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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. 1-3 posts per week
  4. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Primarily Prefer Male
Horror, fantasy, romance
Well I don't know when to stop. So let me begin by giving a slight introduction to myself. I am rise13eyond but you may call me Sam. I have been roleplaying seriously for maybe 10 years now. I like art, writing, Death Note, Japan, cute things, Death Note, horror movies, and did I mention Death Note? But now onto the relevant stuff.

OK something to note. I cannot guarantee how often I will reply. I try not to make anyone wait too long but sometimes I am physically unable to. In those events someone will let you know. Just know I am not super fast. It's entirely possible you'll hear from either someone calling himself Beyond or someone calling herself Stacy. Don't be alarmed by them, my account will not have been hacked or anything.

Let us begin with rules and any other tid bits that may be important.
-I will write how ever much or little necessary to keep the roleplay moving.
-I'm not picky when it comes to partners. As long as I can understand what you are trying to say then I am good.
-I swear like a sailor and have no qualms abut literally chopping a character up into pieces.
-I play male characters primarily (with exceptions below). Should doubling and NPCs be needed I will play either gender. You are free to play whichever you heart desires. I will do FxM or M// (F// exception below) if the roleplay has romance.
-I will roleplay over PMs or threads.
-I really like OOC chats . Let's be friends OK?
-You may use whatever picture you want be it anime or photo. I myself do not use face claims, but I usually end up drawing my character simply because I like drawing.

Here are things that I WON'T do
-overly large age gaps
-pure fluff or romance
-Slave and master
-Celebrities and real people......its just creepy to me

Now here are some things I'm looking for and like to do
I'll start with some specific muses I have:
-Link (specifically BOTW)
-Beyond Birthday
-Jeff the killer
Some character I will also do but don't have as strong of muses for:
Erik (More so the musical version of The Phantom of The Opera, because frankly the book was disappointing).
-Dracula (Book, whichever movie, you choose.)
-Jareth (Labyrinth. You love him and you know it).
-Josh (Until Dawn)
-Daniel (Amnesia: The Dark Descent)

And here are some themes and elements I like
-Mental illness **(Asterisks because while I'm known for royally fucking up my muses I am a tad picky, its something I have a shitton of experience with).
-Most dark themes. But related to the above not rape or sexual assault.
-Fantasy (mostly high fantasy)
-Serial killers (if the above didn't give it away serial killers are my forte).

Now I am completely willing to discuss plots and open to any good ideas you might have in your little head. If you are interested then send me a PM or reply here. If not...well then good luck searching and happy roleplaying.
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Hey! I could be game for an rp! I like to do fantasy mostly but I like dark themes I'm not much into fluff
Hey! I could be game for an rp! I like to do fantasy mostly but I like dark themes I'm not much into fluff
Wow.....I am really sorry. Really sorry. I had no idea anyone responded to this threat. So yeah I realize it's been nearly a month, but if you're still up for something that's great!
Wow.....I am really sorry. Really sorry. I had no idea anyone responded to this threat. So yeah I realize it's been nearly a month, but if you're still up for something that's great!
Sure I'm always up for an rp
I will never apologize for loving the characters I love.
I am fairly certain someone eats far too many sweets. Does he care? Not at all.
If you're interested, I'm taken with the serial killer concept.
Do I know when to stop? Never.
Hi! I really like the idea of the two characters being cursed to never find love and happiness together. Please let me know if you're still looking!
Are you still in search of a partner because I just got back into role-playing and I am in need of a partner.
Are you still in search of a partner because I just got back into role-playing and I am in need of a partner.
I always am if there's something good to roleplay. What did you have in mind?
Well I have not role played in a little bit so I'm going to be a little rusty I really hope you don't mind that. But I've been wanting to do like a horror romance kind of role play it's something I've always wanted to do but no one seems to ever want to do that with me lol
Well I have not role played in a little bit so I'm going to be a little rusty I really hope you don't mind that. But I've been wanting to do like a horror romance kind of role play it's something I've always wanted to do but no one seems to ever want to do that with me lol
Well I will, because why not?
Yeah movies are cool but have you ever tried ROLEPLAYING?