Aachen Rizen Compile - Kenno Matsuri [ In Character ]

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Literal No One
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This is the In Character Thread for Kenno Matsuri.
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[fieldbox= Tsubaki Hanejima, lightgreen, solid]

[ Month of Renewal 15th, Evening / Jiaojing Province, Maolan Forest, Worn-Down Shrine ]

Tsubaki frowned at Runara when she said that it was just a jest. After all, her employer is the one who saved her, so she should not be that gullible. With a sigh, the noble turned back to the ongoing scene that evolved into a full blown fight. As expected, crossbow bolts appeared from the woods, hitting Black and the Shang bandit named Yuan.


The white haired girl muttered to herself as she continued to observe the scene when Runara suggested that they should hightail out from the shrine. She had the sentiment with her employer too, that is to get Tsubaha out of there. But that problem was quickly solved by the Pirate King himself, although the eyebrow girl probably will not take it well. With Runara announced that she is ready to run...

"Roger, Goshujin-sama!"

Tsubaki quickly grabbed their backpacks and proceeded to follow Runara retreating from the shrine, without any intention to fight Tsukaha and her Shang cohorts. But her eyes remain focused for any sudden movements from them.

[fieldbox= Nanami Houhou, #FFFF99]

[ Month of Renewal 15th, Midday / Jiaojing Province, Maolan Forest, Worn-Down Shrine ]

It did not take long for the chaos to ensue. Despite Nanami's honorable wish to let the two sisters have their fight, Black decided against it. Rushing in, towards Tsukaha. Her eyes widened at what was occuring before her. After him, Rumiko decided to go in as well, and then you had Yuan and Yu Ri. They had surrounded Tsubaha's sister.

Nanami hed a tight grip on her blade, looking at what was happening before her. There was no honor in this, but judging by what Yuan said, they likely went in to save Black. The bells would have just been a bonus at this point. Something did feel odd. Tsukaha did not try to defend herself.

She was waiting for them to make a mistake, which they did. They all crashed into one another. Their target had disappeared from the center of the attention, only to appear next to her sister, Tsubaha. Hearing her voice once again, Nanami quickly turned to her side, with a smirk plastered on her face. She couldn't see how fast this woman moved. So far, the reputation she had, sure felt deserving.

Though she wasn't alone. There are about four archers out there, well hidden. Their crossbolts was aimed at the four who went in for an attack. Black was caught up in a bad situation, though he quickly found himself a place to hide. Nanami couldn't just stand there and do nothing. Unsheating her blade, he kept its point edge facing the surface. For now, she trying to comprehend the chaos. To look towards the forest where the crossbolts came from.

Even if some of them came out with little to no injuries, this was hardly an honorable fight. "Damn, she's good.." Nanami walked over to Rumiko, who was trying to find a solution to the problem they had caused. She also mentioned Shang, and that did not sit well with her.

Standing next to the priestess, she pointed her blade at Tsukaha, who was more or less trying to convince Tsubaha to leave the group. After all, she had three bells one her. Her eyes squinted at the thought of it. Glancing to her right and then to her left, the others were trying to get away, while helping those who needed it. So far so good, or so she felt.

"So, you're trying to convince her to leave? I must say, I'm disappointed. I expecting more from someone like you Tsukaha Xu. Like the Miko said, you are killing people for sports? If you only need three bells to get your wish, why go for more? Do you have some form of a deal with the despicable SHANG?!"

Nanami was more than ready to attack her this time around, but she had to focus on what was ahead of her. Her four archers were waiting somewhere for a signal. Waiting to strike again. "Tsubaha-chan, you don't have to listen to her." Honestly, she had no idea what she would do. If it was the "Pirate Lord" himself, he probably would have said yes to the deal and ran away with Tsukaha.

"Tch!.. Miko.. This is bad." She whispered to her. They were in an unfortunate situation. However, Saburo had taken action and somehow, gotten to Tsubaha. Snatching her away from Tsukaha, she felt that this was the moment they had to get away.

Turning to her side, she gave Rumiko a serious look. "Miko. We have to get away.. Now, while we still can." Even if she wasn't the type to run away, she had to bite her lip. Annoyed and angry, this was the best situation. They all had to find a new place to meet up at and go from there.

"NOW, hurry!"

@Ehb @RedArmyShogun @EveryoneELSE
[fieldbox=Tsubaha Mori, Red, Solid]

[ Month of Renewal 15th, Evening / Jiaojing Province, Maolan Forest, Worn-Down Shrine ]

"Hey, if you are running that hunter killer squad..why did you all kill that man at the river? He had one.. No, the bells don't matter at all do they? Some noble or another has a hit list of those they don't want winning, but I had my bells and was leaving till I had them robbed."
"If you were serious about accepting that offer, I'm still for it, I was just trying to keep them alive..No tricks planned here, I'm not smart enough for that.."

"A nice attempt at smoothing things over, but whether you're really sincere about that or not - I'm not the one who struck out first. Putting it simply - even if there's one docile individual in a pack of wolves, that doesn't make the collective any less of a pack of wolves. This is a tournament about beating people up and taking a bell off of them. Whatever nonsense you're spouting out is wasting your breath."

"Tsukaha! It's true! Some people offered us water... and when we woke up our bells were gone!"

"All the better. Losing your bells in such a way is considerably less painful than what others have had to go through. Don't speak up so halfheartedly. It's obvious that you don't care about their plight."

"Uh... That's-!"

"Noriko made it pretty clear. You just want to duke it out with me, right?"
Tsukaha chuckled. "Just give up on this whole team act. You 'Goal' is right here. Are you really going to try to stand up to the people you're just using to get to me?"

"Tsubaha, you're not the type to abandon someone when they need help. Heck you even took that dumb charm from that guy. If you want vengeance for him, you have to live through it. Tsuhaka's goons shot him, so it them you have to fight. So help us, we help you get even for that guy. Please."

"No-no. Stupid. It's Tsukaha. Tsu-ka-ha. If you're going to make such a heartfelt appeal at least get the names right."

As for Tsubaha, she responded to his appeal by shaking her head.

"You don't need to lecture me! But, right now the thing I wanted out of this tournament is right here!"
Tsubaha said as looked to the famed swordstress. Archers aside, Chaos aside, the entire setup falling apart aside... all that mattered was right here. She prepared to draw her blades. Tsukaha took notice of this.

"Oh. You're 'friends' are all still here. We're just gonna go all out right here then?"

"Yeah. Yes! Because I...-!?"

"So, you're trying to convince her to leave? I must say, I'm disappointed. I expecting more from someone like you Tsukaha Xu. Like the Miko said, you are killing people for sports? If you only need three bells to get your wish, why go for more? Do you have some form of a deal with the despicable SHANG?!"

Nanami had drawn her sword, pointing it at Tsukaha.
Tsukaha seemed to contemplate her for a moment before responding.

"Again with this whole going around murdering people? Not that you'd believe me, but what if I told you that I haven't had to do that yet? Yes. killing people's too easy. It's a lot more awesome to just completely dominate them. And... if you had relative hanging out with a bunch of low-life criminals you'd want to pry them away too, wouldn't you?"

"Not that you'd know anything about caring for your relatives, though."


Tsubaha suddenly yelped. Something had coiled around her ankle.

"NotimeforspeechesbutItotallywillfightforyourfightagainstyouroldersistercauseoldersiblingsuckbutwereallyneedtorun. S-Sorry!"


With a single deft sweep. Tsubaha Mori was spirited away, off to the other side of the area. She managed to go pretty far. Possibly helped by the fact that her smaller frame making her lighter, aerodynamic, or just an more optimal subject for throwing long distances. Regardless, the sight was enough to wow even Tsukaha.

It was a rout.

The camp seemed to collectively began to stampede in the same direction as Tsubaha was flung towards. Trying to get out of range from the crossbowmen. Past Tsukaha, past the shrine. They were running for their very lives.

Tsukaha raised her arm. Instructing the marksmen. Tsukaha nor the marksmen seemed to give chase, thus, generally allowing those retreating to leave.

"These people... what a riot."

But, as they ran, she laughed. As if she was had just seen the biggest joke in her life.


Tsubaha awoke. The light, so harsh, forced her to turn away from the sunlight.
As her eyes adjusted the first thing that she saw struck her awake immediately.

The name 'Tsubaha'. Etched in stone.
A gravestone.

[fieldbox=Tsubaha Mori, Red, Solid]

[ Month of Renewal 16th, Morning / Jiaojing Province, Maolan Forest, Crypts of the Sacred Blood ]

Those that remained had retreated to the southwest. Towards the edge of the field area. Here, they came across the remains of a necropolis. A morbid place to venture into in the dead of night, but with Tsukaha and the marksmen potentially in pursuit, it was the only place that wasn't immediately out in the open. Despite being close to one of the supposed borders of the field, natural barriers and cliffs made it easier to try fording the river that trying to go further south.

This silent place with tall and once ornate headstones were overgrown with vegetation and moss.
A hundred or so years ago this was one of the most splendid burial grounds for the Jiaojing nobility. The crypts of the sacred blood.

Having been kicked out of the shrine, this locale, as undesirable as it was, was were the majority of the group that remained ended up. And, it was no where Tsubaha had been 'imprisoned' by her own party.

The bells latched to Tsubaha's belt jingled against the ground. Even as uncomfortably shifted her hands in the ropes that binded her arms behind her. It was a bit funny, her swords had been stashed out of her reach but they had chosen to keep the bells on her. Like she'd become some sort of storage device.

She eyed her 'captors', who just yesterday were her supposed party. As uncomfortable as she was on her side, she didn't try to struggle that much after getting stock of the situation. Someone in her party had decided to do this. Probably worried about what she would do after hearing Tsukaha trying to lure her into abandoning them.

Tsubaha was first to finally speak. She spoke, tired and somewhat inconvenienced at her situation.

"...It was rather distasteful of you all to lay me by a grave marker with my own name on it. Was that because you were going to leave my body here?"

@_Survivors Regroup-d?

Skit: My Style's The Best!
Everyone argues about which of their fighting styles are the best. -By Rithas

Tsubaha: "Practically everyone here has their own way style of fighting." looks at her swords "But, I wonder how strong each one one of you really are?" poses inquisitively "Well, considering he's the pirate king, I guess it would be easy to say Saburo is pretty strong, right?"

Yu Ri (drily): "Yes. He definitely is. Praise be the pirate king, the mightiest warrior upon the seven seas. Banzai. Banzai."

Noriko: "For a pirate, he really doesn't use much of the jargon pirates use. Anyways, we can spar any time you'd like Tsubaha-chan. I'm not sure what my sword style would be ranked as in terms of strength. For all I know, that woman who created it could could have just thought it up during one of her drunken whims."

Yuan: "Someone say sparring? I'm up for it. Old man never got to see how the Tianlong Style stacked up to the contemporary ones."

Runara : "Ew, I'd rather not." swish tail "That aside, strength is not everything. You definitely need grace and beauty in a fighting style. Such as mine." dances "Not saying my style is the best, but definitely it's a matter of a perspective~"

Black: "A wimp could beat someone up. Fighting comes down to resourcefulness and a keen eye." Black eyed Saburo. " I don't think any of those fit the pirate king. If he even is one."

Tsubaki: "In order to evaluate one's prowess in battle, sparring or observation is required, unfortunately. However, I'm not accepting any duels in this regard."

Kei: "I doubt that I'd win if we had a straight up fight. However, it doesn't matter who is strong if none of us can work together. "

Rumiko: "The strongest huh? A strong body and a strong mind are needed, faith and cause. I am not sure who is indeed the strongest till we all are pushed to the limit and beyond."

Saburo: "I, er, see you guys keep offering up all these excuses. But let's just admit that mine is the strongest." Looks nervously at Noriko. "Aye....."

Black: "I could take you while I sleep."

Runara : "I admit your style is strong, but... See, fighting style is all about the art. So the best art is one that is effective and captivating to watch! It's not about being strong!"

Nanami: "Well.. When we're done discussing what style is better or who is the strongest.. Maybe we should put it to the test. Starting with our Pirate Lord here, hmm??"

Saburo: Deafening silence "O-Oh...heh, that's actually futile you see. My style causes damage at an unprecedented amount. If I were to even put a small amount of my full power in. I would unfortunately take the life of a few of you just like that."

Yuan: "Ooh, ooh, I wanna fight you now! I always wanted to fight someone famous."

Kei: "I kinda want to see your full power now. From a distance, of course. If you're as powerful as they say, then it'll be a true sight to behold, indeed."

Nanami: "Oho?.. The ultimate power befitting our ultimate Pirate Lord? Truly you must be able to demonstrate a fraction of your power, no?"

Rumiko: "I see...so I must destroy him after all." crosses arms

Saburo: "I, er, well....." Looks to the sky "That can come off as insulting. I'm no jester for your amusement. I am the Pirate King!" Completely coincidental thunder on a clear day booms in the distance "It is a honour to see me fight, earn it you....plebs."
Saburo: "AnywayYuanwhydon'tyoushowusyouronefirstagainstsomeoneelseyehcauseseriouslywhoneedstoknowaboutminecauseveryonealreadyknowsseriouslygodoitnow haha right?"

Haruki: "Sounds like a bunch of excuses really."

Yu Ri: "Mm, as expected of a master class mid range fighter. Very good at evasion."

Runara : "Whaaaa, that's really graceful!" closes in to Saburo "Do it again please!...?" excited

Kei: "Well if someone's going to fight, they better hurry up and do so before we all get bored. I know it's far too later for me."

Yu Ri: "Fighting to appease one's boredom is mere savagery. Surely you have something better to do?"

Yuan: "Nope! Besides, not like I mind savagery, I'm a freaking bandit."

Rizen: "A-amazing..... Pirate king Saburo is amazing!"

Noriko: "It's amusing to see everyone talking about fighting without actually fighting. I guess this is a kind of battle as well... And Saburo-san, that's barely Pirate Talk. "Aye" doesn't cut it. Like a true seadog must be spoutin them yappers with curses that would make their landlubber mothers cry away in shame, savvy? "

Yu Ri: "True? You mean a stereotype or a caricature."

Yuan: "Noriko? Tsubaha? Nanami? Anyone wanna spar or not? Rumiko?"

Saburo: Leaning back, blushing somewhat "D-do what? You'll have to be more specific." Basically leaps away from Runara "Noriko noriko. You read too many tales meant for children. Hear me, for I am the pirate."

Rumiko: "Sure, why not Yuan. At least the "Pirate Lord" knows how to swim, the most important skill for any sailor."

Noriko: "Hmm... fair enough. Not like I met a lot of pirates in my life. Though it would have been really intriguing if you acted more like that Captain J*ck Sp**row guy I've been reading about lately. Though in all seriousness, I'm disappointed to hear that you can't show us your power because you can't control how much you output. Someone once said "Strong men can always afford to be gentle. Only the weak are intent on giving as good as they get."

Rizen: "P-pirate King, milord! May I have the honor to witness one or two of your techniques, please?!"

Saburo: " A gentle man still crushes bugs by accident." Is silently pleased with how deep he sounds "Ah, Rizen my boy. You talk with the respect one should have. Hmm, show me one of your's. And I'll see if it impresses me so."

Noriko: "While I can't argue with what you just said, I'm sure a lot of people here would agree with me that seeing is believing. That said, I think a demonstration is in order. Do we have an accord?"

Saburo: "And, er, as I said. I require a showing of sufficient skill for one."

Yu RI: "A clever hawk hides his talons...but don't mind me. Please, continue on with your pointless machismo."
Yu RI: "fucking cavemen"

Saburo: A bulb brightens "Don't ruin it Yu. I was getting everyone to show off pointlessly. I do enjoy a good old circus showing."

Nanami: "Then shouldn't our dear Pirate Lord be the center of the attention in a circus show?" laughs softly

Noriko: chuckles uncontrollably Nanami-san, calling someone the main attraction of a circus is a bit much don't you think?

Utashou: "Indeed I could tell what was going on here quickly. A true warrior doesn't profess their ability. They accept the challenge and show it in action. But, as it were, this is just a circus, and not a band of fighters."

Runara : "Oh you guys with all the nonsense about circus. Then what about the actual festival part of this festival of swords?" thinking pose "Those that do swordplay for shows are all capable fighters no? You're pretty much showing disrespect to performers you know."

Yuan: "Shows? Hell no. A sword's made for one thing: killing people. You can hunt for food with a spear or bow. You can chop wood with an axe. The first thing the old man taught me was that a sword's first and only purpose is to kill. Dress it up however you like. Sparring, performance kata, they're ways to stay in practice to fight better."

Yu Ri: "Yeah. Swords are shit that way."

Rumiko: "Why use a sword when you can use the purity of your hands?"

Runara : sighs "Totally missing my point."

Kei: "I feel as though we have gone off track."

Utashou: "Perhaps for the best. The challenges touted seemed less about improving and more about proving. The less we belittle one another, the better."

Tsubaha: "Ah.... I can't keep up with this conversation at all."
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[fieldbox= Saburo, #FF00FF, solid]


[ Month of Renewal 16th, Morning / Jiaojing Province, Maolan Forest, Crypts of the Sacred Blood ]

He hated places like this. They did nothing but give him the creeps. And given the circumstances, Saburo felt like the world was mocking him. Nevertheless, there were no arrows littered in his body. And they had gotten away from certain death for now. So he felt a tad less stressed. But only that.

Their current issue, however, began to wake up.

Saburo wasn't the one who suggested to tie her up. In fact, he hadn't exactly liked that. But he was glad they took her swords away if they were to go fully through with this. In the chance that she broke out, he would have time to run for the hills before she got hold of her swords. He doubted any of that would happen, but it never hurt to be cautious.

Tsubaha spoke up, breaking the uneasy silence that had fallen on the group since they had stopped here.

"It does? Huh what a concidence. I m-mean, what is with you and assuming people are going to kill you!? Actually, no wonder if that person was your sister...." On the very few but rather terrifying moments Saburo had with Tsukaha that he was proud to base his entire opinion about her on. He guessed she would do little to help one's sanity.

"You know I would untie you myself if I didn't think you'd get yourself killed"
And try to strangle him for throwing her across a clearing.

The bells on Tsubaha jingled as she shifted somewhat. Highlighting the fact that she still had those. The obvious reason for this that no one had outright declared was that no one trusted anyone else to take them. The currently quite low group morale right now didn't help. So it had silently decided to keep the bells on Tsubaha as, well, she coudn't run away them at the current moment.

Truly a deligtful situation they all found themselves in.

"Um, now that we're not g-getting shot at for a second. You're welcome Tsubaha. I, em, think it would be a good time to have a little group discussion about the...future."

@Ehb @Weshouldgograverobbing[/fieldbox]
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[fieldbox=Kei Daidouji, #00ffff, solid]

[ Month of Renewal 16th, Morning / Jiaojing Province, Maolan Forest, Crypts of the Sacred Blood ]


This was ironic. They were in a graveyard, ran from Tsukaha? Tsuhaker? Sword Lady to whom Kei had called some... unflattering things. Now they were all in a graveyard. Yet, Kei liked it better than the shrine. He'd been up and moving around, mostly checking the area and seeing exactly what was happening. He was staying away from the bells for the moment.

Though... it'd be awful convient if people walked off of Tsubaha guard duty long enough for him to grab them and run. However, he abstained from being close enough nearby to check. Awful time to grow some sense of honor, in his opinion. Plus, Sword... Lady, would hold some clout. If he walked in with those bells he could be a pincushion. No, he needed to be careful. Which was not what he particularly wanted to do. The longer he stayed with this group, the more questions would be asked.

Questions he couldn't answer.

Tsubaha woke up as he was about to check and see if Saburo was doing fine.

He stumbled over his explanation with the grave, but honestly.... Kei couldn't be bothered. A grave was a grave. If it had your name on it, then it could be your grave.

"Tsubaha, wouldn't it have been easier to kill you and take your bells while you were sleeping? You wouldn't be awake right now with those bells if we wanted anything except to consider what we want to do next. I'm not interested in leaving a high body count, much less those who could help me."

Saburo pointed out that they needed one thing: a future.

"Well, if I had to guess at what we want to do for the future, mister Pirate King... I'd say it's time to discuss who holds the bells, and if we should split them up for starters. I was sorely tempted to take all three and run. That's one problem to solve, on top of the psycho swords lady with whom I'd love to have a long chat with about how she managed to steal all those bells so quickly."

@Rithas @Ehb @AllThoseBraveSirRobins
[fieldbox=Black Nightingale, #D3D3D3, solid]
[ Month of Renewal 16th, Morning / Jiaojing Province, Maolan Forest, Crypts of the Sacred Blood ]
Black yawned. The first two to speak up, Pirate King and Infinite Knife, had brought up an interesting topic; the future. It tickled him a little bit and he smiled through his yawn, but when they actually started talking about it he realized the situation was a little more tense than that. Black was pretty indifferent to Tsubaha being tied up, he only agreed to help the girl because his goal was somewhat aligned to hers, only his target was anyone willing to raise their blade or fists to him. He seriously considered untying her to see how the rest of the group would react to it, not like they needed her, but then again Saburo made a good point. She'd get herself killed, he doubted she could do the quick step maneuver that her sister displayed for them which spoke volumes about the skill gap between them.

Another yawn. Kei and Saburo would be in a heated debate if Saburo had the guts to speak up for himself, but with Infinite Knife's eyes being as sharp as his weapon of choice, there was no way Saburo would challenge his authority. Black sat up on Tsubaha's tombstone (yes he had been sleeping directly above her) and yawned again.

"It's not like she lied to us. She found someone she came here to fight and was ready to fight her, she just was going to do so with the bells you guys needed, but whatever. Honestly, I'd hold them." Black said, not really asking as he slid off the tombstone and ripped them off Tsubaha's side. He stared at them and jingled them a bit. "However, that's a liability, but then again all of you really want these bells, aside from me and Tsubaha, wouldn't all of you'd be suspicious if anyone else had them? I trust Shortstack with 'em." Black untied Tsubaha before promptly laying back down on the tombstone.

"I'd avoid reaching for your blades at the moment Shortstack." Black warned. Then, leaning on his arm, he addressed the group, "I'll hold them for now. Eventually, I'd like to give them to someone else, but we have more important matters. The bells don't mean a damn if we can't acquire more. By the end of this, at this rate, it'll just be a free-for-all for the bells in my hand. We need a battle plan going forward, rearguards, flanks, engage. Otherwise I should just toss these bells in the air and watch you guys dogpile for them." Black said with a yawn. "Oh, yeah. We also need to find people with bells, that may be more important than the first thing, we should probably start with that."

[fieldbox= Yuan Liwei, #4dff4d, solid]

[ Month of Renewal 15th, Evening / Jiaojing Province, Maolan Forest, Worn-Down Shrine ]

Well, shit. Crossbowmen. Yuan hated these bastards. No fun in fighting them. At all. He cursed furiously as a bolt took him in his left shoulder, sending him staggering back. This definitely wasn't looking good. Even without the crossbowmen, Tsukaha had managed to completely evade a strike from all sides, never mind Yu Ri's ambush.

A pained grin split Yuan's lips as he beheld the situation before him. Damn. Even from just that exchange alone, he could tell that the Jiao swordstress was clearly above him. Of course, he'd fight to the death if he had to. As shitty a death as being pelted by bolts by idiots with no skills beyond a steady hand was, he'd die on his feet...

...and then everyone started fleeing. Fucking hell. Well, never let it be said Yuan Liwei wasn't a team player. Still grinning despite the bolt in his shoulder, Yuan blatantly turned tail and ran, flipping Tsukaha and the crossbowmen off as he fled.


[ Month of Renewal 16th, Morning / Jiaojing Province, Maolan Forest, Crypts of the Sacred Blood ]

By now, Yuan had managed to get the bolt out of his shoulder and patch the wound up a tad, the others had begun conversing.

"Relax, kiddo." He called over to Tsubaha, himself casually slumped against a grave marker. "Trying to make sure you're not running off as soon as you wake up. I ain't feeling like killing you, at least." He shrugged, glancing over to Black as he started speaking.

"Well, first of all, maybe next time you shoulda just let them have their little duel." Yuan remarked without much in the way of malice, speaking matter-of-factly. "I only jumped in because I figured you were gonna get yourself killed. Anyways, I don't really care who holds the bells. We oughta focus on the order of battle."

@basically everyone
[Fieldbox= Rumiko Mitsurugi, #b30000, solid]

[ Month of Renewal 16th, Morning / Jiaojing Province, Maolan Forest, Crypts of the Sacred Blood ]

As much as she had wanted to say something else, the woman was correct, Rumiko could not insure she could keep to the deal, more so when her allies just did what they wanted, when they wanted. The whole situation was frustrating, the Miko seemingly had zero control of her actions or fate in the hands of this group. The latest event had only served to irritate the Priestess even more. Rumiko could not do anything if the others, or at least a small number of them weren't in lockstep.

"A Graveyard? A disturbed unsanctified Graveyard? Do you foo...fellows have any idea what things lurk here? Hounding for our flesh or souls?"

Then of course was Black, his actions were what landed them all here in the first place, sleeping on a rock, the Pirate Lord and the other criminal were going on about something another and then Eyebrows as well had something to say, she wasn't sure why she had even ran after the group when she had the time to focus on the situation, worse yet they were now backed into a corner. All in all the Miko was left taking a deep breath after scribbling in her diary franticly before finally speaking to the rest in turn.

"I cannot say I know who tied you up, or how your name came to be on the grave, it is highly possible it's a coincidence or something has marked us.. This is an unholy place and you all do well to heed my warning, do not sleep in this place, least you never wake up. I can feel the corruption of this place, it runs far and deep.. I am not sure I can cleanse it. The Spirits are restless.."

Looking at the other two, her annoyance had worn thin, with their talk of the Future and what to do from here. "Whatever great genius guided us here, we are backed in a corner, this region is impassable and need I remind you of the man at the river? Or of the two she learned of us from? We must destroy her and I fear the four archers as well, or we must evade them and pray that Shang Honors it's word. Also she had nineteen bells from what I counted...think well on that, how many others have that many bells?"

Then of course Black was showing his pompousness, claiming the bells and leadership for himself, with all this talk on plans and flanks, strategy and fighting him in the end for the final three if that all failed.

"Listen here you damned Cat no one named you leader! Your actions and lack of thinking got us into this place! Your nature of being is clear to me, fiend. I will take no orders from you! Your kind has plenty in your lands, why you are even here is beyond me. Do not push me. I'm done listening to any of you, we are now public enemy number one and I intend to do what I have always done to Great Evil. Search and Destroy. I shall claim what bells I can and honor the pact, but I will not team up in a horde like some sort of common bandits."

Cracking her knuckles the Miko seemed in a very hostile mood, made worse by the situation and the very nature of this place, a strange form of aura seemed to be radiating from her, ready for a fight and with a murderous look to her eyes. Talking her down or into a sensible position would be extremely difficult.

"And should one of you have carved that name and planned this, I will not allow any harm to come to our young friend.. Otherwise I'm going out to hunt for the bells the only way I know how, the rest of you can do what you want, but I've had enough of plans when you all do as you wish either way. I care not who takes the damnable bells, only that I survive these wonderous plans and petty thinking many of you have embraced."

Shaking her head and starting to recite a mantra while placing seals around them, Rumiko highly doubted most of them understood the situation they were in, or that most of the myths on things being in this place weren't so much myths at times, never mind the archers and swordswoman hunting them down. And to top it all off she actually agreed with the one person here who actually was a bandit, that aside at least he wasn't a common one, either way it seemed Black had two people opposed to his offer of leading.


@ShiroKiyoshi @Ehb @others be it reference or general rage against the machine.
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[fieldbox= Nanami Houhou, #FFFF99]

[ Month of Renewal 16th, Morning / Jiaojing Province, Maolan Forest, Crypts of the Sacred Blood ]

Thanks to to the distraction that helped save Tsubaha in the process, they had managed to get away from Tsukaha Xu and the four archers that were helping her. From a beaten up Shrine to a rather morbid location. They were in a graveyard. Despite how eerie the place was, it was likely the best course of action for the time being.

Thanks to Black, Yuan had also gotten himself injured. The bolt was out but she was more or less busy helping him patch his wound up. It may come as surprising, but she had a knack for bandaging up wounds. After all, this was not her first rodeo. Though they were at the graveyard, the group was somewhat split.

They were close to one another, but some had gotten the sweet idea to tie up Tsubaha. Nanami was slightly annoyed at the situation before them. Though her concern was directed towards Yuan. "There.. That should help. Hopefully the wound isn't infected." A short smile was plastered on her face for a few moments.

Though the tension in the graveyard increased when Tsubaha woke up, only to find herself tied up. Her eyes glanced in her direction, but it did not take long for the others, or some of them to address her. They wanted answers, and their trust in her was wavering, but could anyone trust them anymore.

Even if Tsubaha never actually gave a clear answer to Tsukaha, she couldn't help but grow annoyed over time while the others spoke. Standing up, she watched how Black snatched the bells from her, and said he'd hold them for the time being. Nevertheless, the one who decided to worry about the future, when back at the Shrine, was eating his food during the problematic encounter with Tsukaha.

Even so, this entire situation could have been prevented if Black didn't make an impulsive move. It was reckless and stupid. The Miko seemed to have reached a boiling point as well. Nanami couldn't blame her. Heck, if the group would split here or if everyone just went their own way to find the bells, it wouldn't be surprising.

"This is stupid.." Nanami spoke up. If there was one thing she had in common with the Miko, it would be about Black not being their leader. Approaching him, she unsheated her blade, pointing it at his neck with a smirk plastered on her face. She was pissed but also ready to cut open his throat.

"It seems to me that you've forgotten that we're in this situation because of you. Even though I don't really care who has the bells, why don't you let go of them. You're the last person who should hold on to them."

Her eyes trailed over to Saburo and Kei. "Tempted to take all three and run? If you did that. I'd cut you down myself.. You can try now." Nanami couldn't just stay back and let these fools, or especially the idiot who got them in this situation to have the bells for the time being. Even if she didn't trust the entire group, she trusted Black and Kei even less.

Returning her attention back at Black, she continued. "What'll it be?"

@ShiroKiyoshi @Karyra @RedArmyShogun @Ehb @Psyker Landshark @Others
[fieldbox= Noriko Amagawa, #99ccff, solid]

[ Month of Renewal 15th, Evening / Jiaojing Province, Maolan Forest, Worn-Down Shrine ]

While Noriko appreciated that some people here could curb their battle hunger, he expected that not everyone in the group would comply with the speech he had given. Experience was the best teacher so he didn't take any action to stop anyone from getting their asses handed to them by the acclaimed swordstress. After all, it wasn't like she was going to kill them, right?

He never had been so wrong in his life. How could he have forgotten one of the fundamental lessons drilled into the minds of each of the Shogun's rabid puppies. "If you are prepared to strike someone then be prepared to get stricken, if you are prepared to kill someone then be prepared to get killed yourself.".

Never had that old line been true up to this point as crossbow bolts were sent flying towards the four people who crashed spectacularly when they attempted to gang up on Tsukaha, two of which hit their mark as both Black and Yuan were impaled by the bolts. Immediately, the Tsukaha's true role in all of this. She had been working with Shang Military to get rid of participants. Whether she had a so called "hit list" or she had been targeting indiscriminately was still largely up for the and collect their bells afterwards. One thing did not make sense however, but he figured now was not the time to contemplate that.

"I never really thought that we'd meet at opposite ends of the battlefield and I'd rather not fight you, Tsukaha-san I'd probably get my ass handed over. So I better take my leave as well. I doubt this would be the last time we cross paths though seeing as your little sister is adamant on beating you. I would try to keep her in check however." Noting that one of his teammates with an affinity with the water element managed to fish Tsubaha out of the fray, Noriko knew that it was his cue to escape as well. Though he could not really turn his back against someone as dangerous as Tsukaha so he waited until the others made their own respective escapes before simultaneously backing away himself. His beef wasn't with Tsukaha Xu after all but if the Shang government was really like this then he was starting to doubt which side really is in the right.

[ Month of Renewal 16th, Morning / Jiaojing Province, Maolan Forest, Crypts of the Sacred Blood ]

With Tsukaha's hunter expedition (presumably) hunting them down as if all of them were criminals with bounties on their heads, the group was forced to flee towards an isolated and abandoned graveyard near one of the borders for the tournament. Needless to say, after learning they were in the famed swordstress' hit list, and getting a glimpse of what she and her cohorts could do to their group despite the numbers advantage struck a blow to the crew's morale. It didn't come as a surprise if people would wish to distance themselves from the group or leave altogether either as a means of ensuring their safety or after having decided that working as a group would no longer be feasible in supporting their goals of obtaining the 3 bells they needed for their respective wishes to be granted.

It seems that the last thing the group had decided on before falling into such a state of disarray was to tie up Tsubaha in an effort to ensure she doesn't go out seeking her death. Though who exactly tied her up and left her by a gravestone with her name carved into it was beyond Noriko. Still, despite him wishing for a more favorable treatment towards Tsubaha, his voice would have just been drowned out by the group's decision to ensure the most direct way of keeping her in check... tying her up like a prisoner.

After scouting the perimeter of the graveyard to ensure that it was safe for the group to set up camp their while they were still reeling from Tsukaha's ambush, Noriko decided to pay a visit to their former leader and found himself to be in the presence of two bandits, the towering miko, and the fool that landed them here in the first place.

While Noriko paid no heed to Saburo and Kei's discussion of the future, he was particularly irked by the audacity of Black's statement to hold on to the bells considering that everyone was content with letting the sisters fight until he screwed himself, and the rest of the group over by getting in their way. While it is true that he may have inadvertently saved Tsubaha from getting killed by her sister, Noriko believed that she wouldn't be so adamant in trying to get a piece of Tsukaha if she wasn't confident in beating her.

It would also seem that the Miko has reached her limits and based from the words she had uttered, was prepared to abandon the group altogether.

"If the sole reason for getting tied up was to prevent someone from getting themselves killed, it should be you who's tied up instead, Black. Most, if not everyone decided to allow the sisters to fight in an honorable duel but your foolish actions caused not only you but also Yuan to be injured. The others only chose to attack Tsukaha-san in an effort to throw off her focus from you. If none had attempted to stop you in your tracks then you might have already been cut in half by Tsukaha-san right then and there. " Noriko said in a solemn voice after listening to Black's attempt of wrestling leadership and seeing him take the bells. What a way to stir the proverbial hornet's nest in such a tense situation.

"Who even charges head on towards an enemy they know next to nothing about? You think you had as good as a chance of beating her as Tsubaha? Are you for real? At the very least, Tsubaha-san would know her sister's strength and skills and would be better equipped in battling her than anyone else in the group. I would also imagine that she would be confident enough in her skill to attempt such an undertaking. Besides, facing her sister was Tsubaha-san's wish and you took that away from her. Of all the people in this group, you're the one least deserving of having a wish fulfilled at the moment." If the more murderous people in the group knew Black was holding the only 3 bells they have right now then they might not have any qualms about killing him themselves.

"And for the record, it would seem that the only reason Tsukaha-san called in for reinforcements was because 4 people tried to attack her at the same time instead of the honorable duel she expected. If someone had died trying to save your pompous ass then that death is on you."

Noticing Nanami about to give in to her rage after she saw Black in possession of the bells, Noriko prepared to intervene by resting his hand on the hilt of his sword. Tempers were sure to be flaring after Black's complete disregard of taking responsibility and attempt of gaining possession of the bells so he couldn't blame Nanami's reaction however...

"Nanami-san, I would refrain from injuring anyone else any further in our group. Despite him seemingly unaffected by his injuries, I would like to remind you that Black had also been injured back then. Besides, killing him now would make Yuan, Rumiko and Yu's actions in vain. If he does decide to run off with the bells then we will deal with him accordingly. But I agree that he shouldn't be in possession of not even a single bell. My master once taught me that "Decisions performed out of anger are more often than not the ones we regret the most in the end." So please stand down for now."

The group's morale was already down in the dumps at the moment. The last thing they needed was someone dying in a graveyard no matter how morbidly convenient that may sound.

@Ehb @ShiroKiyoshi @Akashi @Psyker Landshark @RedArmyShogun @Karyra
[fieldbox=Tsubaha Mori, Red, Solid]

[ Month of Renewal 15th, Evening / Jiaojing Province, Maolan Forest, Worn-Down Shrine ]

Her blades were the first thing that Tsubaha wanted back. More than the bells - those were irrelevant - but her blades... Those were important to her. But, looking at the others, it was just as Black said. There was a tension in the air over what had happened, and how to proceed forward.

And proceed forward the conversation did.
The immediate in the party tried to bode down Tsubaha's suspicions. Black even freed her, and took the bells.

It was after this that Blacks actions started to come to light. It was accepted that this outcome had been sparked by Black's charge into Tsukaha. The others, dragged into trying to stop him, ended up unintentionally becoming a part of that same attack. They were shot at from hidden marksmen in the trees, and driven out of the Worn Down Shrine that they'd been using as their home base.

It was now the third day.
They were in an even worse situation than they were previously. They had gained 3 bells, but they had been driven off into a corner of the playing field of the tournament - a graveyard no less.

That fact was frustrating for several of them.
Black seemed to have garnered a bit of scolding, most harshly from the Miko... but then Nanami drew her blade. Addressing Black... or rather, threatening even

"It seems to me that you've forgotten that we're in this situation because of you. Even though I don't really care who has the bells, why don't you let go of them. You're the last person who should hold on to them."

Her eyes hovered to Kei and Saburo, who had said suspicious things,

"Tempted to take all three and run? If you did that. I'd cut you down myself.. You can try now." Once more, she turned to Black. "What'll it be?"

Turning away from her swords resting just out of reach, Tsubaha, whom had been listening while nursing the whelps on her arms left by the rope tie, turned to face the confrontation that was unfolding. Nanami with her drawn blade, pointed at Black, atop the gravestone and now in possession of the bells. Tsuubaha was there, awkwardly smack dab in the middle of it all. Probably bound to get caught up if fists and blade started to swing.

She didn't have anything to do with this. She never asked to be central to all of this nonsense.
Tsubaha just wanted to fight her sister. That was all.
But, that stupid Noriko just had to... just had to... make her play nice and pretend to be sociable.

But... Noriko had stepped forward. Tsubaha's face curled as he spoke on. It was embarrassing to be put on the spot with his embellishments. But, seeing the rising tension, she finally stepped in.


Tsubaha stood in Nanami's way. Standing between Nanami's blade and Black resting atop the gravestone.

"There's no need for that. Since I'm the one who dragged you all into this, it's my job to take responsibility. Even if you guys may not regard me as the lead anymore."

Black felt electricity streak through him. Painful and whittling.
Tsubaha's fisted hand went over her shoulder and tapped his leg where the wound was. He seemed to have been blissfully unaware of it through this conversation, but sharp pain he felt now was all but a stark reminder that a crossbow bolt had gone through it just the night before. Coincidentally, the jolt caused him to unintentionally drop the bells. Which Tsubaha caught as she turned to face him.

"Thank you for setting me free. But, despite all of that, first and foremost, you still need to get that wound treated. Why not try focusing on that before trying to cause any more trouble?"

Looking over her shoulder, Tsubaha Nodded at Nanami - or anyone else who would answer that call.

"Sorry Black. That was very forward, and not necessarily bad. But, considering the circumstances, I's probably best not to."

Tsubaha turned again, facing the others. She held out the three bells in her hand.

"I will fight Tsukaha. And until then, I need you people to stay together until that comes true. If anyone has an opposition to that, then let's settle it right here. If I can't defeat one of you people, or at even all of you at once, then how could I even think to face Tsubaha myself?"

The words of someone with a death-wish. Nonetheless, Tsubaha's face expressed dead seriousness. Preparation to fight any number of them, right now - even without her swords. The preposterous declaration left most speechless.

"...Let's forget what happened at the Shrine. Who had done what. Right now, we need to leave this burial ground. Whether I'm the leader or now. Let's all work together. Let's still try to do what we set out to."

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[fieldbox=Black Nightingale, #D3D3D3, solid]
[ Month of Renewal 16th, Morning / Jiaojing Province, Maolan Forest, Crypts of the Sacred Blood ]

Black muttered as people's glares fixated on him.

Going down the list of crap he had started by opening his mouth. First off, which he found very funny, people thought he wanted to be leader. It was a nice thought, having everyone respect him and obey his commands, but the thought of every decision he made possibly being detrimental to someone else's health did not appeal to him much. Despite having already made one decision like that. He'd said a lot, more out of nerves, than anything. He'd really hoped it'd go a lot smoother than it did, but it went about as smooth as his last sales job: he made no sales.

First up was Miko who went on about being in the graveyard. Their leader lying next to a grave marked for her did not sit well with her either, the malicious intent hidden in it obviously bothering her. Not to mention that her trying to help Black almost got her shot as well. Her anger was warranted and pretty much all his fault. He didn't say much as she released the full power of her vocals. He really couldn't, he'd just incur her wrath even further and get drowned out.

"Sorry." He managed to say while she shifted points, raising a hand in surrender.

"This is stupid.." Nanami spoke up.

Black had no idea what this girl wanted. He hadn't spoken to her since they grouped and she wasn't hurt in the chaos, but she was making her way to him, and she didn't seem happy. She pulled a blade on him. Black stared at the girl holding the blade to his neck with a pretty annoyed face. She said nothing, just threats thrown here and there, nothing of substance he could really care about. Her blade stayed steady on his neck though as she stood there with that creepy smile, he gave a sideways glance, and rolled his eyes.

Noriko soon spoke up after that, making his case. In the end it was calling Black foolish for challenging an opponent he had no knowledge of and the consequences of doing so, but he agreed. It'd never really been his style to size someone up, he figured he'd get too scared and never do anything, but maybe the trained swordsman had a point. Maybe he didn't. Time would tell. Noriko then called Black pompous, it irritated him, but there was someone even more irritated with a blade to his throat. He didn't feel comfortable arguing at this point.

Not like it mattered though, Tsubaha dug her hand into his wound, he'd forgotten she existed with all that was going on. Nanami might as well have killed him then with the amount of pain entry and exiting brought him, but then again choking on his own blood was not any better. Black let go of the bells, who cared at this point anyway, and held his leg. He took deep breaths and blinked a couple times. "That's a first..." Unfortunately, Black couldn't really focus on Tsubaha, merely nodding as she spoke to him and despite resurrecting his pain, was pretty nice to him. He was surprised most by this, Noriko wasn't wrong, he'd basically taken away her wish. With another deep breath the intense moment of pain had left and all that was left was the lingering sting of his exposed flesh.

Now, Tsubaha stood in front of him, protecting him. Why? He had no clue. He thought everyone wanted him dead. He knew how to deal with that better than this. "Shortstack move." He said, as he forced himself to a stand, practically on one leg, his other touching the ground merely for show. He grabbed the blade and moved it above her, aimed back at him. "You can't really do much trying to protect me." While, he was trying to be cool, he could only stand on one leg for so long and eventually fell back on the tomb. "You could go grab your swords now, or something, at this point there couldn't be much to hate about you." Black said.

[fieldbox= Saburo, #FF00FF, solid]


[ Month of Renewal 16th, Morning / Jiaojing Province, Maolan Forest, Crypts of the Sacred Blood ]

"I was sorely tempted to take all three and run." Saburo puckered his lips at Kei.

"S-Starting to feel like you don't understand the basis of stealing things quietly." Saburo mumbled, despite Kei's rather bold claim, especially for the current climate of the group. Saburo couldn't help but feel a slight wonderment on the blue haired man.

"Yes this is why the bells shall stay....."

Black ripped the bells off the tombstone girl.

"On the tied..."

Black untied Tsubaha.

"To keep it all calm...."

Black had a sword aimed at his throat.

"O-o-oh. H-how di-did I die? W-well. I-it began with idiots.."

Saburo couldn't help but gulp as Nanami threatened him for what he couldn't help but think was unjustified reasons. "I-. But I'm...I didn't...nevermind."

It was karma that Black was now getting the eye of the group's scrunity after causing this cluterfuck. Well, Tsubaha first. But then Black. He was currently clinching the list of stupid people Saburo wished to never see again in his life for fear of getting caught in the whirlpool of foolishness that was the Doven.

Noriko began to speak, and Saburo began to dislike the man even more. The way he acted like his way was right. By the gods, he was the one blathering about leaving the two sisters to fight. Shortly before it was reveled that the supposed duel involved suprise arrows.

Maybe if Noriko just shut his mouth and actually helped them then Saburo would like him a lot more. Hell, if he could at least put a stop to the random sayings. Who did he think cared about those!? They weren't a bunch of philosphers. Just one very scared person and a bunch of dangerous lunatics.

"There's no need for that. Since I'm the one who dragged you all into this, it's my job to take responsibility. Even if you guys may not regard me as the lead anymore."

Responsibility? Was she going take responsibility for nearly getting him killed. For nearly ruining everything because of some sibiling rivalry. For nearly stopping him from returning home. For nearly stopping him from seeing his....

Saburo walked over to a nearby tombstone. There beside it, laid the twin swords that belonged to Tsubaha.

"I will fight Tsukaha. And until then, I need you people to stay together until that comes true. If anyone has an opposition to that, then let's settle it right here. If I can't defeat one of you people, or at even all of you at once, then how could I even think to face Tsukaha myself?"

He would die by himself. He would die if this group countinued like this.

"Let's all work together. Let's still try to do what we set out to."

The conversation continued in the background. Saburo thought about the cherry blossom tree that paved the way towards his family's cottage.

"At this point there couldn't be much to hate about you."


Saburo cringed at the sound. Tsubaha certainly could take it out with more finesse. But Saburo hadn't exactly held a sword that much before. The unscabbard sword felt clunky in his hands. Swinging it once in the air, He wondered how one was supposed to use two of these at the same time efficently. His shaking hands was not helping however.

Tsubaha Mori's blades glinted in the light, or at least something was half blinding him. They shined quite brilliantly even in the dim light, which Saburo assessed meant that they must've been very well cared for. That or she liked using her swords as skewers for meals.

"I have an opposition to that."

He frowned.

Pointing the sword towards Tsubaha. Saburo couldn't bare to look exactly at her. "I tire of your words. If your so serious, then. Then I guess I don't even have to try."

He tossed the sword behind him, away from the group. Then the other.

Tsubaha weapons were far away, between her and him.


But if someone was to have a death-wish. If someone was to make the most preposterous of declarations. Leaving themselves at their weakest. Then Saburo had to take the one small chance he'll ever get to finish this now and go home.

He guessed the Pirate King truly was despicable.

"...T-there will be a lot of people who'll be relieved to find out you're gone. All the embarrassment and irriation you've wrought on those people demands, er, payment. So...I...in the name of the Pirate King..."

He supposed she had the exact opposite of preparation.

A whip was cracked.
He seriously wasn't going to-?
But She had no-!

"Will make you face your carelessness!"

Battle Start?
@Ehb @Karyra @Accelerator @ShiroKiyoshi @FIGHTFIGHTFIGHTFIGHTFI9GHTFIGHTFIGHT[/fieldbox]
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[Fieldbox= Rumiko Mitsurugi, #b30000, solid]

[ Month of Renewal 16th, Morning / Jiaojing Province, Maolan Forest, Crypts of the Sacred Blood ]

Watching events playout, the swordswoman whom she at least gotten along with seemed intent on running through Black, not that she was majorly surprised. What was the surprise however was Tsubaha coming to his defense and the normally fight loving man..backed down. Was he that wounded or was there some other motivation to his actions? While the shortstuff had touched his wound, she didn't think it was that bad, though maybe it was a barbed headed shaft. Noriko also had a lengthy tirade, most of which she agreed with.

Well minus the bit on her efforts being wasted, as things currently stand, she would have been fine with that. As Tsubaha carried on with her plan and offer, the Miko nodded, though she had a couple stipulations of her own.

"I agree, but, I wish to keep to my initial intentions to her. I would like to wait in a second wave if needed, or to hunt down the archers to be sure they don't interfere. If possible I would rather not kill them, so as to avoid entanglements with Shang."

But then of course someone in the group just couldn't let that be, the Pirate Lord who had lead them here, the Pirate Lord who seemingly tied up Tsubaha. It was a civil and well reasoning disagreement, well no it wasn't. In place the man had stole her swords, prattled some nonsense and threw them somewhere behind himself in the large swamp they were in. The large swamp from which there was no escape as they were hunted by archers and the super strong swordswoman.

Needless to say given her paranoia, and ultimatum to any who would harm the little one, the Miko was more than a bit pissed and running off of paranoia that he only seemed to confirm. "People who are relieved to hear that she is gone? And who might those be, you filthy dog of Shang!? Leading us to our entrapment for your own hide! Hah! No, Pirate King, it is you who won't be missed! Did you think you were leaving this tournament alive? Coward who preys upon the weak? Your life is forfeit!"

She seemingly had no intention of allowing him to have his way, getting the bells and an easy way out, and as if any of the rest would have either. Feared pirate or not, he had crossed far too many lines to one who was bound in service to the greater good, his one-sided challenge was worthless and not worth observing. He was a traitor, coward, liar and a Tyrant. His soul impossibly black, a threat to all around him by his very being.

"If you want to fight an Unarmed Woman, then fight one who fights as such!"

Rushing forward with a sudden burst of speed and right arm drawn back, blue aura radiating with a murderous glare and battle cry. Saburo's one on one would quickly become a two on one, if not even more lopsided. Rumiko highly doubted Noriko and Nanami would stand by either in the face of the Pirate's betrayal and obvious attempts to Murder Tsubaha and take the bells for himself.

Baring another party stopping her, the Miko seemed deadly serious about killing Saburo and had no intention on honoring his request to a duel, any more than he had honored the agreement or prior engagements. As far as impossible declarations went, his was more so, they did not have to allow him to have his way. Taken into account with his other actions, the man was always on thin ice with her, now however he had full blown betrayed the group and was lopped in with the Miko's Shang conspiracy. In her own mind everything now made sense, even if they stood by, he would turn on them next, for that he deserved no mercy. Either way while she was aiming to attack first, the distance would allow for others standing around or Tsubaha herself to act first in some likelihood.


(@various parties who are interested/involved, I expect to be stopped or Tsubaha whoops his ass before I close in tbh.)
[fieldbox=Tsubaha Mori, Red, Solid]

[ Month of Renewal 16th, Morning / Jiaojing Province, Maolan Forest, Crypts of the Sacred Blood ]

@ShiroKiyoshi @Akashi
"No much to hate... What are you talking about?"

Black seemed aware of the tension. Strangely though, he moved - or hobbled - forward to meet the Stand Swordstress' blade. Black's last statement drew a look of confusion from Tsubaha. She couldn't quite get what he meant by that. Regardless, he seemed to want to meet Nanami head on, despite the wound on his leg.

@RedArmyShogun @Rithas
But, that focus of attention shifted to someone else. Someone that had surprised Tsubaha for doing something so brazen despite outwardly looking like such a coward.

"Saburo what are you doing!? Those Blades are more important to me than anything!"

Tsubaha's first response to him throwing her blades even further away wasn't immediate anger or apprehension. But, rather that of shock.

"...T-there will be a lot of people who'll be relieved to find out you're gone. All the embarrassment and irriation you've wrought on those people demands, er, payment. So...I...in the name of the Pirate King..."
"Will make you face your carelessness!"

The miko did not take to Saburo's sudden change in demeanor and action.
The actions that he was performing now sounded very much like those of... a traitor.

"People who are relieved to hear that she is gone? And who might those be, you filthy dog of Shang!? Leading us to our entrapment for your own hide! Hah! No, Pirate King, it is you who won't be missed! Did you think you were leaving this tournament alive? Coward who preys upon the weak? Your life is forfeit!"
"If you want to fight an Unarmed Woman, then fight one who fights as such!"

The first clash.
Rumiko and her hulking form attacked The Supposed Pirate king with absolute prejudice. Moss and vines were slashed, some headstones and markers were damaged - broken even by their exchange of strikes.
These first exchanges of blows didn't yield much fruit however. It ended with the two keeping space between them, in a moment of respite. Mostly because Saburo had managed to - by skill or sheer luck - attain an advantageous position.

Conveniently, though the clashes moved people around, the end result was that Tsubaha had the option to go for her swords at this point, with Saburo occupied. But - she didn't.

"....Stop! You two!"

Tsubaha, pleaded. It was a half-way certain plea, but a plea nonetheless.

"Saburo! I know that if you really wanted to do what everyone thinks you wanted to do, you would've just done it when we were getting attacked back at the shrine! But - you instead used that stupid whip of yours to throw me across the field and left me knocked out. Any traitor with half a mind would've done it. It was the best opportunity to do so... but, everyone please calm down!"

"...Anyone with half a mind could've already had us killed. But, Saburo... Saburo is.... TOO STUPID to even betray anyone effectively so stop getting drawn into his circus of stupidity!"

That was the best way Tsubaha could put her thoughts in the heat of the moment.
But, she did sound like she wanted them to stop fighting in general.
Even so, it sounded a bit like a thinly veiled insult as well.

Group present had a choice. In this respite, there was a choice to pursue battle with Saburo, or for them or Saburo himself to relent (or surrender in the case of the latter).

Weaponless, and her intention clear, Tsubaha wasn't intending to or capable of carrying the battle. But, even just one more person with the Miko to engage the Pirate King would be enough to pin him into an inevitable slugfest. That had just run out of a bad situation. Their pursuers could potentially notice the squabble and choose to attack while everyone was busy fighting among themselves.

This squabble had to come to an end soon, one way or another.

[ Resolve the Confontation with Saburo though Battle or Something Else! ]

[fieldbox=Yu Ri, #DDA0DD, solid]

[ Month of Renewal 16th, Morning / Jiaojing Province, Maolan Forest, Crypts of the Sacred Blood ]


What the fuck had she just walked back into?

While Yu Ri had been busy emptying her bladder and shitting out a particularly thick turd, it seemed like Tsubaha woke up and everything essentially turned into a giant burning pile of shit. Great. Awesome. If this was the shit that she was stomping in onto, the assassin girl should taken longer with wiping her ass.

But no, instead, she came in on Saburo with his whip out while Rumiko showed such a great amount of lethal intent that Yu Ri could probably sense her coming from three miles away.

Awesome. Now that they got humiliated by Miss. Bitchy Would-Be Swordmaster, they were going to cannibalize each other? Amazing. Yu Ri loved this shit. Gods above, this was why she generally worked alone. This was why she hated mornings. This was why she shoulda just joined up with some smaller group, maybe pluck a couple competents from this bunch and head off on their own.

A roll of her eyes, before her steel slinked down her arm.

Fucking Rumiko, that erotophonophiliac. Fucking Saburo, trying to start a fight now after shirking from it in those skits.

Like Dew on Silver, the wire was flung out, wrapping around Saburo's ankle in an instant. Without pause, without hesitation, Yu Ri pulled as hard as she could, hoping to send the legendary Pirate King facefirst on the ground before anything dumber could happen.

"Yuan, catch me up. Why is everything a literal pile of trash."

@Ehb @Rithas @Psyker Landshark
[fieldbox=Runara Blazeheart, #ffa64d, solid]


[ Month of Renewal 16th, Morning / Jiaojing Province, Maolan Forest, Crypts of the Sacred Blood ]

It was a rather messy night that everyone had to fled from the shrine. Runara could barely get any sleep after that mess. Not to mention, their new place is a spooky crypt, of all the places they could find.

"Geez... This place is really creepy." Runara commented, sitting beside Tsubaki. "Well, at least I'm not the one dragging us into this mess now right?" Runara leaned over, trying to keep a cheerful mood between herself and Tsubaki. They kept a rather fine distance from others, not really wanting to join in conversing with others yet.

As the drama unfolds Runara stood up. "Hey, looks like it's going to be good." She grins as she watches on from a distance. Leaning on a grave mark, she kept on watching until Nanami threatens Black. "Guess it'll go south soon~" But then disappointment in Black backing out after that threat. "Aw... was hoping on--" then Saburo threw Tsubaha's sword away and threatens to take her life. "Well..." Runara looked at Tsubaki, knowing what would come next with such acts. Then the muscular Miko goes on to fight Saburo, and clashes of fists and whips happened... "Hey... Tsubaki, I'll stop one, you do the other one, okay?" She whispered, intending to stop this needless fight.

After a while, they were distanced from each other. Seemingly going for another exchange of blows if one were not to stop them. Tsubaha's pleaded them to stop. But surely such plea wouldn't be heard. Runara knows that, in this case, everyone just had to restrain the two before it escalates even further.

Then Runara saw Yu Ri attempted to trip Saburo. It opened a window for her to restrain Saburo. She immediately run towards Saburo and jump to him, slamming her body onto him. Making both fall down to the ground, with Saburo cushioning Runara. Runara made a quick move in clamping her arms around his body, restraining him from moving his arm.

"Now what's the big idea here hmm?" She questioned Saburo as she held him, sounding very playful and less malicious.


[fieldbox= Rizen, #00ffa5, solid]

[Month of Renewal, 15th - Evening / Jiaojing Province, Maolan Forest, Worn-down Shrine]

The crisp sound of bolts shot straight from their contraptions echoed throughout the woods.
And followed soon was a blunt sound of flesh being pierced, Black and Yuan were shot.
Crossbowmen, 4 of them.

"What the hell!"

Rizen's instinct was right, nothing would have worked in that scenario, and it certainly didn't.
Everyone scrambled away from the open field, avoiding further potential hail of arrows.
Some backdashed into the bushes, some crouched near the trees. Rizen, for one, instantly took cover near the shrine steps.
He tried to locate the shooters with his limited sense. After all, it would be easy for "the wind" to tell him where they are from their bloodlust.

"Crescent formation... jumping around trees... Good lord! Where are those bastards now?! Focus, Rizen! Focus!"

What by right, should be an easy task for him, proved to be extremely hard.
With the pressure Tsukaha emanated and the ensuing panic from his friends, the crossbowmen's bloodlust quickly faded away, their aura became one with the forest.
What next? Should Rizen blast the trees by summoning a raging typhoon? Not likely.
By the time he located their position, a few crossbow bolts would have landed on his chest.

But what was Tsukaha doing with those people? What is going on? Are those bandits? Mercenaries? Are they here under Tsukaha's orders? Was the old geezer plotting with these people? Are those the same people that guarded the river border according to Tsubaha's report? Are they from the army? Why? Tsukaha doesn't seem to be a figure who needs help?
Rizen felt helpless. Mad, rather, as he witnessed the sudden chaotic development right in front of him.
So many questions in his head yet there are no answers, and now everyone fell into further disarray after Tsubaha got taken away.
As his frustration peaked, Rizen yelled a crisp scream that pierced the air.

"Tsukaha-chan!!! What the hell were you thinking?!"

That was not just an angry exclamation, Rizen wanted to know what is in Tsukaha's mind. He wanted to make sense of this chaos.
And there's only one way for him to get the answers, confront Tsukaha right here and right now.
The harsh reality however, snapped him out from his momentary impulses, as Saburo snatched Tsubaha away and led the others to fall back.

He needed to stick with his friends, he needed to regroup and strategize with them.
It is far greater a risk for Rizen to be alone in the woods no matter how good of a combatant he is.
Now his friends are getting away one by one, further by the second.
Wiping cold sweat off his brow, Rizen winced. He must make a very precise split second decision here, it's 50/50.
He needs to think and not rely on his instincts, and thinking is sadly, not his forte.

"MMmmmmmrrrthhhh!!!! Think, Rizen, think!!!"

What if he stays then? Perhaps he can have a civil discussion with Tsukaha, perhaps even an unavoidable confrontation. The other 4 crossbowmen however, might not be so cooperative.
And everyone knows these hidden crossbowmen would shoot faster than any of the group's current ranged attack options.
And what if it's not 4 crossbows even? 5? 6? Perhaps a dozen?

What if he retreats? If he follows his teammates, he can regroup and morale will eventually recover.
The group will stick close together and hopefully plan their way to get out of this mess.
However, everything will still be left unanswered. He will never know what was Tsukaha doing with the crossbowmen, he will never have his answers, at least for now.
The very thought of it made Rizen clicked his tongue hard,

as he joined his friends to run away.

[Month of Renewal, 16th - Morning / Jiaojing Province, Maolan Forest, Crypt of the Sacred Blood]

"Kekekekeke! Look at these filthy humans!"
"I know! Why don't we have some fun with them?! Hyehyehyehyehyeh!"


Rizen woke up from his slumber, his body drenched in cold sweat, his heart beating faster than a eurobeat rave.
A few seconds were needed for him to assess his immediate surrounding.
Gravestones, as far as the eyes can see. Unkempt, with moss and various vegetations growing wild on top of cracked granite.
It's the crypt. Rizen briefly saw this crypt while he gathered timber with Runara.
As he turned his head around, he saw familiar figures arguing,

"Saburo what are you doing!? Those Blades are...!"
"You filthy dog of Shang!? ..... It is you who won't be missed!"
It was his teammates, but their words seem so far away. Rizen couldn't hear them well as his heartbeat overpowered their voices. He's still in a daze, still adjusting himself to the lack of sleep and the sudden jolt of awakening.

It slowly came back to him. Rizen was the nightwatch, guarding the camp while his teammates were sleeping.
A tiresome job, but not like he could sleep anyway in this godforsaken creepy graveyard.
Rizen has always hated places where restless souls might congregate. His acute sense sometimes caught up on these souls and their shenanigans, like accidentally tuning into a different radio wavelengths. While most of them are mischievous and harmless, a few might grew to be malevolent.

And true enough, when he did sleep, a very unpleasant nightmare struck him. In fact, he can still hear the creepy voices in his head.

"Heeeeeeey... This is the boy who was touched by the elements! Hehehehh!"

Like that voice, for one.

.......... Wait, that's a bit too real...

Rizen didn't dare to turn his head around, his face remained still like a robot, he didn't even want to find the source of the voice. He stood up slow, dragging his body laterally like a crab, one step at a time towards his friends, at a snail's pace.

"Kekekekeke! He's in a daze now! His mental strength dropped!"

"Hey... Um, guys...?"
Rizen slowly turned his head towards the source of the scuffle, trying his best to call his friends with a pleading face. It seems like Saburo and Rumiko were clashing, reasons still unknown to him,

"But, Saburo... Saburo is.... TOO STUPID!"

"Hey! Can we... Uh, get out of here first?"
and the voices are getting closer now, yet the group are still engaged in their scuffle, as Saburo had his hands full with Yu Ri and Runara, and now, falling off to the ground.

"Kyakakakaka! Awesome! We can possess his body and rule the mortal realm! Even better, let's possess all of them here!"

"Yuan, catch me up. Why is everything a literal pile of trash."
"Now what's the big idea here hmm?"

"Come now, boy! Close your eyes..... this won't hurt! Only a bit, maybe! Ahyahyahyahya!"

Rizen roared, his voice echoing throughout the empty graveyard, a sudden gust emanating from his whole body swept like a small hurricane off the ground, blowing pebbles away. At last, he managed to get the attention of his friends.

"Ahahahahahaha! Look at him, trying so hard to ward us off! Ooooh, scaaaary!"

Brows furred, mouth scowling, it was rather surprising and quite uncharacteristic for Rizen to display such a menacing face. But that menacing face soon turned blue,
"P-please I beg- You guys sense- I mea- I-I sense horrible things around here! Y-you guys sensed it too, don't you?! Can we stop, please?"
as he panicked and stuttered at his friends, with a pleading face.

He then turned his gaze at the one who might understand his plea the best, the priestess Rumiko,
"R-rumiko-shishou! You feel it, right?! M-maybe you can perform a cleansing ceremony here?!"

And he slumped on the ground, staring back at his friends, addressing their curiosity with a tense, serious face,
"There are restless spirit here trying to latch on us!"

[fieldbox= Saburo, #FF00FF, solid]


[ Month of Renewal 16th, Morning / Jiaojing Province, Maolan Forest, Crypts of the Sacred Blood ]

Gah, couldn't people leave him alone for a second. Did this woman just jump into any potential fight she saw breaking out? He wished that he had crossbows in the treeline. Now that would be an actual traitor move. To the2 hells, what would he even be betraying?

"If you want to fight an Unarmed Woman, then fight one who fights as such!"

"T-This has nothing to do with you!" He yelped before the two of them proceeded to basically run circles around eachother. Cracks booming through the air as he lashed his whip at her to keep distance. Dammit, this isn't what he needed to happen.

At some point Saburo found himself on the offensive, he had no idea why. His body seemed to just go with it.

"....Stop! You two!"

Oh now she wanted to stop a duel from happening!?

"I know that if you really wanted to do what everyone thinks you wanted to do, you would've just done it when we were getting attacked back at the shrine! But - you instead used that stupid whip of yours to throw me across the field and left me knocked out. " Saburo frowned to himself. "Y-y-you have an interesting way of saying I saved you."

What is with this group and thinking everything was traitorous. He wasn't asking to hear his backstory but at least let him take up the offer that Tsubaha made. To say something that you had no attention of doing was....was....was something he would do! And nobody wanted him to have the bells!

Still, she was trying to calm down the situation....wait, of course she would try that! This was all her fault!

And then she had the gall to just call him stupid over and over again. Who did she think she was? His brother? "I'm not stupid! You're stupid!" Tsubaha had accidentally hit a rather touchy nerve deep within Saburo.

She's defenceless! Just take the bells and run!

Calling him a traitor. He was getting over his fears to face these villains. He was the good gu-

He felt his foot be taken under him. His body moving faster then his brain, he managed to get loose of the wire somehow. Though it caused him to hop on his free foot off balance. "Whu-"

And then he got tackled. Because he presumed this group didn't hate him enough.

Or at least he assumed it was some sort of person about to beat him up. But as he opened his eyes again he found himself being cuddle pinned by Runara.

"Now what's the big idea here hmm?"

The foggyness that had been over his head lifted quite suddenly. And Saburo could only squirm to no avail. Damn his weak painter body! "Er, um,e-ehh?" Saburo let out a whimper as he laid there. His brain seemed to switch from getting what he needed to live to how do I get out of this hug.

She smelled nice. Which was a plus, he guessed. Though he didn't to know when exactly she had the time to bathe. Perhaps it was good for him he did not think about Runara bathing. Shit, now that was all he could think about! And she gave off warmth. Gah, she was like a nice jumper that gave him confused feelings!


Rizen's voice echoed through the graveyard. At first Saburo wondered if the blue-haired boy was about to charge into this whole charade. But as the Pirate King's eyes flicked to the adventurer. He found a small amount of concern creep into him. As Rizen looked genuinely quite worried.

"There are restless spirit here trying to latch on us!"

Saburo face went blank.


"Ah, my pupil! You sense them well! Yes, these devious spirits. This is the cause of this whole unfortunate scuffle. Due to my abilities, Spirits can flow through me! And malevolent ones if in great enough numbers can basically control me! These damn ghosts! Trying to tear this group apart. Trying to get me killed!"

Saburo eyes flicked back to Runara. Who had still, much to his gaining anxiety, had still not gotten off him. "Thank you Runara, Your tackle has managed to give me the chance to cleanse the evil spirits from my body!"

"Haste, We much heed Rizen's word! A-a-also Runara if you could just ease up a little haha~~~...."

@Ehb @Love @LowDefinition @THESPOOPYGHOOOOSTS![/fieldbox]
  • Haha
Reactions: Akashi
[fieldbox= Noriko Amagawa, #99ccff, solid]

[ Month of Renewal 16th, Morning / Jiaojing Province, Maolan Forest, Crypts of the Sacred Blood ]

Noriko somewhat understood why Tsubaha covered for Black's misgivings. She was the leader of the group, and she must have felt it unfair for much of their group to gang up on the already wounded Black despite how he had inadvertently caused a lot of things to go wrong for everyone. A good leader shows forgiveness towards their subordinates after all though it was still evident that she was upset after he denied her chance to duel her sister.

Unfortunately, things went from bad to worse when she decided now was the time prove herself to the group by asking anyone to challenge her. The "Pirate King" on his part, accepted but not without doing something befitting of someone as despicable as he is... giving Tsubaha a handicap by throwing her swords away from her.

The black haired swordsman expected Tsubaha to lose her temper right then and there specially when he was aware just how much those twin blades meant to her. Surprisingly enough, it was Rumiko who lost her shit and immediately engaged Saburo in combat. The killing intent she radiated would have made any ordinary warrior crap their pants in fear so he had hoped at the very least that this "Pirate Lord" in their group was as capable of defending himself as he is good in boasting his feats and achievements.

Noriko chose to abstain from jumping in the fray and let the two settle things themselves. For starters, if Saburo was able to withstand Rumiko's onslaught then it would be a boost in his credibility of actually being a competent warrior, if not the outright Pirate King. Plus there were some problems that could only be solved with people's fist... or in this case, a hulking shrine maiden's fists and a "Pirate Lord's" whip

Instead, while Yu and Runara were busy putting an end to the scuffle, Noriko took it upon himself to locate Tsubaha's swords in the swamp. He emptied one of the canteens on the ground and controlled its contents to help him look for the two blades without the aid of a reliable light source. It didn't take long for him to finish finding the blades as he had managed to locate them just as Runara had knocked--- tackled some sense into Saburo.

As Noriko returned to the scene, the first thing he had heard was Rizen going on about the presence of vengeful spirits all over the graveyard. While he isn't a keen believer of the paranormal, it didn't surprise him if there really were such a thing as ghosts considering where they are right now.

"Here, it's a good thing Mr. Pirate Lord didn't throw them somewhere we couldn't get them. I know just how much these mean to you just by how you take care of them alone." Noriko says as he hands over the blades to Tsubaha.

Regarding their paranormal problem, it seems that Rizen had gotten the idea that the Miko could be of help considering her background in spiritual matters though if there are too many of these specters for her to deal with, the group wouldn't be able to help out unless they acquire a means of fighting back ghosts.

"So, if there really are spirits here, could you bless our weapons, or at the very least bless some of the water I have here so we have a means of fighting back until you've sent them all to the afterlife?" Noriko asked Rumiko inquisitively.

@Ehb @RedArmyShogun @whoyougonnacall?
