CLOSED SIGNUPS Amulets of the Elements (Roleplay)

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At this point there were only a handful of hooded figures left, and they sure as hell kept their distance. One of them, the unofficially assigned leader of the posse now that most of the other leads were splayed on the floor, nodded to his comrades. It wasn't known what they were agreeing on until after a strange ball-shaped object was thrown to the ground, spewing thick dust and smoke that blinded Yuca, Badr, Alessandra, and Nasika.

When the smoke cleared...they were all gone. Only the destruction these shaded figures caused was left behind. The stench of spilled blood was strong, and left one surviving bank teller so sickly that he couldn't stop himself from upchucking his lunch.

There was no time to mourn. Heliodoro Guards barged through the doors of the Bank not a moment later. They knew they were too late the moment their eyes laid upon the bloodied masses. Their horror did not stop them from performing their duties, however. "Everyone! Put your hands up in the air! Those found inside this bank will be taken in for questioning!" the general of the army alerted with his rough and raspy voice.

One of the soldiers came up to Yuca and, sparing the young one not a second to relax, pulled her off the floor by her wrist and dragged her away. Yuca did not resist. Unlike Badr, Nasika, and Alessandra, who had the luxury of human rights that could not be disregarded no matter the intensity of a crime scene, Yuca was a slave; she was property. Badr, Nasika, and Alessandra would be commanded into following the guards and if they resisted either a compromise might be met or, in the case of severe agression, only then would they be detained. Yuca meanwhile was seen as no more than an object, an item to the crime scene.

She carried the purple amulet in her hand, which was promptly yanked away by the guard who detained her; likely for evidence. The rest of the soldiers would likely do the same: collect everything for evidence, including the other three amulets.

@Lesbingus @Ness @Ariel
(Apologies for disapearing off the face of the earth for months on end. Lots of real life stuff happened!)
Badr watched the guards barge in.


One of them marched forward, grabbing the sickly looking one of their number. The former gladiator hadn't caught their name-- but that didn't matter. She *rankled* at the sight of another person being treated so.

"Oi," she growled, taking a step towards the gathered guards. Another step, before her injured leg gave out. Badr fell to one knee once more, huffing and grunting under her breath. She raised one hand, the thickly calloused palm suddenly ablaze. Badr didn't even give herself time to ponder these newfound gifts-- she pressed her palm to the wound in her leg, and the air was filled with this snapping, flashing hiss of cauterizing flesh.

"Let go of the girl."

She pushed herself upright once more, still visibly favouring her other leg. She trudged forward, pushing past any resistance offered, powering towards Yuca and her captor. Amber eyes smouldered with newfound embers, steam and smoke billowing from open wounds and from between clenched teeth. Badr was altogether new, something hellish. The amulet had stoked something within her, awakened something old, and powerful. Despite the pain she was in from a myriad new wounds, she still powered onward.

Badr loomed over the soldier that held the Child of Air, huffing smoke into their face with one great exhale.

"Let her go, or I'll make you let go."