't want to elaborate to much for fear of spoiling, but at the start, either the church, the clock tower, or both will want to be able to keep an eye on him at the very least. That is, once it's clear that he's such an anomaly.

I'm also willing to bring in canon characters, should anyone want to role play them. Just as long as they can be explained, as this will take place after tsukihime and fate/stay night
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So what are out characters going to be? Vampires? Mages? Spirits?
All of those sound nice actually. I will go ahead and spoil that my own character will have the powers of an elemental, specifically a type of fiend, contained in human form. Hence why the church/clock tower would take interest. I would like to have some mages for sure though, that and maybe some church types.
The only things I would say no to is servants, true ancestors, and dead canon characters.
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Thought I'd bump this to see if anyone is still interested. I've got most of the early plot thought up and should have a sign up and starting thread ready, which I'll link here once I've ironed out the last wrinkles