An Unexpected Meeting - Konomi & Amaya

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a faerie
Original poster
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  1. 1-3 posts per week
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As summer came to a close, the autumn equinox was only slowly creeping up from its dormant state. Two weeks before the date—this year it fell on the 22nd of September—only in Hokkaido, up north, would one already see the deep red leaves falling gracefully. But, in Shimane Prefecture, only a slight yellow hue was seen in some leaves, which were still attached to their trees. Therefore, no 'crunch' was heard when three men—who seemed to be in their twenties and were dressed in school uniform—crossed the shrine's rusted torii gate. This, in fact, signals the crossing over of the threshold that separates the mundane from the sacred. Next to the torii was a plaque that read 'Atago Shrine'. The first two stone lions, just ahead the torii, welcomed them warmly, but the men rushed past them and proceeded to ascend up the stairs which made up the sandō, the path which guides one further into the shrine. Swoosh! The chōzuya, a water basin where one cleanses their body and mind, was overlooked. Some water drops fell to the ground, but not from the basin, rather, from the wooden bucket they were carrying in such a rush.​
The shrine and the kami residing inside the honden (the main hall), watching through the guardians' eyes, felt overjoyed at first, but gradually came to understand that these men had no respect for their sacred place. The kami feared the worst now. Only a handful of visitors came in every year compared to other shrines, and its state, both physically and mentally, wasn't the best. It wouldn't be able to deal with intruders or vandals. There were two more stone lion guards, this time smaller, who with their eyes followed the wooden bucket as it was placed onto the ground just in the middle of them. In front of it was the haiden (the oratory), made entirely of wood. Some sun rays who trespassed the tall trees beside it shone upon it from a side. Outside the sacred, in the mundane Matsue City, the streets were bustling with boys and girls who were just getting out of school; but inside the shrine, calm ruled... until the men placed a shimenawa (rope used for purification) around the bucket and started chanting. The two shide (zig-zag paper streamer) that hung from the haiden's gabled roof wobbled intensely as if moved by a supernatural force. Inside the bucket, now the lions saw clearly, was a figurine made of wood that they couldn't quite recognise. The chant went on and on as the three men joined hands and danced around the bucket.​
Clunk! Suddenly the bucket fell, and the water spilt and reached the haiden's first step. The figurine rolled and was now outside the bucket. At the same moment, as if synchronised, one of the shide fell on the spilt water. A lightning—concentrated purely on the figurine—struck, but no thunder was heard. The figurine started growing steadily, taking in human form. The kami residing inside the shrine harboured no doubts now: that figurine was the yorishiro, or rather now, the shintai: the sacred body of the kami. But, the kami wondered, what kind of powerful kami was it that it could be resurrected with a mere chant and from a mere figurine? Such things required abilities far beyond mere humans', abilities possessed, as far as he knew, only by kami as powerful as the Kotoamatsukami, the Distinguising Heavenly Kami, or the Kamiyonanayo, the Seven Generations. But everyone's minds, even this kami's, came to a halt when the figurine was wholly reconstructed. The three men lay on the floor, apparently unconscious. The kami's thoughts could not longer be heard. A red-haired woman had emerged from the figurine.​
The woman, confused, looked around. All she saw were trees and the shrine. But it was a shrine she did not recognise. Or rather, she didn't even know who she was, why she was here. But as if by a deeply ingrained warrior instinct, the first thing she did was run towards the trees on her left, passing through the small trees. She tripped on a rock and fell towards concrete, but managed to catch herself, do a somersault, and get up. She jumped above a fence and slowly started to walk, squinting for a castle in the distance. But her eyes couldn't move, as they were fixed on... some kind of shiny black... something. She didn't know what it was. She also noticed that the buildings were made of... not-wood. The streets, indeed, were narrow as always... but where was all the hay, the thatches, all the wood? She saw a person, a girl. Her clothing was unusual, but if she wasn't armed and didn't seem hostile, just ambling there... so she decided to approach her. She walked up, stepped in front of the girl, and pronounced: "Greetings! I am... disregard that!" the woman shouted as she couldn't seem to remember her own name. "Where is the main castle? Who is the daimyō here? We are currently in the Antei Era, is that not a fact? Why have I woken at the Hour of the Rooster and not the Hour of the Rabbit?" Apart from her attire, the woman noticed the girl's hair was short, which was unheard of in the current era... but the woman paid no heed, as her, too, had cut her hair short in defiance of her elders.​
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Konomi rolled the lollipop around her mouth, savouring the melon flavour as she strolled along the narrow streets on her way to work. It was nice being able to take her time instead of rushing like she normally had to on a weekday. It was a nice Saturday morning, she'd had a good sleep and a hearty breakfast, and it was still warm enough for shorts and a hoodie. Life was treating her well enough, and she'd be sharing her shift with Tanaka-kun, who was friendly and worked hard.

So she was humming cheerfully when an odd woman stepped up right in front of her declaiming like she was in some kind of opera or something.

"Greetings! I am... disregard that!" the woman shouted as she couldn't seem to remember her own name. "Where is the main castle? Who is the daimyō here? We are currently in the Antei Era, is that not a fact? Why have I woken at the Hour of the Rooster and not the Hour of the Rabbit?"

Konomi stopped and bowed politely. You got all sorts working at Family Mart, so she wasn't overly surprised.

"Ano... The castle is over there, down this street. Eto... The person in charge around here is the... mayor, I guess? I don't really know for sure. But, eh... it's Reiwa era now? They just changed it a while ago... and it's - " she whipped out her phone " - it's coming to 11 o'clock."

Konomi looked more closely at the woman, who seemed a bit confused or something. Then she smiled broadly.

"Hey miss, if you want to go to the castle, I can take you there. I've got some time before I have to get to work, so it's no bother. It's kind of on the way, anyway. Come on, I'll show you!"

Konomi was always the helpful sort, and this lady certainly sounded like she needed a little help... and if she was badly lost or something, there was always the police station down the hill. But Konomi would do her best to lend a hand before that!
The woman was pleased by the girl's gentleness. Truth be told, she didn't get almost half of what she'd said. Apparently, it was 'Reiwa' era now, which was weird... had she awoken in a whole new era, somehow? Or had the eras changed while she was sleeping? But if so, the news wouldn't reach easily--what domain was this?

"Thank you. Pardon me for the suddeness," she answered. Then, the girl smiled broadly to her and offered to help her get to the castle. "I don't know what a 'mayor' is... but I appreciate the help. I hope we can get to the castle safely," she stated. She was being solemn and apprehensive just in case, but the girl seemed nice enough. Many questions, though, floated around her head, and she couldn't think about anything but the fact that she had, somehow, been transported further in time... to the future?

She ended up walking next to her and thought it was a good opportunity to inquire some stuff that was on her mind. "Excuse me," she said lightly tapping the girl's shoulder, "what might that be over there?", she said, pointing to what, evidently, was a black car.

All seemed calm for the moment... but not far behind them, the three men who had summoned the woman were walking slowly and hiding every now and then. For now, Amaya had not noticed them, since she was busy thinking about what was all of this. A dream? Though a feeling that someone was following them wandered through her head, more noticeable with every second that passed.
Konomi looked over at where the woman was pointing. "That's... a Toyota, I guess? I don't know a lot about cars, I'm sorry." Of course, she used kuruma, the word for a carriage.

"But anyway," Konomi said, to cover her embarrassment and confusion, "It's really just a few minutes' walk to the castle, so we won't have any problems. This is a really safe neighbourhood, there's a big police station just down the street. But oh, um... do you happen to know those three men back there? They seem to be behaving a little... oddly."
"Uh..." the woman couldn't grasp how that... aberration could be a carriage. And what was a Toyota? Toyotama-hime? The girl seemed a bit embarrassed, although she couldn't grasp why, she didn't think the girl had done anything wrong.

Whatever a 'police station' was, though, the woman looked apprehensive when the girl said... it sounded like a court or military station of sorts, and she didn't exactly know where she was, therefore all of it could turn into something risky. But at the mention of three men behind them, she immediately entered defensive mode, was someone following them after all? Thankfully, she was wearing a hitarare combinned with a hakama, which made her movements easier. The attire was all gold, patterned with curvy lines all over, and also had some sort of symbol etched into the back.

"I don't know them, but..." she looked back, and this worked as a trigger, apparently, because the three men started running towards them. The woman glanced at the girl, grabbed her hand and started running at full capacity. After one or two meters, she realised they wouldn't be able to outrun them like this. She grabbed the girl and lifted her off the ground so that she'd carry her bridal style, and then jumped atop one of the buildings, landing lightly on the, she kept jumping between buildings, trying to get out of their sight. She saw a very long building and decided to jump atop it, reaching its edge easily. There, she saw both a Shinto shrine and a Buddhist Temple, and decided to go for the shrine, hoping the kami from that shrine would help them confuse their enemies. She passed through the tori, hid behind the chozuya, let the girl rest beside her, crouched, bowed and said, "Please stay right beside me," then looked at the plaque with the kami's name, and started murmuring a chant.
It was all Konomi could do to gasp as the odd woman started dragging her along, then scooped her up into a princess carry, and then jumped on top of a building with her in her arms. She managed to hold down a shriek, at least, as the woman leapt from rooftop to another.

And then she hauled them into a shrine, of all places, and set her down.

"Please stay right beside me," the woman said, and Konomi nodded mutely. This was not what she had expected when she offered a helping hand. It was all a little bit too much - or maybe a lot too much.

The woman started chanting, and Konomi had no idea what to do with herself. Well, maybe she ought to chant too. Couldn't hurt, right? Except she didn't know what to chant, so... she just went with the first thing that popped into her head. Since they'd just leapt over a Buddhist temple, that was the Lotus prayer that Obaasan used to say all the time. How did it go?

Namu myoho renge kyo. That was it! Konomi put her hands together and started chanting too. Namu myoho renge kyo, namu myoho renge kyo.....
The woman's prayer receded until it was no longer heard. Although, it seemed like the girl's chant was still ongoing, for whatever reason the woman ignored.

"I'm sorry. Considering the situation at hand, time was precious. Those who seek us for their wrongdoing will no longer be drawn to our actual essences... if the Kami residing in this shrine is an amicable one, of c-- huh?" The woman recognized the girl's chant, but she couldn't pinpoint exactly where she had heard it. Some monk? A buddhist sect?

"Is that Ni... Re..." she scratched her hair as she struggled to remember the name of the one to whom the chant belonged, "uh--rather, I'm... almost certain that that specific chant was the work of some dissident monk. He was persecuted... I believe. Won't it be an inconvenience to you?" she asked, befuddled.
Konomi stopped chanting.

"Eh... it was just something my obaasan did, I mean, all the old folks do that Buddhist chanting thing," she said, and scratched her head sheepishly. "I don't even know where it comes from, it's just something people say."

"So, um... who were those men and why were you running away from them?" Konomi asked. "That is, if you don't mind me prying."
"I understand..." the woman made a mental note for the chant. It'd be imperative to browse through the library as soon as possible in order to find some kind of information about it. It shocked her to hear of this chant being so... pervasive amongst the peoples. That black aberration from before—the Toyota—would also have to be looked upon. The woman thought that the girl, while superficially knowing what all of these things were, didn't seem to be able to explain exactly how they worked or where they had come from.

"No, it's fine," the woman stated. Now that the woman figured they were safe, she crouched no more, and rested her back against the wooden chozuya. "These men," flashes of a bucket, falling, trees, three men on the ground, all these popped up on her mind, yet immediately vanished, "they are... I think they are after me. I... I simply remember waking up. It seems that, indeed, I instinctively ran through the woods and into the streets where I met you, and they must have followed me."

The girl was about to speak up but the woman went on. She'd realised something. "Ah, how rude of me. I have not yet introduced myself. I am... I am... I... don't know how I am?" Trying to force her name to come up on her mind only brought up the sound 'a'. What's... what's happening?
Konomi listened intently to the woman. What a strange story, and then - could she not even remember her name? It seemed like she might be in some kind of trouble, especially if those men really had been after her for some reason.

"It... seems like you need a little more help than just getting to the castle," Konomi said kindly. "I could show you to the police station, and it might even be a good idea to pay a visit to the hospital afterwards. The police can help to figure out what's going on. It's just down the hill from the castle - and then I really do need to get to work. It wouldn't do to be late, even if it's just a part-time job!"
The woman listened to the girl, playing close attention to every word. She still wasn't able to process half of it. Part-time job? Police? Station (sho)... it definitely had to have something to do with the daimyo or someone in charge... but what if she'd been transported to another land? Introducing herself to an enemy daimyo could mean death. Now that she thought about it more deeply, entering the castle lightly would likely mean death too. But if she saw it from up-close... maybe she could recognise it.

For now, she decided to play along, the girl didn't seem like she'd much time either. "Understood. Although, I'm still not clear on what this police station means. I cannot present myself to a potential enemy garrison, but, as it goes: if you do not enter the tiger's cave, you will not catch its cub." A little flash of wisdom... there was someone she knew... he said that a lot, who was it? She remembered, but she didn't. Traces, remnants, were all she had.

"The men must've been fooled already. If so, then, let's get going!" the woman grabbed the girl by her arm. Her hunting instincts kicked in, showing a bit of her rash side, maybe thinking she was with someone else, she made it so she and the girl got out of the shrine and into the street. "Ah, pardon me..." She was so excited she started walking towards a random direction--"Uhm... you should lead, of course," she remembered the situation they were in and scratched her head, looking back at the girl and laughing.
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