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The main continent of civilizations has been quite prosperous and has expanded to happy capacity, and a relative peace has been held throughout the kingdoms. Technology is expanding quickly, and what would seem to 'us' like classic antiquity, is starting to merge with a medieval age.

Magic does exist, but it's mainly distrusted and feared. This is low fantasy, so characters won't normally be tossing about magic missiles. But illumination spells, some supplemental stuff, and healing miracles are told of in legend. Though even the simplest things are quite rare and draining. Not to mention dangerous- miscast in magic is possible, and crazy things can happen. Basically, my point is that it's not often worth the trouble, but those who have studied magic are out there. Hermits, eccentrics, scholars....

Reigning back in:
There has been some expeditions across the seas to find other civilizations and unexplored land that have now been successful. After a few years, there has been a fortified city built around a port, and a small village or two outside of this, but not much else. There has been call for many adventurers to test their mettle and sail there to help the exploration efforts.

Players will begin in the town named "Westmarch". A multi-cultural port city that was established years prior to present day. It resides far from the main continent, and requires a lengthy ship ride. It's nothing fancy, there are stone walls up [though mostly tall, reinforced wooden fortress walls]. Guard towers at major entrances. Toward the northern end of town on top of a large hill is the Keep- holding the noble family here. There are plenty of shops in town, weaponsmiths, armorers, and other forms of necessary trade. Housing areas, some small farms, and stables. It is lead by the capable leader- the Duke of Westmarch and the New World- Duke Willam Aquila. He runs a tight ship here, and it is quite safe for the most part.

The city has begun hiring all sorts of people looking to explore the vast lands to the west. Largely unexplored territory, and quite dangerous. There hasn't been much exploring in recent years due to the focus on infrastructure set up in the city. So now, 'The Guild' is hiring again.

The first set of guildmembers landed several years ago, met in "The Blue Goose" tavern. Much smaller then than it is now. They began to chart their findings by carving a crudely drawn map onto their meeting table. Carving the names of their fallen, and shiny things they wanted to go back for. This had become somewhat of a legend- as someone, or something killed off most of the original adventurers, burnt the tavern, and the table seems to have been 'lost' or destroyed during rebuilding.

Your character has been recruited by the Guild. It's a 100% voluntary group, and the reasons for joining are as varied as the mates who have joined. A group of people ran by veteran adventurers. Responsible for scouting efforts among other things outide of Westmarch.

The character sheet is below: Simple and informative. Remember! Characters will be 'level one' characters. Better than average if you wish, sure, but lacking much experience. Also, keep in mind the thought that this is going to be lower fantasy. Be as "realistic" as possible.

Name : your character's name

Appearance: Give a detailed appearance here. Clothing worn, as well as general physical appearance. This will also encompass the typical 'age' section you would typically see, and equipment- as well. If you feel you must post a photo make sure it's a manageable size, and enclose it into a spoiler tag.
  • Basic Equipment

Hails From: Where are you from? A little bit about it?

Biography: Include a brief biography. Try to keep it summarized.

Fears: Yep. Fears...'Afraid to use his sword', or 'doesn't like anything that flies', 'Fire', ' sort of thing. Give me something to use against them >=}

Goals and Reason for Joining the Guild: Hey c'mon. Everyone has a goal. Add something like 'showing their people what they are worth', or 'protect X person during their journeys'. Maybe even 'find a harpy and strangle it to death' who knows. Doesn't have to be long at all.

Instinct/Modus Operandi Yup. Put in the character's base instincts. Like, drawing their sword on the first thought of danger, or never delaying, something that will be important to their actions, and another driving force in who they are personality-wise... Keep this fairly short.

Major Skills: Small description of their major talents. Cooking, speaking, languages, geography, science, archery.

Go ahead and post up characters if you wish.
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Im finishing up a post and then I'll be right on this
Here's a list of folks you will often come across in the Blue Goose tavern.

Name : Guild Mentor "Thea"

Appearance: Thea is a taller, and well built female. She has shoulder length blonde hair, and narrow gray eyes that sit atop a near-constant frown on her thin lips. Her hair is cut into asymmetrical bangs/fringe in front, framing her face. The rest of her hair is braided or tied. She generally wears simple tunics and fur wraps beneath heavier clothing, or light armors. She certainly looks like she belongs in the 'guild', and doesn't have a welcoming stare.
  • Basic Equipment- Fur cape over simple padded clothing, with piecemeal armor. Fur gauntlets over leather gloves, and fur gaiters over short boots. She carries a short sword in a baldric on her left side. Sometimes seen with a spear.
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Hails From: Thea is from the lands of one of the major kingdoms- colloquially called the 'Imperial' lands, or the 'Empire'.

Biography: Thea was born to a clan of barbarians, and was raised in the rough mountainy regions of the Empire's boundaries. She grew up in relative peace, however the barbarian clans are almost always at each other from time to time. Their qualms were getting to close to Imperial civilization, and were wiped out by an imperial strike force. Herself, and several others were taken captive, and offered freedom in return for military service to the Empire. She glady acquiesced, not wishing to die for politics.

After serving as a scout for several years, she was honorably discharged from the Imperial military, and found herself lost with what to do- as she spent most of her time living like a nomad in the wilderness. She found a Guild representative when rumors of westward sea travel came up- and signed up. Since then, she has worked through the ranks, and currently sits as a guild Mentorin Westmarch.

Fears: Thea is afraid of drowning in a shipwreck. Also scared of the rumors of the living dead.

Goals and Reason for Joining the Guild: She joined the guild to get some adventure, and live a more 'mobile' life. Her long term goals are to become a table member of the Guild, as well as start her own chapter.

Instinct/Modus Operandi- She's a barbarian at heart, so she often acts quite wild. She is not quick to startle, but she is best known to regroup and size up threats before jumping in blind

Major Skills: Foraging, hunting, cooking, scouting, wilderness survival, drinking, leadership.

Name : Captain Axius

Appearance: Captain Axius is almost exactly what you would imagine when you think of 'Imperial soldier'. Strong, capable, and well built, Axius is a career soldier. Closely trimmed hair, near-constant 5- o'clock shadow- sporting salt and peppered colors due to his age. Though despite his late middle-ages, he is obviously quite capable and hardy. Originally from the Imperial Military, he was sent on a reinforcement ship to Westmarch from the Empire's ports. He has been given the task of being the Captain of the guard and militia here at Westmarch.
  • Basic Equipment- Thick red cloak over a padded vest and chainmail shirt. He wears a grey tunic and brown knee-length trousers. Thick leather sandals wrap his feet, and he is decently armed with a well forged sword at his hip.
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Hails From: the heart of the Empire.

Biography: Axius was born to a military family. His father was a military man, and he took up after him. Axius spent his entire life in the military, and it is a job he is both good at- and takes very seriously. He has on many occasions defended the honor of the empire in the fields of combat. The journeys west by sea were scheduled, and he was sent in as relief and reinforcement to the original group. He has been in Westmarch for a long time, knows most of it's people, and has been out in the immediate vicinity a few times on scouting or rescue missions.

Fears: the loud thumps of what he imagined were footsteps in his first trek into the wilds outside of westmarch. "What beast could be that big, and hide itself so well?!"

Goals and Reason for Joining the Guild: His goal is to protect the citizens of Westmarch, and keep the members of the Guild in check.

Instinct/Modus Operandi- He is a soldier- his instincts are to rush into danger swiftly and assess the situation.

Major Skills: combat, security, tactics, and some strategy. Basics of wilderness survival and hunting. Quite a personable fellow, as well.

Name : Lady Irina Oakhart

Appearance: Irina has an ovular shaped head with long blonde hair that is normally tied up in a large braid in the back, with a slightly side- parted fringe, and temple bangs that frame her face. Her eyebrows are thin, and angled, overtop large round blue eyes. Her nose is round, and her mouth and lips are average size. She stands to be about 5' 7", and weighs a tight 140lbs.
  • Basic Equipment
    • Upper Breastplate, pauldrons, and arm plate, these are dyed a golden bronze color. Heavy Leather boots, and leather thigh armor. Barbute style helmet with a visor.
    • White cloak with blue trim at the bottom end. A thick blue riding skirt that reaches her knees over a white shirt and brown leather gloves. She wears light brown leather pants.
    • Longsword
    • Dagger
    • Road pack with a change of clothes, and light traveling supplies

Hails From: The Kingdom of Lesalia

Biography: She is the middle daughter of a prominent family in her kingdom. She decided to become a Knight- which is a slightly unpopular choice for females, however not unheard of. During border disputes between her family, and another prominent family- the Gryphons, she put the middle male child of the Gryphons to the sword. However this all happened after a treaty had been signed. This was looked on unfavorably despite the slow speeds information travels. For this, Irina's father sent her to Westmarch with the Guild for a few reasons, one of which was to get her out of his hair.

Fears: Large fires. Rumors of dangerous magic. Never seeing home again. Failure. Getting maimed.

Goals and Reason for Joining the Guild: She was basically forced by her father to join the Guild. however she does wish to make the most of her time, and do good work that way she can make it home again.

Instinct/Modus Operandi She is brash. She will draw her sword to basically confront any odds. She doesn't like to talk much with diplomacy. If there's a problem she can't solve with her sword, she will be slow to come up with better ideas.

Major Skills: Melee Combat. Having money. Mounted travel. Oddly great with animals, and knowing a lot about them. Dealing with nobility. Navigating on land.

Name : Guy Burkfield

Appearance: Guy is a young man with a heart shaped face, and thick, wavy brown hair. His eyebrows are strong, and his eyes are large and brown. He has a straight nose, and a small mouth with thin lips, and a strong, but narrow chin. He stands about 5'10, and weights about 175 lbs. He's thin, but he's a capable lad.
  • Basic Equipment
    • Gray-brown paenula
    • thin, studded leather vest over a thin brown gambeson atop a natural colored tunic.
    • Longsword
    • pack with road survival gear.

Hails From: A kingdom called Lesalia- one of the most technologically advanced in all the kingdoms.

Biography: Guy is the squire of Lady Oakhart, and has been since he was about 10 years old. She however is only five years his senior. The Burkfield family in landed, but just barely. To gain prestige, Guy's father sent his son at age 10 to serve with the prestigious Oakhart family. Guy accepted gratefully, because the young Lady he would serve under was quite the looker, in his opinion. It turned out to be a difficult life, but one he enjoyed none the less. Lots of manual labor and personal watching-after to the young brash lady. He was trained with the sword, bow, and horseback riding, and other noble duties. He however, was in charge of basically being young Lady Oakhart's caretaker.

Once she was knighted- a status not terribly popular with women- he became her squire. Being more of a companion than a servant, the two became quite close. Once minor border disputes began cropping up between the Oakhart family, and another- though admittedly smaller- noble family by the name of Gryphon, things started getting heavy. Small skirmishes arose in the fields between the two family lands, and he was sent to the fields with his Knight. Violence finally erupted when one of the members of the rival family launched an arrow that landed in Lady Oakhart's shoulder. The skirmish was a quick Oakhart victory with the enemy routed- but the young lady vowed for revenge. However, unknown to her, the families had made peace, and became allies while she- consumed with vengeance, went after the young noble who fired the arrow.

A small team went with the lady to exact revenge, and did so without realizing a treaty had been signed. The lady would then be near disgraced. To atone as she arrived home in Oakhart territory, she was sent to Westmarch with the Guild to rid her of her troublesome ways. Guy basically followed, being her closest friend and ally.

Fears: His Lady's safety. Large horses and beasts.

Goals and Reason for Joining the Guild: To help his lady regain status within her family. To gain status for himself, and a knighthood from within his kingdom.

Instinct/Modus Operandi he is quick to pick up the sword- however he is more courageous than he is skilled.

Major Skills: Scouting and surveying (great memory), cooking and setting up camps, tending to equipment, middling swordsman.

Name : Myronides "Myron"


Appearance: Myron is a tall, well built individual- a wall of a man. He has long, black wavy hair, and a short beard with the mustache shaved. His eyes are narrow and green, and his eyebrows are angular. He has a rectangular shaped head, and he has large ears.
  • Basic Equipment
    • Thick red cloak that reaches his calves
    • Scale and boiled leather armor vest and right pauldron. He also has armored greaves, and vambraces
    • He wears a reddish brown tunic that reaches his mid-thighs, and wears strapped on boots with exposed heel and toe.
    • Spear, short sword, and hoplon shield- emblazoned with an eagle upon it.
    • Road pack with eating and drinking utensils, flint and steel, and other basics.

Hails From: one of the Imperial kingdoms further to the east.

Biography: Myronides was born into the warrior caste. From age 8 he was basically trained as a warrior and soldier. Serving officially from the age of 16 and on. He saw some light combat in his late teens, but afterward things started looking better between the relations of all the kingdoms. The life of a soldier during peace time is a lot like the life of a towns guard, or a watchman. Something itched at Myronides to look for something more.

Seizing the opportunity- he signed with the Guild, which was approved by his Captain- seeing that they would need more information on the new world as things came up. His distinguished service and loyalty provided him some leeway. He was approved for a long leave, and allowed to sail west- to the new lands.

Fears: The peaceful life. Lightless, enclosed spaces.

Goals and Reason for Joining the Guild: the life of adventure and adrenaline. He wishes to get some good stories, and discover and slay a dangerous predator.

Instinct/Modus Operandi: Be defensive! In conversation he is stubbornly defensive, and takes things rather literally and often times even personal. Also, he is rarely seen without his shield on his left arm. He aims to be straight to the point, laconic.

Major Skills: Pathfinding, going on long treks, swimming, some sailing, making improvised structures and devices [he's quite the engineer and carpenter].
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finally done, I had some real roadblocks in creative development as of late, but I finally got this cs done!

Name : Kollskeg Blackbanner

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  • Equipment
    • Apparel: A thick green gambeson worn with mail adorns his chest, worn over the mail is his tunic and cloak, layers of pants adorn his legs, wrapping cloth down over your boots is common in the north to prepare for weather, the hotter it is the easier it is to cool down by shedding layers of clothing. He is never seen without at least a dagger or axe in his belt.
      • Weapons: Great axe/ walking stick, short sword, dagger, throwing axes x3, round shield.
      • Backpack: Hooded lantern, leather bound book, quill, ink, length of rope, bedroll, fire starter, change of clothing.

Hails From: The Northern fringes of the Empire.

Biography: He's honest, brave and perhaps a little too blunt, but this is to be expected from somebody with his profession. Kollskeg was was raised in the northern tundras, something that Northerners (Or Normen) always take pride in is the ice flowing through their veins. He lived in peace until he was about 8 years of age but at that point things changed. He had lost is mother, father, and eldest two brothers during the raiding season of Glacier Pirates. He and his two sisters were left in the care of his uncle, Holgad, who had taught him the trade of the age old Normen tradition of blacksmithing, sailing and raiding. He started to experience the world and was very successful at his uncles teachings. Having overcome plenty of obstacles, he enjoys life in a tough and cold world. Forty years of life has passed since he was given into to his uncles care, by then he has raided countless pirate settlements, buried his uncle and inherited his business. He has sailed countless waters and had sent many enemies to The Immortal Grounds. He is currently still finding the right place in the world after arriving to Westmarch in search of something greater, his blacksmithing trade has given him enough funds to aid his journeys. He feels like there's more than people let on in this world and the Guild is the genesis to his greatest adventure.

Fears: Superstitious about old corpses, Being weaponless, earthbound natural disasters (ie earthquakes, landslides, quicksand, sinkholes etc.)

Goals and Reason for Joining the Guild: Write a book of his adventures to pass down the generations.

Instinct/Modus Operandi: Quick to protect those he favors, although not as quick to the sword to some others, he prefers being quick to his fists.

Major Skills: Sailing, Weapon Repair, Throwing Weapons, Axe Combat, Haggling.
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Name: Tristan Conrad

Appearence: There isnt much about Tristan that paticularly catches the eye. He's about average height (5'10) with and lean atheletic build, has brown hair which is beginning to apporach shoulder length and his skin is tanned but no more so than the averages farmer's.​
  • Equipment: A brown leather jacket with a large leather spauldron on his right shoulder and a grid of metal studs on the left that attached to a cae. This is normally worn over a grubby white shirt and a simple pair of brown trousers. His prefered footware is a pair of well worn, heavy leather boots. On his waist there is a simple short sword on his left hand side, a truncheon on his right and a knife strapped acroos his back.​

Hails from: The slums of a large port city.
Biography: Tristan grew up in the poorest part of the wrong part of town. While he did get some basic education most of what he knows he learnt on the street first as part of one of the cities many gangs and then as one of the cities guards. Tristan didn't join the guards out of any high minded ideals of justice but rather becuase it was a well paid job and provided plenty of oppertunity for an enterprising person to earn large bonuses (bribes).

For several years Tristan's life in the guards consited of dealing with and dealing in petty crime whilst trying to have as much fun as he could at the same time. Unfortunately one night, after having had a skinful he decided to try and shakedown a man that he thought had cheated him. One thing lead to another and Tristan was left standing over a rapidly cooling boody with a bloody sword. Realising that his life as he knew it was over Tristan ran home, gathered his few posseions and told his mother that he was leaving and then bought passage on the first ship out of port.

Fears: His past catching up with him, large groups of angry armed men, small spaces.

Goals and reasons for joining the Guild: Getting paid to go a long way away from anyone who might be able to recognise him

Instinct/Modus Operandi: To work out the odds of winning before commiting himself to a fight

Majour Skills: Endurance, Brawling, Running (away)​
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Name : Zillah Bijou

Appearance: Give a detailed appearance here. Clothing worn, as well as general physical appearance. This will also encompass the typical 'age' section you would typically see, and equipment- as well. If you feel you must post a photo make sure it's a manageable size, and enclose it into a spoiler tag.
  • Basic Equipment

Hails From: A tiny village in the outskirts of the Empire.

Biography: Include a brief biography. Try to keep it summarized.

Fears: Darkness. She can cope with it if she's accompanied, but she will definitely freak out when left alone. Hurting or killing someone. Being unable to save someone's life. She's never gone through that, not by herself at least.

Goals and Reason for Joining the Guild: Increase her understanding of medicine by studying new herbs. Creating a great compendium of healthy recipes.

Instinct/Modus Operandi Yup. Put in the character's base instincts. Like, drawing their sword on the first thought of danger, or never delaying, something that will be important to their actions, and another driving force in who they are personality-wise... Keep this fairly short.

Major Skills: Medicine (herb knowledge), cooking, agility.
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I'm still interested! I've been thinking of playing a more intellectual adventurer whose main motivation for travelling is to learn new things. I'll try and have a sheet up soon, thank God its the weekend. -w-
Ah, cool. Lookin' good.

And yeah, we don't have to have all combat focused people!. This is as much as an 'exploring/surviving' gig as it is running in to combat and stuff. So Having herbalists, botanists, and intellectuals will certainly be helpful :)
Yup, sorry rowbdy:P . Just waiting for sheets to be finished and I can drop everyone into the rp.
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Name : Ophelia Antoinette Lancaster

Appearance : With a frame that is abundantly feminine and a confident aura shown in the way she presents herself, Ophelia is an attractive woman. Perhaps a bit too prettied and perfumed for whats expected of an adventurer and definitely too theatrical, Ophelia dresses in a manner that makes her origins far from subtle. Usually wearing some variation of a loose white blouse paired with darkly colored trousers, Ophelia also has a penchant for dramatic capes, fashionable (if not somewhat jarring) patterns and shiny trinkets.

  • Basic Equipment : Ophelia always wears a leather satchel wrapped loosely around her waist and keeps items of interest tucked away in it. She keeps a fencer's sabre holstered on her hip, opposite to the satchel. Along with this, she usually wears a dark cape and a matching but ultimately eccentric, feather plumed hat. On her person she always carries a handkerchief and an ornamental stiletto that, while beautiful, has few practical applications.
Hails From : The noble courts of an aristocratic, stylistic and colorfully eccentric nation neighboring the Empire. (name TBD?)

Biography : Ophelia spent the majority of her early life with make up applied, a corset tied on, and her hair done up in a way that was absolutely unbearable. She underwent various lessons in 'lady-like' behavior and while some of the concepts stuck with her as she grew into adulthood, the free spirit in Ophelia did not falter. Underneath her father's tutelage she took up fencing (something that in her nation -- was absolutely scandalous for a woman to even consider) and later on begged him for a chance to travel the world.

Fearing that he had been to lenient and that gossipers of the court would think he was weak for giving in to his daughter's every wish, her father dismissed her dreams. As tradition would have it, he then set her to enter a loveless marriage for the sake of creating an alliance between their house and another. Undeterred and foolishly eager Ophelia ran away to join an adventure into the unknown...

Fears : Ophelia has always lived in comfort and fears of being stripped off the admittedly superfluous things she considers necessities. Coupled with this, she absolutely dreads large bugs, large animals and the idea of her outfit simply just not matching.

Goals and Reason for Joining the Guild : Ophelia has a thirst for adventure and knowledge beyond what is available in her country. She also intends to put off her arranged marriage to some politician's son for as long as she humanly can.

Instinct/Modus Operandi : Ophelia is always willing to talk things through before resorting to any physical action. The talking itself is usually theatrical in nature and might annoy others more than appease them, but well to her its the thoughts that count.

Major Skills : Ophelia first and foremost is a talented fencer and athlete. She absolutely adores learning about others and their cultures and is always looking to gain knowledge. While she may seem rather over the top with her vibrant feather adorned fashion style and inclination towards theatrics, she is also quick and smart enough on her feet that the guild has put up with her thus far.
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Excellent! Now just waiting for Ataraxia to touch up their sheet and off we go :)
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Right, just say so if there's a conflict with anything below and I'll get on that. -AO


Name: VISC. Abbott S. Mercer

Appearance: An aging "gentleman" (40's) with a civilian's weak physique, and long orange-gray hair feathered back. He possesses an eyepatch (left) and skeleton prosthetic arm along with his typically worn sturdy coat and casually draped scarf. [Image TBE]

  • Basic Equipment: retractable polearm that's little more than a gimmicky crutch with sharp point, 2 stashed daggers, and various alchemical ingredients.

Hails From: United Britannia, a unitarian monarchy complete with lords and an interest in expanding territorial influence. Mercer is from the capital's treacherous East End until becoming a viscount in Her Majesty's service.

Biography: an alchemist in name only and little more, "Mercer" is a liar and a thief who robbed a true alchemist's collection of research journals and namesake; since the original was a hermit, few recognize the obvious physical differentials. With the (now) dead man's spoken reputation in hand, Mercer eventually obtained the attention of Her Majesty – the Queen of Britannia – and thusly the position of Royal Alchemist; where he is supposed to spend most of his time and the supplied resources researching events and people who fall into his alleged domain and occasionally performing alchemical/magical advancement techniques (i.e. parlor tricks) to keep from arousing suspicion.

Fears: Physical confrontation. Sure, he'll probably start something but only when Mercer believes he'll win through trickery or allies; otherwise, he dreads being thrown into the metaphorical fire. Getting caught; he is technically an alchemist, but a very poor one who pretends (maybe) to have a very big ego. If someone saw through his mess of half-lies and forward remarks, he could be in trouble. Alois' safety; despite himself, he's quite protective of his so-called apprentice.

Goals and Reason for Joining the Guild: Is, at the Queen's request, studying the lands of Westmarch for research purposes; and is, at the Royal Marine's command, investigating the port city for valuables and exploitations in evaluation/preparation for a future less-than-passive takeover. Mercer is also searching, investedly, for genuine magic or alchemy strong enough to mend broken bodies.

Instinct/Modus Operandi: He's quite the eccentric. Talks a big game, too big sometimes, when Mercer believes he's the upper hand and is the first to sprint out the door when he doesn't. Still an efficient scientist, when suitably motivated. Tragedy is he's more motivated to be full of himself than anything really.

Major Skills: His observational and showboating skills are a force to be reckoned with; Mercer is also an accomplished artist (map-making, portraits, landscapes, etc.) given he needed a hobby in replacement for all that alchemical research he wasn't doing. Is still quite the scientist and "magician," but only possess minor alchemical ability with weak healing spells, wards, and the like.

So this kid is a NPC and character complement to Mercer; wouldn't be too active in terms of combat. Is mostly here in case Mercer pissess off the wrong people, gets eaten, or has a stroke (i.e., dies). -AO
Name: Alois Overett

Appearance: A short boy with black hair, slightly messy bangs, and a rather feminine figure leading to many mistaking him for a girl… and that's about it. Given the constantly worn blank, white mask and short cloak, no one aside from Mercer is aware of what the boy actually looks like. He's typically adorned in his wide-brimmed hat with folded side, straight-jacket like shirt and short cloak, and pants cuffed below the knee with wrappings down to his floppy ankle boots. [Image TBE]
  • Basic Equipment: simple dagger, alchemical ingredients, and sporadically multi-colored amulet (elemental catalyst)

Hails From: the west country-side of United Britannia

Biography: Was discovered in a fringe town by Britannia's Royal Alchemist during an investigation of reportedly supernatural disturbances. The so-called "Devil's Return" was expressed through floating orbs of water and diminutive humming lights from a small boy. Recognizing the child as an innocent being with actual abilities – as opposed to the majority of hoaxes or demon worshippers – Viscount Mercer plucked the "street" (i.e., dirt road) urchin and whisked him to the capital. He's since made far better use of Mercer's alchemy journals but still regards this hack as the genuine article. That being said, there have been a number of experiments gone wrong that resulted in the injury of one or both. These accidents have caused Mercer to dial back their work, to the annoyance of the House of Lords.

Fears: disappointing Mercer, failing to control his powers, and the dark

Goals and Reason for Joining the Guild: Adventure, treasure, and because Mercer said so.

Instinct/Modus Operandi: eccentric and childish, Alois spends most of his time running around or playing. When under Mercer's instruction, he shows intent and focus beyond most adults' capabilities leading one to wander if the youthful antics are just an act. He's instinctively aggressive when using his unique abilities towards threats; that is, if the task is "too far beneath Master Mercer's superior skills."

Major Skills: potent alchemy and elemental magic.
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I'm free so I'll be able to post within a few mins