Adventures at Luna Hall

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Adventure Finder
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I have a shifting work schedule, so My online times will be random.
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Fantasy, scifi, futuristic modern, fantasy modern, Action/adventure, Mystery, Fan-based,
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Headmaster Scritch lifted his head since the first rays of sunshine filtered through the great hall's window's turning him slowly back into a man. His wife had already returned to their rooms to take her statue form. Such was their curse.

The rest of the staff milled about the dining hall checking on students who were playing games, working on crafts, or just chilling. Some had found a bed in the anti rooms and were fast asleep. Scritch took a look over at the large glass cube centered on the central table as the very last students passed the text and exited. followed by those who have volunteered to help. Familiars returned to their owners. Instructor Davis carefully lifted his sailfin lizard, Sealah, from the tank at the top. She had insisted remaining her own size for the task. All in all things had worked well.


Two hours later the students had all been woken and motioned to sit around the tables around the room. The cube had been removed to make plenty of room. Students sat with their friends, and not their houses. The school encouraged cooperation over rivalry. There was enough rivalry with the sporting teams.

With a practiced hand the Headmaster cast the magic dice one last time and the game board in front of him flashed purple, the student's name blinking across in in bold letters. A magic screen projected the game board's surface so that the students around the hall could see.

"Miss Travers, that means your house is Sphinx Hill!" he announced as students cheered. Please go take a seat!." The girl picked up her cat and ran off to a table.

"All right, all. Headmaster Scritch announced to the hall. "In a moment we will all have breakfast and then the rest of the day will be free. Please remember that tonight is the term start feast and appropriate uniforms should be worn. There is a list of club activities in all dorms, please see club presidents for more information. Also, Your House Head will let you know about the student council elections to take place mid term.

"Some safety notices, Remember swimming outside designated zones is forbidden, as is the deep wood in the forest. The gardening club has also asked me to remind you all not to pull produce without permission. Now, I believe we would all like some food!"

The headmaster waved a hand as with a slightly delayed cue food began to appear at the five buffet style banquet tables located around the room. Everything possible was included from eggs, bacon, and biscuits and gravy, to rice omelets and natto.

After the test Nian was pretty tired despite the fact that this was his second time taking the test it sure did take it all out of him. "When I came back I thought the test was gonna be exactly like last year" he said taking a breath. He was so tired after that he immediately went to sleep. Two hours later when he woke up he looked for the others. Once he found them he walked up to them, he was very conscious of his oblivion to people. According to his limited knowledge, Celest and the others were his friends. He scratched the back of his head, and wondered if it was okay to call them his friends. He turned back to them "h-hey guys I know the test is over but, I was wondering if we're still friends?" He asked nervously, "I mean, I know I'm not the smartest, but I've never really had friends before, atleast not human friend, to tell you the truth I don't really know what friends are" he says with an honest and sort of naive tone.

@Celestial Scorpio @Shinku⭐Kun
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Pandora Dawn | Year 3 | Leviathan Sea

"Oh, I can't believe we all were inside that cube!" Pandora thought as she gasped with shock after she exited the School Trial's final gate, entering the Dining Hall. On top of a table, she spotted a large crystal cube, which on its inside were the whole maze she and every student had to face. Here's when she realized the Staff didn't lie when they said this year trial would be different from the others. With a smile, she continued to walk to avoid blocking the path for the other students that were still coming from the gate.

As Headmaster Scritch greeted them, Pandora blinked her eyes a couple of times, not used to seeing him on his falcon body even when she knew about his curse, just like her wife. It was the most tragic and sad story she has ever heard, but their determination and will of still being in love was something worthy of admiration. While she was fixing the straps of her swimsuit and messenger bag, Scritch began to explain everybody that they will be camping in the Dining Hall for the night and mentioned all the available places and resources for them. When she heard the word "food", Pandora widened her eyes and quickly looked at Scritch, smiling widely and licking her lips. After facing such a long and kind of difficult trial, she was pretty much exhausted and so hungry that she could eat a whole cow.

After Scritch finished speaking, Pandora didn't lose any more time, and quickly head toward the main banquet tables, picking a couple of trays and plates to fill them up with some delicious food, earning a couple of surprised glances from students. Even when she wasn't a big girl, Pandora ate like a big grown adult male, especially when she uses her magic. After her trays couldn't fit any other plate, Pandora happily walked toward an empty seat and sat down, placing her tray on the table. After dropping her messenger bag beside her seat, she took a fork and began to eat, devouring a piece of tender meat, a smile of joy forming on her face while she munched happily.

Once her stomach was more than satisfied, Pandora picked her trays and walked toward a nearby Staff guy, handing him her stuff and thanking him for such a delicious meal. The man happily bowed at her, and after she retrieved her messenger bag, Pandora proceeded to head toward the area where the hammocks and bunk beds were displayed. Sighing with relief and yawning, Pandora picked the first empty hammock she spotted and gently laid down, stretching her arms and legs. Then, she slowly closed her eyes and within seconds, she deeply fell asleep.

A couple of hours later, Pandora and every student were wakened up and motioned to take a seat at the Dining Hall. There. Headmaster Scritch was placing everyone on the houses his game board chose. This year, Pandora was chosen for the Leviathan Sea and she as more than happy and excited. She always wanted to belong to it because she heard a lot of great things about its location. However, her excitement about her house got replaced when Scritch mentioned that they will have a big breakfast. Clapping excitedly, Pandora couldn't wait to satisfy once again her stomach that looked like a monster with a never-ending hunger. As the food began to appear on the tables around, Pandora was literally the first student to pick a couple of plates and rush toward the food, picking some eggs, bacon, hash browns, and other delicacies.

After she couldn't hold any more plates, she carefully made her way toward her seat and put the plates on the table before grabbing the fork she was holding with her mouth. Before she could take a bite of her food, Pandora heard Nian speaking to her. Surprised, she blinked her eyes and slowly looked up at him, a slight blush appearing on her cheeks. She knew she interacted with him and the others when they were in the maze, but it was all because she used it as a tactic to finish the trial quicker. She wasn't expecting none of them to talk to her after everything was over either hear one of them referring her as a "friend". Clearing her throat, Pandora gave Nian a small smile and hesitantly nodded. "A-Ah... I guess we are friends now, Nian," she replied awkwardly. "I'm actually new to this, so forgive me if I act weird."

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It was strange, the young apprentice William thought the school's test last year was more of a challenge than the one they presented to the students. He skipped through most of the levels with ease, his advanced knowledge of both magic theory and incantations allowed him to weave spells that formed to his desires. It felt like at one moment he was standing with the rest of the students at the beginning of the trials and with a single leap he had escaped the cube and passed with flying colors. Now, the headmaster plucked through the students one by one, announcing their house for the upcoming year and after that, food.

The dining room, though elegant, seemed to be designed for the people who made friends during the test. Students chatted amongst one another and others were more interested in their books. In a corner sat William, alone, with his nose deep in a book while the top of a quill moved violently back and forth. "What about this? No, no, that's idiotic… What about this circle? No, that won't work either… Gods, this is so annoying…" Over and over again the wizard scribbled in the book, crossed it, and started again. It seems that whatever he was doing he was deep in thought and ignoring most of the people around him. Truth be told, he had never been one for friends and cared much more about furthering his knowledge and power in the magical arts.
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Vinno's eye narrowed at the bright lights of the dining hall, she was one of the earliest students out, as she cruised through half of the levels with her decryption spells that gave her some good intl on the test grounds. Her short break was just time for her to measure, scribble down and re-calibrate her more advanced projects. The hall was fairly empty as she popped out of the cube, only a handful fourth years top tier students had finished. Decors of the hall sprawled across the floors, walls and ceiling, glaring like pairs of shining eyes. The lights hurt Vinno's eyes, and head. She didn't stop for long before striding right to the East gate, desperate for a bit of air.

Right out of the great hall the fourth years stood, a rough sketch of the test ground cube was scribbled in her notebook, along with a square cross section, each layer pointed out with notes and diagrams of magic circles drawn out. Advanced environmental control, sensory encryption, layered spells on lateral faces...Noise can be heard bustling from the insides, something about sorting the first years. Vinno yawned, she had little to no interest in these matters from day one that she was here, she even nearly missed her own sorting from spacing out. But she'll still have to return inside, to the sickly shade of light and heat.

A couple of people she recolonized, the red head girl and the younger boy she parted with before finished alone were together. The noise was getting to her, the distance sounds of hundreds of conversations buzzed in her brain, intangible and fuzzy. Except a few sentences that came from a boy sitting at a table near her, not only that, the scratching sound his quill made annoyed her, even more so than the buzzing people. Get a ballpoint pen or something, we do magic, not time travel. Vinno silently thought as she rolled her eyes over to the other student's notebook, raising an eyebrow at a few crossed out picture of magic circles.

"Don't focus so much on the original circle, use tangent lines to construct an additional layer for amplified effects." Leaning against a pillar she halfheartedly gazed over at the other student, rubbing her eyes while readjusting her glasses.

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Nian's face lit up when he heard Pandora say she really was his friend "that's not a problem at all, I don't mind weird" he said. before grabbing his food. "By the way maybe we should invite Celest to sit with us too" he suggested, he really owes it to him for introducing him to the group and now to his first friend, he wondered if Celest would also accept him as his friend. He looked around to see if he would find him, hopefully he would be as friendly as he was during the test. "Maybe we can start a trio or something" his face was like that of a joyous child. "W-well only if you want to look for him" he said, "I just thought that maybe we should since he's the one that us together" he wondered.
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For Wynthera, the entrance exam was a blur by the time she woke up the next morning; the only bright point being a sphinx she talked to, and the somewhat annoying maze. She... didn't have the best sense of direction, at least not indoors with hardly any landmarks to work from. She was relieved to finally have that part over with, though her annoyance faded pretty quickly when she stepped out... of a cube. Huh. That was different.

Wait until the others hear about this! She smiled back at the cube as she walked down the steps. She'd been writing to her family back at the orphanage ever since she started studying at Luna Hall, though she also made it a point to go back to the orphanage during the breaks. She worked odd jobs here and there while home, and did her best to save up money where she could, since she knew it would be tough to squeeze in a lot of time for her work studies while the semesters were running. Better to have a head start on that front than to come in already low on funds!

But this morning, her growling stomach made known its desires, and while in the past she'd gotten good at mostly ignoring it, being able to eat pretty much as much as she wanted here had spoiled her. She usually tried anything and everything the staff cooked up for them at least once.

While the Headmaster sorted everyone into their houses, Wynthera made small-talk with the students around her, introducing herself to some first years and higher grade students as well - some of whom rebuffed her attempts at socializing. She wasn't surprised by now, it seemed there were more than a few students here that just wanted to focus on increasing their knowledge and wanted nothing to do with other people. She managed to take their sour attitudes in pretty good stride with a smile, though she was pretty sure that actually made at couple of people even more annoyed...

Once the sorting finished and breakfast appeared, she jumped at the chance to grab as ton of food. Thankfully she wasn't alone either, she could see at least one other person - Pandora! - piling up the food on her platter. Wynthera didn't see any reason not to do the same! She ran around a lot when she wasn't studying (and sometimes even then), so she burned through a lot of energy every day; though she noticed she ate more in general than her family back home even when she wasn't running and climbing all over the buildings around the orphanage.

Not one to eat alone, Wynthera made her way over to Pandora's table and plopped down with a smile. She knew all of the other third-years (and second and fourth-years!) by name, even if she didn't get a chance to really get to know them over the last two years. Her first year, she was pretty reserved and nervous, since she wasn't used to talking to people outside the orphanage, but by her second year when she got tired of being alone too much, she finally came out of her shell and really started talking to people where she could.

"Good morning, Pandora!" She beamed at her classmate and gave a little wave. "How have you been? I'm so excited to start! I can't wait until we can start transmuting! I have all sorts of ideas I've been thinking about doing with it."

She paused and offered a smile and a friendly good morning to Nian as well as she pulled out a little notebook that also served as her diary. She ate with one hand on her fork while the other flipped through pages to some [poorly drawn] scribbles of modifications she wanted to play around with - most it to herself apparently.

"Here, what do you think of this?" She held the book open to a page of what... seemed to be her, but with cat ears and wings. She seemed to be wearing some kind of dress, but it was hard to tell, since she'd smudged the ink in a few places with her fingers. "At first I couldn't decide if I wanted to do cat ears or wings, but then, you know, I figured why not both?"
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The instructors of Luna Hall milled about on their own business. Some chatted with students others stuffed their faces. Sebastian Davis the divination instructor was still trying to solicit bets from the other staff members, although this time it was on the outcome of the upcoming student elections and sporting events.

Katherine Sydney, the ruins and flying instructor, was currently checking on a few of the older students who, due to course conflicts, were going to need a separate ruins class.

"Mr. Von Helios," she started as she approached one such as he engaged in a conversation about magic circles with one of the 4th years, a girl Kate hadn't had in class in some time although the numerology instructor, and instructor Turk the head of her house, both spoke highly of Miss. Linens's mathematical abilities.

"Please excuse the interruption but I'm setting up the secondary ruins 2 course and wanted to be sure that an hour and a half on Mondays and Tuesdays after dinner wouldn't conflict with any of your chosen club activities? or would a longer session only once a week be preferable? I've got 5 of you I'm trying to coordinate between."

She of course offered a smile to Vinno as an apology for interrupting.
After breakfast had already gotten started and everyone sat down to eat, a sparrow flew in through one of the open windows. It fluttered around in the rafters, a few of the students looking up as it chirped, and probably wondered if it would try to land or just fly back out like any normal bird. And were they in any other place, they might have been right about that.

It didn't just land. The sparrow aimed for one of the tables laden with food where there weren't any people standing around it and... suddenly swelled in size. Its feathers burst from its body, replaced by thick fur and tail, wings and talons shifted into lupine legs and claws, and the beak gave way to a fuzzy snout full of sharp teeth and a wet black nose.

In the end, a huge wolf with grey fur and bright blue eyes stood by the table, easily tall enough to see over the edge. Many heads turned in its direction, but the staff mostly seemed to ignore it while more than a few students stared in wide-eyed shock.

The wolf sniffed at the different food, nudged a few things off the side with its nose or a huge paw (with surprising daintiness!), and proceeded to eat them off of the floor. Occasionally it - or he, some people noticed - raised its head, looked around while licking his chops, and knocked something else off the side to eat. Most of the students understandably gave the huge beast a wide berth, and just accepted that table was a lost cause... The staff didn't seem to be freaking out about him being here after all, so maybe this was normal...?

Before long, crumbs, bits of meat, juice from fruits, and a spilled cup of milk surrounded the table. The wolf seemed content with its meal at this point, and laid down on the floor, eyes sweeping around the room and watching the students around it.
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Lin had slept like a log the night before, and the day before was a blur to him in some regards. Brown eyes gleamed in interest at the assortment of breakfast on the tables that following morning as the Sphinx Hill member as he stood in the room with a neutral expression. Taking a plate of food for himself and walking in the direction of a solitary spot the lone 3rd year paused midstep as a sparrow entered through an open window.

Blinking in slight bewilderment, he couldn't help but grow concerned that it would either get into the food or...make a mess from above. A thought he didn't want to entertain for too long or else he'd lose his appetite all together.

Brown eyes followed it's decent in focused curiosity before they widened and a grunt escaped him at the site of the lupin form. Body tensing momentarily as he stared, unmoving. Eyes narrowing slightly, Lin wasn't sure if he liked seeing a wolf in the vicinity. Despite the other not currently being a threat, he merely huffed haughtily at the large wolf.

@Drakken @Falcon @Others
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Estelle was a little embarrassed to admit how long it took her to get through the entrance exam this year, but proud to say that it was faster than the first time she took an entrance exam. If she hadn't been so darn curious about what types of herbs might be growing in such an area then she knew for sure that she would have at least not been close to dead last. But that was the price one had to pay to walk slowly enough to always be looking at the ground. Thankfully she didn't seem to be the very last person to finish so she felt a bit better.

She looked back over her shoulder at the cube she had walked out of, knowing her eyes must have been very wide. There hadn't been many new herbs for her to collect, but it was impressive nonetheless. This was definitely something that she would be recording in her diary tonight before bed. A tiny yawn escaped her lips as she trailed behind some other stragglers, bed sounded like a good idea after all she had just been through but food was going to have to come first. Some might believe that Estelle came here to just eat, and they wouldn't be half wrong.


After a good night's sleep Estelle rolled out of bed, quite literally, and fumbled to put her clothes on. She nodded in and out of Headmaster Scritch's opening speech, missing her house entirely, and only stirred when at the mention of food. Estelle got into a line to grab some munchies, peeking at whoever she was standing by for a familiar face. She saw Wynthera sitting at a table with whom Estelle could only guess were her friends and pondered if she should join up with them. She had always looked up to the third year and had even taken a few tutoring sessions from her if not only to share in someone else's cooking.

It wasn't until she spotted a dark haired figure that she grinned and raced towards it. Friends is not the term she would use for this person, since she had actually never talked to them and wasn't entirely sure about their name either. Estelle saddled up to the third year she thought was called Lin, never actually having asked him before, and was momentarily paused in attempting conversation when a bird swooped in.

The shift into wolf had her eyes growing wide once more and she took the tiniest step closer to Lin. She had one fleeting moment to spare him a look, to see if he was seeing this too, and was even more concerned to find that he didn't look worried at all. Other students were definitely gawking at this wolf, but the professors seemed unconcerned as well. "You're seeing what I'm seeing, right?" She asked the dark haired boy, turning her wide eyed gaze over to him.
Lin turned his head slightly as Estelle's rushed footsteps came his way. Though once she asked him about the wolf before him he nodded in confirmation, he definitely saw the wolf, and took notice of the younger girl moving closer to him. Lin gave Estelle a small, reassuring smile. Although the wolf didn't appear to be hostile, he would make sure that the younger student was safe in his presence at least.

Gaze returning to the wolf before them, his own gaze narrowed once more as he studied the lupin for a moment with a small growl. Gently nudging Estelle with his arm as he gaze flicked to her again before he motioned to a different table, deciding that it may be best to sit somewhere less messy in the meantime...maybe somewhere where he could keep an eye on the intruding lupin.
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The wolf took notice of Estelle and Lin muttering to each other about him. One of his ears twitched in their direction, easily able to discern what they were talking about despite the noise of chatter around him. He settled his blue eyes on the two of them and...

"You need not worry, children," The wolf spoke, his voice husky, with a hint of a growl underlying his speech. "I work here."

He tilted his head, briefly considering shapeshifting back into human form as a form of reassurance, but... then he'd have to wear a shirt. Eh, maybe not. Instead... maybe a form that's less intimidating would be better now that he'd finished eating. "Just a moment."

The wolf suddenly shrank, fur shifting, and body changing until he had become a slightly oversized, fat house-cat. He still had gray fur, but his eyes were now green and looked up at the two students. His voice came out a bit softer, more like a purr, and his tail moved in slow languid motions. "There. Is this better?"

He'd considered maybe a rabbit, but then one of the students might be tempted to try and pick him up and cuddle him. He might not have minded most of the time, but he supposed he had to maintain some semblance of dignity for the students' first day at the school.
When Lin nodded at Estelle that he could indeed see the wolf too she visibly relaxed. It wasn't a rare occurrence that she would try some strange herb and spend the rest of the day seeing things others didn't, but this morning she was sure she hadn't done so. To know that this was actually happening made her a little less freaked out. It also didn't hurt that an older student was looking out for her, making her feel like the first day of school was already off to a great start.

She followed Lin's gaze to the table and hefted her tray up a bit as she nodded her agreement. "Looks like a great place to eat. I agree." As she headed over to the table she kept peeking back at the wolf, wondering exactly what he was eating that appeared to be so delicious, the wolf talked. "The wolf works here, Lin, isn't that great?" She was just about to ask the wolf how it felt about breakfast when it shifted into the form of a house cat.

Estelle may not have been too keen on forms of magic outside of cooking or herbs, but she was starting to pick up what this bird changed wolf changed cat was putting down. Would she be able to do that one day? "Any form you want to take works for me." She called to the cat, withholding the urge to go over and pet it. That just didn't seem like something one did with a staff member of the school. Estelle leaned closer to Lin and whispered, "It's a bad idea to pet the cat, right? Totally not a cool first day of school thing to do?" Her hands twitched at her sides with the urge, but she tried to keep her face a mask.
Hazel Kiboro watched the whole scene. the bird flying in, the change into the wold, and the then chaos that followed resulting in several devoured breakfast dishes and a mess all over the floor, She couldn't help but raise a hand to her temple. It seemed like the man would never learn any manners, or not to startle the students. Not for the first time did she wonder why the Headmaster had recommended him for the security position. But then sometimes she wondered why her application had been accepted as well.

With a sigh the Magical Creatures instructor put her fork aside, folded her napkin and because making her way through the throng of staring students toward the wolf. Of course by the time she got the he had decided that a fat cat was a better form. Hazel had to say she agreed.

"If you're done making a scene, perhaps you would like to join the rest of us at the staff table? And no I won't ask you to change back. Who knows what you might decide to be..."
When Estelle asked him about how great it was for the wolf to work there, the older student simply grunted and shrugged, taking a seat and leaving room for the younger of the two. Watching as the male changed into the form of a cat, Lin tilted his head in slight curiosity, blank brown eyes alight in slight interest. Brown gaze moved to Estelle when asked if petting the fat cat was a bad idea, and he simply responded with an amused snort, shoulders starting to shake in silent laughter at Estelle. What an odd girl she was. Deciding to answer with nothing more than an amused shrug, the silent boy went ahead and began to eat. However, at one point a thoughtful look crossed his face, glancing over to the staff's table for a moment to look for the nurse. Did the nurse even eat with them?
Vinno glanced away when an instructor came and spoke to the boy with the notebook about his courses. She yawned as she leaned against the pillar, there wasn't many interesting things to do during the dull ceremonial bureaucracy at the beginning of the year. Ruins, huh? Vinno silently pondered about the boy's course choice, she was never a big fan of the magic of the past. The future will always create something that'll come out on top.

An eyebrow raised when the giant wolf hopped on to a table, a small slip of paper with numerous shapes slipped into Vinnos hand from inside her sleeve. But the instinctive reaction was soon pulled as Vinno realized it was just the security staff's shape shifting, he hadn't done it for the past few years, so only the staff and oldest students would know. She chuckled a bit at the younger students gazing in awe, a younger girl with Amber hair even stuck herself to another student, before returning the piece of paper to her sleeve as the giant wolf shrunk down to a slightly oversized feline.

Feline? Vinno wasn't the biggest fan of them, unlike many other students, she disliked their haughty demenor, always sitting somewhere high up and gazing down at the world as if they're better than all other breathing things. Of course, she also realized that she was a hypocrite, since at many times she had done the same. But in the end Vinno was glad she didn't have to deal with felines, seems like a handful.
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"That is good to know," The cat rowled at Estelle and padded away from the mess he made. He was about to wander among the students and familiarize himself with the new faces - just in case he ran into any of them on his patrols around the perimeter, when Hazel came along.

He peered over his shoulder up at her and flicked his tail in mild irritation at her words. It wasn't like he tried to cause a scene - he just... sometimes forgot how to act 'normal' these days. He spent a lot of time in the woods, and for good reason. Coming into the school, at least in human form, meant having to wear too many constricting clothes. He preferred having more freedom of movement and feeling the sun and wind on his skin. As a result, his social skills had, er, perhaps suffered from lack of use. Maybe. Just a little.

"I suppose if you insist, Hazel." He grumbled and one of his ears twitched. "Although I will need to sit on the table. It will give me a better view."

It had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that it would also be warmer from keeping some of the cooked food hot.

Rather than completely reject the natural instincts that came with any given form, he'd gotten used to incorporating them, so long as they didn't interfere with his duties. It made it a lot easier to blend into the wildlife - a useful trick on the off-chance an outlaw or malicious person came along. Sometimes they caught him off guard though - like when someone scratched him behind the ear one time.

It was... heavenly. Now he understood why cats and dogs wanted to be petted so much. Not that he actually wanted anyone to pet him. No, not at all.

That would be undignified.
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The day was, as the headmaster had earlier declared, a free day. Students were directed to their usual house dorms, as they kept both their house and their dorm room all four years if they were so lucky as to pass the yearly admission requirements. New students were met by their head of house and shown to their new rooms where they found all their luggage waiting for them. This year house floor four of each of the dormitories would be filled with first years. That by default placed second years on floor five, third years on flour six, and fourth years of floor three. Floors one and two were of course comprised of common area and study rooms with a few guest quarters thrown in.

Once settled in students were free to roam the grounds and explore the school buildings. However no one was around to see what happened when in an unused dungeon something went wrong. It would be some time before anyone learned exactly what had happened. But about an hour later someone would find a student passed out in a lower stair well.

Meanwhile in the laundry room, one of the staff-women was trying to find several missing socks from the most recent load.
"I swear there's a sock eater in this castle!" she finally grumbled in frustration. "And when I find it I'm going to put it to work doing the laundry until it swears never to eat another sock again!"

A floor above in the west gatehouse where the bridge from the leviathan sea dorms connected to the main school building there was a loud POP.
Something scuttled beneath the stairs and a long striped trunk slipped out to steal a student's loft sock as her foot accidentally slipped out of her slip-on shoe.[/imga]
After the other girl sat with them Nian was confused as too how she knew his name if the past year he had little to no friends. But he just shrugged it off. Later on it was time for everyone to go to their respective dorms, and Nian went to his house.

When he got to his dorm he was excited to try on his new uniform. As he was about to put it on he saw that it was a little to big for him...again. Nian gave a nervous chuckle, he knew he should've used the same uniform as last year since that one's still big for him, and he'd probably grow into it sooner. Oh well, I made a mistake, guess I'll have to just bear with it for the rest of the year, let's try this and see if I can fix it, he thought. He put on the oversized uniform just to try it on. The pants were not too big, but big enough for him to roll them up to his ankles, and to need a belt. The sleeves for the shirt and blazer reached just above his finger nails, and the shirt went three inches below his waist. He shrugged when he looked at himself in the mirror, and decided not to worry too much about his uniform, he went out the building as the boy looked around, ignoring the stares he gets from people around him because of his baggy, and oversized uniform.

As he went to the main building he the noise and then went straight to where it comes from. He later then saw a creature with a long stripped trunk trying to steal socks. Nian decided to solve the problem the way he knew how. He took off his left shoe before slipping out his sock, then trying to call out the creatures attention, he held put the sock as he slowly got on the ground hoping the creature would come near and take the sock.
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