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@Cirque That's fine. Have fun in your other RP's ^.^

@Neko_Green She's accepted, of course.
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RD by FEE.png

Marcus 'Zero' Millard




Neutral, fighting on the side of who can take him out of this huge mess.

Special Ability - Shadowbound
When he was little he often had nightmares where he was being locked in a pitch black room by being different... It was a long time before he got across the now twisted dream world. By using this 'Special Ability', that he considers a curse, he can control any shadow that he can see, shaping it at his own desire. It is not hard but sometimes some shadows are difficult to control because the owner fights back instead of just letting him control it. Strange enough he can't fully control his own shadow but he can make it became his favourite weapon, a sharp and pitch black knife that always make him remember of those nightmares, when used he drop it sometimes in pure fear of the old nightmare.

A little crazy because of being a long time in that nightmare... He is somehow friendly but only to those who show him a glimpse of salvation but to those who threat him as a enemy he doesn't show any mercy.

Since he was a kid, he dreamed about a nice place where everything was perfect... But some times everything was twisted and gruesome that he would love to stay in his home than there. A place where it once was such a good and dreamy land now is a place full of things that wanted to kill him, he learnt to defend himself when he was still young but only killed something when he really needed it. For some days on he had been sleeping more then he wanted until... He never woke up, he just wandered around this twisted and different new world in search of a escape.
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Could the people after Rafa please post a finished character sheet? I'm not pressing this issue, but it's a tad inconvenient in my opinion. You can save drafts and keep it there until you finish and then post
Um... About Special powers... It can be anything we want right?
Um... About Special powers... It can be anything we want right?
Well, I had the same question thought. But then, I said to myself - "I do not care about anyone's opinion" so BOOM, my character has magic in all it fictional forms.
You basically can choose anything, but keep it logical.
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I second the Russian
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Edited my char... Don't know if it is good couldn't think on anything that could fit the idea of my char... Anyway I think I made him too dark for this RP so if there's something wrong just tell me and I will fix it, no problem ^^
@RafaDark have you seen my char? Cause he got accepted.
Name: Jack Phillips
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Status: Alice
Side: Evil
Special Ability: Light Refraction. Jack is able to redirect, and change the intensity of light. He can make a dark room as bright (and hot) as the sun, or he can make bright areas pitch black.
Personality: He's gone a little mad with power after becoming an Alice. Since his arrival, he has become cocky, sadistic, and an overall brat. He throws a tantrum when things don't go his way, and has taken to using dreams for his catharsis.
Bio: Jack grew up in a very normal household. There was never a lot of abuse, nor did they ever really struggle. He found it exceedingly boring. He longed for some excitement, and got it when he fell into a coma. After becoming an Alice, he finally got what he longed for, but he didn't want to go back. So instead of working to stop the nightmare, he began working for him. Jack didn't care if he was being used, as long as he got to stay.

The Little Dream
Is the IC coming up soon? I think we have enough players.
I find this to sound interesting, as such if you will have me I'd like to join =^.^=



Name- Meghan Moore
Gender- Female
Age- 18
Status- Alice
Side- Neutral
Special Ability- Burning Script ~ Meghan's special ability allows her to draw in the air using a 'magical' fire, when words are drawn, they become objects or effects. An example of an object being the word 'Blade', which would create a sword of fire, or if she were to be more specific such as 'Dagger', a dagger of flame would be made. An example of an effect being 'Fireball' or 'Flare', which would hurl a fireball forward or make a burst of light, respectively.
Personality- Meghan isn't the type of person most would want to be alone in a room with, as she is quiet the pyromaniac and enjoys burning anything and everything to the ground, including people should she find them annoying. Despite her 'burning passion', she is quiet calm and collected and not an easy person to anger. She rarely acts before thinking, though this doesn't always result in the best course of action as most would assume, as her thoughts usually lead her to burning things.
Bio- Meghan was always considered to be a trouble child, as she loved to play with fire and often ended up catching other things on fire as a result. In her childhood alone she had burnt down 4 buildings, including an elementary school. Come her teens, things only got worse, and she began to burn things intentionally, increasing the amount of burnt buildings to ten. One of said buildings happened to be a juvenile detention center,after which she was transferred to an asylum, and kept in a white padded room with strict rules as to what was allowed in.

The little dream
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I'll reserve a spot for you as you are welcome to join =33


Accepted ^.^


The IC will launch either later today or early tomorrow. Hopefully today. I have most of my first post written, so it shouldn't take too long =33
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Oops. I didn't see that we'd gotten more new character sheets. Yes, your character is accepted and so is @Michael Kokirin 's. Is there anyone else I'm missing?
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