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Otaku Mode Activated
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
  4. One post per day
  5. Multiple posts per week
  6. 1-3 posts per week
  7. One post per week
Online Availability
11:00pm to 2:00am weekdays 11:00pm to 4:00am weekends
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Beginner
  3. Elementary
  4. Intermediate
  5. Adept
  6. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
Fantasy, magic, adventure, comedy, anime, slice of life, high school, fandom, romance, but I am always open to many others.

:heart:Aikō-ka Kurabu | The Lovers Club:heart:
Romance | Comedy | High school | Anime | Slice of life

Out of character | In Character Season 1
| In Character Season 2

Character Sheet Thread

Please do not post OOC in this thread. Check out the OOC for information about the rp.

Accepted characters will receive a heart rating.

(Only need to know current active members)

Current Active Members:
ScarletNova: Haruhi -- Role: President
Rads: Ruby -- Role: Treasurer
Rads: Bob -- Role: Member
ScarletNova: Mariko -- Role: New member
Monbon: Sayuri -- Role: Member
Monbon: Toshiro -- Role: Secretary
Takumi: Hiroki -- New member
Takumi: Mirai -- Non-member
ScarletNova: Akari -- Non-member

IceQueen: Naomi -- Role: Non-Member
IceQueen: Kanata -- Muscle

Unknown Status:
Accelerator: Shione -- Tactician
Accelerator: Yoru -- Member
ShinkuKun: Chiharu -- Non-member
DANAsaur: Aki -- Role: Mascot
DANAsaur: Miyuki -- Role: Organizer/Planner
SkinkuKun: Ryunosuke -- Role: Info Gatherer
ShinkuKun: Alexander -- Role: Non-member​

Feel free to style your character sheet as you want.

Character Sheet

Nickname (if any):
Age: (14-18)
Sexual Orientation:
School Year: (Anime: Japanese based)
Role in club: (President, Vice-president, treasurer, member, etc.)
Theme Song:

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"I'm the Queen of Hearts."


Haruhi Nakamura

Nickname (if any):
Friends: Haru
Classmates: Queen of Hearts




Sexual Orientation:

School Year:
Third year

Role in club:

Eccentric | Outgoing | Bossy | Temperamental | Emotional | Persistent | Mix of tomboy and girly

Haruhi is bossy and outgoing. She likes to do whatever she wants and not really listen very well to what others might want instead. She can be both girly and tomboyish a lot of times. She's a bit eccentric. She also has a temper and can be very emotional, but she tries to hide that most of the time so that way she can be a good leader to the club. Despite her strangeness and bossiness she really does loving helping people (specifically in the romance department) and will never give up until she helps them. She's not against blackmailing and other strange methods to get what she wants.


"Welcome to The Lovers Club."


"Romance is our specialty."


-The club

-Her parents (to a certain extent)


To be determined when more members arrive…


Shione Higurashi: Haruhi asked for Shione's assistance in starting the lovers club back a few years ago when she found out about Shione's skills. She sounded like the perfect person to help out the club. The two have been friends ever since.

Ryunosuke Akiyama: Haruhi over heard Ryu talking with the principal about no clubs letting him join. Haruhi saw this as a perfect time to gain another member. She didn't know much about him at the time but really didn't care about that. She let him join in right away. After that, they became pretty close friends.

Alexander Kisaragi: Haruhi met Alex during a party for the rich and famous while with Reina and Shione when they were just kids. After realizing that the party was boring, Haruhi suggested they go somewhere to do something else. It was then when she became friends with him but didn't see him again after the party until entering Bara High School. While he is not a member of her club like her other friends, she still considers him an important, close friend of hers, and he often gets caught up in whatever the club is doing (sometimes because Haruhi pulls him into it).


Haruhi's parents are very rich and own a lot in the city and surrounding town around it. This helps Haruhi because she is able to call in a lot of favors or get things easily thanks to her parent's power. However, her parents are very busy most of the time, which leaves Haruhi alone most of the time starting from a very young age. They didn't do much with her, and since her parents feel bad about not spending time with her, they buy her affection by giving her everything she wants. While Haruhi uses this to her advantage most of the time, she hides the fact that she just wants them to spend time with her just once at least. She feels neglected by them, and doesn't know what a family feels like. She lives in a large house and does have maids and other servants as well. Her romance tips and abilities are amazing, despite never having any romantic relationship in her life.

Wendee Lee (Haruhi Suzumiya, Konata Izumi [Lucky Star])

Theme Song:
I knew it wasn't love (girls) by Call the Cops
Toxic by Blowsight

-She tends to pick up stray animals and take them home.
-Secretly wants a boyfriend.
-Her symbol is the Queen of Hearts card
-She's pretty popular in school thanks to her skills.


"I'm your personal cupid."


Face claim: Riko Kurahashi from Love Lab​

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Gender: Male | Orientation: Straight | Age: 17 | Year: 3nd
"King of Hearts? Oh baby, I'm the Ace."

Role in club
On paper, Yuuta is the Vice President of the club. Off of paper, he is a lot of the publicity for the club, being the school heartthrob, he is part of why the Lover's Club is one of the most popular clubs on campus.

Flirtatious | Charming | Slightly Arrogant | Chivalrous | Surprisingly Distant | Enigmatic
Girls want him, boys want to be him. Here he stands, atop the social hierarchy. Often, he is considered to be the most charming guy to ever grace the school, even his upperclassmen agree with that statement. Despite that, he seems to be distant. Not anti-social, oh no. At school, he's always having fun laughing it up with his friends and flirting with the ladies. He loves the attention, but no one really sees him after school too often. Even though he could probably date anyone he'd like, he also appears to not be interested in a relationship. This is occasionally a problem, as many requests for the club are related to him.

+The Club(They amuse him)+

- Having not effect on people -
- Being ignored -
- Dairy Products -
- Cats -

Haruhi - When Yuuta first joined the school, he quickly caught on to the club, as almost immediately, Haruhi was talking with him about love for others, having caught the attention of a few girls. Of course he would have loved to join this new club. He ran for VP the next year, and was elected into the position, mostly due to the hopeless romantics who thought they were perfect for one another. But as things stood, Yuuta was only interested in flirting. And that's what he did with Haruhi. Well, until she started scolding him senseless. Still, in spite of being lazy, and never wanting to listen to Haruhi's instructions, Yuuta thinks their relationship is solid.

Not much to say about ole' Yuuta. He just recently moved to the town actually. He joined in halfway through the school year his freshman year, and ever since then, he's been the talk of the school. So far, his time hasn't been the most interesting. Aside from making half the school fall in love with him of course. That said, while he does take his position as Vice President seriously, he will occasionally excuse himself from meetings and leave early. Unbeknownst to most others, his little sister is rather ill, and he likes to take care of her whenever he can, as his mother and father are often off working.

Right as the winter break was beginning, his father and mother both came to say that they were heading to France for the vacation, However, during that trip, his sister grew ill. She was in the hospital for the majority of the semester, and so their family stayed far longer than they had anticipated. Fortunately, his father was able to discuss an arrangement with his company to have him work in France. Thus it became a family business trip. This allowed them to find a place to stay on the company's dime for the majority of the time they spent there. But now, with his sister recovered from her health scare, perhaps in better condition than she had ever been, he is returning home to his abode. Now, after spending almost half the year mysteriously gone, he returns in the middle of summer at the doorsteps of his president's villa, wishing to greet her and let her know he has returned from his trip.

Vic Mignogna

Theme Song:
Chopin "Nocturn No. 2 op. 9"

Face Claim: Bishounen Kyubey
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  • Love
Reactions: ScarletNova

Name: Katsuya Kurosawa
Nickname: They're not particularly good ones but he's been used to getting called a junkie or a nutcase.
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Height: 5'10"
Sexual Orientation: Straight
School Year: Second Year
Role in club: Treasurer
Personality: One thing many people immediately note about Katsuya is the aura of confidence he exudes. He isn't the sort to get nervous easily nor does he concern himself with matters he considers trivial. This is the attitude he has cultivated from years of living life on the edge. Contrary to what his age may lead you to believe, he is something of a legend among some circles as a direct result of his nerves of steel. Katsuya trusts himself first and foremost, rarely second guessing his decisions. Consequently, the way he comes off to people ranges anywhere from confident to boneheaded. This borderline cocky attitude is what draws people to him, while pushing others away. He lives his life as though he will come out on top no matter what, an attitude that has made many people wonder how long he has left until he inevitably crashes and burns. Coupled with the dissonance created by his cheery attitude combined with his apparent disregard for his life, many find him too intense for their liking at times. He's rarely able to connect with too many people personally as a direct result. It's a fact that saddens him, but his thirst for adrenaline absolutely refuses to let him change. His decision to join the Lovers Club was done with the intent to change this but he ain't holding his breath.
Likes: Gambling, the radio, tabletop games, sports (particularly soccer), and reading the newspaper.
Dislikes: Whiners, people with no drive, and video games.
Crush: None at the moment.
Rurin: Katsuya and Rurin met each other at their old middle school, where they were both members of many of the same sports clubs. He quickly took a liking to her energetic personality and grew to form a deep trust and respect for her—albeit ones sometimes hidden by his occasionally teasing attitude towards her. Though he may not always show it, he has a fiercer sense of protectiveness towards her than he lets on. In fact, back in the day, it wasn't too uncommon to hear about fights he got into with other upperclassmen who tried messing with her. She was basically his little sister who'd always be there to bail him out when the going got rough. Though she could sometimes bug him, he never stopped caring for her even after they went their separate ways. When he met her again in high-school, he could feel lady luck smiling down at him.
Katsuya's life was uneventful during the earlier stages of his childhood. He was born into the upper class, his mother the standard trophy wife and his father a very successful CEO for a company whose name Katsuya can barely recall these days. Unfortunately for him, the lavish lifestyle he once saw as the norm did not last for long. The company's higher ups were corrupt beyond belief. They blew all of their money away on the extravagant rather than the practical, all while neglecting the managers on the lower echelons of their company who did much the same. Within no time at all, the company fell into heavy debt, with the business crumbling down at what felt like light speed. Within the blink of an eye, Katsuya's family was struck down from the top to the absolute rock bottom. To make matters worse, Katsuya's father refused to "degrade" himself by finding a menial job and his mother absolutely refused to marry a penniless man. Their family was split apart and the boy was to live with his father in Tokyo as they tried to make a new life for themselves.

Katsuya had an almost impossible time adjusting to the humble lifestyle he had been forced to adopt. His father's plan for the future was to gamble at bars and parlors until he struck it rich. Obviously, this was much easier said than done and brought the pair their fair share of grief. To this day, Katsuya has vivid memories of being forced to hide away from the landlord in their apartment whenever they didn't have enough money for rent and being forced to accompany his father wherever he went, including the aforementioned parlors. It was during this time that he learned the ins and outs of several different types of gambling games. Poker, Mahjong, Blackjack——the works. From an early age he knew that you either went big or you went home and boy oh boy did they ever go home. Sometimes his father would win by the skin of his teeth and just barely have enough to cover food and rent for the month and at other times he would painstakingly lose all of the money he had worked so hard to build up. One thing stayed consistent all throughout, however: the absolute rush of adrenaline Katsuya felt until each of these matches of wit and luck came to their conclusion.

They lived their lives in this mediocre state of being until the day it hit the fan. His father had gotten absolutely desperate for a win after being met with the most awful Poker losing streak Katsuya had ever witnessed. He tried to cheat his way to victory and was caught almost instantly, forfeiting any chance of winning he had. The fact that he had the gall to do it against a man in the yakuza made things doubly bad. He used every last trick in the book to avoid coughing up his money. At first, it was all a mistake on his part. Then, the man was clearly just imagining things. Finally, it was the yakuza member who had been cheating all along. Reaching his boiling point from having to deal with his father's ridiculousness, the man immediately pulled out a gun and aimed it straight at Katsuya, threatening to blow his brains out if the man refused to yield. That moment felt like it lasted for centuries. He was faced with imminent death beyond his control. Adrenaline soared through his body, yet he was paralyzed entirely by fear. But there was one insidious emotion that Katsuya couldn't believe he was feeling: excitement. Even when the gun was pointed away from him, he would never forget the wild emotions that sparked through him at that moment, a feeling he would try to recreate for the rest of his life.

From that point on, he thirsted for excitement that only the greatest gambles could fulfill. His father, on the other hand, had turned over a new leaf, refusing to put his son under such danger ever again. He elected to take a managerial position in a local movie theater, marking the beginning of a more stable period in their lives and the end of their gambling career. Well, his at least. Though that one day was a cautionary tale for his father, it was what drove Katsuya to desperately attempt to recreate the feeling of excitement that moment gave him. The meek boy he once was disappeared that day and was replaced by a fun loving young man who sometimes went a bit too far looking for thrills. He's garnered something of a reputation for having stone cold nerves and has been known to participate in all sorts of gambling, though his eager participation in chicken games are what pushed him to notoriety.

He was sent to the city of Yokokami to live with an old host in hopes of giving him a fresh start, free from the reputation he had earned in Tokyo. Granted, rumors spring up every now and then, but he's found himself focusing more on the Lover's Club these past few months. Not like there's too big of an underground scene in the city anyway, though he does find comfort in the fact that some of his connections have influence in his new home.
Voice (english)
Theme Song

-Knows a handful of Yakuza members.
-Flip flops between being dirt poor and being loaded thanks to his gambling.
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Reactions: ScarletNova
Name: Keita Assaragi
Nickname (if any): Kei, Delinquent, Mad Dog of Shuya Middle school
Gender: m
Age: 16
Height: 6'1"
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
School Year: 2nd
Role in club: Disciplinary member
Personality: Kei has a loner mentality. He tries his best to stick to the strong silent type roll but something inside of him makes him get involved with people that need him. He can best be described as a Tsudere. He acts like everything is a bother but in his heart he likes helping people.
Likes: Cute animals, Sweets, being needed, protecting the weak, being thought of as a delinquent.
Dislikes: Being ignored, sour things, annoying people, needy people, being called a "nice guy".
Crush: none yet
Relationships: parents currently out of the country. He lives with his aunt who works at a hospital all night.

Bio: Kei has always been held at arms length when it came to dealing with people. His mother is Japanese and his father is a 6'4" American. Kei has always been tall and intimidating to the other children, he gained the tag of Delinquent at an early age. Although he looks intimidating he is actually a truly kind guy, he took in kittens at a young age and made sure to feed them and find them all homes. He is a delinquent with a heart of gold.

During middle school Kei's title of delinquent was set in stone when a few highschoolers were hastling a classmate. Kei showed up and asked them to stop but was met with aggression. He fought back without restraint and ended up putting both the highschoolers in the hospital. The girl was scared and ran away. the next day as Kei walked into school with numerous bandages the students all hid and parted ways as he passed. The rumor was that Kei took out the entire highschool on a whim. He was dubbed the mad dog of Shuya middle school.

The nickname followed him to high school. At this point Kei couldn't convince anyone that he was a good guy so he decided to embrace the title. He loved being respected and feared but something was missing he continued to devote his time to animal shelters and helping people in need. His parents had to take care of some business in the U.S. so he had to transfers schools so his Aunt can watch him. His aunt works at a hospital during the night, he is basically living alone at this point.

He is set to start his first day of school soon. He is already committed to the nickname and lifestyle no matter who they are they will face the Mad dog of Shuya middle school.

Voice: Yuri Lowenthal (Sasuke)
Theme Song: Bad to the Bone

Extra: Kei volunteers at the local animal shelter.

Looks: 0a14c8423286f3fd61afb281fc475129.jpg
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Reactions: ScarletNova
May I join this?
"A-Ah! I'm the Ultimate..no, I'm over exaggerating again. I'm a swimmer, and that's it."


Name: Baekseok Hyung
Nickname (if any): Baekhyun or Seok-kun. His sister probably called him that.
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Height: 1m 18in
Sexual Orientation: Straight
School Year: 2nd year
Role in club: Member
Personality: Baek is energetic and cheerful, even in difficult situations. He appears very friendly. He is also very naive and rather oblivious to most things.

He appears to like sports and used to be part of his school's track and field team. Baek is shown to be extremely confident in his swimming skills, though he admits that his sister has always been better than him.
Likes: • Sweet bean paste
• Track and field
Dislikes: • Math
• Boredom
Crush: None yet.
Relationships: His sister.
- Though they're never seen interacting, it's been confirmed that Baek was the closest person to Baeru, as he became her Captive. Though he himself is a good swimmer, Baek acknowledges that his sister was always better.
Bio: Baek lived a normal life with his parents and older sister, Baeru. They also had a dog during his childhood. Although sometimes he didn't get along with his sister, he had a close relationship with Baeru. The two watched TV and shared thoughts on manga together.

In a typical day with Baek and his family, his mother would always watch the same talk show at lunchtime, and his dad wouldn't shave his beard on Saturday when he didn't have work.

Baek had normal school, normal friends, and a normal family. He was pretty much the textbook example of a normal high school student.

But then, he took interest in sports and began to develop a hobby in swimming.

Theme Song:
Extra: He's supposed to look like Nagito Komaeda but Yuta is the best pick.

Looks: Baek is a tan skinned boy who has short, brown hair and blue eyes. He is around the same age as his sister, but slightly younger in his looks, most likely around the age of 14-15 year old's looks.

He wears a white tank top under his teal-blue track jacket with a sign that reads "dog can go like 3 cups rice dog oh love since 1981." on it. It is unknown what the saying means.
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Reactions: ScarletNova
Ruri "Rurin" Kawai

"You don't get to tell me who I should be, I will show you who I am."

"Rurin Kawai at your service! Nice to meet you~!"
Name: Ruri Kawai

Nickname: Rurin


Age: 15

Height: 5'4

Weight: 117lbs
"H-hey! That's none of your business, okay?"
Sexual Orientation: Demisexual

School Year: 1st Year

Role in club: sergeant-at-arms

Personality: Rurin has a fairly bubbly personality and is very affectionate and playful. She likes to make others feel included and strives to make everyone feel a little special by giving them so much of her time that she makes them feel as if they're the most important people in her world. As touchy feely as she can be, she isn't a doormat. Combating her compassion is a fiery flame of rage. Her temper can go from gentle sunshine to inferno in a matter of seconds. Everyone has their button and Rurin has many. She is very protective of club members, often thinking of them more as family than peers. If your tone is even a little disrespectful, this little boxing champ will either yell at you, taunt you, or leave you in a world of hurt depending on whether someone holds her back or not. Strangely enough, she also likes things clean and tidy but is often too lazy to clean. To leave things in disorder is a sin but to clean is a waste of energy. She is also rather emotionally resilient. Rurin can count the times she has shed a tear in one hand. She feels that tears won't solve her problems and would prefer to use her fists instead.
(((ꎤ'ω')و三 ꎤ'ω')-o≡
♥ Pop ♥
♥ Sports ♥
♥ Games ♥
♥ Hugs ♥
♥ Spicy food ♥

☹️Long periods of inactivity☹️
☹️Pointless Violence☹️

Fears: Ghosts, the occult in general, The dark

Crush: Rain
"It's a secret!" ☆~(ゝ。∂)
Relationships: She considers everyone a friend as long as they're not horrible people. Only so many feel the same though.
Close friends:
  • Mamoru: Her neighbor and childhood friend. They met on a rainy day when she heard music going along with the rain lightly thumping on her window. Ever the curious one, She didn't think twice before jumping out of her window to climb into his. Surprisingly even though she looked like a wet mop from being drenched in the rain, he allowed her to stay. After that, she often wandered over to keep him company or just to talk about anything. She gave him the nickname Rain because of the rainy day that they met on and because he doesn't express much emotion, making him seem rather despondent.

  • Katsuya: Rurin met Katsu at her previous school where both were very into sports. They joined the same clubs and were often the top players. Seeing him as a big brother who knew nothing but to get into trouble, Rurin had a habit of looking out for him, helping him get out of the more serious trouble by either talking him out of it or providing him with an alibi when need be.

Bio: Rurin was born into a rather large, carefree home. As the middle child in a five child home, she was often overlooked. In turn, she seeks attention elsewhere. At school, her grades are far from outstanding but when it came to sports, she'd been on many teams and is often the first pick. Proud of her achievements, Rurin may have been a little guilty of rubbing her accomplishments in the faces of other students. Moreover, she did so in the faces of the upperclassmen who did not take it so nicely. They responded violently. For a time, Rurin was bullied to the point where she had bruises over bruises. Feeling her family was too busy for her, she took matters into her own hands and fought back, wanting only to get them to stop. Unfortunately, this led to her being expelled.

Although it was completely unintentional, she got her parent's attention for the first time. Feeling embarrassed over their daughter's actions, they sent her to live with her grandmother in Yokokami and transferred over to Bara High where she officially started over, wanting to get her one mistake past her. Missing out on being active, she joined a boxing club where she felt rather stifled. While she loved boxing, she could not stand how the stronger members would pick on the weaker ones. Recalling how a fight landed her here, she held her fists back and tried to endure. And she did for a couple weeks, until one of the younger members attempted to stop the pain with a risky maneuver that led to them being hospitalized. The club seemed to feel no remorse over the matter. They continued on as they always have.
⁽⁽(੭ꐦ •̀Д•́ )੭*⁾⁾ ᑦᵒᔿᵉ ᵒᐢᵎᵎ
Having no more of it, she got into a bit of a scuffle with the egotistical captain, resulting in her being kicked out of the club. With rumours flying about about her "anger issues" many of her "friends" left her behind to fend for herself. Not one to let others opinions bring her down, Rurin still managed to make some friends, most being boys. This of course led to more and more rumors being spread which led towards her few female companions to abandon her as well. Feeling a little dejected, she decided to let go of all restraints on her temper and went with the flow. To keep her mind occupied, she joined love club hoping for a change of pace.. and perhaps some friends?

Revy from Black Lagoon
⊱ ─ {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ─ ⊰

Extra: Gives everyone nicknames whether they like it or not.
[Note: This shall be updated as more characters come along.]
Haruhi Nakamura=Harupon
Yuuta Satoshi=Yushi
Katsuyu Kurusawa=Kakkun
Keita Assaragi=Keicchi
Reina Chiaki=Nana
Mamoru Yamamoto=Rain
Baekseok Hyung=Baekhyun
Asuho Dojima=Hex
Rin Kotegawa=RiKo

Face claim: Kaoru Tanamachi

Font Color: #2c75ff
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Reactions: ScarletNova
Name: Kotegawa, Rin

Nickname: Yakuza

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Height: 5'10"

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

School Year: Third Year

Role in club: Info Gatherer

Personality: A good person despite the resting scowl her face possesses. Rin tends to carry herself very seriously or appear moody, giving the impression that she's unapproachable, though she'll often help someone with or without having been asked to. She appears to look out for those around her more than herself, especially underclassmen, often lecturing them and calling them "damn kids" despite a minimal or no age difference. To an outsider it can easily be mistaken as annoyance, but to those who know her it is undoubtedly an act of care.

Despite the cold demeanor, it appears that Rin does actually possess some semblance of a sense of humor, or at least that being in the club has gifted her one. After a few started calling her yakuza from her easily misinterpreted phrases and the off-putting air around her, she began to intentionally speak in ways that solidified some kind of affiliation. Typically Rin will just ignore any inquiries regarding, worrying some that she isn't simply joking.

  • Helping out
  • Rock music
  • Seeing people happy
  • The club and the damn kids in it
  • Being a burden
  • Her brother
  • Flakes
  • The kids getting hurt
Crush: TBD

Relationships: TBD

Bio: Unfortunately birthed into a failing family dynamic, Rin found herself entering the world as the younger sibling of two to only a half of her parents. She doesn't recall much of her father save for the fact he simply left the family to fend for themselves, leaving the duty of caring for the children and supporting the family to their mother. Due to Rin's naivety as a child and the two siblings' rather poor relationship, she was able occupy herself in school and a social life.

While Rin was able to go on as normal despite familial conditions, it only lasted for as long as her mother did. Over time the woman traded more time at home for more work, wanting to provide for her children. However the long hours, fatigue and stress did eventually catch up to the woman. Still being rather young, she didn't understand half of what the doctors explained. As she came to interpret it, the collapse was brought on from overwork which isn't as uncommon of an occurrence as it likely should be. Her mother would remain in the hospital for the foreseeable future and her older brother would take over the duties of supporting the family.

As time went on, due to her brother's work ethic, the siblings spent even less time together than they did before. Their relationship never truly improved and the few times they did share a meal together, it was often only physically, further affirming the gap between the two. Eventually Rin's brother announced he was accepted to a University out of city and just disappeared much like their father. Unlike their father, however, Rin would every month or so receive some money for living expenses and to put towards care for their mother.

Since then Rin had put more focus into her schooling and even working off-and-on, doing odd-jobs around town for spare cash. Honestly, she didn't even plan on joining a club as that was time that could be spent working or studying, but a chance meeting in her second year changed that. It was luck, honestly. Encountering some of the club members going around trying to prod people for gossip and information rather poorly. Offering to get them what they wanted for some free food Rin assured that she had her ways and could get people to talk. Helping the club went from a one-time thing to two times, then three and soon enough she found herself hanging around permanently. It was a fun little form of escape from her otherwise serious and glum outlook.

Michelle Ruff - Rukia Kuchiki, Kaori Kanzaki

Theme Song:[td=border:none;vertical-align:right;]
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Reactions: ScarletNova

Shione Higurashi


Everyone's destined to meet the right person at the right time... That said, I must be someone with particularly bad timing, huh?

Shione Higurashi

The Tactician|| She had earned this informal epithet in the club after successfully planning and organizing several events that led to multiple matches formally becoming couples.

The One-Eyed Cupid || Another title resulting from the success of her matchmaking and events planning skills, she is regarded as the go-to person in the school when it comes to planning and organizing special events for couples.

The White Widow || Her other infamous title, due to her "curse" misfortune immediately befalls any guy who ties to make a move on her. Its severity is directly proportional to the amount of time a guy has spent courting her. As a result, it's rare for her relationships to last more than a month.



.:Sexual Orientation:.

Junior at Bara High School

.:Club Role:.

.:Color Code:.

.:Main Theme.:

.:Planning Theme.:

Iri Flina from Sword Girls



Physical Appearance

Shione is a fair-skinned girl standing at 5'6" and weighs 54 kg. She has a medium built figure under his clothes. She sports shoulder length, unkempt silver hair.

.:Skin Tone:.

.:Body Type:.
Medium Built


54 kg

.:Hair Color:.

.:Eye Color:.
Sky Blue and Sea Green


.:Fashion Style:.
When it comes to clothing, The Tactician prefers to wear more masculine type of clothing and seems to be visibly uncomfortable when a particular situation forces her to wear feminine clothing. She can also be seen wearing a distinctive eye patch most of the time after an accident took away her vision in her left eye. Although her older brother, Shiro, replaced her damaged eye with a mechanical one that restored, and even significantly improved her vision, she claims that it feels too unnatural and uncomfotable for prolonged usage.

.:Positive Traits:.
「Determined, Competitive, Independent, Level-Headed, Patient, Loyal, Hardworking 」

.:Negative Traits:.
「 Prideful, Stubborn,Vengeful」

Shione usually acts as a model student around her peers. Calm in the face of adversary, Hardworking in academics, Independent in doing tasks yet always willing to lend a helping hand, these are the usual qualities that the students in Bara High have come to associate with her. However, there are two things that immediately bring up a new side of her, Romance and Fighting.

While she is currently one of, if not the best fighter in the school, and she tends to get too competitive in both sanctioned and unsanctioned fights, there's nothing that gives her satisfaction and excitement like romance. Due to her condition, however, she is unable to stay in a relationship for long periods of time. This dilemma was what led her to resort to matchmaking people in the form of events planning and organization to satisfy her thirst for romance.

On the other hand, after finding a lot of success with her methods, she has grown extremely confident with her abilities, a quality that can at time put her at odds with other members of the club. Still, as one of the founding members, and with an impressive track record to boot, she commands a lot of respect and authority in the club second only to Haruhi.

Romance Light Novels, Anime and Manga
Instrumental Music (Original Soundtracks)
Video Games
Milk Tea
Martial Arts

Loud Noises
Hot Weather
Her "Curse"




Shiro Higurashi:
(Face Claim: Hijikata Toshiro - Gintama)
Color Code : FFFFF0

HIromi Higurashi:
(Face Claim: Doppo Kannonzaka - Hypnosis Mic)
Color Code: CD5C5C

Hisashi Higurashi:
(Face Claim: Kamishiro Rui - Project Sekai)
Color Code: E6E6FA

Toshiro Higurashi:
(Face Claim: Hokuto Hidaka - Ensemble Stars)
Color Code: 708090

Shiori Higurashi:
(Face Claim: Asakura Toru - The iDOLM@STER Shiny Colors)
Color Code: F4A460

Haruhi Nakamura :
The person who invited Shione to join the Lovers Club, the white-haired girl was overjoyed to discover someone who was as passionate, if not more passionate in romance as she is. However,being the leader of the club and all, she tends to be bossy and quite demanding of her members and it had been apparent that she was the type of person that believed the end justifies the means. Still, the fact remains that Shione has a deep-seated admiration and respect for the girl. Why if both of them happened to swing both ways then perhaps....

Despite being born into what is known today as the wealthiest family in Japan, Shione Higurashi's life hasn't been all comfort. Their entire family's life changed when Shione's parents unexpectedly passed away when their private jet crashed in the middle of the Pacific Ocean while they were on a business trip. This left Shione and her 5 siblings to fend for themselves at a young age. Due to the conditions stated in their parents' last will and testament, Shiro, the eldest of the Higurashi siblings, had to finish his studies first before control of the company could be relinquished to him. The fact that he was able to finish his studies in two years while at the same time juggling multiple part time jobs just to make ends meet and provide for his younger siblings was an amazing feat in of itself but it didn't change the fact that during those two years, the siblings suffered in poverty after the last thing of value they owned was sold in order to fund Shiro's studies.

While Shiro was busy either with his studies or earning the family their next meal, Shione and her younger brother Hiromi became the mother and father figures of their three other younger siblings, tending to their needs and serving as role models for them. With their education coming to a grinding halt, the pair had to become their younger siblings' tutors, and they themselves needed to read up on a wide variety of material to fulfill that role. It was through this necessity that Shione was exposed to both medical media and romantic literature. She would develop a great passion and understanding of these fields that she would carry way after their lives are returned to normal.

While her interest in medicine is strictly academic in nature, her obsession for romance is something that has quite enveloped her life altogether. At first, she was only reading Light Novels and Manga and watching anime with romance themes in them. But soon enough these no longer satisfied her. Shione soon began to develop an urge to experience romance herself so whenever a guy that she actually likes confesses to her, she would not hesitate to accept their confession and start dating them. There was just one problem though. Through some skewed machinations of fate, none of her relationships ever lasted beyond a month, and throughout all of her relationships, her lovers all suffered increasing degrees of bad luck until all fo them decided to break up with her.

Devastated by her messed up experiences with romance, yet at the same time determined not to abandon her passion, Shione decided that if she was not yet fated to have her own romance, she would do her best to ensure the success of others' romance. Her resolve led her to start planning various events and scenarios for her close friends who were either in a relationship already or on the verge of finding romance of their own. Stories of her success quickly spread like wildfire throughout Bara High and soon enough she was swamped with requests for events planning from all the year levels. While she was happy to be of help to all these people desperately seeking love like her, she very well knew that it was impossible to fulfill every request and ensure its success at the same time.

It was then that a fellow third year student by the name of Haruhi Nakamura invited her to join a club she was planning to make... a club that was centered around helping people with their romance and relationships. Shione agreed to join immediately in an attempt to meet like-minded people like her while at the same time hoping she could find the romance she had been searching for by being a member of the Lovers Club.
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Reina Chiaki

"Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky."

Name: Reina Chiaki

Nickname (if any): Queen, Nana, Rei

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Height: 5'6

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

School Year: 3rd year

Role in club: Funding Member

Occupation: Actress

Personality: Reina is seen as a lady by all aspects. She has a regal air about her that stems from her elegant bearing and taciturn nature. Naturally, she treats her words as if they were gold and seldom speaks, preferring to observe. Despite her seemingly uninvolved demeanor, she does take the words of others to heart, always a little anxious over whether she's doing something wrong. That being said, she is very self conscious and calculative. Every step, every breath are all thought out before being put into action. Should she react to something involuntarily, she would face an indescribable sense of embarrassment which she has no clue how to deal with, leading her to freeze up for a moment.

Once she "reboots" She would either pretend nothing happened, or ignore the culprit for some time. Although a little robotic, Reina is not without feelings. Most of the feelings she cannot express easily, she will express at work or at home(Or around Haruhi in a room with only them alone) where she is much more relaxed and open. At home, she is a lot more opinionated, vulgar, and unorganized, much unlike her ladylike image.

Soft music

Expressing herself
Phone calls

Fears: Affectionate gestures, Chickens, Ducks, Geese

Crush: TBD

  • Haruhi: Reina met Haruhi when they were but children. The latter was personally chosen as a playmate by her maids so that Reina wouldn't be lonely. Thinking that she wouldn't be a bad influence, they encouraged their friendship. Little did they know, her influence would bring Reina to join a shipping club where she would be free to laze around and play cupid as much as she wanted.

Bio: Born in a very well off family, Reina never had to worry about money and had a rather carefree but lonely childhood. Her parents were always busy with work, often traveling abroad, leaving her to be raised by the maids in the estate. The maids adored her and groomed her to be what they expected a young lady to be. They homeschooled her and gave her the finest education that her parent's money could pay for. Days were boring and unchanging until her mother passed away in a car accident. The first time she remembered lying her eyes on her mother was at her funeral. Whenever she looks back at that day, she can't remember feeling anything for the stranger in the coffin. Her father however, she had never seen. Considering he wouldn't spare enough time for his wife's funeral, Reina is pretty sure she doesn't feel anything for him either.

In her father's place was her mother's agent who took interest in her at a glance. While she was not sure whether it was because of this interest or because of pity, the agent offered her a chance to follow her mother's path; modeling. As someone with unparalleled self control, she did rather well in shoots, earning praises that often compared her to her mother. Not liking such flattery, she decided to get off her mother's path when she got the chance. And she did. By the time she turned 14, she had switched over to acting large roles in movies and dramas, and even began to open up and build her inner self.

Worried about her schooling, lack of social skills, and wanting to get her more publicity; her agent signed her up for Bara high school which welcomed her with open arms. Reina couldn't help but feel out of place. Not wanting to earn everyone's ire, she decided to behave as she did before she began her career, as the young miss of a well off household. Around the time it came to look for a club to join, she was surprised to see a familiar face. Her childhood friend, Haruhi was looking for members for her club. Curious and slightly amused, she joined it on a whim, thinking that spending the time napping or with her close friend would be better than working hard in some sports club or being bored in those suited for intellectuals.

Enma Ai
⊱ ─ {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ─ ⊰

Extra: Reina is not a morning person. She is unconsciously violent until fully awake. Her genuine laugh is a gigglesnort. She also has a habit of sleeping anywhere and everywhere. She has wonderful grades and can do some serious calculations in her head but cannot count on her fingers to save her life.

Face Claim: Aika Fuwa

Font Color: #CC00FF
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Hideki Yamato




Sexual Orientation:

School Year:
Third Year at Bara High School

Role in club:
Vice President

Hideki's quite the outgoing lad, always has been. He gets along with most anybody and doesn't usually hold grudges. With girls, especially friends or clients, he'll tend to lapse into a peculiar mix of flirtation and sardonic jokes, which is his way of understanding people (for their compatibility, you see). Under that, though, he's a little wary of being in a relationship himself. Thus, while he considers the Lover's Club vital to the well-being of the student populace (Did you know that 90% of the couples the Club makes continue after graduating high school? Now you know! -Hideki), he isn't interesting in using their services himself.

Music (heavy metal in particular), fantasy manga and novels, flirting, manzai comedy, chicken rice
Over-attachment and obsession, stupid customers, beef, techno music


He's very close with his sister Kohaku and more than a bit protective of her, mostly on account of their shared history as latchkey siblings. He considers his best friends overall to be Akira Tsukino and Toshiro Akiyama, his bandmates. He and Haruhi are close as well, since he was one of the early club members, and helped her out with a few of their early successes that established their name. Nowadays he's closer with Rin, having worked with her and found that her icy demeanor hides a keen altruism. He's also struck up an odd friendship with Ryuunosuke, mostly started because Ryuunosuke somehow found out about Blade, eavesdropped on a rehearsal, and persuaded him into burning a demo CD, the band's first. But after that, they grew in respect for each other.

Picture, if you will, a small family in Yokokami. Mother (Setsuna), father (Goichi), elder son (Hideki), younger daughter (Kohaku). Got that? Now take out the mother and that's the Yamato family now, sadly. Goichi simply couldn't keep up with his job in the city anymore, and moved out to be closer to family who could help him raising his young son and daughter. This worked for a while, but even so, the Yamato siblings grew up a bit more independent than their peers, but not much more different. Hideki was reasonably popular, certainly known to be a friendly guy.

This changed near the end of elementary school. His father took him to the Bara High School festival. The little family did many things at the festival, but Hideki only remembered the rock band that played at the close of the festival. Instantly he knew: he wanted to do that. He wanted to play guitar. His aunt bought him a cheap starter guitar set for his next birthday, and he started learning. He gravitated pretty quickly towards hard rock and metal, but he largely kept this to himself, with the occasional brief conversations while buying his CD's at the store.

This, too, changed in high school. Hideki joined the nascent Lovers' Club early in his freshman year thanks to his also-nascent friendship with Haruhi, but not long after he recognized one of the soccer team's freshman players at the record store, examining a Deep Purple CD. His name was Akira Tsukino, and they became close friends outside of school, even as their paths rarely crossed within the school. In their second year, after seeing Earthshaker live, they decided to form a band, with Hideki playing rhythm guitar and singing, Akira on lead guitar, and...well, that was a problem. They couldn't find anyone else for a while despite putting out some flyers at the music shops around Yokokami. They wrote songs, sure, but without a bassist or drummer, they were stuck. In addition, Hideki was starting to feel inadequate compared to Akira's guitar prowess.

After what felt like forever (but was really only a few months), one Toshiro Akiyama called. He played drums, and was interested in most of the bands they listed (Deep Purple, Anthem, Loudness, Earthshaker, Rush, etc) The three met and got along as well as Akira and Hideki alone had. On impulse, Hideki announced he would switch to bass to complete the lineup. He followed through with this with some reluctance, selling his guitar to help fund the new bass rig. Coming up woefully short, he begged his father to help. Goichi agreed to help on the condition that Hideki get a part-time job to pay for the rig over time, which he did, working as a dishwasher and busser at an izakaya near Bara High.

Since then, the trio have soldiered on under the name of Blade (Toshiro's idea). Hideki continues to work part-time at the izakaya, and while the band hasn't played a show yet, they rehearse every Saturday in an old shed owned by Toshiro's sympathetic neighbor. He's not very open about it, unless someone asks.

Meanwhile, in the Lovers' Club, he managed to ascend to the vice-presidency, though more by virtue of seniority than any particular success on his part. In practice, he tends to help the others where needed, including with info gathering, planning events, or simply staying on task.

Between the job, his club activities, and the band, he's a pretty busy guy noawadays.

Theme Song:
Feeling Free Again - Manilla Road

As mentioned above, Hideki plays bass and sings in a metal trio called Blade, alongside Akira on guitar and Toshiro on drums. He plays a brown-burst Yamaha bass into a Peavey combo amp. He can play guitar as well, but doesn't own one. And if you're curious, his favorite bassists are Tetsuya, Glenn Hughes, Phil Lynott, and Naoto Shibita.

Johnny Yong Bosch (though to get an idea of his singing voice, check that theme song. He's got that weird semi-nasal thing going on.)

Keitaro Urashima​
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Mamoru ☯ Yamamoto

[glow=#659EC7]"My one constant friend in my life has been my piano, it knows my every sorrow and my every joy."[/glow]

General Character Statistics

Nickname (if any):

Rain & Ruru








133 lbs

Sexual Orientation:


School Year:

Second Year

Role in club:


Mental Characteristics


Mamoru's personality is like a simple sounding song with many complex notes wrapped under it. On the outside, Mamoru seems like a cold individual, choosing to speak only when needed to. Most people feel that he feels he is better than people which makes a lot of people stay away from him and they never get the chance to realize just who Mamoru is. He is a generally warm guy once they get to meet him, he's just shy and a very focused individual, especially when it comes to his music and classes. It was the way he was raised. The best way to describe Mamoru is like a frozen planet, cold and icy on the outside, but red hot on the inside. Though in recent years he has been more of lonely and sad individual since the passing of his father.


Music of All sorts


Mangas, Movies, Game

Western & Eastern Castles

Mother's Cafe


Loud places.



Math Class

The "Cool" Guy


His Background
Mamoru was born to Tatsuya and Masumi Yamamoto, he was the first and only child of the two and their beloved son. Though at the time Mamoru was born, his family and him were technically homeless. Tatsuya was a young struggling artist trying his best to make it, while Tatsuya's mom was still in her last year of university. So fair to say they didn't have much money, thankfully, Masumi's father was loved his daughter enough to allow her and her future husband to stay with them just till she finished college. Though this never sat well with Tatsuya and so, he did many odd jobs. The Jobs ranged from art portraits to Construction work. With this and Masumi immediately getting a job after leaving college, the family was able to move out with their new baby boy.

Though his father was always slightly sad about not being more than he was, he never gave any hints how he really felt around Mamoru, any time he saw his soon, to Mamoru he was the happiest person ever. They would often go on walks at night or during the day, where they'd gaze at flowers and his father would tell him the name and background of every single one, but then came the day, the faithful day that would change one of the three days that would change Mamoru's life drastically. This was the day that his father took him to the music shop. At the time, it was just to ask the owner if he was satisfied with the job that Tatsuya had done for him. Stepping in the store, Mamoru's eyes were immediately drawn to the pianist in front of him.she was beautiful, but the music she was playing was more so. That's where he met his first love, music.

Even though times were harsh on Mamoru's family he was still enrolled in a music class in which he excelled at to the point where the teacher begged Mamoru's parents to send him to a conservatory as soon as possible. They opted out of that for obvious reasons, but they did give into one of the teacher's demands. They would allow him to be placed in a contest in which he won and won a free piano that was placed in their apartment. From 6 to 9 all that mattered to Mamoru was the piano and what his parents felt.

He avoided talking with many people because they all seemed to talk about things Mamoru had no interest in, but at the age of 9 that all changed when his dad pointed at the tv and said, "You see that Mamoru?...I created that, just like you when you play the piano." Tatsuya had this year gotten a hit comic with a close buddy of his that had taken off. Though it was never the art that he wanted to draw, it was the art that sold. This was the turning point for Mamoru, he wanted to be as close to his father as possible, so he bought tons of manga with his allowance and read it non stop. Together the two would stay up late nights and talk about what would make Tatsuya's manga cooler and all the time Mamoru's dad would ask him to play the piano for him while he ink'd all the pages.

This dynamic was only able to be held on because at a young age they decided to keep Mamoru from attending school and would home school him. Thankfully, Mamoru was a smart kid and would pick up on most of his classes easily just by reading a book and practicing a few times. Though he was never abnormally good with the math and science. His teacher be of course was Tatsuya, Masumi, Mamoru's mother was moving up the corporate ladder with relative ease and was hardly home, except on the weekends and family trips. Things seemed to be going on the up and an up til after Mamoru's tenth birthday his father died.

Apparently it was an overworked truck driver that had only fallen asleep at the wheel for a second, but by the time he regained consciousness it was too late. Mamoru's family had been shattered and in its place was confusion and sadness. Like most stories of struggling artist once he died his artworks skyrocketed in value and people herald him as a genius of the arts. Of course most of the money was going to his family but if either them were to choose, they'd chose to have Tatsuya back rather than live the life they had to now. With the selling of many of the paintings and the savings his mom had, Masumi opened up a shop called Yamamoto's a place that sold a mixture of instruments and and art material. Masumi handle all the business and people relations.

This is around the time Mamoru met Rurin, his one and only friend. The only person he talks to besides his mother and his coworkers. He met her one day while he was practicing a song. He was playing and then he heard a loud thud, the next thing he knew there was someone in his room talking to him as if that was normal. He was so shocked that he ended up just being up just treating her as a guest in his home. This is important, because she's the soul reason he's in the club, Mamoru had been attending schools for some time but never joined a club because of his shyness. This all changed when Rurin came to the school,the next thing he knew he found himself filling out an application defeated.

Extra Information


Mamoru usually has long near hair that are just above his eyes. He says he likes to keep it like this because it adds extra warmth in the winter. He's also particularly average in weight for his age. Not many things stand out about him, he often wears headphones but other than that, some people say he's handsome, his mother especially, even so, this has never made him conceited or overconfident. He just sees himself as normal, also, it should be noted that he does wear red framed glasses and all of the time.


None, absolutely no one that he can think of.


Besides family, coworkers, and teachers, Mamoru doesn't talk to many people unless he has to. This exception being Ruri, he still doesn't talk much around her since she seems to do it herself, but he definitely is warmer to her than all other people from school.

- Mamoru studies at least four hours a day.
- He loves spicy food.
- Most people, Mamoru comes off as a jerk, but if they look passed it they'll quickly see him.
- Actually listens to a majority pop and rock.
- Somewhat popular with the females that come to buy at the shop.
- Consistently in the top 3 of his grade.


Theme Song:

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General Information

Lucinda Asakawa

Lucy, Miss Asakawa, Lulu
"I... Suppose Lulu is a strange name for someone like... Erm..."




Sexual Orientation:

School Year:
Second Year

Role in club:
Lucinda takes care of most of the paperwork and keeps track of all appointments. She assists with questions from time to time. She finds herself chasing down the "ever so reliable" president for most of the day. Most of the time if she can't find her, she resorts to contacting the vice president-

Either way it's quite a hassle.

Common Attire:
Lucinda is quite the stickler for her appearance and is most commonly seen with a ribbon in her hair. Most commonly she's never seen wearing comfortable clothing such as sweatshirts, or sweat pants. Although if she wears a skirt she makes sure to wear shorts- she's learned her lesson.

Sayuri Muranushi from Working!!!

Theme Song:

Personality/Daily Life


Lucinda tends to murmur a lot, with a lot of thoughts cluttering her brain most of the time words slip out. Although she's a very dedicated individual she tends to find herself wimping out at the worst possible moment. Although she lacks a lot of courage she makes up for it with her determination. Most occasions this comes at the cost of her sleep- Which means she isn't quite the star student in class. She will not relent without accomplishing what she came to do, although she knows that one day her pride will be her downfall.

Despite her passive personality when it comes to work she doesn't enjoy working with other people. Although she may feel all gooey inside seeing couples and feels relief for other people- It doesn't mean she enjoys working with them. Due to her independent personality when it comes to group projects she tends to be distant and cold when others tend to criticize what she does.

♡ Coffee
♡ Mochi
♡ Rainy Days
♡ Cheesy Romance Manga

♡ Technology
♡ 'Hide and Seek'
♡ Group Projects
♡ Math



"Head held up dear."
"Your not smiling enough."
"How could Maria give birth to such a thing?"

Lucinda. The oldest child of the unfortunate Asakawa family. In the first place she had a single mother as a parental figure. Maria;her mother, eventually ran away abandoning Lucinda and her younger brother. At the age of eight she was separated from her younger brother as her mother's siblings refused to take on them both and the father was unknown. Up to modern day she has not spoke or typed a single word- much less was allowed to communicate with her brother. Afterwards she was passed from her aunt, to another, to finally her uncle before she could finally call a place "home". At the age of twelve the household she finally settled in wasn't one of poverty and her uncle doted on her but she felt like a nuisance when he finally got a girlfriend. They seemed to try to reach out to her but the looks on their faces were of pure pity rather then love.

Just to get out of the house she spent hours simply wandering the place and put a lot of time and effort into a antique book store. She would take her mother's violin and play a tune when she wasn't managing the store. Sure occasionally a customer complained once or twice since she was practicing- Which meant it was large amounts of squeakage. Although she felt betrayed by her mother's decision she foolishly still holds on to the memories that she had. The faint scent in the kitchen, the laughter she adored so much... No matter what Lucinda did she couldn't hate "Maria". Eventually she stumbled upon a quaint club, 'The Lovers Club'. A strange name indeed yet she decided to enroll anyways. At that moment she found a family that she was fond of- Although she would never admit the concept to her uncle. When she first enrolled she was a simple newbie. Simply looking over the reviews and helping around when was needed- Alas soon enough she settled upon the role of putting the papers in order and making sure they're turned in when they're supposed to. After all in her first year she had run into those same issues headbutting with the student council numerous times.


Assaragi, Keita
It hasn't been long since she recruited him~
She's currently tripping over her own feet in order to impress him.

Watanabe, Akemi
They're old childhood friends, and when they were beside one another at a young age, somehow they always seem to be in some kind of trouble. They first met because of her violin playing in the antique store- a good combination of things to lure someone in a store. They'd spend their time hanging out in the break room of the antique store or sharing manga at one another's houses.

Extra Information

♡ The average amount of sleep she gets is 6 lovely hours
♡ Her uncle owns a white colored pet bunny named Mochi
♡ She spends extra time playing her violin
♡ She can bake numerous things including burnt cake, burnt brownies, and burnt cookies
♡ She works hours at an antique bookstore called, 'Trapped Memories' whenever she's able to
♡ She worships a fictional character named "Yukirya"
♡ Her uncle works as a manager of a Ryokan called, 'Starry Skies'

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Name: Junko Ueda
Nickname: "Sometimes my friends call me grandma! They say its because I always have little candies and tissues in my bag! They call me this all the time! It got so bad that once...MY MOM EVEN CALLED ME GRANDMA!"
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Height: 5'3
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
School Year: Junior
Role in club: Vice President
Personality: Junko has sort of a mousy personality on a day to day business, a trait that often results in her being overlooked. She isn't the shy type but she is reserved and likes to observe before she acts. Her observations however, often take a long time and by the time she's ready to act, the moment has usually passed. If she were to be described as a movement, 'mosey' would be accurate. When she is engaged in something she is interested in or around people that she likes, she is excitable and will become a chatterbox. When she spots something or someone she likes, she gets a serious glint in her eye and will do anything to attain her new found interest. Junko is also skittish when it comes to potentially scary situations or even talk of scary things. When startled, she freezes up like a fainting goat.

Likes: Sweets, rainy days, gentle amusement park rides, american rom-coms, petting zoos, dogs, tall people, board games, puzzles, slapstick comedy, cold drinks, meat, basketball players

Dislikes: Hot drinks, citrus flavored candy, scary things, pranks, being called 'grandma', mean cats, slimy foods, being ignored or forgotten

Crush: Junko crushes on anyone tall, no matter the personality. She does have occasional crushes on people shorter than her or the same height as her, but it's rare.

Relationships: Most people are her friends if they're kind.

Bio: Junko was born to a loving salary man, Hikaru and an equally loving veterinarian, Aoki, who ran a clinic outside of their home. Being an only child, Junko always had her parents' full attention but as they weren't rich, they didn't spoil her with toys. They did however, give in whenever she met an abandoned dog and begged them to let her keep it. They always conceded but gave her the condition that the dogs were her responsibility, which Junko never complained about. One could say that Junko felt more kinship with her dogs than other humans because when she went to school, other kids thought she was a bit of an airhead or too slow. When she entered junior high however, she met people who were more her speed or didn't mind her laid back disposition.


Extra: She loves all things tall, despite being short
She has three dogs; Striker, Lucy and Tamako.
Her dream is to live with a husband or wife and have lots of dogs.


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[dash= #00b300]

Ashitaka, Natsume

Natsu, Sume-sume, Ashifume





3rd Year

Problem Solver

Smart | Observing | Caring | Selfless | Logical | Appreciative | Straightforward | Friendly
Natsume is the type that would rather conserve his energy, and not do anything neccessary. He is helpful, but sometime, one has to nag him in order to do something. Often, he would not go out searching for something to do. If he does do something, he'd do it quick. The thing about Natsume is that, he tends to make himself the enemy to solve someone elses problem. Lets say, in order to patch things up between two people, he might do something that would make them closer with one another, but at the same time, make him a bad guy. In other words, he tries to add all the burden on him if a simple solution doesn't work at first, for example.

Cats, Mystery Novels, Puzzles, Summer, Winter, Takoyaki, Ramen, Spicy Food, Instrumental Music, Relaxing.


Crowded Places, Arrogant People, Screeching Noises, Metal Music.



Natsume is the youngest sibling in the Ashitaka family. He has an older sister, and his parents. He was brought up in a middle-class family at best. He grew up in a relative good household. Pampered with love from his parents, but especially his big sister, Ashitaka, Saya. They live in Honkawa, which isn't that far away from his school.

Just like his sister, he too, became a student at Bara High School. Natsume wanted a relative easy and peaceful years there, but the universe had something else planned for him. Other than his nagging, yet loving sister always persuading him to do more at the school, he tried not to stand out, or join a club or two for extra activity.

However, despite his stubborn mindset, he eventually caved in and found himself in a rather unique, well-funded club. Sarcastically speaking, that was just perfect for Natsume. A friend had to drag him to such a club, where it would nearly be impossible to have a peaceful time.



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Amami Atsuko


  • Name
    Amami Atsuko

    Atsuko Chan, Aachan, Jack of All Trades, The Cheshire Cat




    Sexual Orientation

    School Year
    3rd Year

    Role in club
    Professional Setup Artist/Baker

  • 7aa5897339cfea7b6a79aec185230734.jpg

    Aachan usually favors a casual but cute kind of style, wearing her hair as it is with
    some clips or just her headphones. Her headphones never leave her side and she doesn't
    let anyone she doesn't trust touch them. She loves beanies and loose pants, but will dress
    up on occasion when the event requires it.

    Aachan has two ear piercings in each ear

    Aachan has relatively clean skin but occasionally you can see some scarring around her belly.

  • Personality
    +Fun Loving|Kind|Caring|Protective
    -Self Depricating|Competitive|Childish|Eccentric
    Aachan is nothing other than the most random and exciteable girl know to the school.
    She's widely known for appearing out of random places or falling asleep in them. She's fallen asleep
    in the trees at school before. She is mostly known for her involvement in the Lovers Club. Aachan has a
    special knack for coordinating freak coincidences to help get those destined to be together, together.
    She also offers her baking services up to those who want to make treats for their
    special others, or Yuuta in most cases. She avoids talking about herself and her family,
    as it makes her very sad. She will always put other's romances above herself
    as she thinks she doesn't deserve it, no matter how much she wants it.

    -Italian Food-
    -Happy Couples-

    -Thinking about herself-
    -Super Spicy food-
    -Being Alone-

    -Being a burden on her friends-

  • Crush
    TBD when someone can handle her


    Aachan had always been the bright ray of sunshine her mother and father adored. They used to
    live out in the countryside but when her father got a new job Aachan and her family moved into the
    closest city so her father could work. At first things were like normal. They went for walks, had dinner
    together, but soon enough her father became busy. A new job meant more money and
    promotions, and even though Aachan got everything she ever wanted the only thing she had
    was falling apart. Slowly, her father stopped coming to dinner. He would be out late. Fights started
    breaking out when he did, until one day he vanished. Her mother was distraught, trying to pick up
    the pieces left behind. They sold the house and everything they had, moved into a grungy
    apartment where Aachan is today. Her mother is rarely home, working a few jobs to keep
    the apartment. Aachan has her own part time job to help with bills and makes all
    the meals at home. She doesn't see much of her mother either. Ever since
    the divorce Aachan has slipped into a depressive state she's determined
    never to let her mother or her friends see.


  • Voice
    Fuuka from Fuuka

    Theme Song

    She has a thing for animals

    Face Claim
    Akitsuki Fuuka


Two small profiles for two relatively minor characters, the other two members of Hideki's band. They might turn up if they manage to book a show that would be on-screen for the RP, but otherwise they're mostly here for reference.

Akira Tsukino

Age: 17

He stands about 5'6 tall and is averagely built. He's let his hair grow out a bit over the past year or so, resulting in the unruly black mane. He really doesn't like ties and tight collars, so he wears his uniform collar and tie as loose as he can get away with during school, and immediately ditches the tie when possible.

He's quieter than his bandmates, but friendly once you get him in a conversation. No matter what he's doing, you never get the impression that he'd rather be anywhere else. He is also rather fastidious, and gets a stammer when nervous.

Short History:
He grew up in Yakita, the only child of Tamaki and Akane Tsukino. From a young age he loved rock music, eventually getting a guitar just before middle school and learning ravenously from there. Though he was quiet in school, he also had an affinity for soccer, eventually joining the Bara high school team. He and Hideki met and bonded quickly during their first year, and a year later formed the band that would become Blade. He plays guitar and writes most of the music.

Favorite guitarists are Shinichiro Ishihara, Akira Takasaki, Alex Lifeson, and Ritchie Blackmore. He plays a Grassroots KT-48, which he's affectionately nicknamed "Blackie," through a Guyatone combo amp, with a kit-made fuzz pedal. He also has a Takamine acoustic, but it only really gets used when Hideki drops by and wants to jam an idea.​

Toshiro Akiyama


About 5'9 tall. Outside of school, can usually be found wearing T-shirts and shorts, or a t-shirt over a long undershirt with jeans when it gets colder. Always wears an undershirt and sport shorts when drumming. His hair is bleached, but he plans on letting it return to its natural color over the next year or so.

Toshiro is a pretty energetic guy, which he lets out in his athletics as well as his drumming. He's a bit of a flirt, but less so than his bandmate Hideki. Like the rest of his family, he's also a morning person, much to the dismay of Akira and Hideki.

Short History:
Though he grew up in Hamasu with his parents and older brother (Haruki), Toshiro never met Hideki until high school. He started playing drums when he was 11, taking lessons for four years with an American expatriate. Unlike his bandmates, he attends a Catholic school in Hamasu. After seeing a flyer for a band looking for a drummer, he met with Akira and Hideki, agreeing to join their band. He gave the band its name of "Blade" and writes some of the lyrics.

Favorite drummers are Munetaka Higuchi, Mark Zonder, Stewart Copeland, and Isamu Tamaru. Plays a blue four-piece Tama Imperialstar drum set, with a hi-hat, crash, ride, and cowbell. He plays traditional grip exclusively thanks to his instruction. Also thanks to his instructor, among other factors, his English is rather good, certainly much better than his bandmates.​
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Kai Suzaya
Nicknames: None as of now

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Height: 5'8

Sexual Orientation: Bi

School Year: 3rd

Role in club: Loyalty and Sexuality Specialist

Personality: Kai has a very in-your-face personality. He's loud, energetic, sometimes obnoxious. But his good mood is infectious, and well appreciated when people are bored.

Likes: Rap music, energy drinks, dirty jokes

Dislikes: Shy people, soccer players, overprotective people

Crush: TBD

Relationships: N/A

Bio: Kai was born in Tokyo while his father was away on a military deployment. He grew up with his mom for most of his life, surrounded by girls. He had a carefree childhood, not a single problem until other people figured out his sexuality. He faced the usual jeering and name calling, although he did get into a few fights about it and still does occasionally. His father finally came back and was skeptical of his sons decision, but supportive none the less. He has only moved here recently, but the club has already found a use for him? Who better to figure out sexualities than a bi boy?

Voice: Suga - BTS
Theme Song:

wokeuplikethis* - Playboi Carti


Aspiring rapper
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Reactions: ScarletNova
Name: Rain Grey wood
Nickname (if any): peacekeeper by repuation and close friends or water man because he can swim like a fish and he can move for ages without needing much of a break
Age: (14-18)18
Sexual Orientation: stright
School Year: (Anime: Japanese based) 3 rd year because he got held back
Role in club: (President, Vice-president, treasurer, member, etc.) none yet would likely be an outside source of help to the student council etc

Personality: Rain is a strange man to some he's sometimes indiferent sometimes cold he's more cold when he's tired or and fed up he won't lash out but he will make the person of his anger know in ways they don't expect and expect depending on what they have done and how angry is. There's also mysterious side to him and even though his complain he'll still do a job.

He's somewhat protective of his sisters but in an overbearing way, some say he doesn't have a romantic bone in his body and he's sexless because he's not chasing after women like other boys or the girls chasing the boys.
Likes: hargamos lunches lots of them because he's always hungry doesn't even understand this himself, cooking reading video games interesting people and places and more

Dislikes: People that don't know when they have lost a fight or digg themselves deep into conflict , people that talk to much it turns into noise for him

bad food and flavorless drinks and snacks. He respects people that try even if they aren't the smartest and will sometimes help them. Loves the lunches his half sister hargamo make and it saves him the hassle of the rat race at lunch. Sometimes teases but is never goes overboard unless forced.
More will be revealed in the rp got to have some to save for later drum rolls
Crush: never had the chance to fall in love because he has his sister to look after and part time work

Relationships:half sisters his mother renina and step dad alex
Bio: His dad died when he was young from a rare illness that was incurable at the time and for very long due to his mums work he couldn't stay in one place for very long and so he got into lots of fights and other sorts of trouble in his last year before he was was meant to graduate but somehow his mum always managed to pull him out and love him.

One day his mum almost died in hospital from stress and that's when it hit him, he needed to stop so he got help in many places and even got part time work to help her pay the rent. About six years later she remarried alex and he has two daughters ruby and hagarmo and since then has done his best to try look after them and work harder in school and has made a few friends but doesn't know if he can love someone romantically due to never being shown how.

Theme Song:never been in love amvs - Bing video
Extra: loves learning useful new things cooking being organized and people watching and more
Looks:anime brothers and sister pics - Bing images but with faint silver hair and green and blue eyes
Extra: his real with ruby is comicated because there is love and a bond but there are times when he can stand her for a number of reasons.
He lost contact with his childhood bob he can't even remember why or how it happened but he longs to see one of the few people he can call a true friend.
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Ryunosuke Akiyama


Gender: Male | Age: 18 | Nickname: Ryu | Sexual Orientation: Straight
School Year: 3rd | Role in the Club: Info Gatherer

"I'm the eyes that see everything without the need of being a god."


| | Aliases | |
The God's Eyes | | The only title Ryunosuke likes and the only given by the members of the Lovers Club after realizing his uncanny talent of being extremely attentive and aware of what's going on around Bara High. 24 love matches that the Club has been able to successfully made were thanks to the information Ryunosuke have gathered.

The Loner Dragon | | An earned epithet given by the Bara High students after seeing Ryunosuke alone most of the time. It's not that the poor guy wants to, though. It's not his fault that mostly everyone avoids or runs away from him because of his intimidating appearance and aura.

Shi no Yokoku (Harbinger of Death) | | A title Ryunosuke earned when he belonged to a yakuza clan. One of the many things he wishes to be left in the past, but somehow, a lot of people knows that dark past. The Yakuza leader gave Ryunosuke this title not after killing people but because he was the one he sent to beat the crap of specific targets as a message to not mess with the clan. There's a rumor that says that Ryunosuke can beat up whole gangs with only his bare fists.

| | Physical Appearance | |
- Height: 6'.1"
- Weight: 160 pounds, mostly because of his muscle mass
- Body Type: Medium Built
- Hair Color, Lenght, and Type: Short Straight Dark Brown hair
- Eyes Color: Dark Brown which sometimes looks black
- Skin Color: Fair


| | Personality | |
The intimidating and pretty scary appearance and height make everyone think that Ryunosuke is a cold-blooded and ruthless thug which is best to avoid at all cost. Only those that were "brave enough" to meet him knows the kind-hearted guy behind a shell that seems tough to break. Ryunosuke is in fact kind, friendly and very caring for the little friends he has, which sometimes he likes to tease and mess around just for his own enjoyment (especially to Haruhi and Miyuki) or to cheer them up if needed. He may be a goofy guy, but sometimes he's a serious one, especially when he's gathering information about the love interest of their clients. However, Ryunosuke can be a totally different person when really angry, thus it takes a lot to upset him. In little words, he can let you mess and insult him all you want, but don't even think about doing the same to the people he cares about. Regrets and a trip to the hospital are included in the aftermath.

The "Loner Dragon" wasn't always like this, however. Back in his yakuza days, he was the total opposite of the Ryunosuke of Bara High School and thanks to that, he was the secret weapon of his yakuza clan. His actual personality is the result of a tragic incident that marked him hard enough to realize that he had to change for good. There are times where some ghosts of his past come to torment him, which explains why he's seen alone most of the time after not wanting to bother anyone or see him crying, which he does sometimes, exposing his feelings and fragility.

| | Likes x Dislikes | |
x Tease Akemi!
x Any Music genre, but his favorite is Alternative Rock.
x Candies for the WIN, but surprisingly has healthy and perfect teeth.
x His professional camera which Ryu takes a good care and uses for his club duties.
x Anime, mangas, and Light Novels, Romantic Comedies being his favorite genre.
x Video Games to fight boredom.
x Food Enthusiast. Can devour a family meal as if it was a personal meal.
x Animals Lover and a deep love for his Club but secretly
x Bullies, asshole people, and animal abusers.
x Veggies.
x People messing with his friends.
x Lies.
x Annoying Noises
x People that try to dig too deep into his past.
x Letting down Haruhi, Haruki, or anyone of the Club.

| | Relationships | |
Akemi Watanabe | |
Ryunosuke's childhood friend and the only person, apart from his aunt Nanami, that knows a lot about his dark past and tragic event that left him heartbroken. Ryunosuke and Akemi met in 1st Grade and it was all because Ryunosuke saved Akemi from a group of bullies that surrounded him and began to push him around in circles. Heroicly, Ryunosuke jumped in and punched the crap out of them, making them run away in fear. Soon enough, this pair found out they actually have a lot in common, including growing up with struggling mothers and with absent fathers, and being neighbors. And so, a strong bond between these guys happened, in which Ryunosuke promised Akemi he will be his protector and Akemi will help him to study, especially in Math as he was really bad at it. This friendship was kind of weird in the eyes of others, as Akemi was practically the whole opposite of Ryunosuke, but they somehow always managed to understand each other, which made their friendship everlasting and stronger.

As they grew up and Ryunosuke began to hang out with the wrong crowd after his father died, Akemi was always trying to convince him to change stop doing that, but Ryunosukeignored him, abandoning his home to live by himself and leaving everything behind, including Akemi. This was a hard hit for both of them because, even when Ryunosuke tried to hide it, he wasn't happy at all leaving his "brother from another mother" behind just like that.

A couple of years later and after the events with Scarlet and the Yakuza clan leader accidental killing, Ryunosuke returned with his mother and aunt for a new start, but sadly, Akemi left the neighborhood a while ago. This was also hard for Ryunosuke as he didn't have the chance to say goodbye or apologize for putting aside their friendship. When he joined the Bara High School, both Ryunosuke and Akemi were shocked to reencounter, as if in their destiny was written to actually be together no matter one.

Even when these Ryunosuke and Akemi looked different from the ones from the past, deep inside they actually didn't change at all and they both know about it, especially Ryunosuke as he enjoys teasing Akemi whenever he gets the chance, but also keeps trying to protect him even when Akemi can take care of himself by this point. Their "bromance" is pretty famous around Bara High and is highly popular among a secret "fujoshi" club, which has made BL mangas and fanfictions about them.

Haruhi Nakamura | | Secretly, Haruhi is a really special person to Ryunosuke because she was the one that actually invited him to join her club after she accidentally eavesdropped a conversation he had with the Principal that he had to be in a Club as a requirement to being able to graduate. Haruhi didn't hesitate to jump on the scene and heroicly asked him to join her club, mostly because she needed more members to make the requirements for the club to be official. Ryunosuke wasn't sure at all if he would fit in a club related to romantic stuff, but he ended up enjoying it, especially after all the members treated him like a normal person just like them. He has been a member of the club since the beginning and not caring if Haruhi remembers "saving" him that day, Ryunosuke feels deeply obligated to serve her as a thank you. He also enjoys teasing her just to see her adorable angry reactions.

Hideki Yamato | | A good friend of Ryunosuke which he met since the beginning of the Club. He's the guy Ryunosuke always can talk to every time he needed an advice of which music good music he can listen too, especially if it's Rock. Recently, Ryunosuke discovered that Hideki has a music band called "The Blade" thanks to a rumor he decided to investigate using his info gatherer skills. He secretly eavesdropped one of their rehearsals and surprisingly loved their music so much that he even asked Hideki if he could give him a sample CDs of the band. Ryunsouke realized the big potential the band has, so he wishes to one day for "The Blade" to have a real performance in the Bara High festival.

Nanami Kaga | | Ryunosuke's aunt and the sister of his passed away mother. She has a surprisingly young appearance even when she's on her 30's and is a total beauty. Ryu currently lives with her and she treats him like her own child, pampering almost every time and trying to be involved in his life. For Nanami, Ryu is practically her beloved prince that needs her protection, even knowing that he can take care of himself pretty well. This is something that Ryunosuke hates and feels embarrassed, but deep inside, she's obviously the most important person in his life as she was the one that raised him with his struggling mother. After discovering that Ryunosuke joined a club in his school and was beginning to socialize with good people, Nanami cried with happiness.

Scarlett Rivers | | A beautiful American girl Ryunosuke met by chance when he was about to give a beating to her father, an American man that was working with a rival yakuza clan. Scarlett was a kind, innocent, friendly and lovely girl even when she knew about his illegal and shady business. An unfortunate event ended up breaking Scarlett and Ryunosuke apart, and so ending his yakuza days.

| | Crush | |
Momozono Miyuki


| |
Bio: from the Past to the Present | |
Ryunosuke was born in a very dysfunctional and slightly poor family. His mother was an alcoholic that jumped from one job to another as she wasn't able to keep a single one due to her obvious addiction to alcohol. His father was the member of a yakuza clan and was very strict and kind of abusive with both Ryunosuke and his wife. Nevertheless, Ryunosuke's mother tried to raise her child, struggling and with the help of Nanami, her sister and which life was better than hers. Ryunosuke knew that his mother was giving her best to not give up on life and to take care of him while dealing with her alcoholic addiction thanks to her abusive husband. This one thought that Ryunosuke was a big accident she should've aborted. Deep inside, Ryunosuke wished for his father to simply disappear from his life, which one day he did after being killed between a yakuza clans clash.

Economical problems followed soon after Ryunosuke father's death. Worried that his mother would sell her body for money, Ryunosuke joined a yakuza clan run by teenagers with social problems like his. Feeling like he found a place to belong, Ryunosuke devoted himself to serve the clan, earning enough money to buy a new and better home for him and his mother. However, realizing that he was following his father's footsteps, Nanami and his sister begged him to find a real job and leave the yakuza, worried that he would end up like his father. Angered, Ryunosuke left his home when he was old enough, forgetting about them for the following years. Inside the yakuza clan, Ryunosuke became their secret weapon as he was a ruthless, cold-blooded guy that didn't mind to taint his hands in blood during a fight. His heart was turned into stone, feeling nothing more than hate and rage toward the world around him.

His life got turned upside down when he met Scarlett Rivers during a night he was sent by his clan to give her father a lesson. She stopped him from hurting his father, but it was all because he fell in love at first sight with her. A few days later, Ryunosuke saved Scarlett from a robbery and as a gratitude, she invited him to eat something. It didn't take that much for her to also began to fall in love with him after realizing the sweet and gentle guy deep inside Ryunosuke, waiting for somebody to save him. A year later, Ryunosuke and Scarlett became a couple, and this began to change Ryunosuke's heart for the better. The leader of his yakuza clan realized this and after not been happy about it, he told everything to Scarlett's father, which he didn't know he was the one that they sent to kill him. Enraged, he did everything to keep her daughter away from Ryunosuke but seeing that wasn't enough for them to just give up, he reunited with Ryunosuke's boss and practically offered him a lot of money to get rid of Ryunosuke, which he accepted.

However, nobody knew that everything would've ended in tragedy. In an attempt to kill Ryunosuke, a group of assassins was sent to his home, but to their surprise, the person that was inside was Scarlett. Already spotting them, they had no choice but to kill her, as they didn't like to have any witnesses. When Ryunosuke arrived at his apartment with movies and a box of microwavable popcorn, he was shocked after discovering the lifeless body of Scarlett, surrounded by a pool of her own blood. He dropped to his knees and hold her body close to his, crying and shouting with despair. Soon after, the police arrived at the scene as some neighbors called them after hearing screams and weird noises even before Ryunosuke arrived. The poor guy told everything he knew to them, including his relationship with his yakuza clan because the way Scarlett was killed reminded him the way the yakuza assassins slays their victims. The police told Ryunosuke to stay home and let them deal with the rest, but of course, he didn't listen to them. He wanted to avenge her beloved Scarlett, an innocent girl that didn't deserve to be killed the way she was.

Ryunosuke hasn't killed before, but he did that night and consumed by rage. During a fight with his leader, he beat him up badly and when he was about to leave him like that, he told him an offensive statement about Scarlett, which pissed Ryunosuke so much that he ran toward him and chocked him with his bare hands. Realizing what he did and scared, he ran from the scene just before the police arrived at the scene. He was 15 years old when this happened. Of course, he abandoned everything and finally decided to come back to his mother and aunt. They received him with happy tears without hesitation and Ryunosuke burst out in tears, begging them for their forgiveness after he abandoned them, accepting that they were right this whole time and that he wanted a new beginning.

Later on, Ryunosuke joined Bara High School after he did a couple of tests and other scholar stuff to be accepted in that high school. At first, everything was a living hell once again. Because of his intimidating and scary appearance, almost everyone avoided or ran away from him, not giving Ryunosuke the chance to show he was a good guy. For a while, he tried to join a club, but he was rejected from every single of them, the presidents giving out dumb excuses as reasons. Giving up, he talked about his problem with the Principal, but by a miracle from heaven, a pretty cool girl named Haruhi Nakamura decided to invite him to join her club. Ryunosuke accepted gratefully, but after discovering it was a club named Lovers Club and which duties were to match love couples, Ryunosuke wasn't sure if that was a club where he could fit or enjoy. However, after giving it a shot, he actually ended up loving the club, mostly because Haruhi and her childhood friend, Reina Chiaki, treated him like a normal person just like them.

Two years later, Ryunosuke still being an active member and one of the oldest of the Lovers Club, having a deep admiration and gratitude for Haruhi, the girl that saved him when he most needed. Of course, he keeps this as a secret, knowing that Haruhi probably going to take a lot of advantage if she discovers something as big like this.

| | Voice | |
Suzumura Kenichi

| | Theme Song | |
Brave Shine - Aimer
(the following is the English Cover for a better understanding).

| | Extras | |
x Ryunosuke owns a pretty expensive professional photographer camera with a lot of handy accessories. He uses them all for his Information Gathering duties of the Club, studying (a.k.a. stalking) the love interest of the clubs' clients. He doesn't care what he has to do snap even the meaningly details because, for Ryu, there are no meaningless things in life.

x Ryunosuke also owns a lot of weird disguises he sometimes uses for his Information Gathering duties for the Club. The most he uses is a funny bush costume that ironically draws attention for being abnormally tall for a bush.

x To always carry Scarlett's memory, Ryunosuke never leaves his house without his silver small Rosario necklace, his most precious possession as it once belonged to his first and only girlfriend.

x Ryunosuke knows sign language. This is something he learned from a guy of his Yakuza clan that was a deaf-mute. Ryu found his signs interesting, so he taught him everything. Now, Ryunosuke hopes that one day this acquired knowledge will come in handy.

| | Face Claim | |
Yoshida Haru -
Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun
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