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Otaku Mode Activated
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  1. Speed of Light
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  3. 1-3 posts per day
  4. One post per day
  5. Multiple posts per week
  6. 1-3 posts per week
  7. One post per week
Online Availability
11:00pm to 2:00am weekdays 11:00pm to 4:00am weekends
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  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Beginner
  3. Elementary
  4. Intermediate
  5. Adept
  6. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
Fantasy, magic, adventure, comedy, anime, slice of life, high school, fandom, romance, but I am always open to many others.

:heart:Aikō-ka Kurabu | The Lovers Club:heart:
Romance | Comedy | High school | Anime | Slice of life

Out of character | In Character Season 1
| In Character Season 2

Character Sheet Thread

Please do not post OOC in this thread. Check out the OOC for information about the rp.

Accepted characters will receive a heart rating.

(Only need to know current active members)

Current Active Members:
ScarletNova: Haruhi -- Role: President
Rads: Ruby -- Role: Treasurer
Rads: Bob -- Role: Member
ScarletNova: Mariko -- Role: New member
Monbon: Sayuri -- Role: Member
Monbon: Toshiro -- Role: Secretary
Takumi: Hiroki -- New member
Takumi: Mirai -- Non-member
ScarletNova: Akari -- Non-member

IceQueen: Naomi -- Role: Non-Member
IceQueen: Kanata -- Muscle

Unknown Status:
Accelerator: Shione -- Tactician
Accelerator: Yoru -- Member
ShinkuKun: Chiharu -- Non-member
DANAsaur: Aki -- Role: Mascot
DANAsaur: Miyuki -- Role: Organizer/Planner
SkinkuKun: Ryunosuke -- Role: Info Gatherer
ShinkuKun: Alexander -- Role: Non-member​

Feel free to style your character sheet as you want.

Character Sheet

Nickname (if any):
Age: (14-18)
Sexual Orientation:
School Year: (Anime: Japanese based)
Role in club: (President, Vice-president, treasurer, member, etc.)
Theme Song:

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Chishiki Aida

School Year:
Role in club:

171 cm
Prism Blue

Calm Music
Interior decoration
Fruity tea


Dress codes

Brainwashed | Modest | Cheerful | Patient

Chishiki is known for wearing odd clothing and claiming to be a 'Prism Maiden.' Contrary to what most people assume, she doesn't do this to seek attention and would rather not stand out, but is absolutely convinced she must to protect people from going colorblind. Chishiki takes her role very seriously, but is otherwise just a cheerful girl who wants to get good grades, find love, and enjoy life.

Chishiki is the daughter of a JASDF officer (father) and a proud psychologist (mother). She loves her parents dearly, but her father's military duty keeps him away for long periods of time, leaving Chishiki to spend most of her time with her mother. Unlike her principled father, Chishiki's mother shows no regard for her wellbeing. Offering her daughter as a convenient test subject, Aida-san proposed a long-term study on human development and cognitive bias, receiving massive funding due to its political relevance.

Every day when she comes home, Chishiki's mother pumps her full of increasingly outlandish lies. When doubts begin to surface, Aida-san goes to incredible lengths to 'prove' her lies, while insisting the outside world is the true liar. Sometimes, she'll pay hush money, other times she'll hire dozens of actors to pull off a specific stunt in public.

The one voice of reason that could have put an early end to this is Chishiki's father. However, due to his absence, he remained unaware of this abusive study. For the first several years of her mother's epic gaslighting campaign, he assumed Chishiki's strangeness was simply that of an over-imaginative child. By the time Chishiki grew old enough for the odd behavior to throw up red flags, her mother managed to convince her she needed to keep her 'special duty' a secret from him.

At this point, Chishiki is fully convinced of her mother's lies. Convincing her that her special duties as a Prism Maiden are all made up would be nearly impossible.

Voice: Kanon Takao (Noelle - Genshin Impact JP)
Theme Song: My Confession by Dan Salvato (Doki Doki Literature Club)​
~ Mari Kowai ~
Nickname: Scary Mari | Gender: She/Her | Age: 16 | Height: 5'0 | Sexual Orientation: Pan | Year: 2nd

~ Role in club ~
"Self-Proclaimed President of the Occultists Club" (Non-Member)

~ Personality ~

Mari is sarcastic and oblivious to other. Wrathful against those who wrong her she wishes deeply that she could curse them, going as far as to leave and create evidence that says they may actually be. Truth be told, Mari doesn't believe in the supernatural. Yes in spite of her attempts to start up the Occultist club (and failing due to lack of interest and scaring everyone who would be away with her attitude) Mari thinks things like destiny or fate or whatever is dumb. She just thinks scary stuff is cool, and she desperately wishes it was real.

She is wicked smart, but never uses that for studies, instead opting to devote her mental energy toward exacting revenge upon her new rivals: The Lovers Club. She is scheming and conniving, jealous and wrathful, tired and exasperated. Mari will look at you with the stare of a gorgon if she has been wronged. Or if you are just misfortunate enough to cross this black cat's path on a bad day

~ Likes ~
Horror Films
Occult Stuff
Hard Candy (Lolipops/Star Candies/etc)
Dark Otome (But she'd never tell you that)

~ Dislikes ~
The Lover's Club
Romantic Comedy

~ Crush ~

~ Relationships ~
Lover's Club - Her enemy


~ Bio ~
An old run down apartment with a crappy mom, and a crappy cat, with crappy floors, a crappy TV, and a crappy futon. That's everything that Mari has in her life. Her clothes are old, and somewhat worn. Her signature cat hoodie is the most expensive thing to her name right now. She saved all of her meager earnings and change she found in middle school for it. Its her most well kept and prized possession because it covers her thread-bare clothes and under washed hair (because mom forgot to pay the water bill again). She hoped her new clothes would help keep her from being seen as if she were some sort of ghost when she entered in to high school.

She had developed an interest in the super natural when some of her middle school classmates called her a ghost and told her not to curse them. To which she clicked her tongue and did the only logical thing to do: learn how to curse them. Her curses never worked. Of course her targets never knew better. She learned various other skills such as lock picking, calligraphy, talisman making, and much more all to give the appearance that her bullies were in fact cursed. Bullying stopped all together. As did talking. But she still liked the occult and found it interesting. Still, she moved to a high school far away from her old school. There would be almost no chance anyone knew her. Maybe she could make new friends with similar interests.

When she arrived she realized how fruitless her efforts were. Everyone was so dang cheery and bright and talking about some damn Queen of Hearts helping them and their crush to get together. At first, she tried to keep her mouth shut. But come the time for recruitment for clubs, she found herself left alone as everyone came longingly to the Lovers Club. And so now, she had a much bigger target to curse. One that was going to need a whole lot more work.

~ Voice ~
Stephanie Sheh as Tharja

~ Theme Song ~

~ Extra ~
Her phone is broken. She doesn't actually have one that works.
Face Claim is Shoka Sakurane​
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Kanata Inoue| 井上星空


Inoue Kanata

Kanata-Chan, Kana-Chan, Ino, "Giraffe" or "Red Ogre" (Both will send you packing for the nurse)




-Sexual Orientation-

-School Year-
3rd Year

-Role in club-
Resident Muscle, Oddball, and General Worker (Member)

Kanata is known as the scary woman. People either think she looks terrifying since she has a couple extra piercings or they think she looks cool and mature. To back up her towering looks the woman is a tank and there's a rumor she sent someone to the hospital for trying to lift up her skirt. Despite looking scary to some honestly Kanata isn't all that scary at all. She's boisterous, loud, and not the typical student, but she's in no way outright mean to others. She can come off a bit standoffish and cold at first but when you are let into her circle she protects you with all her might. When she can she'll support friends going out for karaoke night but refuses to let any of them be irresponsible. She chastises them for smoking, tells them not to drink too much, and is always set as the designated sober friend. Being caring takes a lot out of Kanata so she has little patience for bull shit, but also little time for her own feelings. She often pushes them aside as what she feels isn't near as bad as some people have it.

Rock Music, Dressing Up, Heels (She never wears them, too insecure), Confidence, Boba Tea, Naps, Dogs, Animals in General, Snakes, Kickboxing, Hot Pot, Cooked Meat, Rice, Sweets, Whipped Cream Bread, Ramen

Super Spicy Food, Boiled Chicken, Raw Fish, Tuna, Drunkards, Creeps, Curfews, Bossy People (Oh the Irony), Pink

Satoshi Yuuta

The girl is in her class and Kanata was assigned as her guide for the day. She doesn't get along with her super well as they've barely met and Kanata sucks at English but she thinks the girl is possible a little too kind and needs protecting

Kanata's family grew up close. It was her mother, father, and her younger brother. Her father runs a dojo in Yakita and everything was picture perfect until her mother was killed by a drunk driver at the age of 7. From then on Kanata was the woman of the house. Meals, laundry, everything that a mother would do was tasked to her. Of course she stepped up to the plate, though she made her brother and father shape up as well. They adjusted to a life as a family of 3 pretty easily and life has been smooth sailing at home from there. Her school life, however, was never much fun. Kanata shot up in height way before everyone else so she stood out like a sore thumb. Even now she's taller than some of the boys in her grade earning her the nickname "Giraffe". Kanata made sure to put her fathers teachings to good use on the first guy who called her that. Needless to say being in trouble is something Kanata's father is well aware of, and though he disapproves of her using her skill on others he also has admitted that in the cases she did use it it was for a good reason. After having kicked a few butts people knew to stay away from her if you didn't have anything nice to say.

Arisa Uotani from Fruits Basket (2019)

-Theme Song-

Kanata actually likes dressing up girly but has been told in the past she looks like a gorilla playing dress up so she sticks to the cool punk vibe
She feeds the stray cats in her neighborhood
She takes the train too and from school every day
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Gabriel Whitting

(Face claim : HD wallpaper no claim )

¨I like these people, but they gave me feelings I find complex.¨

-More about Gabriel-

Age: Sixteen both ways, no discomfort there.

Gender: Male, he´ll get back to you if this changes.

Sexuality: He´ll tell you ¨Gabriel¨ as a joke, but he´s heterosexual.

Height: 6ft. He´s 5´11 but he´s got dreams.

School Year: Second year, but the makeup work from being so late makes him feel with a third year.

Role in club: Currently not a member, he does however plan to keep his eyes on them.


Gabriel is often a calm and quiet individual, when speaking he always make´s sure he talks with purpose. No one told him it was easy to butcher Japanese if your not speaking properly. He often seems to be poetic in nature, a person who seeks to find answers in some of the most mundane things. When questioned of why he acts distant he makes it a point to never give a straight answer.
He´s has moments where he likes to joke around, but he hates his own laugh and almost never lets people hear it.

-What he likes-

Volleyball is a huge sport for him despite never joined an official team
Interested in the violin
Reading, almost to the point of knocking into people
Shopping surprisingly, cursed with bad spending habits
Cooking and baking are a passion of his
Takoyaki- he´s in love with them.
Flowers of all kinds

-What he doesn't like-

Anyone who acts like a diehard sport fans
Bland food by itself, he doesn't like it when something that could be seasoned isn't
People who are easily clingy

(For now)

(Can and will be changed)

More about Gabriel II :

Gabriel actually happens to be an american transfer. Before moving to Okunai he lived in Wisconsin. Of course he´s fluent in Japanese but if he gets spaced out he can often misunderstand or even mispronounce words himself. Making for some interesting interactions. He has an avid curiosity for flowers of all kinds despite having pollen allergies, so one would expect to find him in fields during his free time. Often at times he can find himself lost in thought, but it doesn't mean he isn't listening. He can seem ignorant at times, but this is likely due to his fascination to the world around him. An airhead of sorts.

Gabriel feels he´s never truly understood the concept of human emotion. Of course he understands what being happy and sad are, but he feels like he can be numb to it as well. He´s never able to react properly when someone gifts him something, or when a major event happens that could've hurt people. He struggles to figure out some feelings he can´t understand, especially if brought about by a specific person. He knows what love is, but fights to really understand what it means to dedicate everything to them. Perhaps he just hasn't found the right person..

Michael Tantum
(Voice of Kyoya from Ouran High School Host club)


Yoru Yomikawa|夜 井上星空


Yoru Yomikawa

Nickname (if any):

I - 10032 (Ichigaya 10032) - Yoru's "original" name before meeting Aiko. The accomplishments and prowess of the "Cleaners" of the "Company" and several other equivalent organizations worldwide reflect on how many digits they have. Normally in their line of work, the average employee would have three digits, and more reputable cleaners would have four. Yoru is one of five individuals to receive five digits.

Tabasco Sauce Maniac - A nickname he earned from his peers when they discovered his love for spicy foods.

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Height: 5'8"

Sexual Orientation: Straight

School Year: 2nd Year

Role in club: Member


At the surface Yoru is a cold and reserved guy who is inured to a lifetime of violence. He usually doesn't care about people's opinions and would generally agree with everyone just to avoid conflict. Once people get to know Yoru, however, they would see that he is a loyal and protective friend who would put the needs of others before himself.

He likes to read books, a habit that was ingrained into him by Yomikawa Aiko. He desires a civilian life and is weary of all the violence in his life. Due to his occupation, he has also adopted a minimalist point of view and generally dislikes wasting resources.

Yoru is also the type of person that generally goes with the flow. He adapts easily to situations because he seldom asks questions and instead acts according to how the situation demands it. Although this approach seems rash in other people's points of view, he sticks by his ideals as they had saved his life a great many times in the past. He has one weakness: He would help any girl in need no matter what the circumstance is though within reason.


~Super Spicy Food - He can easily down two bottles of Tabasco Sauce in one sitting. He acquired this habit from Aiko who would often challenge him to endurance contests to see who can tolerate ultra spicy stuff the most.

~His Bike - A gift he received from Aiko during his 15th birthday, Yoru spares no expense into maintaining his beloved bike and ensuring it's always in pristine condition.

~Stargazing - While he learned Astronomy out of necessity to figure out his location during missions, he has developed a fondness for stargazing over the years.

~Homecooked Meals - Yoru's cooking skills are average at best since his philosophy was to only cook simple dishes enough to keep him going. That's why he can always appreciate a good homecooked meal. He's the type of person that would be the best example for the phrase "a way to a man's heart is through his stomach.

~Literature - Yoru likes to read books to pass the time and add on his wealth of information, a habit he adopted from Aiko.


~People Messing With His Bike

~Bland food - Although he isn't a picky eater by any means, he at least wants to eat food that is both nourishing and delicious at the same time.

~Laboratories - They remind him of his past before meeting Aiko.

~People who are wasteful - Having been put in situations where he had to do everything to survive with little to no resources, he dislikes it when he sees people who squander anything without a second thought.

Crush: None as of yet


Yomikawa Aiko - The person that saved Yoru from becoming a mindless dog of Ichigaya. While her father worked for the Japanese Intelligence Agency as an inventor, she possessed talents when it comes to inventing gadgets and programming that far surpassed most experts in the field. This led to her being hired by Ichigaya as well despite her young age. She is the person that taught Yoru that he is more than just a tool... that emotions make you human instead of weak. For that reason, he deeply admires Aiko, going so far as to refer to her as his "savior" and developing feelings for her. However, an operation gone awry caused her to go missing in action and presumed KIA. As a way of honoring her, Yoru decided to adopt her family name, "Yomikawa".

Higurashi Toshiro - Before being adopted into the prestigious Higurashi family, Toshiro shared the same reputation as Yoru, albeit as part of a mercenary group instead. The two would form an enduring friendship as they took on several missions together. Even when Toshiro stepped down from the "Cleaning" business to live a normal life with his adopted family, the two would maintain regular communication with one another. Thanks to Toshiro's suggestion, the Higurashi family was able to provide Yoru some semblance of normalcy in his life by processing his transfer to Bara High.

Higurashi Shione - While he is normally confident with his fighting skills, Yoru would never dream of duking it out with Shione. He has a lot of respect for his long-time friend's older sister and would normally just go along with her demands without resisting.

Yoru's upbringing was far from normal. He was born in a laboratory and raised to be part of a secret experiment by the Japanese Government to produce the finest assassin for Ichigaya, the Japanese Ministry of Defense, also known as the "Company". For much of his life, he was trained to be nothing other than a tool. Aside from receiving a basic education, he was taught in various martial arts as well as in the use of various conventional and unconventional weapons. He would have gone down the road of a mindless dog obeying its master's every command. However, a young orange-haired ray of sunshine named Aiko Yomikawa changed all that.

At first, he brushed off her attempts of befriending him, seeing her efforts as nothing more than a distraction. However, after months of prodding and pestering, the white-haired boy gave up and gave in to her unrelenting attempts. That said, it took a bit more time before Aiko could get through to the boy's tough exterior. Having been raised as an attack dog all his life, Aiko had to completely change his way of thinking from tool to human being. She taught him how to act normally, how emotions aren't a weakness, and how to properly control and express them. After finding out that the white-haired boy only had a bunch of digits for a name one night, she gave him the name Yoru because of how his pure white hair reminded her of a moonlit night.

Aiko and Yoru's relationship eventually blossomed and eventually, the two were inseparable outside of missions. Due to how much friendlier and normal Yoru has become thanks to Aiko's influence, he was able to treat other people assigned to missions with him as friends. One such person was a guy named Toshiro. He was part of an independent Assassin group that organizations like "Langley", the MI6, and the German BND would hire from time to time if they didn't want to get their own hands dirty. The two would form an uncanny friendship forged from having one another's backs during every mission they were assigned together. Even when Toshiro retired after being adopted by the Higurashi family, they would still regularly check up on one another.

It seemed like things were finally looking up for Yoru. However, all good things must eventually come to an end. During what seemed to be a normal operation, Yoru lost contact with Aiko. When he returned to the safe house they were using as a temporary base, the place was in ruins, having suffered massive damage from what seemed like a powerful explosion. Due to the extent of the damage, everyone in the building was presumed KIA including Aiko. The incident devastated Yoru. He spent months on end trying to follow any lead he could find to locate Aiko's whereabouts. He refused to believe that endearingly annoying girl who changed his life forever would kick the bucket just like that. But after a year of following dead ends and empty trails, he had to accept the reality that he was unable to protect and save the person he considered his savior. He became depressed to the point that it affected his performance. Eventually, the "people upstairs" started taking notice and decided to give Yoru some time off to recover. A tool that can't do its intended purpose correctly was nothing more than a paperweight after all.

When Toshiro found out what had happened to his dear friend, he immediately used his influence to have Yoru continue his studies in Bara High and enlist Shione's help in bringing him in the Lover's Club. After what he had gone through Toshiro hopes that the club's relaxed and fun atmosphere that Shione keeps mentioning would do Yoru some good.

Fukuyuma Jun
Theme Song:
Yoru owns an A.I named E.L.L. which stands for Electronic Logical Lifeform. She inhabits all of his electronic devices, including his bike.

Izumi Sena




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Akari "Mori" Morita
"The Oni of Bara High"


Female | 16 | 5'8'' | Heterosexual | Grade 2 | Non-member

Akari is a boisterous badass. She doesn't take crap from anyone and she'll say whatever is on her mind whenever she wants to. She constantly gets into fights with people and ignores authority. She's a delinquent and doesn't really care what people think of her. She does what she wants when she wants. She's a dedicated musician and practices a lot. She's confident, brash, eccentric, and unconventional. She hides a longing for somewhere to belong.

-Rock, puck, and metal music
- Playing music: Drums, guitar, piano, vocals
- Martial Arts
- Accessories

- Rules
- Being ignored
- Being 'home'


Akari has mostly followers rather than friends. Although, she is rather close with her band mates.

Akari has always been a strange child. Akari grew up in an orphanage, desperate for love and attention. As a teen she found herself bouncing around foster homes in attempts to find someone who would take her. She wanted somewhere to belong, but each family always had something against her. Most had too many kids to pay attention enough to her. Others didn't treat her as nicely as they should have. And thus each time she was moved to another family, she grew more rebellious and unconventional, which made it even harder to place her. It was a vicious circle. Her current foster home is over capacity and she's left ignored most of the time, only getting attention when she breaks the rules or forces attention on her by doing something ridiculous and crazy.

Young Akari


Theme Song:

- She's the lead singer in a band called Deviant Dreams
- She has a scar on her thigh from a childhood accident
- She hopes to make a career out of her music

Face Claim:
Ibuki Mioda​
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Is this still taking characters?