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There always was, and always is. There will be forever hold. Of the power of the cosmic balance in the universe, as The Darkness comes, The Light... it will always hold.

- Mysterious Deciphered Message

The Golden Age. The Rebirth of mankind's hope. A once doomed constellation and solar system, attacked and consumed by Darkness. The arrival of alien life and evil incarnations of regime and war. The Darkness came for humanity, but was also received by something else. Something greater, something pure of Light. The Traveler, a large sentient terrestrial being that came to us in the hour of need. His Light cleansed the Solar System of all impurities of both planet and Darkness alike, giving man the freedom and faith to expand, to use his gifts and Light to transform the system into colonized civilizations. From the dawn of a new era of mankind... The Light gave them cosmic power, the power of universal energy. These beings fought and protected mankind in Light and hope. They became Guardians.

The Collapse. The cataclysm of human history that almost saw that the end of the species. The Darkness retaliated evil and attacked humanity all over the Solar System, pushing them back to Earth, their original home. Droves of lives lost in peril. But the Traveler and his Light began to fight back against Darkness. His Light repeled the dark forces from Earth, and amongst the Solar System, paying the ultimate sacrifice, and suffering ultimate damage. Leaving humanity with its technology and gifts, The Traveler entered a stasis to contain the remaining Light it has left. Before it did, it created Ghosts, fragments of Light that sought out Guardians to protect the last of humanity.

The Dark Age. Remnants of The Collapse are now scoured.
Vast suffering and survival of the primal ensued. The Fallen arrives, a pirate alien race of creatures built on scavenging and harvesting races and planets for their resources. They destroy London. Humans run into the void, and are exposed to The Darkness. They reject Earth and become The Awoken, shaped and reformed.
The Exo machines from The Golden Age emerge once again with severed memories, as Ghost travel to find those first Guardians. Rangers protected Earth from alien and evil, while The Guardians were lost. The first reborn by The Traveler become ruthless Warlords, feeding on power. But a fellow warrior named Radegast developed what he called a Fireteam to band together and stop the Warlords from anarchy. One Warlord, Fellwinter joins the warriors and attempts to broker peace, being betrayed and revived by a Ghost to stop the remaining chaos on Earth. The remaining warriors become what's known as Titans.

The City Age. Survivors and protectors from The Collapse journey to right below the dormant Traveler. A safe haven was formed, called The Last City. Factions formed of the Last City with differently ideals on society. The Consensus granted peace to the factions, that they make band together in the last place of humanity to fight to onward threat. The Vanguatd forms after the wake of guardians fending off The Last City in a decisive victory, when all seemed but lost. And today.

Today there lies a new age. A remnant of the past, and a catalyst for the future. There are the guardians, the Light of the Traveler. And as they face The Darkness and the ways of paraphysical threats, they will come to find Light in even the dark...but also, darkness in the light.

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In the vast, cold darkness of some place not visited by any kind in what seems an eternity. Faint footsteps can be heard. A luminescence of neon green pierces through the otherwise voided area. The eyes in which it resonates from full of absolution. The footsteps walk with assured promise, almost as if the owner's true destiny has already been realized. The aura of fierce green stops and focuses on what lies a terminal among a dimmed and isolated facility.

"It begins."

The voice whispers from the secluded venue. A mechanism is then placed on the terminal, seemingly breaching and emitting a pulse that brings the machine to full working order. Whirring and electric fields become loud in the area as the figure watches the screens light up. A virtual keypad comes up as the figure types away at the old age data machine. 'Maya Sundaresh' appears on the terminal, as a collection of archived files begin to display, as the figure presses a button on his tech device that begins to whir and watch as the data is emulated onto the small piece of technology.

"You knew didn't you? You found it..."

The sinister and sharp voice almost vibrates the air surrounding, as no one else was there. Just this figure, this being. A shadow but a reality. And as the data begins to be sourced onto this mysterious tech device. The possessor of the neon green eyes stares at the terminal with an almost prejudice. A beep could be heard, before the device was synced out and then nothing. Silence. No more green luminous aura, the terminal was abruptly shut off, as if it never functioned at all...and the dark and cold facility was desolate yet again.



Sayya was alone, as usual. She resided on a pillar high above the normalcy of where guardians walked. She was having Annoying, her ghost whom she thought was...you guessed it, annoying..listen in on a meeting between the Vanguard Commanders and the faction leaders of the New Monarchy, Dead Orbit, and Future War Cult. More of the same. Talks from Dead Orbit how they all should traverse to somewhere the Darkness isn't an immediate threat, with War Cult countering that the fight should be taken to all opposers even before the threat arises, and New Monarchy...forever fighting for a democratic republic in which could use the power of the Speaker to govern law of the people and The City. Cayde making his classic jokes, with Zavala trying to keep things serious and civil. Ikora simply listened. Sayya liked Ikora, she wasn't trying to be more than what she was, yet possessed vast wisdom. Sayya knew that much about her. Annoying, in her feminine voice speaks up.


Annoying: "Sayya, why are we eavesdropping on them? Wouldn't it just be sensible to walk in and audience with them?"

Sayya remains quiet. She watched the different set and classes of guardians walk about all high and mighty, confident from Light. If not for The Light of The Traveler, she was sure they'd buckle at the sight of a real threat. They rely too heavily on Light, not enough instinct. Sayya plays with her blade as she remains sitting atop a pillar overlooking the Tower and City.
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Damon Stride

He sat there in the rafters of the meeting hall listening to their pointless ideals of peace and harmony among the stars. He heard Cayde joke around, Zavala act as a peace keeper while Ikora simply listened. He knew in his heart what was the best choice going forward. He joined the future war cult to prepare for the only future he could see.

War. War was coming like it always has, but this time it should be the humans who strike first. He sat there listening to the pointless back and forth grinning when the FWC would make valuable arguments. He would scowl at the others when they would voice their concern. Damon eventually grew tired of the arguing and snuck out of the meeting hall via a skylight.

He perched himself on the top of the roof as he starred off twords the Traveler. As he sat there silently his ghost companion Spector spoke up. "What do you think will happen next?" He beeped as he floated infront of Damon's field of vision. Damon gently pushed the floating component out of the way. "I don't know. Whatever it is, it won't be enough. We fought countless battles and it still isn't enough. Unless we take the battle to them we are stuck in a bleak future."

Spector beeped and looked up at the Traveler with his companion. "Heavy stuff Damon." He said as he floated around his partners head.
Earth/ European Dead Zone – EDZ

(will have Eliksni by the type of speech he is using)

The forests were quiet but for the Fallen that roamed the area, their banners being red and symbols for the notorious House of Devils. Four watchful eyes scanned the area as the group walks by the cloaking device working as it was intended keeping the wearer near impossible to see. The larger Fallen stepped out of the shadows as the cloaking device deactivated holding his shrapnel launcher at the ready. The group of Devils turned and roared in anger at this intruder taking aim at the unaligned member of their species. Within moments arc shots rang out and shrapnel joined the chorus of shots till soon only one stands. Thalrix growled to himself at their foolishness then turned to get his objective. The Devils had tirelessly been trying to push him out but after a dozen attempts they were forced to deal with his presence. He had tried to keep a lesser profile but he was forced to be actively fighting unknowingly causing more chatter between the Devils. With patience he waited and watched the Light Walkers also called 'Guardians' plant devices all throughout the area. Thalrix knelt and looked at the beacon using his lower right arm to pull it from the ground.

Thalrix: (Eliksni) "They get tasks from these, I hope they can listen through them as well"

Thalrix made his way to his cavern where he had made his camp, taking every precaution from countless trip mines that he attached to walls to the few shock mines he could acquire. Thalrix soon went to work and altered the signal from the message intended for other Light Walkers to his message. Once done he rumbled in cunning glee after many failed tries it was finished, his challenge was ready.

Mission Parameters – Completed

Vanguard Notified

Connection established

"Hello? Who completed the bounty? Seriously not a good time in a meeting right now. Hello?" said an annoying male voice yet others in the background yelled.

Thalrix heard the voices over the communication network and roared soon speaking and drowning out the voices.

Thalrix: (Eliksni) "Devils fight yet cannot stand against me. Hive turn to ash on my blades. Yet none of them are what I seek, I want one of you. My war is not just for the Great Machine. My war is for one that a Light Walker murdered on the moon, and I will have a life for a life. Face me. I am Thalrix, The Vengeful."

The other end was dead silent and he growled then broke the communicator in the beacon letting it indicate his position still. He now only needed to wait for his target. He grabbed his shrapnel launcher and got it ready along with the other armaments he had in store for his 'guests'.
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