INFO Announcements

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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terrified to be known, desperate to be understood
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  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
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romance. angst. drama. modern. fantasy. supernatural. adventure. crime. period pieces.

keeping up-to-date

Any important announcements, like the closing of specific threads (or the entire realm) or if the realm mechanics change, will be posted here.

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keeping up-to-date

Hello everyone,

This PSA is to inform and/or remind others that speciesism is a prejudice held not just by Vampir, but all species. While it may not have been as prevalent or relevant before the war, it has become so after (though not as strong as during the first years of the country and reigns of other monarchs). That said, Vampir may find all species beneath them, but Were may also think the same, Magi may think of Were as animals, or Fae may think of Magi as the worst with the damage their magic has done to the Earth, etc.

One thing that the general population of all species agrees on is that they shouldn't mix blood. This is why hybrids are looked down on and should be avoided in being born or kept by every one of them, not just Vampir. Of course, some groups may have different reasonings or lesser feelings on the topic (they are usually the lower class and ranked groups due to growing up around hybrids and having more pressing concerns). Still, the fact remains that this is an unspoken general agreement.

If you have any questions, you know where to ask!

  • Thank You
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keeping up-to-date

Hello everyone,

I have been working on this for a while, and so I am excited to announce new information in the People post.

I have mentioned this to other members before, but now it is officially added in writing to the Vampir tab. You can read the blurb on Silverblood Vampir and their relation to Redblood Vampir. It is short and sweet!

New info for Were is the stages of their transformation. If you miss the traditional Werewolves, you won't have to anymore. You get the best of both worlds with the different stages your Were can hoop through. Please go and read the new info in the Were tab.

Second biggest announcement is the introduction of a fourth Fae type! The name is as it suggests; they are Gae of different elements. And they are rarer in Cervia than the Ethereal. Therefore everyone is allowed up to two Elemental Fae. They are under the Fae tab and are quite a bit different.

A new species! Darklings are the cousins of Vampir and live within their slice. There are three types, and you can read all about them in the People post. Read all about them! Everyone is allowed up to three Darklings.

  • I'm SHOOK
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keeping up-to-date

Hello everyone,

It has come to my attention we have an overwhelming amount of Rogue Magi characters, which are meant to be a rarer Magi type. To solve this issue, for the time being, I am putting a hold on introducing any more Rogue Magi (including if they are a hybrid). Sorry for the inconvenience, but this hold will be in effect at least until there is more diversity amongst Magi types.

Please stay tuned for new fun info that will soon be announced for Magi, Vampir, and the country as a whole!


keeping up-to-date

Hello everyone,

I am finally announcing new requested information that you can find in The People and The Establishment.

@rissa specifically requested information on the topic of Vampir born under the Blood Moon, so I have added it! To keep the numbers tamed, everyone is only allowed to make one, and they do still take up a Red Blood Vampir slot.


It is known that during the total lunar eclipse that takes place twice a year when the moon turns red, a Vampir's strength increases tenfold. What is even more special than that is Vampir children born under the blood moon. It is a miraculous night that affects both Silverbloods and Redbloods.

If Silverblood Vampir give birth to a child under the blood moon, their children may be born a Redblood. Their strength would be just as powerful as any regular Redblood and possess a Redblood ability. For the Redbloods born under a blood moon, their abilities are stronger than other Redbloods. Both types of Vampir, when born under a blood moon, may also have extended lives (by 20-40 years more) and an even slower aging process than other Vampir once they hit adulthood.

There are some drawbacks, however:
Vampir who give birth under the Red Moon are racked with pain. If they do not die during or before childbirth, then they suffer long-term effects after childbirth throughout their lives, mentally and/or physically. It is said to be because the baby is draining them of their strength. Most Silverblood Vampir, because they are naturally already weaker than Redbloods, die.

Vampir born under the blood moon need to feed on human (Magi) blood every 3 months (as that is how long they can go without it before they start reverting to monstrous instincts). No other species' blood will do; it will only hold them over for a bit longer.

Most notably, under every blood moon, their demeanor changes into what the classic sadistic type of vampires in literature. They are not themselves, or perhaps they are more themselves than ever.

As requested by @MrCalcium, I added a tiny section on alchemy. I have also added information on magic conduits to make the information more official and accessible.


Alchemy is old magic, but not completely magic as it uses both the forces of magic and science. It is an art and a philosophy that stills holds mystery despite how long it has been practiced. Alchemists use spells, mana, chemical elements, and raw ingredients in their work. The practitioner's main focus is the pursuit of the magical stones (Namely the Philosopher's Stone) and transmutation. They are most adept in making poisons and potions but are unable to work with life force. They can neither create nor alter it.

For centuries the art of alchemy has been out of fashion, but with the Magi-technology starting to grow, the oldest mixture of science and magic is making a comeback as well. All Magi are able to perform alchemy, it only takes time and practice to master it. Few have.


While Magi do not need conduits to perform their magic by any means, they still serve a beneficial purpose. Staffs, wands, and other similar items provide the user with additional mana. In doing so, they strengthen the Magi's spells, incantations, hexes, etc as well as stabilize them. This is because they are channeling objects.

Due to their helpful nature, many Magi children use them as a sort of crutch until they get older and no longer need them. Though there are still plenty of adults who use them, as they still work well with greater power and skill levels. Depending on how and what they're made with, some are better than others and it is about finding what personally best suits individual Magi.


The Cervian military is the most powerful military in the world, or so the Cervians say with all their pride. However, if their won battles serve as any evidence, then the statement could be said to be true. The military is to be highly respected and is usually referred to as the Queen's Forces. They are split into four units: the navy, the airforce, the army, and the Knights of Ascelin.


The most popular and known group within the military. Their unit started as an order of knights with the one goal of protecting and serving the royal family after Orion ascended the throne. They have since raised in rank, power, and numbers. Their loyalty to the Blacke family and crown remains just as strong.

Being given the title of knight is an honor for all classes. They are given special benefits, particularly favor with the Royal family. The knights answer to the queen and the queen alone. They may be found in some of the other units as high-ranking officers. However, their unit is usually divided into three: guards of the palace, special operatives, or foreign agents.

Note: Cervia uses the same army ranking titles as the UK.

You may find all the information in the Cervian Guidebook, I posted it all here for easy and quick access. The first section of info can be found under the Vampir tab, the second under the Magi tab, and the last under Organizations. I kept the information light so you may ask me questions in the Q&A thread or the Discord question channel. Happy roleplaying!

  • OMG
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keeping up-to-date

Hello, my lovely players!

I have added a new post to the Cervian Guidebook, it's not necessary lore to know but fun to play with. It is subject to change as I update it later on and based on any questions that you may have. So ask them away in this realm or the realm discord (for a much quicker answer).

There is now a list of mythical pests! If they people are mythical and supernatural, they should also have a few pests that are as well. Ones that are not extinct. Read more about them here!

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keeping up-to-date

We looked at the polls and have heard what you prefer. Therefore, once the new year begins we will be time-skipping the Cities ICs to Halloween day! That means you have until the end of the year to wrap up your character stories and/or reach a satisfactory conclusion of your scenes. After that, you will have about 2 to 3 months to finish your stories before the next time skip. Thank you!
  • Ah Seen It
  • Wicked
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keeping up-to-date

The first realm time skip has taken place! We have fast-forwarded two days into the future and now it is Halloween! If you have any big events where multiple characters may participate in, you can post an
thread and I will make it a sticky thread.

The next time skip will take place on April 2nd. Happy Roleplaying!
  • Useful
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