Amity Academy RP(Texan & Moon)

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Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. Multiple posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Fantasy, Slice Of Life, Paranormal
Sephira Kalini - Headmistress - Familiar: Charity
It had been almost three weeks since school had started and in those three weeks, two students had turned up dead. Of course this had caused panic among the students and staff. How could it not? But she couldn't allow the information to slip out of the walls. She ran her hands through her hair, "It will be okay." Sephira sighed, "I hope so Chari...what am I to do if more turn up dead! The human had been brutally murdered and the mage had been drained of their magic. It told her the killer had to be a mage. But why... Why would someone want to join her school to try and tear down the bonds and peace she hoped to attain? They could murder others with ease outside the school...I just don't get it Chari..." Her familiar sighed, "People do strange things that we familiars cannot understand..."

William Hager - Student
William sighed as he sat in the dorm, after the most recent murder the Headmaster had told them to remain in their rooms for the time being. Something about wanting to figure everything out before starting classes again. He didn't see how classes could continue with a murderer on the loose. What was worse was the fact that mages and humans shared dorms and right now no one knew who to trust.

Ebony Parson - Student - Familiar: Ember
Ebony sat in her room, her thoughts on Scar...they sadly weren't in the same dorms, and while it was just across the hall, they had been asked to remain in the dorms for the time being. She picked up her phone dialing Scar's number.
(This is so weak...sorry) @ShyTexanGamer
Scarlett Student

Scarlett had been scared and bored that they were stuck in the room she just looked around the room as she heard her phone going off" Hey, Ebi" she said as she was bored, she lay on the bed and looked up at the ceiling" What you doing" she asked as she was playing with her hair she was glad that she was finally away from Vickey, but at the same time she still felt scared that Vicky would come back, but she was happy with Alice and Ebi she just blushed.

Lissa Student

Lissa was just waking up as she looked around the room, and she saw her sister sitting in a chair." Liza," she said weakly she didn't know how she ended up in the room. She was so confused" What happened?" she asked as she was trying to remember but she was confused. She looked at her arm that was in a cast she just yawned all she remembered was trying to go back to her room and..... and.... everything else was blank she didn't know how she ended up here there was so much blood when she was found she looked at the bandage on her stomach she just lay on the bed blowing on her hair trying to move her hair that was covering her eye​
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Sephira Kalini - Headmistress - Familiar: Charity
"Lissa should be awake now...why not go visit her. She is our only clue as to who is behind this because she managed to get away."
Sephira sighed, "Thankfully...but I don't want to push my daughter too much...though answers are certainly needed. Anything that could help us at this point. Our killer doesn't seem to have any specific targets in mind." She stood and Charity jumped into her arms as they made their way to the medic room.

Liza Kalini - Student - Familiar: Monarch
Liza sighed, "Do you remember anything that happened to you? How are you feeling? You are safe now, mom even gave you a bracelet for protection. Just in case the killer tries to strike again...I snuck out of the dorm to come see you. They have us sort of in lockdown right now. But I was too worried about you, to leave you alone."

Ebony Parson - Student - Familiar: Ember
Ebony chuckled, "Thinking about breaking our lockdown so I can come see you. You know how I hate being locked in one place. Though I'm pretty sure if Mother found out she'd punish me hard just to make an example out of me. Sending the, see even I punish my daughter for breaking the rules, don't think I won't punish you." She sighed, "But I mean you are only across the room. What are you up too?"
Lissa Kalini Student

Lissa just bit her lip as she held her head as she was trying to remember, but nope, she didn't remember anything that happened to her" I'm sorry, I just can't remember. All I remember was walking back to our dorm," she said" and...... and...... nothing" she said as she felt pain where her bandages were on her stomach" I'm okay my arm is fine it's just the bandage on my stomach hurts" she says as she was bleeding a bit again" I'm sorry I made you worry I'll be more careful do you think whoever tried to kill me will come back" she say to he siste she was afred of them coming back and she noticed the bracelet on her wrist" this bracelet" she told her."

Scarlett Student
Scarlett just lay on the bed as she was bored. It felt weird to have a room and an actual bed" I'm booooooored" she whined" what if I'm the one that breaks the rule? I can tell her it was my idea," she said to her friend. She wanted to get out of this room she hated being closed in a room" I know I hate it too, especially whatever happened with my mother and sister, mainly my mother. I don't know what happened to my sister I couldn't care less. They both made my life hell, but..... you, Alice, and your mom saved me from all that. Still feels weird that I'm here," she said @DarkMoon
Liza Kalini - Student - Familiar: Monarch
Liza shook her head, "Don't tell me sorry...this wasn't you being reckless it's because we have a psycho on the loose. I wonder if I can..." Liza focused on her powers calling for her healing butterfly. Ever since their fight though it had been harder to summon her butterflies as freely had before. Perhaps because she had strained her magic. Slowly one of her healing butterflies appeared but the glow of its wings wasn't anything like they had once been. The butterfly floated down to Lissa before landing on her shoulder. It disappeared sinking into her skin and leaving a faint glow along Lissa's body before vanishing. It wouldn't heal the wounds like normal, but it would heal slightly and help with the pain. "Sorry...I can't control my magic as I did before..."

Sephira Kalini - Headmistress - Familiar: Charity
Sephira opened the door and noticed her children together and she couldn't help but sigh once more, "Liza you were told to remain in your's dangerous right now to sneak out even if it is for your twin." "Mom...I couldn't leave her alone, not after who would want to be alone after being almost killed." "Still though, what if you were attacked next? Then I'd have two injured daughters and I have enough on my plate with one and trying to maintain the peace of my school..."

Ariel/Vicky Hadson - Hidden Killer
Ariel sat in her room, chewing on her nail in irritation, she had been so close to killing Lissa. Though she had still planned to drain Lissa's magic from her. Ariel had been interrupted and Lissa had slipped away. Thankfully, she had used a mind-frazzling spell and she was pretty sure it had worked considering no one had come charging into her room putting her under arrest. Either way, she was still bothered by the fact that one of her intended victims slipped away from her. Even worse was the fact that she was one of the people who had been part of her fall from the get-go. "I'll get her next time...or maybe I need to switch victims...she will probably be heavily guarded. Perhaps I should kill someone from my dorm....that way it doesn't seem odd that no one from my dorm has been targeted." She mumbled, thinking about those who lived in her dorm.

Ebony Parson - Student - Familiar: Ember
"You want to break the rules? I mean I'll go open the door for you so we can make it a swift transition and I'm pretty sure that others in my dorm won't mind. I doubt they'd tattletail." She said feeling excited about Scar coming over. They could curl up on her bed and watch tv or even play games.​
Scarlett Student

Scarlett just looked at her phone as she smiled" yeah I want to come over" she said ever since the killing had started she felt her mother she hadn't told anyone about it she wanted to talk to Alice about it but she was forced to stay in her dorm she just sighed as she stood up as she looked out her dorm looking for anyone in the hall so she can go to her girlfriend dorm she just rushed to Ebi's dorm she still had that feeling of Vicki in her skin she was scratching her arm than she saw Ebi" yo I missed you" she said" wanna play some games" she say scratching her arm as she forgot she was scratching

Lissa Kalini Student

Lisa just looked at her sister as she sat up a little as she saw the butterfly but it wasn't like it was before it didn't look the same as before the attack she looked up as the pain went away" thanks Liza I know it's not the same but you'll regain your magic I know it" she said as she looked up seeing the door open" hi there mom" she said seeing her walk in the room as she looked at her sister and her mom talk" why did we have to stay in the dorm" she said as she was trying to remember what happened but no she had a sharp pain in her head" ow my head" she said rubbing her head with her good arm

Maximus Powell Student

Max was playing some video games in his room he had some headphones on so he didn't hear any of his dormmates around she was so focused on beating the boss he had trouble with he didn't really have any friends her but the headmistress told everyone to stay in their dorm so he did he just was playing some video games he hoped no one would come and bother him he liked playing video games it was fun for him he just touched the scar he had on his eye he had burned himself when he got his power

Veronica Handson Student

Veronica just looked at Ariel as she was eating some chips as she looked at her mother it was weird that her mum was in a different form she just looked at her" who should we kill" she said as she sat on the chair she didn't care she wanted to help her mother anyway we can she wanted to kill her little sister for what she went through with her and her little friend too" who shall we kill next maybe we can kill Ebi or little sis" she say looking at her as she bit her lip" or that guy with the fire" she say trying to come up with ideas
Liza Kalini - Student - Familiar: Monarch
Liza looked to the floor, "Sorry mom...but I just can't leave Lissa alone...we've already been through so much together. We know how to protect ourselves...we just need to recharge." Liza said, her aim wasn't to make their mom feel guilty, but it did.

Sephira Kalini - Headmistress - Familiar: Charity - Liza, Lissa
Sephira sighed before pulling Liza into a hug, "I'm sorry too...I know you are both strong and you've already done so much. You two could probably teach the other students how to weild their magic is you really put your minds to it." She kissed the top of Liza's head before moving over to do the same for Lissa, "You have to stay in the dorms so you aren't a possible roaming target. If we know the locations of all the students and one of them is killed within the dorm. Then the list of suspects narrows down." Sephira pulled out a purple potion in a bottle, "Drink this, it'll help with the pain for now."

Ebony Parson - Student - Familiar: Ember - Scarlett
Ebony got up and headed for the door, she cracked it open peeking out before giving Scar the okay, "Cost is clear and the door is open! Grab what you want to bring over and run to me!" She said with a slight chuckle. "If the cost becomes unclear while you are gathering your things I'll let you know!"

Sephira - #ed1000
Charity - #009c91

William - #3cb20f

Ebony - #ac4a5f
Ember - #a80000

Ariel - #46a6fd

Liza - #8080FF
Monarch - #3a50a7

Alice - #BF8000
Lykos - #44c96b
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Scarlett Taunt Student- Ebony

Scarlett just didn't like her roommate had reminded her of her mother she didn't know why she was creepy she just started to scratch her arm she did that when she was nervous she just grabbed her stuff and stuffed her things in her bag She closed her door and ran out to Ebony" hey ebi" she say scratching her arm she couldn't help it she was so nervous she wanted to talk to Alice she looked up to slice as a mother had she just hugged her stuffed animal that Alice gave her she just closed her eyes trying to calm down taking deep breath" where's Alice" she said looking at Ebi" sorry it just....." she say as she bit her lip" I don't like my roommate she creeps me out" she say" why can't you be my roommate" she pouted

Lissa Kalini - Student- Liza & Sephiria

Lissa just looked at her mom" what if this person comes back for me" she asked her mother she hated being in one place for long she just looked at her twin sister as she held her hand she looked at her mother she gave her a purple bottle she just sniffed the bottle" ew it looks nasty" she say as she gulped it she didn't like it but it was to help her" thanks mum" she say to her she looked over to her sister @DarkMoon
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Sephira Kalini - Headmistress - Familiar: Charity - Liza, Lissa
"If that person comes back to finish the job I'll be ready, not only was that potion to help with pain, but it will also tell me when you are in danger." She pulled out another bottle and it was blue, "Liza you drink this one." She said holding the bottle towards her other daughter. It was the only way she'd feel even the slightest bit relaxed. Honestly, she wanted to send everyone away, but if she did, she was letting a killer free. She sighed as she tried to think of other possibilities, but there wasn't much she could think of.

Liza Kalini - Student - Familiar: Monarch
Liza stared at the bottle before taking it and forcing herself to drink it, "Ugh...couldn't you have made that taste better..." Liza asked wiping her mouth before pulling out two pieces of mint gum and offering one to Lissa. The taste just lingered in the mouth, it was terrible.

Ebony Parson - Student - Familiar: Ember - Scarlett
Ebony frowned, "Alice? I don't know, I think she'd been busy helping some of the students get over the trauma of finding the dead body...But I'm sure we can go talk to her. We might get into trouble, but if you really need to see her then I'll take the punishment. I'll tell Mis Kalini I dragged you to see Alice even though you tried to tell me it wasn't a big deal and you could wait." She said with a big grin, "I'll be your knight in shiny armor! Also, yeah, I wish you were my roommate. My current is pretty silent though so that's not too bad. Maybe we can get you in a new room. Who was your roommate again?"
Scarlett Taunt Student- Ebony

Scarlett just looked at her" Are you sure we can go it just..... i feel my panic coming" she said" and..... i can still feel her my mother i can't explain it i just feel her in my skin I'm just afraid what if she comes back what if the blood seals come back" she said trying her best not to panic too much" can we see Alice or she can come here I don't want you to get in trouble because of me" she said as she felt her panic attacks coming back she just clinched her shirt she was calm around Ebi but being in her dorm room it was different she wanted to be with Ebi" do you think i can ever heal from my past" she asked clutching onto her shirt" can't we text Alice to come so you won't get in trouble" she says looking up at her

Lissa Kalini

Lissa just looked at both her mom and her twin sister she just bit her lip she was afraid that the person would come back but at least her mother would know when she is in danger she just grabbed for the gum" I'm alright now Liza nothing to worry about" she say as she giggled at liza drinking the potion it had tasted nasty" how long do we need to stay in our rooms" she say she didn't like being in a room for too long she hated it she was trapped in a closet once she never told her mum about only her twin knew about it she hated the feeling of being trapped​
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Sephira Kalini - Headmistress - Familiar: Charity - Liza, Lissa
"Sadly, I don't know...I know i can't keep you all locked away until I catch the killer. For now, I'll need time to make a plan, probably forming a buddy system. It would make sense for it to be with your roommate as you generally wake up together and leave together. But I have a feeling others will complain, wanting their buddy to be their best friend." She sighed, "Either way, I'll try to make it as quickly as possible." She said with a small smile.

Liza Kalini - Student - Familiar: Monarch
"If we can help mom, we gladly will." Liza said with a smile, but her mother shook her head, "You both need to rest. Don't think I haven't noticed that your powers still aren't back to normal fully." Liza flinched, "I-it's almost normal." "But it's not...thanks to that woman you two far more of a risk than I ever wanted you too." "Fine..." A small frown marring Liza's face. "Good. One you are feeling better Lissa you two head back to your room. I love you both." "Love you, mom."

Ebony Parson - Student - Familiar: Ember - Scarlett
Ebony's smile fell and she pulled Sacr into a hug, "I'll take the blame for this...but right now I think even Sephira would understand you needing to go see Alice. I can guide you there and then head back so the two of you can talk in private." She said as she patted Scar's back gently, "Either way, I'm here for you."
Scarlett Taunt Student- Ebony and Alice

Scarlett just looked at Ebony while she hugged her she couldn't cry in front of her she couldn't let go of her past she didn't know how to she looked at her as she felt Ebony patting her back" Thanks for always being there for me" she said as she sighed she felt her arm was bleeding from scratching her arm too much she just walked with her friend to Alice office when just walked into Alice's office" Alice" she say as she was tearing up and her arm was bleeding from the way she was scratching her arm​
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