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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3

A Three Houses-esque Fire Emblem RP!



A long time ago, when Musentia was nothing more than a fledgling realm, darkness threatened to encompass the world. This darkness took the form of wretched, demonic beasts that preyed on the flesh of men. The people of Musentia struggled to fight against these monsters for many years, but they lost more and more ground every time man and beast clashed. These people fervently prayed to their deity, Yhrel. For many years, He remained silent as the beasts continued to ravage Musentia.
Just when the shadows were about to engulf the rest of humanity, Yhrel presented himself to ten individuals whose hearts rang with desperation to help their kind. He bestowed upon them divine weapons that would aid them in their onslaught against the monsters. But even then, victory would not come easily to these heroes.
When the heroes reached the source of the monsters, a vicious creature known as Azaral, they engaged in battle for six days. It was on the seventh day that the ten Divine Heroes were able to slay Azaral and finally bring peace to Musentia.
The Divine Heroes eventually went their own ways, staking claims to territories all over the realm. With time, there would be conflicts and tension between the three nations of Musentia, as expected. But the Divine Heroes' bloodlines ran true through history, and their weapons were either passed down from generation to generation or hidden away from the eye of man.
But this story is not one of the past. This story is one of the present, where a new generation thrives for a place in this world. While the Irinduil Monastery maintains its religious influence over Musentia, it is also known for its prestigious Officer's Academy. The royalty and nobility of the three nations of Musentia send their heirs to the Officer's Academy in order for them to learn the art of warfare and make sure they are ready to succeed the previous generation of rulers. Even commoners are able to attend if they have the gold or are spurred by sponsors. The Officer's Academy is divided into two academic houses, the Red Chimeras and the Green Falcons.
Our story will focus on the Red Chimeras. Our characters will strive to hone their skills, achieve their goals, pass their tests, forge relationships with other students, and compete with the Green Falcons in tournaments. For now, the students have little to worry about other than their academic life, but their bright futures can change at any moment...


Hello everyone! It's Lumi back at it again with another Fire Emblem roleplay. I've been playing a lot of Three Houses lately and have been wanting to base a setting on it! So, here we are. :) Here's some stuff you should know beforehand, though!
  • Please note that this is a 18+, high-casual/semi-advanced roleplay. While I don't expect novels for posts, I would like for you to please take your time creating your characters and writing your posts. We all make mistakes, and that's fine, but if your post gives me a headache to read, then that'll be an issue.
  • You do not have to have played Three Houses to participate in this RP. It would be nice if you knew the basis of Three Houses before you did, though! This is a spoiler-free run that will have no story elements from the game. That being said, NO SPOILERS OR DISCUSSION OF THE PHYSICAL GAME WILL BE PERMITTED AMONG PLAYERS. PLEASE KEEP THOSE CONVOS PRIVATE. I haven't beat the game yet, so there's no need to worry.
  • All characters will start as either a noble class or commoner class with their favored weapons. Beginner, intermediate, and advanced classes will be unlocked later on through certification tests.
  • Do not ghost us. If you need to step away from the RP, please let me know.
  • I will listen to people's suggestions and ideas for plot development and etc. However, my final decision is law.
  • Once the OOC goes up, I will create a discord and PM the invite link to those who have already proclaimed interest. Please be active on the discord, as that is the easiest way for most people to get in touch with one another.
  • I get that we're all busy at times, but I would love it if players post once or twice a week.
  • Try to keep characters balanced! This means that if there's four girls and only one dude, then you should probably make a dude.
  • I am a fun-loving person. I love it when we talk about things on Discord and make fun of characters, create ships, theories, and relationships. Don't hesitate to reach out to me for anything you need!
  • Have fun~
I'm sorry to say guys that ive decided to put this on hold for now. It really isn't getting the traction I'd like here.
Orikanyo has a point. Also the fact that three of us are interested in your idea already could be enough to begin occ sign ups. You can get some more volunteers that way. Either way I want to take part in this possible RP if you're still up for it @Luminosity
Just wanted to say that if you do make this RP, I'd very much be interested in joining. ^^

Like nomad said, starting it with just three (or four) people isn't nessecarily a bad idea. Smaller groups are generally easier to manage, which can make for a more focused plot. That's been my experience, anyway. :3
even if currently this roleplay's on pause, I'll keep my eye on this~
Well count me in, need some hype in my life rn.

the Green Falcons shall be victorious in all things!
Count me in. Have a question though does a character need to be from these three nations only? In the Three Houses game there were a few individuals from outside of Fódlan like Shamir, Petra and Cyril.
Count me in. Have a question though does a character need to be from these three nations only? In the Three Houses game there were a few individuals from outside of Fódlan like Shamir, Petra and Cyril.

It's a custom world that's only focusing on these nations.