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Set your mind Aflame with Imagination.
Original poster
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  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
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  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. One post per day
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Writing Levels
  1. Beginner
  2. Elementary
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  5. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
All, mostly.
It'd been about 18 days since the Apocalypse. Ancient cities rising from the depths, unholy mountains shedding their cloudy coverings and disgorging demons and worse. writhing messes of unnatural flesh pulsed over the ground. The world had not 'gone to hell' but it was pretty clear that hell and worse had come to the earth. And if this chaos had proved one thing, it was that humanity was far from capable of dealing with its own nightmares.

The organization had gathered all those that it could over these 18 days, and transported them to its bunker in london. Those who were carrying grimoires were helicoptered to the northern edge of the city. A camp had been set up there, Samrah (@Samrah ) had been the first to be found and helicoptered in. Given the far back tent he'd been left to his own devices, Though he found that those few females who worked in the camp were uptight, business like women, or soldiers who wanted nothing to do with 'delivery' or other derogatory names his powers got caled. Klarion (@Sasha Bliss )was next, having been helicoptered in only a few days later, He'd been given a tent that was off to one side, but not as far out as Samrah's. He'd been provided with room to do as he pleased, They'd even been able to provide him with several recovered puzzle books to whittle away the time. The latest to arrive was James, He wore a old uniform they'd aquired for him. It suited him and while he didn't mind it, he felt that the cap that came with it was utterly over the top. He was given a tent closer to the center of the camp.


The evening 2 days after James's arrival the few mages who were there were gathered together and told to sit around the fire as a elderly gentleman walked out of the large pavilion which had been set up since day one, though no one had entered or left. He held a immense grimoire, bound in gold leather with the images of hour glasses etched on its cover. "So, my young mages, I have a duty for you to perform, It will be perilous and deadly, but should you achive it, it is possible that we can return our world to normal."
Samrah looks attentively at the book... "That seems like a very expensive book. Although, with what's happening now, I'm pretty sure it costs more than just paper bills and round encrypted metals..." Samrah was sitting right next to James' right side, a bit more calm, behaved and composedthan his usual self. He rubs his hands near the fire so he could warm himself up from he shivering cold. He currently wears a long sleeved formal wear and long black pants with black shoes. Most obvious he's not into casual wear even on bonfire nights outdoor.
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