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your blood on my teeth
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Horror, Dark Fantasy, Modern
Alfa Slab One

Man With a Harmonica
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☞ The Coal Mine
Highland boasted of a thriving coal mine business until a freak explosion tragically killed dozens of workers, thus putting the operation to an indefinite halt. The coal mine now stands abandoned and is the center of many town legends. Those who live near it swear that they hear strange noises coming from it at night, as though the souls of those who had passed on still linger and work at the mine.

☞ The Mayor's House
Where the Mayor's House is exactly located is a mystery, but many believe that it is nestled among the cluster of houses in the town center. It would be unassuming in appearance and largely uninhabited due to the mayor's busy schedule, proving difficult to find if one does not know what they are looking for.

☞ The Saloon
The Saloon looks relatively new from the outside--its newly painted white sign still clearly visible and unblemished--but the inside tells a different story. While the place is spacious, it is dim due to a lack of windows, and it shows signs of age in the scratches on its furniture and tainted walls. After all, it is a place that's notorious for its drunken scuffles, although such incidents have been fewer as of late.

To entice more customers, the saloon offers a variety of food for a ridiculously cheap price. Cold cuts, beans, celery, rye bread, smoked herring, and a heaping helping of salted snacks to provoke the thirst. In return, customers are expected to patronize the bar sufficiently to pay for all favors. This all rested on the honor system, however, which meant some less honorable folks may be predisposed to abuse it.

☞ The West Inn
There are strange rumors going around regarding the West Inn. Former patrons recall hearing the screams of a woman at night. Some say the place is haunted. Others say that it's the owner's missing wife, being beaten and held hostage, if not already murdered.

The rumors have been bad for business, and the West Inn is on the brink of closing down.

☞ The Post Office
Strangely enough, the carcass of a dead horse lies in front of the Post Office, as though placed there deliberately to serve as a warning. Next to it is an abandoned carriage that still hasn't been cleared away.

Despite all this, the Post Office seems to still be in business, though lately there has been a notable lack of carriages stopping by to collect or distribute mail.

☞ The Weapons Store
"We're closed for business today. Come back again tomorrow," is what the owner would say should one attempt to enter the store's premises. And yet, no matter what day it is or the circumstances, the owner would say the same thing repeatedly like a broken record. There is no reason why the store should be closed for business, or at least there doesn't appear to be one.

☞ Sheriff Offices and Jail House
Rate of crime has lowered considerably in Highland as of late. After all, the jail house is always empty, what with the usual ruffians going missing. The Sheriff Offices are running out of things to do.

This is great news for Highland indeed! The town has become a peaceful and quiet place over the years. One might even say it's become too peaceful.

☞ The General Goods Store
Located next to the post office, the General Goods store once used to be bustling with activity. Apart from offering merchandise, it also offered a place for people to socialize and conduct business.

Nowadays, much like the rest of the town, the place is usually devoid of people apart from the owner himself. What once boasted a wide array of goods now just held the barest necessities: certain kinds of food, for instance, and some medicine.

The store, much like everywhere else, is dirt-tracked due to the unpaved road outside. It is also notoriously infested with rodents.

☞ The Mayor's Office
This is where the mayor's official business is conducted. Citizens can come here for concerns and questions. All sale of land and permits are applied for here as well.
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☞ Elijah Cotting

(Deceased) A stout man of high principles. His unflappable stance on the laws he imposed raised considerable ire with his alleged opponent Bartholomew Briggs. The 60 year-old man was found shot to death on the front porch of his home with a mysterious note on him. He was last seen out in public with the newcomers, before heading home to spend time with his daughter.

☞ Bartholomew Briggs

The self-proclaimed mayor of Highland. His residency in the town stretches as far back as the townsfolk can remember; some say he even helped found Highland. A generally amicable man, he is the driving force in the campaign to get newcomers to move to Highland. There are rumors that this drove a wedge between him and the murdered sheriff, who was infamously intolerant towards strangers.

☞ Eliza Cotting

At 16 years old, she is the second youngest citizen in Highland, the youngest being Mr. Clevinger's 14 year old boy Jr. An airy, thickheaded young lady, Eliza was spoiled rotten by her overindulgent father, the former sheriff. She often threatened to run away if he did not give into her wishes. She was the last person seen with him on the night he was murdered, and is believed to have witnessed the entire thing.

☞ Teresa May James

A beautiful Native woman in her 40s, Teresa helps her husband Samuel run the General Goods store. She tends to speak little, prompting some to believe she is a dullard. Any inquiries are automatically deflected to her husband in a state of feigned ignorance.

☞ Samuel James

The cheery Scotsman, aged 50, owns the General Goods store in Highland along with his wife Teresa. He is of a hearty and boisterous nature, his eagerness to sell his goods prompting him to accost any passerby around him or near his shop. His over talkative habits leads him to say things that really shouldn't be said, a quality that is bound to get him in trouble one day.

☞ Stafford G. Clevinger

The sole operator of the local Post Office. He is a middle-aged man with a fiercely rigid disposition. He is opposed to any sort of "frivolous" fun activities, and expects his teenage son Stafford Jr. to follow the same lifestyle. After losing his wife in death, he is now on the hunt for a new Mrs. Clevinger, although where he expects to find a wife in a town so small is anyone's guess.

☞ Andrew Worth

A man so physically old that the townsfolk have started calling him "Old Man Worth". His time in Highland predates that of even the mayor's, and he has spent the years serving the smattering of people who stay in his Inn. He claims to be both deaf and blind. However, both assertions are known lies, as he claims the former to eavesdrop on conversations unhindered, and the latter to fondle any woman unfortunate enough to get within arms reach.

☞ Perry the Drunk

Perry the Drunk is perhaps the only stain of imperfection on Highland's otherwise flawless appearance. The older man splits his time between the Saloon's bar and, when inevitably kicked out from there, wandering the dusty streets of the town. Moments of sobriety are few and far between. A former mine worker, he often rants to anyone who is listening about his time there, as well as other nonsensical things about monsters and such.

☞ Marcus Taylor

Aptly nicknamed "Angel" for his compassionate temperament and vibrant blue eyes, Mr. Taylor is a handsome young fellow of wiry frame. He operates the Weapons Store with the help of his assistant Mr. Wicks, even though it is currently not open for business. In the meantime, he lends a hand to the Sheriff's office by officiating as a deputy when needed, as well as any other odd jobs in town. He is rumored to be an excellent shot with a rifle.

☞ Huey Wicks

Not much is known about him, given his guarded and unfriendly nature. A large man of African descent, he arrived to Highland with Angel, and the two men are inseparably close friends. The only times when they are apart seem to be when he works nights at the Saloon, his sole job being to throw out any unruly customers. On occasion, he will help the Sheriff's office as well, but the townsfolk are quite leery of someone of his status presiding over them.

☞ Carmela Whitacur

The owner and bartender of Highland's Saloon. An old woman with more grit and spit than half the town, her rugged charm is enough to soften even the surliest of characters. Those who stir up trouble will soon find themselves referred to Mr. Wicks, who is more than happy to throw out any vagabonds on her account. Most of the town gossip travels through her saloon doors, and the woman herself knows a lot more than she lets on.
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